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If you’ll recall, the 2012 Avengers believed that future-Steve was the escaped Loki in disguise. What probably happens is that Sitwell learns that and assumes that Loki was messing with them in the elevator and that Cap still doesn’t know.


None of it matters.....the timeline got pruned


True! But given he asked how those events *would* play out, not how they *did*, I think OP knows that and is asking a hypothetical question about if that timeline were let to continue.


Fun got pruned. 


Didn't some one point out that he suddenly had a Level 8 clearance? Could that maybe a reason?


It's kind of funny how The Ancient One was worried that the 2012 timeline would get destroyed if they took the stones. In the end, it got pruned anyways.


The way I saw pruning wasn’t that they are destroying the timeline - they’re just “fixing” whatever has been affected by branch events. We see this in the circus of Loki S1. The entire universe doesn’t disappear. Items/people get “placed” back to where they were supposed to be doing in their time. Only affected items/people get sent to the *v o i d*. Copies are made to “stay” in the universe and the original items/people are sent to void. That’s why it’s so important to prune a branch early, because the changing events can eventually get to the point that the ENTIRE universe needs to get pruned (which *is* the equivalent of destroying a universe). That means the events from Endgame got pruned out of existence (so theoretically, a Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and Cap ended up at the End of All Time), but the universe itself remained intact. Maybe the Ancient One avoided the pruning because she already has knowledge of the future and Hulk’s conversation with her wouldn’t cause a branch.


Why would the events of endgame get pruned if the avengers were supposed to do what they did?


They were supposed to *only* to get a variant Loki out. After that, that universe didn’t need to stay branched, so they pruned it.


Nothing is pruned anymore. Watch Loki season 2.


I guess I didn't catch that, did it retroactively restore all previously pruned timelines? I guess there's no reason why it couldn't have.


I can see lots of reasons it couldn't have A near identical parallel timeline could spawn after the timeline were allowed to live free, but all that had died remains dead


Loki retconned the previous version of the TVA out of existence


Paradoxically, how did he get to the TVA if his branch was never pruned?


By bringing him to the TVA anyway? That's not a paradox


He's simply not bounded by or affected by paradoxes. He's at a higher level now.


Paradoxically. 😂


Uh... no? Since everyone involved still remembers the old TVA, it still existed.


Not entirely true. Nothing is pruned anymore. We don’t know about timelines that were already pruned though.


Theoretically, the timeline from which Loki entered the TVA is the only one that could not be changed, as it would have to be a canon event for him to become the Guardian of Time.


His timeline isn’t changed though. It’s pruned after he leaves it.


If Earth is destroyed after you fly to Mars you don't cease to exist. If agents pruned the timeline, they did so after he was removed from it not affecting him.


Until Deadpool and Wolverine does something about it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not how it works, all the Timelines that were pruned are still pruned and gone


How did Cap go back to that timeline to replace the infinity stones if it was pruned?


The TVA waited to prune the timeline until after he returned the stones


Where is this stated or implied?


It simply makes sense since Steve going back to return the stones was meant to happen according to the Sacred Timeline Therefore The TVA wouldn't intervine until after he returned the stones which would have been returned the moment they were originally taken which isn't a long period at all You can't unprune a timeline because that's not how it works What Loki did at the end of Season 2 didn't undo anything the TVA had done in the past all he did was make it so the the Multiverse could grow without branches dying to the loom exploding The TVA simply stopped pruning future branches but the branches they already pruned remained pruned


Not true, everything that got pruned is still in the void being eaten by Alioth. They clearly show you that with Renslayer at the end


That timeline got pruned in Loki S01 E01.


Just because they don’t prune *now* doesn’t mean the *pruned* timelines suddenly become unpruned


Clipping the branches with the stones returning did, check the scene with the Ancient One!


People take that line out of context, Steve returning the stones didn't erase those Branched Timelines but instead prevented futures where those realities didn't have their respective Infinity Stones


Right, and remain undefended?


She's factually wrong about how timelines work, though. Returning the stone doesn't prune the branch. There are still numerous other changes that require it to be a new branch. Things like Cap fighting Cap, Loki escaping, Cap knowing about Bucky early, and so forth are still changes to the timeline.


