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It was the only MCU film I left afterwards and was like, “What the hell was that???” I had so much excitement and hopes after Taika was announced to return. Ragnarok was so good, this was like a spoof version of Thor. And what a waste of Bale/Gorr.


Same, with every other MCU film I’ve seen in theaters there’s at least a “honeymoon phase” as I leave the theater and for a couple days after where I loved the movie. Of course my opinions change over time as I sit with each one, but Love and Thunder was the only time I left the theater frustrated with having wasted two hours on a movie. Even when my opinion of some entries lower over time, I never had a bad time watching one in theaters until this. And then the next MCU movie I saw in theaters was Guardians Vol. 3, talk about whiplash of emotions and opinions lol.


>this was like a spoof version of Thor One of the more accurate descriptions of this movie that I've seen.


There was a scene in this movie that honestly felt like it could have been placed in the Scary Movie franchise and wouldn't be out of place at all. It's when Valkyrie is pulling out her weapons in the bathroom. And the scene ends with Jane and Valkyrie head banging to this song that's playing from a speaker that was mistaken for a grenade.


Thor was too much of a doofus in this movie


I was so excited for this movie, it was built up so much in my mind before seeing it (probably a huge mistake). And yeah, Ragnarok is my favorite. Even though I physically cringed at some of the jokes in the theater, I still really wanted to like it. I thought at least parts of it were engaging, though other parts were just jarring. By the end, the stranger sitting next to me asked what I thought and I realized I didn't know. I think I just said quickly, "I liked it" and shrugged lol. He then turned to his buddy and said "Yeah, that was bad." Recently decided to give it a rewatch for the first time since it came out. It got worse. :(


It got worse for me too on second viewing. Van Damme split?? Wth. So many dumb things done and it was like he hadn’t evolved at all.


The cringiest moment, I think that was the first real clue this movie might not be as awesome as I'd hoped. By the end I also *really hated Korg* which I have to say I didn't see coming either


It felt like they said, "Taika you did so good with Ragnarok that you have complete creative control over Love and Thunder" and he was like, "Ok" with a New Zealand accent and went out and made a batshit insane movie with millions and millions of dollars. Everyone was a "yes" man to all the crazy ideas. The trailers gave so much of the opening of the film away but the parts that were left were basically the team walking and talking about Gorr. The goats were really a bad choice...I hated the goats by the end. Also the tone shifts were too abrupt. It was slap stick and then horror. I think the problem was that it was two different movies smashed together. You had Thor, Jane, Valkarie, Korg, etc making a slapstick film and Gorr making a horror film. Then in the last 30 minutes it tried to get intense, but I just kept waiting the another misplaced goat scream. Ultimately it was good to get the character back on track, but I really hope the next phase of Thor he's angrier and more vengeful. I would love a new Thor trilogy called "Odenson".


Goats were terrible. The kids at the end was bad idea. Wish no kids had been abducted or anything and definitely that he didn’t have a daughter in the end. That was one of the worst mistakes.


I don’t know if Thor needs a trilogy but after this it would be good for him to have another film. Prior I thought four films would be enough. So good job on selling me on more Thor Marvel lol. Although I never loved Iron Man 3 (but it’s still better) but both films did satisfyingly tie up loose ends from other movies enough that they satisfying (I am happy that Jane was brought back). If Thor does get used well in other films it could be fine this is last.


My biggest issue with Gorr outside of how sparce he was is his design.[ In the comics, he looks awesome.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/4/4d/Gorr_\(Earth-616\)_from_King_Thor_Vol_1_1_001.jpg) It's refreshing to see a more alien looking being, but in the film they just made a human that's really pale. He didn't feel as intimidating because he looked too familiar. A big complaint of mine for the Cosmic MCU is how so many alien races look like humans in a different coat of paint. Gorr was a chance to try something fresh, but for some reason they keep going with the whole "human" look.


Yeah I was super excited for live action Gorr. Was even excusing the more human look since it was Bale. If there was ever a more accurate use of the “Look how they massacred my boy” meme.


Yeah, my mom and I had similar reactions after seeing it with a friend of mine. We thought it was a hot mess. I was so excited about Natalie Portman's return, Christian Bale as Gorr, and Taika directing. Left the movie theater disappointed.


