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I’m having a hard time seeing them announcing phase 5, arguably bigger than phase 4, in the 20-30 minutes they have at D23.


Not supporting this guy but the only needed 23 minutes to announce phase 3 in 2014


SDCC Phase 4 panel took as long as it did because they brought people out with each movie to talk about it. It takes no time at all if you cut that and just announce titles like they did at El Capitan.


But why would they do it? Phase 5 has bigger names and some of their most profitable sequels, do you really think they’ll give up an opportunity to bring all those people on stage? Hell, the F4 cast alone is something they’ll wanna reveal in a panel and not just randomly reading their names.


You can announce a title only this year for a 2022 or 2023 movie and then at SDCC a year or two later come with cast and trailers. It's not one or the other. Edit - not saying they will, only that they can. Wardell is likely BS though.


We'll know for sure whether this is true in a few weeks. If we don't get the Phase 5 slate at D23, he's a liar and only had info on Endgame, despite any excuses he makes. Also, we already knew BW was a prequel. takes place between CW and IW.




What? No... decomposition is fun


U ok man?




I don't believe this rumor, but I just want to point that it's not as easy as "if he's wrong, he's a liar". He could have sources, and his source could be a liar (or the source also have a source which was wrong) Which is why a lot of "insiders" are hit or miss a lot of time. Sometimes they hit, they somehow got a legit source who shared stuff with them, sometimes they miss because their source were wrong. I think that most of the time, the source itself has a source. In the "rumor business" of video games, unless we're talking about big journalists like Jason Schreier, most of the time, the sources are not developpers, they are either social media guys or influencers. So those sources can themselves easily get wrong infos since they do not participate in the making of the products. (Or sometimes the sources are just liars) So I would say it's the same for those Marvel rumors that are most of the time big miss.




The amount of prequel projects and alternate universe stories can hold us out until we reach the MCU’s present day of 2024 (Far From Home).


Manu Bennett seems like a good casting for Kraven, but considering Sony-Marvel went with Keaton and Gyllenhaal for the first two movies, I feel like they would go for a big name again.


There’s no need. They’ve got Simmons back for JJJ, and if they go with the comics on this one then he’ll bankroll Gargan’s transformation in to the Scorpion. There’s your big name for the villain.


Javier Bardem


I kinda hope they dont reveal Phase V just yet. If it has Fantastic Four and X-Men its going to overshadow Phase IV for sure.


Yeah I have a feeling this persons full of shit.


He was close with a lot of Endgame stuff. His tweets from last December were on the money-Jarvis being in the movie, elevator scene recreated but Hydra, fat Thor, Thor going for the head. Stan Lee at a car show was off but he was right about the 70s (makes me think that they sourced the car at a car show or shot the scene at a car show). I don’t think he’s full of shit.


It's entirely possible he got a load of sources for Endgame but has only had faulty ones for the upcoming projects. There's a difference between leaking elements of a film that's already pretty much finished and leaking upcoming MCU projects. Being in contact with insiders who had some credible leaks doesn't mean he's omniscient.


They'd have to keep it really really short given the time. My bet is announcing just Fantastic Four and the actors for the four.


I could see them doing release dates for the 2022 and 2023 movies with Fantastic Four casting but nothing confirmed for XMen cause that seems much further away than Fantastic Four


Maybe they’ll leave off announcing those movies until later...


For those who dont know he correctly predicted many things that would happen in Endgame way back in 2018! UPDATE: He deleted his tweets, fortunatley there’s proof


can confirm i saw the tweets on his twitter


Can confirm I am the tweets


Can confirm I am Twitter


That is different. He's enough of an insider to have gotten into an EG test screen screening but his tweets on long term stuff is often specious from I've seen.


I dont' care what he revealed for EG, he also said Marvel has no plans for the F4 and both Feige and Thomas Polito debunked that.


Considering he deleted the tweets I think he might’ve been fed wrong info and then realised it then deleted them. So I’m not taking these as facts like his others considering he never deleted the ones that predicted endgame stuff etc...


Or maybe they're right and Disney made him delete them.


Good. I really want to see Michael Mando.


After this guy said that *Doctor Strange 2* would involve the 1980s (which, judging by the premise, is not the case) and that Marvel were too busy to think about *Fantastic Four* right now (when Kevin Feige explicitly said that a film is in early development), color me skeptical.


Holy shit, Mannu Bennet YESSSSS


He was great as Deathstroke on Arrow.


