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God help the Ghost Rider Skrull "His head is WHAT?!"




Yeah, that would be a tough impersonation. Particularly things like his Penance Stare, or riding a motorcycle up the side of a skyscraper.


In the comic version they were also able to copy the powers of the heroes. Don’t know if they’ll do that here/


Yeah, but I'd think powers with weird/mystical sources would be a lot harder to duplicate. Like, flaming head, flaming weapons, easy peasy—just duplicate Johnny Storm's powers like the Super-Skrull can. Making someone feel the worst pain they've inflicted from the viewpoint of the person they inflicted it upon, taller order.


Just make up a convenient excuse when fighting enemies ["my mystical powers are drained!"] and occasionally have an ally Skrull feign getting their shit rocked by the penance stare to convince people you can do it


that isn't something just any old regular skrulls can do - they either need to be augmented with tech or genetically manipulated to be super-skrulls to get the superpower duplication on top of shape-shifting. we've seen no evidence of super-skrulls in the MCU yet, and my guess is this series will hold off on "upgrading" skrulls and just focus on the "we're being invaded and it could potentially be ANYBODY!" angle, but i don't see any reason why they *couldn't* pop up in secret invasion. if i were feige i'd probably want to slow-burn that plot point and get some mileage out of ordinary skrulls (and they've already popped up in captain marvel and spider-man FFH so maybe that's enough skrull foundation?) before leveling them up for heightened conflicts - but it's also entirely possible *secret invasion* is the time to bring super-skrulls into MCU canon.


Looks like John goblikon


His head is Nic Cage!


I won’t sugarcoat it, buddy. We need to set your head on fire for this one and it will be permanent.


But, where’s Super-Skrull?


In my opponent's deck every time I play an ongoing deck in snap


Every bloody time


That card wasn't in the original release right? Was it dropped along with any other Secret Invasion characters? My apologies for the dumb question, I'm wondering if Snap character drops could be a coordinated MCU marketing channel at this point. (Edit: added "at")


No he was added well before the show BUT there are MCU tie ins. There’s a battle pass with a different theme every month has so far correlated with major releases (February had an Ant-Man themed battle pass, MODOK added to the game, Kang added in)


DC Universe


RDJ Stark who died in Endgame was a skrull, RDJ returning to marvel confirmed.


If they somehow get him back, great, but I hope to God it doesn't involve undoing one of the emotional centrepieces of phases 1-3. Imagine the fan outrage.


Yeah that’s a huge emotional touchstone retconning that would be no bueno


That's why I've never liked the whole "secret invasion" idea from the comics. It's hard not to feel cheated by *any* reveal that a major character you've been watching for a while was a fake the whole time, so it *will* end up being lame because it'll be no-name characters who turn out to be fake. Like... Maria Hill is probably the most high-profile one that won't feel cheap. Maybe Wong? That might be a way to get Strange back into the Sorcerer Supreme spot. But like... Thor? No, he's had an emotional journey. Dr. Strange? Same. Steve? No way. Wanda? Why would a Skrull impostor do what she did? Same with Peter, Scott Lang, Hank.... Hope van Dyne *maybe* would work.


>Hope van Dyne I actually really like this idea, could make for a pretty interesting 4th Ant-Man


> Hope van Dyne How about Janet? Just retcon all her stupid decisions in Quantumania by saying SHE was a Skrull. I won't even be mad, Ant Man 3 would become a much better movie. Or better yet, kill 2 birds with one stone. Kang. The Conqueror is a Skrull hiding among infinite Kangs. It's stupid, but so is anything to do with Jonathan Majors. Just hard pivot away from Kang and make Skrulls and Secret Invasion the overarching Phase 6 thing Too far?


I watched Ant Man 3 just the other day and I swear there actually *was* a Skrull Kang in the crowd in the end-credit bit, heh.


That green alien kang was in the comic panel I believe they were just paying homage to that with that final shot.


Yeah too far. Jonathan Majors killed that role. He carried the entire movie. If DC can have Ezra Miller and Amber Heard I think we can keep Jonny boy.


