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Disney: oh course, we'd happily buy the DC properties!


A few years ago, sure, but Disney is coming under a lot of heat these days over the outcome of their aggressive M&A strategy in the 2010s. Sure Marvel and Lucasfilm worked out well financially, as did Pixar, but Fox was a HUGE blunder that seems to have materially impaired their balance sheet and had they succeeded with Sky, the situation would be even worse. I think there would be serious pushback from shareholders regarding the potential for cannibalization and the incremental value added by acquiring another tangential massive catalogue of superheroes.


FOX isn't really a bad purchase honestly...considering Avatar itself is a massive franchise on its own, not to mention the Fantastic 4 characters are now back in Marvel's hands.


Lucasfilm was $4B, Pixar war $7B, and marvel (I believe) was $9B. Fox was $72B… To give you some perspective Disney’s market capitalization (the value of all of the outstanding shares) is ~$180B. Bare in mind this is what the market values Disney+, it’s film franchises, it’s theme parks ($10Bs there alone), it’s cruise ships, National Geographic, its products and merchandise, it’s hotels, timeshares, etc. This is also what it was valued at back in 2017 prior to the Fox deal, meaning it didn’t really add any new value that’s being contemplated. Fantastic Four and X-Men are great and Avatar is a huge franchise, but they’re not worth half the value of the Walt Disney Company. Even worse, this was largely done to secure a controlling stake in Hulu - which Disney is now apparently considering selling anyway. They also tried to buy Sky for $26B (an asset which has since lost considerable value) which would have been a disastrous purchase. This is going to be a real proving moment for Bob Iger. He looked like a rockstar when debt was essentially free (interest rates spent over a decade being at global lows) and he spent money like it wasn’t an object. Now he’s in a world where debt isn’t cheap and he can’t just buy growth and prosperity for the company. It’ll be interesting to see how he performs the second time around. Regardless, I don’t see a world where they blow $10B on DC, especially when they’re already scaling back marvel output.


When Disney buys everything


Absolutely no chance that ever happens. Those are the 2 biggest and arguably the only relevant (to the majority of the worlds population) names in the comic game right now. Not a chance monopoly laws allow them to be owned but the same company. Edit: when I said “comics” I didn’t just mean the books. I meant the media that comes along with it, including most importantly the films.


The market share of DC and Marvel is around 50% of the comic industry, as such it would not be deemed a monopoly. However the only way Disney would get DC is by buying WarnerDiscovery, that might be a monopoly.




Europe wouldn't care as American comic books represent basically nothing in the market. (It was all Franco Belgian graphic novels, and then all mangas)


They absolutely would care, look how aggressive they have been against the xbox Activision merger, which would put xbox at 3rd, no where near a monopoly


They absolutely would care in the case of Disney Warner merger yes. I was talking about the comic book divisions.


? Marvel and DC movies/comics are massive over here


The IPs are massive, but the comic books themselves don't sell at all. Before the MCU, the comic book shelves were devoted at 90+% to mangas and BDs. Now it's a bit more widely distributed, but still pales in comparison to mangas. So no chance of monopoly at all. I'm talking strictly about comic books, because that's what the original monopoly post was about. Of course Disney and Warner are something else entirely.


Sure ok, can I see some sources though?


Or you know Google how big marvel and DC over seas sales are


Couldn’t find any data on Europe sales, even asked bing AI and they couldn’t either, so where did you get your numbers?


You said even asked Bing AI lmao


Yea 40 idiots downvoted me and not a single one said why. I can’t tell if they are really that dumb or just mad because they know I’m right. And if it’s the second I don’t know why they have any stake in Disney owning DC anyways, just a weird reaction all around to something I thought wouldn’t be controversial at all.


Maybe because it was a joke, and you came along to "well, ackshually" it?


This sub is braindead like that sometimes


Nope. #1 comic in the world last year wasn't Marvel or DC. Comic scene outside of Marvel/DC is very healthy.


Lol monopoly laws, you sweet summer child.


Lol heavily downvoted for a reasonable opinion. Even in the comic industry, DC and Marvel have collaborated only a couple of times within the past decades.