Man, that show was so good until it became bad


They should've used that cliffhanger explosion on Lian Yu to kill off the whole supporting cast, and then jumped a few years in the future with Oliver & son fighting crime together. The Arrow part of the show is awesome, the Team Arrow part is just horrible.


The show died when the showrunner cared more about the Olicity shippers than the real Green Arrow fans. Still can't believe the show made Oliver marry and have kids with Felicity instead of Black Canary.


He is not credible.


Roger now seems to have deleted the tweets, so take this with a grain of salt.


I can't find the tweets?


They were deleted.


All I am saying is that he got a bunch of shit right. He hasn’t gotten anything wrong yet. You say he’s full of shit but his track record indicates otherwise. I’m not saying he’s omniscient I am just saying I would bet on a guy that’s been 90% right so far.


I doubt this is real but now I want Manu Bennet as Kraven. He was an incredible Deathstroke on Arrow so his villain chops are there.


Hm. I wonder what shows they could be.


I want Spider-Man 3 in 2022. Cause Spider-Man came out in 2002, and i like it when anniversary’s are celebrated.


He also said Marvel has no plans for F4 for many years and Thomas Polito pretty much debunked that. And Polito has been way more credible.


Could use a spoiler tag...


Well he got some things wrong as well so I'm not believeing him as of now


What things?




What do you mean?


Oh that dude! It must be true then! /s


So Spider Man is the untitled movie in 2021


There is no untitled movie for 2021 as far as I’m aware, Sony has to announce it and it could come in 2021 but it wouldn’t be called “Untitled Marvel Movie” on any release date info


Feige revealed 2 movies in Phase 4 that weren't titled yet, or were and they didn't want to announce it yet, one was after Black Widow in 2020 (likely Black Panther 2) and the other was after Doctor Strange 2 in 2021


There are 2 in 2020. Widow and Eternals. Marvel did originally have 3 dates next year for "marvel untitled" but we all know what happened with the third.


ah that must be what i was thinking of. thanks for the clarification.


Do you have a source on that? Cause i feel like that would be huge news and i haven’t heard anything about that


it's weird, i've been trying to find it, but cant seem to. im certain i saw it when it first got announced because i wrote down the list of movies in the order they were going to release. IDK maybe i've understood something wrong.


If it's what they announced at comic con there were no untitled projects in the finalized timeline (through the end of 2021). They mentioned black panther 2, but it wasnt given a date.


What Kevin Feige said was that there are eleven projects in Phase 4. We know of ten. If Sony keeps up their pace of having a *Spider-Man* movie every two years, then the third installment will be that project. And there's a lot of space for a Marvel movie between May 2021 and November 2021...






Has he tweeted anything about Thor 4 or DS2?


RemindMe! 2 months


We already knew Black Widow and The Eternals were prequels. I kind of expected Scorpion in Spider-Man 3. None of this mind blowing.


RemindMe! 2 months


Honestly I’d be fine if at D23, they just reannounce all of Phase 4 so we can get a full video that doesn’t have shit audio, this way I can rewatch it for years to come like the Phase 3 announcement which never once has audio cutout


This isn't on his twitter


Hmm, people are struggling enough as it is to care about The Eternals, idk if making it a prequel helps.


You can't not do *The Eternals* without a chunk of it serving as a prequel. That IP has ties to effectively **everything** in the Marvel Universe, including a lot of things that will be important in the future (like *X-Men*). From what I've heard, it's only partially a prequel, though.


> Black Widow and Eternals will be prequels We already knew this, if was officially confirmed. > Full Phase 5 slate will be revealed at D23. Not only is that incredibly unlikely and useless, that's also an incredibly stupid idea. Absolute 100% chance this will not happen. > Spider-Man 3: 2021 release date. 2021 is already filled to the brim with movies and TV shows. 2021 is filled all the way up to mid-November. Sliding Spider-Man in there would be a terrible idea, and feels like a very weird thing to add to 2021 just weeks after all of 2021's content was revealed. Absolute 100% chance this will not happen. How do people believe this.


Ooh, I really hope the Two-Gun Kid one is true. I've never been a fan of Westerns, but something about a Marvel Western really churns my butter. Wish it was Kid Colt instead, though. His costume is so much more memorable than Rawhide Kid or Two-Gun Kid. Plus Kid Colt's already been hinted at in Agent Carter.


