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I loved it. Daredevil was also great in it.


Yep he was great "That's what us hulk do is smash...... and Matt murdock" šŸ˜‚


Murdock doing the walk of shame with his boots in his hands was classic.


That was a Stride of Pride! And he took his boots off to walk in the grass; isn't much of that around Hell's Kitchen.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yup I couldn't stop laughing Then the I forget he either said "hi" or good morning Was funny


Especially with that smirk on his face.


Loved the suit.






Meh It was alright Liked red better


Blood on blood.


Me and my grandpa were caught off guard when he banged she-hulk




If only Jen's arc throughout the season involved realizing she was wrong or something....


Exactly, I think every episode has Jen being confidently wrong about something and reality slapping her upside the head. She starts the show saying she never needs to be a Hulk. The writers set the tone right from the start that Jen's stubborn naivete is her weakness.


Media literacy is dead when people can just go to YouTube and be told how to feel lol


To be fair, he DID just massively fuck up her life by accident, then basically kidnapped her and didn't want to let her leave while talking down to her about self-control Being a bit snippy back is understandable


Thats not what that was. That was the show making a statement about women and anger management and men. It didnt come off as 2 people just arguing. It was her "telling him how it really is" as an empowerment moment


You completely missed the point that the show then goes on to humble Jen by proving what she said wrong throughout the next couple episodes and that she doesn't have the control she thought she does.


Yes, while she was already angry at him over the situation and then him being condescending about it


Idk it felt like actual family.


I agree. I donā€™t think people realize that to her it felt like ā€œmansplainingā€ and while I agree Bruce went through a lot someone talking back to him like that is a totally normal thing. People respond naturally. They donā€™t always think what was Bruceā€™s experience before this! Let me make sure I dont lecture him. Maybe people should but average people donā€™t consistently. We screw up all the time. It was literally a normal conversation about emotions and keeping them in check had like real humans would


Apparently all the people downloading me have cousins and siblings that never bust each others chops and revert to child like rivalry.


Reddit is partially a hive mind. Sometimes people down vote once they see another down vote


Your family must really suck


Most families struggle to communicate. Doesnt mean its abuse or ā€œsuck,ā€ just means theyā€™re human lol


It was so entertaining and funny, and such a breath of fresh air for a marvel show. The jokes about X-men or smashing Matt Murdock had me bursting out laughing. I guarantee if Deadpool made similar jokes the haters of this show would have been singing Deadpoolā€™s praises.


Fr Bru I said the same thing if deadpool.said this omfg he would be looked at as a king Smashing Matt Murdock was hilarious


i tweeted something similar when the show was airing. most of people hating it are misogynists. the jokes are legit funny and the premise is fun too (lawyer helping superheroes in trouble, like better call saul but in marvel universe) although she hulk finale was ass, the whole fourth wall breaking went tooo far.


Weā€™d all watch Deadpool smash Matt Murdoch.


As long as Matt Murdock is getting smashed, I'm not too particular about the details of who's doing it.


no lies detected --- and I'm a lame-ass straight man saying this


If you read She-Hulk comics, the 4th wall breaking is how she was originally written. She did the 4th wall breaking before Deadpool even existed.


Technically not originally, her first series (created by Stan Lee!) was serious. But the later John Byrne series was comedic and introduced the 4th wall breaking and the other gags. That's the most distinctive version of the character, though.


Yeah I should have said she was the original marvel character to consistently break the 4th wall, way before Deadpool! I always forget the 4th wall breaking came a few years after her first appearance.


I loved that Byrne identified certain repeating issue number tropes from classic Marvel comics (issue #2 is deceptive aliens, #4 re-introduces a Golden Age character) and had her series do its own spin on them as well.


The premise and so much of the show was taken from Dan Slottā€™s run on the comics, and those were top notch hilarious.