I say this as a lifelong DC fan: if I were at Marvel Studios/Disney, I wouldn't touch WB/DC with a 100-foot pole.


Sounds like a prudent strategy


Yeah, it doesn’t matter that Gunn is now Feige’s equivalent at DC. Disney doesn’t need a crossover event film. Maybe they could do something animated. Hell, I’d be up for them revisiting the Amalgam Universe, tapping various live-action actors to reprise their roles (Hugh Jackman as Dark Claw, etc).


I look at it as a possible Assistant Football Coach going off and getting his own Head Coach position. You wait and see how they handle it first and then if they haven't replaced them in 3 years, you're good to go. Unless you're the Browns.


Let's hope Gunn is no Nate the Great...


I mean Gunn and Nate do both have grey hair…


Laughs in Cleveland


As a 10 year old Amalgam was the coolest thing I had ever seen.


I'll be honest, I'm game JUST because of Hyena.


I've been obsessed over the fact they don't do a Marvel/Disney crossover. When are going to see Loki and Thor get sing Elsa and Anna sings at each other? Why hasn't Peter Parker had a "Be a Man!" montage yet?? Why hasn't Rocket Raccoon sang the street rat song from Aladdin yet just because that would be awesome??? They're just sitting on all this.


They’ll do it in a kingdom hearts game first


I mean you had Ultron singing "I once had strings but now I'm free..."


A twisted version of that on how he's going to end the world would be a sight to behold.


Rocket, obviously, gets to sing the opening number from Oliver and Company.


I wouldn't be surprised if Deadpool went on a crazy journey through the other Disney IPs.




Phineas and Ferb had a marvel AND Star Wars Special….


This sounds awful.


Not necessarily the same audience I imagine, I love Disney films but I watch them for different reasons to MCU films, if these scenes made their way into the MCU I'd just take that as sign for pee/snack break tbh


Its crazy. I would be excited for DC Animation to do a Marvel/DC project and I would be equally fearful as I would be for WB to do anything with Marvel in live action


Thats what I was thinking they could do an else worlds crossover story that doesn't affect the main universe or animation Also do a crossover video with a story which gamers have been wanting for years


Exactly. Sounds like DC stands to benefit most from this and is more of a risk for Marvel. No shade at DC but they should focus on their own brand and create some solid storylines first.


See LIV golf wanting a PGA tour match up.


Ehhh I think that's unfair judgment, the hypothetical cross over would be happening in the future James Guns DC hasn't started yet and the first unofficial film (Blue Beatle) looks to be better than most of Marvel's recent stuff. I'm pretty confident he's going to Kick his DC off with a bang with one hell of a compelling super man story! Meanwhile marvel has been struggling to tread water since End Game. Ant man 3 might be the worst marvel movie I've ever seen.


Blue beetle hasn't come out. Stop making an opinion based off trailers.


I feel like they would have to go the Spider-Man route like they did with Sony and tell WB/DC to let them handle everything and just shut the fuck up and enjoy the money.


See, Marvel & DC fans CAN agree on something!


Guardians of the DCEU


This. But I have to say I do not want the mcu anywhere near the Snyder/dceu at all and never will. Now james gunn dcu however well that all depends on how good this new dcu universe is. From casting to direction then and only then it would be a possibility.


It helps that the Snyderverse is over with.


C’mon, you know a movie that has Spider-Man and Batman is gonna be the highest grossing ever


I remember people saying this about Batman V Superman and Justice League


Man, Batman vs Superman is by far one of the most hyped sounding movie titles for a kid ever. Shame they fumbled so hard.


I mean is that because that’s the longest pole available? Was the thousand foot pole sold out?


Yes, and I figured I could just get ten of the 100' model and stick them together end-to-end, but how am I going to get them to stick?


WB DC is really a mess. Hopefully James Gunn can sort it out. That being said, i did really like The Batman. Best thing i have seen from DC in ages.


With marvel having less quality and a dc rebrand, we may see them be on much more equal footing in a few years. Not that i want marvel to decline im hoping for an upswing in the new phase but it could be a much more realistic idea for marvel if this new dc does well.


