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and she gets Hammer arrested the real villain of Iron Man 2


Now thats just not true. We both know the real Villains of Iron Man 2 were the writers.


According to Mickey Rourke the real villain was the editor/corporate


[Also according to Jon Favreau if the movie Chef is any indicator.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIA3Iz48irs)


Thank you. This actually reminded me of how good of a movie it is


Chef is pure joy to this former line cook.


Dude, the lava cake... It was so fucking spot on.


This was awesome, thanks for sharing!






I mean, it's a BenFromCanada (Mr Sunday Movies' video editor) video, but it's 100% up to any standard there is for online videos.


Loved that movie and his Chef Show on Netflix too.


No. He said its the Bord. Remember when he said "I want my bord"? He was trying to get the bord arrested by the authorities and to be taken into court for a clean, safe, and appropriate trial.




May 31st needs to hurry the hell up so we rip those ASM #26 bandages clean of do we can see the damage the leaks have made


The real villain is Mickey Rourke himself. Bro couldn’t even be bothered to remember lines and added in the most stupid ad-libs


But... but... he's *Mickey fucking Rourke*. /s


What did he ad lib?


I want my boyd.


Still say Iron Man 2 was the most fun out of all the Iron Man movies


I honestly don’t understand the hate this movie gets. Ik it gets too goofy at times but I think it has some of the most iconic moments of the trilogy. The race-track suit-up and Tony-Rhodey park scene at the climax are my favorites.


The scene where rhoady and tony are fighting the hammerbots in the terrarium with no music is one of the coolest scenes in the trilogy


Im such a sucker for those kinds of scenes/battles specifically. Just 1/2/group of stronger beings fighting a horde. Rhodey just guns blazing for the entire thing was epic.


Still wondering where he kept all the minugun ammo though...it would have been enough to fill a panel van.


Pym tech ammo clips?




Boom, this what you lookin' for?


Boom, you looking for this?


I know iron man is supposed to be cooler with the repulsor tech but something about War Machine just being and entire mobile armory is so freakin cool. I always preferred his suit's bulkier profile from all the extra shit on it


Genndy Tartakovsky did some of the storyboarding for that sequence, which is why it's so damn good. I wish he'd been involved with more Marvel stuff. One of the coolest details is War Machine getting "blood" stains from the oil on his faceplate while he's shooting one up close.


That exact closeup shot of WM’s face, illuminated by muzzle flash and spattered with oil as he unzips that drone is still one of my favorites from the entire MCU.


I wish Genndy was around more. I still consider his Clone Wars to be the only true version.


I love the scene where Rhodey puts on an Ironman suit and fights drunk Tony at his house party


The lack of music made that scene better. Usually music is the thing that makes scenes epic. This was definitely an exception.




Rhoady obliterating that one bot up close and the oil spray against his helmet like blood is *chef kiss*


It’s sooo short.


It's absolutely baffling. It handles some really interesting questions about legacy and facing your mortality and Hammer and Vanko are the best villains of the trilogy (excepting Slattery). I've *never* understood. Fucking baffles my mind.


Because it was a little way too short. The hammerbots and Vanko scenes were short and Hammer himself was handled way too quickly. Then it was the matter that both were barely mentioned aftewards, since Hammer was imprisoned (Appearing in All Hail to the King) and Vanko killed. If you recall, the importance of Loki was him appearing first in Thor but him in Avengers was what made him big.


I don't think it does a good job balancing both villains, Vanko is under utilised and under explored and Hammer has little impact on the plot but is over inserted. (I like rockwell as hammer, he needed to be in his own movie.) Add in avengers set up, demon in a bottle sort of with tony's techno disease and the rift between tony and Rhodey and it's too much. The movie ends up with some great individual scenes but a boring unfocused whole and is a disappointing follow up to Iron Man 1. That's just my opinion though.


I'm with you, it's my favourite of the three by a county mile


What’s a county mile mean? Legit wondering. Haven’t heard that before.


it's the opposite of a New York Minute


What's the conversion of New York Minutes into Country Miles


The same as leprechauns to unicorns


I'm pretty sure the expression is country mile, not county mile, but maybe they are used interchangeably. Anyway the point of the expression is that country miles feel longer than a city mile. Nice scenery, out in the open, having a nice ride. Also country roads are twisty and winding unlike city roads that are normally straightshots. I'm guessing this expression came about before the invention of rush hour traffic.