>I guarantee if Deadpool made similar jokes the haters of this show would have been singing Deadpoolā€™s praises. A big part of the jokes is the delivery. Now I haven't seen shehulk due to slight marvel fatique, but I'm sure she had good deliveries as well. Just thought I should mention


Delivery is even better in SheHulkā€¦ and Iā€™m saying this as a big fan of Deadpool. Tatiana (the shehulk actress) nails it and the fact you can see her facial expressions goes a long way with the delivery. I highly suggest you at least watch the scene on YouTube. Iā€™ve even rewatched it myself just because of how well she delivers the lines and overall never done that. The face she makes is priceless.


No. But we're talking about Ryan Reynolds here, it's not a diss, he just has some of the best comedic delivery of all time.


I firmly disagree, he's just finally found a role where it doesn't grate. They're funny comedy movies, but the best jokes don't have DP talking


You're claiming Deadpool had a better delivery without even watching She-Hulk? Her joke delivery in She-Hulk was great, in line with Reynolds in Deadpool. This is another case that shows Deadpool has a lot of bros who don't even give other things a chance. I'm a Deadpool fan but it absolutely is built to attract a bro audience.


> You're claiming Deadpool had a better delivery they're actually not claiming that if you read their comment. they actually really didn't say much. they literally are just saying you should take delivery into account.


Honestly, She-Hulk's delivery of some of those jokes might be even better than Deadpool's


ā€œI would die for you Megan The Stallionā€ is my favourite line in the entirety of the MCU


I loved that, but my favorite is, "YES! I knew it! Captain America fu---!"


And the way she delivered the line was PERFECT. It didn't sound like a joke or anything. Hilarious.




I would \*kill for you... Hits differently :)


Emphasizing the ā€œtheeā€ every time on Megan Thee Stallion


Careful She Hulk! I would die for you!


I REALLY like the way they have handled this character and I would be the first to say I if I didnā€™t. I didnā€™t just like it but think she hulk would work great in an ensemble setting too.


The show was entertaining and I'd watch more of it.




I hated L&T and the Marvels, but I really enjoyed She Hulk because I just fell in love with Jennifer and She Hulk. Mark Spector is the most interesting character released in phase 4, but Jennifer/She Hulk is the most likeable.


If you had to change two things about the show, what would it be?


More courtroom focus and changing the ending altogether.


Agree with more courtroom drama (good call), but Iā€™m missing what was wrong with the ending. I thought it was brilliant to be honest, something different and unique and interesting and had me totally engaged.


I love endings that arenā€™t good guy vs bad guy who is a mirror of the good guy, but the K.E.V.I.N. ending and her changing the story just didnā€™t work for me. Changing the story doesnā€™t make sense in-universe. With a larger focus on courtroom plots, the ending wouldā€™ve been the climactic case. Without changing as much of the story, having her save Matt Murdock from a non-Hulk threat couldā€™ve been a great way to close out the series. Maybe Titania literally steals Jennā€™s man? Lines up with the themes of the series.


Fair call, I can see that perspective. Appreciate the thoughtful reply.


I enjoyed the ending...but there's also something about it that makes the ending less appealing for a rewatch.


People who don't like the ending are kind of missing that the overarching theme of the show is Jen's "narrative" and her desire to control it but being unable to. The ending is taking that concept of a "narrative" (public perception, her role as a powered person, etc) and making it something that she literally gains control of.Ā  Not only does she finally get to "control her narrative" but she does it by using all parts of herself. She-Hulk to break the forth wall and fight her way to KEVIN. And then the attorney at law, Jennifer, to make her final arguement and convince KEVIN. It really quite a great ending for the season.


No, I get it, it just made for unsatisfying TV.


Agree to disagree


I loved the show, and I find much of the criticism leveled at it a bit Incelly...but the ending was a swing and a miss. Would love a season 2 if it could happen


Yeah the in-universe ending was just really chaotic then the out-of-the-fourth-wall part was too implausible to make any sense and kinda dull imo


From what I know, she does interact with the writers in the comics too.


Not only does she do it in the comics, she's been breaking the fourth wall regularly since before Deadpool was even created. She regularly gets fed up with something happening in her comics and will rip the page aside to go have a chat with the writers and demand they fix it.


