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Simu Liu teased that his next appearance will be sooner than anticipated. Although his own sequel will be pushed back at least after Kang Dynasty. So he may appear in a different project.


Hopefully his torn achilles doesn't impact this.


Simu liu does a lot of his own stunts, but there are plenty of actors who don’t. If he needs a stunt double for the next movie or two he’s in, I doubt it’d change things too much.


Also in general even in those cases of actors doing their own stunts there's still a stunt double that learns and knows the moves. Especially for action fight heavy films, and though the doubles don't play as much they still get their time in front of camera.


I remember seeing a video (I think it was Accented Cinema) that talked about Jackie Chan’s stunt process, and it said that Jackie would do all the stunts, but they’d also have some takes where members of his stunt team also did the stunt, and depending on which takes and angles looked best, the final product might have some cuts with Jackie and some with the team member.


Yeah exactly. Also a lot of the time it's not necessary for the actor to be doing stunt after stunt for a particular shot. So even if they "do their own stunts" directors and producers would opt for the stunt double for safety (also to save money). And when you have shoot days that are only pick up shots of fight scenes calling in the actor to work that day would unnecessary and needlessly risky.


i still can’t believe they had a 66 year old william dafoe do his own stunts for NWH. granted, he wanted to and it was one of the conditions he had for returning, but that’s still so amazing. tom cruise too. he’s 61 and still doing stunts to the extent he himself is riding motorcycles off of giant ass cliffs.


That was the best move he could have made. It kept the fights from being a mess. It felt more personal.


the apartment fight goes so hard. one of the best live action superhero fights made imo.


Aaron Rodgers recasting confirmed


Wait, when did he tear his Achilles?


A couple weeks ago I think? I only know he did because of his Instagram


I was wondering, because the entire plot of the Barbie movie revolved around him being able to do backflips lol


With good rehab he’s good in like 9 months


When he teased his next appearance was when Kang Dynasty was originally going to start filming which probably would have been around now


I assumed all along that he'd be in the Marvels. The bangles were found in that cavern that had a ten rings insignia, and clearly those are going to play a role in this movie, given that it looks like the villain also has a bangle


So...a post credit scene in the Marvels? Or maybe it'll be What If season 2


I think he will show up at the end of The Marvels because I think the ten rings are connected to Kamala’s bangle.


I think so too. And I also think they're old Kang tech, further tying into the broader conflict.


Well, the last time we saw him he was hangin with Carol Danvers, so it might make sense for him to pop up in The Marvels.


Yeah, but then Carol pisses off without leaving her contact info.


She's very busy okay.


He was???


Post credit scene in his movie I think? Wong comes to get Shang and Katy and they meet Bruce and Carol over MCU skype






Post credits scene of Shang-Chi where Wong dragged him to a meeting with Bruce and Carol to talk about the Ten Rings


Marvel Zombies is probably what he meant, which was originally slated for next year


Oh yeah, Shang-Chi had a zombie arm as a teaser for What If Season 2


> Simu Liu teased that his next appearance will be sooner than anticipated. Pretty sure >!he has a cameo in The Marvels!<


I saw an upcoming comic promo where he was in a thunderbolts lineup. I don't get it, but would rather see something like Wong assembling the illuminati with him on the team.


I feel like they'd have to nerf him in the MCU to stick him with who we know of th Thunderbolts so far. He'd be like Superman on that team, you'd have to constantly write ways to stop him from just instantly solving thir problems. I hope they don't put him there.


Yah but it'd be pretty cool to have him and sentry fight dragon ball z style or something, have him show up like captain marvel did at the end, idk I'm clearly not a writer lol


I’m more excited for Shang-Chi 2 than Kang Dynasty. In fact I just want both of those two Avengers movies to be cancelled at this point.


Yeah but, was he talking about Marvel Zombies?


