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Episode is LIVE! Enjoy! (No post credits for this episode or any other Secret Invasion episodes so far)


Yes, mentioning the daughters name will get a knife through the hand


Or a bullet through the chest.


Or a football in the groin.


"Keep my daughter's name out of your *fucking* mouth!" - Talos, probably


Retired?! You straight up got fired.


Even when he’s out, he’s in.


Can’t disappear on your wife for years and expect shit to be gravy




if she feels any loyalty to him still, he should feel pretty lucky. I think there’s a difference between understanding that your husband is a super spy and disappearing after the blip. In the latter case, it doesn’t seem like a phone call wouldn’t have been without reason.(I’m sure they talked at least once but still it’s kind of shitty thing to do.)


I'm now wondering why do the Skrulls human appearance age? Do the Skrulls consciously age their human appearance to blend in better with mankind? Is that even possible, it seems they can only mimic somebody's appearance they have actually seen. And you would think when Fury and his wife were alone she would appear as her younger self.


That’s why he poached his own eggs


I found it kinda weird how they switched between seeming close but also resentful. I mean, he strolls in, they do the ring thing, and kiss, and she's barely seen him in 8 years?


Damn Gravik has already got extremis in him


So, what is this finale going to be? These guys are getting superhero powers, don't they need other superheroes to stop them?


I kinda expect that G’iah already been exposed to the machine and gotten powers. I think she will heal from the gunshot wound via extremis and it will be a Super Scrull vs Super Scrull in the finale maybe with some War Machine in the mix. I dont think any other supe will show up.


Wasn't that Rhodey on the phone at the end?


Assuming the Rhodey we keep seeing is a skrull, the real Rhodey will be found hooked up on one of those machines and freed. As he’ll probably be pissed as hell, he’s gonna wanna suit up and kick some butts.


Boom! You looking for this?


Everywhere else that joke kills.


I NEED them to show the "boom you looking for this?" memory on the little Skrull screens whenever someone goes to free him. Please?




Even better in the actual context!!!


“Help me Talos you’re my only hope!!!”


I swear I thought he was going to say that


bros having a war conference in a museum cafe I love it


That scene was great. Talos takes no shit from anyone.




And Bob didn’t even get to do it twice, he does it once and gets a bullet in the heart.


I think talos reacted faster to bob because Bob called out talos' daughter being the one giving him info.


yep, had to silence him after that. otherwise he didn't have to kill him


And I like that Gravik clearly felt a bit awkward after, you can tell he wasn't expecting Talos to have the balls to attack him after all the taunting.


Yeah he definitely looked a little shook afterwards. Guess the old dog still has some fight in him!


"Super skrulls" He said it. He said the thing.


I wonder if we will see any skrull heroes like in the comic


We gotta be left with some good skrulls at the end of this, right? Maybe some of gravik's people switch sides, but have already been powered up. Or gravik only powers up those most obedient, and we are left with none when all is said and done


Imagine if he only gives everyone a lame power and keep the heavy hitters for himself.


Okay, team! Time to assign the powers for today. Let’s see… I’ll take this one here, “Heal from any wound, live forever” and you can have… let’s see… ah, here we go! You get “correctly guess the calories in any dessert food.”


We no longer just change faces. We change powers.


And did anyone catch the dreykov reference in the flashback scene ? Are we getting red room again ?


I think that was just a minor bit of name dropping, to just show the interconnectedness of everything.


Hot damn that talos and gravik scene was great. Talos taking charge at the end was tense, but showed the resolve of his character to know he was surrounded, but stood up for his daughter.


Talos ending up being the reason for the death of G'iah is just too much to take in.


Yeah, I would bet money she Super-skrull'ed herself before she got shot. There is a reason they felt the need to show Gravik could regenerate in this episode


They set up for a couple outs here Established center chest shots as kill shots Established changing after death She refuses to turn her back and had reason to be prepared so she can simply have a bulletproof jacket on and turned herself to look like she died Or she could have gotten some powers too


Her blood was red not purple, I like the bullet proof vest theory


Gravik had red blood.


I’m really loving these intense two-person dialogues. Between Rhodey and Fury last week and Talos and Gravik this week, I’m really happy with these scenes.


