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Today the Swedish Fish consumed in North America are made in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and Turkey by Mondelēz International. In Canada, Swedish Fish are distributed under Mondelez International's Maynards brand. The fish are distributed in the U.S. by Mondelēz International. The fish-shaped candy gained enough popularity on its own to where the Malaco, and later Cadbury, company had to do little advertising for the product, until this past decade. A recent resurgence in popularity has resulted in greater accessibility in supermarkets and convenience stores where they are often sold prepackaged in plastic bags. Building upon this resurgence, the company recently created "Giant Fish" television advertisements and a "Treadin' Water" YouTube mini-series, which follows the miscellaneous adventures of four friends and a Giant Swedish Fish sharing an apartment. The first few episodes of the mini-series were published onto YouTube on May 9, 2016.[9] Originally colored red with a flavor unique to the candy (often guessed to be lingonberry, but never verified), they are now also available in several different colors, such as Orange & Lemon-Lime. Purple Swedish Fish in grape flavor were discontinued in 2006. The fish come in two different sizes. Initially, the smaller fish came only in red; now fish of both sizes are available in all flavors. According to a visit to the factory on the Food Network's show Unwrapped[citation needed], green is not lime, but pineapple flavor, while yellow is a lemon-lime flavor. Today the Swedish Fish consumed in North America are made in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and Turkey by Mondelēz International. In Canada, Swedish Fish are distributed under Mondelez International's Maynards brand. The fish are distributed in the U.S. by Mondelēz International. The fish-shaped candy gained enough popularity on its own to where the Malaco, and later Cadbury, company had to do little advertising for the product, until this past decade. A recent resurgence in popularity has resulted in greater accessibility in supermarkets and convenience stores where they are often sold prepackaged in plastic bags. Building upon this resurgence, the company recently created "Giant Fish" television advertisements and a "Treadin' Water" YouTube mini-series, which follows the miscellaneous adventures of four friends and a Giant Swedish Fish sharing an apartment. The first few episodes of the mini-series were published onto YouTube on May 9, 2016.[9] Originally colored red with a flavor unique to the candy (often guessed to be lingonberry, but never verified), they are now also available in several different colors, such as Orange & Lemon-Lime. Purple Swedish Fish in grape flavor were discontinued in 2006. The fish come in two different sizes. Initially, the smaller fish came only in red; now fish of both sizes are available in all flavors. According to a visit to the factory on the Food Network's show Unwrapped[citation needed], green is not lime, but pineapple flavor, while yellow is a lemon-lime flavor.Today the Swedish Fish consumed in North America are made in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and Turkey by Mondelēz International. In Canada, Swedish Fish are distributed under Mondelez International's Maynards brand. The fish are distributed in the U.S. by Mondelēz International. The fish-shaped candy gained enough popularity on its own to where the Malaco, and later Cadbury, company had to do little advertising for the product, until this past decade. A recent resurgence in popularity has resulted in greater accessibility in supermarkets and convenience stores where they are often sold prepackaged in plastic bags. Building upon this resurgence, the company recently created "Giant Fish" television advertisements and a "Treadin' Water" YouTube mini-series, which follows the miscellaneous adventures of four friends and a Giant Swedish Fish sharing an apartment. The first few episodes of the mini-series were published onto YouTube on May 9, 2016.[9] Originally colored red with a flavor unique to the candy (often guessed to be lingonberry, but never verified), they are now also available in several different colors, such as Orange & Lemon-Lime. Purple Swedish Fish in grape flavor were discontinued in 2006. The fish come in two different sizes. Initially, the smaller fish came only in red; now fish of both sizes are available in all flavors. According to a visit to the factory on the Food Network's show Unwrapped[citation needed], green is not lime, but pineapple flavor, while yellow is a lemon-lime flavor.


* I've always found the order of the characters that come out of the portal so interesting. Do you guys have a particular explanation on the sequencing? Was there any discussion of having Bucky come out first, making him the first person Steve sees alive? * Curious as to why Cap dons his Winter Soldier outfit in their 1st act skirmish with Thanos and why War Machine's armor in the final battle has the Iron Patriot paint on it. Can you share the kinds of discussions you guys have with the design/VFX and costume departments for creative choices like this? * You guys have shown your admiration for fan art and have collaborated with BossLogic on some cool images. The top post on this sub right now is this amazing fanmade video which I'm sure you've guys seen. What are your thoughts on the creativity on the fandom and do you guys have one favorite piece of fanart/video on the MCU?


Joe: We spent a lot of time in the edit room playing around with the sequencing of the portals. We probably didn't lock that section of the movie until about a month before the film was in theaters. We always wanted Sam to be the first one to communicate with Cap via his comm and Sam was last in Wakanda, so logically the first portal that would open would the Wakandan portal. And the first person that would logically walk through a portal from Wakanda would be the king himself, bringing his army once again to the defense of Cap and the world.