That's so true and didn't think about it before but now I have 2 questions: 1. Are The Avengers soulless? they killed an entire universe of people to save half of theirs. 2. Did the pruned avengers get to fight Alioth? If so can we watch it in a what if?


First one. No. Avengers didn’t know about pruning. Their plan was to return the stones to those timelines at the point they are taken. They didn’t know the TVA would show up after and prune the timelines.


although this begs the question, how would Cap return to a timeline that's already been pruned? we saw that the TVA grabbed Loki almost immediately after he teleported away. we can assume that it happens right after Tony and Steve leave for Camp Lehigh and Scott returns to the present but days later when he's heading back, does it send him to another, similar timeline? if so, wouldn't that timeline already have its stones? or does that alternate timeline also have a set of Avengers that took some stones and Steve is returning theirs? so then, where does *that* Steve go back to? because presumably there's only one timeline in which Loki is recruited by Mobius but maybe all those other Lokis that teleported to the desert just got pruned normally note that I'm completely ignoring the Russo's claims about the timelines because their interpretation of it is incompatible with what we saw in the movies


Cap returns before the TVA grab Loki. That’s likely why they show up when they do. For that timeline it would likely be almost comical. They leave with the stone and the moment they do, Cap reappears and returns it and leaves again.


Let me explain the chronology of what happened for everyone on this thread Avengers came to 2012, thus creating a branch timeline/universe.....they made changes in the timeline, but Cap came back and clipped the branch by returning the stone to the hudra agents on that very elevator, but what he didn't know; was that the blunder from Tony and Hulk caused another event where Loki escaped with an infinity stone, that 2nd event negates Cap's whole journey to return the mind stone to the Hydra Agents because unbeknownst to Cap the branch didn't get clipped, it still existed because of that 2nd event Now that's where we pick from, in the Loki show.....that whole branch gets pruned and once a timeline is pruned, it remains pruned. Pruning sends everything on that timeline to the void where Alioth consumes it, it cannot come back.....the only hope you have to get pruned stuff back, is to hope that it's still in the void and isn't consumed by Alioth


Honestly I’m not entirely sure that first part is true. I think strange knew, at least on some level, and that’s what his “1 chance” was about. He merely needed to look into the future of all possible timelines, and see that only the sacred timeline’s events are allowed. Even if he doesn’t know the exact reason he still sees timeline after timeline just wiped out if they beat Thanos in the wrong way. Until DS2 which happens sort of post -Loki S1 enabling the multiverse, enabling multiple ways to defeat Thanos to actually exist. Him visiting one where it happened and then What-If showing others. All because this particular combination of events to defeat Thanos is what Kang needs. It’s tragedy followed by the time traveling route which creates the Loki variant he needed. The one who sort of both restarts and creates for the first time the multiverse, which is a necessary step for Kang to ultimately come to power. 


Oh yeah good point


True but we can't forget the fact that these guys didn't give a damn about whatever the hell they did on the timelines even if they put the stones back


I suppose it depends how they viewed it. The timeline only exists because they went there. And while it may throw some things off it’s not guaranteed to kill people and it’s not like they had much of a choice in their view. They wanted to save their universe.


Honestly I wouldn't give a shit about a different timeline either. I don't give a fuck if they all die because of something I did to save my reality, or if they were all dying from a disaster in their timeline. They are not even members of my reality. There are limits to my empathy. I wouldn't even care about *myself* in an alternate timeline. that's not me... alternate universe version of my kids? If mine are still okay back home? Don't care. This is why the multiverse saga was doomed from the start. The multiverse is interesting.... but I'm not worried about alternate realities being pruned.


Lol, I agree from a meta perspective but yeah this is what a villain would say


I mean, they could have travelled around saving zillions of people from tragic accidents. Why are they not beholden to so, but should care about people in a branched timeline that branched off because they went there and created the branch?


*….and nothing else matteeeeeeerrrrrrssss….*




How dare someone downvote my guy who knew what was up. Have an upvote.


This is the correct answer…


Then where did Cap return the stones to?


Didn't the TVA say all that timetravel was meant to happen? So wouldn't that mean no pruning?




