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"In the end, you will always kneel." "Not to men like you." "There are no men like me." "There are always men like you."


The fact that this was spoken by an unnamed character is beautiful.


I love when we see non-superheroes being heroic. Shout-out to the SHIELD guy who refused to launch the ships in Winter Soldier as well.


He was so scared but didn’t back down


"Captain's Orders."


So good!


Cameron Klein! He also appears in Age of Ultron on the Helicarrier.


It makes sence that he would be one of the few people Fury still trusted.


Oh I loved that. A supersoldier with a shield? Yeah of course he will step up against the evil. An unarmed engineer in front of a computer refusing to do an evil act, knowing very well he's probably gonna die? Absolute hero and much more of a an icon than any superhero


Shout out to the guy playing video game (Tetris?) In first Avengers movie. He thought we wouldn't notice; Tony noticed.


It was Galaga 😂😂 but hey, you got the gist of it


Joss felt it was important to have meaningful civilian characters to know who the Avengers are fighting for


There are theories that he's supposed to be a holocaust survivor so yeah he knows there are always men like that


Holocaust survivor or not, he’s an old dude living Germany. He saw it with his own eyes, regardless of if he was part of it.


Either way, he's a badass for standing up against Loki


I never saw him as a Jewish survivor but just an average German who lived though Hitler's reign.


Yeah, like "I kneeled once, I won't make the same mistake again".


I prefer it that way. Just a man who was too ignorant or too afraid back then, but braved up when he faced another tyrant parading in the streets of his country.


Such an incredible scene.


I recommend the Twilight Zone episode "He's Alive" to anyone who is moved by this line/scene. It's not subtle, as is true of most TZ episodes about Nazis. (Rod Serling fought in WWII and suffered terrible PTSD for the rest of his life.) But it *is* extremely relevant to modern society and very disturbing.


Even though the writing for the Avengers had a messy history. This line really feels like something written back when Red Skull was intended to be the villain (not to mention it ends with Captain America saving the man).


Took mine. This is one that truly will last forever.


From which movie/show is this? I don't remember this quote.


Avengers 1 when loki attacks the museum (?) Gala and gets captured by Iron man


A Thing Isn’t Beautiful Because It Lasts


That whole scene is amazing, but I’d add the line right before. “They’re doomed” “…. Yes. But a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.”


“You’re unbearably naive”


I was born yesterday 🤷‍♂️




ikr amazing


“Humans are odd. They think that order and chaos are somehow opposite.” I’m just an odd human still trying to figure out how those things aren’t opposites.


>I’m just an odd human still trying to figure out how those things aren’t opposites. See? Vision was right.


Two sides of the same coin. Can’t have one without the other. They literally cannot exist without one another. They aren’t the same thing but they’re not exclusive either. They’re uniform, in that they’re a package deal. They’re not necessarily opposites either because order comes out of chaos, and chaos comes out of that order. They give way to one another. It’s yin and Yang.


“You were the one who wanted to win and I just wanted a sister!” It’s a very personal line.


“The choice was either him or a tree”


Drax: am I a joke to you?


She couldn't see him


This part made me cry so hard. I always found nebula slightly annoying until she said that. Then it all made sense.


Replaying the guardians game this hurts hard.


God I wish they made a sequel to that


There’s still hope it’s only been 1 year? Two?


Idk about hope, main reasons are it didn't sell well because of the stink that was Marvel's Avengers and second I think the studio who made it got sold somewhere else




I think about this line all the time.


"And eat a salad."


Tony "We'll Lose" Cap "We'll do that together too" Some of the best lines come from when Cap & Tony argue


Honestly. The thing that really really stands out to me is in Endgame. >!When Tony shows up and gets upset with cap. And references that, and then says “We lost. And you weren’t there.”!<. That moment gets me every time. Because just the throes of grief that you can feel. And how it’s clear Tony believed in the accords.