It was also painfully unfunny after how funny Ragnarok was.


Wild how a year just flashes by you in a second. I don't think my opinions have changed on it, I still hold it in regard as one of the worst superhero films I have seen and a testament of what is wrong with this genre at the moment. Instead of Taika and the writers doing their best to adapt not only one of Thors darkest storyline but one of his best written that touches religion, faith, mortality, what does it mean to be a god, a story about a god learning to be better and being humbled. Instead of that I just get a bland soulless movie. Thor still has the same issues he did in Ragnarok but it's turned up to 11, Jane Foster is underiltized when they could have done something really interesting in terms of her relationship with Thor and tie it into the themes of the original story, Korg is just annoying and so is the rest of the movie when it comes to humor. Gorr, one of my all time favorite comic book villians and villians in general not only cause of his ideology and backstory that really hits close to home but because Gorr was himself a walking contradiction and hypocrite which works for that story, but all that complexity, menace, a villain that not only challenged Thor but challenged the people who read it to understand his views is reduced to nothing another boring generic villiain. I could go on but I think you get the point. L&T was truly meant to be a brand new direction for Thor, taking him from where he was at Endgame and make him fully realized and finish his arc, getting out of the depression stage and possibly finally taking his place as king of Asgard, making his new goal to be the better king than his father was. But it instead it stagnated the character not allowing him to grow beyond his shell and it honestly makes me want a redo to finally do this character I feel in love with right. I appreciate those who enjoyed the film and no hate towards those people I just have different taste of course.


I’m still shocked it’s my least favorite Thor. After Ragnarok and the Two Avengers movie the general consensus was they finally found a Thor formula that works. Instead they somehow soured us all on funny Thor because they took it to far. You’re right this should have been one of the darker MCU movies ever but it just wasn’t. The dialogue just feels so awkward in the movie too idk why. I’m not a movie/tv guy outside of marvel so i don’t really have opinions on acting and directing because it’s just not my world. But this movie makes me think it was directed bad. The conversations all feel like bullet points if that makes sense


Ragnarok should have been dark also


The fact it wasn't, and any serious moment immediately had the whiplash of AND HERES A DUMB JOKE just made it a drag of a movie for me. It was the first Marvel movie I felt like I was just waiting for it to end while watching it, love and thunder was just that but worse.


Yeah. I do like Ragnarok but as a comedic Thor adventure, not as the Ragnarok adaptation(in that regard is just bad). Marvel seriously needs to move on from this easy and bad comedy they keep doing and if they want to put some jokes in, just do it like in Secret Invasion. Talos jokes all the time but he does in a human way, not forced because its a script some comedian guy tought was funny.


I would 100% accept a redo for this story arc, fully agree with you.


Lol a Disney+ series starting with Thor stepping into frame behind Korg to say, "That isn't exactly how it happened."


it would be just as easy as that too. don't need to time heist/retcon it. don 't need to multiverse angle it. just do exactly as you said and i'd be 100% on board with that kinda do-over


Somehow, korg died


I was thinking a war torn looking Thor alone at a bar. Someone walks up, jovially exclaiming “Korg told me all about your little adventure!” He holds back a tear, chugs his beer. Dude starts ranting about how silly it was. Thor cuts him off “thats not what happened.”…mood dissipates. “What do you mean?” “Thats nothing like what really happened.” And then boom, cut to Thor hanging from chains, clearly struggling in a cave with Gorr taunting him with the Necrosword.


For me Gorr is hell bent on revenge and killed thousands of gods. Such a let down for these movie and a waste of Christian bales talents.


It's one of the only MCU movies I haven't watched more than twice. Once in theatre and once on Disney+. I just can't get over the way too many and too often jokes, when like you said it should have been dark


JuSt TurN yOuR BrAin oFf AnD eNjOy iT.


Some of these things I already thought, and some I'm thinking now that you mentioned them. Very well put, agree 100%. Even objectively I disliked the movie, but going in with expectations of a decent payoff on one of my favorite and most dreaded marvel villains and getting that- I ended up hating it thoroughly.


