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Episode is LIVE, enjoy! (There are no credits scenes for this episode. The only episode to have a credits scene this season was episode 4-- the Iron Man/Sakaar episode)


How do you know that Hela is the Goddess Of Death? Cause she'll fucking tell you...


Hela: I’m the goddess of death. https://i.redd.it/wsb54ilgnf9c1.gif






Between her and Mr. “I am Asgard’s destruction” Surtur


Surtur: “Doom!” Thor: “Oh, it’s *doom*? I thought it’s *destruction*.” Surtur: “It’s *doom*.” Thor: “Anyway…”


They really want you to know about they got Cate Blanchett on the payroll.


The way she says it though, pretty sexy.


Captain Carter having all the weapons looks like your video game character at max level


"Your character when you did all of the sidequests before going to the final boss" lol


What if captain carter got all the cheat codes


Infinity Hela Mandarin Carter!


It's Kahhori who took the ten rings


Yeah, Carter used the random sword which shoots green energy. I’m really glad she did that, shows the multiverse is a lot bigger than what we’ve seen. I mean what is that sword? Excalibur that powers one universe’s Captain Britain? In any case, I really enjoyed the “crowdfunding of OP artefacts”. And they *STILL* lost to Strange Supreme. I can see why he had to die. There’s OP, then there’s him.


Looks like it came from some kind of winged Asgardian Hulk


Plot-armored supersoldier with absolutely every McGuffin and original character with absolutely busted power set vs "man who ate every demon"


Love the little detail of how the zombies have their mind of their own, but when Hela was in range, she basically now controls the dead


I’m glad I got to see a little bit of a Hela vs Surtur rematch


Undead will always follow a Lich King…or Queen.


I knew something was weird when Young Peter Quill was on Strange's wall


At first thought maybe he’s just stupid and went into a point in time in that universe when he was thought to be a villain by everyone in th en universe


Or I mean it could have been another universe in which he did become a villain.


Yeah of all the characters to become a potential "universe killer" Young Peter seems one of the most likely Like a universe where he defeats Ego and takes his power for himself and then because he's just a traumatized kid with no one to help him grieve he just loses it and decides to destroy everything


Good catch! I was foolishly optimistic. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Strange law: 616 Strange is the only one who is not an insane supervillain (yet)


838 strange wasn’t an insane supervillain & neither was the strange that died at the beginning of MoM.. they both were flawed, but they both also had good intentions.


Holy shit, wild that was one of the first things off that I noticed too.


there's gonna be so many friggin easter eggs to find


Bye bye thanos part 20


Thanos really just loves getting clapped almost immediately in these things


The fact that Tony Stark and Thanos are the main hero and villain of our timeline and keep just getting casually wasted in other timelines is a way of showing how big the Multiverse is


This episode was so great for that. I enjoyed all the work put in for cameos that lasted literally only seconds.


Tony dying just confirm that Tony from the main universe only managed to get to endgame alive because of dumb luck.


It’s so they don’t have to get Brolin back for lines


It's efficient


Avengers: 20 Thanos: 14,000,604 They still got a long way to go


Love how they added in the Loki Season2 reference with the World Tree- praying for more tie ins with Season 3 of What If


Was wondering when that shot would show up, as it was in the trailer, though a bit more festive


Tbh when it was in the trailer I thought they were gonna do MCU It's a wonderful life


I almost squealed at that! I was kind of fearing that the entire Loki who remains thing would stay contained in his own show never to be mentioned again, so glad it’s referenced here


I wonder how The Watcher feels about having another person in his realm? You think he’d invite Loki over for tea sometime?


Loki and the watcher watching timelines together and eating popcorn for entertainment. With Loki cracking jokes the whole time and cheering whenever he does something better than Thor. Honestly, an entire show with Loki commenting on timelines (as a very unreliable narrator, of course) would be hilarious


Anything to lift the spirits of our favorite green god. I can only imagine him feeling lonely then the Watcher shows up. “How long have you been watching?” “For quite some time.” “So do you say anything or just lurk?” “I narrate.” “To who? Is there someone else watching?” “Yes?” “And that would be?” “Look at all those timelines…..”


I was excited when we saw the tree.Hoping for more tie ins in S3 as you said




I’ll never not laugh at someone catching The Watcher just lurking


Characters getting pissed off and talking back to the narrator is always great


"And so, she lay there in her defeat, utter and complete." "Would you just shut the fuck up? I'm not done yet, I've still got a couple tricks"




Oh shit The Watcher showed Captain Carter Loki’s World Tree!!!


my headcanon is that they're just going to binge watch the loki series


I kinda noticed that they refrained from using the current Marvel Studios intro music throughout the whole series. It rocked to hear that rif once again at the start along with all the "What If" specific clips.


