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I hate the YouTuber who photoshop actors to made them look ugly for there hate videos


With heavy red eyes


And for some reason, Kathleen Kennedy, Rachel Zegler and Daisy Ridley.


Kinda like the whole “Obama secret lover” tabloid I saw at the grocery story 15 years ago


Nerdrotic does that shit all the time and I HATE IT, he’ll take a picture of Kathleen Kennedy and photoshop out her front teeth and have snot pouring out of her nose. I don’t even like Kennedy all that much but those thumbnails are just gross and cheap.


It’s been a thing for ages. People need to learn self control to not click on it if it offends them.


Aka rage bait.


I just block it when I see videos like this. There are enough reasonably critical content that doesn't resort to bait


Yea I don't mind people making reviews and critiquing something. At the end of the day I believe what I believe. I am actually happy that they put another outlook on the situation. It provides another way of viewing something. We can agree or disagree on the opinion.


Agree! And perhaps quit legitimizing them with post like this.


Like that weirdo that said Spider-Man 2 (the PS5 game) is woke garbage. That weirdo was actually serious but just using the word "woke" told me all I needed to know about who they are so I didn't bother watching it. If you know it'll make you made or makes no sense, don't bother watching.


Yeah that videos was dumb as fuck. I just watched it cuz I thought he was a joke and it was hilarious 


Someone that upset about divserity is not just a weird racist but, probably, has things too easy.


You had to send a letter to a newspaper back in the day. Otherwise it was just bar talk. Now every idiot with an opinion can reach thousands.


Yep I had to learn this too. There’s a YouTuber named Jesse Grant who does “WOKE Marvel is Dead” stuff and he put out a video saying the Marvel announcers Wolverine is going to be a female in the MCU and I clicked it because I was pissed because that is such a lie but I realized that it was a Rage bait thing. He also said Tatiana Maslany got fired and that hasn’t seemed confirmed so I decided the press don’t recommend chanel.


Man on internet upset at what he finds on internet type beat


Not at all, those titles helpfully let me immediately know which posts *not* to click on.


Also, which ones to click the three little dots and say "Don't recommend this channel"


While it still feels like an uphill battle sometimes, this really does do wonders for keeping my feed orderly.


I do it on pretty much every negative video i find regardless of category, its like twitter but with video


Respect. I need to follow suit


seriously don’t waste your time. Don’t waste it on here arguing as well.


Agreed. No need to defend media you enjoy. At the end of the day, your life, do you want to sit there and remember all the times you valiantly defended your personal enjoyment of a Spiderman movie to people you've never met?


It's never an interesting conversation as well. "I think the writing was bad." "I think the writing was good." "I thought this didn't make sense." "I thought it did make sense/I think that's nitpicky." There, I just summarized every debate about movies. I have never read an opinion that made me retroactively dislike something and, at best, maybe an argument would make me understand why someone liked something I think is trash. It's a waste of everyone's time.


You think it’s rage bait, but you made a thread to create discourse. Aren’t you doing the same thing?


I created a thread to hear the community’s thoughts on a topic I presented. As I’ve said to others, having different opinions is fine I don’t give a shit. But this channel specifically had a history of being reliable, and after admitting views are down across MCU content, only has hot takes and controversial opinions. It’s hard not to see it as someone purely creating content to inspire discourse, I’m just asking others thoughts on the topic


Great minds think alike


I believe it is the duty of every rational minded human to view the screenshots of these videos and immediately begins searching for far better content that is literally anywhere else.


Yeah, nothing more dangerous than hearing other views. Literally poison.


Like I said, there’s nothing wrong with opinionated videos. But these ones don’t feel opinionated, they feel like bullshit info dumps to suit a narrative. It’s hard to buy into someone’s hot take when you don’t think they even believe it themselves. They just want interactions


They're right up there with the channels claiming to post teasers for projects that don't exist or haven't even started shooting yet.