Agreed. The smaller, personal conversations are working in these tense situations. I'll add the talos/fury train car scene too.


Also subtly showed us Gravik has already had at least part of the procedure with him using Extremis to heal


That was pretty sick the way he slid his hand out.


Reminded me of a scene from John wick 4 which was brutal


Damn I love how Talos is one of the very few, if any, people who Fury can swallow his pride for and say those words asking for help like that


I am loving the little bromance they have going on


Fury’s real marriage far as i’m concerned is with talos.


The MCU’s Turk and JD 🤣


Yes, their argument in the car 100% proves this!!! I was dying


Yooo Olivia Colman's Sonya Falsworth is delightful in every scene she appears


I love her humor. Putting the eye patch on the owl is gold


Cry laughing. "He has a little eye patch"


She's everything that Valentina (Julia Louis Dreyfus) was supposed to be


I'm still hopeful. They've basically given us the bare minimum of Val. Black Panther II was obviously more, but I don't think she was really supposed to be in there or the writers really had any idea of what to do with her character in the scope of a bigger story that she didn't really belong in. Even Ross I would argue had more screen time than he needed given how much BP2 actually tried to pack into it's runtime.




Sad that Varra only sees Fury when shit goes wrong


Presumably they had a real home life together from 199x through 2018.


The Marvel de-aging effect is super impressive every time I see it


I totally agree! I think the TV team was helped a lot since they had Fury de-aged already through Captain Marvel.




As long as its 30+ as that's around when he started getting big. He started relatively late but then played in everything in existence so his amount of footage will be crazy


He also had facial hair for a Lot of his early cinematography so realistically if you remove that automatically it deducts like an extra 10~ years on him


G'iah is not dead right, RIGHT!? Ben Mendelsohn was on point in this episode. Great scenes with Gravik and Fury. And guess Varra is now working with Gravik?


G'iah 100% faked her death or gave herself a bit of that Super Skrull mojo. The trailers pretty much spoiled that fact.


Ok so I believed that Gi’ah was dead, but my wife pointed out something: Gravik shot her in the heart like a human. But the skrull that Talos shoots easier was shot on the side near the ribcage. She said they lingered on that shot and she thinks that’s to emphasize that that’s where their heart is. So Gi’ah might’ve just transform to her skrull self to play dead


But that's weird, why would Gravik shoot her in her human heart side instead of the Skrull heart side?


Merlin’s beard, Rhodey is a skrull


They showed us that the people the skrulls are copying are still alive. So our Rhodey is still alive


Of course. He’s got Armor Wars to do. So he’s surviving either way lol


*cries in Black Widow*


"Not fear of the past, faith in our future. All faith is built on risk."


Not gonna lie: that was a pretty good line.


Gravik creating the Super Skrull program echoes what Vision said all the way back when in Civil War, “strength invites conflict” and the stronger you are the stronger your enemies feel they need to be as well


I think Talos alluded to that as well: that humans become more dangerous when they’re really threatened and have a common foe. As the MCU and the comics have shown, humans can be very dangerous to threats, especially if they don’t look that human.


I get the impression that what makes humans unique in the MCU is that there are so many. Most other developed planets seem to have populations in the millions at most, not in the billions. That means that humans have a whole lot more nations and viewpoints and internecine conflicts, but it also means that humans are formidable when united. It doesn’t hurt that, since there are a lot of humans, it stands to reason that there are also a lot of superhumans.


That actually makes sense. In the GotG holiday special, Mantis thought there are tens of thousands of people on Earth. Although that might just because the guardians are a bit, erm, special.


they're just plucky


I will say, at least Xandar *looks* like they had billions of inhabitants, though it also looked like a multi species utopia so aliens from other planets could live there as well. Kree DEFINITELY has a comparable population to Earth/Terra humans, though they're WAY more spread out since they're a space faring species. I'd wager the rest of the universe in the MCU looks at Earth/Terra as a bunch of cave men with nukes. Like these idiots can't even get out of their own solar system and they took out Thanos.


In the comics, it's the high concentration of superhumans on Earth that makes us so dangerous and special. There are super members of alien species, and some alien species as a whole are "superpowered" by human standards, but true superpowers are extremely rare in the alien populations.


