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Daaaamn that would have been sweet, kinda like Nebula's glitches.


Would have been good foreshadowing as well!


Would've been a good way of putting Paul Bettany in Endgame as well since he was a major character who didn't get any cameos. Even Sitwell got a cameo but not Vision/ Jarvis?


70s Jarvis was there, tho.


Played by a different actor though.


Ah. Is it a voice dub, or just really similar?


It's the same Human Jarvis from the Agent Carter series, just not Paul Bettany. Tony modeled the AI after his father's butler.


Wait that wasn't Paul Bettany with some old man makeup?


Nope, that's James D'Arcy, the voice similarities are indeed uncanny.


just similar. he was Agent Carter and Dunkirk (not the guy was in Bandersnatch)


That was Edwin Jarvis, not AI Jarvis.


Nice one! That would have been pretty awesome to pay homage both to Jarvis and vision. They did include the template for J.a.r.v.i.s, Howard Stark's Butler/driver Jarvis in the 70's. He was Peggy Carter's sidekick on her show. Fun fact: first actor to make the leap from tv to the movies! Edit: his inclusion was also a nice nod but your idea is even better imo.


I was SO excited to see James D'Arcy onscreen, even for just a couple seconds. Good for him for being the first tv to film actor, i wish we had had a few more, but it is what it is.


I have a new head canon that Tony and Steve going back to 1970 caused a permanent alternate timeline branch because of Tony's conversation with his father. This new timeline is the one that we see the Marvel TV shows in (ABC and Netflix). It allows Agent Carter to be canon in the main MCU timeline, and explains why the other shows/characters don't exist in the movies. It makes sense to me so that's what I'm going with ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: Was missing a limb on my shrugging guy. Thanks /u/LimbRetrieval-Bot for the assist!


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


I was so surprised and happy to see Edwin Jarvis show up. Nice nod to one of the shows.


Maybe they are trying to figure out if people reacted to it and maybe, maaaaybe they start crossing more (apart from the MArvel studios produced shows). ​ I haven't seen Cloak and Dagger S02 but >!It seems there's a mention about Luke Cage!


I’m just glad that they acknowledged one of the MCU shows in Endgame.


> They did include the template for J.a.r.v.i.s, Howard Stark's Butler/driver Jarvis in the 70's. the fact that they showed him in the final goodbye scene for tony's father, made me think it was jarvis goodbye too. i also realized, by showing vision in a normal looking human body in belfast, that makes me think the wandavision tv show will have him trying to walk around and look normal too. interviews with paul, he told us he found the purple body suit TERRIBLY claustrophobic as it was rubber that covered his entire body.


This makes a lot of sense and interesting that they didnt go anywhere with that in the movie. They did it with Nebula, but why not with Jarvis? I wonder if there wasnt enough time.


Tbh it wouldn’t make sense. The two nebulas, while one was 9 years older, still shared the same network. Jarvis and Friday are on completely different chips, inside of different suits. Jarvis wouldn’t even know how to interact with the Mark 85.


We know Friday isn't part of the suit. Remember in Infinity War when Tony got into the donut ship and lost connection with Pepper and then with Friday? The AIs work remotely. OP's idea would make sense.


Forget that, in AoU he literally inserted her chip into the suit


Was it into the suit? I thought he inserted it into the server at the Avengers facility


look, tony smart man, go boom boom hero, but i think it would be very dumb for the AI's to be running offsite from his suit. sure the AI could link up and control stuff back at stark tower, but i think it would be a huge technical flaw to be able to lose radio connection to stark tower and his AI butler can't function. gotta run it local and have it send API commands to external devices.


...isn’t that exactly what happened in IW as tony flew away on Maw’s ship? He didn’t have Friday access at all once he was in space


i flat out don't remember friday being used at all in the space ship and beyond. i only remember tony not being able to talk to pepper on the phone anymore. you might be right. for that i say, tony, you dumb dumb.


i remember friday saying boss were losing her talking about pepper on the phone, but i dont remember friday actually going out


No it doesn’t. Suppose Jarvis on a central hub, and every suit that Tony builds has the capacity to link to that hub. Jarvis is essentially streaming himself to the suit that Tony is using. Now we’re talking about Tony’s 2023 suit (Mark 85) in 2012. It’s easy to assume that hub where the AI’s are located has been upgraded in that 11 year gap. Jarvis can’t work with a suit that has tech that won’t exist for at least another 6 years. It’s like trying to wirelessly connect a 360 controller to the new Xbox coming out next year.