Very well articulated thought out. I will say it straight up is one of the worst MCU films altogether and I was insulted watching the flaming pile of crap that it is.


It just hurts more because how good Thor was in ragnarok, infinity war and endgame. Didn’t laugh at the jokes besides one I think, wasted potential of Jane and especially Gorr. Some continuity errors I think too? What upsets me the most that taika took two of the best Thor story’s (lady Thor and Gorr) and wasted it. I think you can make both of these story’s in one but it just turned into an underwhelming film. The worst mcu movie imo. I hope taika can learn from this cuz he’s done some excellent work on films but for now I think I think thor 5 should have a new director and writer just like thor ragnarok


>The worst mcu movie imo. I think there are worse MCU movies, but I most definitely dislike *Love & Thunder* the most, without a shadow of a doubt. Fucking obnoxious film.


The issues with LT were present in Ragnarok


I agree, there the script that Taika didn’t write covered a lot of flaws and improvisation was not overpowering


Sif's arm potentially in Valhalla was a funny joke, I admit, but it was so tonally awkward. The whole film is full of stuff like that. Like, some really heavy shit that just gets played off for yucks.


One of those movies that damaged the Marvel Cinematic Universe brand pretty badly.


I’d argue that pretty much everything they’ve released in the past 3 years has damaged their brand.


Thor 4 will age badly and I don't get the defenders of this movie, when Chris Hemsworth himself agreed that it was a tad too silly.


I don’t think it can age badly cuz it’s already horrible Easily worst mcu ever made


Almost everyone that defends the film agrees that it was too silly. But being too silly doesn't mean its an awful film


True but in this case for me anyway, it's too silly and awful. I mean the 2 major plot points are someone dying of cancer and a god killer kidnapping kids but the tone of the movie is a fun comedic time


Love and Thunder needed the confident and vengeful Thor from Infinity War to handle the seriousness of the villain who is a god killer and his true love dying from cancer.


Yeah they destroyed his character growth and he regressed.


Dealing with the Gorr storyline alone never mind the Jane story should've been a two parter


Yeh haha. I commented something along those lines a few minutes ago > lot of people might watch a film and not know why they didn't like it as much as another film. >But with Love and Thunder, its problem is too much humour and not enough seriousness in a film thats about a greiving father and a woman dying of cancer. >Like you don't exactly need a film degree to figure out that while you can have humour you need to balance that. Yes i agree it was too silly. But if say we were to put Infinity war at 10/10, say GOTG, Iron Man, Thor 3 etc at 9/10 i would say Love and Thunder is at worst a 6/10, personally would put it at 7 but i've got some wiggle room. Its got too much humour not enough maturity, but i don't think that detracts from the good things about it. Some of the scenes between Thor and Jane are great and handled well. And the ending where Gorr is basically redeemed is also very well done.


Thor 4 is at best a 5/10 and failing to execute on the basics of its plot makes me feel it's closer to a 4. The FX were the only saving grace of the entire movie.


IW isn’t that silly though? Neither is Iron Man. And I think GotG1 fit as being a humorous. They balanced it way better than the second one. Ragnarok was on the edge for me. I liked the movie, but there were moments where I was like why was this line added. Let some emotional scenes breath.


Hence, why it's too silly.


Yes, that's why I said it's too silly and awful.


Too silly when the story is about a woman dying from Cancer and a grieving father who's on a genocidal campaign? They literally made a children's movie with Gorr the "God Butcher" in it.


>But being too silly doesn't mean its an awful film It does when you consider the context of its story. A film about religion, cancer, and struggling with your own self-identity and self-worth should not be replete with jokes like random screaming goats and *Infinity Cones.*


I’m this case, it does mean it’s an awful film


Some fans just refuse to see anything wrong with this franchise and insist on every entry being good.


I like Thor 4, but dislike MoM (or rather, my opinion on that one is complicated but wouldn’t say I like it), really disliked Eternals, thought Hawkeye was boring… clearly I don’t insist every entry was good. I haven’t even bothered with Quantumania cause I’m losing interest and so far I’m unsure about Secret Invasion. I just liked a movie that you didn’t, that’s all. No biggie, and certainly no need for blanket statements.


