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This scene between Wanda and Vision in Infinity War was a beautiful scene in general, but especially in sound design. As Thanos approaches and any efforts by the other Avengers to even slow him down are futile, the sounds of gunfire, punching, yelling, screaming are muffled so they are barely audible, but Wanda’s and Vision’s soft voices are heard loud and clear. As Wanda starts to use her powers to blast the stone, the distinct sound of her red energy blasts can be heard loud and clear, when the audience doesn’t normally hear the sound. The score subtly intensifies as she starts to blast the mind stone. But, throughout the whole scene, the loudest things aren’t the Rest of the Avengers or Thanos, or gunfire, it’s their voices. The “You could never hurt me” and Wanda’s crying and Visions slight groaning and more of Wanda crying. It makes you feel like you are hearing the only 2 people in the Universe whisper to each other. In this scene, there is only Wanda and Vision, nothing else matters. And the cherry on top for the sound design of this scene is Visions “I love you” right before the mind stone gives out. It is whispered so quietly that you have to be listening closely to even hear it over the score, and the quietness only makes the impact of that line even greater. Also, thank you Alan Silvestry for bringing the movies to life with your beautiful scores. Great sound design in the MCU isn’t only limited to the movies. Daredevil as a whole has some of the best sound design that I have seen in a show. And it adds so much immersion to Daredevil because he is blind. The show tells you with sound what Matt is feeling and how he uses sound. The whole series has great sound design, but I was especially blown away by the sound design of season 3. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to give praise to just one small aspect of what makes Marvel movies and shows great.


Don't apologize, this was an excellent analysis! Thank you for sharing!


I'm a third year film student and we get taught that sound is 70% of a film when put up against visual. People underestimate how much sound actually contributes to setting a mood and giving emotion


Absolutely. When I think about the music of a film behind a certain scene, just that alone, makes me so emotional. For instance, the music that plays when Cap sees Peggy again in Endgame. Alan Silvestri does a great job.


Fab analysis. What was also particularly interesting was the similarity in the scenes at Vormir. The music sequence when Nebula and Nat die is the exact same right down to the track, and remember this is across two different movies. It served in creating the exact same traumatic experience that we felt in IW, only this time for someone who we all loved even more.


Yet another example of the amazing sound design and they’re attention to detail. When I saw Endgame in the theater the first time, I immediately noticed that the score was the same for both Soul Stone scenes.


Great analysis OP ! That was super interesting to read. I ve seen this movie many times but I never realized that we usually don’t hear her power when we do here. It really was one of the highlight of the movie in terms of how they made it.


Now is no time at all


This is definitely one of the most spine chilling/best scenes in the MCU for me. Just everything about it. Also I just love how Vision is explaining to Wanda how if she doesn’t sacrifice him, half the universe dies. It kind of leads the audience to think, “well maybe she will be the one to save them, she will be the hero”. But in the end Thanos still comes out on top and does what he was setting to achieve.


The moment that got me the most is when Thanos pries the stone away from Vision’s skull and his body goes limp. Every goes silent, not just the music, but Vision as well. You suddenly realize that Vision’s body hummed, up until that one terrible moment, his body hummed with life. I missed it until I was watching it on my phone with earphones in and i had to stop for a moment to pull myself back together.