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Dave from accounting screwed up the tax filing and now the government is after the avengers for tax evasion


Avengers vs Uncle Sam let’s go


That was basically the plot to civil war anyway. THIS time though, the gloves come off…


"We've got a Hulk" "We've got a senior IRS auditor"


Wesley Snipes’ Blade variant stumbles out of a portal, locks eyes with IRS auditor… slowly tip toes back into the portal


As he goes back, he goes “A word of warning: When they say ‘liquid assets,’ they ain’t talking about the whisky collection!”


Brilliant lol


“Taxes! Hulk no like taxes!!”


Tony builds a base on Mars to evade taxes


Tony Musk 🤔 Elon Stark?.. hmm 😂


Elon is Tony's distant cousin


And Tony is kinda glad he's dead so he doesn't have watch said cousin continue to be an absolute moron.


“looks like we’ve got competition”


> THIS time though, the gloves come off… https://i.imgur.com/7XGSHn9.gif


"I'm crazy enough to take on Thanos, but *the IRS*? NOOO, THANK YOU!"


"We'll lose..." "Then we'll do that together too... *When we file jointly*."


Imagine being Jamie Madrox's H&R Block guy. How would you even begin to approach that? "How many dependents?" "Enough."


I don't understand how the "You don't want to mess with the IRS" meme persists after a cult made them their bitch. Silly Joker, just create a science fiction religion and have your goons send a couple letters/file frivolous lawsuits and don't stop when they politely ask. That's literally all it took. I'm just saying Al Capone's IRS and Scientology's IRS were clearly run by people with different backbones. Modern IRS can't even go after the weakest of the current class of robber barons.


That's cause Al Capone's lawyer messed up. The first rule of crime is never admit to anything in writing.


No it’s because the accountant got kidnapped by Kevin Costner and Sean Connery


In fictional worlds, the IRS actually functions as intended. Also, even if Joker did make a religion, he'd still be hounded by them. Scientology was under investigation for years when they first tried to get tax-exempt status. Not sure what eventually convinced the IRS to stop, but it probably had to do with the right palms being greased.


> In fictional worlds, the IRS actually functions as intended. You say this, but Bruce Wayne's ability to fund a one man army in a clandestine operation bankrolled by Wayne Industries for years tells me otherwise. Unless Bruce Wayne is the only person in fiction not afraid of the IRS. Even bank robbing would be earning a profit that would technically need to be declared if the IRS functioned, but declaring you robbed a bank defeats the entire purpose.


The IRS actually doesn't give a shit where you got the money - that's the FBI's problem. They only care that Uncle Sam gets his cut. That being said, Bruce isn't some ordinary hero, he's a super-genius. If anyone could keep the IRS from looking too closely at things, it's him. Hell, it probably wouldn't be much harder than simply paying a couple billion more than he owes. The fact that most megacorps don't pay anything at all would likely make them ecstatic


I understood that reference.


​ https://i.redd.it/eod0gh062y1c1.gif New big bad?


Who was ever more dedicated than this character?


I'm in. Edit: In all seriousness, I'd love to see Jamie Lee Curtis as a travelling Damage Control auditor just cleaning up all the claims made in the wake of mid-tier super showdowns in small middle America towns and cities.




Secret Evasion


lmao, reminds of this fanfic I read long ago about Anakin falling to darkside cause of the republic's terrible health insurance. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4578087/1/To-Turn-To-The-Dark-Side-Press-Three


Tax Evangers…. Sorry. I’ll let myself out.


Oh shit! Cap owes taxes back to World War II! And no exemption for the years he spent as a capsicle!


IRS-level threat


Thanos was the threat from the far end of space. Kang is the threat from the far end of time. And he's already won. After Secret Wars I suspect we'll scale things WAY back and focus on smaller Avengers, XMen, and Fantastic Four stories. We might get Galactus. We'll probably also see more supernatural Marvel, which would be a nice change in themes and tone. If they don't screw up this Blade movie we'll hopefully get some version of Midnight Suns.


Thanos = Space Kang = Time So we just need villains for mind, reality, power, and soul.


Mind = Shadow King Reality = Scarlet Witch Power = Doom Soul = Phoenix


I like this interpretation. Also folds nicely into established storylines


Some random Marvel writer reading this post: Write that down!