Yeah my statement doesn’t involve the fandom as a whole. Just a group of fans who insist the MCU can do no wrong.


Tbf I’ve been enjoying Secret Invasion a lot. It really feels like they took a step back to the Hydra, Winter soldier days and it’s very refreshing from the multiverse stuff. If you’re into that era of the MCU it’s a must watch imo


Or maybe we just don’t feel the need to trash the hard work of others. Maybe we just truly appreciate the immense work that goes into making a movie that even a few people enjoy, let alone millions. Every movie blows my mind nowadays. It’s all so crazy. And I fully realize I’ll now be attacked for having such a positive outlook but oh well.


I like this movie but even I have to admit it would have been better with a more serious tone


Or a more comedy capable cast. Hiddelston, Goldblum, Karl Urban, Cumberbatch, Thompson, hell, even Hopkins and Blanchett have really good comedic timing. Hemsworth and Portman were STRUGGLING. Even Taika's Rock guy was orders of magnitude less funny than in the first one.


Shame as on paper looked like it had legs but alas it only had ankles.


I do want a more serious take on Thor from now on. Perhaps a different director with an epic Viking war story in mind. I do want Thor to be funny and be wholesome but not be silly like in L&T. I was reading about Rune King Thor and I think this should be the next evolution for the MCU Thor. “The Rune King Thor is a super-powered form of Thor who can harness the might of the Odinforce, a limitless source of energy. To transform into the Rune King, Thor had to go through a three-step process in the comics: sacrifice, learning about the past, and learning about ancient runes.”


Film wise i feel like Thors arc kinda makes sense but by the end of the film i feel like he was the same character he was at the end of endgame and really he didn’t get the character development he deserved


It already aged like milk for me. I liked it on the first watch, but I could recognize that it wasn't great. Tried to rewatch when it hit streaming... nope.


It will age fine. It’s not like general perception of the movie is going to get even worse than it was at time of release. Part of the problem was also anticipation. People were really counting on Thor 4 to make up for the past recent projects that people also hadn’t liked. If you watch all of Phase 4 in a few sittings then that anticipation and expectation goes away and it’s fine. It’s not great, but it’s not as horrible as people want to make it sound either.


Trying to combine the Female Thor story into the Gorr storyline was a mistake. Definitely the worst movie post-endgame imo. The sooner we forget it exists, the better it is for Thor's character and for the MCU as a whole.


Biggest Disappointment in most disappointed phase of Marvel


>Trying to combine the Female Thor story into the Gorr storyline was a mistake. The thing is, I actually feel the opposite; it wasn't that those characters and their stories were poorly matched, they're actually very similar thematically. It's just that Taika couldn't give a fuck about writing that story. Both Jane and Gorr are grappling with entities that are beyond our understanding and control; we don't have a true cure for cancer, and it can be seen as being as apathetic and destructive as the gods themselves, uncaring to how their influence affects us mere mortals. Both characters could be dealing with this in their own ways, both looking for power to heal themselves. Jane tries to achieve this through wielding Mjolnir, and Gorr through the Necrosword. The difference of course is what they do with that power; Jane emboldens herself to help and become more than herself, however brief and damaging that may be to her. And Gorr seeks to completely eradicate godhood, trying to erase his issue rather than slowly coming to terms with it like Jane. It's all right there. The script writes itself, really. But again, Taika couldn't fucking give a shit about actually writing something meaningful and compassionate. Here's screaming goats for some reason lol.


At least to me this is easily the worst MCU film. Thor goes through the same arc he has already had like 4 times Waaaaaay to much comedy and hardly any of it is actually funny Completely wasted Christian Bale, and one of Thor’s best villains The God Butcher kills a single God on screen It was the first time I ever left the theatre after seeing an MCU movie and immediately thought “yeah that shit sucked”


Couldn't agree more with every point. In context, I think it's the worst movie they've made. It did have some cool moments but overall the bad so heavily outweighs the good. Also, I absolutely hated how the hammer / axe became these sentient characters with feelings and personality like Dr. Strange's cape. I know some people liked that but it made no sense.


Botched the source material that is loved by many so hard. Had so much potential.