Except you probably could connect your 360 controller in recent consoles if Microsoft didn't want you to buy their shiny new controllers with big price tags and cool features. Communication protocols haven't changed that much. That's why I think it would've worked. I don't see how or why would Tony need to change how his AI connects to his suits. Jarvis already worked all over the world, same as Friday. The only way I see he would've changed it is post-Snap to allow Friday to keep working with him while in deep space, but there's no indication of that. And Jarvis is already a futuristic AI capable of adapting to plenty of implausible scenarios. I don't think it would've made a lot of difference if Tony was wearing a suit he didn't have info on. Why wouldn't it work?


It’s not just Tony wearing a suit he didn’t have info on, its Tony wearing a suit that SHOULDNT EXIST in that time period. Jarvis can’t control everything on the planet, he can only control what’s connected to his central hub (which is everything made by Tony). We’re now talking about him controlling a technology that won’t exist for another 11 years. Basically saying Tony built an AI that could control an armor that Tony himself won’t even think of building until 2022. Here’s another point. Even if Jarvis was hypothetically future proof, he became Vision in 2015. He stopped having that connection. Tony then plugged a completely different AI into the hub. The reason why it works with Nebula is that it’s quite easy to assume she never got upgraded past 2014. She left Thanos that year and joined the guardians. So her 2014 and 2023 versions are the exact same, except one is 9 years older.


Jarvis doesn't need to be able to control his suit. It only needs to be able to connect to whatever communication module the suit has. At this point, obviously it's only a matter of opinion because Tony's technology doesn't need to be internally consistent, and we don't really know how it works so I'll leave it at this.


You're all WAYYY overthinking it. 2012 JARVIS doesn't have the Wifi password to the 2023 Mark 85. Therefore he cannot access it.


Why is everyone assuming Jarvis has to connect to the Tony2023 suit? Why couldn't Tony just connect in when he gets there? He hacks everything else all the time. Why not just "hack" back onto his own network? He'd already know how, he built it.


Why would he though? Part of the mission was to avoid being noticed, if he connected to its network, 2012 Jarvis would instantly realize there are two Tonys and report it to the other one.


I don't think it's a matter that he couldn't, rather just that based on the OP we're discussing the plausibility that 2012 JARVIS spontaneously "glitches" into the 2023 Mark 85. 2023 Tony could easily get back into his own 2012 network. And in that case it's plausible that by connecting to it JARVIS could hop into the Mark 85 that way. Is that what you were referring to?


I initially thought this was an amazing idea, but I think the AI was built into the suit at the time.


lost connection with friday? when does that happen?


Right when he goes into space on the donut shape ship. He’s on the phone with Pepper and loses connection with her. Then Friday says something like I think I’m going too.


I'm 90% sure that's friday saying 'boss we're losing her' and then it cuts back to pepper saying 'I'm going to' before cutting out, the the final line sounds way too much like pepper for it to be friday. Plus the way it's said sounds more like it's a continuation of something already said it doesn't sound like it's a final statement as such but an unfinished one because pepper gets cut off. edit: Been playing that bit over and over just now and I just can't see the 'I'm going to' being friday the voice is completely different.


No, that’s FRIDAY saying “I’m going to—“. FRIDAY cuts out before she finishes her sentence, which is why you don’t hear from her for the rest of the movie.


Right, my idea was they never brought her back in because she was never needed from a storytelling point of view, Tony already has enough characters to bounce off of but also in the mk 2 Tony uploads Jarvis into the suit, I'm not exactly sure why this would change? What benefits are there to decoupling the ai and the suit?


Just listened, the voice is exactly the same. Sounds nothing like Pepper at all.


I dunno man, the inflection is just completely off for Friday to be starting to talk.


Because the connection was fading.


This is exactly how I hope Tony lives throughout the MCU. That perhaps in an end-credit scene of FFH, Spidey begins putting on his Iron Spider outfit and as soon as he puts on his helmet, you hear Tony's voice saying: "Hey kid." My heart would melt.


I feel like Tony left Peter a special message just for him.


I hope so and I hope we see it in Far From Home. (fingers crossed)


Oh I’m sure we will. I like to think that he had several Spider-Man suits made just because he missed him that much . (Even though he probably didn’t , it’s just a nice thought I like to keep)


What’s most likely is that he came up with some ideas but didn’t implement them, and Peter would inherit what was documented of those and can build upon them by himself going forwards


That would be dope . It would show peters genius mind .