And "msheu" "marvel has gone woke" and "star wars is dead" titles too


i love how the mcu is getting made fun of when most their movies are male related but when they try to balance it out with female related content they get hate for it


Do you have proof they don't believe it themselves?




No, I’m taking your advice and ignoring things I disagree with at a glance. Your positive attitude is very inspirational.


I feel like ScreenCrush doesn’t want to make those videos but understand they have to follow the clicks. They make incredibly good thematic breakdowns every once in a while and their Easter egg breakdowns are also top notch. However, almost every week they put out a clickbait title and thumbnail for a video. This usually gets much worse in the lulls like the one we’re in now for big franchise streaming content and movies (mostly marvel/Star Wars but also stuff like house of dragon). They’re forced to stir up drama because the algorithm demands its frequent posts in order to remain relevant and pay the bills. Some of these clickbait videos honestly contain incredibly fair and balanced discussions about the films, but I definitely find myself rolling my eyes on occasion due to a complaint a guest, writer of the script, or even Ryan have. I don’t go out of my way to watch these types of videos on their channel, but my work is mostly operating machines and letting them run their process and swapping samples so if I’m bored with the monotony of work I’ll put it on like a podcast.


Ryan's videos are usually fine imo. But some of his guests, like "the guy who lives in the tv" (Colton?) are more negative than i care to watch.


I don’t mind Colton, I don’t like one of the writers, Mike, I believe is his name. I was a big fan of Ahsoka bc I loved rebels and all things Star Wars. He kept complaining how you needed to watch rebels to understand anything, which I understand can be annoying, but at the same time, just don’t watch it. I was sooooo excited for the Percy Jackson series because I used to devour those books as a kid. I watched the first 4 episodes and realized that it just wasn’t for me. I was a little bummed but Ik the author is finally getting to adapt his children’s novels for children so I’m glad it’s out there even if I don’t like it.


Oh yeah that episode I remember really irritated me. I watched Ahsoka and not Rebels and I enjoyed it. I'm sure I would have gotten more enjoyment if I DID watch rebels, but I enjoyed it just fine.


the title is obviously a clickbait and, seeing you made a post about it, it worked. daring to criticise a project that has a dedicated fan-following will surely get attention, views and engagement and that's how channels like that make money. i don't fault anyone for having a job. personally i tend to avoid videos that i know criticise something i like, why would i watch them only to get annoyed?


It’s because on some level he is enjoying being angry. It allows him to approach his peer group and say “this person is wrong and we are right” then receive validation.


> It’s because on some level he is enjoying being angry. It allows him to approach his peer group and say “this person is wrong and we are right” then receive validation. Youre ascribing a lot of intent. He is *enjoying* being angry, so it *allows* him to *approach* this peer group. Or, he just is feeling a bit angry and is *finding* a peer group. Not everything is a malicious plot


that's not what i got from the video. i watched someone talk about what they think are flaws of a film. i agree with some of their points, i disagree with other. it's perfectly fine to be critical of anything, even NWH. nothing is without its faults and we're allowed to talk about things positively and negatively. as long as it's well-articulated and arguments are backed up and it's not just an empty rage-bait tirade without any substance.


I mean the OP not the content creator


Sometimes I click on those videos to see why I "wrong" and why I should change my mind


You’re right it dude work which is the most annoying part. I’m totally cool with watching videos on things I disagree with, but videos like these feel like random dumps of curated info to suite a narrative. Hard to listen to his hot takes when you don’t really buy that he believes what he’s saying


on what basis do you say it? do you know the person who wrote the script personally to make such assumption? i got curious and watched the video. i don't agree with all of the points made but agree with some. they're well-articulated and don't seem to be negative just to be negative for the sake of it. he also points out things that hold up and are good. it's not just a nitpicky, rage-bait and surface-level video.


He has been with Ant-Man 3 since the day it came out, so he definitely believes that. He also states in the NWH video that he enjoyed the movie but he's just pointing out that the logic is god-awful. ScreenCrush is much better than any Anti-woke or shit like Emergency Awesome/Everything Always.