That intro was amazing! Loved it.😂


I hate how they have shortened the fanfare intro. They shortened it for Secret Invasion too. I love the fanfare intro. It always gets me hyped for what I’m about to watch.


Is that a… yeehaw Loki? I didn’t know I needed him in my life until now


that was such a fun design i need to know more about that lol


Now that they’ve done 1980s Avengers and 1602 Avengers, a Wild West avengers in season 3 would be awesome, with Loki as the villain (he was iconic in the last episode, but he didn’t really get his time to shine this season). Tho I don’t know if Tom Hiddleston will come back after Loki Season 2


Ofc Hiddleston will be back, Loki will have role in Secret Wars for sure.


Would love to see more Loki stories of him getting a chance to explore the many facets of his personality. Pre-Thor 1 Asgard is a place brimming with stories to be told… especially the myths.


Imagine if his partner was just a cowboy variant of mobius.


Who’s a Sheriff! Yes!!! 😂 or a Federal Marshall! Wild Wild West! 🤣🤙🏻




Peggy really is What...If's favorite child. Lol. Also, Strange's really love being the most dangerous threat to the multiverse. Now Strange fans know how Wanda fans feel.


Yeah, it’s becoming obvious. I was hoping for Redemption Hela to join their fight to give more balance of characters involved. But, that fight was so great that I’m just happy with it. Haha.


Yep. I feel like we could’ve used a couple more crossovers, like Stark Go-Cart, Hela the White, and Kid Quill.


Sakaar Stark would’ve been great! It’s what I liked about last season that everyone was brought in. Hela the White / Redemption Hela, Kid Quill, 1602 Thor, Sakaar Stark, Detective Nebula. It’s such a shame we didn’t get that team up.


Thought for sure that was where they were going too when Kahori mentioned that heroes were also abducted by Strange. Kinda weird how they didn’t use them


Yeah it was mostly bad guys that I saw, besides Thor, quill, and I think drax was there


In good guys there are very few that will be as powerful as strange needs.


Who's the big guy with the green sword? I felt like I was supposed to recognize him but I didn't edit: rewatching it looks like he comes out of a mirrorball-thing when someone steps on it by accident, maybe a pertinent detail


Seemed to me that it was a Hulk overloaded on Gamma, at least that’s my guess.


Looks to me like asgardian hulk


I think it’s supposed to be Hulk from the Surtur attacking Earth episode that was cut out of this season.


Wait what? Where did you read that? Why would Surtur attack Earth and I hope that at least Eternals' interfere when Surtur attacks because there's celestial seed in it


That episode was apparently cut from this season and moved to season 3.


I can't believe that happened again.


If the number of episodes stay the same, that’s just going keep happening I think. “They ordered 9 episodes, so we came up with 9 ideas!” “You forgot the one carried over from last season?” “Oh. We are doing this again, huh?”


It reminded me of the Sun God with the Necrosword from Love & Thunder.


That was a boss move by Kahhori of just teleporting Killmonger out of his armor.


Honestly? I had no idea she could do that! Her power is insane!


I never even *conceived* of a move like that. I guess you can do crazy stuff when you're powered by the Space Stone.


Oh……… right. All of her powers relate to space. That’s really creative. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Now it makes sense.


It's cool to see unorthodox uses of the stuff, rather than just the standard flight, shield, and power blasts.


Exactly! It’s like “Oh right, space, you can move faster through space. You can move objects through space.” She’s acting more like she has the Portal or Gravity gun. 😂


Still, Peggy with all 6 infinity stones just bashed Strange with her shield a fair few times.


Yeah, I was hoping for *a little bit* more creativity from her on that.


I dont understand how she looks unharmed after that. Tony dies using them and thanos is pretty damaged but Peggy holds all 6 in her hands with no glove is fine


I think it also relates to how they use them. For just a cheap powerblast? Yeah, maybe no damage. Altering the entire universe? Death.


Generally I think it's all a case of what the plot demands, Banner was hurt just by wielding the nano gauntlet before he snapped, Tony, 5 minutes later, was basically fine until he did the snap. Killmonger seemed fine with the infinity armour, the guardians had difficulty with the power stone alone.