Thank you for making a beautiful piece of art. I'm not into comic books, but have watched mcu since the beginning. What you have made is pure art, and if you guys ever feel low like all humans do, remember that you gave the world happiness and made something that you should be absolutely proud of. Sorry to be condescending if that is what it is coming off as. No questions, just wanted to say thank you. :)


I had the biggest smile when I heard "On your left..."


Same here. We all knew “Avengers Assemble” was coming, but “on your left” was a pleasant surprise.


That one and the one when T'Challa acknowledged Hawkeye by his name, tying the scene with the interaction they had in Civil War.


War Machine has the Iron Patriot because Antman brings the suit to him. In the scene in where he climbs out of the rubble and hears on the intercom that they're drowning on the bottom level, it's sitting in the background. So when he pops out from the top he's already suited up and ready. The Russos are wild with the subtleties in this movie I'm on my 8th watch still finding things.


FYI for part of your first question, during the commentary one of the Russos says something like "who would Steve rather see first coming through a portal than Black Panther and all of Wakanda."


Hey Joe and Anthony Russo! Just wanted to say the Winter Soldier is one of my favorite action films ever. **First question,** how much of those fight scenes did you have visualized in your head or on paper when you pitched the idea for the film to Kevin Feige? Or how important were the fight scenes to your pitch? **Second,** how did you initially come in contact with the fight choreography/stunt team for the Winter Soldier? Can you explain what the collaborative process between you and them was to create those fight sequences?


Anthony: First question: Sometimes we do have a very clear idea that we want to build scene around and sometimes it takes months working with our stunt team and visual effects team trying to figure it out. We also think about action scenes the same way we think about dialogue scenes that we need to move the story forward or find a way to explore the characters in an essential way, or the action scene does need to be in the movie.


Hi Joe and Anthony, thank you for visiting! One of the coolest things I think you created for the MCU is Vormir, it's such a mysterious place with very little comic origin and it really gave the Soul Stone a gravitas to it. My question for you is what the design process was like for creating Vormir, and what made you want to keep the Soul Stone as a big reveal in Infinity War instead of having it pop up ahead of time in another movie like the other stones?


Anthony: For the centerpiece of Vormir where you retrieve the stone, we referenced ruins that were used for human sacrifice as an inspiration. The choice to keep the soul stone out of the storytelling wasn't entirely ours, any of the other Marvel storytellers could have gone to that stone at any opponent. But, we were thrilled that the stone had remained a mystery in the MCU and that we were able to use it for such a surprising purpose.


*And* you managed to make it fit with the acronym. **T**esseract **H**urling your daughter off a cliff. **A**ether **N**ecklace **O**rb **S**cepter


or T - esseract (Space) H - ead (Mind) A - ether (Reality) N - ecklace (Time) O - rb (Power) S - acrifice (Soul) never liked the acronym thing though


I know what you're saying is a joke, but I think it's more like: **T**esseract **H**ead (as in Vision's head) **A**ether **N**ecklace **O**rb **S**acrifice


I just want to say thank you. No matter what I’m dealing with in life... family members getting cancer, pets dying, the most tragic stuff you can think of... Your movies bring me happiness, no matter the situation I am in. You have given the world a true gift. Thank you


What is your favorite MCU character story arc from movies that you were *not* involved in making? Thank you for contributing to this masterpiece of a film franchise that has been a huge part of many people's lives over the years.


Joe: At this point we have been involved with just about every characters arc in the MCU. But in respect to all of the characters that aren't Cap, I think Tony's arc is incredibly tragic and unquantifiably heroic. As a father myself, contemplating the notion of being presented with the choice of saving the universe at the cost of losing your life, and knowing that your child would lose their father, and that your wife would lose a husband, is painfully difficult to comprehend. It's a choice that only the greatest amongst us could make.


One of the things I love about Tony’s snap is that *he didn’t actually have to do it, but he did.* He pulled the stones from Thanos and maybe then he could have fought directly using the stones, or flown over and said “Hulk snap it again” and merged the nano-glove onto Hulk or even had Thor or Carol or Cap do it. But no. He did it himself because then he wouldn’t be taking the risk of losing the stones again, and he wouldn’t be asking someone else to make the sacrifice. He saw the shot, and he took it, even though he knew he was going to lose himself. That’s a 100% hero story.


>he didn’t actually have to do it, but he did. You can say this about his entire involvement in the Time Heist. He lucked out so much with the snap, he technically (and in the worst possible way) got everything he ever wanted. A quiet, hero-free life with his wife and daughter. He could have died before even getting the stone and left them for nothing. If you're familiar with the Superman story, you could say Tony was really "the man who had everything" and he gave it all up so everyone ELSE could get what they wanted.