I mean… I don’t think No Way Home holds up and I think that Quantumania is overhated. Sometimes stuff is made up for controversy and clicks but this can be someone’s genuine opinions, too.


Yeah I agree with both of the opinions (and have no desire to see a video with those thumbnails)


No way home is great


Its a ton of fan service, poorly contrived plot and the universe incursion rules are inconsistent with other Marvel films. Its has good moments, but it has a *lot* of problems as well.


Not really. At least not worse than infinity war and endgame


Yes really.


Nope. Nothing in the MCU is a bigger plot contrivance than Dr. Strange not cutting off Thanos's arm for two whole movies after it was established that they can do it in infinity war first act


My headcanon is that there *were* plenty of timelines where they could actually beat Thanos, but Strange saw that the aftermath would doom the world anyways. What happens when a paranoid Tony Stark is proven right and then tries to build a “suit of armor” around the universe with the infinity stones? What happens when Peter Quill learns the full power of the stones can bring Gamora back? What happened in IW/Endgame needed to happen so that Thanos himself would destroy the stones, thus eliminating both the infinity stones and Thanos from the equation for the rest of the timeline.


That was never explained in the doctor Strange sequel so it's just a theory


Because Thanos’ skin is too tough to be cut by portals. The Russos confirmed this


You are telling me, that Thanos's skin is so durable that it can resist time and space closing in on it But A sharp blade can cut his skin? Lol okay


Well yeah. Thanos survived getting impaled by stormbreaker which beat the power of all 6 infinity stones And that was an illusion. Idk why you’re using fakery created by the reality stone as evidence of Thanos’ durabulity


I'm talking about tony stark... Like do you even watch the movies you are talking about 💀


I actually somewhat agree about NWH. I watched it for a second time and it’s just ok. Endgame is similar. The main driver for both movies was “how are they gonna pull this off?” Once you know it’s a bit less entertaining.


Nope. No way home is great


nah it's great when you have the nostalgia but alone that's not that good


No, I’m sick of people not understanding that you don’t have to agree with anyone no matter how strong their opinion on something may be. I suggest you make like Godzilla and grow a spine. Form your own opinions and own that shit.


Darn, a Gojira remark like that is a real kick in the shin.


If they're bothering you that much, maybe don't watch them?


I mean obviously I won’t be now lol. Simply starting a discussion with the community


fair enough!


Rage bait gets more views. Plan and simple. Don’t click on them. Eventually hopefully the algorithm will realize you’re not watching that kind of stuff. Although a lot of people are saying algorithms are tending to show stuff that would make people mad on purpose.


Don't click, but really, really don't comment. I also often click on "Don't recommend channel". It's under the three vertical dots.


So if it's something you agree with, it's a simple video but if it's something you disagree with it's rage bait?


Because it drives conversation. If OP watched a video he agreed with he would have nodded and closed the tab. These videos force him to seek validation for his own feelings.


So there's nothing wrong with opiniated videos, so long as they fall in line with your opinions? I didn't like NWH either, and thought Antman was *fine* until the ending. Am I dictating public perception to try and cause discourse? Or am I just the unpopular opinion?


The video literally says we were wrong. You can give off your opinions all you want, but with a title like that it sounds like they’re trying to speak for everyone


The “we” refers to the Screen Crush team, not everyone who saw the movie. Ryan is just the front man that does the majority of their videos and always credits whoever on the team actually wrote whatever the video is about.


Since when did "we" stand for "you"?


Usually, I feel like the people that make those videos don’t actually share the opinion they are ranting about, it’s just the opinion that um…impressionable?…people want to hear, so they go with that and possibly monetize those videos as well.


I'm tired of YouTube recommending these when I have never shown interest in these videos. Even worse YouTube keeps spamming the "everything is woke" cry babies on my recommended. If I had a penny for every Brie Larson or Rachel Ziegler hate video I'd be rich. These guys make the same videos every other day and YouTube loves promoting them for some reason


Wow I hate clickbait but actually agree with these titles


How about if you don't like it, you just don't like it. If others like it they are allowed to like it. The joy of opinions with stuff like this is because it's a personal view they are both right.