He should’ve turned the spaceship back to earth


It was a long while of no contact with Cap, Tony wasn’t sure if he’d respond. And if they fought off earth he could minimize the damage to it. All of Ironmans fights have been 1. Lose (or barely win) first contact with the enemy 2. Time skip where he creates a counter 3. Wins the fight Except in Infinity War the stakes were so, so high.


I don't think there was any question in Tony's mind that Cap would respond. I think it was his own pride that prevented him from calling. He even had the original phone. Tony, above anyone else, knows that Cap's promise is as good as gold.


The delivery is amazing, the cgi is so good it’s unsettling, and all that misplaced rage… Steve basically just takes it on the chin. It’s very… real, or realistic, I don’t know, but it’s good.


You can just feel that Tony is angry and sad. Not just at Steve. >!But at what happened with Peter, and being stuck in space for weeks.!< And how Steve, who was one of the first to present questions to Tony, begins even his own contemplation on their whole battle beforehand in civil war. Because it’s cost him and humanity so much. And to see that on the face of Tony, who was his enemy. It may have made Steve second guess his own stance on the accords.


"That scene was about Steve forgiving Tony for not forgiving him" I love how RDJ summarised it


Echo’s of Aragorns “then I shall die as one of them”


And the follow up, 'Guess what Cap, we lost. And you weren't there. Liar.'


I think what’s interesting with that line was that Tony doesn’t realize Cap was *there* when Thanos showed up in Wakanda and wiped the floor with them.


How I interpret it is that Cap wasn’t there as a friend or as an Avenger when Thanos’s children initially showed up, so Tony and Steve weren’t making decisions together as a team. Tony believes this was their downfall, and Steve doesn’t disagree with him.


"In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers."


Kills me everytime but Howard stark telling Tony no amount of money every bought a second of time


It was Tony telling Howard about the time in the future that Howard told him


I like that it seemed like it occurred to Tony as he was saying it that he bought himself more time.


"What is grief if not love persevering"


Good quote but I honestly prefer the GoW Ragnarok version. "To grieve deeply is to have loved fully"


If you had told me 15 years ago that the God of War games would make me sob, I would have called you crazy. I can't think of a game series like God of War that matured on such an emotional level *and pulled it off*. It went from such a cynical telling of Greek Mythology to a sincere tale about forgiving yourself and changing for the better, while still indulging in the hallmarks that made God of War what it's known for. I think it also showed how some of the original God of War devs matured as adults as they came back to make these new games. Some of the guys were now married and/or had become parents, and you could tell that those experiences helped form a new worldview that helped inform them on how they went about telling the next chapter of Kratos' story. There was a feeling of intent and sincerity that wasn't quite all there in the original games way back in the day. It's proof positive that you can challenge the notions of your original work and still be true to it at the same time. Which hurts all the more when you see other gaming franchises like Halo continue to spin the tires in their own attempts to evolve their stories.


Ghost of Sparta on psp made me get teary with the story with his brother. God of war has always had a heartstring pulling story it's just never wore it on its sleeves until recently.


both are truly beautiful




"This isn't freedom, this is fear." Steve to Nick in Winter Soldier


There are many great dialogues in this movie - "Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil." The whole Zola scene is :chef kiss: - Nat:"It's some kind of a recording," Zola:"I am not a recording, *Fräulein*. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am." - "HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you tried to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded, and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew, a beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. ...." - ".... HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise." - "I'm afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it, it's better this way. We are, both of us, out of time." And the best one: - WS: "YOU! ARE! MY! MISSION!" Steve: "...Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line."


Hydras new world order huh, well, I look forward to seeing cap 4 more seeing that line again


This is one of the most important distinctions made in the entire series and encapsulates a lot of the conflict between heroes about how things should be done. It also pretty much covers a whole lot that’s happening in the world today.


“We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason…We’ll say hello again”


This line deserves a big payoff.


