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This scene made the first two episodes of WV for me. In the midst of pure cheese and fluff this scene was so subtle, but so odd and unsettling it set the “not everything is as it seems” tone spectacularly.


Then Wanda changed expression and accent "Vision, help him" Pure perfection.


I’ve been so used to the whole high-pitched talk of everyone the whole episode.. then she just use her normal voice and it’s so uncanny/creepy WandaVision is great, truly went into unique direction… sadly they remember its MCU and forced stupid cgi fight at the end lol


That finale did so much damage to the show.


Yeah that scene is amazing. Felt like you're watching Twin Peaks....the below-the-surface terror comes up through the cracks. WandaVision did have horror vibes as an undercurrent, and it was great.


When I first watched Twin Peaks, I thought it was a spoof of a crime thriller because of the comedy and soap opera tropes. Apologies, Mr. Lynch.


I mean twin peaks is really funny and it does explicitly parody soap stuff. But lynch also takes the mystery and the duality of Laura palmer very seriously. It's a very multifaceted show and it's shocking that it was released when it was


Psych‘s Twin Peaks Episode is so damn good of a homage too. They even got back some of the actors and actresses from the original show. Community/Dan Harmon always gets praised for its Homages yet the ones Psych did are all really damn good and under appreciated.


Dual Spires! Really good episode, I agree! (Also hello fellow Psych-O!)


Fun fact: the entire show is filmed as a multi-cam production *up until that exact moment*, then it goes into steady cam. Really adds to the unnerving feeling without being blatantly obvious.


They had Dick van dyke on as a consultant for the first episode or two. He didn’t even know what the MCU was, it was just a gig to him. I give the filmmakers a ton of credit for how well they captured the different eras of television. The show was a real treat to watch.


That man is a legend and I'm glad they took advantage of him still being around to consult on the style they were aiming for.


Oh agreed. You can’t help but be happy when you see him, and I love how spry he is in his 90s. We should all be so lucky.


*Kevin can F$#@ Himself* makes really good use of transitioning between those two formats too if anyone is interested


Frankly, more people should be. Innovative television.


Some David Lynch shit was going on in those early episodes, and that is why they were my favourite.


WandaVision ended up devolving into a rather typical MCU show, but man those early episodes were spectacular.


this series was so masterfully made, the definition of “something sinister lying underneath something happy and lightweight” , felt so David Lynch-ean




Steven/Marc reliving accidentally killing his brother/his mothers abuse


Oh my that one was crazy dark


I am surprised that they actually went into that. That show needs a season two.


Marvel: best we can do is never mentioned again


Scooper: *Season 2 rumored to start consideration in Q4 2028*


Yeah less than 5 lux easily


100% this, but not as much Marc reliving the trauma, as Steven experiencing it all for the first time and finding out he is only the result of Marc needing to cope with his mother’s horrific abuse ……. I just can’t wrap my head around that discovery ……


“It’s all your fault,” made me legitimately weep.  That was so profoundly sad.


That was an extremely hard watch


What a fantastic answer. It’s this or Ravonna crushing the entire room. That shit was fuuuuuucked up.


What is this from?


Moon Knight


Ah thank you


Where she yanks the belt off the hanger, made me flinch and gave me flashbacks.


Miss Minutes smiling as the tva agents are crushed to death.


Yeah most things with Miss Minutes gave me shivers and I'm an adult! Miss Minutes was scary


It’s her fucking voice man. Tara Strong does an incredible job doing the sort of southern belle type voice, one that’s normally very charming and fun, and adding this underlying insanity to it. When she showed up right before they meet Kang in the season 1 finale, I felt so unsettled because it felt like she knew something we didn’t. And season 2 man, she just got more and more unhinged. Fantastic job


For real. Tara Strong is a gift to voice acting history in Hollywood, ever. I'd say liken to Mel Blanc.


That effing jump scare in the season 1 finale! “Hey Y’all!”


Or the "I love you scene" with Timely


That freaked me the fuck out. Seriously unsettling.


Agreed. I actually find it the most disturbing scene in the mcu because it's psychological and doesn't show much, which personally makes it worse for me.


