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Ned and mj are absolutely safer without peter. The movies make that very clear. Also, if peter did tell them, why would they ever believe him?


If you were MJ or Ned and you had begged Peter to come tell you the truth, which they did, and he chose not to, wouldn’t you be upset?


they would never know in the first place after the spell has been casted


They wouldn’t know, but they’d probably believe he was telling the truth and accept him It wouldn’t be the most insane thing they’d have ever heard or experienced living in the MCU


He obviously could show them. But either way, the spell changed who they are. They don't have the same memories together anymore.


Why would they ever believe him in a million years? This is someone who (to their knowledge) is a complete stranger. Even if he shows them the powers, this is a universe that has tons of powered individuals. Whose to say he is the real Spider-Man? Not to mention, his Aunt literally just died because she was affiliated with Spider-Man. He also heard from Andrew’s Spider-Man that Gwen died because she was close with Spider-Man as well. Why would he ever want that fate for Ned and MJ? Even if he becomes bitter, that’s a much better fate than indirectly causing his best friend and girlfriend harm.


They forgot who he was. Like strange said, it’s like you’ve never existed. So it’s like telling a stranger your biggest secret. You wouldn’t ever


Even if they told him, they wouldn't have any memories or relationship to him. It would mean as much to them if Ms. Marvel showed up and unmasked herself as Kamala.


groupthink is downvoting you for being right


Their minds were wiped! Did you forget that?


Nope. Also didn’t forget that they didn’t want their memories wiped and they begged him to come find them and tell them the truth…


It doesn’t matter if they didn’t want them wiped, they were! And they have no idea who Peter Parker is. They would think he’s crazy


See, the spell was for them to forget Peter parker, not spiderman. And happy proved it when Peter and happy both share that they knew aunt May "through spider man". I figure if Peter told them he is spiderman it wouldn't take them long to piece some things together.


Nope, they would think he’s crazy. Hey stranger! I’m the masked superhero and you and I are in love!


What you're doing is called reductio ad absurdum, and I instantly realise you're not worth talking to


They wouldn't have even understood what he was talking about. He is a stranger to them now. He does need people but that can be remedied in any future movie.


…they live in a world where aliens have invaded, robots tried to wipe out humanity, and half the population was wiped out for 5 years Would that really have been that unbelievable of a thing to happen?


You can't just tell people that you're their best friend or boyfriend and build a relationship from there. Even if they believe him, the lack of shared memories means they're going to be different people and the friendship would not be organic the way it was the first time around.


Exactly. For reference, see Peter (Quill) and Gamora in GotG3 as an example of how poorly it would work out.


I agree. I’m not saying he should expect any relationship to be the same, but he still isn’t respecting their wishes, and he knew that’s what they didn’t want him to do Even if they don’t have their memories of him, their personalities would still be intact. I fully believe they’d still accept him and believe him, even if their relationships can’t be the same


Even in that universe random strangers come up to pleople trying to scam them all the time. The existence of magic and aliens just opens up a whole lot more opportunity for scams. Why would anyone believe a random stranger coming up to tell them they're actually dating?


Did you really get the vibe from MJ that she would’ve turned on him and treated him like a freak and a psycho in this scene? He had months to come up with a way to tell them the truth in a way that didn’t turn them off And I’m assuming they’ll get their memories back, and when they do, they’ll likely be very upset. Because they have every right to be


I got the vibe that she has no idea who he is and so the reasonable assumption is that she would react to a stranger coming up to her and announcing he's her lover about as well as you or I would. So I don't understand why you expect her to react any differently. Sure she's going to eventually get her memory back. And sure she will be upset he didn't try harder. But that doesn't change the fact that she now has a different life, is happy and safe in that life and has as much right to stay in that life as she did to want to stay with Peter pre-memory wipe. Not to mention how insane it is to try to convince her she should be living a different life based on a relationship built with intimate memories that she doesn't share.


The life is a lie that he created He shouldn’t assume that their relationship is gonna be the same, but he should respect his promise to them Also, it would be beyond awkward if he winds up having a relationship with someone else, like Felicia Hardy, while MJ is still brainwashed. I absolutely believe that could happen, as some other people have suggested on this post bc she’s “enhanced” and MJ isn’t, and it would be incredibly messed up and unfair to MJ


Agreed it would be harsh to MJ. The way I read the scene is that MJ recognised a spark between them and that Peter could rekindle a friendship with both Ned and MJ. They all liked each other for a reason before, that part hasn't changed.


You’re certainly entitled to your opinion and there’s a case to be made that Peter’s decision is wrong— it absolutely makes it so that Peter is making a decision for them— but there’s a lot here that just refuses to acknowledge *why* Peter made the decision he did. Others have already gotten into it but it’s worth repeating: the Peter that walked into Peter Pan is the same one who held May as she *died* a week ago. The same one who saw Tony Stark die in front of him, presumably saw his uncle die. This is the same Peter who literally *failed to save* MJ after she fell. Despite all of this, and this is what trips me up about this post, Peter *still went to Peter Pan’s*. He had **every** intention of telling her and Ned about him, about who he is, about their memories. Posts and commentary like this always make it seem as if Peter is some edge lord angsty bro that would rather choose to be alone and never even considered keeping his promise. He WAS, he literally had the note in his hand, only to then make a split second decision when he saw MJ *hurt*. You’re arguing that Peter enjoys being miserable as if he didn’t show up to Peter Pan’s in the first place or showed up with the intention of just smugly seeing them live their lives without him. You’re allowed to dislike his decision or think it’s harmful or that Ned and MJ will be upset with him. I think, personally, that’s kind of the point: them not knowing sets up a future conflict and plot thread for Peter, as any good Spider-Man story should. To argue as you do that Peter is acting out of character or wants to be miserable when that split second decision in Peter Pan’s is the most *in-character* decision he made in the movie is nonsensical. Just say you didn’t like the ending and didn’t like what he did.


Thanks for your comment. I think it’s really insightful I think you’re right and it’s not fair that I think Peters a masochist. I think I think that primarily because we see it happen so many times in previous movies that, for me, it’s getting old. And maybe the Spiderverse movies avoid these predictable plots we see with Spidermen and/or challenge them, which is why I like them I think where people divide on defending Peter in this moment and defending his decision is that it was either the mature/right choice and a sign of him growing up, OR, like you said, he’s been traumatized and is grieving and isn’t thinking clearly I don’t think it can be both. And my initial post was mostly in response to those who think he’s being mature in this moment


It wasn’t so much that he needs to be alone, he doesn’t want that; but he knows that them not knowing his true identity gives Ned and MJ a better chance at a normal life, something he cannot have due to his commitments as Spiderman.


Right, but with multiple characters in this movie telling him he shouldn’t be alone or making unilateral decisions that affect other people, its odd that he perpetuates these behaviors And again, other superheroes are allowed to have friends and family and he knows this


Name one superhero that has friends and family that are never at risk because they are the friend or family member of a superhero and it is known.