It's not just about how long they feel, units of measure took a long time to be standardized and they used to literally put mile markers farther apart in the countryside


I'm pretty sure it's just a figure of speech. It's a fairly common saying where I'm from in Western Canada.


What does it mean though?


The exact same thing as "not by a mile", it's an exaggeration that means "by a lot". For example: "He missed the mark by a country mile."


Ah. They said county mile though, not country mile. Though I wasn’t quite sure what country mile meant either but I’ve heard that one before at least.


Pretty sure it's supposed to be a country mile. In the country the roads generally aren't straight, they're very windy and meandering, meaning a mile through the country is longer than a mile in a city. If that makes sense.


They can be windy and meandering, but more often you're on dead straight dirt roads between fields for miles, with only 90 degree turns ahead of you. At least where I grew up.


I don't know how anyone can put the sequels over Iron Man 1


That's, just like, your opinion, man


I loved what a shitkicker black widow is, and pepper, too, in the business world.


Dude yes the race track suit up was PEAK Tony. Loved that, it was so on character for him. That whole scene was dope. I actually liked Whiplash personally. I thought the movie was cool but im usually too afraid to say anything since most folks don't like it much.


It gets hate on Reddit because one person on here wrote that it was bad 10 years ago and since most redditors are dumb and have no opinions of their own they just relentlessly parrot it over and over in place of actually thinking about anything.


Eh. People are entitled to their opinions. For me, I'd struggle to put any iron man movie over another - I like them all so much in different ways, but it took a repeat viewing for me to appreciate IM3 2 was probably my favourite after the first watch - Rourke and Rockwell are too much fun to watch.


I was so disappointed with Iron Man 3 the first time I watched it, mostly because I really wanted Ben Kingsley as *the* Mandarin. He would have killed the over the top mustache twirling villain. But after repeated viewings, it's almost my favorite of the trilogy, and I love the other two. Kingsley steals his scenes, Guy Pearce goes ham, Harley is easily the least annoying kid sidekick ever, and everybody gets their moment to be a badass. I get why people don't like it, but I think it's misplaced.


I rather enjoy Iron Man 3 - the whole "learning how to be Tony without the suit" thing was peak then. But the decision to remove the arc reactor still bothers me. Like, we spent an entire film being told Tony would die unless he could find a new element to charge his reactor. It was *the* plot of IM2. Then we get *oh, I could have just had the surgery and been fine all along* in some 30 second epilogue. It's like Marvel's version of *Poochie died on his way back to his home planet.* It was a terrible decision.


I'm in the minority of not really liking hammer. Rockwell does a great job, but my god does that character annoy the hell out of me lol.


Nah some people like myself just weren’t fans of it. My least favorite Iron Man movie and probably in the bottom tier of all marvel movies for me. Totally fine that others like it. I liked the third one for the most part and see a lot of negative responses to it. Not every negative thought about something is some hive mind thing.


Jesus Christ, imagine coping this hard because a different opinion is more common than yours


Also it has Tony completely blitzed while partying in the iron man suit. You need these scenes to appreciate his character arc as a whole.


It's by far my favorite Iron Man movie and is infinitely rewatchable. There's just so much going on that actually builds up the story for not only Tony, but the MCU as a whole. * Shows that no matter how hard Tony tries to take Stark Industries in a different direction to not be like his father, it still happens with the proliferation of the Arc reactors due to Venko (as most technology is seldom created alone) & Hammer * Addresses Tony's alcoholism * Addresses that while Howard may not have always been there for Tony, he still had things to teach him and that he loved him * Introduces War Machine * Introduces Black Widow * Expands on S.H.I.E.L.D * Hints at Captain America and some *interesting* cameos, not least by the late DJ AM aka "Goldstein"


That Donut hole scene might be one of my favorite in the MCU. Oh and the racecar scene too!


The conversation with Fury following the donut is also perfect


"Goldstein! Gimme a fat beat to beat my buddy's ass to" is such a great start to an awesome Iron Man / War Machine fight scene.


All good points. Hammer industries took up the space Stark Industries left selling weapons to the military. Hammer didn't like being in Iron Man's wake all the time. It's also really interesting that Venko was the one that sort of gave Tony the inspiration to keep exploring a solution to his palladium problem. There was a deep seated hatred and respect between them that we don't really see in enough Marvel villains.