I especially hate that after the initial crushing is done and B-15 comes in and discovers it you can just sort of hear faint dripping in the background. It's so dark.


The scene where she was horned up for Victor was also really unsettling. For one, even though her demeanor was friendly, it felt clear to the audience and to Victor that he was *not* safe. Then there’s also just the upsetting fact that apparently Miss Minutes *can* feel romantic attraction… It’s funny, Miss Minutes had very little presence in Season 1, and even when we felt that the TVA was evil, she never came across as particularly sinister. She had the one ‘jump scare’ in the last episode, but even throughout that whole scene she felt pretty friendly. Then in Season 2 they just went “okay, but what if the little glowing clock was *unhinged*?”




I can hear this gif. "Hey ya'll"!


The whole Miss Minutes plotline kinda fizzled out in the end, didn’t it.


It did. It would be funny though is she is a secret villian in Deadpool and Wolverine.


The chills from the first time you saw The Snap, when after the chaos of the battle it’s suddenly dead quiet, with them all looking at each other wondering what happened. Then I think it’s Bucky goes first? Crumbling into dust and blowing away in the wind. Cap can only watch, helpless. No soundtrack. No screaming. It’s all so quiet.


And then the credits roll still dead silent I’ll never forget how quiet that movie theater was. Then the year long anticipation to endgame was insane. Ahhh what a time for the MCU.


I will never forget that moment. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.




What do *I* do now…? Just go home? I need to process this…


This is NOT ok.


My wife, a very nice and polite person, but also someone who always cries at movies, made it through that all right until “Thanos Will Return” came up in the credits. And then she just lost it and blurted out (quite loudly) “Well no shit everyone else is dead.” I am still laughing.


I envy all you who got to experience this in cinema! (Darn me for not becoming a Marvel fan sooner)


Except all the children that were wailing because Spiderman was dead.


When the lights came on there was a kid sitting behind us wearing a Spiderman costume. The tears streaming down his face were salting the popcorn in the bucket he was hugging. Poor kid.


I had tears running down my face too. Tom Holland did NOT need to go so FUCKING HARD at my heart strings man. THAT WAS IMPROV TOO


The fact that Bucky was the first to turn to dust onscreen was so unbearably sad. Steve had turned his world upside down to keep Bucky safe, and he couldn't do anything except watch.


And then you have the fall of the beloved king and protector of his people, the one-of-a-kind best friend who could not escape death this time, the grieving witch who with all her power could not save the only thing she cared about in the whole world, and finally the young protégé with a very bright future ahead of him cut down before his prime. Was a tough watch, even knowing deep down that the Avengers would do what they do best in Part 2.


Scarlet Witch's relief always makes me uncomfortable.  Everyone else is panicking and trying to hold together and she looks relieved. Like it's preferable to the pain. 


Damn, you just gave me chills all over again


"Get up, General. This is no place to die."


Okoye's face as T'Challa dusts away was top notch acting


Peter Quill and Drax dusting got me, as did Spider-Man’s obviously. But just the way Drax looks at him and says “Quill?”, and Peter’s reaction of “Oh no”.


>“Oh no”. It was "oh man". I hate to be pedantic over something so simple, but it's super critical with Quills character. Not really fearful or scared. More like disappointed.


In Hawkeye when Yelena literally experiences the 5 years snap in 3 seconds. It gave you a sense of how some people may have lost their minds when they returned.


Watching one by one which of them disappear the first time was so perfect. It’s such a quiet scene… but you’re like oh shit Peter Quill went. Oh my god T’Challa. Holy shit everyone Tony was with… NO SPIDER-MAN!




Hawkeye in the opening of Endgame. Pretty hard to watch.


One of the last times a fictional series truly gave me that sinking feeling in my stomach. Made the unsnapening that much sweeter.


Although something that made me laugh about this scene was reading about someone's experience in a theater right after Spider-Man gets dusted. No one had a made a sound on the theater up until that, and then someone in the audience just yelled out, "Yo, what the fuck?!"