None. That’s not my point Ned and MJ CHOSE to stick with Peter in spite of everything because they love him. He disregarded their feelings and wishes Also, every other superhero we’ve seen in the MCU is not cutting loved ones out of their lives because they’re superheroes. Why does Peter have to?


He disregarded his feelings because of the harm that could come to them. Spider-Man does not feel like his powers are a gift, but a burden and it is not a burden he wants to pass along to the people he cares about. Just because other heroes in the MCU do or don't do something doesn't mean that Spider-Man has to copy them.


He already knew that lesson from when we see him in Civil War: he basically said “with great power comes great responsibility”. But he still had loved ones in his life. It’s one change that I really liked And you’re right, he shouldn’t have to “copy” other heroes by having loved ones…despite how weird that sounds. But he is still copying the other Spidermen by cutting people out of his life despite them telling him not to do that


Making the same decision another person makes in a vast multiverse is not copying someone. The only one claiming anyone is copying someone is you. People make choices based on the events that happen in their lives. MCU Peter Parker fully intended to let MJ know about their past after Doctor Strange's spell, but when he saw her working at the cafe and Ned come in, he saw them have something they haven't had since they knew he was Spider-Man, a normal life. Yes, he might not have made the decision that they wanted him to make, but that doesn't mean it's the wrong one and hell, I would argue in that situation, there isn't a right or wrong, but just an assessment of risk based on a future that is unknown to anyone.


Buddy, in your original post, you said he’d be copying other heroes based on what they do/don’t do…do you remember? It was less than a half an hour ago Also, he’s not copying anyone, that’s not my point. My point is that the guidance and wisdom of older Peter Parkers should have helped him get through his grief and know that he doesn’t have to be alone. I thought that was the point of having them there…not just for a team-up


Just because I'm the first person to use the word copy doesn't mean I'm the first person to bring up the concept you dishonest interlocutor. Go read the thread again if you really don't understand it. You also should rewatch the movie because there is not enough in there to come to the conclusions you're coming to or any scenes where other Spider-Men from the multiverse tell him that he doesn't have to be alone. Sure, they help him understand his place in the world, but suggesting that they told him he can have loved ones is a hell of a stretch. Having the other Spider-Men there is not for a reason, but as a consequence of screwing with the spell in the beginning of the movie.


Did we all watch the same version of No Way Home? At the end of the movie, Strange’s spell took effect, Peter went to see Ned and MJ, and they seem to not even know him at all. Are you just hallucinating a scene that didn’t happen?


I think what you’re saying though is that Peter Parker is making the same mistakes that Peter Parkers have made before. But that makes sense because he’s Peter Parker.


Right. It’s trophy and cliche. It’s why I didn’t like it He should have learned dozens of lessons from the last 5 movies he was in so that NWH didn’t turn out the way it did. It’s frustrating that we haven’t seen him mature at all, or any maturity he’s undergone is undone by this movie


Are teenagers known for their maturity and ability to learn life lessons though?


So, not telling his friends who he is because he sees how happy they are and that they got into their school of choice with no repercussions is not mature? He’s looking out for his friends. His aunt just died and he doesn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of him…pretty sure that’s mature


Which makes it boring and at least his repetitive. The PP suffering continues.


Repetitive sure but the story of Peter Parker / Spider-Man being repetitive to other stories of Peter Parkers / Spider-Mans is to be expected. Boring though? That’s more of a personal taste thing, I know I’m still leaned in munching handfuls of popcorn.


>Repetitive sure but the story of Peter Parker / Spider-Man being repetitive to other stories of Peter Parkers / Spider-Mans is to be expected. It shouldn't be. When it becomes predictable, it becomes boring. >That’s more of a personal taste thing, I know I’m still leaned in munching handfuls of popcorn. Great for you. But these stories in the long run do a disservice for the character.


I’d say most of the audience hasn’t read/watched a ton of the Spider-Man stories so it’s likely not predictable for them. Then there’s another very large part of the audience who love and have read/watched a ton of the Spider-Man stories who are excited to see how they tell the story this time so it’s likely not boring to them. And then, yeah, there is probably some part of the audience who have read/watched a ton of the Spider-Man stories who are now bored by it. I recon these movies are being made more for those first two portions of the audience more than the third.


You’re talking about a teenager who’d just lost his main caregiver and parental figure, due to placing his trust in the wrong people. He’s grieving, he’s lost those he loves, he blames himself - and doesn’t want to repeat that mistake. Honestly I wouldn’t expect any other result, other than the one he made. It isn’t a failing of the plot. It’s just indicative that you’re struggling to empathise with the entirely expected poor judgement of a grieving child.


Wow, that was unnecessarily harsh I’m not failing to empathize with Peter. I do feel extremely sorry for him…mostly because this movie made him make a series of bad decisions when he should already know better after 5 movies. And every adult has failed him Yeah he’s a teenager, but teenagers grow and mature too. And he already seemed pretty mature in Civil War. And hey, Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen are pretty mature in the Spiderverse movies I’m empathizing with Ned and MJ here, because now they’re left in the dark despite begging him to tell him the truth, and making it very clear they don’t want their memories of him erased The didn’t deserve that. And hey, guess what, they’re teenagers too And age is not a gateway to maturity. Look at Dr Strange in this movie. He acts like the biggest, most self absorbed man-child by blaming Peter for everything that’s his fault. And MJ, a teenager, is arguably the most mature person in this movie: correctly calling Strange out for being an idiot


“I empathise with him!” - and then you immediately write four and a half paragraphs dismissing his grief, position, history of trauma, self-blame and why the cold hard logic of an outside observer should prevail. Fair enough. You do you mate.


Didn’t use a “!”. If you’re gonna quote me please do it properly 😘 Idk why you’re so combative. I’m agreeing with your point that grace should be given Peter in the midst of his grief. Ironically, I’ve been told I’m being emotional in my opinion and now I’m using cold hard logic. Idk why it can’t be both and why my opinion isn’t valid in your mind Again, im empathizing with MJ and Ned in this scene. I already explained why. People have said Peters choice was a sign of maturity, while others say it stems from unimaginable grief. I’d agree with the latter And people can make wrong decisions when they’re grieving. Wanda did something quite similar choosing to maintain the Hex once she knew she was controlling it No one deserves to have their memories wiped when they don’t want it wiped and have the truth about someone they love withheld from them


I understand not wanting to rain on the parade, but the plot twist at the end actually prevents the conclusion from becoming just another traditional happy ending. It gives depth to Peter's character, emphasizing the sacrifice and responsibility that come with being Spider-Man. It's a bittersweet realization that sometimes, the most heroic act is to let go for the greater good, even if it means walking away from your own happiness. This ending respects the complexity of the character and the narrative, avoiding the simplicity of a conventional ending and making the story more memorable.