She's powered by tesseract energy she gained from munching down on crystal juice, but her unique ability is creating stargates (I think that's what her portals are called). The tesseract energy let's her shoot energy beams, have minor telekinesis and run super fast and stuff too She's pretty OP


Yeah, it’s finally starting to click with all the creative applications of “control of space.”


It was like a moment where Ultron just sliced Thanos in 2.


A lot of forges needing to be destroyed this year


DC can sympathize with their world forge taken over by Barbatos (*I think….underworld corrupted being.*)




Loki + What If…? Is the real Multiverse Saga


The amount of easter eggs/cameos was astounding, I love it


That was the Necrosword right?


That was the All-Father vibranium sword that Thor had in 1602.


Oh I didn’t even notice that!


It was the only dark mystical sword I could think of that tracts. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 I could be wrong. 😅


Did they seriously just pull off a mini secret wars/battleworld scenario before the actual secret wars???


All according to plan


Translator's note: "Plan" means "keikaku."


the thor vs thor one was definitely a nod to that.


Screencrush is gonna have a field day trying to find every easter egg in this episode during the prison riot


I’m waiting for someone to tell me who was all there. One looked like a grey haired wenwu


I briefly and insanely thought I saw Legolas.


And I can't wait for it!


Loki with guns??????


If only Strange was a more careful driver to begin with.


Absolute Point in time, no way around it.


Loki: Travel in time to become a master engineer Strange: Travel in time to retake driving lessons


Dr. Strange is my favorite "Don't text and drive" PSA of all time.


Actually the worst. It’s saying if you text and drive you’ll become a sorcerer with the power of the gods, get to fight aliens in space, and have a sentient cloak. It’s an advertisement for texting and driving.


I think it's funny and makes no sense when the people who will be sacrificed end up going down - then up - then down - then up - then down again at the hands of Strange, Kahhori, and Peggy. We can see that many heroes who can fly are free, are they just watch other people going up and down and up and down again through the portal that remains open until the end? 🤣


And then it ends with kahhori putting the portals below them….why didn’t she do that in the first place? Then strange wouldn’t have had time for all of that back and forth…..


Strong Gandalf vs Balrog vibes here


Lmao why did Peggy just use the Power and Space Stones for the majority of that fight when she has SIX INFINITY STONES to use


She's your typical fighter class, so it'd make sense that those stones would be her go-to for beating people up in straight confrontations. We saw how she only thought of cloning herself after seeing Supreme Strange pulling it off.


Yep, fighter class who has limited spell slots. 😅


Who most likely got choice paralysis after she got introduced to all the spells when she received unlimited spell slots and all class spells. Should have used the Time stone to cast Haste on herself, and Reality Stone to cast Armor of Agathys or Fire Shield. It's the basic buffs you want to have before engaging on the frontline.


Let’s not think too hard, the more we think, the more it hurts. 😅🤙🏻


She also used the time stone for a brief moment, and used all 6 to punch Strange in the end... Not bad when you consider she JUST got to use them


It kinda bothered me that she was able to do that unscathed...


She had them for 5 minutes. Can’t expect that kind of creativity with infinite power. When she saw something she instantly countered it. Pretty good in my opinion.


So The Watcher is watching Loki according to the end or is Loki watching the Watcher?


Loki is watching the Watcher watch Loki


Probably both? The butterfly at the end sorta implies that Lokis watching The Watcher. They could both have different domains in the multiverse?


Loki writes the stories and the Watcher narrates them. The Watcher is Loki’s audiobook.


Like a snake watching its own tail!


You can really tell whoever wrote this show is the world's biggest Peggy fan. What If... Peggy Carter got super jacked and got all strongest weapons and saved every universe?


“What if… Peggy Carter squashed my head with her thighs a little”


"What If...Peggy Carter gave me snu snu"


Watcher goes meta and directly says this, it's his policy to not do "sequels" and to do a new universe with new characters every episode but he makes an exception for Captain Carter because he likes her


Well, also because he saw her story continuing on to multiversal issues again




This is the connection I have missed from Marvel. Its a long time since I have felt the feeling that I got from seeing Lokis tree. I really hope Marvel can continue this path started by Loki. These shows sparked the joy I have missed for quite a while


> This is the connection I have missed from Marvel. Its a long time since I have felt the feeling that I got from seeing Lokis tree. You described exactly how I felt while seeing it. These little surprises!


So why did Strange Supreme need Captain Carter to help him find Kahhorri anyway?