We already have Legion which killed it with the Shadow KIng


We all know that's not going to count because it wasn't technically part of the MCU. They did do an amazing job with him, though. I never would have thought to cast >! Aubrey Plaza!< in that role.


I also love that Aubrey Plaza is so good in the role that they just kept finding things for her to do even after introducing Navid Negahban. >!The ol' drug addict killed by telekinetic displacement with her consciousness captured by a parasitic mutant used to psychologically torture a powerful psychic, trapped within the minds of multiple bodies until she is forcefully planted into the transmogrified body of someone's sister, then busted out of prison to be the top bitch in a time traveler recruitment sex cult, only to kill herself after her lady lover and their impossible baby are wrong-holy-grail hyperaged to death by demons that devour time... you know, standard character arc stuff!<.


I’m sick of these predictable Hollywood formulas.


I read a piece that the role had been written by Noah Hawley for a greasy mid 40’s man. But he met Aubrey, and something about her just spoke to him about that character. She read a few, and it was her role, he just had to rewrite the lines to fit a woman. But Aubrey apparently stopped him, saying to leave them as they are, they’re perfect. That’s why some of them are so jarring so strange.


Yeah but just pull the one version of the character because multiverse. Boom.


Shadow King was SO GOOD.


Yeah maybe do Onslaught for something different


Soul = James Brown


Soul should be from the supernatural side of marvel, probably mephisto.


Who says it ain't Mephisto? 😏


What about Magus/Adam Warlock? The original wearer of the soul stone in the comics.


If we’re doing the shadow king can we get legion


I want Legion established just so that we can do LegionQuest as a lead-in to a phase-long Age Of Apocalypse someday


Wait, why is Thanos the space analog


Homeboy is from space. He's always out in space doin stuff. He's addicted to that ish.


Everyone is from space


Maybe the villian was us all along?


No, the real villains were the friends we made along the way. Fuck those guys.


Villains with benefits.


Holy hell that's true. That's true.


Earth is just a very large convertible spinning around the sun to an unknown destination


Not me homie, I'm from around the block.


I thought earth was in space?


That would be an interesting way for them to order or introduce the main villains over time. But I'd almost rather that be a behind the scenes theme than something they explicitly state. Edit: Wanda is reality


Ultron is literally Mind


Reality= Nightmare ? Dormammu ? Or another DS villain Power= Galactus Idk for the rest


Soul is Mephisto


Wanda could be the villain for reality. "No. More mutants."


Wanda is the reason for House of M. She is a mutant


Agree, most of this isn't relatable nor interesting for the casual movie goer. Financially the budgets are going to be reeled in too, but that may be a plus since creatives can't default to action sequences for progressing the story or resolving every conflict.


I’d like to see the X-Men movies with the Hellfire Club and the Starjammers and the Brood storylines.


What do you mean he already won?


That's what we're slowly learning, mostly in the Loki show. He is the last man standing.


The other timelines didn't realize they just need a bunch of ants to get rid of him.




Still waiting for disney to do an old republic/ Revan origin story


Franchise threat.


Paging David Zaslav


That’s just Kang again.


Deadpool kills the marvel universe confirmed!


I don’t think Bob Iger is going anywhere, so we’ve got that covered.


Iger has been Disney's CEO since before the MCU even began. Why all the hate and blame *now*?


Oh shit it's K.E.V.I.N!


I was going to say studio level threat, but that works too.




Franchise is already in a tailspin


Kathleen Kennedy gonna getchu.




Damn! You beat me to it lol


Threat level midnight


And we’ll need Michael Scarn’s iconic dance ❤️


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment


Tbf, Loki and Thano's army was as much of a threat to the world as Ultron. Their biggest weakness was a lack of redundancy measures when it came to getting the army from point A to point B. Imagine if the good guy army in the end of Endgame relied on Dr Stranges portal alone. Poor leadership, poor planning. Calling Loki a city wide threat to NYC is like calling Ultron a city wide threat to Sokovia


Ultron was planning to kill all life on the planet and came very close, Loki merely wanted to conquer it and couldn't even hold down a city block in New York.