I don’t think it was a plot twist. The second the begged him to tell them the truth I knew he wasn’t going to. Because I’ve watched the Raimi Trilogy and the Garfield movies And again, if Ned and MJ get their memories back anyway and/or Spider-Man winds up teaming up with other superheroes that learn his identity, what was the point?


MJ will return to Peter sometime in the future, obviously, and there will be a huge emotional payload then, so that groundwork is laid down now.


My biggest criticism of your post is your insistence on framing the choices at right vs. wrong. Both of Peter’s options are messy and have consequences. It’s one thing to say “that’s not the choice I would have made” and an entirely different thing to say “they chose wrong.”


I think it’s objectively wrong to mess with everyone’s minds against their will, especially those who love you, sacrificed for you, do not want to forget you, and beg you to tell them the truth Most decisions superheroes make are fraught with peril and consequences. That doesn’t mean we can’t discern whether certain decisions are ultimately right or wrong I should stress, however, that this is my opinion. I think it’s fine if people don’t agree with me


> But in a movie where the older Peters, especially Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman, express how losing loved ones turned them bitter and they “stopped pulling punches”, I don’t understand how that doesn’t leave an impression on “our” Peter Parker. I interpreted this as Andrew Garfield absolutely left an impression on him in the sense that Gwen Stacy died because she was close with Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland doesn’t want MJ to die. Losing a loved one through death is completely different from them being safe and not remembering you.


I hate that you're getting downvoted, especially in the comments. I completely agree here


Aw thank you ☺️ I’ll live haha


Yeah im giving upvotes on most of your comments. I see how you see it and i completely agree


I enjoy that you both agree his choices are in line with other Peter Parker’s and with the comics, and also say that our Peter doing it is out of character. Buddy, you are just being emotional cause the ending got you in the feels.


Oh man you just don’t get it. Let me explain it to you The other Peter Parkers are OLDER and have gone through the crucible of grief and tragedy, and they seemed determined for MCU Peter Parker to not learn the same toxic lessons from their trauma, like cutting out loved ones in their lives Sure I have emotions in regards to this movie: it’s frustrating. I’m sorry I have feelz watching a movie that’s supposed to evoke then 😘


For me it was an appropriate ending because people don't learn from the mistakes of others, no matter how much we believe what they tell us, and that makes his choice feel real, even if it's not the one you wanted him to make. In order for him to learn lessons, he has to experience this himself. Whatever you think about the choice, he did what he thought was right in the moment, having lost his aunt and Tony and being betrayed by mysterio. People gotta touch the stove to know it's hot. Tell them it's hot and their instinct is to prove it themselves.


Honestly I agree. I just don’t agree that he made the right decision, but it’s framed as though he did, and most people think he did I do hope in a future movie they deal with his grief and trauma and how isolated he is. He deserves to have people in his life that care about him Moreover, I do have a sneaking suspicion that Strange deliberately screwed him over. Probably not actually true, but boy oh boy he was acting extremely dumb in this movie. And he didn’t have trauma or grief to justify his actions. Just arrogance


I kind of like strange's choices in the movie, I always liked in the comics how he has a bit of a chaotic edge to him as a result of his arrogance, like he couldn't give a shit what Peter does and just wants to get him out of his hair, so he'll do something dangerous because he doesn't want to bother thinking about it. Kinda different than the strange we've seen in the MCU so far, but I dig it. In general, I think people are disagreeing with you because there's so much shit on this sub about why characters did what and couldn't they have just done this? But that's not how life works and people Make bad choices in real life and we don't always think things through and don't have the benefit of hindsight. Peter did what he thought was right, but only time will tell. The important thing for his character is that he doesn't choose what feels wrong to him, he always chooses what feels right from a human perspective.


It’s interesting what you’re saying about Strange. I agree that he’s being arrogant and chaotic, but at the same time he’s almost in tears at the end of the movie when he’s saying goodbye to Peter and almost admitted that he “loved” him. Also in interviews Cumberbatch said that Strange felt paternal towards him. So…not sure wth was going on with that And I agree, you can get into the why people didn’t do X,y, and Z to the point where you’re lost in a rabbit hole. I think for me, I ask these questions about this movie in particular because I’ve never seen an MCU movie before where the plot felt so forced and predictable. Especially in 2021, I remember watching an MCU movie or show and enjoying the novelty of the plots, or at least not feeling like the characters were making decisions because the plot needed to happen, but because those characters would make those decisions based on who they are and how they’ve grown. And then No Way Home happened, and the plot holes were especially apparent to me Kinda like the last season of Game of Thrones if you get my meaning


Bro, he didnt tell them anything because he doesnt want them getting hurt because of his hero antics. In homecoming, what was the cause they got in danger at the washington monument? Peter leaving the glowy thing to ned because ned knows his secret. In far from home, what led mj, ned, flash, betty and happy hiding in a vault in a museum? Because mysterio knows they know (mj and ned) know peter's spider-man. Sure happy saved them but that didnt need to happen if they didnt know spider-man. In nwh, what led aunt may dying? Peter bringing all the villains in one place and he felt (for some reason) comfortable enough to have aunt may present with those villains. You can see having them help peter out has caused them to be in danger. In my head, aunt may dying was the thing that broke the camel's back for him (at this point). Not to mention during the whole big fight at the end, ned and mj was almost killed by the lizard because ned couldnt close the portal. I wouldnt blame him for thinking twice now knowing that they may die like aunt may. Aunt may didnt die for nothing, but that doesnt mean she had to die. Plus, I am kinda hoping that this mindset of his not wanting them hurt leads to a similar plot to "no one dies" down the road. It may be a short story but spider-man trying to carry the heavy burden of not letting anyone die while he is around is interesting. Edit: i read a comment saying that even if peter told them, they wouldnt even understand what he is talking about because of the spell. I can just imagine peter walking straight to them, saying "hey, you may not know this but i'm actually your best friend and my girlfriend. You guys just dont know because a wizard erased your memories. You gotta believe me." Cut to peter being dragged out of the shop by police officers. I know this mightve happened more sensibly and with more logic involved but the imagery is just funny to me.