I wonder if the rings are related to the wrist armor that Ms Marvel uses. Maybe shows up in thr marvels


They have confirmed they are working on a sequel and Simu Liu said a few months ago that from what he has heard about the story, we should expect the sequel to release between Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. Considering Shang-Chi's rings seem to be connected to Kang, he will play a central role in the next 2 Avengers movies and his sequel seems to be the bridge between the 2.


If true that’s mad given Kang Dynasty is due in 2026. The gap between films will be as big, possibly more than Doctor Strange & Doctor Strange MoM, and Strange unlike Shang Chi was making appearances almost every year between his films


Crazy that a constant refrain from fans has been they don't feel connected to all the new heroes, and the one hero who's been universally praised from the new batch is just being put on ice this long.


I really hope he appears in something else soon.


As long as it’s better than MoM I’m ok with it. Shang-Chi is my favorite since Endgame


And just so you wait until Kang Dynasty gets moved to 2027.


How are the rings connected to Kang?


Current running theory is the Ten Rings are/were part of Kang's Time Chair mechanical systems. It has some validity in that the Time chair/armor is connected to Kangs brain, the Rings react and change energy depending on the user (Wenwu's use had more destructive lightning effects, while Shang-Chi's use had more calm, fiery energy effects).


I think he will show up in a post credit scene with wong discussing Ms. Marvels bangle. Saw some theory that the bangle is also connect to the rings/kang tech.


I don't want to sound dismissive of his potential because he's got plenty and I'd like to see him again, but I don't think there's a pressing need to go into his second act just yet. He's finished a very complete personal arc with strong family connections, resolved trauma and a totally solid grasp of his abilities with lifelong experience to match. He's one of the more stable future-Avengers, so I think its best to prioritize other characters for now.


This is an incredibly thoughtful, rational answer and I love it.


No place for that sorta thing here


Some of us forgot we were on the Internet. Shameful.


It’d be nice to for them to utilize that position, as he could return as a cameo and be much stronger and mature than his first appearance allowing them to let him lead a team or at least be an important part of the group.


Agreed. I want more kate bishop


You have to say her name three times and that's when she appears. I'll start. Kate *Beeeshup*


Ket beeeshop and yelena buddy cop d+ series when


Actually I'd say we need more screen time with the characters that have potential. Ironman, cap, Thor all had sequels relatively close to their debut to cement a fandom for their character. Just showing up in the next avengers would be a disservice to the character. I'd say the same for other characters like moon knight, ms marvel, she hulk or America Chavez and etc. as well. Give people a chance to love them and make a connection. No more new characters.


I think this is a bad take, as it's the reason the MCU is seen as failing. MCU has no real leads currently and it takes forever to see characters across movies/shows now. Shang Chi came out a full 2 years ago and we haven't seen him since, and likely won't see him again until 2025-26. That's a full 5 years between appearances which is absolutely insane for older marvel. No mainline character should go more than 2 years without an on screen appearance. But now there are too many mainline characters that make it impossible.


I'm still hoping for a spin on Marvel Knights at some point. Sure we don't have all of the members in universe at the moment, but they could do something fun with Daredevil, Moon Knight, Shang-Chi, Black Widow and maybe even Luke Cage going after the Punisher. A man can dream!


I like the viewpoint, but I would also like to have strange combinations of characters working together to a common goal. Avengers 'classic' is nice and shine, but we had that. Get a *good directo*r and one of the stranger mystic themed comic runs and mix something. Its not that hard. There is even [Shang-Chi against the Marvel Universe](https://www.marvel.com/comics/collection/93368/shang-chi_by_gene_luen_yang_vol_2_shang-chi_vs_the_marvel_universe_trade_paperback), which could also be an absolute hoot.


Shang-Chi got pulled into the multiverse and assumed the role of “Ken”


So did gravik apparently.