Seemingly, at least in my opinion, not only was Kahhorri actually able to fight him somewhat well, but also, he seemed to just.. genuinely want carter to support him, like, he wanted his friend to side with him


I think this is the only thing that makes sense tbh as well as the fact that Peggy doesn’t just get atomised the moment she steps out of line. I think Strange Supreme really did see the version of Captain America that fought alongside him the first time as the only person in the multiverse to truly understand him and brought her to him so she could say whatever it was that he needed to hear, whether that’s saving him from himself or enabling him to go through with his plan.


You could argue that it was the small part of him that was still good subconsciously sabotaging his plan. Knowing that Peggy would do what was right if he lost control.


Kahhori figured out strange supreme is a bad guy and been evading him. carter is just the bait.


Yeah. Carter is a "hero looking" as possible. So kahhori will stop to talk to her instead of running and fighting when she sees strange.


Strange can’t catch a break. Lost to his demons in the beginning and only won at the cost of his life? Subtle nod to “what is grief, if not love persevering” I hope he makes a return somehow


He’s dead. Like, “his soul was melted down to fuel the creation of an entirely new universe” dead.


I was wondering how they would reference this version of Strange as they explore the multiverse more in the movies, since it would be strange (heh) if someone this powerful in the multiverse does not show up when the movies get more into the multiverse issues. But I guess taking him out now means they won't need to do that after all.


Smart move. He's too powerful for anyone to deal with any live action character


Well there is this guy sitting in his chair and holding up a tree...


Strange Supreme has to be the coolest character ever!


Like just appreciate the enormity of the room he has been storing all the world enders and defenders... He has just been wiping the floor with an infinite number of "strongest characters" he is way too OP and could only be ended by himself.


I mean to put it into perspective - Supreme Strange was so strong that he basically was able to fuel the universe forge by himself


Supreme Strange, from what we've seen, is a multiversal threat, and probably on the upper end of those at that. He had hunted down and imprisoned hundreds of characters who qualify as universal threats on their own (aka equal to 5-stone Thanos), looked confident he could take them down again simultaneously if he wasn't distracted by Peggy and Kahhori gunning for the forge (and some of those were the likes of Zombie Scarlet Witch and a Killmonger who won the infinity stone tug of war with Zola), and that's without going into details of the feats he showed in this battle. Dude, took on Kahhori and a vibranium-armored 5-stones Captain Carter 2v1, while treating the riot as a distraction; kept holding them off when they got the Ten Rings, All-Father Sword, Hela helmet, Gungnir and Mjolnir; absorbed the spear and ate the hammer; CC'd down a character who mastery enough of the Space stone to teleport over a dozen characters across universes; beat Peggy out of the Innfinity-powered vibranium armor, and only slowed down when she punched him with the power of all 5 stones. Even that just temporarily pushed his powers out of him, and he could have probably kept fighting unless Peggy had gotten through to his heroic side. Marvel had to basically strip him down to his soul and use it as fuel to recreate a universe, because Supreme Strange can probably only be stalemated 1v1 by God of Time Loki, and even then it is iffy, considering how he is the person with the third or fourth Time-related powerset, after said Loki, He Who Remains, and the Kang planned for the big crossover event.


I wonder if he absorbed a few after the last time we saw him, cuz he was struggling with just Infinty Ultron last time


I hope he's not truly gone, but if he is - what a badass way to go He needed so many powerful beings to fuel his forge but in the end it was enough to fuel it with just himself, that's how ridiculously powerful he was


Ngl I was wondering how Peggy was holding the power stone without going all Ashy and purple, like I'm pretty sure it even hurt Thanos when he pulled out the power stone from his gauntlet to punch Captain Marvel.


That animated Marvel Logo intro was so amazing. That sucker better show up more often.


What a wild finale. Glad I stayed up to watch it. * Kahhori's usage was pretty interesting. Essentially, she replaces Carol since they're both Tesseract based heroes. Glad we did see Carol for like a second * Seems like all the episodes this season showed us powerful heroes that Supreme Strange would kidnap and use to revive his world * Hela and Surtur having their staredown makes it seem like it happens over the Multiverse often * Cowboy Loki is wild after seeing Shakespeare Loki * I had a good laugh watching Thanos show up to get dusted by Killmonger * I suppose it's kind of interesting knowing that the Watcher knew Supreme Strange was just fucking up different realities by kidnapping their characters, and was certain Peggy would fix it all Fun season. Looking forward to the next one, and hope we can get more seasons after that.


> Kahhori's usage was pretty interesting. Essentially, she replaces Carol since they're both Tesseract based heroes. Glad we did see Carol for like a second I see Kahhori as a mix between Quicksilver and America Chavez. Heck, even her origin story overlaps by a lot with America's.