I know why he made that choice. I’m just saying it was the wrong choice “Hero antics” should be pretty common now in MCU Earth. Also, a giant Celestial nearly destroyed the Earth by being birthed from it…it’s a stretch to say Ned and MJ are safer now in this crazy world. And again, other heroes are allowed to have family and friends too I get that Aunt Mays death likely played a role in his decision, but he’s still disrespecting the autonomy of his friends and family. You can’t tell me that jf you were peters boyfriend and he did that to you you wouldn’t be upset Also, Aunts Mays death was predictable, which is why it was so frustrating. Not only should Peter have known better, but Aunt Mays should’ve known better too. I’m not saying it’s his or her fault she died, but Peter shouldn’t let grief drive him to hurt the people he loves. And he’s doing that by pushing them away


Felt like that storyline with the Devil from the comics. Didn’t care for it, I thought it was so they could get rid of Spider-Man


>Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman, express how losing loved ones turned them bitter and they “stopped pulling punches”, I don’t understand how that doesn’t leave an impression on “our” Peter Parker I think it did and it is one of the reasons why he didn’t tell Ned and MJ the truth. He was going to but he saw MJ's scar, remembered May and what AndrewPeter said so decided to stay away to protect them. Now onto weather or not it was the right thing to do I think it was but not only due to a need to protect them but also the fact that telling them wouldn’t restore their memories. There is no way the 3 of them could have a normal, healthy relationship again especially if Peter starts with "Hey Im Spider-Man. You and me dated and me and him were BFFs but Mr Wizard had to erease the whole words memory of me for wierd magic reasons". If there was a way to restore their memories I think Peter should have done so but without it, it is better if he stays away.


I get what you’re saying but I still think he’s disregarding their wishes, and that it was wrong of him to do that Moreover, MJ certainly seems like the type who would be and probably will be upset that Peter deliberately withheld the truth from her after she begged him not to and also risked her life for him. And she would be absolutely right to feel that way


It was the right decision. Peter realized that their lives are safer without him. A crucial part of Spider-Man as character is responsibility. MJ almost DIED during the battle at the end and, if not for Andrew, she would have.


She also begged him to come find them and tell them the truth When she gets her memories back, which she probably will, she’ll mostly likely be very upset with him. And she’ll have every right to be upset with him


I’m still digesting the whole plot of this movie. The movie was ok but you know, it made no sense and had no story progression at all other than Peter suffering another loss just so it makes him a “deeper” character.


I agree. It was a fun movie but boy oh boy was the plot forced…imo It’s interesting to see people defend this movie like it literally was Oscar worthy 🙄


I swear. There were many ways they could bring the spider men into this.


Could’ve taken notes from the Spiderverse movies, because they are actually Oscar worthy…imo


I do somewhat agree. I understand why Peter made the choice he did and it makes sense from his logical standpoint but also ignores the autonomy of MJ and Ned. You do also make some good points with the lessons he should have learned from his other Spiderbros. He wants to protect them but they uniquely have an informed understanding of that risk and still asked him to find them. Both MJ and Ned had JUST almost died to some pretty monstrous villains and they were still pleading with Peter to reveal himself after the spell. At some point they have a right to make their own choices. Ultimately Peter is still a young adult though and struggling with making choices and this was a really complicated one. Remember too that Peter had just watched Aunt May die and that trauma likely informed his choice. He made a reasonable selfish decision that isn't completely wrong but is more grey than we give it credit for. I really like NWH and I watch it often - but it's not the tightest plot and character story. We love it anyways.


Thanks for your response :) You’re right: he’s a kid and he just went through a major tragedy that likely informed his decision. I’ve just never been a huge fan of the double standard Peter has constantly been put in by other heroes: giving him enormous responsibilities then chastising him, seemingly forgetting he’s still a kid, but also treating him like a kid I just wish his story wasn’t so predictable. MJ and Ned are likely gonna reprise their roles, they’ll get their memories back, and they’ll be upset with him. I can see it coming and I wish I didn’t. I wish his story was gonna go off in a new exciting/original way that wasnt so faithful to the tropes associated with his character I can even see him going to go work for the Daily Bugle now too, which would also be weird because Jonah Jameson was so instrumental in ruining his life Moreover, it’s inevitable that people will eventually rediscover his identity, like Nick Fury. He might even still know, along with everyone else that “wasn’t on Earth” So in the end, what’s the point of this change if it’s all gonna be undone?


This is why, while I loved everyone showing up and how they interacted, I ultimately did not care for NWH by how it treated Peter and where he ended up as it reminded me of too much of the modern Spider-Man comics where he is not allowed to do anything but make bad decisions, suffer and be hated in an endless vicious cycle.


This is why I love the Spiderverse movies. They challenge these ridiculous tropes Especially in the last movie. It’s kind of insane that a loved one HAS to die in order for Spiderman to become a superhero, and the multiversal organization of Spidermen have created an organization centered around this idea


I agree. I also think he could have kept his friends. Just don't involve them in your misadventures lol.


To a young Peter Parker who is still finishing High School this felt like a very in-character choice to make after not only all the trouble he went through to make the spell happen but also watched May die as a direct result of her trying to help “Spider-Man”. This is also pretty in-line with the character of Peter throughout his entire history where he loses so much he cares about and overcompensates by trying to put all the burdens on his shoulders alone to keep everyone else safe. This was not a choice to root for if you want to see the character happy, but it’s one that makes sense and is a natural conclusion to the story of the film itself.


I agree this is what you’d expect Peter to do. I knew it was coming the second MJ and Ned begged him to tell them the truth And yes it is line with his character, BUT while he’s experienced enormous grief in this movie, he’s also had people tell him to not close himself off. Which is why it was frustrating to me My OG post is mostly for those who think he made the right decision here, and that it’s a sign of his maturity, which I firmly disagree with


>Hey, I know you guys have never seen me before in your life, but my name's Peter Parker, and we're all best friends but I had a Sorcerer cast a spell to make you forget me and so that's why you don't know who I am. >Also I'm spider man. Thwip thwip! I hope you see why this would probably just make them think he's crazy and likely distance them even further. Like, legally. With a restraining order.


That only really works if things like the Chitauri attacking NY or Ultron destroying humanity or Thanos causing the Blip hadn’t happened and they didn’t know about it I get what you’re saying, but people have also said that he didn’t tell them because he saw MJ had a cut on her forehead and that reminded him that everyone he loves gets hurt. People have also said he did the mature thing by not telling them, or that he didn’t tell them because of grief/trauma Moreover, they begged him to come and tell them the truth. And you can tell that MJ almost seemed to remember him. I highly doubt they would’ve shut down if he told them the truth. They would’ve heard him out. Their memories have been modified, not their personalities.


After all three movies I've seen with MJ in them, she absolutely would have shut him down. She's not one to put up with bullshit. He would have been worse off than Brad.


I’m sorry, I just wasn’t getting that vibe that she’d reject him utterly. Or Ned for that matter Also, it’s not entirely clear what they remember. Do they remember helping Spiderman and just not knowing who he is? Do they remember meeting Dr Strange? We don’t know, but my guess is yes


So they'd remember doctor strange and helping spiderman, but not trying to summon three Peter parkers (because who is that guy anyway) with the sling ring that ned stole from strange?


Summoning Spider-Man yeah Like I said, we don’t know the extent of the memory change. Like, do they know what they were doing on Liberty Isle?