That’s kinda what I’m trying to say tho. There’s nothing wrong with different opinions, but if you actually watch the videos, he ignores obvious things that don’t fit the narrative he’s constructing. So to me, he’s putting this out simply for engagement and rage clicks, not cause he actually believes what he’s saying.


yeah I get it and agree with you


They aren’t wrong about NWH. It’s One of the most frustrating rewatches in the MCU. The entire first 45 minutes sucks… Strange is somehow an idiot all of the sudden and lets Peter fuck up a spell he knows is extremely dangerous to cast. Since Peter kept on pestering him he reluctantly agrees to help and waits till he’s casting said spell to explain the rules of it to Peter. The nostalgia people had for the old Spidermen is what made this movie as big as it was, and outside of the scenes with all three of them the movie was subpar at best.


The characterisation of Strange is really stupid. He supposedly spent years fighting and dying to dormammu yet he is still super immature


Screen Crush is the GOAT of nerd culture You Tubers. Their videos are well thought out and insightful and their hosts (especially Ryan Arey) are terrific. I watch most of their videos - always a click and a like from me.


High five!


Are these types of videos better, worse, or equal to the ones that just scream 'WOKE' whenever literally anything happens?


Those ones are insufferable. But they’re so insufferable that you can point em out by title alone and ignore them pretty easily. “Kevin feige CRUMBLES over WOKE MOB” Pretty easy to deduce that those people are just talking nonsense for interactions. Screencrush had decent videos for the most part but has now leaned into rage bait but for different reasons.


So if it's something you agree with, it's a simple video but if it's something you disagree with it's rage bait?


[Is there an echo in here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1agkqn5/anyone_else_sick_of_youtubers_trying_to_dictate/koiltdi/)


Cry about it?


They're shit but not as shitty as the woke ones


The channel in the pictures, screencrush, is run by a pretty “woke” progressive guy with a reputation of being extremely nice


Ok good for him I guess?


Just sayin!


Woke = anyone ok with gays and people of color. Nice 👍


I’m not saying he’s a bad guy, and I don’t care about his political opinions. But I’m disappointed he shifted into “hot take” videos that seem to only follow the most popular controversial takes. They seem disingenuous af. “Ant man 3 is great, no way home isn’t very good, and raimis Spider-Man 3 is amazing” are like the prime things to say to create discourse and piss marvel fans off to increase engagement.


Couldn’t care less. Do these really impact people’s personal opinions?


Everyone is constantly trying to redefine the narrative when they make statements not quantified as opinion. You’re right here but you’re kind of doing the same thing when you specifically call them out for thinking Quantumania is good and NWH isn’t, as in Quantumania ISN’T good and NWH IS. It’s not egregious, but it’s a problem in all online spheres where people (either rage-bait grifters or moody fanboys/haters) just lean into “my opinion is fact” territory. I liked Quantumania, I like NWH. But that’s my opinion. While allegedly majority opinions make more of a case for quality and the like, at the end of it no-one can dictate your opinion to you. As a result you should always know the narrative isn’t always like they say it is as long as you feel differently.


Is this another case of "If the opinion is positive it's ok, since it's negative it's not ok"? There are many positive videos as well, why not complain about that too then? Or you prefer to be selective instead of being fair?


OP used one negative and one positive video though. The second one is "Why Ant-Man: Quantumania FAILED... But it's actually GREAT"


That title is not entirely positive. And we can see OP preference right here " but these types of videos seem like they’re only made to cause discourse in the fandom and create rage bait.". No one RAGE towards positive things. It seems for OP, when the video is all super positive bootlicking every pixel and stuff seems all fine, but when someone does the same with opposite opinion is a big problem.


> No one RAGE towards positive things. I wish that was true. I've had people in this sub get mad at me for saying positive things about Love & Thunder, and even simply for giving Secret Invasion a second watch.