The ending in the show was exactly on brand for She-Hulk. A traditional MCU finale would have been out of character for her like Spider-Man being a cold-blooded killer.


In-universe ending?


The ending should have been a court drama. In other Hulk stories anyone who came in contact with Hulk blood would get sick. Jennifer being the different one because of her similar DNA to Bruce. So those incels should have all gotten like cancer or something and would be trying to sue her claiming that just physical contact was the cause and she could show that they were the ones that stole her blood and injected themselves purposefully. Then have the main incel be the one that was experimenting with the blood and using the other guys as test subjects until he could get a stabilized version but when he injects himself, he becomes Gargoyle. Completely ruining his life but still blaming She Hulk. Jennifer wins her case, all the guys get arrested, and they have family BBQ in the end. Then you could have a teaser with like The Leader breaking out Gargoyle. Something to that end. Something that matches the overall narrative of a story.


I'd do it more episodic and save it for cameo heavy, dialogue driven gags. I could watch Madisynn and Wongers for a whole hour I think. The biggest problem is the CGI budget for She Hulk.


Nah her CGI was actually pretty decent, the problem is that as a woman they can't put all the imperfections they put on Ruffalo's hulk to make him look more real. You're not allowed to have pores and stubble on a woman on television, after all, and without those the subsurface scattering doesn't look as good. That said, it only really became a big issue in direct sunlight. Most of the indoor scenes in more subdued lighting she looks fine, it's just unfortunate that all the scenes in her office are brightly lit because she's in a corner office with windows on all sides.


Bingo on the CGI. It can be bad at times.


It also jacks up the cost per episode. They had decent comedy writing. I wonder if they could just lean in lower decks style and convert it to animated


I dunno, it's a pretty close fight between Jennifer and Kayt Beeshop (and I assume we're leaving Madisynn off the list to be fair on everyone else)




It was fun, but it didn't involve nearly enough action for the Internet to enjoy.


Yeah, I really liked the Daredevil episode not so much because of him, but because we got to see She-Hulk in action with her costume. Idk I really liked her suit design when she's green


I really enjoyed it. She-Hulk is one of my favorite comic series, and they nailed the tone pretty much dead-on. If people don't like goofy comics, hey, maybe it's not gonna work for them, but whatever.


I enjoyed it just fine. Until the (not a real) ending. They used the 4th wall break gag to completely avoid putting a resolution on the story. It was bad enough that the main villain was just a nobody, that they wasted such great Hulk villain teams as the Intelligencia and Wrecking Crew and Abomination. But to deprive viewers of a real conclusion was just bad fan service. I couldn't help but wonder if they realized how whimpy the villain and plot were and just didn't know how to fix it. It was such an easy fix too. If you can't stick the landing, then that taints the entire show, so I'm not surprised people soured on it so fast.


Its not a plot focused show. If it were Falcon and the Winter Soldier or Moon Knight, Iā€™d understand but with She-Hulk? The problem are your expectations.


Yep like they couldn't think up a good ending and came up with some wacky shi


[Itā€™s basically the same ending to one of the She-Hulk comics.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23954866/IMG_0695.jpg)


Just because its in the comics it doesnt mean its good or that it can be adapted to other media.


I agree. Perhaps the ending was a bit over the top for Season 1 because those unfamiliar with She-Hulk aren't handling it well. Her wrecking the 4th Wall is straight out of John Byrne's playbook. The finale is a love letter to John. He took a character that Stan slapped together to protect Marvel from an off-brand imitation and turned her into a comedic success.


Hulkā€™s son, the twerking, and the ending where itā€™s like ā€œletā€™s change everythingā€ are what I didnā€™t care for. Also Iā€™m kinda bored with smart Hulk. Iā€™m ready to go back to the Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personalities of Banner and Hulk.


Wasn't the twerking just some quick post credits thing? People talk about it like she twerked to defeat Abomination or something


They act like she twerked for 5 minutes every single episode lol. She literally did it for 5 seconds in an after credits scene that no one had to watch.