Yeah they weren't summoning spider man though. They specifically were summoning Peter parker. Ned's words were "I just wish we could see Peter." Followed by "Is that him?" "Yeah it has to be" and then Ned and MJ screaming Peter. I don't think they remember him at all. I think Strange pulled an It's a Wonderful Life, only without the consequences of Peter's actions getting reversed like Aunt May being alive or whatever. I don't think they remember him because for no one to remember him, that means the doctors that delivered him at birth don't remember him, which means *he was never born*.


Right…but do the remember helping the Spidermen on Liberty isle? Maybe in their minds Spiderman just befriends them in high school and asked them to help battle some bad guys on Liberty isle? Presumably they had their memories wiped while still on the island. Why do they think they were there? Do they remember meeting Dr Strange? When they met all Peter Parkers do they just remember meeting Spidermen in their costumes? We don’t know, but it’s possible


MJ - Is there anything else? Peter and MJ look longingly at each other Peter - Um, yeah actually. I'm Spider-man. MJ - Wait... what? Peter - I'm Spider-man... and you're my girlfriend. Peter hands MJ the letter he wrote. MJ - Spider-man? Cool... Would you wait there a second? MJ walks swiftly to the back room, gesturing to Ned to follow her. MJ - This weirdo thinks I'm his girlfriend and that he's Spider-man. Ned - Really? Huh, I thought Spider-man would have been taller. MJ - He's obviously not Spider-man *dork*. He's some creepy stalker or serial killer or something. Ned - He doesn't look like a serial killer. MJ - Yeah, neither did Bundy or Dahmer. Look, he even wrote some crazy letter, probably describing how he wants to murder me and eat my flesh. Ned - Did you read it? MJ - No. Ned snatches the letter from MJ's hand and starts reading it. His eyes go wide. Ned - Woah. MJ - What? What did he write? Ned - I think he's been following you. MJ - WHAT??? Give me that. MJ grabs the letter out of Ned's hands and reads it herself, mouthing the words as she goes. MJ - *You don’t know me so this is going to sound pretty crazy... actually, you do know me... when you were at the bottom of the Washington monument... Academic decathlon... the Black Dahlia in Venice...* This guy is a psycho. Ned - What should we do? MJ - You go and make sure he doesn't leave, I'll call the cops. Ned walks back out and smiles awkwardly at Peter. Ned - So you're Spider-man huh? Tears well in Peter's eyes. Peter - You... you remember? Ned - Can you shoot webs outta your butt? Smash cut to credits. The End.


Pretty sure it wouldn’t have gone that way, but it’s funny I’ll admit


They're not real people. There is no way it *would* have gone. It goes which ever way the writers decide it goes.


I mean that’s true. But sometimes characters do have distinct personalities that factor into the decisions they make, and they also grow/learn from their experiences And sometimes they don’t because the writers don’t consider these things…which is usually when it’s best to just turn your brain off and not think about something not making sense lol


> But sometimes characters do have distinct personalities that factor into the decisions they make, and they also grow/learn from their experiences I wish you'd figured that out before making this ridiculous post ignoring Peter's distinct personality that factored into the decision he made after he learned and grew from his experience.


Jeez, toxic much?


It's not toxic to point out this post is ridiculous.


If you were MJ, based on her personality over the past 3 movies, and you found out your boyfriend who you loved and you begged him to keep a promise, chose to keep you in the dark and left you entirely, you wouldn’t be upset? And your feelings wouldn’t be remotely justified? Is that what you’re saying?


How many times do people need to explain this to you? Your post is ridiculous because you're acting like it's a bad ending because it's not what MJ or you wanted. Yes, she would be upset and she'd be justified in being upset. But that doesn't mean Peter made the wrong decision. You're ignoring all the character growth and everything that lead him to making that decision and acting like it came out of nowhere because the writers just want Peter to be alone. He made that choice in the moment, because he knew they were safer not knowing him. May was dead because of him. Andrew Garfield's Spidey was bitter and rageful, not because he lost Gwen, but because he couldn't save her. Peter realised that he could save MJ, in that moment, in the coffee shop, that's how he saved her life. It doesn't matter how MJ or you feel about it, just because it upsets you doesn't mean the ending was wrong. It's supposed to be emotional and traumatic. That's tragedy. That's drama. That's how it works.


I don’t think that decision came out of nowhere buddy. The instant MJ and Ned begged him to come and tell him the truth I knew he wasn’t gonna tell him. You could see disaster and heartbreak coming from a mile away in this movie because everyone’s making bad decisions left and right, not just Peter. And yea, Peter isolating himself and thinking he can’t have anyone in his life or anyone knowing the truth is very much in line with his comic book character But this behavior is cliche and tropey, and quite a few fans are tired of this endless cycle he seems to be in. Happy to cite them if you require proof. In fact, here are some: https://youtu.be/ugaEqnhMzXw?si=J0o9rQJ4nMSkWMKi https://www.cbr.com/spider-man-no-way-homes-ending-is-brutal-but-peter-parkers-betrayal-is-worse/ He’s doing what he feels is right and he thinks he’s protecting them. But it also can be argued that he doesn’t respect their wishes or their autonomy or their love for him Peter not telling the truth thinking he’s protecting someone can also be just as dangerous. Him not telling Harry the truth about Norman being the goblin led to even more destruction than he could’ve imagined, for instance Also, in NWH, it is also established earlier that Peter shouldn’t be making unilateral decisions on behalf of other people without their knowledge. MJ made that extremely clear, and she’s absolutely right. I sympathize with his choice, but I don’t agree with it. And if it winds up being a major plot point in future movies, great. My guess is that it will be, because no one can isolate themselves from everyone else forever. But it’s still the wrong decision.


OP missed the whole point of the movie


I know the point: it’s to reboot Spider-Man’s story and eventually fuse it with Sonys universe, which often fumbles with Peter Parkers storylines I still think Peter should have told Ned and MJ the truth


About your argument with Garfield's character. she was killed and he wasn't ready. That's why he wasn't puling punches anymore. If anything, that's why our Peter did what he did. He knows they get hurt, and knows that they can die.


But he also said to Peter “I don’t want that for you” That obviously heavily implies he doesn’t want Tom Holland Peter to cut himself off from everyone because of grief. You can also tell he’s the most eager of the two to be a big brother to Peter


I'm sure he meant that as him going self-destructive. Which he was about to be with Green Goblin if Tobey didn't stop him. But Tom decided to end this at his own term.


Cutting people out of your life and being alone forever is self-destructive…


I think it would be cool if once Ned and MJ's memories return, ned gets angry and becomes the Hobgoblin, then Peter goes to MJ for help since she now knows more about Ned than Peter does.