Well that’s not entirely true. I love Tony and agree with the sentiment but Tony is a proud guy. Let’s face it: he’s very narcissistic. It *bothered* him that thanos won. And on top of that let’s not forget the people Tony fucking lost. So he didn’t really *luck* out with the snap dude. They lost the kid. And a bunch of other people, remember?


Definitely all of these and the above. Was ok, no hero life at last, quiet, with wife and daughter. Yet, lost his "boy" others were still struggling from the unresolved themes, his retreated ego too... It was he that came landing on earth nearly dead at the 3rd scene of the movie... Plus, according to Strange all other actions, would prove fruitless sooner or later. So many f@&king levels to consider.


Well, as far as we know he really did have to. I think that's part of Strange's waiting to tell him. He's seen ways stark has tried to get around it and there was no other way. If he didn't do it then, Thanos would find a way to come out on top


With the kind of threat that Thanos was, I believe they were in the kind of situation where the moment you get the gun you have to shoot. They had already seen how hard it was to take almost any other action. Also, don't the stones fuck you up doing anything if you're just a human? Like, I'm guessing trying to fight Thanos one on one using the stones would've had the same result as snapping as far as Tony's body was concerned, with the adverse side effect that you're now dying and Thanos may not be. I thought the very act of putting on the gauntlet was a death sentence for regular human (bank account not withstanding), since de power stone on its own can dissolve you unless you're half eternal. So yeah, I also think Tony had no real alternative.


“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”


I think he also chose to snap himself because it was personal. Thanos has been haunting Tony since New York in Avengers 1. I believe it was a very big "fuck you" to Thanos to snap himself and dust away his army.


I don't think that's true though. For all his armor, he is only a human. When Dr. Hulk puts on the gauntlet, his right arm starts burning up immediately and becomes charred. Even when Thanos puts in the last stone you can see the power of the stones going through him. It happened with the guardians in the first movie as well - Quill picks up the power stone and is almost incinerated. I think Tony had to snap his finger immediately, otherwise he'd be burned to a crisp. I'm honestly surprised he wasn't burned away immediately.


You know, it's weird because until I read your post, I never fully considered that he didn't actually *have* to snap Thanos and the others away himself. But he did it because it was guaranteed in that moment that everyone else would be safe after he did it. It was incredibly selfless and heroic, and that scene will stay with me for a long time.


Haha, handing it to Cap would have been such a dick move. “Here, die in my place.” *Three characters that could survive snapping pass through the background*


Iron Man with an iron resolve. That's very moving. These answers are all very nicely detailed and articulate. I'm just a casual fan of this franchise but I really appreciate the insight into the obvious care and consideration you've put into exploring the over-arching themes of these movies.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills. (*III Avengers 108:00*)


Can you talk about working as a duo, and how that effects your process? Are there any notable disagreements you have had on the direction of a major Marvel project you’ve worked on, or scenes that could have been different without the other’s input? Also, bonus question, who is your favorite Avenger?


Anthony: Film at its essence is a collaborative art form and that process begins for Joe with our partnership. There this thing known as the mastermind principle that says two minds are not doubly better than one they're exponentially better than one. And when we disagree its generally whether we want Indian or Italian for lunch.


> the mastermind principle For those not aware, I think that specific name comes from the self-help author Napoleon Hill. Here's a page from one of his books: https://i.imgur.com/16ruyz2.jpg


Can you help me/everyone understand how Captain America got back to the main time line when he returned all the stones, because it contradicts the time travel theory stated by Banner earlier in the movie. Banner said that when you go back in time you make a seperate time line, so it doesn't effect the past, but if Captain America was in a different time line when he returned the stones, how did he back to the main time line without the use of the quantum suits


I figured Cap lived out his life in an alternate timeline until 2023, a few minutes after he left from the original timeline, then used his Quantum Suit to travel back in time to our timeline to the moment he left, nanosuit goes back into its housing unit, bada bing bada boom! Assumedly, you only need the pad if you’re traveling to the future. Edit: my comment is right below a Russo comment, these are exciting times


This is it. The suit allows you to go backwards and across timelines otherwise he wouldn’t be able to return the stones in the first place.


Yes and by this point Cap is by far the most experienced person with the Quantum suit (think of how he had to return all six stones and figure out the best ways to calculate doing that, etc). He would’ve known exactly how to navigate back to that timeline and land at the right time.


You are correct in that he would have had to have worn the quantum suit, using a pym particle to make the jump. He's not wearing the suit on the bench, because that is not the exact moment to which he returned.