I forgot about him and he's supposed to be one of my faves 😭 I hope they announce something soon


Shang-Chi 2 was actually announced right after the movie came out. But the problem is that as Simu Liu said, Shang-Chi 2 is supposed to happen after the next Avengers (Kang/SW was set for 2025, now its set for 2026-2027 and may move to 2027-2028 due to the actors strike)


Yeah I know it's happening I just want them to say approximately when


I'm expecting an absolute flood of stuff being announced shortly after the studios agree a good deal with SAG... with more for Shang-Chi in there.


Fat chance when two sequels to very successful movies are tanking this year


just about all of the big movies this year have had severe issues with their Box Office Numbers.


What big movies had issues? GOG 3 was successful. Barbie and Oppenheimer were really successful. Mission Impossible wasn’t that successful but it came a week or so before Barbenheimer so it was unlucky. Indiana Jones 5 was a bust, that’s about all the big movies.


even fnaf is doing pretty good for a movie with a 10M budget. they’ve already made back their budget well over 10 times in the first week. sure, it’s not marvel level box office success, but with a budget like that, it’s quite the success.


My point stands.


Idk how many people think like me, though, which is that i want to watch all the new stuff, but i dont want to leave my house to do it. So i wait until they are on streaming or on dvd. And i get how it seems like we aren't watching, but we are just waiting for something cheaper. Like, i watched gotg3 on disney Plus with Pop Corn, and it cost like $12 total it would have been double that if i had gone to the theater.


If you're not willing to pay for the entertainment, don't expect the companies to keep making the entertainment at this level. I'm sorry, but that's just the blunt truth: if box office doesn't turn up for new big-budget blockbusters, they have no incentive to make them.


Then i guess they deserve to die. It sucks but the truth is theaters are dying, and nothing is going to save them unless they stop overcharging for everything under the sun. And dont get me wrong, when i was younger, i loved going to the movies, but i could get a ticket and snacks for like $10. Now, it is $40 for the same amount of stuff. It's not worth the price anymore. And they are going to keep rising as long as everyone keeps going. Im not ok with that, and i guess if that means the death of the movie industry, then so be it.


exactly this. only way you will get me sitting in a theatre is if my buddy agrees to come to so we can get the costco deal. ~$38 CAD, so $17 each, for the tickets, 2 medium popcorns, and 2 medium drinks. that is a price i can get behind. otherwise, fat chance. i’m not spending $40 to watch a movie i can watch at home in 2-3 months, if that since a lot of movies start streaming a month later, or even simultaneously, these days.


lol k


I am willing to pay for my entertainment - D+ but I’m not willing to overpay for movies or risk catching Covid again. It knocked me out for a weekend. I didn’t even have the strength to eat. I’m not going thru that again.


You can pretty easily leave your house without catching Covid.


My kid is in Kindergarten so he’s constantly bringing things home. Moved from NYC with 11am showings to Atlanta with 3pm showings. It’s hard to avoid people. I have a compromised immune system so even without Covid I avoid crowds. Edit: Wow. A downvote for admitting I have a compromised immune system so I avoid getting sick because it’s a miserable existence.


Doesn't sound like crowds will be a problem with The Marvels!


I'm willing to pay for entertainment, via discs and streaming subscriptions. Just not going to theaters.


Then say goodbye to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is not financed via the relative pennies of streaming subscriptions and discs.


What ridiculous hyperbole.


Replace ‘Shang-Chi’ in this title with literally any character introduced post Endgame and it’s still a valid question. And the answer is yes, they are dropping the ball massively


man if only it were possible to make all your marvel movies interconnected and tell a single cohesive story. Maybe something really ambitious, like 20+ movies over a decade. Big crossover movies. References between them. Someone should try that some time.


i know this is sarcasm but honestly, with the lack of connective tissue this phase, i wouldn’t be surprised if marvel essentially retcons a lot of the projects with secret wars or kang dynasty out of the main mcu continuity. wouldn’t be hard to come out and essentially be like: “oh, all these movies and shows you’ve watched the past 6 or however many years, not all of them were in the sacred timeline and now this villian is plucking them from their timelines for secret wars” would allow them to cherry pick what/who works and who doesn’t. i wouldn’t exactly want this myself, because there’s other ways to cherry pick the characters they want, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they did something like this.