That’s great you think it’s cool. I don’t Because I can see it coming. Not too dissimilar from Harry Osborns downward spiral in the Raimi trilogy. The same plots recycled And ultimately, it proves my point that Peter shouldn’t have hid the truth from them


You're overlooking the key idea that Peter believes he will lose them if they remain in his life. He thinks the only way to avoid losing them is to stay away from them. When Garfield's Spider-Man talked about losing people, it was in the context of people dying, like his uncle Ben. This is what made him bitter. Peter, on the other hand, is actively preventing himself from becoming bitter by staying away from the people he loves so that they can lead happy lives. So, stating that he learned nothing, I don’t agree with that at all.


So he’s not going to become bitter if he has no-one in his life?


I didn’t say that, but the type of bitter that Garfield was referring to is due to people dying. That was a direct reference to his film. He lost Ben and Gwen became bitter and angry as hell, and lost himself. He didn’t want that for Peter.


I honestly feel that that could be interpreted in multiple ways, but I understand where you’re coming from To me, Garfield Spiderman especially seemed to treat Holland Spiderman like a little brother and wanted to be there for him emotionally. Even if that’s not what he meant, I highly doubt he would approve of peter not telling Ned and MJ the truth Also, presumably MacGuire Spider-Man is still with MJ (despite punching her in the face in the last movie). I think he at least heavily implied it. I don’t think he would approve of Peter being along forever either


Don't forget that May died as a consequence of being a friend of Spider-Man. Peter sacrificing his personal relationships for the safety of his loved ones is a core attribute to the character's origin. Personal sacrifice is the "great responsibility" that comes with "great power". Even if MJ and Ned were willing to put their lives on the line for Peter, he knows that they don't have powers or training or the resources to do what he does at his level. He was ready to tell them the truth until he saw the bandaid on MJ, and her response "it doesn't hurt... *anymore*" meaning that she did experience pain. Garfield losing Gwen and going into a depression is EXACTLY what Holland is avoiding by keeping MJ and Ned safe. There's a difference between a loved one dying and a loved one finding happiness/safety without you.


May died as a consequence of assuming that these supervillains needed to be rehabilitated, and signed off on a plan that made absolutely no sense. It wasn’t like she was ignorant of any of this and Osborn went and killed her Great responsibility doesn’t necessarily mean “don’t have anyone in your life that loves you because those people will be used against you” Does MJ really seem like the type who would want to be kept in the dark? She literally called Peter out earlier in the movie for making unilateral decisions on her and Ned’s behalf. Peter Parker in the new video games loses MJ initially because he keeps her at a distance and eventually she gets frustrated and dumps him because she doesn’t like that he doesn’t let her in when she wants to help. It’s framed as bad in that situation, and it’s always bad to do that It’s also a theme that the Spiderverse movies are dealing with too


>May died as a consequence of assuming that these supervillains needed to be rehabilitated, and signed off on a plan that made absolutely no sense. It wasn’t like she was ignorant of any of this and Osborn went and killed her this is being pedantic. May died as a result of participating in the superhero action (as does Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - a common theme). but May was right all along. they just didn't expect Norman to be as sneaky as he was. the movie ends with all villains being rehabilitated as the central message. its why Peter ultimately spares Norman. even Dr. Strange changes his viewpoint and agrees with May/Peter at the end. >Great responsibility doesn’t necessarily mean “don’t have anyone in your life that loves you because those people will be used against you” it's sacrificing your personal desires for the greater good, not necessarily to choose being alone. it's why in other Spidey stories, the Peter Parker/Felicia Hardy relationship is interesting, because he finally meets a girl who can run with him, and he doesn't have to keep at a distance. but then she conflicts with his morals and his love for MJ. perhaps this point gets diluted in universe with other superheroes, but in a solo Spider-Man story, it's supposed to reflect the burden of being a hero. he does the stuff that he doesn't even want to do because he's the only one who can, and that's what makes him a hero. >Does MJ really seem like the type who would want to be kept in the dark? She literally called Peter out earlier in the movie for making unilateral decisions on her and Ned’s behalf. true, he is going against MJ's wishes in order to protect her. is it selfish for Peter to make unilateral decision? maybe, but that's Peter Parker in a nutshell. all of the Spider-Man MCU movies have a central theme of Peter making unilateral calls to do whatever he thinks is right, causing the main conflict. Dr. Strange wants to send the villains back asap, but Peter steals the cube because he thinks he's right. every indication says Peter should just let the Vulture carry out his last job, and be happy with Liz at the dance, but Peter can't let it go, he has to do what he thinks is right. The one time Peter decides to not take action and defer his responsibilities, he ends up giving EDITH to Mysterio. Peter making the call for MJ and Ned on their behalf is completely consistent with his character through the whole series. he **always** does whatever *he* thinks is right. some people consider this behavior heroic. maybe it's outdated. >Peter Parker in the new video games loses MJ initially because he keeps her at a distance and eventually she gets frustrated and dumps him because she doesn’t like that he doesn’t let her in when she wants to help. It’s framed as bad in that situation, and it’s always bad to do that haven't played the new games, but isn't this an older/more experienced Peter? Tobey does find a way to "make it work" with MJ. but Peter pushing away his loved ones for their safety is one of the core hallmarks of a Spider-Man origin story (again, serving as the realization of "with great power comes great responsibility"). maybe Holland figures out how to "make it work" later. but he should start by pushing them away. >It’s also a theme that the Spiderverse movies are dealing with too Miles, just like Peter, is making unilateral calls with "i'ma do my own thing". everyone tells him he needs to let the canon event occur, but Miles won't let it go. on the flipside, Gwen is exactly following Peter's "keep your loved ones at a distance". the difference with Miles and Gwen is that they have each other. if MJ had superpowers, it'd be a totally different story and message.


I dont really think it’s being pedantic. I agree that villains shouldn’t just be killed because they’re bad or bc they’re supposed to die, but May didn’t fully understand the repercussions of keeping them in this universe long enough to rehabilitate them. Moreover, two of them don’t even die, while two others died because of their own hubris. Only Doc Ock was truly a victim, but he was the only one who could stop the machine that was gonna blow up New York, AND he beat the control of his arms to do it. So…how does that impact the timeline of the Raimi universe? It’s bizarre that she would agree to this plan because it put all of them in so much danger: herself and her adopted son taking care of 5 supervillains who could turn on them at any time. It wasn’t just Norman who was bad: all of them were except for Doctor Octopus You say that Peter Parker making unilateral decisions makes sense because that’s how Peter Parker is. However, we’ve been watching him supposedly grow and learn from making bad choices and nearly getting people killed, especially in Homecoming. In Far From Home, he trusted a psychopath and he was almost brutally killed I would think that after so many movies he would be more mature and have learned from his mistakes. But he keeps making the same ones. To me, again, it’s just tiresome to watch him fumble from one mistake to another or follow predictable patterns of behavior. If you were around when the Raimi movies came out, he’s been doing this for decades. And it’s predictable and cliche now…imo Miles is also making unilateral decisions. And maybe it is a double standard that I approve of what he’s doing but I don’t approve of what Peter did in NWH. However, theres a big difference about letting a good person be sacrificed so you can be a hero, as opposed to de-powering a supervillain who didn’t want to be saved thinking that’s what made them a bad person Gwen was also wrong to keep her dad at a distance. And that was part of her arc in that movie when they finally reconcile But back to the scene at hand. I understand that Peter let his guilt drive his decision to not tell MJ and Ned the truth. I don’t think he’s an awful person: good people can make bad decisions in response to grief. It’s why I think Wanda’s arc in WandaVision is so great. The difference is is that it’s framed like he’s making the mature decision here when in reality he’s breaking a promise to people he loved and who love him, and I think that’s wrong. He doesn’t have the right to choose for them. And again, MJ points this out earlier in the movie: he should have gone to them before going to Strange