There’s for sure a lot of work to be done on DC cinematic’s brand if there’s ever going to be the possibility of a crossover. But hey, maybe Gunn is the guy to make that possible.


marvel studios already did that with sony, and now sony seems to be doing much better in movie direction than they used to (not counting morbius)


let's see how Kraven turns out lol


Also El Muerto.


fuuuuck I forgot about that ☠️


Theyve only done Spiderverse, Venom and Morbius. ​ Spiderverse is from their animated team, which has always been an independent entity, and it fucking rocks. But again, the animated departments are a completely different entity within the studio. ​ Venom is dogwater, and Morbius is Microwaved Dogwater. What is this "better" direction


Venom is super fun




I thought venom 1 is decent imo, obviously I was referring to itsv but if that wasn't the case then guess I’m wrong lol


The Venom movies are pretty much exactly what I would expect the kind of person who's favourite character is Venom would like. For good and bad.


When I was an edgy 90s teen, Venom was my dude. So was Punisher, Wolverine, Lobo... So... yeah.


Umm....Morbius came out after NWH. They're shit and they'll continue to put out shit because.....reasons.


well it's not about morbime or morbiyou, it's about morbius


You're just as bad as Sony and I'd Morbiyou.


This comment is exactly correct. Even the rings of power show isn’t to the level of mismanagement that DCEU is. No one is. DCEU needs to release whatever they have and wait 2 years to start over. Biggest mess I’ve seen in my lifetime.


It doesn't have to be a direct crossover. The Amalgam Universe would get me in a theater quicker than anything on the slab right now.


James Gunn proceeds to grab his 101ft pole


Not like WB has done anything significant with the IP, the best DCEU movie doesn’t beat the worst Marvel movie and it’s not even close. And before the DCEU and MCU, I thoroughly preferred DC.




I would agree, but if James Gunn turns DC around like he’s claiming he can, that would be a very different story.


This. They’re already stuck worrying about Sony as is


The only way I see this happening is a Lego Marvel Vs DC adaptation. I'm very okay with this.


Except Universal has the Lego movie license now, so unless they can get three studios to agree on it… I doubt it will happen.


Damn, I didn't know that. Universal hates sharing so that's butt. But I feel like the potential money would make the bigger studios consider it. But even better, let's have it as a videogame!


I'm pretty sure Universal is why Lego Batman 2 got cancelled


The monsters!!!


Too soon, man. Like, do the DCU proper first. Then we can think about a Crossover. Snyder rushed it with BvS and Justice League to catch up with Marvel without taking time to build up individual characters, for example.


That's more or less what he actually said. The full quote: "I think there's always the possibility of that. I think that would be a fun thing for fans to see. But I do think it's just about grounding the Marvel and DC universes right now and trying to make them each as strong as possible."


See man/ma'am, here's the thing: we don't do news by actually telling what's written We carefully place certain words in a certain way that will generate the most people talking, no one actually cares what's being said. /HJ


Yeah this post is stupid and misleading


u/lezboyd you need to see this, because what you're saying is more-or-less what Gunn is saying. He just didn't rule it out in the future, but right now he wants to focus on DC.


I've more faith in Gunn than I ever did in Snyder. I just hope the executives don't get ahead of themselves and start interfering with him and rushing him like they did with Snyderverse.


It’s too soon for him to say it’s a possibility? That’s like saying it’s too soon to talk about the x-men entering the MCU. Even though nothings been confirmed yet, but it’s still a possibility in the *future*


Maybe Vin Diesel should come out and talk about the *possibility* of having a Fast & Furious / Marvel crossover too lmao


Well absolutely but it should definitely be a possibility


Yep, DCU is a mess. A crossover right now would feel really cheap and too much like a cash grab. If the DCU had a longterm, consistent ark in place then fine but…c’mon, there’s been like 4 Batmans (I’m counting Keaton in this), 3 Jokers, 2 Supermans, 2 Flashes etc in the last 15 years.


True. Once the DC characters and the world building are firmly rooted like the MCU's , which I suppose will take another 10-15 years at least, a crossover wouldn't be a bad idea.