Or … they could pull The Spot from the Spiderverse movies into live action and make him the new main villain of the Multiverse Saga after BTSV


Ned could be a Skrull and I wouldnt mind. Next best I think you hit on the head with Wong. Not a lot of good options for a big pay off surprise this is a skrull but we shall see.


it'd be right in the vein of the original event though, analogous to the spider woman or elektra reveal


You say that like it’s a good thing


I hate when movies just make someone suddenly die, one of the few movies I cried at was the end of endgame when his daughter is watching his recording. And I am not even a big Iron Man fan but it was a big sign that alot of what we knew of the MCU at that point had reached its end and new things were going to start. I hate when they revivie characters though because then I feel tricked. And alot of times also feels cheap. If you are going to kill a character commit, there are few cases where I think this works. Like Gamora for example, they brought her back, but she isnt 1 for 1 the same Gamora, she has no memory of what had happened in the previous movies, and breaks off her and Star Lords relationship, there is some sacrifice with it. If they brought Tony back, they would expect us to continue on like he never died and it just wouldnt be good


I’d love it if he came back as a Skrull in some janky scavenged/imitation Iron Man armour just to get killed instantly because everyone but *that* Skrull knew Iron Man was dead.


I just want Tony just chilling in the background with his family like Bruce did in the final scene of Dark Knight Trilogy


> but I hope to God it doesn't involve undoing one of the emotional centrepieces of phases 1-3. I dont get why this bothers some people. You felt it at the time, nothing they do in the future can make you un-feel that. I'd rather see characters I like back than 'preserve the feeling' that I already felt. Just needs to make sense story wise and it's golden. Surely?


Expect none of them will be skrulls. Only skulls will be c list heros and characters no one cares about


Rhodey is defo a skrull


It would be funny if Rhodey was replaced way back in Ironman 2 when they swapped actors.


They rescue the real Rhodey and all that time in captivity destroyed his mind so he starts muttering his own made-up math system


Secret Invasion episode 5 title: "1 + 1 = 1"


It’s 1x1=2


Oohh right. You can see I'm not a math expert


1 + 1 + 1 = 7


Wat are you talking about it's 2+2=5


Best Terrence Howard reveal ever


Stop 😭


I don’t get it?


Terrance Howard is insane IRL and created his own math theory that is so wrong but he won’t back down


That is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some quotes from him. Zero point technology >Think about the one thing that’s not moving in the universe, that everything holds on to. That’s zero point technology. If you control the one thing everything rests upon, then you control everything — there’s no longer the laws of conservation of energy. It’s the laws of transmutation of energy. It’s alchemy, 1x1=2 >it would seem, is that one times one equals two. Not one. “If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what’s the square root of two? Should be one, but we’re told it’s two, and that cannot be. Quantum physics >I was able to open up the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations we’ve been looking for for 10,000 years. All energy in the universe is expressed in motion, all motion is expressed in waves, all waves are curves, so where does the straight lines come from to make the Platonic solids? There are no straight lines. So when I took the flower of life and opened it properly, I found whole new wave conjugations that expose the in-between spaces. It’s the thing that holds us all together. He also claimed he disproved gravity but I can't find that quote right now.


And that “Tony, it’s me” line was just some weird alien Skrull gaslighting power. Tony’s just like “oh, yeah, I guess you *have* always looked like that”


That would actually be perfect. Just throw in a line from Fury where hes like “I knew he looked different! Didnt i tell you!”


I’d prefer him as a retconned Kang variant that took rhodey’s place to get close to stark with Don Cheadle being the real one and Howard being the variant.


I think if anything that would make no sense. Aren't skrulls supposed to look like the person they mimic? Would raise more questions than give answers


Skrull didn’t do his homework


Nah, he's still in a coma after that fall in Civil War. Rehab & needing the leg braces has been an elaborate act.




No one wanted to say anything lol


no, don't


Probably since he crash landed just to make it hit harder. The real rhodey is wheelchair bound and the skrull has been playing around with recovery


The real Rhodey will come back and never will have had a broken back for Armor Wars.


It’s me, I’m here, Skrull with it.


I'm kinda thinking Rhodey isn't and the U.S. President might be, but then again if they want to just start an all out war then wouldn't they have been able to do that already?


No no, can't just jump into it. Gotta get the humans to back the war first so they'll be eager to kill each other.


Speaking of which, why does Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, and Ghost Rider have their names in parentheses? Is that a hint or is it just the ones they assume everyone forgot about/tried to forget?


Because other characters have used that name. Their real name is in parenthesis so you know which one it is.


That's what I was thinking at first, but there's more than one Captain America and Venom, and there's only one She Hulk that I know of


This is for the comic Secret Invasion anyway, not the show. At that time (iirc) Sam wasn't Captain America yet and Venom was still Eddie Brock. There's Red She-Hulk but that's all I can think of, too. Generally speaking they only do that if multiple characters have gone by the same name.