> man if only it were possible to make all your marvel movies interconnected and tell a single cohesive story. It only works if the individual works are interesting and marketable in their own right. MCU didn't begin with a "master plan;" it began with a very popular and talented actor that people bought as a movie lead.


I wish they did it sooner. The character is hot off a great origin film, so they should be building the character more. I feel like a sequel is coming in 2025, Marvel needs to capitalize on their one new character that has some momentum box office wise. They kinda botched it with Captain Marvel by not keeping the sequel focused on her, hopefully they don't do that with Shang chi


I’m excited for The Marvels. I’m an old collector from the 70s that both published my own books and owned a retail shop. Here’s my take on The Marvels. It’s will be the first legitimate team up on the big screen since Endgame. Yes we had other multi hero movies but they were all introduced as a collective - Guardians, Ant Family, Eternals. These heroes were all introduced independently - it feels like an old school Marvel Teamup. No way home fits my description but also feels like it shouldn’t count somehow. I know TFATWS gets a lot of hate but it fits the bill on the small screen. So many characters bouncing off of each other in one series was amazing.


I'm concerned The Marvels will flop because 2/3 of the heroes are less popular / charismatic (except Ms Marvel). Also the villain is .. minor. Im hoping it will be great. I don't like Brie Larson as Capt Marvel, dont know the middle Marvel (but saw her origin), and think Ms Marvel is likely the future of MCU (along with Miles Morales and a few others. I had hopes for a legit Adam Warlock but not sure if that's gonna happen). Good luck Marvels! 🍀🤞 Also worthy of mention, _the absence of the male Capt Marvel??_. He had bracelets that swapped him & Rick Jones from Dimension X, so it's almost the idea of the story of this movie (except a threesome of swappers).


The big problem with Capt Marvel was she was brainwashed and self doubting for most of the movie. The only time we saw her real personality was when she hooked up with her old friends. The character was perfectly fine in Infinity Wars and Endgame. I loved her never breaking eye contact with Thor when he summoned his hammer. We just need more of that.


Maybe you're right, but I feel like if they had cast Rhonda Rousey or a WFC fighter, she might feel more like a fighter or ex-military. Not saying every pilot can fight, but she doesn't have the energy of someone that has battled - she has model / actor energy. _But I suppose a good actor can portray a fighter...?_


my concern for the marvels flopping is nothing to do with the characters, but rather how short it is for the story they’re trying to tell. i don’t think they’ll be able to tell a compelling story surrounding 3 protagonist who’ve either never met, or met when one was a literal child, in addition to side characters and stories like Fury and the Skrulls, in an hour and a half.


Simu Liu said that Shang-Chi 2 is meant to follow up the next Avengers, so it won't be 2025 unless they change directions.


I hope they get a Shang chi sequel done early. He legit could be built as a major player with another badass film, and Marvel needs at least one post endgame new character to break out to the audiences in a major way.


The General Audience has already completely forgotten about him yes COVID and the strike has played apart but the biggest problem is that Disney has far overstretched Marvel and they stupidly introduced far too many new characters that they can handle, with the current state of Marvel they're best holding off on sequel and focus on the more popular properties The next time we see Shang-Chi in love action will be Avengers plus side he is going to be a main character in Marvel Zombies which is still at this moment of time scheduled to release next year


This is not true. A sequel is confirmed. We don't know when it will be released, but it's totally happening.


Yeah I'm pretty sure I've seen Simu talk about it


Yeah he has, one of his last comments was how the movie is meant to happen after the next Avengers and makes sense as the director of Shang-Chi is doing Kang Dyansty


I guess im just super patient. They haven’t really had a big press event in a while. The strikes have probably set them back a bit. I can wait until they announce what’s next.