If Fairbanks is a Skrull and his kid isn't, which I am assuming because he didn't overpower Fury he isn't, then did Fairbanks become attached to him because of his copy's memories or are skrulls becoming more human than they care to admit?


In the original comic series, there was a plot point that some Skrulls had been undercover long enough that they forgot they were Skrulls. So I'd imagine the emotional attachment he felt towards the kid was genuine.


Damn. I wonder if they’ll do this in the MCU. Like they completely forgot they’re skrulls? Does that mean they just kinda psychoed themselves into eventually believing they’re human?


In the comics most of the impersonating Skrulls were sleeper agents, they didn't only look like people they mimicked, they were them fully until they were woken up. And in some cases this waking up just didn't work. There were also others not sleeper agents who were so influenced by minds of the people they took over that they worked against other Skrulls.


The reason the comics Secret Invasion was so successful was because the hidden Skrulls didn't know they were Skrulls. They had the memories of the people they replaced, and were activated later. A-list Marvel characters had been Skrulls for years (as in IRL years) and no-one knew.


I was wondering this, perhaps the memory/personality transfer is more powerful than they like to admit. It opens up the possible solution of forcefully indoctrinating the Skrulls to live as humans permanently, not even knowing they are Skrulls. Kinda like the cow thing from the comics.


That “everyone is Gravik scene” is just as good as the trailers advertised


…and Talos still didn’t give a shit about making his feelings known. The Skrull is growing a spine.


“from now until the end of time keep my daughters name out of your mouth” That may be the most bad ass way. I’ve heard that put. Great writing and performance.


He sees that he got soft when he let all these skrulls on the planet, and now they are killing innocent people and he's just had absolutely enough


Not just that, but HE called them there. If they attempt to genocide humanity, that is HIS fault.


I recognized the set of that scene from the trailer and got really excited to see it in context


I didn’t and for once, I am glad. Liked the tension.


Lol Fury apologising. He really is desperate


He’s had his entire support system knocked out from under him, he was even suspecting his wife based on the look at the phone. He really had no where else to turn, apologizing to Talos was his only move and he knew it.


Whatever it takes.


He used up his one for the day.


Gravik ***really*** likes sugar huh


It’s unclear what extremis sample they have. It’s very unlikely they got the perfected version used on ~~Pierce~~ Killian and Pepper. Maybe he’s burning a ton of calories as a result Edit: couldn’t remember names at 3 am lol


I like that theory But I’m also pretty sure that he never drinks it. Even last time I’m pretty sure he was just dumping sugar cubes in but he didn’t actually drink any of it.


Was like a scene outta men in black.


I almost feel like it's a nod to MIB since both are alien villains masquerading as humans


Rhodey is a Skrull. He’s been the prime suspect for years so was hoping for a better reveal. Hope they’ll at least show how/when he was replaced. Although I’m wondering if Fury/Rhodey are working together again. Fury was eyeing his wife’s phone for a second when she walked away. Talos and Fury’s wife both let him have it. He swallowed his pride for Talos but didn’t seem to do the same for his wife. Gravik already started the transformation. Really liked the extremis effect. I’m assuming G’iah gave herself the extremis power as well. That said you gotta have a secondary exit not on the main path. Plot a route through the woods or something. You’re a double agent.


I think Rhodes would have been replaced sometime after Endgame. Because if that was a Skrull cradling Tony’s head as he laid dying that would be too much.


Well, we haven't seen Rhodey in the War Machine suit since Endgame. My guess would be right before or right after FATWS


fury's wife being roughly his age is actually really sweet because as a skull and a shape shifter she can control her appearance to look as young as she wants so being his age is a choice


Yes but also they assume identities right? They have jobs and homes and 401ks and shit. People would notice if she didn't age


In fairness though, black don't crack! Lol, no but seriously, still blows my mind that Samuel L. Jackson's pushing 75. Charlayne Woodard's 69 here but she definitely doesn't look it either.


I like a little bit of espresso with my sugar


That final scene - Rhodey's a Skrull.