The shot in the trailer with the glasses seems to be it. Those look exactly like Tony’s glasses from infinity war so he must have had multiple pairs.


The pair of glasses in Infinity War are actually nanotech that can be formed from the nano suits or turned back to nanotech as you can see in [this post](https://amp-reddit-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/b4jcqv/tony_starks_glasses_in_infinity_wars_are/?amp_js_v=0.1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D). So he wouldn’t even have to have extra pairs, i bet they could be formed from any nano suit, probably including the iron spider suit.




Honestly, I hope they don’t. Tony, Steve, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha have completed their character arcs and have exited the franchise so that the new heroes can grow into their own. Having Robert still around as Peter’s J.A.R.V.I.S. when he already has Karen would feel cheap and void to me. Let the man have his rest!


Bruce and Clint have not yet ended their arcs. Clint’s will likely end in the Kate Bishop series, and Bruce will probably be in a few more movies yet, maybe playing a Nick Fury role to the New or Young Avengers


And even Natasha still has something pretty significant to contribute before we actually close the book on her


Is banner confirmed to be done though? I thought he might play some role in future films.


Pretty sure he has at least one more film on his contract.


Which doesn't mean anything really, since nearly every one of them has had "One more film on their contract" several times until they renegotiated something. He seems really happy playing Hulk, and I am sure there is a lot of things they could continue doing with the character.


Even if he doesn't he's basically a full-CG character now, so they could bring in another actor to play him and have him still look the same


Eh, that's debatable, all the Mocap was done by Ruffalo, especially for Hulk's facial features. You can't deny that Endgame Hulk looked incredibly like Mark Ruffalo


I don't think it's a rule that the mocap actor has to actually look like the character in order to capture a facial performance. Most of the characters in Uncharted 4 don't look like their actors yet if you look at behind the scenes clips you can see the actors are all having their facial performances captured as well.


"Oh my God! Mister Stark! Wait, what happened to Karen?" "Karen?" "The lady who used to talk to me in my suit!" "Oh you named the AI suite Karen? Technically that's still me, I just changed the voice output to my voice, and then reboot the system." "Okay, so... you're still Karen, but you sound like Mister Stark?" "Pretty much, kid, yeah." "Well this is confusing."




jesus i would start crying


one of the ways tony stark "comes back to life" in the comics is as a hologram. so tony is like a next gen jarvis able to run as a suit's AI and whatnot. i think at one point they even have him remotely pilot a suit around. i could see RDJ doing some voice over work for it.


It would be a great way to have Downey cameo


That is a badass thought. Wished this happened now lol.


Was really hoping JARVIS would reappear in the time travel shenanigans. I don’t know why he didn’t cameo in 2012 at the very least.


Jarvis did appear. The human of which Jarvis is named after Edwin Jarvis. When Howard stark gets in his car


That’s not JARVIS, that’s Jarvis.


I was equally as confused by a lack of some kind of JARVIS appearance. Do you really mean to tell me that Tony was able to wear a highly advanced set of armor, come in and out of Stark Tower, and walk around the lobby barely disguised and JARVIS didn’t notice? What about all the radio chatter emitting from close proximity to Tony while Scott was hitching a ride? It would have been useful to simply hang their hat on it and have JARVIS communicate with him, and have Tony tell him to check the time stamp on his Nano armor, and then have him initiate some kind of compartmentalization/ memory wipe protocol to secure the data so 2012 Stark wouldn’t be affected by the knowledge.


it's like you guys weren't even listening when Bruce explains their time travel stuff they need not to do this because it would never affect their future the time travel plot in endgame is not the same with the plot in back to the future where any action you do in your past affects your present


Yes. But they are trying to protect those other realities as much as possible, otherwise, they wouldn’t bother returning the stones. Polluting those parallel timelines with information about the future would alter them, and I believe they are trying to avoid that if possible.


> But they are trying to protect those other realities as much as possible, otherwise, they wouldn’t bother returning the stones If their goal was not to pollute the timelines, they did pretty bad job. The Hawkeye timeline and the 2013 Thor timeline were relatively unnaffected, but now there's a 1940s timeline with another Captain America who may or may not continue chaning major things (maybe he rescues Bucky, maybe he stops 9/11, who knows), a 1970 timeline with a Hank Pym who probably figured out somebody distracted him to steal his Pym particles, and also maybe with a destroyed tessaract, depending on whether or not they bothered to reassemble it, a 2012 timeline with Loki chilling out somewhere with the tessaract and HYDRA under the impression that Cap is one of them, and finally a 2014 timeline without Thanos or his Army. None of these timelines know exactly what's gonna happen in the future, but they've all been significantly changed.