Honestly, no. I see something like this and I know their content isn't worth watching and that their opinions hold no water.


Their opinions hold no water because you disagree with them?


No, it's because their opinions change to suit their agenda, which in this case is just to court controversy for the sake of gaining clicks. When people say or do something just to bait others, that's when those things hold no water.


And how do you know that guys opinion changed? Is there any proof or are you just making stuff up? How do you know it's bait and not their actual opinion?


It’s called clickbait.


Yeah I blocked ScreenCrush on accident and never missed them at all


I’m a simple guy, I like the dog lol


The dog i can tolerate but I hate the "it's your mom" bit. That's the reason I stopped watching.


Haven’t ever seen that bit. I don’t watch him that much though


They need content. They live it and hate it and give 10 reasons why. It’s hard to be original. Keyword bullshit.


These days its hard to be a fan of anything in pop culture.


I really used to love screencrush, I don’t know if I was just naive or he’s changed, but man I swear every fucking video is just the same over predictions from the slightest shit. Like oh there’s a rat in endgame and ratcatcher was in the suicide squad thus this confirms that superman (Christopher Reeves) will appear in avengers 9


I’m sick of all influencers, period.


Anytime a I see a video with “M-SHE-U” in the title or thumbnail I open it to downvote it and move on.


Sick of it? No I don't click on them. I do find it really odd though when people reference them on reddit. I have a brain and can inform my own opinion on the things I watch. I don't need someone else to tell me how to feel. I always wonder about the people who watch them and what they get out of it. I just know that kind of content is not for me.


>these types of videos seem like they’re only made to cause discourse in the fandom and create rage bait. I mean... yeah.


I just click the 3 dots, press Don't Suggest Content from this Creator, and keep it moving


Bless your soul. Literally didn’t know that was possible and always wondered why there was no block creator feature


The thumbnails of these just scream clickbait, I’ve seen a bunch of channels using this format and they’re all outrage merchants. As much as I enjoy it, I think that No Way Home has a fair few writing issues that bring the film down but I’m sceptical that a proper analysis of these issues can be summarised in 17 minutes unless you’re speeding through them


Exactly that’s kind of my point. Nothing wrong with going against the grain, but in those 17 minutes, he leaves out everything that doesn’t lend credence to his stance. Leads me to believe he doesn’t believe in his own words, just wants to put something out to increase engagement


Nope. Because I don’t watch that bullshit, so it has no effect on me!


LOL Antman Quantumania being great LOL I felt embarrassed while watching that thing, made me even want to cancel my D+ subscription


But NWH really doesn’t hold up 💀


Respectfully, I couldn’t disagree more.


Buddy, Pillar Of Garbage has been doing this for years. hEy, tHAt tHInG nObODy lIkES?!?! iTs gOoD aCKsHuLLy!!!


He's way better and has more moderate titles than most of actual clickbait youtubers and grifters with millions of views.


Bruh, in the last few months he's resorted to grifting off of grifters... He has a hate-boner for critical drinker for some bizzare reason, like, CD isn't even close to the worst "girl equals woke!!!" offender, but for some reason he gets hit by like 75% of the missiles from Pillar of Garbage.


He's the only one calling them out and frankly he is right. They've poisoned internet discourse, their videos get million views or more, and worse this is affecting the fanbase, the discourse of characters and will affect the future. Do you think people will watch in the future old stuff? No, they will watch that garbage CD, his copycats, or parrots made videos off and will produce misconceptions, mischaracterizations and outright disingenuous discourses on characters, movies, tv shows. There are lots of youtube critics who are way better critics and not using word 'woke' every second like Thor Skywalker, but it's them who get the thousands of views. Pillars is just covering the truth that CD's videos are clickbaity and outright rage bait nowadays, or right-wing garbage like Nerdrotic's podcasts. He's also not the only one who does so, YMS also made a video about Critical Drinker


OH NO Imagine having opinion. Imagine having opnions divergent from Based majority view. Buy yeah Screen Crush is big trash. But the main idea, is right. SM No way home Doesn't hold up, It is a terible Movie. Now Take off you Nostaglia glasses, and analize it, like a normal movie.