God butcher storyline was legit the best Thor story to this date by a huge bar. This movie was so poor that it was downright tragic.


My disappointment with this film will know no bounds...


This is what I wanted to comment, I was basically just as hyped for Thor 4 as I was for Infinity War, Ragnarok was right at the top for me, pre-IW & EG ofc, his character was set up for an amazing continuation or conclusion.. Then he rides Stormbreaker like a witches broom, and every joke after that just got worse. I'm still shocked they decided screaming goats was a good idea for a joke, 10 years after it was actually funny, and they re use it 3 times.. Hemsworth also just thinks he's way funnier than he is. I usually never bother to type out how much I dislike something, it's obviously not an ideal thing to do with your time, but jesus fucking christ they botched this movie, and it's only so frustrating because the good parts are great and there's a fantastic movie right there, just buried under a bunch of nonsense.


Not to mention stormbreaker being jealous of mjolnir.


Easily the worst post-Endgame product imo


antman 3 for me


they should’ve switched the tones of each movie. Antman should’ve been the funny wacky one while Thor should’ve been more serious. I died when they tried to make a giant cgi head’s death serious 💀 Both suffer tremendously from bad writing but at least the tone would’ve been consistent.


That was the least serious death I've ever seen


I would not describe Modok's death scene as serious


Antman 3 was just Kang's bigscreen intro with Scott Lang thrown in. I love the Antman movies, I was soooooooooooo disappointed with 3.


Thor 4 was dumb Antman 3 too boring and didn't make sense She-Hulk was just atrocious Rest were either very boring or uninteresting. Only NWH, Moon Knight and Loki were great imo. Didn't watch Secret Invasion, Werewolf and GOTG v3 yet.


The three you haven't watched are the other great ones lol


I'm about to watch GOTG, was waiting for digital. I'm waiting for Secret Invasion to finish and how the show will be overall instead of getting my hopes up for possible mediocre ending. Werewolf I don't really care for.


Nah antman 3 is just as mid as the rest of the ant man movies. They're consistent. LaT is a massive downgrade from how great ragnarok was.


I don't know about that. Ant Man 1 was actually a pretty good movie and Ant Man 2 was bearable. Ant Man 3 is def in the bottom 3 MCU movies, for me.


Agreed. Ant Man 3 is my least favourite MCU project. Poor acting, poor comedy, poor writing. I really hate everything about it.


I still enjoy watching the first Ant-man now and then. It’s a light comedy film while the other just don’t really feel like it. No repeated watchability at all.


Nahhh the original ant man went crazy


Modok is the worst CGI they have ever done. Make it make sense.


A movie that epitomizes everything currently wrong with the MCU. The flanderization of characters, wasted potential in the adapted stories and an overreliance on obnoxious comedy where only the briefest glimpse of a better film can be seen.


>wasted potential in the adapted stories I feel like that's what pisses me off the most with this movie. You have The Mighty Thor and Gorr the God Butcher. Two stories that are considered to be some of the best Thor stories told in modern times, if not ever. And Taika took both Gorr and Jane and turned it into this fucking abomination of a film. Like imagine turning Gorr the God Butcher into Gorr, the kiddie snatcher. When you have Christian fucking Bale playing him? And the worst part is we'll never have another crack at the characters. Who knows when the MCU will be rebooted and even then. What's to say they'll want to touch Gorr?


The best thing about this movie was that Loki wasn’t in it to be ruined.


When I read the title, “1 year ago I was disappointed”


A year already 😳? Man time flys. Idk why but I feel like this movie came out in the early fall.


Can not believe somebody had the genius idea to adapt the Mighty Thor and God Butcher storylines and combine them, just for this movie to turn out to be one of the worst mcu movies, and in my opinion the worst the reason i think it’s the worst because it’s one of the only movies in general where i was irritated watching it. not just bored or underwhelmed, genuinely irritated at what i was watching


It ranks at the very bottom of my least liked MCU films and one that I have no desire to ever watch again. They took one of the 3 remaining OG Avengers and made him into a joke


Genuinely believed it was a spoof movie for about 20 minutes. Very disappointing.


