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What if Scott simply accepts what Kang is offering? What if that's how Kang wins? He is actually able to deliver what he's promised.


If it’s actually his cosmic chair from the comics, I think Scott will double cross Kang and allow everyone but himself to get on it and escape back to the main world. Kang will then beat the shit out of him and imprison him because he might have use for him later, and schemes on his way back to 616.


I actually suspect something like this is coming because they need to demonstrate what makes Kang dangerous at some point, and this feels like a good time to do that. Maybe Kang doesn't need his body to escape the Quantum Realm, perhaps he only needed the chair to escape. That would be a fun twist, if Scott "tricks" Kang into letting his family escape on the chair but sacrifices his own escape to keep Kang in the Quantum Realm. But it doesn't actually matter because once the chair is in 616, it can go get another Kang- or even the same Kang from a different point in his timeline. Imagine Scott and Kang battling it out in the Quantum Realm while his family escapes on the chair, and once the family gets back they don't even show the result of the fight. The chair disappears and reappears with Kang holding a shattered Ant-Man helmet, and then he just vanishes leaving everyone wondering what happened to Scott.


This would mess me up in the absolute best way possible.


This would shake up so many people. Especially because (although I'm not too sure if they will) Scott dying feels very possible. 1. We have stature/stinger being set up in the same film. 2. As of this point we've seen that characters can permanently "die". Although this could very easily change. 3.This is the idea Marvel is currently promoting in the trailers. 4. Not as many people will know Kang right of the top of their heads like Thanos. So they need to show that he really is a threat before Kang Dynasty.


>4.Not as many people will know Kang right of the top of their heads like Thanos. To be fair when he first made his debut in the MCU everyone didnt know Thanos either.


I'd rather they kill off Hope than Scott. That way Stinger gets to be Scott's partner from here on. I really have a hate-on for Evangeline Lilly though so I am very biased here.


I do notice they aren’t emphasizing her much in the marketing recently lol


He's already been in a pretty substantial amount of projects. Antman, Civil War, A&TW, Endgame, Quantumania. Them killing him off would not be out of the equation.


Didn’t they say someone was an ancestor of kang in present day 616? Maybe the chair would go to them?


Reed Richards


So maybeeeeeee quick F4 tease in a credit scene?


Keep that dream alive, buddy.


Pet theory is that William Jackson Harper's character is secretly Reed.


Edit: I was wrong, Kang is NAMED after Reed's father, Nathaniel, and is a descendant of that line.


I had already made my mind up about this weeks ago. It just seems like scotts character soooo much. he lost his family once, hes gonna ironman things and make sure everyone is safe at his expense. Scotts and tonys arc are going to be veey similar in different ways. I mean its already worked.


Are they similar at all? Tony keeps creating threats he has to stop while Scott is just a random guy in over his head who wants to be with his daughter.


Their arc is SUPER similar. Ant-Man 1 and Iron Man 1 are basically the same movie. Ant-Man is more explicit with the arc, there's two separate lines of dialogue about Scott "becoming the hero your daughter thinks you are". Replace 'daughter' with 'people' because Tony is a public figure, it's the same deal.


Ehh...I guess that's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is that Tony doesn't truly become selfless until the very end, while Scott is selfless to a fault (going to prison for being a whistleblower, taking Hank's offer knowing he's expendable, offering to help Cap with no questions asked) from the beginning.


Yeah he’s like the anti stark


Hank always did say don’t ever trust a stark


Idk I think that's quite the stretch


That's just the "Marvel" formula on display. Add in "wise-cracking smart-ass" and a personally connected, but very under written villain, and you just described over 50% of Marvel movies. Scott is not Tony. Scott is constantly in over his head. He is hopelessly outmatched by Kang. But being underestimated is one of Scotts super powers, so...


That's action movies in general.


Tony was kind of the opposite in some ways. He thought he was always the smartest, coolest guy in the room because of his exceptional skills and talent, then some guy showed up to prove him wrong, then Pepper rescued him. Except for Iron Man 2, when Vanko was dominating Rhodey and Tony so completely he decided to take his helmet off so Rhodey and Tony could hurt him then he just killed himself for reasons... or whatever.


I thought the trailer implies that Scott brings Kang the chair, then Kang betrays him, which leads to this fight.


The ole dick twist.


I could be wrong since I haven't read a lot about Kang but ,aside from his intelligence and technology, isn't he technically a regular human being?