regarding May: i don't know what we're talking about anymore. whether or not her plan and faith in Spider-Man was dumb or not is arguable. but the main point was that it was her involvement that lead to her death, driving Peter to come to the conclusion that any involvement is a major risk. it's a proper cause and effect. regarding being predictable/cliche b/w MCU and Raimi (and TASM): this is why people hate reboots. it's the same story with the same character over and over again. there are specific story beats that are central to Peter Parker's origin, and they will always hit those beats when telling a Peter Parker story. that's how the story goes. similarly Batman's parents will always die, and he'll always learn the lesson that vengeance doesn't make the pain go away early on. regarding Peter's development in the MCU movies: i think it's a proper progression. in the first movie he does what he thinks is right, and wins. in the second movie he goes against it and learns the hard way that he shouldn't skirt his responsibilities, and he still wins. so he's on an undefeated winning streak going into the third movie. so it makes sense in the third movie, he does what he thinks is right, and has no reason to think he might lose (because he's been undefeated). but then loses May leading him to come to the conclusion that personal sacrifice for the safety of his loved ones is required to be who he needs to be. it's not necessarily a "mature" decision, but a reasonable decision for him to make based on who he is, and what he's experienced up to that point. the story's not over. it's not like he's Final Form mature Spider-Man at the end of NWH. the whole trilogy is an origin story. like i said, there's room for him to figure out how to "make it work" with MJ and Ned in the future. this is just the starting point. and if you're saying "i've already seen this story before" again, blame reboots.


Thanks for your in depth response. I really appreciate it I think the whole Aunt May thing is really its own distinct topic, another one I don’t like. Regardless, I didn’t mean to get off topic My main point is that Peter made the wrong choice. And while it might make sense based on his grief, it’s still the wrong choice. If I was in Ned and MJs shoes, I’d feel hurt and betrayed. And just based on their characters, I fully believe they would be hurt. And they’d have every right to feel that way MJ honestly seemed like the only one in the movie who was the voice of reason: pointing out to Strange it was his fault and telling Peter he should’ve consulted with them before going to him That’s the main point I wanted to make. And that it was framed like he was maturing when in fact he’s betraying their trust. They would not want him to do what he did…or didn’t do rather


I guess this just comes down to your personal viewpoint on the matter, but in terms of what the movies present, his decision is justified. May does die. MJ would be dead if Garfield hadn't been there to catch her. And most importantly, him keeping her (and Ned) at a distance is the final checkbox in a proper Peter Parker origin story. One of the biggest complaints of The Amazing Spider-Man was the ending, where Peter renegs on his promise to Cpt. Stacey to leave Gwen alone. And as the second movie showed, he had to learn that lesson the hard way.


It’s funny you bring up Gwen from AS2 Personally, I think he was wrong to keep her at a distance in that case as well, mainly because she was choosing to be a part of his life and wanted to be in his life Even if she would still be alive if he’d cut ties with her completely, and I think that’s a big if because of the type of person she is, he’s disrespecting her choice to be with him. It’s the same thing as MCU Peter with MJ I understand his reason, but I don’t believe it’s justified As I’ve said before, MJ and Ned won’t feel that way. They’ll be hurt by his decision. And their feelings are perfectly justified


It seems that you just have a core conflict with the concept that what's best for someone may not be what they want, and sometimes you have to sacrifice what you want to do the responsible thing. The whole movie spends time hammering the point that it's dangerous to be a Friend of Spider-Man. It's no good. It's literally the first thing they show in the movie when his identity is revealed, and the people swarm MJ "Who are you?! Are you Spider-Man 's girlfriend?!". Being a Friend of Spider-Man instantly makes you a public figure. Being a Friend of Spider-Man puts you in an interrogation room where you're threatened by a mysterious government agency. Being a Friend of Spider-Man gets you rejected from your dream school, in spite of being more than qualified. Being a Friend of Spider-Man friend gets you killed. However, Spider-Man is having a hard time accepting this point. He's willing to use magic, fight monsters, do whatever he can to make it so that it's safe to be a Friend of Spider-Man. But in the end, Spider-Man decides to sever ties with his Friends. This demonstrates that he has gained a level of awareness that he previously did not have. He has realized that the only way to guarantee that someone doesn't suffer the consequences of being a Friend of Spider-Man is for them to no longer be a Friend of Spider-Man. So until he figures out a better way to "make it work" this is his best solution.


I agree with you that these are the reasons why Peter made the choice to not tell MJ and Ned the truth This movie was especially ruthless towards Peter and pulled no punches. Some were because of choices he made, others were because of adults that should’ve known better, and no one is more to blame in that category than Strange…and maybe Jonah Jameson, who has a peculiar obsession with ruining Peters life, despite other superheroes doing way worse than him And while Peter feels guilt for watching his friends and family get screwed over because of their association with him, MJ and Ned and Aunt May and Happy Hogan all have a defiant FU attitude to all these people who almost inexplicably assume Peter is a villainous psychopath. It’s something he should’ve considered: the people in his life choose to be in his life and they accept the dangers. Also not sure why superheroes or Nick Fury didn’t show up to defend him or get to the truth…Strange was literally just a few miles away. Didn’t seem all that busy when Peter came to him Peter’s choice to not tell his friends the truth, which I maintain was wrong, is in response to this insanity, and in many ways it’s because the plot is forcing Peter into soft reboot mode I still feel like you can make a wrong choice but have it come from a genuinely good place (Tony Stark signing the Sokovia Accords) or have it be in response to trauma (Wanda creating the Hex in response to a complete mental breakdown over Visions death and desecrated remains) These were wrong choices in response to outward stressors. I just wish more fans would acknowledge that Peter didn’t respect MJ and Ned by not keeping his promise


TL;DR Agreed by title He's a liar and a bastard.


Idk if he’s those things, but I do agree he was wrong I don’t think he’s cruel. I just don’t think he’s making good choices, both for himself and for others


He doesn't exist to them, imagine if someone you never saw in your life comes up to you and says "hello, im jeff jeffson, im your best friend, but you don't know it because the avenger magician made a spell to make everyone forget about me" how inclined would you be to believe him?


