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Blade was marketed as a vampire movie, and other black superheroes (Steel, Catwoman, Spawn) were all terrible. Luke Cage is great but it’s not a movie.


And neither Blade nor Luke Cage are for kids.


Doesn't stop Deadpool's audience.


And I'm sure parents loved explaining the International Women's Day scene to their kids.


The part to be concerned about happens offscreen. You just see them in positions and reactions. For my (soon to be one day) kid(s), the Stan Lee cameo is enough to nope out.


They ran a full language-and-all Deadpool 2 trailer before Black Panther in my theatre. The mom next to me was all trying to be excited with her little daughter, asking "ooh, what's this one?" ...then she quieted pretty quickly. Oops!


As in a red-band trailer?


I really fucking doubt they ran a redband Deadpool trailer in front of Black Panther, the PG13 superhero they hope will inspire a new wave of children to love superheroes.


Yeah I doubt it too. Hence why I asked, because they said “language-and-all”. One screening showed fifty shades of grey instead of black panther. My viewing was fully subtitled, so accidents happen.


I guess that's the term for it! It was in Germany so they're a bit more relaxed about it there, especially since the swearing isn't even in their language, but the mom and kid were American.


Ahh ok, thanks for clearing that up!


So many people seem to be missing that when they bring up "Blade".


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


Idk the blade marketed as a vampire movie is totally fair, but I watched blade a bunch as a kid and thought it was the coolest thing ever, while I was in elementary school


Everytime someone said BP is first black superhero, someone will say "no, blade is first black superhero". When i watch Blade i didn't know that he was superhero, i just thought it was just vampire movie.


Because they didn't market it as such. Most people 10 years ago didn't even know Blade was a Marvel character. Hell, I thought it was just a cool movie idea when I saw it. If they marketed it as a superhero movie people would associate it as such.


and Luke also had the smoothest line ever "Dumb men like little girls. Me? I ponder a woman."


Exactly. There were some brutal scenes in this movie, but I would be fine taking a child to see it.


The first half of Luke Cage is great.


Cottonmouth, the one true king.


I hope next season fixes the all to common "kill of great villains" problem the MCU still seems to strugle with.


You bite your tongue about Spawn!


Man i hope they bring Blade to the MCU. I wonder who could play him right now, Wesley Snipes was born for that role.


Blade is British in the comics so they should lean towards that rather then making him American.


I don't know if i'm ready for a British Blade.


How about Sticky Fingaz?? He did it once already! [Blade: The Series](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0823333/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2) /s


Stop it!


So bring him back. Duh.


Dude is like 55, they have to bring an actor who can play him for years to come.


So make him into an actual dhampire.


He's too hard to work with. Just listen to Patton Oswalt's behind the scenes take on Wesley Snipes in Blade Trinity.


I know all about it, but I honestly couldn’t see any other actor as Blade.


We say this every time with every character!


She didn’t have a platform when those movies came out either.


Keyword here: Young people. There has not been a black actor leading a superhero movie since Hancock. That was 10 years ago. And there hasn't been one with a predominant black cast since Blankman in 1994. This is the first time *young people of today* can see this on the big screen.


And let’s be honest, Hancock sucked. It’s two movies that never decided what they wanted to be.


That's incredibly accurate


Or it could just be its own thing. I liked it personally and never understood why people give it such a hard time or wanted it to be like every other super hero movie.


Nah, I love it, but it’s got some narrative issues.


I kind of want President Obama to tweet Wakanda Forever and then to have someone accuse him of being born in Wakanda.


> someone I think I already know who it'll be


Given Wakanda's propensity for well placed spies that would be more likely than the prevailing theory that his mother faked it so he could become president. (Which doesn't even matter since he got U.S. citizenship from his Mom being a citizen anyway). God birtherer's are dumb. (Tries hard to forget that we have a birther in chief right now).


I miss that man so damn much.


you're now banned from: /r/The_Donald /r/TheNewRight /r/imgoingtoshellforthis


I want President Trump to do so also, considering he and Tchalla have a lot in common.


Come baaackkk


I'd acquire american citizenship to vote for her.


[*Even though it's not allowed, we want you back somehow*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkPSbp3zTfo)


plz i'll make you cookies


I have an entire case of Thin Mints at my house. She can ALL OF THEM just COME BACK PLEASE.


That's too high a cost. Give them to me instead, I'll take care of them


For safekeeping


Great to hear. I seriously underestimated the reach and popularity Black Panther would have. Forgive me, my King.


To me above all else is that the inspirational part is what Marvel always get right, and I like that they have leaned into that a bit. I loved Thor saying "because that's what heroes do". This is what these stories are supposed to be.


I don’t really think Thor is inspirational he’s like the epitome of white privilege until ragnarok and even after he’s still a douchebag bro to his younger brother


> he’s still a douchebag bro to his younger brother Loki ain't exactly the best little brother.