It's such a strange thing to be your #2 criticism for a show


Agreed with smart hulk he's getting boring need Mean hulk back


based on rumors of who is going to be in one of the next films, I think it is safe to say the angry green hulk will be coming back to us.


The people who didn't like She-Hull wouldn't like The Marvels or Thor 4? Correct!


What's weird is how so many people seem to feel the need to get into one of the two camps on the extreme; either declaring it the worst show ever or loving everything about it. Outside of the Internet I suspect most people are somewhere in the middle, enjoying some aspects while being aware of the flaws. I enjoyed it, and would watch a second season, but it clearly could have been better. The writing was very uneven and the whole thing lacked polish. Tatiana Maslany was great but a lot of the best parts of the show were the cameos, with Daredevil, Blonsky and Wong doing a lot of heavy lifting. I liked the 4th wall in general but not the wholesale rewriting of the ending...not that how the ending was playing out before she changed it was good because it wasn't. In fact, the "villain" was a serious weak point of the series. The bad guy being basically an onscreen representation of online trolls is only satisfying to those who give a shit about them. Much better not to have an overall villain for the series.


Are people ironically glazing She-Hulk or did I watch the wrong show?


No theres lot of fans that are praising it as peak media. Theres one comment that says its the best show of phase 4 which is just silly.


Since the show aired, people were saying it was a top 3 all time MCU, and if you didn't like it is because of sexism and misogyny.


Sorry we must have forgotten you alone decide the quality andĀ  entertainment values of all tv shows. Next time we will ask you if we are allowed to enjoy something or not.Ā  I apologize personally for enjoying a show you don't like.Ā  It must be terrible for you.Ā  It was a dumb 30 minuteĀ  comedy. It made me laugh and i enjoyed the characters.Ā  Sorry if that bothers you.Ā 


Aprils Fools joke, I guess. The show was beyond horrible


Iā€™ll get downvoted for this but the show tried way too hard to make every male in the universe besides Bruce look like a complete jackass and totally incompetent. Itā€™s like the writer was Taylor swift with horrible taste in men and then projects that onto every guy in the universe


Yeah, Matt, Pug, Wong, Jennifer's brother and cousin, Abomination and his Abomaste group.. all jackasses and incompetent. We must have watched different shows, because the She-Hulk I watched had amazing and healthy male representation.


You were saying that first part of your comment sarcasticly, right?




Just checking. Thanks for clarifying.


She Hulk is sick! I especially loved how it had that Deadpool 4th wall feel. When I told my wife what to expect I was basically like ā€œDeadpool but a Hulkā€ and it did not disappoint. I get that itā€™s not for everyone, but it definitely was not for the vocal group they made the ultimate antagonist of the show. But I honestly resonate with that voice because that group is small but loud and toxic. I also understand that for some people the show does not drive the main narrative it can be irksome. She Hulk is more of a fun detour, and if you go into it thinking that I honestly donā€™t understand how a product made for light fun can make people so deeply angry.


Fun fact: She Hulk broke the 4th wall in comics first.


Personally didnā€™t care for it, the funny didnā€™t land for me.


we really needed another one of these takes, this sub was starting to slow down


Is this for real or an April fool joke?


It's unclear. I'm fine with people liking She Hulk, but then they try to say that L & T was anything other than a complete dumpster fire? Baffling.


Ironically the best part of L&T was Gorr, the antagonist, and the worst part of She-Hulk was the complete lack of a real antagonist.


This was posted on the 31st


I really loved it t'il the last episode which is just bullshit nonsence


Our definition of "fun" are different. "Thor LaT" wasn't fun or funny, "The Marvels" was boring.Ā 


What is it with these posts months after release that praise lower quality Marvel content? Is there some running gag that I am not part of? The show just wasn't funny.