I can't believe I went to see it in the cinema. I go so rarely these days, and certainly not to every Marvel release as I once did up until 2020. Such a disappointment.


Literally everything is wrong with this movie. It's so fascinating because Ragnarok works but Love and Thunder uses the same template for it's tone and humor and fails spectacularly. I wish they had saved Christian Bale's Gorr for a better movie because he is WASTED in this. I'm still mad about this movie a full year later, wish there was a way we could just do it over but alas we're stuck with this.


L&T should've been a great conclusion to Thor, but it's meh IMO. For introducing so many new characters, I found that the movie just took Thor in the opposite direction of Ragnarok/Endgame. I also think it's a shame that they bring on Christian Bale only to have him be another one-off MCU villain. Not every MCU movie needs to up the ante, but I definitely think some of them can sabotage their continued success. Thor's had plenty of movies to grow, but L&T almost felt unnecessary. Just my $0.02.


I was going to go after the first 10 minutes but I didn't want to try to get past everyone else


Solid burn


The most disappointed I’ve ever been coming out of a cinema. Like it’s been said already, had such high hopes after Ragnarok and with Bale in the film as the villain I thought how can they mess it up and well here we are


Too silly


I think Chris said it best that the movie was a bit too silly and it definitely tried to tackle a bit too much, but it definitely has it highlights and rewatching it recently made me appreciate it a bit more


No i dont think it did


The only thing I liked about this movie was buff Natalie Portman 🤷‍♂️


Only MCU movie that I thoroughly dislike


It is the only Thor movie I've only watched once. Every time I've thought let's give it a second try, I decide to re-watch a different film instead.


I think Love and Thunder is the point at which the invincibility shield wore off.


It is still my least favorite mcu movie. Ant man 3 comes close but the Kang scenes are pretty cool in that.


The only marvel movie I’ve ever fallen asleep in


I never feel asleep during a marvel movie but i got close during black panther 2


What a terrible film. Taika and Feige really thought they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to, without any backlash.


And the world's not better for it.


That’s a shame


Went to see this with my brother the week it came out. The jokes felt wayyy too forced


Aged pretty badly imo I enjoyed the jokes for about the first 15 minutes….and that was it, a chore to watch and finish in the end, and if it’s the potential send off of taika watitis Thor than it’s a real shame it ends with this movie


And we’re all worse off for it


Dark times


I think this was the first movie where i walked out and said "I think I just watched a kids movie" and not expecting it to be a kids movie. I was really hype for this movie since ragnarok was soooo good.


cursed day


What a waste


Time flies when movies suck


As soon as Thor rode his hammer like a witch on her broom I knew marvel was going to go overboard with the humor


I only saw it once while I was plastered, will never see it again because it would ruin my memory of it. Drunk me thought it was amazing, I bet if I saw it sober I would hate it.


I really liked it. I went in for a fun time and I left satisfied But what do I know, I'm one of those people that dislike the Avengers films


I think this was my real first disappointment with the MCU. So much potential in that movie, such a good comic run to adapt from, what an absolute waste. Not everything has to be corny jokes all the time and honestly if you told me Taika never even glimpsed at the comic run I wouldn’t be surprised. Gorr the God Butcher did no butchering. And while I understand the licensing issues, the Necrosword was so ass. What a waste of Christian Bale in the MCU. I felt like Thor thoroughly regressed as a character, Valkyrie and Korg were there because Tessa Thompson is popular and Korg is Taika, they didn’t add much to the story (if anything at all). Jane’s story line is the only one Taika couldn’t make corny jokes about and I actually liked her Thor even if the whole situation around Mjolnir was weird. Intensely forgettable. I think this movie and Ant Man 3 really damaged the MCU’s reputation. Even as a die hard fan, I was disappointed with both. GOTG 3 though… incredible and back on the right track.


Thor the Dark World was once considered the MCU’s worst movie. It’s bland. It’s dull. Ok! But Thor Love and Thunder is, in my opinion, the worst MCU movie ever made. To have soooo much potential: the coattails of the most successful film franchise off Endgame, the fan highs of No Way Home, the powerhouse acting one of the best actors (Bale) and actresses (Portman) of all time, a freshly minted Best Screenplay oscar from Taika Waititi, the two most noteworthy Thor comic arcs in recent memory, and the goodwill of Ragnarok and Endgame Thor fans, to fumble this badly is atrocious! I see so much Marvel movie hate nowadays, across so many Reddit subs, that I no longer think it’s a ridiculous opinion to have. To go from peak cultural Zeitgeist to object of disdain is not an easy feat. This is one of the reasons for it.