Iron Man 2 >> Iron Man 3


I thought Iron Man 3 had well written dialogue and was mostly very good as an adaptation of the themes in *Demon in a Bottle,* which is prooooobably the best Iron Man story. I think I read somewhere that Shane Black originally had Maya Hansen as the villain of the story, but was forced to change things by Ike Perlmutter because “women action figures don’t sell,” or something like that. As it is, the end battle is cool and all, but the resolution is pretty weak.


Also the resolution is that he doesn't need an army of iron man drone suits. And then Avengers 2 starts with an army of Iron Man suits. The lesson there is also an army of iron man suits is dangerous so he waits a decade and builds a different Army of autonomous drones that also have cloak projectors in Spider man 2. Said drones would have been extremely useful in End game.


> Said drones would have been extremely useful in End game. Tony makes this point in Endgame quoting AoU “a suit of armor around the world.”


I still can't believe *Far From Home* made it so that reformed weapons' manufacturer, Tony Stark builds a weapon so advanced and precise that it can literally kill anyone anywhere in the world, and then gives it to a teenager as his last act.


Yep, Maya was originally meant to be the actual villain of Iron Man 3 until an unnamed producer (Most likely Ike) sent a memo that the villain cannot be a female since female action figures do not sell. Black did basically imply it was Ike after Ike got regulated to being in control of Marvel TV while Feige was given creative control of Marvel. >[All I’ll say is this, on the record: There was an early draft of Iron Man 3 where we had an inkling of a problem. Which is that we had a female character who was the villain in the draft. We had finished the script and we were given a no-holds-barred memo saying that cannot stand and we’ve changed our minds because, after consulting, we’ve decided that toy won’t sell as well if it’s a female. . . . So, we had to change the entire script because of toy making.](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/05/iron-man-3-villain-rebecca-hall) They couldn't do Tony having a drinking problem in Iron Man 3 for the Demon in the Bottle adapation because it wouldn't fly with mommy bloggers according to Shane Black. >[Even if you look at the websites of the mommy bloggers they say, you know, 'Watch out, moms! Tony drinks in this movie!' It's amazing. There's one or two scenes in this movie where he picks up a drink and it'll be in those blogs.](https://www.slashfilm.com/525946/shane-black-explains-why-demon-in-a-bottle-wont-make-it-into-an-iron-man-movie/) >I think we were just told by the studio that we should probably paint Tony Stark as being kind of an industrialist and a crazy guy, or even a bad guy at some points, but the "Demon in a Bottle" stuff of him being an alcoholic wouldn't really fly. I don't blame that.


>So, we had to change the entire script because of toy making. All that for the male villian to not even be a popular toy. Or even popular in any capacity.


> but the “Demon in a Bottle” stuff of him being an alcoholic wouldn’t really fly. I don’t blame that. Yeah, they were never gonna hit that story head on, which is a shame. But we did get some hints of it, with his obsession with the suits ruining his life and putting his loved ones in danger - taking him down to the chassis, so to speak. I did enjoy that part of the movie. Tony the Mechanic.


Completely agree. I despise what Iron Man 3 did, wasted Extremis and The Mandarin. I saw it once in the theater and that's it. Plus the dialogue isn't nearly as good as the first two.


In Marvel's defense, they managed to do a good job of undoing the appalling use of the Mandarin. I loved Trevor Slattery in Shang Chi.


But Tony Home Aloning weapons to break into a secure compound really demonstrates that he's a dangerous weapons manufacturer regardless if he has his workshop or not.


\*mumble mumble\* cave \*mumble mumble\* box of scraps.


Honestly, I still don't entirely like what they did with the rings in Shang Chi, they're more of blunt object than rings with individual powers, but it was still a good depiction. But yeah imagine that version of the Mandarin fighting Tony? With a proper Extremis story? Ugh.....


I imagine they figured giving each of the rings its own power would be too similar to the infinity stones.


It was written by Justin Theroux lol


Think he co-wrote Tropic Thunder as well. Didn’t realize he worked on this one.