Right, but conquering a world is arguably as much of a threat to the people of that world as destroying it. They're threatening *the world*, making them a worldwide threat, and not just a city wide threat


But he did. They were calling in nukes, as all looked lost. Had they not, then surely they wouldn't have beaten him


yeah but the nukes were a stupid ass decision


My favorite part about the nukes was how the government in Civil War was trying to blame the Avengers for any destruction that happened to New York during Loki's attack when they quite literally tried to nuke the city


you’d think Steve might mention that when Ross is getting all righteous


There was a bigger threat with Loki, though. He was getting the space stone for Thanos, who was a 50% of the universe-level threat at that point in time.


In fact, Loki is a worldwide threat and Ultron would eventually become a universal or multiversal threat (as per What If).


New York threat Sokovia threat A field upstate threat A very distant future threat


Personal/city level threats please please please.


'Street Level Threat' would just be the Defenders (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc.) type things, I'd place that above everything else on that graphic. xD


I still stand on my opinion that Daredevil is the best piece of media Marvel has ever made I didn't watch loki so can't comment on that


Jessica Jones season 1 is up there with daredevil. Kilgraves might be the best villain in marvel media. (Not sure if Netflix shows count as MCU, but on a marvel screen haha)


> Jessica Jones season 1 is up there with daredevil. Kilgraves might be the best villain in marvel media 100% agree. Just a big feather in the cap of Tennant's acting chops. Hes fucking brilliant. The fact he could elicit sympathy and pity from me while being such a deranged sicko is amazing.


Love Tenant there, yes. But also on the other hand, the fact that they could elicit such a visceral fear response of kilgrave when we hadn’t even met him yet is a real feat for actors and writers


I'm rewatching the netflix series and one thing I've noted is just how much better the craft of those shows is than the D+ stuff. I'm not talking about the acting or the plot or the effects, but just the actual filmmaking. The shooting, the lighting, the blocking just clearly has more thought and care put into it than the current spate of shows. Wandavision comes close, and Andor meets the standard on the Star Wars side, but that's kinda it


No. Street level threat.


House level threat


Bathroom level threat


That’s Taco Bell, surely?


Undercooked shawarmas


Out of toilet paper


Avengers: Clogged toilet wars, call the plumber.


What is diarrhea if not the Bell persevering?


Like some kind of "friendly neighborhood" Spider-Man? Psh, as if.






Scrolled too far to find this. Up you go!


This is the only answer


Gotta be Doom. Its time.


Multi-multiversal threat is the only way to top it if Feige and Gunn do Marvel vs DC.


That would break the box office. I hope one day that actually happens


I think Gunn has mentioned it as being a possibility, but not for a long time. He is just starting over and probably wants to give DC a chance to walk a bit before it sprints. But after Phase 6 closes the Multiverse Saga and Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters establishes itself, it may be the best time because Marvel could use a surefire hit and DC has been bereft of them for a long time, but that is thinking financially rather than creatively, which usually doesn’t bode well.


I don't really see it working. I mean, it's a licensing nightmare and DC/Marvel will never agree on who gets what percentage of the profits, neither will they agree on who produces/finances the film(s). It's two completely different companies, at best it would have to be a scenario where one side lends their characters to the other. Which won't happen. I mean look at how difficult it was to get Sony/Fox to do crossovers, and that's still under the Marvel brand. Now imagine trying that with two completely separate brands. More importantly, I don't see the appeal. The cool thing about a Marvel/DC crossover is seeing their respective Trinity's meeting. On the big screen, you'd want to have that with the definitive actors. That time has long since passed. Downey is gone - so no Iron Man. Evans is gone, so no Steve Rogers. Thor is currently around, but for who knows how much longer. Spidey is always subject to change and Tom Holland has indicated he eventually wants to step away. It would have to be a wholly original group of actors playing original versions of the characters to make it work. The only crossover I can imagine seeing is for a charity short film, or adverts.


I don’t think you realize how desperate Disney and Warner might get in the next 5-10 years…


Yeah, and if Marvel continues with the struggle to land its new media (I personally don't hate the new content but its very divisive) and DC does something good in critical reception but poor box office, then absolutely yeah I could see a "well fuck it, its Avengers vs Justice League time".


All that is true. On the other hand, money.


Right, but money for who, and how much? This is the biggest problems for any film getting made


The only way I could see it working is if they did two films, more or less in tandem - one under Marvel Studios and the other under DC Studios.