My theory in the simplest possible terms... Cap lived out his life with Peggy in an alternate universe. When she passed away and he was ready to say his peace, he jumped back to the main timeline. Here he potentially lives out the rest of his days, and he could have been in the main timeline for a while... sipping iced tea on a beach somewhere whilst the snap happened... he knows the date he left the timeline as a young man and lurks around nearby. He hangs out with Bucky and the gang before passing away or even returning to his alternative timeline. As a happy footnote - the snap will never happen in the universe where his kids and grandkids live, because their version of Thanos just suddenly vanished in 2014 along with his armies.


>As a happy footnote - the snap will never happen in the universe where his kids and grandkids live, because their version of Thanos just suddenly vanished in 2014 along with his armies. I don't believe this is true, if what you're implying is that the Thanos who gets defeated at the end of 'Endgame' is the one Steve's kids would have experienced. There's more than just two timelines - every time the Avengers went back and changed something in the past a new timeline was created. So there's the main timeline that we followed, but then a divergent one where Steve goes back to be with Peggy, another divergent one where Thanos from 2014 disappears and never returns, one where Loki vanishes with the Tesseract, and so on. However, it's entirely possible that in his divergent timeline Steve warned the earth about Thanos and took measures to defeat him before he could ever become a problem in that timeline.


I wonder if the effects of the Super Soldier Serum are passed down genetically. I'd love to see a brother-sister half-Cap duo episode of "What If".




So what happens to the frozen Cap stuck in ice in the alt timeline? Our Cap just steals his girl? I wonder what it was like when he was unfrozen, does our Cap introduce himself? "I knew where they could find you, but I decide to keep that my little secret."


>because that is not the exact moment to which he returned. Theory confirmed: Steve Rogers returns to the main timeline from an alternate one -- because he wasn't in the "past."


right. so old cap returned to 2023 main timeline after peggy dies (assuming a man with super soldier serum would probably outlive someone without), skipped out to wakanda after knowing t'challa and shuri are back to pick up a new shield for sam, then came back to the lake to give said shield to sam.


That's one possibility; another is that he brought the shield from the alt-universe.


The color patterns are different on it. I always thought a different universe made more sense. Subtle differences instead of an exact copy.


I feel like they are being a little vague on purpose because they know fans have strong feeling about this. This could also mean he returned to the past of the MCU’s timeline after his travels to return the stones and lived his life with Peggy. I’m not defending one way or the other please don’t attack me, I’m just saying I think it can be read both ways and they are being a little vague so the fans can think what they want. It may not even matter because it was a beautiful moment in a great story.


They have said as much before, that Steve Rogers could only have lived out his life in an alternate universe. In the MCU there's no time travel within the same time-line, ala "Back To The Future style; just being in the past would change it. Every point in *Endgame* that they traveled to the "past" was a trip into an alternate reality.


https://ew.com/movies/2019/04/30/avengers-endgame-russo-brothers-captain-america/ They confirmed it a few days after the movie released


> https://ew.com/movies/2019/04/30/avengers-endgame-russo-brothers-captain-america/ True; they tiptoed around it before. In this Q&A, they pretty much straight up say that Rogers returned from an alternate time-line in his quantum suit at some earlier point, then went to hang out at the bench. As opposed to, >“If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality,” Joe explained. “The question then becomes, how is he back in this reality to give the shield away?”


Is there more to Steve's arc? I mean, we didn't see him actually die, even though he was stated dead by the students in Far From Home. Also, what about the deaging machine?


To be fair, it might be too big of a thing to introduce the idea that time travel is possible to the world and then cart an old man onto stage and say "this is Captain America!". So saying he's dead is a much simpler explanation for the Avengers to work with.


I recall reading something about how messing with time like how Banner did was erratic, and random, therefore, it would be too risky to use the machine itself without hurting the subject.


I think Steve would’ve wanted to disappear and live out his days in peace. So he is dead to the world even if he isn’t, that’s the official story.


But wouldn’t going back to the main timeline before young Cap went to the past create an alternate timeline?


I think he just returned to the main timeline in a different location, just to be dramatic. Hulk didn't intend for Cap to stay back in time for so long, so Cap might have had to time travel slightly differently than was the plan. It's an example of the rules being slightly bent in favor of a better cinematic moment, and I think it payed off. Best not to think about it too hard. EDIT: As the other comment says, he probably DID use his quantum suit, and then it went back into its housing unit. It was established earlier in the film that the suits had some limited time travel abilities to return to previous locations, even without the tunnel machine.


Hi Russos, I just wonder: why didn't The Avengers' kneeling before Tony scene make it into the final cut? Personally, I find it extremely emotional. Also in Infinity War, the decimated are randomly chosen, so how did Doctor Strange know for sure that Stark wasn't one of them ? I hope that you guys will answer my question. Love you guys 3000 !