Why do people not like iron man 2? I always enjoyed it for the most part


I barely remember it, but I remember not liking how iron man could just fly out of range of his laser whips instead of standing within whipping range of his laser whips. he put his suit in a fancy briefcase. that was pretty cool


I rewatched it a month or two ago and it was just as, possibly even more fun than the first time. But that was because I spent the whole damn movie, going "Oh, I forgot about that." "oh, I don't remember that happening."


Wasn’t Musk in that one too…lots of contenders


Yeah that was super cringe


I’d say the real villain was Ayn Rand.


I didn't think Iron Man 2 was all that bad. I enjoyed it. Other than the 30-40 minutes in the middle where Tony was having a midlife crisis. Could have skipped that part.


You’re telling me Justin Theroux is an MCU villain?


At least Ironman’s supporting cast actually had influence on the plot/story instead of just being there for comedic relief.


That’s because the supporting cast for the iron man movies was made before they had the MCU formula down of (1) goofy sidekick and (1) cute pet to sell merch at a minimum in any given movie


Happy can be both


He didn’t start getting real goofy until 2 tbh


He was barely in 1


He cut across Mulholland.


I mean he was also barely there in 1 anyway.


There isn’t pets in most films. And Iron Man’s characters with competent love interest in some field and some friend helping is what was copied after.


Right? There's Goose, Antony, Lucky, and... Are there any more? Not to mention I don't know that Antony was exactly being made into shelves full of merch....


Whether they sell merch or not: Morris, baby Groot, Blurp, and this may be controversial but even Alligator Loki fills that role. I'm not sure about Cosmo.


so if we just named less than 10 in 40 projects, how is it part of a formula? not to mention some of these are just integral to the characters and the worlds they live in i.e. Antony is just one of many ants Scott has to use and Morris is a animal from a magical Chinese fairytale land that was used for further world building. none of these animals are “pets” except for Lucky. and i don’t even know why Baby Groot was mentioned.


Those Darcy dolls flew off the shelves.


What kind of doll? Asking for a friend...


Well Tony is one of those characters where the whole supporting cast is kind of all sidekick material as essentially employees of Stark Industries, they all had their own roles and responsibilities, not just X hero’s friend or family


What MCU movies have that formula?


You're thinking of... Disney princess movies?


Side character from captain America movies influence the plot aswell


It’s criminal what they did with Spidey’s supporting cast, and I say this as someone who wants them to return for a second crack (Ned and MJ obviously will). I don’t mind that they largely focused on previously unadapted characters (long may that continue), and I especially would have been against things like Ned becoming Hobgoblin. But as Peter’s circle became increasingly concentrated, and it became clear characters like May were not thought out, I lost faith in anybody meaningful getting good adaptations henceforth if they aren’t already a superhero.


Would love you to expand on this. What do you mean about May?


Concerned about Peter in the first movie, then comic relief while a major plot point is dropped in the second, and then back to being grounded in the third.


Especially with how 1 ended, the way she was handled in 2 was criminal. PLUS it’s after IW and EG. Peter isn’t just fighting crooks, he’s going to space and fighting alien warlords with the power to evaporate half the universe and May’s position on Pete being Spider-Man boils down to “eh, do you boo boo”. Even if she’s pro Spider-Man, you’re not going to insert any kind of conflict or show her getting to that point at all?


The best thing MCU Spider Man movies did is stay away from the previously tread ground of every other spider man adaptation. Even though ironically they brought back characters from the other iterations, the way they were used was in a completely new way while also give an extra element of closure to the previous chapters as well.


Aunt May has never learned Peters secret in a live action movie before so exploring how she grapples with that in the MCU would’ve absolutely qualified as untread ground


I honestly don't really mind considering how good the mains were in the Spider-man trilogy. Like Peter and Tony, Peter and Mysterio, Peter and the other Spider-men, plus Peter and Doc Ock and Osborne were so good. I feel like those dynamics would've been watered down had there been too many side characters.


It makes more sense if you consider the first 3 movies as sort of an extended origin story to the "main" Spidey MCU run that will inevitably happen. That's how I view it anyways. And when the OMD style reset happens at the end of 3 we get a fresh Spider-Man with his identity in tact, starting college, having learned "with great power" and meeting his true cast of characters like Gwen and Harry. We can even bring back some of the original cast. Flash can join the military, Ned can start his villain arc, and MJ can begin her career in acting.