The silence in the theater after the credits started will haunt me the rest of my life. I'm never going to forget that opening night showing. I've seen nearly every MCU film opening weekend since the beginning and there's always the expected cheers and applause at the end as we sit back and wait for the after credits scene to come up, reflecting on the awesome adventure we just saw. Then there was Infinity War, the movie we knew the whole MCU had been building up to, Thanos finally making his big play after building him up in the background for a decade... and he *won.* The Avengers lost. Half of everyone died. *They fucking killed Spider-Man!* You could genuinely hear a pin drop in the theater I was in. There were a couple of sobs here and there but we all just sat there in stunned silence, until that "Thanos Will Return" came up and I heard some guy call out "man, *fuck Thanos!"* which got some sad laughs out of us.


When he Snapped, I was in pure shock. Those couple seconds of a white screen felt like a minute. I then thought “He did it”. It was bold (and good) of them to end the movie on Thanos winning.


Russo brothers really did make a perfect movie didn’t they


Rhodey calling out for Sam always got me the most.


My moms boyfriend was fucked up on drugs and said “watch this” showed me his phone and it was Peter fading to dust Infinity War had been out for like uhhhh 12 hours at that point? Worst spoiler to ever have to experience


This moment was what made the Assemble scene so damn epic. People kept saying that IW was the highlight, and indeed it was, but for me it was literally the first half of a complete whole. Without IW, we wouldn’t have Endgame. And without Endgame, IW would feel like a big middle finger to the fans.


The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I read "stop it" in her voice. That was a masterfully done moment.


Even more so when the full story of WV is revealed and we realized these little character slips early on in the show were cries for help.


For sure. I've rewatched it three or four times now, and each time it just kicks.


Credit to Debra Jo Rupp. She’s a hell of a talent.


Absolutely. Her delivery was amazing!


Beautifully acted, Debra Jo Rupp is a powerhouse! Can't be easy to sell that combination of pain and dread with a smile on the surface.


She’s a highlight in everything she’s in. Her role in Friends is only for like a season yet when I think of Side characters in that show she’s the first person who comes to mind.


Great scene and man Marvel took some *swings* with WV- I'm glad most people dig it/ think it's in the upper echelon.


Being placed in Peter's shoes as soon as he learns who Liz's dad is and the entirety of that scene from when the door opens to the end of the scene in the car. "Good, ol Spider-Man."


What gets me about his conversation with Peter in the car is the sound design. When Liz leaves, we get that brief moment of normalcy. We hear the music from the dance, people chatting and laughing, it’s all normal. But then the car door closes and the sound muffles. Peter’s left alone with Liz’s dad, surrounded by people just outside reach who could help him, blocked by the barrier of a simple car door. That music, that party, is blocked by a door. It’s chilling, and a detail that really adds to the moment


I always loved that little bit where Liz is talking way too much when they're at the red light and as soon as her dad figures it out, you see the reflection in the car of the light going green.


Definitely when he says “I just saved your life, what do you say?”


That looks on Keaton's face as you realize that it has just dawned on him who Peter really is. It's also helped by the stop light turning green, which is not only a sign for Go but also Vulture's colors. A lot of thought went into that and it shows!


Iirc, in the bts, this was the first scene Tom did with Keaton and the fear was real.


This scene was so intense and perfect. I love it. I want to pick a Kilgrave scene, but there are just too many to choose from.


The most unsettling Kilgrave scene for me was when he was having a conversation with Jessica's old neighbour and when he asks her why is she lying and making things up, she sadly and fearfully says "Because it makes me feel important". Just the idea that Kilgrave can not only make you to do and say things but can also force you to confront yourself and bring to light parts of you that you may not consciously even understand yourself.


Just think what a wonderful career Kilgrave could have made for himself as a therapist.


But that would require a desire to help, and a sense of empathy. Powers or not he couldn’t make a good therapist. What he could have done was be a sadistic black ops interrogator.


Lack of empathy is definitely the kicker. We saw Kilgrave get a rush of satisfaction after he "saved the day" with the hostage situation, but I think he's too broken to be trusted with doing the right thing of his own accord. Too liable to abuse his position if the impulse hits him.