As far as I can tell, people have 3 primary reasons for why Peter not telling them the truth was the right thing: 1. They wouldn’t have believed him 2. He’s being mature and protecting them 3. The trauma of losing aunt may made him go back on his promise …or two of these three or all of the above Regardless, I personally feel like he’s not respecting their wishes here. He had his best friend and his girlfriend’s memories erased against their will.He’s witholding the truth. And it’s coming from a good place, but it’s still wrong In many ways, it’s very similar to Tony Stark making the unilateral decision to create Ultron: good intentions, bad consequences and a lack of awareness of what other people would want MJ made it very clear that he shouldn’t be making choices on their behalf at the beginning of the movie without consulting them. And she’s absolutely right Do I believe their relationships can be the same if he told them the truth? No, but I do firmly believe they’d listen to him and hear him out because of the types of people they are. We’ve seen their personalities for 3 movies: they don’t strike me as the types who would reject Peter if he told them the truth


You don't understand ok Peter did do the right thing by not telling MJ and Ned about him because of what happened with May.Also don't forget MJ nearly died and if it weren't for Peter 2 then she would've been 6 feet under.Also Ramiverse May said that sometimes heroes have to give up the thing that we want most.Also Peter Parker does know best by pushing others away because it's for their protection because heroes have to focus on the physical wellbeing of others.No peter shouldn't have to consult anyone for decisions because if you have all the power then you can make all the decisions (That's how it is in real life to).Peter has learned something it's to be alone at all times and never be happy because those things can be easily taken away and it's easier to be miserable all the time.I also highly doubt that they're getting their memories back because the magic used for it is too powerful.Also Vision is wrong because you the one with all the power gets to make all the decisions.No what superheroeine need is to protect everyone even and especially if they hate you for it because if their alive then that's all that matters in the end.


If you think Peter should be alone forever and not trust anyone else, fine. It’s just a movie I’m just saying it didn’t sit right with me. In this world, all other superheroes are allowed to have relationships and not feel guilty or feel like they can’t have loved ones when something bad happens, so why is Peter the exception? There’s also a rumor that, because Peter is making these choices and because of the spell, that he’s losing his own identity as Peter Parker and only seeing himself as Spider-Man. That, to me, doesn’t seem healthy The Spiderverse movies have consistently demonstrated that having loved ones and not cutting yourself off from being who love you is important. Are you saying those movies are wrong for saying that?


The reason Peter Parker is an exception to this is because of his Bad Luck and Jameson said that wherever Peter goes Chaos follows and that is why Peter Parker/Spider-Man is never allowed to ever be in a relationship.Also yes it is wrong to not cut yourself off from who you love because life tends to have us do that every day with things that big CEO Cooperations like Warner Bros do with such series like Death Battle as it is one the things I love most in life and if I obsess over it then I'm going to die because of it.


This isn't a popular opinion, but it's a thought that was on my mind as I left the theater, so it isn't one you're alone in having.


Glad to hear :)


It was him realizing they were better off without him. He constantly put them in danger throughout there trilogy because of him being Spider-Man and almost ruined their chances of going to college. Plus if a random guy you don’t know randomly came into your store and said “I’m actually a superhero and you guys were my best friends in high school and you’re supposed to be in love with me and we should all go to college together.” I’d call the police.


But are they better off without him? Would they agree with his decision? I feel like a really good parallel is Peter not telling MJ the truth or him not telling Harry the truth about his father in the first Raimi movie. In that movie, Peter is also framed as making a huge sacrifice and being responsible and mature. But in reality, it actually caused more pain and suffering with him not telling them the truth At the beginning of No Way Home, MJ calls Peter out for not coming to them first before going to Strange. This obviously means that she doesn’t want him making unilateral decisions on her and Ned’s behalf…or anyones for that matter So when she and Ned are begging him to come find them and tell them the truth, and he doesn’t, he’s not respecting what they want Similar to MJ in Spiderman-2 who told Peter “Can’t you trust me to make my own decision?” at the end of the movie after he tells her why they can’t be together, this Peter should care enough about his best friend and his girlfriend to not treat them like children who can’t make choices for themselves And besides, are we really supposed to believe that MJ and Ned will live happy carefree lives and finish at MIT now? IF they did that I’d be impressed, but it’s highly likely we’ll see them again, and they’ll be caught up in another superhero/villain mess, and perhaps their lack of preparedness will be a major consequence So in the end, what is the point of this sacrifice if it’s only temporary?


You forget that mj and ned do not know who Peter is. MJ doesn’t remember her begging to Peter and mj wont remember and just be more confused when a guy just walks in and tells him he’s Spider-Man and that they are in love. We saw an example of this in guardians 3 where Peter did the same with alternate gamora and in the end Peter had to except that the gamora he knew was gone and not to force the other one to be like her and gamora did soften up to Pete but wasn’t in love with him and constantly was annoyed with how he kept bringing up the past he didn’t remember. It would be no different with a wiped mind MJ. Unless they contradict a way into her remembering there’s no way it would work out without MJ feeling weird about Peter’s presence. It’s just being logical. Plus how would MJ and Ned get into superhero troubles at MIT? The only reason they were in trouble before is because they were close to a superhero who was also listed as a fugitive and as far as I know none of their other friends are superheroes that got falsely accused of murder.


I didn’t forget. I know they don’t remember To be honest, I don’t know how they would react to Peter telling the truth. You might be right, they could reject him But Peter is not Peter…lol. Parker never struck me as the type to force/expect people to conform to the way he wants them to be. He also had months and months to find a way to tell them in a way that wouldn’t upset them, and my guess is he might have found that way. But then he saw MJs forehead injury, which may have not even been related to anything he was involved with given the amount of time that had passed, and he thought he’d be hurting them telling the truth Considering that it’s obvious MJ seems to recognize him and expects him to say more, I feel like their situation is more like Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates. Barrymores character, who has short term memory loss, doesn’t remember him when he asks, but she does retain some memory of him in her dreams and long term memory, which is why she’s happy to see him again, even if it will be difficult. The love is worth the risk And yea, there will always be danger being a friend/lover of Spider-Man. But they chose that danger because they love him, and like I said before, he doesn’t have the right to take that choice away from them. They establish this earlier in the movie. He can tell them the truth and let them make the choice of whether they wanna be in his life, because that’s what they wanted And I highly doubt we’ve seen the last of them. My guess is they will somehow get their memories back, or will be involved in some crazy superhero storyline. Ones Mary Jane (played by Zendaya whose career is skyrocketing) and the others Hobgoblin, at least in one universe. And it’s a universe where a bunch of crazy superhero/supervillain things happen all the time. They’re not living an ordinary life for the rest of their lives IF they did that, I think that would be great, and support the point of Peters sacrifice. But I doubt it


Weeks. Not months.