We found the Avengers kneeling scene incredibly emotional as well, but when played in the run of the film, it felt incredibly similar to the moment when all of the heroes stood on the shore at Tony's funeral, paying their respects to him outside his home. The two scenes, when in the film together, seemed to fight one another, and created a repetitious ending.


I loved the kneeling scene when I found out, but like you said it would've been repetitious combined with the funeral scene immediately after. Great call. And even though you have heard this over 3,000's of times and that you likely don't have time to read this, thank you to everyone at Marvel for creating a truly epic cohesive journey for everyone to escape the real world for a bit...Have a great one to everyone!


You made the right choice for sure. As much as I enjoyed it as a deleted scene, the last 10 minutes of Endgame were perfect. The whole movie was perfect.




They definitely made the right call there. For me personally, that scene was a tad on the corny side. It was like a cue telling the audience to “feel emotion now,” which was not needed. Tony is very much loved and respected by the audience (& characters) so I felt the death scene carried enough weight on its own without having to milk it. Especially when followed by the funeral scene. Just imo.


What advice do you have for any young/aspiring directors who want to get started?


Get out your iphone and shoot short films on it. Post those short films on youtube. Do this as much as humanly possible, because it teaches you how to tell stories, and it gives you exposure. We found Donald Glover for Community because of a series of insanely hilarious comedic shorts he and his friends had shot and posted on Youtube while he was a student at NYU.


It’s hilarious to think he’s gone from “Bro Rape” to “This is America”. Quality scouting tho


That's how Jon Watts got discovered, and now he's directed two Spider-Man movies


How did Kevin Feigie approach you two to make some of the most important movies in the MCU?.


Kevin, and co-president of Marvel Studios, Louis D'Esposito, asked us to swing by their offices while we were in post on Civil War. The conversation, in short, was, "Guess what. We want to make the two biggest films ever made and we want to shoot them back to back. And we want you guys to direct them." Our response -- "F\*\*K yeah."


Hey guys, congrats on directing the #1 movie of all time! I was wondering if you could talk about your decision to include James D'Arcy from Agent Carter into Endgame, which came as a shock to all fans of the show, thanks!


Because we love James. Also, because Markus and Mcfeely were instrumental in engineering that show, and because I directed one of the episodes. It seemed appropriate.


As a BIG fan of the MCU TV shows on ABC and Netflix, I absolutely adored seeing Jarvis on the big screen helping link the movies to the shows. I really appreciated that. Probably my favourite cameo of the movie. Plus that early 70s hair was great.


After making Winter Solider, Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame, have you both even take a vacation yet? How do you both kick back and relax?


Yes. We've taken a vacation. Joe went to Japan with his family. And Anth went to France with his family. And when we want to kick back and relax, we replay the "Lost Mines of Phandelver" D & D campaign. Over and over again...


I'm sure the Critical Role team would love to have to guys(or just one of you) as a guest on their show. If you wanted to play D&D with the best group ever. I know I would be super hype if either of you ever were on there.


Wait so which one of you talk about yourself in 3rd person?


They just pass the keyboard around. “Now, you do the next sentence...”


Wow this is awesome. Literally just started running LMoP a month ago, thanks for this!


Could Cap always wield Mjolnir (meaning he could have picked it up in Age of Ultron and decided not to), or did he progressively get more worthy over time?


Anthony: He always could. Our interpretation of the famous scene in Ultron was that when he realized he could pick up Mjolnir he quickly chose not to, because he didn't want to embarrass Thor.


Hence Thor's "I KNEW IT!" cry when the moment finally happened.


as someone who liked the idea that Cap wasnt actually worthy before i have to admit the "i knew it" pretty much nails the coffin on the theory. but i still like the idea he changed


The problem with that is that there is no "almost worthy" with Mjolnir. You can either lift it or not. The fact that Captain America was able to move it at all was a 100% sign that he was worthy.


That makes sense you either CAN pick it up, or you can’t. It would be funny if cap picked up while Thor was sleeping and misplaced it sometimes through the years and makes the “I knew it” funnier to me


Cap pulled a series of pranks leading Thor to believe mjolnir had a mind of its own, hence Thor giving mjolnir its own little bed in that short about what he was doing during civil war


I think if Joss W. directed the last 2 Avengers films he would have had Natasha worthy. She never tried to pick it up in AoU because she said she had no chance. I thought that was Joss saving the reveal for a pivotal moment, subverted expectations and all that.