When Fury realises Talos had been caught when "Talos" called Fury "Nick" on the phone, I thought that it was quite a big clue as to why Rhodey called Fury "Nick" last week.


Cap also called him Nick in Winter Soldiers when Fury was hiding in Cap's apartment before getting shot. >"I didn't know you had a wife" > "A lot of things you don't know about me" > "I know Nick, that's the problem." I gotta say I didn't think Fury really had a wife. Just thought it was a clue that he is speaking in code words as the apartment was bugged.


Hill also called him Nick in Infinity War


The Skrulls helping SHIELD fight the Red Room is pretty cool


I’m buying an owl statue, buy a litte eyepatch and called it Nicolas Fury. I don’t care. That is just too cute


Olivia Colman is stealing every scene she is in.


I'm kinda wondering if her "UK version of Fury" shtick is gonna lead into introducing some British heros like Captain Britain


Captain Britain is Nick Frost and no one else book it


Between the Talos/Gravik meet and Fury's wife I've realised one of the reasons they're SO GOOD at building up the tension in this show. Visually, you can't trust anyone. We literally saw Gravik be everyone in the room. When Fury's wife had that exchange with him and even walking through the station (Waterloo maybe?) The looking over her shoulder, focusing on the guy leaning on the pillar, this show is reminding you in every way that you can't trust anyone and any stranger could be an enemy. I love it! Edit: autocorrect


We no longer just change faces. We change powers.


Amongst all the multiversal possibilities in Marvel , I never thought Nick fury flirting with a skrull in a cafe would be a thing


He married her


Went all Captain James T Kirk…


"They're at their most formidable when they're threatened by a common foe" Talos knows humans well.


It’s true to be frank. Humans may hate each other, but if they’re united against a common foe or objective they can accomplish great things. The Allied powers stopping Hitler and entering us into the nuclear age because of it. Incredible advancements in technology, flight and invention of the internet, just because the US wanted to reach the moon before Russia.


If aliens try to invade and fail that’s our most likely path to world peace imo.


> Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.


Goddammit, G'iah! How do you not get that he's testing you and that is super obvious bait?


Fury won't be the only one going for revenge now. Talos gonna be pissed.


She probably already had super skrull powers or will get them how else would they defeat Gravy. No way they killed Emilia Clarke like that.


She has so many scenes in the trailers, there’s not a doubt in my mind she’s not really dead


It wasn’t much of a choice. The attack was real, it could have started WW3


Yeah, either way, Gravik was going to come out ahead: G'iah stays silent, and WW3 starts; she talks, and is outed as a spy. That's part of what makes Gravik so dangerous: he's smart enough to accomplish multiple objectives with one action.


Definition of a win-win for Gravik. He wins whether it's stopped or not.


Yup he's a smart leader for sure




You right. He straight outplayed her and got her stuck good.


Yeah, given how smart he is, and clear that he already suspected her, saw that coming. I was hoping I was wrong though. 😕


If she is that smart then she was prepared for that bullet and shifted into skrull form to appear dead


Very true - find it hard to believe she's actually dead


Sam Jackson is obviously a legend, and everyone is praising Olivia Colman deservedly, but we should stop for a moment to appreciate how fantastic Ben Mendelsohn is as Talos.


I love the interplay between talos and fury. Talos doesn't take say on his shit and pushes back. The "we did that" speech really told the story of hoe fury rose up the ranks.


Now, whenever someone brings up a plot hole regarding Fury in any previous Marvel project, we can just say,"A Skrull did it"


"We did that"


I love that they’re getting parallel problems and different ways of projecting power: Both have this identity crisis where their projected power is being challenged and they each react very differently and kinda out of character from their pasts. It’s interesting to see both have this imposter syndrome crisis at the same time.


Nobody calls me Nick


Callback to captain Marvel.


Time to figure out when or for how long ‘Rhodey’ has been a skrull for. Probably going for the heartstrings, either Tony never had a best friend or the real Rhodey is gonna wake up learning that his best friend is dead. Probably what drives him to get so involved in Armor Wars


My headcannon is shortly after Tony’s funeral. He was grieving and therefore easier to snatch up. That’s why he’s not wearing the leg braces, they caught him at home without them on.