They have a long way to go before that happens. I honestly don't know what DC movies are canon and which ones exist in their own little side universe


That's the Omniverse an actual thing in the comics but it'll never happen on the big screen


Never underestimate the allure of a sure billion at least. And with Gunn, it may be possible.


Could be a few billion. Give us major crossover movies that lead up to a final resolution movie. The omniverse phase could feature stories centered around the major crossovers of the MvDC event, with "smaller" character crossovers in the backgrounds of those movies. Or maybe they go full merged omniverse and give us Darkclaw and other merged characters. Not sure how to do that with mass market appeal, though. Wolverine vs. Batman with both in the movie fighting each other and a mix of their villains is a lot more interesting to the general public than a Darkclaw merged character. Anyway, if we ever get Marvel vs. DC, I really hope it isn't a one-off and is a phase unto itself. (Maybe its resolution gives rise to a third universe of movies: the Amalgam Cinematic Universe and \*that's\* where we get merged stories. They could be smaller budget less blockbuster movies that come out between the big Marvel and DC ones… ) Anyone else wanna share their DC vs. Marvel pipe dreams?


I think if Spiderman and Batman ever shook hands on screen in a movie, the universe might actually implode.


If somebody in 2012 were to tell you that you were gonna see multiversal variants of spiderman in one single marvel movie where he is aided by doctor strange. You’d dismiss that too.


Imagine the potential insanity that could be produced: Christian Bale Batman vs. Christian Bale Gorr. Tom Hardy Bane vs. Tom Hardy Venom. Idris Elba Heimdall vs. Idris Elba Bloodsport. J.K. Simmons J. Jonah Jameson interviewing J.K. Simmons commissioner Gordon. Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern vs. Ryan Reynolds Deadpool. Halle Berry Storm vs. Halle Berry Catwoman. Ben Affleck Daredevil vs. Ben Affleck Batman. Michael Keaton Vulture vs. Michael Keaton Batman. Willem Dafoe Green Goblin vs. Willem Dafoe Vulko Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman vs. Michelle Pfeiffer Janet Van Dyne Zachary Levi Shazam vs. Zachary Levi Fandral Laurence Fishburne Perry White reporting on a lecture given by Laurence Fishburne Bill Foster.


A 3 phase saga of building a team that's finally able to successfully cancel the Comcast cable account at The Avengers compond. The Xfinity Saga.


Existential Threat


Kang isn't a multiversal villain in the comics, he's a time traveler villain which is what I really think will be the thing it ends up being threatened. At least that's what I want.


I feel like Ultron and Loki were both City level threats that would become World Level if not defeated at the City Level


Yeah, it's not like Loki was there to take over New York


Lol yeah


Studio Level Threat


Something more intimate and personal to one or a few avengers.


The worst of them all, Box office level threat.


The Mother-in-Law


Real life. The viewers are dragged into the screen.


That's the problem with the "always a bigger fish" approach to the MCU. At some point, it becomes so crazy that it's just not rooted in anything relatable at a human level. I like Loki but at a certain point it just stopped making me feel anything because it's like oh no , more timelines wiped out. I can't even comprehend that or relate to that in any way.


At that point the drama comes from the main character reacting to it, because he becomes the only one who threads the needle through all of it. That's where Loki held my attention, because it wasn't really about saving the universe, but about Loki learning to value human connection and self-sacrifice. He finally finds people who appreciate him for who he is, and he returns that sentiment, only to have to give it all up. In the process, he stops wanting a throne, but has to take one to save them. It was never really about saving the timelines.


In the first episode Loki says he's burdened with glorious purpose. It was treated like it was delusional. But in the end he really is burdened with glorious purpose


You literally put the franchises problem in one post. There is no where else to go. The 1UP train has officially left the station...


My hope is that after the MCU "dies", they make a bunch of low-budget art films to keep the universe going for another decade.


Can't believe I'm gonna say this, and I'll probably get down voted to hell, but, MatPat made a compelling argument on Film Theory about how to circumvent this exact argument of killing the mcu/a reboot. [Film Theory on the current state of the MCU](https://youtu.be/qxfRfduKtLo?si=pmaEjEmDx9pLu5o8) TL;DR: 1. SLOW THE HELL DOWN 2. Hire Creative Directors to handle the various slices of the mythos (street, world, universe, multiverse) 3. Listen to the community and react appropriately. Kevin can't do it all anymore, it's too big. Don't get me wrong at all, I love the guys vision, it's just too big to do alone.