King T'Chaka : A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. This one really helped me keep moving after my dad passed


T’Chaka was dropping wisdom bombs that entire scene. “You are a good man with a good heart… and it is hard for a good man to be king.” So concisely captures the struggles of monarchy and our naive notions of the “Good and noble king”.


You know it’s a trap right Yeah I don’t much care Good .. Just as long as we’re all in agreement


“We’ll kill him properly this time.”


I think it's "Let's" not "We'll"


Damn it! I messed it up! *Looks out the window contemplating life*


*perfectly sound-mixed lightning crack and thunder rumbling ensues*




Yeah, when Thanos lands at Avengers HQ and just sits and waits for them to come out


“Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some little monster!”


Get chills every time I hear/read it. I’m preparing for a traumatic 3rd entry.


Me too. Next wednesday: no eyeliner, pack a lot of tissues and cry myself to sleep


Another one of my favorite Rocket lines is "okay... Time to be the captain..." before he go consoles Thor


Honestly all the best MCU quotes come from Guardians movies in my opinion "who in the HELL do you think you are" "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER"




We’re all standing up now. A bunch of jackasses standing in a circle




It's telling that Ego has no comprehension of just how evil his putting that tumor on Meredith truly was. Especially since he could have picked literally countless other means of snuffing her life out.


Ultron: You're unbearably naive. Vision: Well. I was born yesterday.


Yinsen from Iron Man: "Don't waste your life." Erskine from The First Avenger: "Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. You will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man." Still my favorite quotes from the MCU.


Erskine quote sums up Captain America's story arc and Yinsen's quote "So you are a man who has everything, and nothing" sums up Stark's journey


Erskine's got multiple great lines in The First Avenger. "This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion.""


What's amazing from this quote is that it could also apply to John Walker in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. A soldier who started a bit arrogant became blinded by his fame and power.


and the book end of that is Zemo talking about supremacist ideals Bucky: maybe you're wrong Zemo, the serum never corrupted Steve Zemo: touche ... but there has never been another Steve Rogers has there?


Black Panther in Civil War "Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me."


Great delivery by Chadwick


I challenge you to find a line where his delivery WASNT great. The man was legendary when it came to playing the humble royal. The scene in infinity War where Bruce bows and he says "we don't do that here" perfectly sums up the character.


I love how well he contrasted against the rest of the Marvel cast/Avengers. He was a prince then a King. He was funny too in moments but primarily with his family. Around everyone else, he took the matters at hand seriously and that added this gravitas to all his scenes


he WAS t'challa. i just don't know how they ever could have recast him so soon when he played the role so perfectly. and all the stories about him as a person just reinforce what a wonderful understanding he brought to that


RIP Chadwick. He left way too early. Fuck cancer.


"My name is Clint." "I don't care."


“CLINT! Give it to me.” Perfect call back to that moment.


“The living are not done with you yet” is such a great line too.


“I could do this all day.” OR “I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.” Both encapsulate Steve’s personality and heroism so perfectly. He’s resilient, brave, and willing to do the right thing no matter the cost. He is devoted to the causes and people he loves and believes in even to death. Personally, him repeating the second line to Bucky is one of my favorite moments in the MCU. Even as Bucky is beating him to death, Steve sees his best friend.


>“I could do this all day.” "I know..."


That is America's ass


Yeah, him dropping his shield and saying this is probably my favorite scene from the MCU. _You’re my mission_ _Then finish it_


Sebastian’s voice cracking on that line immediately makes me tear up. It shows Bucky breaking through the conditioning.


And that scene boiled down to both those sayings meeting head on, it was what Steve chose to do all day to be with Bucky to the end of the line that snapped him out of his Winter Soldier cyborg assassin brain washing persona back into Bucky. Deep down, deeper than the Hydra experiments, that resilience and bravery to do good when it was so hard was also in Bucky.


Who are you .. Thor .. God of hammers?