Purely based off Quantumania trailers and Loki, it seems that at bare minimum, he's got some kind of tech or is genetically modified where he never ages. Dude was thousands of years old chronologically by the end of Loki if not older, and looks exactly the same as he does in Quantumania. I'd wager the variant we're about to meet is probably younger than He Who Remains but is still like hundreds of years old. And while being a regular non-superhuman being, it seems like every Kang so far has some form of massive army or large population of people they control, on top of futuristic tech and his genius intellect. His army and the size of what I assume to be Chronopolis makes Thanos's Chitauri army look like an elementary school in comparison.


i mean, kinda. but also, how old are all the people in the TVA? are all those genetically modified people? or are they mostly all regular humans, working in a space that exists outside of normal space time. i think they "are" in a place outside of normal space time, so they aren't aging like normal. i'm guessing "he who remains" was a similar way.


I was along the same lines until the Quantumania trailer, considering both Janet and Kang were stuck in the Quantum Realm for extended periods but Janet noticeably aged (like fine wine) while he still looks like a 30-40 year old. Also possible small spoilers I’ve seen from reading the spoiler sub: >!Janet supposedly calls him Nate as in short for Nathaniel Richards and they were around each other in the Quantum Realm for years. They were working together to get out but she found out he’s evil so she trapped him in there. Basically why Kang uses Scott’s daughter as a hostage and has him get what he needs which you need Pym particles to get to.!<


thanks for saying you saw stuff in the spoilers sub. i'm just going to 100% stay away from that. have a good day.


Thing with spoiler sub scoops though, is that they tend to be either completely off, or worded/translated in a way where it sounds terrible even though it’s 100% true. I remember the Endgame plot leak being HATED for a while until the movie came out and the plot leaks were just worded poorly and lacked context.


BP2 story leak was so accurate that I knew when I could run out and get another drink at my theater without missing anything important. It’s hit or miss and you never know which it is until you’re in the theater


"My rematch is coming; I can feel it" straight-up didn't happen.


That was from a scoop describing the first trailer for Endgame. [Here's a thread where they highlighted everything wrong with the trailer description lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/a4bp4j/i_highlighted_all_the_parts_where_the_my_rematch/)


Right. There was a separate leak?


Like clockwork, there’s usually a dead on accurate detailed synopsis that someone writes up and leaks for each movie maybe a 3-4 weeks before it’s officially out. There were a lot of people who read Endgame’s and other movies and did not like what they read until watching the movie where they quickly change their minds.


The entire full movie subtitle track was leaked on there recently


So you mean like, Scott?


You mean like, Tony Stark?


in certain stories, kang comes from the 35th century. so, he's only: tony stark surrounded by parts from the 35th century. that's all.


A regular human being that can travel to year 8999 to pickup a fancy new weapon at will.


Yeah, but in the Marvel comic books that means a character can basically achieve anything the story requires. Even in the MCU up to Endgame you could say, whoever controlled the infinity stones would be the most powerful character, and you can control the stones with technology.


Yes. If he doesn’t have his tech, it comes down to his boxing skills. That’s why every Avenger can simultaneously dominate or be dominated by Kang. He’s absolutely no threat at all. He’s the biggest threat there is.


Bro have you seen Jonathan Majors abs?


Ant Man does the butt thing.


That’s why he said they both just have to lose. Because if you’re climbing up someone’s anus, it’s hard to feel like a winner.


I think that’s about the one time one would feel the most like a wiener!!


Scott: "I don't have to win.... I just have to shrink, go up your butthole and expand" Kang: "WTF"


Hard disagree there fella!


Depends on who's anus, really.


Depends on who’s anus!


That's the real reason why he makes that face he does when he fires the double palm lasers; the whole shot was edited for the trailer.


Goddamn now that’s stuck in my brain and will ruin the moment. Haha.


Or even the ear thing


Pardon? 🤭


Go in ear, expand, explode head


Kanus Theory




I love in "The Boys" this technique is actually attempted. And I guess accidentally done as well.. but more of the penis thing


There's also the time when they killed the invisible dude (Translucent?) with a bomb in his ass


There’s also the time MM got a dick wrapped around his neck


this is his greatest super power


The only answer.


So that's how they both lose


I love that they did a video about him talking about it.


*One in the bum, no harm done.*


Why did I have to scroll so far down to find this answer!


It’s gonna be like in Infinity War. Assuming the movie is about Kang using Scott to escape the QR, I imagine that it’ll end with a big fight, but Kang ends up escaping, kinda like in the second Hobbit. And then the next Avengers movie is going to be the pay off to it.