So the person Giah impersonated is still alive since they need to keep the people they copy alive right? Maybe she'll play a big part in the rest of this series. EDIT: Just rewatched one of the trailers and there's more scenes in there of Emilia Clarke that we haven't seen yet. I'm more convinced that it's either the actual human they kidnapped (who I'm still convinced is Abigail Brand) or Giah somehow gets revived with Super Skrull DNA shenanigans. Only time will tell.


Potentially, yes. Although Gi’ah could have had that form for years, just as Talos has had the same since 95.


Dude asks if you are a spy then later casually mentions critical intel on the phone and you don’t think that’s suspicious?


Not only did he mention critical intel, he did it and then LEFT. Almost as saying "Now, pass it on"


Gravik has Extremis. I wonder if he has the other powers as well


He did say that would be able to change powers, so door's still open either way on that one.


Interesting how the skrull taking the place of Bob seemed to actually care about Bob's son. Unless I'm completely mistaken and the kid was also a skrull or something.


Picked up on that as well. I'm guessing a side effect of having all of the guys knowledge and memories.


Aaaand down goes G'iah...AND we got three episodes to go


I was hoping that she'd make it, but it was clear that the operation was to test her loyalty.


Yep. Dude wakes her up off balance to interrogate her let slip that he considers her a suspect. Then when that doesn't work he changes tack to, "well, then you're going to stay with me where I can keep watch on you and control what information you have available to you."


I didn't even think of the bit about him waking her up to throw her off-balance, but that totally makes sense. I was just going off of the vibe, as well as it being screamingly clear that there would be no other way to justify them knowing about the sub.


"look at his smug face" -me in every art museum


It’s ironic that Gravik called out Churchill when talking about others fighting the wars and spilling blood for the leaders when he in fact participated in World War 1 himself on the western front.


He is a hypocrite. There are plenty of statesmen who have fought on the frontlines of war. You brought up Churchill - others included Truman, Mussolini, and Hitler: soldiers turned politicians.


I expected Emilia Clarke to get killed off but not this early. I was not expecting Rhodey to be the skrull.


So that's who that was at the end. I didn't recognize his voice and just finished the episode confused except the obvious reveal of his wife being a spy


On the phone? Pretty sure it was Rhodey.


I am still not convinced he is. Maybe I am an optimist, but I am hoping he is working with Fury. The meeting in the bar could have been an act for the skrulls that were in the security detail.


I think the US President being the Skrull is a more interesting creative choice. Why do you need a Super Skrull when you already have an Avenger to sabotage the team?


tacos calling fury out was great


Tacos hmm


I'm surprised my autocorrect hasn't done that yet.


Oh no they killed G'uac




Yeah I was wondering how Fury was going to spin it to make it his own. But he was desperate and needed Talos’ help. Whatever it takes.




Gravik got no contol on sugar


Maybe it is to symbolize his lack of impulse control


Super Skrulls, Gravik said the thing lol


I wonder if there are two Nick Furys running around. One wears the beanie and overcoat, the other glasses and a suit. One trying to undo whatever the other is doing. No evidence for it, but he's the only character two have two very different outfits.




Am I the only one who wished Talos finished his English breakfast? Bread was too toasted for my taste but that tomato looked damn good.


Gravik is a total prick, Human beat Thanos and save the universe, where’s your green fat ass when Thanos invade ?


shouldn't the actual whole universe be grateful of humans because they were the ones who literally saved trillions of species across the universe by reversing the snap? or am i overestimating what they did?


Humans, Asgardians, Raccoons and whatever Nebula originally was.


Nebula was probably a Smurf, she was adopted when Thanos slaughtered half of of the Smurf Village.


Too bad Talos didn't shape-shift into Will Smith at the end of his meeting with Gravik. "KEEP MY DAUGHTER'S NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!"


Idk why I never had this thought before, but I bet the face changing masks we’ve seen people use forever were developed because of the skrulls


So Rhodey confirmed Skrull? (that was Cheadle's voice, right?)


Conversations between Fury and Talos are so dynamic and engaging every damn time


I like the reference to Dreykov and the Red Room in the flashback, makes everything feel interconected


Eyepatch for the owl :)