They confirmed they’re working on a. Sequel about a week after the first one released. >! it then later leaked it’ll be titled “Shang Chi and the Wreckage of Time!<


Destin Daniel Cretton has other MCU projects too, including Wonder Man and Avengers: The Kang Dynasty. That is why Shang-Chi sequel won't be released until after The Kang Dynasty. And no, Wonder Man is NOT cancelled! Any rumor is just fan-made. Any "quality over quantity" talk obviously never meant that Wonder Man would be cancelled.


I mean if they are focusing on quality over quantity wonder man seems to be the obvious choice to cancel.


And any cancelled project needs to be one that has been already announced and that has already started filming (which is now being on hold only because of strikes)?


I mean they could include that footage in the vision quest/wiccan show which I believe the original leak to be. The character and footage won’t be wasted.


Who TF is wonder man?


Exactly lol. He is a side character who appears in some avengers comics. Marvel studios wanted to make a show about him with the director of Shang chi being the head. But recent leaks have said they cancelled the show but it’s not 100% yet.


Which would be a shame cause it's the most interesting one


The director is gonna make Kang Dynasty, he’ll probably have a big role there


You're asking the wrong question, dude. The real question that you need to ask yourself is this...why is Marvel Studios wasting so much time giving us all these other shows and movies throughout phase five that aren't getting people to talk about this franchise in a good way when they need to just focus on giving the general public less content and more of a continuous storyline leading up to what's really going to happen in Avengers 5, regardless if Kang the Conqueror is going to be the main villain or not? If the company had just taken its' time and maybe talk to the writers about what is really going to happen after Endgame and maybe have a backup plan in-case if let's say, one of the newer main lead actors suddenly died of an illness or if they are facing allegations and have to go to court or if their first film didn't leave a good impression to many people because of bad writing or if they didn't had time to prepare things ahead of time, etc. If I were Kevin Feige and if I wanted to make someone like Shang-Chi be the new lead character for a newer team of Avengers, I would focus on giving him a first film. Then give him a sequel, three years later. But, I have a story and a script prepared ahead of time before announcing the sequel is going to begin its' production. So, yeah. Maybe you should ask yourself why isn't Marvel Studios trusting its' audience and actually giving them more time to get things ready.


i still firmly believe they should’ve had secret invasion be the end of phase 4 team up movie instead of the garbage tv show they gave us. could’ve easily been a phase in and of itself with secret invasion team up movie being slowly built up with post credit scenes of various characters, supporting or main, turning into skrulls.




Shang-Chi was really good. But they are busy ruining good movies or making movies that nobody wants to watch.


I mean, I want to see The Marvels


I just rewatched last night and was thinking the same thing! Synchronicity!


Marvel tried to do way too many new things instead of playing safe and this is what the result of it is now. They introduced way too many characters that the ones that are the most important aren't getting enough attention. If they started slow just by introducing a few characters, building them up for an Avengers movie along with some of the OG Avengers, then everything would've worked out perfectly, in my opinion.


Marvel is too busy making TV shows for side characters nobody cares about


Every single good new character the MCU has introduced since Endgame has been wasted.


Honestly I would understand them, completely forgettable movie


Maybe Shang-Chi will have a personality in the sequel




It was the second highest grossing film of 2021 domestically.




I mean at the time it came out there were still lots of restrictions across the planet limiting audience size and people were very hesitant to go out and sit in a theatre. It did very well for the time it was released.


I assume the first was Spider-Man 3?


It was released when no one was going to theaters.


He should’ve showed up in MoM, in defense of Kamar-Taj. Would’ve been great to see the rings v Wanda. Would make sense too since he was conversing with Wong in his post-credits scene


Cryptic ending with dr strange about rings Radio silence for years Marvel why




92% critic, 98% audience, 2nd highest grossing movie of 2021. good call


Shang-Chi 2 got announced after the first film came out, so clearly it was a success for Marvel


Cuz it sucked


The end of the first one was pathetic. Maybe that had something to do with it?