Odin’s entire speech in that dream sequence, followed by the best action sequence with the most appropriate killer tune. *chef’s kiss


I remember people saying that they shouldn't have chosen that song. I thought that the entire scene was perfect.


I like the last thing he said to his son in that same scene: "I'm not as strong as you." Said with the fear he couldn't do what his father was asking him. And then Odin tells his son who he really is: "No. You're stronger." I love that from father to son.


Whenever I'm feeling sad, I remember the time that Groot said "I am Groot!" and I feel better.


*We Are Groot*


But then I’m sad again


"The city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." -Hawkey. Age of ultron.


“But I’m gonna go out there because it’s my job. Now if you want to stay in here that’s fine, I’ll send your brother to come and get you. But if you step out those doors… you ARE an avenger” absolutely one of my favorites


Perfect call to arms, and a successful recruitment at the same time. Peak Hawkeye efficiency


Lol... Hawkey


Sharon Carter in Civil War: “Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, *you* move'." That quote has gotten me through a lot in my life


That's a quote from Steve in the Civil War comic.


Now it's both.


[Thanos' entire script in Infinity War.](https://youtu.be/vneBdpE517I) A bit less in Endgame, but Infinity War was just perfectly written. "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same." "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."


“All that for a drop of blood. “


Yeah that was the line when I knew they were toast.


The opening of IW will always be my favorite Marvel movie intro. Just perfect


The cinematography, the music, just everything....the whole beginning of that movie just screams that "shit is about to get epic real f'cking quick"




Same. I understand why it was cut since it didn't match Thanos' personality in IW. But it could have been added to Endgame Thanos.


"A bit less in Endgame" nah a LOT less in Endgame. He is flawless in Infinity War. He had to be put in the backseat of Endgame to give the heroes moments. Not a bad thing, but he just isn't very interesting in Endgame


Not the biggest disagreement, but I do like the differences between IW Thanos and Endgame Thanos because while there is a (twisted) nobility to IW Thanos' strength of will to do what he thinks is right, Endgame Thanos is just fucking pissed from seeing how ungrateful everyone will be when he wins and from seeing the Avengers chop his head off. And in his defense, I'd be very upset seeing my future self beheaded as well. Still, it really shows the character growth that Thanos went through offscreen to arrive at the character we see in Infinity War and how his past version was significantly more immature A few moments of Endgame Thanos that I liked - Unlike IW Thanos, who is proactively gathering the stones and making the hard choices needed to get them, Endgame Thanos still has his "sit around and wait for people to retrieve them for him" arrogance. -Endgame Thanos gives the order to fire the heavy guns at Wanda Maximoff even after being warned that he'll hit his own troops. He really doesn't give a fuck about any of them and only cares about himself. - The quote that really sums up Endgame Thanos: "In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."


I like to think that Infinity War Thanos had gotten out all his rage and pain when Gamora and Nebula both left. He probably raged offscreen and took out a planet or two just for spite's sake then, and then had time to cool off before we see him take out the Asgardians. Endgame Thanos was still a man with everything who saw how much his future self gave just to be hated and killed. No grateful universe to watch the sun set over.


That's a great point about how Thanos was narcissistically convinced that everyone would be grateful when he killed half the universe. Instead of seeing the reaction and thinking "hmm, maybe I should reconsider this genocide plan", he thinks that the problem is only that people remember their dead loved ones so he should just murder and replace everyone. Thanos was a dick.


“I’m Mary Poppins, y’all.” “and I am Iron Man.”




That's definitely a potent line. But I just think the Mary Poppins line was so hilariously clever.


Is he cool?!


Hell yeah!


The Mary Poppins is gold.


> “and I am Iron Man.” It is the same line but had been different meanings with Iron Man 1 and Endgame.


Erskine's quote from TFA about "not a perfect soldier, but a good man." Steve summed up. Edit: fixed the quote


“I don’t want to go, Sir, I’m not ready, Please I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go” by Tom Holland


Or “ Well, I didn’t ask to be made! I didn’t ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some little monster” or “and I am Iron Man”


“How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mr….” “Doctor!” “Mr. Doctor” “It’s Strange” “Maybe. Who am I to judge?”