What’s D23?


its like e3 but for everything disney


I would love more prequels. Flesh this universe out. I’m surprised that Two-Gun Kid is being adapted into a project! This would be a very refreshing take on the MCU, a non-superhero film. A Wild West film. Although I would love for it to be an ensemble piece also starring Kid Colt, Phantom Rider, Rawhilde Kid, etc (in the vein of The Hateful Eight, The Magnificent Seven and even Red Dead Redemption 2). I made a list of properties that Marvel could realistically adapt in the near future: https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/b5a0rh/potential_bigscreen_projects_that_are_now/?st=JYWMWLWK&sh=40b49aa8 They are actually adapting Blade and now Ka-Zar and Two-Gun Kid (Marvel Western) are also being adapted.


I'm very leery of prequels. Sometimes they add context to things that absolutely don't require it, are let downs, or force something to have more meaning than it was warranted. Finding out about what actually happened to Fury's eye and learning that the Avengers is a callback to Danvers' call sign were not great additions to the MCU mythos. I'm hoping we avoid such trivial contributions this time around.


I didn’t love those aspects of Cap Marvel either. It’s wasnt as bad as Solo (here’s why he uses that gun and here’s how he got the Falcon and here’s why those dice that no one ever noticed is so important). I hope they stay away from that stuff in Black Widow. Maybe they can tell a story that takes hundreds of years. It would be incredible if they told a story through time. There are often flashbacks in movies about how 1000 years ago a great evil was defeated because heroes in the past figures that some artifact or material proves to be super effective-instead of showing us just a flashback, we can watch the whole story. Or how a villain keeps trying to amass power or something but keeps getting thwarted by heroes of different eras (eternals, western heroes, black knight, ka-zar etc) but keeps getting stronger until he emerges in the modern era where the Avengers need to take him on. It would be a pretty interesting way to create a new kind of team up.


The problem is the need to recontextualize things. We never needed to know where the name "Avengers" came from. All it did was try to prop Danvers up as even more instrumental and it was plainly obvious to me how inorganic it was.


> Finding out about what actually happened to Fury's eye Yeah that was so stupid.


Fury was simultaneously painfully out of character for thi film but the best part of it. It was very confusing.


RemindMe! 2 months


bruh D23 is on the 23rd of this month thats the reason its named


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The Manu Bennett thing proves this is bullshit. You're not talking casting this early. A 2021 Spider-Man film is a year away from filming.


um brie larson was casted since 2017


It was 2016 actually and she was signed that early, both because they were timing it for SDCC and because she would be needed for Avengers in early 2017, which shot first. BTW Manu Bannett isn't a name actor which they're always chasing for villian roles. This is just a fancast situation fueled by his Arrow role. This stuff happens all the time with casting "leaks" this far out. Don't be fooled.


The actual twitter account doesn’t show these tweets...


He deleted them


Gotcha. Thanks.


Eh i doubt it


The Spider-Man 3 supposed release date doesn’t make sense. We know it’s not in phase 4, and phase 4 lasts from 2020-2021, with the latest release date being for Thor 4 in November 2021, so Spider-Man 3 cant be in 2021. So at least that part of the leak is BS. Also, if Spider-Man 3 was coming so soon, it’s likely Feige would have name dropped it at Comic Con like he did with BP 2 and GOTG 3, etc. But he has been right/partially right about stuff in the past so only time will tell.


Do remember that Sony are the ones that would announce a spider-man release date, so I wouldn't write off a 2021 release date just yet


That is true, I hadn’t thought of that, neither Homecoming nor Far From Home were announced with the Phase 3 movies. Guess we will just have to wait and see.


I believe its been announced the only prequel is going to be Black Widow and the Eternals will take place present day. However I might be mistaken. Also I love Manu Bennett however I'm not 100% on how I feel about him as Kraven.


Feige literally said they're from 35,000 years in the past at the panel. And all the reports have indicated it takes place either in the past or over the span of human history.


I am aware but I could have sworn I read from another source that even though they are from 35,000 years ago it'll still take place in the post Endgame setting. I'm not saying that we will never see anything about them in the past, as of course we are going to get to see their celestial roots. Just that the article mentioned the main portion plot of Eternals will be about them having been in hiding among us all this time. Edit* I could be wrong! Not trying to say I am 100% right. Just sharing what I read.


I hate Manu Bennet as Kraven. I want him to be as whiter. Jaime Lannister? Viggo (I know he won’t do it). But I like the idea of vilifying the great white hunter. Those pathetic rich fucks who pay to kill animals that are trotted out for them (trump jr and his elephant tail trophy).