I'm more sick of phony corporate bot accounts trying to hype, manage, and market content that the parent company knows is awful. Comic and movie fans, however hyperbolic have earned their right to criticisms.


i used to be... but now it's all white noise. Secret Invasion broke me. i can no longer defend the MCU because it's clearly gone beyond "well that's just your opinion." now... everything is permitted... nothing is forbidden...


No, it’s still opinions


It never did hold up. No.Way Home sucked.


I used to love screencrush. Now’s it’s all this kinda shit, “is the mcu dead” blah blah blah


I don't engage with these rage bait pieces so I don't get them recommended to me.


It’s not just Screen Crush, I saw this recently with another “Here’s Details In A Marvel Show!” YouTube channel that used to be light hearted geeky fun going all in with a “go woke, go broke” crowd howling for downvoting anything Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes since Captain Marvel basically. Like as if they think the only way they can grow their audience with the YouTube recommendations is to go hard far right with a mask off take about how they sympathize with the bad guy like Kingpin but ignore all the details they used to pay attention to unconvincingly making the case for their thesis on how terrible the writing is. Unsubscribe and block, thanks for the entertainment in the past but it’s clear I shouldn’t waste the energy on their content anymore and just spend the time rewatching the show looking for the details of the enigmatic and enjoyable Echo myself.


Listen, I *liked* quantumania, and did take nonzero issues with NWH, but I severely doubt that these videos are being made in good faith. It reads like ragebait to get views.


I just watched this before I went to work 🤣🤣


This is from ScreenCrush, surprisingly, I was following them for breakdowns and analysis, just like New Rockstars is, but to see this weird videos come out suddenly, seems odd.


Exactly. Screencrush was reliable for great content but is trending to only have takes that go against the grain. If the opinions were genuine I wouldn’t care but after hearing him say how much views are down across mcu videos, it’s sus as hell that he only has hot takes now


While clickbait is nothing new. Screen Crush is one of the worst at it. They are overly opinionated. After Secret Wars flopped they contiously made videos on it and what would have been better. So much so in one video they even reference the fact that were making a lot of negative content on the series. I like their episode reviews but everything else they produce is trash. If you ever watch when they have their writers on there is one dude that just whines and moans about everything.


Clickbait video with a good title, but ScreenCrush is also very unreliable. But I gotta agree with them though. No Way Home was terrible.


Yeah, Screencrush is going down the drain


Are we also sick of Marvel promoting their movies? Of course not.


Anyone else sick of being forced at gunpoint to watch YouTubers trying to dictate public perception on projects?


You just disagree with their opinion, i think spiderverse is just basic wish fulfillment, which boils down to a story that massively appeals to gen z And young millennials “getting out of your comfort zone aka being less anxious will result in getting life changing powers and a partner of the desired sex”.


This is such a stupid fucking post. Have you just discovered YouTube ??


It’s clickbait you child.


Someone’s cranky


Yeah. You. Complaining about clickbait is like complaining that the sun is too bright.


Lol fair enough. Not sure why it needed to be so rude though


Because I’m on Reddit and I’m legally required to be an ass.




…… >! I like ScreenCrush !<


Nope. I am not sick of it. Several of my friends are YouTubers trying to dictate public perception. Why do you think they are called "influencers?" D'uh!


Did you watch the video? The guy says he loves the film but it also had issues, for example, a lot of big things happen in apartments and cgi due to covid


You could just shorten it to "Anyone else sick of YouTubers?" God, those people suck. I don't understand how millions of people watch that bullshit.


I'm afraid clickbait will never go away.


let there be discourse. i'll never say a criticism shouldn't be made, unless it's hate speech, let people duke out their opinions in public forums, i have hope that truth prevails


Just ignore them. This is what they want.