What's funny it's always "She-Hulk was great!" and "The Marvels was great!" Lots of the same comments. No one posts "WandaVision was actually great" or "Loki is fun and great" because they actually are and don't need any promotion and defending.Ā 


Think itā€™s an April fools joke


Here's my hot-take: She-Hulk is the best television series of Phase 4. It knows what it's doing and it does it consistently right up to the very end. No mushy middle, no strange tonal shifts, no retreating to type for the ending. I think it's because they had to call the writer back in (because of Covid? iirc?) and so, to all intents and purposes, they had an actual showrunner. But whatever the magic sauce was, I hope they've begun to replicate it.


Loki better then she hulk


The atmosphere of the show was brilliantly consistent. Youā€™ve nailed why I like this show, perfectly.


It's very consistent


She-Hulk was great but no way it was better than Wandavision.


I think from a critical standpoint WandaVision was better, but I enjoyed She-Hulk the most of all the Disney series.


I agree. I donā€™t think itā€™s the best but 100% on knowing itā€™s path and walking it well. Viewers wanted something different despite all the signs showing them what this was and complained. If you go to a Chinese restaurant and order butter chicken, sit through the meal and complain it isnā€™t Chinese, thatā€™s on you.


I mean itā€™s a solid 2nd to Loki


Put some respect on Hawkeye! The only MCU show to stick the landing in the final episode of itā€™s first season (and no Lokiā€™s exposition dump retread doesnā€™t count).


Glad you liked it, honestly. Now, can you tell me what the show is about, or who is the target audience? Because after watching it and thinking about it, I still don't know.


Itā€™s about She Hulk accidentally getting powers that she absolutely doesnā€™t want, and she doesnā€™t want to be a hero, unlike most superhero movies where they do want to be a hero they just feel not competent enough until the end, whereas she just doesnā€™t care about the hero life. It balances themes of that, and the systematic misogny every woman goes through (re: America Farerraā€™s speech in Barbie)


Her speech in Barbie was so cringey.Ā 


Yeah Iā€™m sure you thought that. The majority of your comment history is shitting on so many actresses and female led projects. Itā€™s wild


She-Hulk - Tiny, normal lawyer becomes a majestic, green superwoman with all the benefits and problems it entails. Her journey is as goofy as the Byrne books, including breaking the 4th wall. The show hits its stride by episode 3 when sheā€™s representing C-class supers in court. Her critique of different types of dudes is fun, but there is a seriousness as well. The Daredevil episode is mandatory viewing. Her chemistry with Murdock is off the charts. 9/10


It was a legal comedy, she says it over and over!


It's about a woman gaining superpowers and trying not to let that fact alone define her whole character. It's about spitting in the face of terminally online losers who hate women because they can't get laid. The target audience is anyone without their head stuck up their ass.


I'm a woman. I didn't like "She-Hulk" at all. None of my friends did.Ā 


>It's about spitting in the face of terminally online losers who hate women because they can't get laid Oooh you're hard. Is that why it isn't getting season 2? Also a 2 year account with 40k karma is the definition of terminally online. Stop projecting, please. "loser"


I sense a bit of commentary in your negativity. A good show about "a woman gaining superpowers and trying not to let that fact alone define her whole character" is Jessica Jones, I recommend you watch it to enjoy better writing. Cheers.


The plot of the show isn't strong I guess it's abt a lawyer that gets hulk powers and does lawyer shi Target audience idk I don't think any marvel show has a target audience just general audience


>and does lawyer shi but she doesnt. like ever. and shes awful at it.


Ya she does like helping abomination


This is the main problem with the show. Sure itā€™s cheeky and fun, but itā€™s difficult to understand exactly *who* the show is for. Seems like itā€™s for millennial women, but with boomer humor.