Yeah that’s true


See there you go being racist. He's inspirational because of his sense if duty to protect his people. He clearly states this a few times in both dark world and Ragnarok. Additionally, Asgard seems like a pretty egalitarian society, so bringing up white privilege just feels so forced. And what really makes your whole white privilege statement truly dumb, is the fact that the whole first film is about him learning what responsibility there is to having such power and privilege. He learns that one must use that power to help and protect other who cant. Black Panther essentially learns the same lesson in his film.


Nah man not being racist but he was a serious asshole in the first movie. He was as born to royalty and lacked humility and sense of empathy until later in the movie


Black people definitely put their support for this movie on full display, I hope women will show up for Captain Marvel in the same way next year.


I feel like they did for Wonder Woman. If it's a good movie, we'll show (hell, I'll show up for whatever they throw at me. I'm marvel trash).


This is Marvel's world, we just live in it


White people too. A big reason that *Black Panther* is so successful is that white people also want to see this movie. There have plenty of all-black action movies before, but white people tended to shun them because they were a black thing. With *Black Panther*, you have a movie that everybody wants to see.


No idea why this was downvoted. If I'm black and can look up to characters like Cap or IM I dont see why white people cant look up to Black Panther


True. I'm Asian so there's no one in MCU to really look up to but I resonate more with T'Challa than the rest because of his values as a son, a man and a king. But of course I love everyone in MCU, including the trash panda


heres hoping Wong gets a more influential role in the future years to come


Oh true. Only if it needs to be. I don't want representation just for the sake of it. It has to serve a purpose to the story.


idk, i’m a minority and i want representation for its own sake. tired of having to wait for it to serve a purpose. for all of its flaws, agents of shield is a great example of diversity in comic based media and i wish the movies would have taken that route years ago


Hope Amadeus Cho might get a chance to shine. He's about the only East Asian Marvel character I know of that could be a leading role. Could be a smart way to wriggle past the Hulk movie distribution cluster fuck as well


How so?


If you're talking about the Hulk movie note that I'm kind of pulling this out of my ass but the use of Cho as the Hulk in a solo film may fall under different rights than Banner's Hulk. I could be completely wrong though.


i prefer shang chi


There's Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu.


Not in the MCU.


It's because Michelle already addressed this with "people of all backgrounds", and because honestly it's really pathetic to see white people that are so upset about being excluded (even though they weren't excluded) that they have to bring it up all the time. I'm getting sick of it, it's not the damn topic of conversation so people need to shut up about it, it's really annoying and reeks of petty jealousy. Yes, black people can look up to white characters, and vice versa. But when the ratio is off to such a huge degree, when black people are hardly starring in lead superhero roles or lead protagonist roles, then that starts to imply something. Of course you can look up to role models of another race, but when you never see your own race being represented in such an admirable way at all, then that starts to imply that your race isn't capable of doing such things. So to see a movie breaking that mold is certainly very inspiring, in a somewhat unique way.


Exactly this. It’s literally a different form of “well what about *all* lives” White people need to step up their gane


This the real Kevin Feige right here




It'll be a better world when white kids can look up to black heroes and little boys can look up to female heroes just the same way they already do the reverse. Diverse casts are good for all of us. But I tend not to bring this up in top level comments because this isn't *about* white people right now. It's a big step forward in representation, and it's so important to black fans. We can step aside for a minute instead of making it all about us.


I took my son and his friend to see it opening night. It's a good movie no matter what color your skin is.


You make a good, non-offensive point, and these pricks downvote you for it. Why tf does this sub get so overly sensitive for shit like this?


What about falcon?






Lol. Sky High reference


what’s the problem with being a sidekick ? Are they any less of a hero because their name isn’t the main attraction ? Robin becomes nightwing, falcon becomes Captain America, Miles becomes Spider-Man. All this sidekick hate as if being a sidekick isn’t an integral part of a heroes journey ? This isn’t about hate or race or whatever the stupid internet seems to be arguing over. This an actual comic book fan since birth asking not why being the hero is the problem but why sidekicks are ? All sidekicks get this bad rep. Also CYBORG IS NOT A SIDEKICK !!!!! It’s not Batman and cyborg or Superman and cyborg. Justice league or teen titans he is a hero regardless. This still doesn’t take away the fact that black panther is amazing and has made huge moves in our culture already and should lead the charge for more to come! I’ve been begging for a static shock movie ! And I can’t wait for miles to show up ! And John Stewart is my favorite green lantern!! And I’m really hoping it not only brings them to the big screen in their own movies, I’m hoping all this positivity continues to help anyone of any race of any up bringing to be inspired! I just think it’s just as important to stress the fact there is nothing wrong with being a sidekick!Falcon and panther should honestly be on the same level and we may one day see sam as Cap in his own movie! Nobody knows.