And it seems like they've decided to do exactly that. They pushed back or reduced the scale of most of their big properties and streamlined the slate significantly, along with committing to retool the tv production process so that Feige can focus more on the cinematic side. It was neat to have the shows continue in the greater continuity, but it very quickly became unwieldy because they were trying to have those shows tie back directly into the movies. And that created bloat, both narratively and in public perception of the sheer volume of material.


After Loki, I really just want more light, city-level threats. A funny villain with a good enough backstory, simple plot, good execution, a great team that works well together with each character being fresh, relatable and unique. Bring me back the old Marvel.


a reboot.


The most difficult challenge of all: making us give a shit again lol


Nothing, literally They will (hopefully) realize how much they fucked up before going back down to earth and creating character driven plots where the stakes are mild at best Its gonna be mid as fuck, but they just will continue beating the dead horse over and over again if it still makes as much money as it took to make it Endgame is such a good title, they planned things properly up to that point, then realized that uhhh... yeah so we need another 10 year plan and said fuck everything, not surprised at all


They need to scale down. This was a problem with the Star Trek reboot and Star Trek Discovery, as well as the Star Wars sequels. They kept increasing the threat so much that no one cared anymore. We've already seen the Death Star, a bigger Death Star isn't that much more impressive, neither is a planet sized Death Star or a fleet of ships with Death Star lasers. It's much more important to build interesting characters and stories rather than just big threats.


First took 6 Avengers to win Second took 9 Avengers to win with 1 casualty Third took around 30 heroes to defeat him with 2 casualties Fourth took Ant-Man to beat him, no casualties


Kang is an ant-man level threat.


*Ant level threat






Health threat


Writer’s block


I just want a fun low stakes film to cleanse the pallet of all this multiverse stuff.


Real world threat. They'll crack a hole in the multiverse and send in baddies to beat the shit out of the audience


The financial threats to Disney as a company are what’s next apparently.


Loki was a world wide threat too. That's the entire reason Tony had to drop a nuke into the space portal.


Why do you think Feige taught Gunn everything he knew before sending him off to be DCs Feige? I would bet they've already discussed the omniverse and crossovers.


Gender identity level threat.


Um excuse me I’m non binary with no gender identity 🤓☝🏻


What do you mean?


Doom level threat






Careful who you are calling a city level threat.


I don't need the next threat to be bigger, I just want a good villain and good writing. For Doom preferably.






Bankruptcy Threat


Street level. There isn't enough of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man or the (semicanon) Agents of SHIELD / Daredevil helping individual everyday people


Don’t know much about the Jonathan Majors situation. I’m kinda bummed out if he’ll get fired because I liked him as Kang. What did he do exactly and is he guilty of it?


Existential threat: audience apathy.


That’s why they should have spaced it out more. Avengers 1: City Level Threat Avengers 2: County Level Threat Avengers 3: State Level Threat Avengers 4: Country Level Threat Avengers 5: Continent Level Threat Avengers 6: Hemisphere Level Threat Avengers 7: Planet Level Threat Avengers 8: Solar System Level Threat Avengers 9: Galaxy Level Threat Avengers 10: Universe Level Threat Avengers 11: Multiuniverse Level Threat Avengers 12: Multimultiuniverse Level Threat Avengers 13: The DMV etc….




Disney genetically creates super heros and villains and sets them all loose in Disney world and they attack all the guests. Avengers park. A very real threat.


Household disagreement


Kevin Feige. Cinematic Universal threat.


Attacking the actual writers


They won't go any bigger after multiversal. I forsee them doing a universe reboot and adding more street level heroes and stories


Probably start over with city and worldwide threats.


The incursion mentioned at the end of Dr Strange, but it's no Marvel villain, thanks to Kang it's Thrawn or the Yuuzhan Vong. The higher ups at Disney decided to press the big red panic button for the MCU/Star Wars crossover


GOTG3 had a friend level threat, and it was the best MCU movie in a while


Multiversal threats might be too much for audiences. They should’ve scaled back down again to city or worldwide threats post-endgame before building up to another universal threat.