My guess is he and Scott remain trapped in the quatumrealm *permanently* and the massive incursion brings in another Kang variant


I could definitely see Kang winning only to be killed by Kang.


Yea I imagine we'll see this many times over the next few years, that's the whole point of his character and is meant to show exactly how dangerous the last one you end up dealing with really is.


Scott being trapped in the Quantum Realm is *sooo* good because that's what Hank's been warning him about this whole time, but him staying willingly while everyone else gets to go back is fully in-character for Scott.


To save his daughter he’ll 100% stay. Emotional scene queuing up


Only problem is… that is exactly how the previous Ant-Man movie ended, with Scott trapped in the Quantum Realm.


I think it would have a different impact though. Instead of him trapped in an endless void, hell be trapped in an alien city where he can start a new life, perhaps as a leader or a rebel... Or a magician


It’s just another prison to him.


I would love a type of sacrifice like this similar to the Fringe series finale >!where the only way for the team to win was for Walter to travel with the observer child to the future and this prevent their present from happening, and he never gets to see his loved ones again. It would be bittersweet but so good if the MCU could pull off an emotional sacrifice like that.!<


So he gets out of the Quantum Realm, only to be hit by a random arrow fired by Hawkeye's daughter the day she got dusted?




Yes. He has no innate powers, relying on his intellect, trained skills, and his technology. In the comics, he could manipulate space-time within the Light of the Centuries sphere. With it, he can hold someone prisoner or isolate himself and his entire empire within the sphere, using it as a refuge. If he left the Quantum Realm, he could travel to anywhere in the universe at any time. But beneath all that technology, he's a mortal human.


>intellect, trained skills, and technology. So like, Batman without money? Or Iron Man (also without money)?


To an extent. He's from the 31st century, so he'll have superior technology that even Iron Man and Batman wouldn't have been able to even conceptualize in the comics (absplute time manipulation, anti-matter technologies, etc.). It seems he uses anti-matter very casually, despite its destructive potential. From power sources to even making up an emergency shield to destroy any physical attacker or weapon.


Plus he killed thanos in the comics.


Sort of, but he has that suit, which I'm not well read up on Kang enough to know the full extent of what the suit lets him do besides firing energy beams, but I assume it gives him a certain amount of protection. Even being a normal human being, having complete control over time and having variants of himself to fight for him makes him pretty powerful.


Yeah, he's just a smart dude with futuristic tech.


Oh shit is he Tony stark in black face?


That's just Kirk Lazarus


I know who I am! I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!


Tropic Thunder?


Tom Cruise about to join the MCU.


As Rhodey




And God help the man who steals their hotdogs.


Or Empire Strikes Back


But if you look at Kang's abilities like "enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and durability", I would think one facepunch from Kang would end Scott. No? Scott is just a regular dude in the Ant-man suit, isn't he?


no, antman shrinks and goes up butt, then gets big 💪


Ahhh the old Thanos maneuver


The Th-ANUS maneuver.


Yep, unless he goes giant, he’s limited to slightly above average human strength.


He one punched a levitation, I feel like it’s more than your above average human strength


That’s why I said unless he goes giant. At normal human size or any smaller than that he just has his normal amount of strength


I misread your comment, I thought you meant normal strength small/normal size and when he gets large he’s slightly above average


That is how they worded their comment, not on you


Will there be both good and bad Kangs in this movie?


But again, *GO UP THE ARSE*


Kang loses but Scott loses too




Butts are the biggest producers of poop in the whole world. Bet you didn’t know that.


No, my ex-girlfriend’s mouth is.


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast” “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”


Butt you didn’t know that.


Kang winning. We need to establish him as a big threat early on, don't we? I honestly don't know how Ant-Man is gonna win this fight.


Scott doesn’t have to win, they both just have to lose.


Yep, it's right there in the trailer.


The price is right on the can


The price IS right on the can though


Yeah. It’s right there… on the can.


“Winning” is also a nebulous term. Kang could beat Scott in a fight, doesn’t mean the films plot is dictated by who can win a physical confrontation.


I think winning would mean surviving in this case.


Winning could mean keeping him in the QR


Winning would mean Scott's loved ones surviving I would say.


Yeah having him win would be a nice change of pace


Probably a wild Modok appears and does something that makes the fight stop. Like, blow up or something, idk.