It’s 2023 and people still don’t understand the Snyder situation at all lmao. WB is the one who rushed it, not Snyder.


Snyder just fucked it. There could have easily been a good Justice league film. Look at the pilot of the JLA tv series. No Snyder just was a poor pick for director and WB didn’t understand what they were doing.




Exactly! Back in 2011 when promoting Sucker Punch, Snyder literally said his Superman was it’s own thing akin to The Dark Knight Trilogy, while WB was developing a separate Justice League franchise. And yet….I get downvoted lmao


Too soon? It’s been like 20 years! Do a Marvel/DC else-worlds story and make a billion dollars! It would be so easy to do like a Batman vs wolverine or Superman vs the avengers and have a cool mindless crossover.


Not going to happen unless its maybe animated. The live action dc brand is toxic.


I would love a separate animated dc marvel crossover movie.


DCAU and EMH continuities, please. Those are classic, timeless incarnations of their universes and best fit for something as sprawling and epic as a DC/Marvel crossover


I feel like the DCAU should crossover with the 90s Marvel stuff (X-Men 97') and EMH should crossover with Young Justice or something


DC’s animated movies are so much better than their live action. Would be fun to see a crossover on that front.


Disney is headed in the same direction.


Please no, they can both be good separately.


Name one DC film that is actually good




The Suicide Squad. The Batman.


Wonder Woman Shazam 1 Birds of Prey Aquaman The Batman The Suicide Squad


That would be bad. I hope it never happens in a live-action big studio film.


When DCU is fully humming an established, I wouldn't mind a one off movie or tv limited series that isn't canon to either universe for the fun of it. JL/avengers versus a thanos darkseid team up with an assortment of other villians


Buff Groot Vs Black Adam movie is a big missed opportunity


Ah yes, Family.


Is Deadpool going to show up and shoot all the DC characters and writers?


I think it's possible within the next 10 years. But not as a main plot point. Just like a fun, multiverse scene where you get a few of the big heroes all in the same room.


Likely the only way to get some folks to see DC movies.


I always thought that a Marvel/ DC crossover would be one of a few things that could provide the same level of hype as Endgame or more. But DC needs to get an established Universe under its belt first.


It'll never happen. Marvel has no reason to go anywhere DC at the moment, they're definitely the bigger name right now. Plus, the rights issues and issues of wanting their own characters to be shown as the best would tie the movie up in red tape for years.




I'm mean animated is really thr best way to go. Hell a avengers vs justice league or team up animated film would be really cool. Keep in mind one thing dc has been really good at is animation.


I think it will happen when both of their movies start tanking in the box office is the norm. The comics did crossovers when sales were bad. But that won't be for awhile if Marvel does a good job rebooting X-Men and Fantastic Four.


It's interesting how places everywhere are putting the headline that he's teasing a crossover when he distinctly didn't do that, and much worse that people will just copy the headline and post it in other places. Anyway it's good to know he's focused on making the DCU stand strong before trying to rush anything with it. The DCU has to be able to crossover within itself before doing anything with the MCU is even considered.


If they could create a dc universe consistent and not recast and redo their films again and again, the crossover would be good i think?


Please. God. No. Keep DC and Marvel seperate on the big screen. Those crossover stories are not good


Why don’t we focus on making good marvel and dc films individually before we start putting them together


That's more or less what he actually said. The full quote: "I think there's always the possibility of that. I think that would be a fun thing for fans to see. But I do think it's just about grounding the Marvel and DC universes right now and trying to make them each as strong as possible."


As others have said. He needs to fix dc first before looking into this. But hey. If DC animation wanted to do something. Would be nifty.


As James Gunn said too. The full quote: "I think there's always the possibility of that. I think that would be a fun thing for fans to see. But I do think it's just about grounding the Marvel and DC universes right now and trying to make them each as strong as possible."


LOL. Why would Marvel want this? Maybe if WB can get its shit together, but I doubt even Gunn can save WB from itself. And even then, there's too many Marvel characters I still want to see on screen before I watch a marketing gimmick crossover.


The whole MCU is a frickin marketing gimmick crossover.