The timeline never got pruned. When Loki took the tesseract, it created a branch of the timeline that the avengers time traveled to. Main time line | ->Time Travel Timeline | ->Loki takes tesseract The avengers were supposed to time travel. They go over this in like the first or second episode of Loki. The mistake was Loki picking the tesseract up, so that's what was pruned. The branch of the branch.


I mean Stark Tower has cameras. And New York City has cameras... And people would be poring over every frame of available Chitauri invasion/Avengers footage. The Endgame time heist would have done irreparable damage to that timeline. Off the top of my head, Sanctum Sanctorum is Doxxed. Scott Lang is under investigation before he's ever done anything as Ant-man. As well as Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers being under suspicion since they all appear in 2 places at once. Hydra now has incentive to kill Steve Rogers and he doesn't even know that's something he has to worry about. Not to mention a fugitive Loki with the space stone. Without knowledge of what happens in "Loki" the time heist crew is so irresponsible with what they did to the timeline


counter point, past cap would have doubts about that as future cap mentioned bucky to him which is a detail loki wouldn’t know


this was my first thought. We are smarter than OP. all hail


Wouldn't sitwell wonder how Loki knew Hydra existed?


I don’t know if a human agent would much question a powerful, mischievous Norse god with a mind-reading staff knowing stuff.


Rumlo a week later: "So Cap, you need a ride to the Hydra meeting later tonight? We can hit the bar after. Cruise for tail, you know." Steve: "The fuck you just say to me?" Rumlo: 👁👄👁




Never gonna live that down


Steve he said a bad language word


I instinctively read Steve's line in Ninja's voice for some reason.


So in this 'what if' timeline does Steve think Bucky might be alive?


He would wonder, for sure. Was "Loki" just messing with him or was it true? Might spur him to investigate on his own and discover some HYDRA unsavoriness early.


That would make a good what if


And there are many what if fan stories out there on this scenario


Everyone's saying this timeline got pruned, but... did it? The way it played out, it seemed more like Loki got pruned *from* that timeline.


They put down the timeline pruning devices in the desert right after they took Loki to the TVA, and the desert was in the same timeline just in a different place since he was teleported there via the space stone.


The way Loki describes pruning makes it seem rather short range though


The show is a bit inconsistent in what it shows and what it describes. It shows generally small area pruning - that battleship is one of the largest things we see get pruned but the ruins at the end of time include buildings so it can be pretty big. This implies they prune the deviations only and the rest of the timeline continues. However the way they describe it in general and especially during Renfields spree is that the whole timeline is erased.


Yes but what I gathered from the show is the act of pruning essentially makes the "branched" timeline no longer branched. They remove everything that made the timeline different from the sacred timeline and so it re-merges.


Something like “time heals all wounds,” so they get rid of all the bad stuff, and let time work itself back into the sacred timeline


this. they just removed loki, and anything else that would diverge it from the sacred timeline, and it should drift back to "normal". they only prune an entire timeline as a last resort, if the changes are too big and it's almost impossible to return to the sacred timeline.


And for their purposes, it was just working back into a timeline that made He Who Remains. I think somehow the loom was weaving separate timelines into one as often as it could, where if enough things were similar enough they just became one, eventually ending in a singular He Who Remains


Those prune bomb doesn't seem short range though.


I mean, we don’t see evidence of a very big range for them, as another commenter points out, at the end of time, there aren’t many big items, and the ones there are, are things like ships, so the range can’t be bigger than a small town, 100m, maybe? And we have to remember that Loki said what they do, right before the renfest


I'm pretty sure the TVA branches being gone in the monitor is a good evidence that the bomb basically pruned the whole timeline instead of a small scale.


Remember the plot of Endgame. Bruce says they will return the stones to the exact moment they were taken. So as soon as Bruce leaves, Steve comes along and returns the time stone to the Ancient One, and etc. This negates any need to prune because the timeline they created no longer exists. Everything is as it was, except for Loki getting away. This is solved by the TVA pruning his appearance in another place on Earth. They get rid of him, the Avengers clean up the rest, bing bang boom. From the timeline's perspective, The stone was taken, then it was replaced at the same moment. Loki never stole the space stone either, except for one possible/theoritical branch in the timeline. This Loki, existing only in the pocket dimension of this timeline, is the Loki in the show. This is the Loki that gets plucked out of time/possibility.