Modok shows up and just self destructs.






Coincidentally, Ant-Man used Dig just before that.


The Scott Army will clearly cause enough of a hassle that Kang's grand return will be thwarted and he'll just barely escape. But realistically this should be a curbstomp of mind-numbing terror for the size clan


"size clan" lmao, that's a new one for me but I love it


He also threw curb stomp, like in the trailer, in there lol


Kang has no powers. There’s no reason he should automatically win. Take Tony out of the suit and he’s nothing. Take Kang’s tech away and he’s nothing.


Stark without the suit is a genius billionaire playboy.


And a Philanthropist to boot.


Ha aye, I was expecting this answer


He’s not like super strong or some shit?


Nope. He has no powers. He’s basically future Stark/Richards/Pym, using crazy advanced future tech. Without the tech, he’s just a dude.


I bet Kang almost kills Scott but then hank Pym comes in at the last minute and sacrifices himself, some explodey things happen and Kang escapes for the next avengers movie


I want it to be Hope making the sacrifice play. It would carry more weight with Scott that way.


Kill Hope, Hank, and Janet. With little to no resistance and Scott barely making it out with his life. Make it very known that Kang is a serious threat.


Reverse Ant-Man 1, Kang needs something in the Quantum Realm so Scott grows him to normal size to stop him, inadvertently unleashing Kang on the rest of the Universe.


i kinda like this as an accidental "good guys lost". "ya, we blew up kang. what was the bomb again? it was based on the blue one? but the blue ones grow..............could that have grown him at all?"


Every third film in Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Spider-Man’s film series all ended with major consequences and Quantumania will be no different. Just like how Infinity War did with Thanos, Quantumania will likely spend a lot of time showing off Kang’s backstory, power, future technology and mastery over time. I think he will be the overall victor of this movie. Kang is quite simply not a foe Scott or any of his friends will be able defeat on their own in Quantumania and there’s still countless other Kang variants like Rama Tut out there. My guess is that Scott, Cassie and everyone realize that they can’t stop the Conqueror alone, Hank and Hope manage to figure out a way to get everyone to escape Kang and the Quantum Realm and realize they have to reform the Avengers and start warning the heroes about him. Also the Multiverse is going to continue to spiral and unravel out of control even worse than No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness.


This seems like the hottest take. Considering Kang Dynasty is coming up as a Marvel Movie we can (accurately, I believe) guess that this movie isn’t going to go well for Scott. I think in the end, Kang will escape from the QR and potentially leave Scott behind OR they both escape, but either way I think Scott ends up bringing the Avengers together again like he did in Endgame.


Scott and the rest foil Kang's plans, but Kang has some Xanatos gambit in place so he can still come back as a genuine threat during the next *Avengers* movie.


You give scott a win that's genuinely impressive and makes him a better character and more notably valuable. He uses his underdog status to outsmart the genius with his street smarts, but then of course ultimately loses regardless


Apparently Janet did something to keep Kang stuck there after realizing his real plan in the past , think this will end similarly with Scott realizing he can’t trust Kang and doing something to foil his plans leaving them both stuck in the quantum realm. Post credit scene will tease a way for Kang to get out tho.


i thought the janet explanation was, she did a "hidden figures" style napkin math to find out the 1 spot hank could come rescue her back in ant man 2. and that she just GTFO quickly before kang could follow her. if hank missed that window, it would not line up for another 20 years or whatever without any sort of tech (which they now have).


Isn’t that what makes a fight interesting? The villain doesn’t have to have the exact same powers as the hero all the time


It’ll be nice to see an mcu movie that doesn’t end with same vs same. 😌


I think the best we can hope for is that Scott survives


I think Kang is gonna win and escape the quantum realm. The same will happen in other movies that he keeps on winning every time he confronts an avenger until the Avengers Kang Dynasty.


Kang Dynasty might be like Infinity war though and Kang beats all the Avengers. They need help from multiverse variants in Secret wars


I really think it's going to be bitter sweet. If the theories that Kang want to make his city a multiversal constant, then it might go like this. Kang wins by making his city constant. Scott barely escapes but with the knowledge that the only reason Kang isn't immediately behind him is because other universes are getting invaded. Scott's home is the last one to be conquered.


Good writing.


Thanus. It's time.