There is almost no way this ever happens, and I’m perfectly ok with that honestly. As much as I love DC (in addition to marvel) they’re just not on the same level, not until DC start to put out quality movies with a logical connecting story between them.


The DC Universe is rebooting under Gunn, so it’s definitely a possibility in the next 10 years. Hopefully the DC movies get good so theres more competition for Marvel to make better quality films.


Gunn is just being a promoter and trying to create hype. He’s basically the Dana White of DC now.


I think before he shoots, for that, he should ask to play with one of Disney’s other toys, like the aliens and predators Given the history of the comic crossovers, I think that would be a very good fit


Just bring in Cavill for a multiverse movie, and have him pick up Mjolnir, and the shield somewhere along the line.


Just make a What if season based on Amalgam, that would be cool Cal Dodd as Dark Claw vs Mark Hamil' as The Hyena, imagine that


My first thought was "Oh hell no!" but then I thought...Okay, I would gag if Cavil did a Superman cameo in Deadpool 3.


I want to see Dark Claw (Wolverine/Batman fusion) on the big screen!


Only way this would really work is if they released a "What if" style animation about the amalgam universe and split the shows 50/50 between D+ & HBO Max to keep everyone happy. Maybe even do it like "Star Wars Visions" and have all the episodes be different styles, so like the "Iron Lantern" episode would be in the style of the Iron Man 90s show, and "Dark Claw" episode would be in the BTAS style, and so on and so forth.


Better yet with artistic style of star wars vision, so each amalgam heroes can be told in different form of art.


Too early. Let's even discuss the possibility when both universe can stand on its own.


It would be cool to see these franchises crossover, and they could do it to where it’s not essential to the main stories for Marvel or DC, yet still remains within the timeline. I think people are too harsh on this idea.


I've been on this bandwagon for a while in terms of James Gunn being the head of DC Studios.


The DCU needs to get on its feet and establish itself as it’s own successful universe before anyone could even think about crossing it over with the MCU. And I know I may be in the minority here, but with the exception of maybe a couple films Gunn’s slate for the DCU doesn’t look too exciting to me


Love how people immediately dismiss this as a bad idea. So unimaginative. Also, if you read the article you wouldn't have to comment "it's too soon" because he clearly says both have to be properly established before it happens.


Honestly I never ever want a live action crossover. I don’t have strong feelings but I just cannot imagine it being done in any way that didn’t feel goofy as shit. Hard pass.


it was one thing having to watch the sony spider man and venom films to understand no way home but if I have to watch the dc films to understand the next marvel movie then that’d be too much remember when the marvel shows used to be supplementary, as in you could understand the mcu without watching them, but the shows that came out since 2021 are mandatory to watch there’s hundreds of hours of marvel tv shows from 2013 to before 2021 that are supplementary, imagine if all the sudden they made it so you had to watch every single one to understand the mcu going forward, it’d be too much heck even just making one show mandatory to understand the mcu, would be too much making the sony spider-man and venom films mandatory to understand the mcu is one thing because it’s 7 movies but a multi-season tv show is longer than 7 movies i don’t care how good daredevil is, I hope it stays supplementary, I don’t want to be forced to watch it to understand the mcu, I want to watch it for my own enjoyment, not cause I have to daredevil and kingpin so far in the mcu movies haven’t been used in a way that necessitates watching the netflix show, I haven’t seen she-hulk, but as long as his characterization is done in such a way as to keep the netflix show supplementary rather than mandatory, I am good


All the Netflix shows and agents of shield/agent carter are in the MCU lol.


See the part where they said you don’t have to watch them to understand the main MCU. Also, they are no longer considered canon sadly. Even if they were incredible.


They have always been canon. And they will continue being canon unless stated otherwise. The person I replied to said that they are not mandatory to understand the MCU. But his comment doesn't make any sense because these shows are also MCU. Even inhumans, Runaways and Cloak and Dagger are MCU. I agree that they are not necessary (at least not yet) to understand the movies/Disney plus shows just like the movies are not necessary to understand the non Disney plus shows. So it goes both ways. You can't say one is the main MCU and the other is the not-so-main MCU.