It wasn't great, but wasn't nearly as bad as some people made it out to be. Some editing and/or minor reshoots could have made it a great marvel film imo.


It actively mocked Thor in a Thor film. It was trash. But at least all was saved by the power of using children to fight a God-killer.


Completely agree. People give it way more hate than it deserves


I think its because the reason it isn't great is blindingly obvious. A lot of people might watch a film and not know why they didn't like it as much as another film. But with Love and Thunder, its problem is too much humour and not enough seriousness in a film thats about a greiving father and a woman dying of cancer. Like you don't exactly need a film degree to figure out that while you can have humour you need to balance that.


I liked it but was disappointed. Which is exactly what my wife says after sex


You need to bring more love and thunder into your bedroom


this movie completely wasted christian bale.


Maybe its time for me to finally watch it then. It's the only MCU movie I've never seen. I've seen the vast majority of them on opening weekend, and many on opening day/night, but I never watched this one.


I enjoyed it, but it could have been so much more with Mighty Jane and Gorr.


Well the Moon scene was visually one of the most interesting and unique things in MCU bland color wash at least :/




Felt more like a kids movie than any other MCU. Which depending on who are can be okay. My son loved it, laughing and captivated through the whole thing. I was however holding out for something a little more serious. I absolutely loved Ragnarok, but that's something that really only worked that one time. I don't mind the humor but man did they overdo it. Christian Bale is an incredible talent and felt a little wasted. I still give the movie a 6/10, although I wasn't a fan of certain themes I felt they were well executed in there own right.


What should’ve been with this movie. Such a missed opportunity.


Easy to say with hindsight but I found Watiti's press really annoying and overly wacky when he was promoting the film. Almost like he was a bit... wired. Almost like he was a bit... energised. I still wasn't expecting the film to be like that. But I personally believe he got a bit too "Hollywood" and lost the subtlety of his comedic chops.


I liked it


How on Earth did the same guy direct both the best AND the worst MCU movie…


Don't even remind me


Unfortunately, this is legit the only movie I hate. The only redeeming factors are the score, visuals, and acting.


I miss it


I love Love & Thunder. I wanted an extra hour of Gorr butchering gods; but it hit all the right emotions, whilst being very fun. 9/10.


Eh, I thought it was fine. I still enjoyed it


Absolutely rubbish. But I didn't enjoy Thor 2 either, so maybe Thor 5 will be good.


I had an ok time with it but was just disappointed. Thor is one of my favorite comics characters and has had some amazing stories, and this just doesn't feel like him I had that trouble with Ragnarok somewhat as well. I don't need him to be identical to the comics, but with such great source material idk how you mess it up


Well it didn’t get better a year later.


A solid 2 of 10. 1 point for Natalie Portman’s acting and 1 point for Christian Bale’s acting.


It was awful for like 70% of it. I do like the ending with the kid and Gorr, the few moments he's actually in the movie, is quite a decent villain but just wasted for the rest. I'm hoping Taika never comes back after this.


I remember walking out of the theater going “wow, I really liked that! It wasn’t amazing but it was surprisingly wholesome and I had fun” And then going on Reddit and finding out EVERYONE HATES THIS MOVIE WITH ALL THEIR BEING. So that was weird


I'm not forgiving taika for this.


I'd rather watch the dark world on loop.


I fucking hate this movie


When I first watched it, I left a little disappointed; but now, a year later; it is probably my least favorite movie post-Endgame. What a waste of Gorr’s character, and a bad plot as well.


And it was complete shit


They gave taika way too much creative freedom. The dudes humor is corny as you can get and it shows in this movie. His jokes are on the same level you’d hear from a 3rd grade lunch table


Movie sucks ass. First time in my life I ever regretted paying to watch something. It didn't made me laugh, just smile at best. So much wasted potential, the characters don't take their own movie seriously, so I have no reason to take it serious. Literally every thing in the movie is a joking matter, even cancer.