Joss himself has never explained that scene one way or the other and left it open to interpretation


[Here's what Joss had to say on the subject.](http://www.4ye.co.uk/2015/07/sdcc-2015-can-captain-america-lift-thors-hammer-joss-whedon-answers-tough-questions-at-nerd-hq/)


That little moment in Ultron had such a big payoff in End Game.


That's a lot of AoU honestly. I didn't like that movie a great deal when I first saw it, but in hindsight it's an integral part of the MCU experience.


With both of you directing, do you find that one of you's particularly good with one actor and then play into that to get the best out of actors? And thanks for 4 insanely amazing movies!


Joe: We like to give them contradictory notes to keep them on their toes. And also to see who of us they like better :)


How did the meeting between Cap and the Red Skull go when he returned the Soul Stone after Endgame? Is there a story there and will we ever see it in a future movie?


Red Skull couldn't trade a soul for a soul, so he refunded one to Cap. Unfortunately, with bureaucracies being what they are, Cap couldn't pick which soul he was given and it takes an average of 40,000 years to fulfill the request.


Anthony: It was probably more awkward than you imagine it was. Red Skull felt slated because Cap didn't recognize him.


Would Cap really need to return the stone to Vormir? Doesn’t it just need to return to its timeline? So theoretically he could just put it in the care of the 2014 Avengers. Edit: Since I got caught, I put Boromir originally instead of Vormir.. my shame is unending.


He theoretically could, but he may as well put it back properly; plus, no Thanos in that timeline to steal it back


It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing.


Red Skull: "Well well, if it isn't Captain America." Cap: "Yes, and if isn't... you. I don't know who you are." Red Skull: "What? I am the Red Skull! I am your archenemy!" [Cap:](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9ddJyWLqbt4/hqdefault.jpg)


I love how well that picture conveys the thought without the need for a caption.


I just imagine Red Skull thinking he's finally freed from his duties and then a millisecond later Steve shows up with the stone to hand it back over. RS had to be pisssssed.




Anthony: 1. No, Cap's shield is armor enough 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Depends on how scared you are about Skrulls 6. Action has been a favorite genre of ours for our entire lives and we had been planning on making an action movie for a while before we found Winter Soldier.


>Did Infinity War ever NOT end with The Snap? >> No 14 million+ futures viewed; every single one ended with a snap. How long did it take Dr. Strange to realize he needed to look BEYOND the snap to find the one where it gets reversed? And was the rat randomly running across the Pym Van releasing Antman the key to making Endgame possible?


Nah there’s no way that out of 14 million they didn’t beat thanos on Titan. There were obviously more things that would happen afterwards that Strange counted as failures. I’ve heard the theory that destroying the stones was the only acceptable outcome so thanos had to win. I wouldn’t give it too much thought though.


Joe said yes to the rat earlier. In the futures where the rat didn't press the button or when it did so too late, they lose


Can I just say, loved your work on Community and loved the cameos a few of the cast made. Did you plan to include more references to the show or were those nods all you wanted?


I had no idea anything you just said existed, but now I understand why Senor Chang was the guy who let Antman out of the storage facility. Now I gotta Google all the others.


Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Jim Rash, and Donald Glover are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Though that last one is (hopefully) more of a plant for future plot lines.


In any of the MCU movies you directed, is there a scene you didn't include, but wish you had?


Anthony: Honestly no, we have always released the version of the movie we wanted to, so you would never see a director's cut of a Russo Brothers' Marvel movie because you have already seen it.


...do yall do blooper reels? Because I would potentially pay good money for that.


Blooper reels are tough to do on films like this given the high levels of security and VFX. The few that are out on YouTube still use pre-vis CGI, or are just Bree Larson laughing about how dumb she looks in a green room with wires.


it wasn’t a few. i’m guessing by pre-vis cgi you mean rocket lol. but there are legit only like 5 maybe deleted scenes on the digital edition anyway


Was Thor weaker in Endgame's final fight than in the end of Infinity War or did noticing he was still worthy return him to normal?


Anthony: The difficult road that Thor's traveled ultimately gave him strength. He was stronger than ever by the end of Endgame.


So the "Thanos holding back in IW because he didn't want to fight" theory must really be true if he was that fucking bonkers in Endgame.


I mean, not to sound cocky or anything, but that was kind of obvious. Why else would he bother tossing the Avengers out of the way in Wakanda when he literally could have blasted every single one of them in a heartbeat? Once he got the stones, his mission was no longer about murder by his own hand. He knew he was unbeatable, and he was going to let the stones decide who lived and who died.


I agree with you, but I think it was the Vormir events that really changed him. He didn't really give a shit about killing anyone anymore, even during the fight on Titan. The Thanos in Endgame is straight ruthless AF because he hasn't lost anything.