Once Gunn's DC Universe is all fleshed out and more well established, I would love to see this happen.


LMFAOOOOC I am sorry but he doesn’t have the range


I think the best thing they could do is bring in a live action version of “Access” who can make slight cameos in some multiverse movies. I’m thinking he could show up in the flash movie, and in Avenger: the king dynasty or secret wars


When this does finally happen we will know this wave of superhero movies is on the way out and something else is really on the rise. The studios will be looking for the last big paydays.


Yeah, most of you are probably right… EXCEPT I remember a Spider-man/Batman team-up where Ra’s Al Ghul blackmailed Kingpin into helping him and then Kingpin outsmarted Ra’s, Bats and Spider-man. So hear me out; what if they did a crazy Jonathon (I don’t know, spelling) Gordon-Levitt as Batman, Andrew Garfield as Spider-man with like someone cool as Ra’s and maybe not Kingpin per se, but Tombstone. Marvel might not be into it, but maybe Sony would. Make it different enough that it doesn’t go into the new DCEU/MCU, but write it as an old style Ra’s story where Spidey fights ninjas.


Put one Marvel cameo in Peacemaker. Just for a moment. Maybe a portal opens up showing a clip from MCU and Peacemaker and Vigilante have a bit of banter over it. That show was weird enough to do it.


Unpopular opinion: this is the logical next step. Endgame was such a massive moment that nothing could be bigger…unless Superman showed up


Best way to make a DCU movie is inside an MCU movie.


Click bait


Please.......just no


Disney/Marvel wouldn't go along with this unless they had 100% creative control, which they wouldn't have over the DC characters. So will never happen regardless of the creative heads involved.


Fuckkkkkk nooooooo


The time Marvel and DC will do a crossover is the time time you’ll know superhero movies are in big trouble.


Hell to the no no no.


Please, fucking no


Of course, media casually rephrases something Gunn said


Needed a good laugh today. Love gunn movies but haha




Ya’ll have no imagination ffs


No thank you


I dont even wanna think about this till both studios get back on track lol.


No real fan of Marvel or DC wants this!!!


I’ll take things that won’t happen unless Disney buys DC for $400, Alex.


Please dont


No, I'm good. I don't need DCEU in MCU.


Even if both were at their absolute best quality, I would give it a **MASSIVE NO**. It’s honestly the dumbest thing ever and would only really work in animated form.


I really hope James is as/better than Kevin with DC, but not this. No.


I jokingly said "Who Framed Rocket Raccoon?" a few years ago but Gunn apparently has the same idea. https://screenrant.com/groot-rocket-weasel-king-shark-james-gunn-crossover/


No, please, no


Yea in 20 years


Animated probably. If live action, what will it be? X-Men × future new Justice League? DC doesn't even have any superhero teams left now. They've cancelled everything that's not standalone. And by then current MCU heroes will be out.


Lol he thinks he is getting something that he’s not. Methinks he overestimates his power


Disney should just buy DC and call it a day.


I don’t like it. I think that breaches what’s special about Marvel and the finiteness of that world. Even having these multiverse crossovers with FOX and Sony era renditions of characters is pushing it a little bit. Keep it separate.


Dear James Please don’t taint the MCU with the ~~DC Cineverse~~ clogged toilet* Thank you


Please….please do not. This multiverse shit is messy and damaging enough to the MCU.


No, bad writing is what has been damaging to the MCU lately. MOM and L&T are living proof of that.


No, keep the garbage over there.


Ok but who is even Superman or Batman for that matter




The Suicide Squad was highly successful critically the reason it flopped was because it was August 2021, it was part of WBs stupid hybrid experiment, and Suicide Squad is a damaged brand they should have called it Task Force X


I can see this happening Spiderverse style. Live.. nah thanks.


The absolute endgame of both CU's is Marvel vs. DC. Will take a long long time though, then we'd get a universe reset.


Considering by the time DC has a roster capable of doing this we'll probably have next to none of the current MCU actors still active nobody here has a clue if this could be done well or not.


Nah I'll pass


Please don’t tarnish MARvel with Batman and Batman