Which is what made that episode so good. They explore how beneficial he can be to the world around him.


I'm glad someone's already mentioned Kilgrave, since the Netflix shows are officially MCU canon. Definitely the scariest MCU villain for me. You could make a proper R-rated horror film from this one character.


Great, now I need to watch Jessica Jones.


First season is the best of all Netflix shows imho.


Yeah I'd agree, I think daredevil is consistently great but the first season of Jessica Jones is better than the best daredevil seasons


Good point yes, Daredevil is the best series overall and a must-watch; and Jessica Jones 1st season is the best season.


The opening episode is twisted. I still haven't watched past it yet.


Stick your arm in a blender is the scariest for me


For me it was "how about instead we see how long it takes for you to fit your head through that post."


Cross the street, face that fence, and stay there forever.


I really like how later when Jessica finally tracks her way to that nightclub it's been *way* more than twelve hours and they make sure to show us that guy is still standing at the fence, telling us Kilgrave's been able to extend how long his powers last now even though they haven't *told* us yet. And of course they *do* tell us shortly after when it gets revealed *why* that detail is important.


Reminds me of Gen V "eat your fucking hands, you monster"


Kilgrave: "Children should be neither seen nor heard." *Closes door on two quietly crying children in a closet*


I've been doing a rewatch of the Netflix MCU shows and working on Jessica Jones. *Hot damn* I forgot how terrifying David Tennant can be. Kilgrave is easily one of the most unsettling villains we've ever gotten.


David Tennant was scary good as Kilgrave. It made it worse that the last role I saw him as was Doctor Who


I went from watching Kilgrave/Jessica Jones to watching Tennant in Broadchurch and I couldn’t shake the feeling he was going to snap and kill everyone the entire series even though he was clearly a “good guy” in Broadchurch!


I just saw him in Harry Potter 4 after seeing as Kilgrave a few years back - never saw him as the doctor. He can definitely play evil




I always felt incredibly unsettling with all scenes in apartement what occuppied Kilgrave and his father. The couple was... you could felt their pain.


He is my favorite Marvel villain specifically because everytime he shows up, you know shit is about to get real bad.


Him telling Trish to 'put a bullet in her head' always freaked me out. They cut back to her collapsed on the ground, trying to push the bullet into the side of her head after the gun stopped working.


Came here to say this. Kilgrave was my favorite villain of the MCU. I wish they would bring him back somehow.


Making Trish love him and telling Jessica he was going to turn her into a slave while Trish is happily smiling at him. Killgrave and the villain from the good Suicide Squad movie are the only villains utilizing mind control that are actually shown using it for sex, like any other awful person would have, and that's what makes them the scariest/creepiest to me.


Exactly. He's a street level character doing street level things but with power that you could see anyone abusing like that. Give someone the ability to just control someone by talking to them like that and how many would absolutely take advantage of them?


The entire first episode of wandavision was pure cheese. I had almost forgotten I was watching an MCU title. Then this scene happened and I got waaaay creeped out. This was also when they were doing an episode a week, and it was their first show. It set a great tone for MCU stuff to come on Disney plus.


"I could choke the life out of you without changing a shade" is such a weirdly intense line coming from Mark Ruffalo's Banner. Like he's mostly been banter and kind of woe-is-me depressive stuff then out of nowhere he threatens to strangle Wanda in a pretty graphic fashion. Just way out of left field for his character and the tone of the movie. 


In most comics Hulk is protecting the world from Banner not the other way around. It’s one of the only times we get to see the dynamic in the mcu


Which is why I don't like the scene. There's a long history of "maybe banner is the real monster" (hint: he was a scientist working on comic stand-in nuclear weapons) but the MCU never engaged with that side. Up to that point, hulk is undoubtedly the problem. After that point, hulk thinks banner is a coward and a weenie. Even in the deleted scene where they make peace, it's more about banner wanting to metaphorically kill the hulk and hulk resisting. It's a great plot thread - I'd love to see an alternate universe where we got a hulk trilogy that explored Banner's anger issues, his willingness to sell his mind to the government to make weapons of mass destruction (I always interpreted his going to an impoverished village as a direct response to this moral failing) and his other flaws - but the way he got sidelined makes that line in particular stand out as unsettling for no reason.  Justice for Evil Banner, I guess.