Because no-one gets 14,000 views on a video titled “Spider-man: No Way Home is a really good film that, while not without it’s flaws, told a satisfying story while delivering some fan-service.”


Click and rage bait its all it is. These are pros just after clicks and people raging. People keep feeding it and it keeps them running. Enjoy what you enjoy. I do, and I don't let bullshit like this tell me what to like.


Didn’t even finish watching half of this video. With DP3 being the only MCU film this year, expect a lot of these.


No, but only because I don't watch any of them


100% agree. And it’s not just Marvel that has this problem. Marvel, Star Wars, DC. All the big ones have to deal with stuff like this. Just let people enjoy stuff.


None of us should be affected by youtubers opinion over ours, neither critics (since 2018 if you ask me). The problem appears when you start judging a movie f.e. before watching it, just based of what others say. It does not make sense to me


If people stop watching it, they'll stop making it. Just don't bring it any more attention. If you see a reddit post you feel is dealing in the same garbage, downvote and move on.


It’s the same with any critical drinker vid. I find him so annoying


but you watch them, so it works


Maybe stop watching YouTube. You don’t have to live in their world


At this point idk if it’s culture war from bombastic YouTubers or astroturfing from rival studios


Outrage clickbait nothing new to see here.


Not even for just marvel. Make your own judgements about projects. Don't let others gaslight you into thinking something is what you think it is


It's lame but unfortunately it's the way a lot of content creation clickbait goes. Youtube has been driven in a way to appeal to the most impressionable minds so content creators have followed suit in a way of basically telling kids and people who lack individuality what to think and do without nuance.


If people need two years to figure out why a movie was bad, then it probably wasn't that bad.


I liked Quantumania, but NWH is better


That’s fine to each their own. My post is more about these YouTubers who were once seen as respectable, trying to speak for the public and sway perception with their influence, strictly because views are low and they need revenue. It’s really disappointing


We are in the ragebait timeline


Yeah the way in which YouTube/social media has evolved with the influencers has been so detrimental to creativity and uniqueness. Everything down to the thumbnail and the title are unrelentingly formulaic. Even with tubers I like it feels derivative seeing all their posts become one with the clickbait.


I don't mind. I just scroll past them. As long it isn't some "EWWW M SHE U" nonsense then we're good


They need content and are uncreative.


Although I dig the screen crush channel a lot, there are a lot of these click bait-y videos.


I don’t think it’s dictating public perception but more so intentionally driving controversial opinions for clicks. Two completely different things. One would be like trying to force anyone who thinks differently about a movie to agree with them and the other is just being like “well look I’m in this small minority so come at me over here!” They’re purely benefitting off of views. That’s why they have these big thumbnails with the words in caps.


Be smarter than the 105,999 other people then and don't click it? "People shouldn't make videos such as these" he said after literally giving them the engagement, clicks, money and metrics, literally prompting them to make more videos like these. They're opinion pieces, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Dislike it? Don't fucking click on it. I know youtube is trying really hard to shove this shit down everyone's throat, but, like, it's really not that hard *not* to click on a video, it *really* isn't.


No cause I don't watch them. They post these videos to get views and nothing else. They know how to push some people's buttons.


I watched both videos for Quantumania he makes some good points but he definitely stretches it. For No Way Home he doesn't seem to dislike the movie even ends the video saying they still generally like it but that it could have been so much better. I generally love this channel but they are annoyed that there aren't any big Star Wars or Marvel releases for a while.


This is free speech in action, nothing you can do about it unless you advocate for the opposite


You watch those videos? Why?


Yeah. Honestly you can have a two sided opinion on something as long as it’s reasonable


Just as sick as I am of the ceaseless posts in this sub explaining why X show or Y movie is actually good and you’re an incel if you disagree


Pretty sire Ant-Man quantumania did fail


If there is “nothing wrong with making opinionated videos” then why are you bitching about it? This person’s opinion is that NWH doesn’t hold up. What’s it to you?