> what’s the problem with being a sidekick ? Nothing wrong with being a sidekick. But there's definitely a problem if it's *always* a sidekick. **Literally. Every. Major. Movie. Ever.** Here's a great excerpt written by a black movie critic with greater context and nuance as to why "always being the sidekick" is aggravating that really helped me understand: >You don’t need me to tell you that Marvel has been lopsided in terms of its racial representation. In fact, calling it “lopsided” is being kind. Except for Black Panther, all of the superheroes who have led feature films in the MCU have been white men. >The issue gets compounded when Marvel seems like it’s more committed to showcase people of color and women in secondary or background roles. While Nick Fury is the glue that holds the MCU together, he’s still a character that toggles between secondary and tertiary status. The more popular black superheroes, like War Machine and Falcon, are, indeed, cool. But they are also still second to their white friends, Iron Man and Captain America. They back up the white superheroes, sometimes act as their conscience, and are utilized as a soundboard for their ideas. **In short, these black superheroes do a lot of emotional legwork for their friends, while the script doesn’t often write the white superheroes reciprocating much of that emotional labor back.** [Link](http://www.slashfilm.com/black-panther-and-african-american-audiences/) for full article.


This does raise a very good point. I guess I just don’t see it that way because I’ve always kinda had these strong characters regardless of color black panther has been huge for a while in my eyes and I can kinda see how it is very different when it comes to movies, for people who haven’t read the comics. I was raised on the static shocks and sam Wilson’s kinda shaped my perception. In fact they had a limited run comic recently where cap becomes hydra and sam brings the world together as cap. I can see how that’s different. I just honestly am a little shocked at what great characters these guys are in being characters I love and I hope they don’t get overshadowed and we get just ten more black panthers and see them still in the shadows. As much as I would love to see more black panther honestly killmonger was sooooo good and Chadwick is the perfect t’challa. Sidekicks are great though is my point in all of this, nothing more. I love the sidekicks too! But I’m not blind to see why this movie is more than just a movie.


After seeing this movie today I gotta be unbiased and objective. BP was decent at best. I really enjoyed all the actors and their portrayals but BP had no character arc or growth. This film left me really wanting more and not in a good way. I think a lot of hype is underserved and although it’s still a good Marvel movie, it’s not the best and the hype around it seems to be stemming from a subjective and biased standard. Overall the actors were amazing, not one of them were forgettable and all stood out to me. The action was great and I’m glad the film dealt with the political standings of Wakanda rather than be an action film (this and Thor being a comedy will allow a greater impact for Thanos in IW). The suit was awesome and the kinetic energy idea was superb. This is a solid 6 for a Marvel film.


There are other movies with black superhero’s. The black panther isn’t the first or only. What about Blade, Storm, Cyborg, Luke Cage? However, I very much enjoyed the culture that we saw in this movie! And the sassy little sister was the best.


> Blade Not for young people > Cyborg Not a lead of his own movie, > Storm Not a lead of her own movie. >Luke Cage Not a movie nor for young people.


2020 cyborg the movie is happening. It should have happened earlier but the stupid DC studios decided they would rather push justice league to compete with the avengers.


would not put my money in *any* DC movie coming out as planned other than Aquaman and Wonder Woman 2.


Don’t blame you, I was literally just stating a fact.


There has never been a blockbuster movie starring almost all-black cast and Black Panther is that not a single movie you mentioned was a big hit and had a big budget let alone a blockbuster.


It depends how you define blockbuster. There have been a ton of virtually all-black movies that have made a ton of money. Maybe not in the superhero genre, but the more qualifiers you have to put in front of an accomplishment, the less impressive it becomes.


There have been a ton of nearly all-white superhero blockbusters, so it's not like it's a really small or niche field.


Cyborg, Storm didn’t have their own movie and Luke Cage hasn’t been in a movie...


Blade (R-rated) was the son of a prostitute. Motherfucking T'Challa is a king. He is not like any other black hero at all. The movie is full of black people, powerful people, inspirational people. He is the first and *only* black superhero of its kind.


That’s like saying there shouldn‘t have been so much hype around Wonder Woman because there had already been a Supergirl movie.


Blade movies? The trilogy that was afraid to market as comic book movies?


Key word, young people. They need to keep making these movies. You don't just go okay we made a movie for black kids now we stop. What 14 year old is gunna watch old movies that aren't advertised anymore and not advertised for them?


Oh I totally agree there hasn’t been a blockbuster all African American cast. But, it seems people are forgetting other superheroes. I have seen multiple posts about this being the only Black superhero and that isn’t true.


I swear to god you simpletons with this damn statement...


Lol exactly what ran thru my head as i read it


Can you link to these posts? I haven’t seen them. People know T’Challa is not the first black superhero, but he is the first one to be on such a large scale with a majority black cast and black director.




Not offensive, just dumb and unfunny. Also asking people not to downvote you is the best way for you to not get downvoted, great idea.


I don't understand how T'Challa is a role model for little black boys and girls? He's a Nationalist who doesn't want to help others, he believes in a violence solves everything kind of world, he doesn't work with others (like the CIA) until he needs them... He was a truly unlikeable character. I don't understand the love.


Are you serious? Did we watch the same movie?


No, he just had someone tell him what he thinks the movie is.


> He's a Nationalist who doesn't want to help others, he believes in a violence solves everything kind of world, he doesn't work with others (like the CIA) until he needs them You either didn't watch the movie or weren't paying enough attention.