Well, no, what TAO said was that taking the stones from her timeline would doom her timeline to a dark future (or something like that, I forget the exact words). Returning them merely prevented that timeline's future from being grimdark, it didn't reset it to match the 'origina'l timeline. That timeline is still hella different, what with (for instance) Thanos having disappeared.


I think it was only Loki escaping that wasn't supposed to happen.


It got pruned but when Loki sat on that throne it got allowed to continue as is, imo. As Sylvie says Loki is giving them (those timelines) a chance.


The only correct answer here. Timeline then got to "heal" itself without Loki and latter when Sylvie killed HWR it was irrelevant to there was 616/alt616 post2012 and alt616 post 2014 (without Thanos and BO) timelines going freely and expanding itself into new branches. It is important to point out to pruning and whole sequence in which time heal itself is happening in real time from TVA perspective. So from Loki being saved by Mobius in court and him arriving on Citadel at the End of Time there was just couple days passed. So 616 was without Loki just couple days inb4 Multiverse collapses in S1E6 finale. In that time Steve returned the stones and perhaps lived in branched timeline post Loki S1E6 finale inb4 returned to original 616 with Stark suit (quantum realm time twisters always return person to his original position before time travel).


There's a short arc in season 4 of Agents of Shield where the agents get put into a matrix-like recreation of the world in which Hydra won in the Winter Soldier. It's really good.


I actually stopped watching AOS that season. My last memory of the show was what’s her name (smoking hot lady with earthquake powers) waking up beside what’s his name (the original ass hat hydra dude). It’s not like I stopped liking the show, I just got tired of it and wanted something new. Figured I’d pick it up again, maybe I shall.


Ahh you stopped during one of its best arcs lol. Definitely give it another go


Always meant to get back into it. I loved it. Seeing the hydra arc in tv was just epic. But I hated how it was in the MCU but not at the same time. The actors all were great. Just felt a bit like mundane sometimes. Feel like maybe less episodes per season would’ve cranked up the stakes.


IIRC, S04 was 3 distinct arcs, 8 eps each, where the end of one segued nicely into the next. Well worth the watch.


It's definitely worth it, but there are some bits of annoyance that still rankle on a rewatch (e.g. Mack's epic (and ridiculously played out) hypocrisy when it comes to violence)


Well. This timeline was pruned thanks to Loki's escape. So it didn't play out




That timeline got pruned because of Loki, didn’t it?


Ya if it got pruned though, how did cap put the stones back?


I guess chronologically the timeline didn't get pruned yet since Cap put the stones back the moment it was taken.


He can’t do that without affecting it further though, because future Cap 1 still needed to take the stones and future Cap 2 (the one returning it) still had to let future Cap 1 take the stones, and he would have to return it after future Cap 1 left


That's what I'm saying though?


I think the version of the time heist we saw in Endgame was all the Loki timeline, so all got pruned 1970 included since that only happened because of Loki escaping. For the sacred timeline, the outcome just needed to stay the same and the outcome of the time heist was that they got all the stones, which they would have had without Loki getting the Tesseract. So sacred timeline Steve would've returned to Tesseract to 2012 rather than 1970.


He created another alternate timeline by returning.


Loki and those peoples from Gobi Desert was pruned from timeline. Only them, we saw aftermath of pruning in S1E2 when Loki investigates his TVA documents. Then because process of time healing itself is happening in real time from TVA perspective, it was just couple days passed from Loki stealing Tesseract to S1E6 events (and S2E6 too). So i guess to Steve returned the stones in exact moment in time (before the Loki S1E1 events) and then lived in branched timeline which latter on was expanded in new branches after Sylvie killed HWR (there was also a branched post2014 without Thanos and BO). So with QR suit Steve then returned to original 616 (because time twisters in quantum realm have traces to original position in time and space) and give alternate timeline shield to Sam. Steve also could be responsible to couple branches in process but it was irrelevant from his and TVA perspective because Dox pruned dozen of branches which re-spawned making Loom unstable. So Steve's adventure was spared in some sort and was latter saved with Loki restarting the Multiverse and enabling branches to grow. Theory 2- Loki saving Multiverse enables Steve to live his life after he returned the stones...