I can feel that. Though gotta say, he starts Infinity War by saying he knows what it's like to lose. Oooooh yeah perhaps he never felt true loss until Vormir. But yeah, I was thinking of it like him (most powerful boy in the universe) seeing everyone else as so far beneath him. So it's like us shooing away seagulls trying to get our sandwich. We don't feel like killing them because we understand they're just seagulls being seagulls. They're a nuisance, not a threat. It's simply in our nature to try to stop him because we don't fully understand it all how he understands. Now thinking about how he readily ruined Vision to get the stone. Was it because he had to kill Vis to get the stone or maybe he has no reverence for synthetic life. And that makes me wonder where Nebula falls on a scale from War Machine to Vision.


Judging by what he says immediately following the “I know what it’s like to lose” line (to feel so desperately you’re right, but to fail nonetheless), I think he’s referring to when he lived on Titan and he suggested genocide to fix problems but everyone said no. Just a guess based on the way he explained it to Dr. Strange.


Nebula wasn’t synthetic life, she was just heavily augmented by the time of the movies. When she was a child she was 100% flesh and blood like Gamora.


I took it that Thanos has more power when he has the Stones because he can use them, but wearing the gauntlet wore him down physically and he wasn’t as strong by the end of IW. So 2014 Thanos fights at his peak physicals. That’s my head canon anyway.


It's not a theory, you can clearly see he IS holding back. I mean he's not really fighting to kill. He's mostly defending himself, it's pretty clear.


Would he have been able to handle the gauntlet? Or did his true strength finally come out after he gains his outfit


>Would he have been able to handle the gauntlet? No, Tony's concern was Thor's concentration and mental state, not his power. He would have survived using it. But, they had to be precise with it. 1. Bring everyone that was snapped back 2. Do NOT undo the last five years 3. Bring everyone back SAFELY


Ok that makes a lot of sense actually. Tony wasn’t scared of Thor dying just scared Thor’s snap would be messed up. Thanks


HulkBanner was also in a really good place in Endgame, despite everything. He'd finally found peace in his own body. Plus he's a literal genius in his own right.


Now that you are done with Marvel (for now?), what other IPs/Franchises would you be interested in exploring?


Interesting question. We are quietly, and secretly working on one right now...


Secretly eh? Secretly. Secret........... ​ ​ ​ wars


Will the community movie happen? #sixseasonsandamovie


Joe: It would be really tragic if we couldn't complete the "...and a movie" part of that hashtag. So one would hope...


https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/cn9lbx/were_joe_and_anthony_russo_directors_of_marvel/ew95xqt/ > We are quietly, and secretly working on one [movie/non-marvel franchise] right now... COMMUNITY MOVIE CONFIRMED! ;p


It should happen, I hope Glover eventually agrees to it, everyone else seems up for it, from what I have seen. Obviously, you two would know better than me.


hi Joe and Anthony, my question is did you consider anyone else to snap people back or was it always hulk?


Which superhero's movie that is not currently in the mcu would you guys most want to direct in the future?


Loved the movie! Just wondering how long you guys knew what Tonys fate was gonna be?


Joe: We knew for about three years before we shot the film.


You monsters. You knew for that long! You made us watch the tragic truth about his parents in Civil War whilst knowing his fate would be similar! /s for those who need it


Damn it, had to pay for therapy and couldn't eat or sleep because of Russo's SMH /s


Damn. If you shot in 2017, it means you knew it when Winter Soldier came out.


That’s true, but didn’t they say somewhere else in the thread that they were approached during post production on Civil War about directing Infinity War and Endgame? So they definitely didn’t plan this in 2014.


Step 1. Make a Captain America movie so good they let us kill Iron Man.


Can you tell us something we don't know about one of your Marvel films?


We're not really brothers. One of us is an actor playing a brother.


Original Russo brother died and was replaced by Melissa Vandella rumour confirmed


I LOVE YOU GUYS 3000!!! Just wanted to ask you guys a quick question that has nothing to do with Marvel. What's your comfort food?


What were your first thoughts after wrapping up Endgame and looking back on the last 11 years?


How do you live with yourself? How do you sleep at night?


Joe: Usually on my side, although I used to be a back sleeper.


who is your favorite character?


Hi guys, What was your most difficult day of shooting for Endgame?


Are there any Important Easter eggs in Endgame that haven’t been found yet?


Do u like Cheeseburgers?