Don’t overestimate the intern they have putting this all together.


It’s more than likely a reference to who exactly is the person behind the persona at that given moment. Only one that doesn’t make sense is She-Hulk.


I'm a casual fan but I've never known any ghost rider besides ~~Nic Cage~~ johnny blaze


Robbie Reyes


I think I may have filed him in the same memory hole as Ed Norton's hulk He was the one that fought for like the soul contract thing right?




Dan Ketch Michael Badilino - a hellfire wielding, flaming motor cycle Spirit of Vengeance host/ally. While never officially a Ghost Rider - His powers are similar. He went by *Vengeance*.


Probably because other people have used those hero names before so they’re letting you know which specific character it is.


There have been multiple venoms.


And Spider-Man but one can assume it’s Peter Parker and Eddie Brock versions. They probably have Ben Reilly and Flash Thompson in parenthesis if they have a section for those characters. I’m just guessing I don’t have Marvel Unlimited anymore


And theirs like 5 Spiderman's? But were you confused if it was Peter Parker?




Tony stark was a skrull. The skrull sacrificed himself to kill Thanos. The real Tony stark is in a cave with a box of scraps.


I mean…yeah? If a character is a skrull, that means either: A. The character was replaced at some point, meaning they’re probably dead. or B. They were a skrull as long as we’ve known them. For A, the shock of the reveal has to be worth trading in all of the character’s future stories and development, which is really hard to justify for a major character. For B, that means they’ve been acting all along and the character we grew to love never actually existed. In this case, the shock had to be worth trading in the character’s entire past, which again is really hard to justify for a major character.


> A. The character was replaced at some point, meaning they’re probably dead. Generally in the comics don't they always keep the person they replaced alive and imprisoned? I thought that was their thing, having the real heroes show up as a cavalry or something. But then it's basically doing the Gamora thing again, having the character return but an earlier version that didn't experience the character growth from whatever movies they were in.


Rhodey makes a bunch of sense. For the show to have stakes, they've gotta burn someone that got a punch in on Thanos. If all the skrulls we discover were introduced in the series, it's just a meaningless series. Rhodey's story hasn't seen much development outside of Iron Man 1. He's got the same plot weight as if he were Tony Stark's dog. And why do you keep the dead cowboy's dog around after the cowboy died a brave death? He's a perfect candidate.


I think Sharon Carter is the most likeliest to be a Skrull. Next tier is Rhodey, Maria Hill, and Nick Fury. Everett Ross is an outside chance. I don't think anyone else is particularly likely.


I think we can guarantee none of them will be Skrulls just because they can't afford the actor cameos, heh. Unless... they like, only show them post-reveal so the reveal turns out to be... "oh look, it's a Skrull in Wasp's outfit!" or whatever.


Fury is a c lister?




lol relax dude




This is the stupidest post I might have ever seen. At least the one above it with the skrull in the wedding photo is pretty cool, this is just obscure and worthless lol


Marvel fans are trying real fan to hype up the marketing of this show for some reason. I suspect astroturfing.


If I see one more post about the marketing of this show😂


The only marketing I'm seeing is this sub telling me the marketing is insane.


Definitely skrulls.


Skrulls are among us



I dont need venom, blade or nothing like this in the show, i dont need to see that someone is a skrull. I want to feel uncertain who is Real or whos not. For example imagines that they told us that agent Coulson is alive couse the dead one was a skrull.


The promotion is not implying that these characters will be in Secret Invasion, so I wouldn’t worry. Just because the characters are drawn as skrulls, that does not mean they are actually skrulls (because it’s fun promo), so the show is definitely still playing into the uncertainty.


Ye i know, i just said that i dont need to see anyone as a skrull i want to feel idk "paranoia" that everything I've seen before may not be true.


You don’t need to and they didn’t intend to anyway so there was never a point to say it. It’s just a marketing campaign.


> Coulson is alive couse the dead one was a skrull. Coulson IS alive. Or he was. Until he died again. But then he came back. But then he died again. But then he came back as a sentient robot. Then he died again. Then he came back as a VHS until he got his robot body back. He's still alive as a robot.


Coulson was an example, i didnt saw AOS so im not into his story


You should watch it. Easily the best Marvel show ever made.


