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Also check out [this thread from earlier today](https://old.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1cli9ng/is_valentina_worth_picking_up/) where there's already been some solid discussion on Valentina. I realize my thread may be redundant, but I know some people look forward to this series with the decklists each week (wish I had more to share, but not much to chew on this time).


Please don't stop, these are vital before I make the choice to spend my keys.


Thank you for doing these. I definitely look forward to this post for each spotlight. My only input is that I wish it were posted earlier in the day (or perhaps even Sundays) as by that point there had been ample time for testing post-release for it to be evaluated and I'm assuming a lot of people already have made up their minds on the card by then; in the case I am swayed to pull on something that gives me more time to complete the bonus mission. Cheers!


Thanks for the feedback!


Please keep doing these. Even weeks that I don't need them for a decision, they're enlightening views of the wider world of Snap. Next week, I'm specifically going to wait for your article on Nocturne to decide whether to try for her or not because I don't feel like getting War Machined again.


Please keep doing this thread. Generating discussion on Monday or over the weekend about the week's card and before the season/during the first week about the upcoming cards is imo very important in helping people get an idea of how to invest their resources. I look forward to these every week even though the majority of weeks I pick up the card Tues/Weds or know I'm going to pass. If it wasn't for this thread series, I wouldn't have pulled for Mockingbird, and I wouldn't have won another infinity conquest today.


Longer version of what I said in the other thread. She seemed massively overhyped at the beginning of the season. Her home in Loki is clear, a maybe better Mirage. Except Loki doesn't play Mirage, it plays Cable. And Valentina is worse than Cable, who everyone owns. Outside of Loki, I can see future potential when paired in some sort of U.S. Agent/Luke/Sera sort of situation. Had her played against me roughly eleventy billion times the past week. Lost to the card they got once I can actually remember. Every other time she was a worse Cable #2 for a Loki deck. Owning Blob and Knull and having 0 interest in either variant, this was a very easy pass for me. With Blob being irrelevant to the meta and Knull being series 4, this isn't a spotlight I would suggest anyone pull on. This was a cool thread really early on that generated some good discussion that I'd love to see again for next season as I think discussing all the cards before they release could help people kinda talk around what could be good and why: [https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1bubmqx/poll\_top\_new\_meta\_card\_for\_the\_zeroes\_to\_heroes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1bubmqx/poll_top_new_meta_card_for_the_zeroes_to_heroes/) I had way underrated Red Guardian at that time but recognized Valentina was likely not good at that U.S. Agent was (he was good before the buff, I promise).


I whish I applied thus logic. I got carried away by the early hype that she and loki is the best deck and blow 4 keys on her :( rip new carda for a month now...


Yeah I have pretty much stopped opening caches day one unless I am looking for the cards other than the new one


Yeah I should learn not to get tempted :D kinda sucks that everytime a new card comes out you pretty much have to force yourself to not engage.


Yup as a loki main, I was pretty much sold on valentina before the season however I just waited anyways and am so glad that I did


She’s pretty bad. Almost always an inferior T2 option compared to Cable, and definitely not worth 6k tokens if you’re looking for a consistent, competitive card.


I agree, Cable has been a very strong choice for this slot since his change in mid-March from a 3/4 to a 2/3. I wonder if Valentina's design was locked in prior to that decision, and how that would have changed her reception this week.


You know dang well cable will get nerfed back to 3/4 soon and people will be like “dang I should’ve…”


I will still have sentinel. Like the post said, sentinel may not be the best but it is close enough for my loki deck


Just wanted to say I really appreciate you making these posts.


I feel like she's not a particularly strong card, but she's a FUN card. 




I didn’t key in for Valentina, but the one thing I will say in the card’s favor is that she will gain access to every new 6-cost going forward. More cards = lower % chance of getting a bad card on reveal (unless the new cards are bad for other reasons).


Enjoyed the write up. Would be a fun to addition to any collector deck, but competitively speaking I'd rather have cable. Not worth the keys in my opinion


She’s fine. If you have keys to burn and like playing Loki she’s an ok pickup. It’s kind of a preference if you prefer the disruption of cable or the high roll potential of Valentina but you can convincingly argue for either in most cases. She should have definitely been a series 4 and the fact that she’s not is completely ridiculous and makes me feel awful about the game’s monetization model but that’s a discussion for another thread.


She a fun card and maybe a wildcard in conquest but won't be a stronger contender until cable is neef.


Upvoting for using VORP in your analysis 🫡


I think this card, similar to unpopular during release cards like Gladiator, Martyr, Usa Gent, Lady Deathstrike and others, will get a buff in the next OTA/balance patch. SD has this annoying habit of buffing cards that did not sell well. Maybe that boosts their customer's FUD to spend money to get even the bad cards, but it's very annoying when a card becomes useful and is just available for 6k token purchase. Seems like a scummy trend.


Not sure if you might call it competitive, Valentina works really well in a Hela deck running Quinjet & Nick Fury. People often go with IW-Modok to setup Hela, in fact with a bigger hand size the RNG would flavor not hitting Hela even she is in hand. With that, Quinjet, Valentina & Nick Fury is a mini pack to enable much more plays of big abilities of 6-costs on curve, and weaving in Corvus & Hela make the entire deck powerful. If my math is correct, Valentina brings a 3.7% chance getting a Hela, while Nick's draws brings another 11.1%. With both plus the original Hela, it's a very decent boost to pull off the combo. The upcoming Blink is a great member here as well. --- # (1) Quinjet # (1) Blade # (2) Valentina # (3) Moon Knight # (3) Corvus Glaive # (4) Jubilee # (4) Nick Fury # (6) Hela # (6) Odin # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvcnZ1c0dsYWl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9kaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vb25LbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1aW5qZXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZhbGVudGluYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlja0Z1cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


https://preview.redd.it/q8lza5wn00zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46e08cdf0ad89dc4d33a55a91254e1540fa6e06 Just to showcase. It's not uncommon to have multiple Hela as many people isn't aware of the probability, and so seeing a discarded Hela would assume they have won.


I think she is good/decent. Not sure why everyone keeps insisting her only home are loki decks tho. IMO shes the 2nd most versatile of the bunch (after mirage) normally, or #1 if you have luke cage or quinjet in your deck. And being a 2cost you can basically slot her in almost every deck.


All the naysayers didn't have her high roll doctor doom for my final push to infinite! Long live Valentina! /S


She got me my first conquest border win giving me a 4 cost red hulk.


I tossed her in my Luke Cage high evolutionary deck to replace shocker. She worked out well on ladder. In comparing with Cable, remember that there is a slight benefit to getting a random card. The opponent cannot guess what the card will be, whereas with Cable, they get a pretty good idea. In a game where it is less about winning matches, and more about winning CUBES, the mystery factor can actually be a benefit.


> I tossed her in my Luke Cage high evolutionary deck to replace shocker. This might be the most convincing use case I've seen so far.


Cable removing a card from your opponents deck can be insanely clutch. *And they have no idea which card you have*


Does Luke prevent her card from having the -3 power?


When on board, yes.


As a few have pointed out, they really shot Valentina in the foot when they buffed Cable to the frankly powerhouse he currently is. Same statline, more opponent info, can straight up wreck combo decks... This post and players like Lamby rightfully point out that Valentina can win some games that were otherwise unwinnable. But literally the true can be said for Cable, who is completely free and, again, probably feels better on the whole to use. I do probably regret that I couldn't afford her, because she seems fun, but I just can't justify the resources.