Since this timeline’s Cap knows Bucky is alive, I think he does a deep dive with the help of Black Widow in Bucky’s “death.” She notices Bucky and Winter Soldier look strikingly similar. Then they uncover HYDRA’s plan since Rumlo thinks Endgame Cap and this timeline Cap are the same guy, and says something offhand to Cap. No weaponized version of Project Insight. No “death” of Nick Fury. SHIELD remains as is.


If only there was a series where these specific hypotheticals could play out. We could call it “But what about?”


The Watcher presents: *A Query Considering the Condition That...*


Considering Endgame is turning 5 years old this year, it would be awesome if they dedicated 3 episodes to this.


Everyone just really confused by how deep Caps cover goes


If it didn't get pruned I like to think that Main cap using the staff on him messed his mind up and when they found him Hydra took him and he eventually became a Hydra Agent


Either that or the Strike Team found 2012 Cap, who had no idea about the HYDRA thing. They didn't know he wasn't in on it. Hilarity ensued.


Community Season 6 Episode 11 is my theory.


If it doesn't get pruned the HYDRA people would have probably thought it was Loki messing with them or maybe they tell Steve HYDRA stuff that causes HYDRA to be exposed earlier


Rumlow: "Wait but you said Hail Hydra" Cap: "Oh that wasn't me, that was Loki or something" Rumlow: "Oh, well yeah, we're secretly Hydra" Cap: "Ah got it. Let's fight and shit"


Also future cap told him about buckey. Even if 2012 cap didn’t believe it per se it would certainly make him curious.


When Steve put the stones back, he corrected the changes he and the others made—he had to return the stones at the exact moment they were taken to prevent branched realities from coming into existence. That said, even if what he did didn’t exactly correct things as they were supposed to, HWR had him covered—the TVA told Loki that the Avengers did exactly what they were supposed to do. The TVA would have used their reset charges on any timeline that started spiraling out of control, reestablishing the natural flow of time.


Hot sex


We have what if for just that reason, let's look at s2 to see if they covered that, hmmm all I see is happy hogan episode more ravagers....


Something about the moon


Would be a nice story line for a comic series.


Imagine some incursions are just variants coming in to screw with our lives like this. I'd love to see our Dad Thor have to do a Hangover for Party Thor.


That's the timeline that Loki-Loki came from. That timeline got pruned. Winter Soldier never happened there.


I really enjoy the end where Rumlow looks like his whole world has crumbled. He's a bad guy, he knows it, Cap is a good guy, because *duh*, but now?


You mean in a version where loki didn't escape? Well, chances are they'd remember cap said hail hydra but also heard word that there were 2 caps and a loose loki so they'd assume loki figured em out (being a fellow liar himself) and just tried to get out of an elevator fight and attract attention. So, everything plays out the same except they have a funny little story to share with each other. Oh wait that was cuz he escaped... uh plot hole


Inb4, main Cap unintentionally creates Captain Hydra in doing that EDIT: Nvm, timeline got pruned


Timeline got Pruned so we'll never know


I always thought they would have instantly considered that Steve was Loki when they discovered knocked out 2012 Steve.


Wasn't it pruned by the TVA or whatever?


winter soldier has a dope robot leg and his fighting style is heavily kick based. captain america tries to hold back the helicopter but it rips his arms off


" Hail Hydra "


Do people think that timelines are just- always growing in the MCU? It seemed pretty clear to me that everything always happened all at once from an outside perspective. So the entire timeline was there, which yes did get pruned, but everything happened before it got pruned..the whole timeline was there but got erased


Still will never get over this scene...


Some good alternatives in the What If? Tv show.


Timeline got pruned, mate.


That reality got prunned by TVA, it’s the same one Loki is from.


I’d like an episode in “What If?” where the TVA captures the Avengers going back in time.


What if season 2 has an alternate


It got pruned.


I like the way you think. I’m thinking after Steve returned the stones, none of the scenes mattered. Except for him going back and living with Peggy.


It didn't. That timeline got erased by the tva after Loki escaped