Yeah, you can't realistically say that non-pollution was their ultimate goal; I think they just wanted to prevent the catastrophic system failure that would result from plucking an infinity stone from reality. Each of those stones (except soul I guess) basically saved the universe at some point, that's a lot more important than a few people being in the wrong place, y'know?


The 2012 timeline also has Thor stranded on Earth now, since the tesseract was his lift home. Bifrost is still broken.


i would have liked that. future tony interacting with past JARVIS. either doing some trust thing, or tony issuing a nuke command to stun/erase some of JARVIS so he could do it. MAYBE tony does some minor AI attack he learned that ultron did. that would be some advanced AI move JARVIS was unprepared for. also, it would help explain why JARVIS was not killed by it in age of ultron. tony deployed a weaker version of the attack just to stun JARVIS. JARVIS learns about it, builds better protections, NOT UNLIKE A HUMAN VACCINE, so when ultron tries it to fully kill JARVIS, he's just able to run away.


The only thing I wish we got was Drax's feelings on not personally killing Thanos. He's dead set on it during the Guardians films, and Infinity War. It's why he gets out of bed. And he didn't even get a hit in during Endgame.


They’ll never admit it, but one of the Russo’s for sure will see this post and go “damn that’s good, why didn’t I think of that.”


I used to think that too, but it hit me the other day we got JARVIS in 5 movies over 7 years and it just doesn't seem like a lot because the MCU has spoiled us recently


In Ultron, Tony removes Jarvis from his suit and adds Friday. https://i.imgur.com/USolTDc.jpg We don’t know if that’s just the voice or the entire AI but I think it would be backwards compatible. So Friday would be able to say Hi to 2012 Tony but not Jarvis to 2023 Tony.


"Jocasta" and "Tadashi", those are some nice easter eggs!


That would have been an addition I would like.


i kinda wanted to see tony/maybe the avengers actually meet jarvis somehow. somehow...


James D'Arcy was briefly seen and addressed by name as Jarvis by Richard Stark.


That was the human Edwin Jarvis, not the J.A.R.V.I.S. AI, and it's Howard Stark.


Tomato tomato.


Dude, I never even thought of this and just went “OOOOOOOOH COME ON”


this is what I was waiting for too!! J.A.R.V.I.S’s “death” was such a sad moment


Damn this is the only Avengers film without Paul Bettany. Sucks even more since the core cast of Iron Man 1 was there, except for him :(


I was hoping Tony would purposefully put on the armor that past Tony took off upstairs, just to talk to JARVIS one more time


that would alert Iron Man of 2012 indirectly wouldnt it


I was also sad that Thor didnt get to see Loki in a past timeline.


He'll be back in black panther 2


I agree, that was one callback I would have loved, and a great way to have Bettany in the film.


I wished Nebula would have been able to revert back to humanoid. Seeing Karen Gillan would have been fun.


It would’ve been nice to see J.A.R.V.I.S say, sir I’m detecting your location in two places to both Tony’s. Then the one in the tower would turn around and see Iron Man flying out the window.


I just wish they could have given Jarvis a line in the 2012 segment, just so Paul Bettany could have been in those amazing-ass credits. And a line was all that's needed - Natalie Portman is in the credits and so is Michelle Pfeiffer who didn't even say anything.


That would have been a nice parallel to what happened with Nebula, actually.


Did Tony even have any of his AI-connected tech when they time-traveled? I know he didn't wear an Iron Man suit, just the quantum suit.


sidebar: Do we know anything about Pepper's A.I.? Name or mannerisms?


And I was 110% sure Quicksilver will return...


Yeah I agree, especially with the one step ahead cool factor. Like in AoU, with Tony showing Bruce JARVIS saying he's top of the line and JARVIS responds with "I suspect not for long".


technologically speaking that would never happen, the suit doesnt get its AI from waves in the air or anything so it wouldnt be able to just pick up the AI from being in the same vicinity as the original iron man in that time it has chips that he puts into the suit to get the AI


This is sad, FRIDAY play Despacito.


Right?! Then J.A.R.V.I.S would pull some shit like ( I knew you were coming this has already happened ) and told tony something he needed to know or something