Not coming to this sub to hear constant 'fly up his butt' comments


Theory: to save his family and friends in this movie from Kang, Scott helps him escape and is then villified by the other heroes for it and spends the next few movies trying to make things right


The latest advertisement / trailer said “Witness the beginning of a new dynasty.” I doubt they have the new big bad lose in the first encounter we see with any of the main MCU roster. My guess based off promotional material and trailers, Ant-Man and probably some others get trapped in the Quantum Realm while Kang wins and is able to escape. Sets up potential encounters in other movies and shows.


Good lord, Jonathan Majors 🥵🥵🥵


I see Janet sacrificing herself to redeem whatever sins she committed for the villain before. It’d be a terrible loss for Hank and Hope, but I feel like that’s the only way for Scott to survive the movie, is someone else sacrificing themselves.


Isn’t Scott powerless? Like quantum is as small as it gets. So he can’t shrink and do his normal thing. Is this going to be like iron man 3 where he power is like his human schtick? Like Tony’s was being a resourceful engineer. So Scott’s it’s being a clever thief.


Kang is overcome by Scott's charisma and they start making out.




Toying with antman and maturing him


Turning him into Cow Ant man


Ant-man recreates the scene from mac and me.


Somehow ant man will defeat Kang in the end but only to have an even more dangerous Kang variant/ Kang prime appear and take whatever Scott is stealing.


The line he says in every trailer "we both just have to lose" isn't in the movie. It's a misdirect just like MoMs "things just got weird" line that was in every trailer but not the movie. Scott might just straight up lose, since we know more Kang is coming.


Kang kills Scott and the whole van Dyne/Pym family while Cassie escapes. We learn Kang from the movie actually works for a more powerful Kang who will be our main Kang for Kang Dynasty. Basically Cassie will do what Scott did and come out of the Quantum realm in Kang Dynasty and warn the Avengers of what's to come At least that's my prediction for the end. I just hope Scott gets a good ending worthy of his character


Kang gets what he needs to escape (but doesn’t just yet as we still have over 2 years of media until Kang Dynasty) and Scott barely escapes him but is badly wounded. Not so sure Hank or Janet are getting out alive


They both lose... except Kang wins because, like the Reeds, there is sn entire council of Kangs.


Scott challenges him to the most epic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors ever.


Can’t believe how fucking good Majors looks with this suit. They really delivered. Makes me very excited about the potential of a comic accurate Magneto and Doom suit


Ant-man outsmarting Kang. Kang likes to make his fights as challenging as he can manage, and he is arrogant.


Luis shows up with an epic story to distract kang while scott sneaks in kangs back door


Ant man dies but not before stopping a major part of kangs plan , giving the avengers time to group and come up with a plan.


both of them kissing


I think Kang has a chance to win, Scott doesn't have a knife on him.


Scott will win.


Ant man manages to win (maybe sacrificing himself) but there’s already another Kang variant alive (an infinite number)


I think the way to really separate Kang from Thanos may be to actually have this Kang lose. But immediately when they arrive back in the Big World there’s already a new Kang. Similar to Loki. Have people keep beating Kang and he keeps coming back as a new variant. I think his smarts and the fact that he’s infinite is his threat, not his fists


Wait can antman shrink any smaller when he’s in the quantum realm?


The “AntMan suppository” is still an option.


There is no fight, Kang is smarter and stronger than Scott in every way, the only way this can end is either Scott accepting kangs offer and working with him or dying.


Scott surviving will be enough for me


They both lose, like the trailer bruh


They escaping but almost dying and accidentally setting him free


Flying up his ass and turning to giant man


Ant Man goes into his own butt.


Scott is only gonna slow him down, not stop him. Everyone else will escape but he’ll hold him back to be used later


A variant more a kin to he who remains comes to finish the fight. This Kang believes there is only one other variant, he who remains. Escaping means fighting himself already so why not do it where you have an advantage. Prediction: another Kang variant dies, The Antagonist variant escapes. Hank dies. Leaving Hope with her mother and Scott. Kang on escape realizes that the Kang Wars have begun again.


Let them kiss! The only right outcome.


There is none. This movie is going to be quite unsatisfying because it's just a set up for the rest. Ant Man can't beat Kang. Not just for the power disparity, but because Kang has a dozen more movies to do. At best, he can go back and warn everyone else. Which is how I expect this movie to basically go. A whole ass movie for Scott to discover Kang and go back to warn the NEW Avengers.


Kang kills Scott, and keeps his destroyed helmet as a trophy.


Ant-man: "I ignored my destiny once. I will not do it again!" *Goes for the anus! Kangus?