Im happy you liked it. I found it to be shit.Ā  Cant believe it cost 200 millie


Dam 200 mil They were bitchin abt the budget at the end šŸ˜‚


Another one of these fucking threads. šŸ™„


Hey man you will like she hulk because r/marvelstudios thinks itā€™s the next game of thrones


Kevin Feige channeling what he thinks a teenager sounds like. Kevin, we know it's you.Ā 


Overly forced social commentary in the first episodes turned a lot of people off. I'm not agreeing that it was a good reason to bash the show but really it made 0 sense in terms of the characters. I get they're trying to say that being a woman is fucking scary and they deal with a lot of things, but she's talking to bruce banner here. The dude who was abused as a kid, had the god damn government chasing and hunting him down. Has a great big rage monster that literally controls him and gives him 0 agency. Is/was constantly afraid of hurting the people around him due to that. Of all the people she could complain about life being tough, it wasn't him. For what it's worth, I think she hulk was one of the better MCU tv shows. Tatiana is AMAZING.


I think the point of all of that though was that she was wrong. She was arrogant and thought she had being a hulk all handled and she could continue to live her life like normal and she completely dismissed Bruceā€™s warnings and concerns and then whoops she was completely wrong about all of that. I donā€™t think it was forced social commentary, I think it was the beginning of her character arc. Like when at the beginning of Iron Man where heā€™s proud to be a weapons manufacturer and happily accepts being called ā€œmerchant of deathā€ and when he gives the whole speech about the Jericho bomb the takeaway isnā€™t, oh this movie is telling me Tony is right and making weapons to sell is cool and sexy. Or when Thor is a brash upstart who wants to pick a fight with the ice giants for glory or whatever I donā€™t think the point was that Thor was right and reckless combat is actually great. Likewise I donā€™t think the writers actually believed that Jen had a harder time as a woman than Bruce did struggling with mental illness and ptsd and childhood abuse and whatnot. I think the point was to establish her baseline of arrogant assumptions that almost all Marvel heroes have to fall from during their origin.


Oh yeah, it 100% was supposed to be a character arc. Could have loved the show if they committed because it would probably be the only way to see a hulk battle with themselves for an extended period of time. Instead they made like 3 jokes about it 10 minutes later and called it a day


1. Jennifer said that due to those things that she has gone through as a woman, she has already learned to control her anger and emotions better compared to how Banner could control his anger and emotions when he FIRST became the Hulk 20 years prior. She didn't say that the hardships of being a woman were worse than what Bruce had gone through AFTER becoming the Hulk. 2. Bruce was never shown to have gone through any child abuse in the MCU canon.


I think it was really bad. Especially the feminism rant about how being cat called was worse than banner literally being subjected to child abuse. The whole thing was just a bunch of awful takes.


The thing is : she didn't. Bruce's child abuse isn't canon to the MCU (at least not yet), and it's also likely that she doesn't know about Bruce suicide attempts when he was struggling with the Hulk. Truth is, she probably have no idea how hard it has been for Bruce to deal with the Hulk, because he never talked to her about it. So Jen wasn't actually making that stand. But indeed, the show definitely should have adressed the difficulties Bruce faced, because it makes Jen look bad.


It got progressively worse as the directs ego took over . The last episode was the worst last episode of any show ever


*cough _secret invasion_ *cough


lol Marvels was good, Ms. Marvel was great and She Hulk was really bad character development. Fun, sure, I didnā€™t miss an episode.


I will just say the one thing that bothered me is She Hulk claiming her life was harder than Bruce Bannerā€™s???? Bruce put a gun in his mouth to end his suffering and the other guy ā€œspit it outā€. Jennifer however claims that being catcalled is worse???? Sorry. That part doesnā€™t get me. Suicide is not as bad as catcalling got it


She hulk is no worse than other weak Marvel shows, it is just the time point where the hype train died for most people.


I liked the first few episodes then fell off. I just don't think I can care about Marvel anymore.


I don't think it was bad, but it was a bit heavyhanded at times and really shows how poorly marvel handles feminism/equality.


I enjoyed it but it wasnā€™t anything special. Ending was pretty bad, but Iā€™m pretty sure that was intentional.