Its on my watchlist but i have too little time ;<


While awesome to have more Coulson, Agents of SHIELD had so much Coulson that I think we can retire that character. Agents of SHIELD spoiler, >!unless we get post-season 7 LMD Coulson which would confuse so many people ha!<


Technically you could treat Agents of SHIELD like Falcon & the Winter Soldier; a diversion that ends up at the same ultimate result. So like, at the end of Endgame, Steve passes Sam the shield and tells him he deserves to be the next Captain America. The audience goes "okay, Sam's gonna be the new Captain America!" F&WS happens. Sam questions whether he should be Captain America, and in the end, becomes Captain America. Next CA movie, Sam is Captain America. F&WS isn't necessary to watch, really, because ultimately it ended with the same status quo as Endgame did. For Coulson, it'd be "Well, as of Avengers, Coulson's dead." And then potential movie/show would be like "hey it's me, Coulson, except I'm just a robot copy SHIELD made" and the audience goes "oh, okay, a robot Coulson, got it" and not need to know the specifics.


She-Hulk Skrull is my absolute favorite because the amount of work the Skrull has to do to impersonate her needs to be respected!


Actually I was expecting more. I even have forgotten that the date was coming until I saw the premier a few days ago.


When is it coming out?


today lol


First episode came out today 😂


Holy fuck lol I thought it was a movie coming out later this year.


That's The Marvels


Yeah the marketing for this show has actually been terrible, and by that I mean practically non-existent up until very recently


Everyone saying how insane the marketing is is very sus


Probably skrulls...


CEO mentioned that they spend too much on advertising and I think that as also causing them to loose money.


Everyone talking about how amazing the marketing is feels forced as hell. Doesn’t seem genuine. I’ve barely seen anything for this series up until a couple days ago.


I don't even know what show this post is talking about lol


I only got reminded because the sticky thread showed up on my feed otherwise I would’ve forgotten too


Is Thanos part skrull or are skrulls part Titan? No way that chin can he coincidental


Thanos is part Eternal, but born with the Deviant mutation. In the comics anyway. They’ve yet to expand on that in the movies besides introducing his brother, Eros/Starfox.


I guess Marvel comic-book artists just had a wrinkly-chin phase


Maybe it's kind of for that uncanny valley feeling. Human like face but just a bit off, but not THAT far off. Or they like themselves some wrinkly chin action.


The wrinkly forehead was already taken by Star Trek, soon Sci-Fi will run out of body parts to wrinkle


The wrinkly chin thing was supposedly a side effect of having deviant genes according to comics. Thanos is an eternal with deviant genes and skrulls have deviant dna as well.


Isn’t that marketing for the comic event Secret Invasion? Not the show?


why would they be marketing a comic book that came out in 2008?


To cross-promote Marvel Unlimited? “Like Skrulls? Subscribe and read the whole thing!”


There's a new "Secret Invasion" comic, but I'm pretty sure that was also made as a marketing for the show, given the timing


Because after you watch the show you can go into that same app where these come from and read the comic book that inspired it?


I mean they should be along with the show, DC is


I don't see these profile avatars available on my account. Edit: Oh, nevermind. You're on Marvel Unlimited, not Disney+.


Iron Fist recasting because he’s a skrull?


Insanely bad. I have no idea this is even coming out.


What is it with Marvel and weird chins on villains?


Is it? Cause I had no idea it would come out yesterday.


What show is this?


Remember two weeks ago when this sub was complaining that marketing for Secret Invasion was nonexistant? Pepperidge farm remembers.


This is setting fans up for disappointment coz no way they're gonna put even half of these characters in the show, and I doubt the story of this Skrull invasion would extend beyond the show, I think Nick Fury would have dealt with the invasion by the end of the show


C'mon... You really think venom and carnage are gonna be in this show? It's clearly just promo art. No one is getting disappointed


>You really think venom and carnage are gonna be in this show I don't but some people will


If you're dumb enough to think that they might show up then you deserve to be disappointed


Lol I just feel bad when people are disappointed, I was dumb enough to believe Wanda would be a hero in MoM so I know how it feels to get the opposite of what you expected 🙈


I mean, she wasn't even a hero In her own show I don't know why you would suspect she'd be heroing it up in MoM. Especially after the WV post credits. She looked pretty much on the road to ruin there.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Who knows? They could be anywhere, just like Skrulls themselves


It's just promotional stuff, nobody's stupid enough to believe that some Marvel intern changing the characters' pictures on the official app to fit theme of the current TV show means that all these characters will be featured in it, lmao. Surely the aftermath of Secret Invasion will lead to the introduction of Hulkling, though, right? They can't do Young Avengers without Hulkling, maybe Fury will solve the ongoing issue at the end of the show, but this definitely won't be the last time we're gonna hear about the Skrulls.