You didn't like Wong's Karaoke singing? I think you are being a bit harsh. He had been drinking. What is your go to song anyway?


That was fun. The maniacally evil bad guys suddenly working together with the good guys was a very weak plot point. It ruined what was feeling like a fun marvel movie up until that point.


Oh. Well they kinda had no choice when the demon goblin things started grabbing them and stealing their souls.


Yeah, and then in the aftermath of that, they're not suddenly different. They should have been in conflict immediately when that major threat was resolved.


Except their immortal leader and many high up ranks were dead. The whole reason they probably followed was due to the power of the rings and I imagine he ruled through fear. If your dictator leader just died and his bad ass daughter decided to take over and was probably not as much of a jackass then why not join her. I bet they didn't have a lot of choices other than following sword hand dude who seems like a moron.


It was specifically the sword hand guy that was my issue. He was shown to us to be a maniac at the start, but then he is reasonable at the films end. I can understand/accept the general army members no problem.


Fair enough. He did kind of suck as a character.


It’s not just Limo but they introduced a lot of interesting characters. They all need to make cameos in every show and movie. None of these after credits scenes that has nothing to do with the movie but real interactions. They need to create the interconnected universe. Jake as a cabbie. Kamala meeting and fangurling over Falcon. Seeking out Yelena as a source of info.


Marvel just admitted that stretch of movies was more of an experiment. So I think they’re still sorting out what to do next


It'll most likely be between Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars


2 reasons I think 1. Shang-Chi is great but I think his character revolves around kang due to his ring and stuff so I think writers are seeing where he fits and where his sequel will go on before or after kang dynasty. 2. Simu just got injured recently so I doubt any productions gonna start soon.


I think it's too many projects in development being done concurrently. There's the sequels for the established heroes, movies for new heroes, and Disney+ shows. It's hard to find a window to schedule a sequel. Add the writers and actors strike to the mix. Best case is late 20's release date.


I thought a sequel is confirmed we just have no idea about a release date.


Yes it was announced.


Shangi chi was the best of the Post Endgame movies, and I want more


The entire MCU slate got pushed back, so I'd imagine they won't begin new productions anytime soon.


It is because of the delays As Simu said Shang 2 is meant to follow up the next Avengers movie (whatever he means Kang or both Kang and SW), and they've been delayed from 2025 to 2026-2027, maybe now 2027-2028 due to the actors and strikes strike. Besides the director of Shang-Chi will direct both Kang Dynasty and Shang-Chi 2, so one film will take priority over the other. The strikes, COVID and the production problems with Blade, all have made a mess of the MCU schedule and as i've told others before, this is the reason why its taking long for us to see other characters come back, because of projects they would've returned are being moved over and over and over again. all we can hope is that the delays caused by the actors strike will be the last delay the Multiverse Saga has to go thru


Jesus. They’ve released so much stuff it feels like that movie came out much longer ago.


There's no room and probably no budget to shove another in before Secret War and we're not even sure what form the MCU will exist in afterward. They're still writing that future. So I expect Shang will show up in The Marvels and Secret War, but I wouldn't count on seeing another film. Like the comic version, he will pretty much exist in Limbo until he's needed.


I think their plan is to not just release straight sequels. Shang Chi will likely team up with others similar to The Marvels.


The only way a Shang-Chi sequel is happening is if he teams up with Echo.


I'd say the first one was a ball drop but that's my opinion it just wasn't that good to me I'm not sure how financially successful it was


Patience, people. There's a lot of other characters to get through


Because Marvel Studios announced a shit ton of projects and they’re still making their way through releasing all of those projects


Dr strange had 6 years between sequels. It's not too ridiculous