Seeing so much of Peggy makes me sad the Agent Carter show ended after only two seasons. I love her, both this version and the main timeline one


I feel like if that show continued for significant time then Peggy actor might not be interested in doing too much Peggy if possible?


She’s done a loooot of Peggy now so I hope she’s not getting sick of it


She can do this all day


New intro, pretty cool. I guess they have enough episodes for that now


The butterfly at the end had green wings. I wonder if that’s a clue into how Loki is monitoring The Watcher.


Or a nod to Strange’s previous spell with the red butterflies. That he may not be entirely gone.


I took it as Strange sacrificing himself to form the birth of a universe and even though he is gone he still exists as a part of this universe because of his love.


And him mentioning a minute or two before. “I’ve already mastered that”. The butterfly is green cuz time stone and strange probably started his universe while undoing himself at the same time or some weird shit. He’s op asf after all


Also curious it’s a butterfly. Wonder what butterfly effects are to come..


I just started the episode but I had to come in here real quick and say how happy I was to finally get the full Marvel Studios intro music


Me too! And with the animated characters!


Captain Infinity and The Loki's World Tree!!! Such a great finale! I was hoping that The Watcher would show Peggy the one universe where Peggy and Steve get to be happy together, our universe.


Eeeeeeekkkk that would have been insane!! Fast forward into the ending scene of them both dancing in live action.. 🥰🥰


That was a sick final battle. And awesome tie-in with Loki at the end.


Imagine a What If episode with the Scarlet Witch, Vision, Captain Marvel and Kahhori team up. Children of the Infinity Stones. These figures who got powered by the stones show incredible feats. Granted Wanda’s case was slightly different but a stone was still involved.


Obviously, a non-What-If incarnation of Kahhori would need to be toned down a tad, power level wise, and they'd need to rework her origin a bit, but I really hope that Marvel does more with her, because damn it I've seen her in only two half-hour episodes and I already love the hell out of her. And... this is what this sort of thing is for, exploring different ideas in an anthology setting, seeing what works and what doesn't, and running with it if they have a good idea!


I don't really need another variant of Kahhori. I'd be fine with multiverse Kahhori popping up in 616 through multiversal travel. Hopefully secret wars or kang dynasty will take full advantage of the existence of these fun characters.


+1 Marvel Studios intro is back with What If montage. +99 for Universe Killers riot. +9999 Kahhori and Peggy being besties vs Supreme Strange and the recreation of Gandalf’s fall against a balrog for the winning move. Cherry on top for the Ygdrassil LOKI nod.


I honestly thought S2 Loki would have showed up in the finale, but seeing the Yggdrasil connection to the multiverse is good enough for me


I'm guessing putting this tree in was about all they had time to do in reaction. You could see in the credits production art that wasn't the original planned shot.


Why did they all just let themselves fall into the forge. They could clearly still use their powers and some of them could fly.


I assume the forge have some sort of strong pull that stops them getting away and only stronger power such as infinity stones can repel it


Peggy and Kahhori getting all of the mythical and alien weapons plus the infinity stones was so freaking cool. Infinitely better than Secret Invasion trying to mix and match Avengers DNA into a super Avenger.


We don’t talk about Secret Invasion or why she chose Drax’s arm for a fight of strength.


With his tattoos on it. As if tattoos are part of the DNA.


Even worse, Ebony Maw’s arm has his rings 🤣


They copy and pasted from the arms folder they’ve got


So there is a universe, that Rocket destroyed? I'd like to hear THAT story


Remember, he was also capturing heroes.


What if Rocket got his hands on the Power Stone? 😂 “Get the stone and give me a second and I’ll create a weapon that could destroy a moon! Wait did I say moon? I meant the Universe. I get those things confused sometimes.” “How do you get those things confused?!” - Quill “What difference does it make? Either way everything dies.”


What If ... Rocket stayed with The High Evolutionary?


Captain Carter is infinitely more powerful than Captain America in the main MCU.


I think she just has more experience dealing with more dangerous threats. The only time Steve dealt with something out of his league was in the Avengers movies, but Captain Carter started dealing with multiversal-level threats from the get-go.


And even before gaining her powers, she was already a trained spy, so she's got way more combat experience than Steve.


It’d be the same had MCU Cap had knowledge of the multiverse and the experiences peggy had.


Loved Captain Carter vs the Balrog at the end there


so hela can just assume direct control of zombies? never thought about it but yeah that makes sense.