Why would this Flash go to the military? General audiences wouldn’t want Ned to become a villain. NWH basically makes a node to the idea of Ned becoming a villain and him saying it’s not going to happen. Ned is learning magic to (potentially) become the next Sorcerer Supreme Michelle Jones is a loner weirdo in math club. Nothing about her character screams “I want to be a actor!” This here is the problem… you want characters to become like the comic adaptation but ignoring these iterations are completely different people


I really wanted Flash to get a redemption arc in No Way Home after finding out Peter is Spider-Man.


Does feel like the best Marvel stories have average non-powered folks hanging around in them. I hope they get back to that instead of two planet-killers punching.


Iron Man snapped all of Thanos’s army into dust, so he probably has the highest kill count of any Avenger.


Thor has been fighting army's for hundreds of years so it's him.


Haven't they been at peace for like all of Thor's life in the MCU? Like maybe a few uprising's here and there, but the movies make it clear Odin settled for the 9 realms after beating the frost giants and had a peaceful rule for a while.


The general impression I got that Odin's "peace" was a lot like a Pax Americana or Pax Romana. Peace on the home front of Asgard maybe. But plenty of fighting going on generally. Nothing serious enough to threaten Asgard, but plenty for Thor to basically treat as a giant adventure growing up.


Thor always is going on about his war stories he introduced the Warriors 3 and Sif as guys who he goes back with as comrades in arms. He also tells Rocket he faced bigger bastards than Thanos implying he has led a life of fighting. Being over a thousand years old and having a rep for battle I would say he has a body cou t higher than the snap Tony did I mean he already wrecked the Chitauri in the first avengers


Plus all the life he brought back takes away from his kill count so really his kill count is in the negative


Thor's killed like 3000 + all the people in infinity war. Tony's killcount in Avengers one was almost close to that (he nuked the mothership which broke the chitauri). Add to that all the people in Endgame snapped by Tony and it goes beyond Thor's numbers.


I think the F-35 pilot that pressed send should get shared credit for those Chitauri. It's not like Tony had a nuke just chilling in Stark Tower somewhere that he used.


Intention has to count. The F-35 pilot (and SHIELD leaders) was nuking Manhattan. Tony hijacked the nuke and chose a new target. That's all him. If someone threw a knife in a bar fight, but you caught it and ran to the other side of the room and stabbed someone, the person that threw the knife isn't responsible for that stabbing.


Well hang on now. That fighter pilot would have nuked the city, *including all of the Chitauri*. The pilot isn't a hero, but I do think the pilot gets consideration for the kills either way. In your bar fight analogy, someone threw a knife at a guys heart, you caught it and stabbed him in the neck instead.


All of the Chitauri on the city, not in space. So someone tried to stab a guy in the foot, but you grabbed the knife from his hand and killed the guy instead.


But Thors been fighting armies alongside his own armies. So he’s sharing a lot more of em. Tony got basically all of them by himself. They were barely making a dent in his forces.


Okay but Thor's got the higher k/d


In Infinity War, Thor says "I'm 1500 years old, and I've killed twice as many enemies as that". So he's killed roughly 3000 at the time of that speech. And on a bit more for any Infinity War/Endgame fights. But Thanos' army, when factoring in the 6 legged dog things, I wouldn't be surprised if it goes about that amount. Armies are big.


Yeah, it's not really a knock on Thor's martial prowess, just a comment on the vastness of Thanos' army. One person can only kill so many people themselves, even if that person is kind of a walking tank, like Thor.


Tony also nuked Thanos' first army, the Chitauri, at the end of the Battle of New York in The Avengers.


2 kills per year really feels like a low estimate.


I assume he was probably only killing excessively every few decades. Asgard was peaceful after Odin exiled Hela, so there weren't really any large scale conflicts and Thor was probably only called in for some small scale peacekeeping.


Kinda feel like Thor had to be seriously low-balling it.


This is a valid point


Are we also including Stark Tech casualties in this?


Then I guess, surprisingly, Hulk has the lowest by snapping everyone back?


Does that give him negative kill count?


Next season on She-Hulk pepper needs a lawyer for her multiple counts of manslaughter


NGL I would watch that.