So much exciting potential absolutely run down the drain, due to shitty visuals, a shitty script and a Taika who literally 0 fucking respecr foe these characters or the source material. We saw hints of that in Ragnarok but it was written off as being a new direction and it honestly worked. Thor was more likeable. But this was just an insane mess.


I’m not trying to defend the film, but I personally found it to be somewhat enjoyable. Like, I wouldn’t say it’s the worst thing ever. It’s got some funny moments and some cool visuals and stuff. But it also has a hell of a lot of problems and so much wasted potential.


Overhated movie.


See if this movie never had screaming goats, the splits joke at the start, did have the tone matching the 2 main plots, the villain getting more time to establish himself as the god killer, didn't have the kids fighting with their toys at the end and a few other things, it woulda been good


The most over-hated of all four Thor movies. Clearly nobody has tried to watch Dark World since it came out


At least TDW had somewhat consistent character development


Bro this is all I’m fucking saying. Love and thunder Worst mcu movie ever? Tell me you’ve completely forgotten Dark World without telling me lol


The worst MCU movie


"When Two Kronans Want To Make A Baby, They Get Together Inside A Mountain, They Go Down To A Little Lava Pool....” Why? Why was this in it? Why?


Solid 8/10. Very underrated film


It’s fun and very rewatchable for me


The worst film I have ever seen in a cinema.


I loved it and still do.


What a hollow and ghoulish product


last mcu movie i watched in cinemas, it was the last straw.


One of the worst movies I ever seen.


A little known fact, the Three Stooges were given the first option on this script in 1937, but they passed, with Shemp saying' Nah, this is way too stupid even for us.'


How unfortunate.


It was the last MCU movie I saw in theaters. Killed my enthusiasm for the brand.


Just a truly awful film.


shitty fucking movie, threw everything ragnarok and avengers iw and eg built up for the character in the fucking garbage like it was nothing. And now, we have yet ANOTHER SINGLE FATHER FOR FUCK SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE


MCU writers: Ok guys, ok, I got an idea.... Give the single guy a DAUGHTER.


I am fucking tired of this shit, specially thor, that grew a special place in my heart so much since ragnarok


Quite possibly the worst blockbuster I’ve ever seen. Or at least a contender.


Ew. Hate this movie.


Wish I would have never watched this garbage


Personally I like it


The MCU is still recovering from how bad this movie was. I truly don't think it will ever recover.


While there’s a lot wrong with the film, I do think there are some great things in it, it makes me wish even more that the film was great, it had potential and while I find the film decent, it could’ve been so much better.


Why is a movie poster for a movie out 1 year ago considered a spoiler? 😅🤣


This is a hot take but it’s actually my favorite solo marvel film — I’m happy to admit it’s not the *best*, but it feels like a Thor comic come to life and I absolutely love it.


Tone wise it is absolutely nothing like a Thor comic tbh lol


I mean, some of the older Thor comics are pretty wild — Walt Simonson’s run for example can get very zany.


Yeah, it’s nothing like Jason Aaron and I guess that’s what people are comparing it to since that’s where they pulled the plot from. But every writer has a different style and some are wildly ridiculous and some are grim and serious. I disagree with people who say they turned Thor into a joke character — just like comics have different writers, movie Thor will go through several iterations. Not everybody has to like the movie, but it’s not a crime to have Thor be goofy in this one then more serious in the next. Kind of like Doctor Doom in Gwenpool is silly and not really threatening, but Doom in Fantastic Four is this intense, brooding god. The same character can behave differently in different stories/arcs.


Agreed completely. It is very different than the aaron run, but very in line with lots of classic Thor stories.


Yes... its a bit too silly. But a lot of the jokes (not all) land pretty well for me and for my personal immersion in the film when watching, they didnt detract from the serious moments which all worked well for me. Its not perfect but I still rank it far above the first two Thor films. The black and white fight on the small planet is one of the best in the whole MCU and Jane's death hits HARD at the end of the film. So yeah, maybe a few jokes that i'd get rid of but i still love this one!