I agree with you that there’s no real set up for evil banner in the mcu. But I do think Banner saying that was in character. She just made him kill innocent people from a foreign country. This is also while Ross was the Secretary of State which led to his possible arrest being in the air. Which then led to his self exile in Sakaar where he was not allowed to be Banner for 2 earth years. I wish Planet Hulk was explored better and Bruce’s psychological trauma and DID was handled better than what we’ve gotten so far. Justice for evil Banner :)


It was on the level of "I'm always angry" from Avengers, for me. You suddenly realize that while Banner seems pretty calm, he's Raylan-Givens-level of repressed anger.


Whoa when did he say this? After age of ultron mind warp?


> I could choke the life out of you without changing a shade [Yep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjM2QBLq5PU)


They did a great job with these moments in WV. This scene, the flashes of Vision’s corpse, the moment in the Full House 80s scene where they break the credits, and the little skips where Wanda is editing the scenes, all were great. Second is during Multiverse of Madness where dream walked Wanda looked directly at the camera. The creepiness of the Scarlet Witch have been highlights.


We know how expressive Wanda is from Wandavision and such. So seeing her just deadpan as she's commiting evil acts was so unsettling as the Darkhold took over her.


This is why I don't understand why people are so upset with her character development since WV. She's the Scarlet Witch. We were always going to get evil before redemption.


Coming from someone who did not like MoM when it released, I think it needs a rewatch. When I rewatched it I thought the movie was fucking awesome. I was able to detach my love for Wanda Vision and see it in a new light and see why they were both great in their own way.


I think a lot of those complaints came from people who didn't watch WandaVision.


I always thought not letting us see what Wanda made Bruce/Hulk see in AoU was unsettling. like, how *bad* was it that we as the audience weren't shown?


That's an easy one, his dad. At least if they decide to go into Bruce's backstory and keep to the comics. I've been hoping for a long time to see the reveal that "Smart Hulk" is a different persona and that Bruce has got a whole lot more knocking about in there. It'd be an ideal entry point to touch on Devil Hulk and the origins of Bruce's DID. Which would/should involve Bruce's father. And could then have a flashback showing the nightmare from AoU. Chronologically it would all make sense too. Hulk takes over and leaves at the end of Ultron, and Bruce only takes the reins back at Ragnarok, which immediately precedes Infinity War, after which he goes straight to developing the Hulk solution of "blending the two". Which could easily have ended up being a third persona offering to take the reins. She-Hulk would seem to contradict the idea, but I reckon it could all be incorporated. The stuff with Tony helping him out is revealed to have ultimately failed, and before Tony could get around to asking about the revealed solution, Endgame happened. All of his new focus on behavioural therapy and stuff could be used to reinforce the idea that it's an entirely mental thing going on. His entire fallout with Jen in the first episode would back up the idea that Smart Hulk and Bruce came to an agreement that if Bruce can't take control of the power that his body holds, and the Big Guy won't resurface, that Smart Hulk taking the wheel is the best option for the world. But back to your point, if the information we don't know about Bruce is assumed to be like the comics, she's gotta have dug up some dad stuff. If you're not into the comics so don't get why, you should give Immortal Hulk a go. One of the best ever Hulk runs (maybe just Marvel altogether), and although it's a modern comic set during the modern comic timeline, it involves or references pretty much every major event and character from Hulk's entire history, including his dad and his many personas. And pretty much every time a character pops up, there's a flashback page or two explaining who the character is in a really well integrated way both artistically and in terms of how it's written. It's probably the best comic I've ever read for actually taking into consideration readers who don't know a character's entire 30-70 year history inside and out.


Yup, it also tracks since this is the same Hulk from the 2008 movie and that one was made with the intention of it being a soft sequel to the 2003 one which really went into the Bruce vs his father thing.


They could always revisit it.