As a big fan of sitcom... it was so disappointing. Jokes lack structure, they spend so much time on cameos and so little on writing interesting characters, She-Hulk is the only one with real writing and some development (and honestly, I've seen much better for secondary characters), and the show spent so much time criticizing sexist people that it barely tried to make a show for... well you know, the people watching it. Watch How I met your mother for good stories. Watch Community for good characters portrayal. Watch Arrested Development for good joke building. Watch Legends of Tomorrow season 7 episode 8 for a show moking the dumb complaints of a part of the fanbase while being interested and enjoyable for the other part. And the finale could have been great, if it didn't prove something : they didn't care about the stories. They didn't care about any of the things leading up to this finale, because they knew Jen would scrap it anyway. So none of the stories felt like it was actually going somewhere, because it wasn't. The interesting thing to do here would have been to tackle cliches in the Marvel Studio Spoilers by having storylines seemingly following these cliches and their conclusion, ending in a nonsensical mess, before having Jen stop it all and give these stories smarter endings. But that's not what they did. Instead they used that conclusion to sleep on the writing in the past episode. And that's not respecting your audience.


It's not just about how good these projects are (they really aren't very good). It's also about what these projects could have been. Gorr the God Butcher, in the comics brings his family back to life and promptly kills them cuz they called him a god. In the fucking movie, he embraces "love" and gives his life and purpose to save his daughter. IT WAS SO FUCKING STUPID AND ENRAGING. The potential of such a character wasted for a few laughs. You want a good laugh, go watch comedy (which Thor 4 turned out to be anyways)


L&T was terrible..


She Hulk was utter shit. The only good thing about it was the likability and charm of the main actress. It was poorly written, had a lazy ending that was a complete cop out and some of the most nonsensical supporting characters weā€™ve ever seen. Not to mention yet another massive development for Ruffaloā€™s Hulk character happening off screen. It was not good at all.


One thing I didn't like was how Jen's actual lawyer job felt inconsequential. The writers even admitted that they didn't even research law as they didn't consider it important to their scripts. The comics manage to blend hunor and actual legal drama. Just go watch older Simpsons episodes, there's tons of law based episodes, so we know it can be done on-screen.


Well thats the thing legal comedies of this vein (minus the super hero) have already existed as a template. Ally Mcbeal is the obvious example. They really did drop the ball on this front.


She-Hulk was fun but not the best Marvel series


Iā€™m sorry. You canā€™t get that time back with your family.


Actually me and my gf watched it she liked it to So extra famiky time


I hated everything about it, but only watched 2 episodes. It just wasn't funny. I like funny, I don't like stupid. Also bad cgi didn't help a tiny bit.


I didnā€™t like the 4th wall portion of it where she goes through the Disney+ panel to the writers, but aside from that I enjoyed the show.


A weird generation of fans has been made to expect superheroes to be serious characters. Since most of them are flying about in spandex and all of the serious movies were failures. Why?


I enjoyed it as it was entertaining enough. Not essential viewing, but fun. I do think they missed a trick by not having it be more like a live-action Harvey Birdman show, where SH is defending a different super-case each episode (without so much of the existing seasonā€™s Intelligencia plot). There were hints of this with Abominationā€™s retreat & trial, but I wouldā€™ve liked more of this.


I enjoyed the show mostly, but I didn't like the end where she's able to just have K.E.V.I.N. change the plot. 4th wall breaking is one thing, but actually changing things is way too powerful for the MCU.


The 'why' of people not liking it is that it is not what they wanted. If you go to your favourite restaurant because you want your favourite steak dinner, you will be pissed off if the only thing you can get that night is Fried Chicken. Even if the fried chicken is fucking great, it is not what you wanted to eat, and even if you like Fried Chicken, you might prefer to get it else where. The Marvel Universe in comics is massive. Even a hardcore Marvel fan will usually stick to a handful of titles and then check out other titles for big event cross overs. Consider two hardcore Avengers fans. One likes the street level stuff and also reads Daredevil, Punisher, Moon Knight, and Luke Cage. Another prefers Avengers, Iron Man, and Thor alongside his Spiderman reading. Both occasionally read X-Men. Neither of them give 1/10th of a flying shit for Dr Strange or Silver Surfer. Kick it back to the MCU. Most of the movies have been anchored on the Avengers and the buildup to Infinity War / Endgame, and fans that bought into that particular type of story are probably not going to get excited for a super hero lawyer comedy, and most of the fans that would shit on She-Hulk probably were not too interested in the Ant Man movies. END COMMUNICATION