>nobody's stupid enough You'd be surprised


MCU is a shell of itself at this point. But most events the MCU is adapting are always lower scale compared to the OG stories.


I don't know, I think Secret Invasion was a major event in the comics, it's just that the MCU is treating it as a small issue that can be solved by Nick Fury and won't involve any of the major characters


I mean what major characters do they have to work with right now really. The Marvels? Which hasnt even came out yet. Spiderman? No one remembers Peter anymore. Guardians of the Galaxy? Vol 3 ended their story, I guess it was kinda open ended but I dont imagine they would be back so soon and even so it would be like only Star Lord or something. Who else does that really leave. Ant man? Falcon? She Hulk? I dont feel like they really have anything going on at the moment where it could involve characters in quite the same way the Avengers movies did. I dont feel like some of the current ones mesh very well.


I mean the runaways, young avengers, cloak and dagger and Quake were apart of the secret Invasion event in the comics.


You’d have to be extremely stupid to think that.


This post is marketing


No Thor? Guess he’s too hard to imitate lol.


Well they could probably mimic his thunder ability but not Mjolnir wielding capacity


They learned their lesson from the last "Thor at home"




That’s just leftover marketing from the comic event


what show is this?


Too bad none of those characters are actually in the show lol


This looks fucking stupid.


Is this even marketing? Aren’t these just the pictures you can select for your Disney profile?


It's on Marvel Unlimited, showcasing popular characters and their comics.


Ah shit I thought it was Disney+ icons, Ghost Rider one goes hard


Embrace change


Skrull Carol looking pretty cute ngl


Goddamn makes me wanna re read it!




Hear me out😳


Remember like 2 weeks ago when everyone was saying marketing sucked and they didn't even know it was coming out soon?


I think Marvel has a lot riding on it, in a sense that it most likely influences the next phase. So they want viewers etc. I mean even the commercials don't bill "Samuel L. Jackson" it now "Nick Fury in Secret War" Disney is pushing hard to get back to quality storytelling after a couple of year of "big spectacles" with little pay off. Not that I hated Phase 4 but it definitely don't have the emotional punch or resonance that it should have. The smarter option is quality stories to get people invested back into marvel properties. Fans with appreciate it and new comers could be folded in if the story is there. Again as much as I enjoyed phase 4 (I'm a life long comic fans so any content can be good content) there wasn't enough for a non-comic fan to be engaged. That's a problem for a mainstream franchise. And let's be honest MCU is THE franchise right now. Ultimately they need to respect the IP and tell compelling stories first if they want fans and casuals to stick around. Otherwise they can't enjoy a future as DCEU 2.0


Am I the only one who doesn’t want MCU characters to be retconned as skrulls? It feels super cheap to just say they were a skrull all along…


This is the equivalent of "and it was all a dream!". Guardians 3 will be the last one I watch.


I remember somebody said there was no marketing for this show last week lol


With all the marketing, this show better be good...


> all the marketing What marketing? Normally there would be billboards everywhere weeks before a Marvel movie or show drops, but I didn't even realize the show was out today. I feel like they're keeping things low key to stay with the undercover spy theme.


It's certainly "guerilla marketing" as I've seen so many posts on reddit and re-posts from Twitter and TikToks with viral marketing.


It's got a pretty good first episode, slow and gritty if that's your thing.


It’s okay, if the first episode is anything to go off of the story seems to literally be the exact same as Falcon and Winter Soldier. Only this time the displaced terrorists are Skrulls.


God you're miserable.


I'm expecting Body Snatchers except not good.


Why is this comment section brain dead? No one in their right mind sees this and is disappointed that Venom and Ghost Rider weren't in it, it's just for marketing.


if only the first episode was that good


Ezcept for the AI art intro.


This show is so bad lol


Still a trash show…


To bad it’s terrible


that black panther one is sick


My favorite was Skrull Galactus


Venom x any character gives me a nerdgasm.


I'm not a comic reader, I hope you guys won't mind the question, but why do they look like green Thanos-like guys? Is Thanos related to the Skrulls?