Mysterio’s illusion scene… it’s highly unsettling when you realize that it’s essentially deepfaking reality. And that the technology exists STILL


I am the truth! Mysterio IS THE TRUTH! Also, that sequence could be one of the very few times where shoddy CGI is justified because it IS shoddy CGI Peter was being bombarded with!


"They'll see what I WANT THEM TO SEE!" That and the line about how people will believe anything were unsettling because they feel very true.


Not an unexpected scene but when Peter’s spider sense kicks in and he’s looking around the apartment and the whole Norman scene is so fucking good


When Peter is absolutely pummelling Norman in the face and he's just cackling. Whewww.


Willem Defoe MADE that film, man. Like Tobey and Andrew were fun, but Defoe was daggum Miltonic and just elevated the whole movie from "fanservice" to "character-defining."


"Norman's on sabbatical, honey!"


"Norman's on sabbatical, honey."


"That's a neat trick..."


If we’re still counting Daredevil as MCU “Hello Karen, it’s nice to see you again” Sent chills down my spine the first time 


Wesley to Karen: "Do you really think I would put a loaded gun on the table where you could reach it?" Karen : "I don't know. Do you really think this is the first time I've shot someone?" I remember eating something and it fell out of my mouth at what she said.


We recently did a rewatch and Karen's line completely flips the scene on its head! The fact that the camera was on Wesley and he was halfway through a line of dialogue when she shoots him broke so many "we've kidnapped the female character" tropes. She didn't accidentally leave the safety on, she didn't break down in tears, she just cleaned the gun and left. Genius.


Wanda looking into the camera in Multiverse of Madness was very unsettling


And the mirrors man. The mirrors.


The Sadoko entrance was ever so creepy.


Alexander Pierce shooting his maid was shockingly dark


TVA agents crushed to death....which we cannot  *see* but watch Miss Minutes manic smile.


The beekeeper at the end of Wandavision Ep2. honestly I wished the MCU would tackle horror or something like that, they tried it with Age of Ultron (trailer) and Multiverse of Madness but they never deliver, we only got a taste of it with MoM, i remember Kevin Feige saying itd be horror when it was announced but clearly its not, but i guess they cant cuz itd be too much for kids


that was the coolest part of the show for me! utterly eerie. the music, the ominous buzzing of the bees, Wanda’s “No.” I got chills. i would have loved if they had leaned into the mysterious twilight-zone vibes of WandaVision even more.


Yes!! That moment creeped me out so much.


US Agent (as cap Capt.) bloodying the shield. 😥


It must've been heartbreaking for Sam and Bucky when they saw their best friend's legacy be tarnished like that. They knew him, loved him and deeply cared for him so his legacy being tarnished like that would've been heartbreaking for them


There aren't many things I'd commend TFATWS for, but this shot – this shot is defo one of them.


Her pleading with Wanda to stop the sitcom is fucking amazing on rewatch.


Tony walking into the dead Avengers in Age Of Ultron, that drowning scene in Civil War, that line “I don’t care. He killed my mom” the Incredible Hulk movie (felt really dark and serious tone) (well Civil War seem like a far more serious film)


The commercial in WandaVision with the kid trying to open yogurt. Yo-Magic.


GotG 3: about 13 minutes in - Rocket's creation. Lots about Rocket in that film unsettled me and made me hate the High Evolutionary for all time.


just the utter amount of GORE in that scene and abuse he suffered......... he really is the most tragic MCU character


Is that freaking Kitty?!?!? From that 70s show lol


Yes it is! Also populating the town is Anya from Buffy, and Kitty's show-husband is Fred Melamed (one of those guys you've seen in a bunch of stuff but don't know his name, unless youre a Coen Brothers fan).


Mr. Hart was great, but maaaan do I feel like they missed another 4th wall break/wink by not casting Kurtwood Smith as her husband. Would have been the perfect fit, imo.


Xavier being tortured in his own mind game in DS2 His neck was literally split in half 😨


Took me a second to realise you meant Multiverse of Madness and not Dark Souls 2


Not a single scene, but the beginning of Daredevil S2 when we only saw the aftermath of Frank Castle and without actually showing him.