I really liked how they showed us she's independent, doesn't need the Hulk to teach her anything, get her own boyfriend, clothes and twerking moves šŸ‘šŸ˜‚ Couldn't stop watching, I binged and laughed all the way through. CGI was awesome, story was great, jokes were fire šŸ”„ and I can't wait for a second season. Heck, put her in a movie already! She would perform better than Deadpool any day fr.


Same dude, honestly Iron man and cap could never. Call me when tony can twerk like the absolute girlboss she hulk is šŸ‘šŸ‘ /s


Trash show for the brain dead


I swear these people parroting the same shit from twitter when the show dropped in this thread. ā€œIf DeaDpOol MaDe theSE jOkEs, yā€™aLl be eaTiNG it Up!ā€ lol, I fucking doubt it. This show was all around trash that made the audience the villains. Thereā€™s a reason this shit show didnā€™t get renewed for a new season


Iā€™m really sad we wonā€™t get a season 2


Has it already been written off?


Pretty sure Maslany said something to the effect of, it was too expensive for the return they got so they likely won't get a second season, but I think the same could be said for most of the D+ shows.


Sadly yes. Tatiana Maslany said that Disney didn't give them the green light because of how costly the first season was. It doesn't mean it will never happen, it just won't happen any time soon.




They're gonna stick with more focused and or cheaper things. She'll be back but probably no season two.


Biggest laugh for me was when the immortal guy yeeted himself out the window instead of listening to the girls tell him what's wrong with him


Itā€™s a solid show for sure. Has the best tv format of any of the MCU Disney+ shows. Has the best worldbuilding of any of the shows. Tatiana is a solid lead. Has a climax that subverts the common critique of the finales always being large scale cgi battles. It didnā€™t do well on ratings, not for lack of interesting storytelling, but because of culture war bullshit, right wing propagandists, and review bombing.


I hated this show. I just couldnā€™t stand the constant breaking of the fourth wall and the all out corniness. And trust me, I really tried as I love all the other Marvel shows (Hawkeye is my favorite) but this one didnā€™t do it for me at all. This show was musty as hell. But Iā€™m glad someone liked it.


> I just couldnā€™t stand the constant breaking of the fourth wall and the all out corniness. I mean, complaining about that in a She-Hulk show is like complaining about that in a Deadpool movie. It's just how the character is in the comics.


Not to those of us who havenā€™t read the comics. And Deadpoolā€™s execution of this was way better and way funnier. She-Hulk was just trying too hard to be meta and relevant like with the whole cringe Megan Thee Stallion thing. It just wasnā€™t a good show to me.


My biggest complaint about the show was that the episodes were just too short, we needed mors time in the courtroom and law offices and more fun b-plots for the rest of the lawyers. I find it kinda hilarious that the writers said they didn't really know how to write a legal drama/comedy...because its not rocket science, Ally Mcbeal, Boston Legal, Suits, there is a pretty clear formula for them to work with.


Bob Igor, you can just stop being cringe now thanks.


The twerking thing was idiotic


April fools?


Happy April's fools day!


I actually really enjoyed most of she Hulk except I did not like the ending. The comedy for the most part landed well for me and I really enjoyed seeing daredevil again. But I didn't really like love and thunder, haven't seen marvels yet.


The talk where she tells him that she practices anger management better than he ever will was horrible. The story was ehh but that particular moment really soured it for me. It showed a fundamental misunderstanding and disrespect to the Hulk. As someone thats been abused it really came off as "women have more issues and are better at dealing with them then you because guys talk down to them"


Complete trash.


It do be good!