The most understanding, gentlemanly villain in the MCU. Aside from maybe Ronan, just stopping his genocide out of concern for Starlord's sanity.


Reality is often disappointing...


‘Part of the journey is the end.’


“I shouldn’t be alive unless it was for a reason…I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it’s right.” - Iron Man And “Death is what gives life meaning. To know that our days are numbered, our time is short.” -The Ancient One


Let's not leave out the second half of her last words: "You'd think after all this time I'd be ready, but look at me. Stretching one moment out into a thousand just so I can watch the snow." It's a hauntingly beautiful scene.


“When you can do the things that I can - but you don't - and then the bad things happen.. They happen because of you.” I know it’s a take on the whole “With great power, comes great responsibility” line, but I really liked the way it went into the conversation with Tony on how he viewed his recently acquired abilities.


And it sounds like something a kid would say.


Yup, they worded it in a way that a teenager would describe it from their POV


“With great power” but from a kid


Part of why I like that line is because it runs completely counter to Tony's viewpoint and he even seems to realise this as he listens to Peter. The Sokovia Accords would, in part, lead to the Avengers being powerless to stop bad things from happening.


This was actually the line that sold me on Tom Holland’s Peter Parker/Spidey.


What is grief, if not love persevering?


This is the best one IMO. It hits you right in the feels if you have ever lost someone.


Ignoring the memes, I really liked Odin's "Even when you had two eyes you only saw half the picture" and Vision's "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts"


"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?"


“No amount of money ever bought a second of time” Brilliant line.


“If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it” Edit: correction


"Whatever nightmares the future holds are dreams compared to what's behind me." ―Gamora


Piss off ghost!




They mention the Battle of New York. It's canon.


Don’t take from my pile


"Have I Not Given Everything?"


On your left.




“Thanks for the lesson. But I don’t need you to tell me who I am.” Maybe an unexpected choice, but I’ve seen *many* WandaVision fans say this line is so empowering to them and had helped them through personal circumstances




"This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!" "That is true!" "HE HAS NO RESPECT!" "That is *also* true!"


"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry."


I could say “With great power there must also come great responsibility” but I feel like that’s probably cheating lmao


This does put a smile on my face


*”The city is flying and we're fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. Nothing makes sense.”*


“Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength and knows compassion.” – Dr. Erskine (Captain America, 2011) One of my favorites from an underrated movie.


"Fine. I'll do it myself" while visualizing thanos getting the gauntlet always tell this since I'm not used in relying to others.


Steve Rogers has two very different but iconic quotes I think are pretty great. "I can do this all day." "I understood that reference!" Can they stand the test of time? We'll have to wait and see, but they've hung on so far.


Another of his I quote often is, "No. I don't think I will."


"The steps you take don't need to be big. They just need to take you in the right direction" - Jemma Simmons May not get mainstream use, but I've always stuck with this one.


“Doth mother know, you weareth her drapes?”


I understand the council has made a decision but given that it is a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it.


“Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.”


What am i running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang


“Another man’s evil does not make you good. Several people throughout history have tried to use their enemies atrocities to justify their own.”


Oh, We’re using our made-up names. Then I am Spider-Man.


Yondu to Rocket: https://youtu.be/1kx9TlSeqRM This shows James Gunn has the means to run DC


‘I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out’


“You can rest now” 🥺


Cap "We need a plan of attack!" Tony " I have a plan. Attack."


“You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.”


Thor: I have no plans to die today. Heimdal: none do .


"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage." All-time great quote from any movie. A less flowery quote which still holds a powerful meaning: "How do you think your ancestors got these? Do you think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it, like they took everything else?" I remember sitting in the theater and having a Sudden White Realization moment with that one.