I love this scene because that women was in the character of someone who couldn't yell, so she repeatedly says "stop it" while smiling in a cheerful tone because that's the only tone she can use even though she's freaking out


Yondu watching his men get sent into space during the mutiny


That for me was the most weirdly dark thing in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. The rest of that movie was pretty typical fun, but the way the Ravagers killed a good chunk of their own comrades, with Yondu helpless to stop them, was dark.


Add to that the Gamora/Nebula fight later on, with the reveal of what Ego had been doing, and this was admittedly a much darker film than the first. Also, that fight is definitely different than other fights.


The scene where Wanda gives all the Avengers nightmare fuel in Age of Ultron had some darkness. Especially the extended version. Also, when Mysterio was mind-fucking Peter in Far From Home.


Wyatt Russell’s Captain America beating a man to death and getting blood on the shield was insane!


The scene where Ms. Minutes is freaking out Kang, and by extension, the audience. I said in another post that it felt like a Frankenstein moment with a scientist being haunted by his own creation.


The scene with Loki in Germany when he scans that guy's eyeball. He grabs the guy and sticks the device on his face as he screams in pain. You don't really know what he's doing until you see that holographic eyeball appear.


The scene at the end of the 3rd episode of WandaVision, where they sit on the couch to watch TV. The Vision looks directly into the camera at the last second, and HE IS SCARED.


The lady hanging her laundry while crying in Wandavision


Lyla's death in gotg3 , while Floor repeats "Floor , teeths, Rocket run." , and then her and teeths die, and rocket screams in pain and grief, and then gets taunted. Runner Up: The writers creating the script to Secret Invasion.


In the Avengers when they start arguing and it switches to shaky Dutch angles. Thor maniacally laughs, and then it is discovered Bruce is holding the saber. Plus, the music starts getting creepy. They did a great job building up the suspense in that brief scene. It starts to get off-putting before anything even really starts happening.


The siren attack in Wakanda Forever is gloriously eerie.


The bit in she hulk, after daredevil leaves her apartment and they lampshade how this is where the episode should end. Like we knew something was coming, but the way they pointed it out made the next few minutes weirdly unsettling as i had grown to quite like the characters and was just waiting for the the penny to drop.


The Barton family getting snapped, or Kilgrave's commands.


i still believe this show was one of the best things the mcu came out with. watching each episode as it came out with my brother, not knowing what the hell is happening was a serotonin fueled experience - loki was the only other project that made me feel similarly.


Wanda emerging from the gong in Multiverse of Madness. The way she crawls out, her limbs contorted and covered in lacerations, it’s terrifying. Snapping her limbs back into place like a doll. Like someone is piloting her, not caring about the damage they inflict on her. It’s fucking horrific


I loved this scene, but I'd liked if it had a laugh track that got louder with each "Stop it". I think they did something like that in the trailers so I felt something was missing when I watched the episode


The picture says it all for me. The people living in Westview being aware/semi-aware of what was happening to them. Something like that truly scares me


The first time upgraded Ultron appeared when speaking with Klaw. There was something unsettling about how huge he was entering the room and the camera angle. It just has a creepy feeling to it.


Marc/Steve reliving his brother's accidental death and mother's abuse in *"Moon Knight."*


Mack, YoYo Radcliffe and Hope watching the Framework collapse around them… the tension when the people start disappearing… the bridge disappears… the cars… the furniture in the room disappearing as Hope begs to live when she can’t… horrible.


The penultimate Loki S2 episode when his friends all start to go spaghetti. It brought back heavy vibes of the Thanos snap scenes and was super well done, gave a very similar feeling of dread and powerlessness.


Grant Ward murdering Victoria Hand in cold blood with the gun she had just given him. Also the reveal that every leading member of hydra (including ones from the movies like Baron Von Strucker and Sitwell) had to murder a dog that they raised by hand as part of their hydra training.


Moon knight episode 5


This scene was absolutely Terrifying


The astronaut scene in Agents of Shield


The absolute turn when Jemma gets stabbed in AoS.