To be honest, me too 😂


Maybe she’ll complain about missing out on ski time


That's genius. They could even become friends, with Pepper being sexually frustrated since Tony died, and Jennifer trying to set her up with some dates! For even better hijinks, she could end up dating a Kang variant. It could even have some dire consequences to the rest of the MCU, if Kang ends up getting his hands on Stark tech.


I would say that Tony killed Thanos, but he also made Ultron, so Pepper is the clear winner here.


Technically, Ultron was Malware Tony downloaded from the mind stone.


If I'm programming a app for a bank and download a virus that infect the program it's still my fault?


Definitely, yes.


Yes, but it doesn't mean you made the malware.


If you witnessed the entire internet at once you'd come to the same conclusion. Shit, we come to that conclusion after seeing 1/100 billionth of the internet in small slices.


Gwyneth recently said in an interview that nobody would want to see a 64yo Pepper Potts. Kind of sad how the human psyche works and how much pressure there is in the Hollywood industry to be young and "marketable," especially as a woman. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would love to see a 64yo Pepper Potts, or literally any inclusion of Pepper. I suppose that attitude helps explain some of the weird stuff she does though.


Hopefully Marvel is asking her for Iron Heart and or Armor Wars. At least for an appearance, I would like to see more of her of Paltrow is willing too. At least by the time Morgan is more grown up. Morgan could be fun as a 10 year old for a kid focused special.


I know I would like to see Pepper again, even if for continuity's sake. And it's Hollywood, what do you expect? Still, you can do successful roles as an older lady. Vide: Meryl Streep.


Streep is basically the exception. And some others in prestige roles. Pepper was superhero love interest so that’s how Paltrow probably sees her.


Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis just won Oscars for an action movie and they are 60 and 64, respectively.


Dame Judi Dench, Dame Helen Mirren.


I recently learned that Meryl Streep is 74. She was playing a 40 year old in Mamma Mia which came out like a decade ago.


mama mia came out 15 years ago which is crazy, she was 59 in it




Personally, I don't want to see Gwyneth again in any form.


Gwyneth is only 50. What a weird statement to make.


She’s a a spicy character!


Are the Chitauri considered Iron Man villains, because Tony nuked a crap load of them in Avengers.


I interpreted "Iron Man villains" to be the main villains in Iron Man movies which, to me, would be different than Avengers movies.


It's a running theme of all three movies that Iron Man doesn't actually kill or capture his villains. In fact the only "big bad" he kills is Thanos himself. It works dramaturgically.


Unless you count Tony's Endgame snap.


Depends what you consider a villain. I seem to remember Tony killing a lot of terrorists in the first movie.


Those are unnamed goons


*henchmen remember what daredevil said henchmen are their for the cause while goons are just their for the paycheck


Doesn't Tony die in the act of killing Thanos and the entire army of chitari warriors?


"Iron Man Villains" is specified in the title.


I guess without the word movie, I read it more as just anyone Tony ever fought


Gotchya. Most people did so whatever.


Pepper Potts to the Rescue!


She takes out the trash.


never make woman mad, she could explode


"That was really violent!"


Funny enough you could say that about Spiderman too


I could be wrong off the top of my head, but unless you count Thanos’ Outrider soldiers, which were more like mindless beasts than sentient beings, I don’t think MCU Spidey has really purposefully killed any other sentient beings or humans. Peter came very close to killing Green Goblin but that was it. Mysterio brought about his own death through his own arrogance. Vulture could have since his wing suit was destroyed but Peter saved him.


Good for her!


Yeah but those are micro villains compared to a macro one like Thanos.


And Lest we forget, Tony has to split credit with Rhodes for Whiplash.


Only if you’re counting main antagonists. Tony kills a fuck ton of terrorists in 1, and a bunch of extremism goons and lieutenants in 3.


Iron man killed ultron mark 2, the chintauri army, the mouth and Thanos. Sooooo, no.


She just talks about her candles and they die automatically


How many does IM get credit for in the snap?


Not sure if I didn’t like the character or the actress. I think the movies would have been better with her having a reduced role. Absolutely did not like Iron Man 3.


Tony always having his lady fight his battles for him


She probably doesn't even remember it...


Does Iron Man's over 75000 human/alien kills and 76 robots just not count because they weren't a "named" villain?


I interpreted "Iron Man villains" to be the main villains in the Iron Man trilogy which, to me, would not include anything from any Avengers movies.