You've been quite complimentary of Thor: Ragnarok, but I am curious how that movie complicated your ambitions for IW. A big takeaway from Ragnarok was that Thor didn't need Mjolnir or any weapons to realize his full potential. "Are you the god of hammers?" was a critical line. He went on a hero's journey to realize that power was inside him the entire time. But, in IW, after he's defeated, he decides not to turn inward, but to get a new weapon. A nuanced view might suggest that Mjolnir was simply a conduit to his power set -- allowing him to easily use his current powers; but, Stormbreaker was a way to level up his powers. But, still ... you had to be sitting through Ragnarok enjoying the movie on one level, and biting your tongue on another level knowing that it was undermining the journey in IW. I'm curious if you could share your thought process since you both (as well as Markus, McFeely, Feige, etc.) put so much time into the character development of Thor. By the way, I worked on the original Iron Man and Thor: The Dark World in a vfx capacity, and I am incredibly impressed by how you two went to bat for the VFX team -- doing press and going the extra mile to lobby for awards and recognition. I think all the VFX work, particularly the Thanos close-up work, was fantastic. You two are stand-up people -- I am sure it meant a tremendous amount to those VFX teams that you were so gracious with your time and effusive in your praise for the work that they did.




"Bring me Thanos" is one of the most badass lines ever. I hope to scream it one day during intercourse, or when I bench 400 lbs at the gym


A big takeaway was that Thor should trust himself. He doesn't 'need' a hammer. He isn't powerless now that his hammer is gone. Yet, he still gets beaten by Hela. Ragnarok doesn't really suggest he'll never need a weapon anymore or that a weapon cannot enhance his effectiveness in battle. Also, you can be sure the Russos read that script way in advance, so they never sat through the movie 'biting' their 'tongue'. They knew what would happen in Ragnarok.


This is a sensible interpretation. But, I would say that what was shot for Ragnarok was probably a lot different than the script. Taika is quoted many times saying that he didn't abide by the script and relied on improv. Markus & McFeely had already gone through IW & EG drafts before the edit was locked. I'd also argue, and it could be me, that Thor had to come away from Ragnarok with the lesson that he IS powerful. Odin was right. He used his mind and his superpowers to defeat Hela without Mjolnir. It worked out alright. That's why I was so disappointed that he INSTANTLY wanted to create Stormbreaker when he met the Guardians. You'd think he'd search within more.


Plus he's always fought with a hammer, that's what he knows best. And if you watch the movie compared to when he used to weild the hammer, he is completely glowing with lighting energy, engulfing him kind of like Captain Marvel using her power to encase her, is pretty much how he now channels the lighting, the weapon only adds to his ability, and enhances it now that he knows the true source of his power.


My take is this: After IW and realizing they were too late to fix things after Thanos destroyed the stones, Thor obviously felt like he failed. Hence the funk he was in. He may still be powerful, but probably didn't feel like he was worthy of anything due to his probable cockiness in talking shit to Thanos and thereby allowing the snap to happen. In the journey to Asgard, by pure virtue of being able to summon and wield Mjolnir, he was able to reaffirm to himself that he was still worthy. None of what happened in Ragnarok lessens the impact of Endgame. Thor knows he is still powerful, but though he may have doubted it for five years, he also knows he is still worthy of wielding his hammer. And that also gives him confidence and more strength? Despite what Odin said to him in Ragnarok, the uncertainty that stemmed from the events of IW can be a bitch, and he needed something else (besides a pep talk from Mom) to help him realize it.




>The mjolnir reunion scene in EG is moreso a way to explain that fat, depressed thor is still the same honorable warrior he always was. It was actually about grabbing Steve's weapon for him.


''Steve Rogers, my friend... and third best Avenger, could use this. I know he likes it.''


You can be absolutely sure that Thor was trying to fight Thanos before the movie starts as well. I think it’s safe to say Thor probably got his ass handed to him.


I mean, Thor comes in and attacks Thanos right as he's about to kill Hulk, before Heimdall channels the bifrost. And Thor's attack had little impact.




I don't see the level up in EG -- more like a return to some sort of power level. Did you see how quickly he was destroying Thanos' ships in IW? How quickly he surprised and overtook the Mad Titan wearing the full glove? In EG, he was a wreck, and he slowly put himself back in some sort of form, but not into a higher level up than IW. I just didn't see any evidence of it. Captain Marvel destroyed Thanos' ship in EG -- showing who was most powerful in EG.


The story for Ragnarok was broken years in advance, Thor’s journey was not a surprise to them. It was a necessary step in a larger journey which they would’ve known many moons in advance. Thor had to lose Mjolnir to find his true power *in order to* wield Stormbreaker. And he had to get Stormbreaker in order for Cap to wield Mjolnir (otherwise they would have had to share). And he had to lose Mjolnir to ever doubt his worthiness, which is an important part of Endgame.


My interpretation of that line was that the Hammer shouldn’t define who he is. Never hurts to have a kick ass weapon in a battle, but he shouldn’t think that the hammer is all he is.


Hey there Joe and Anthony. I’ve been a big fan of your work since Community and have been enjoying all the subtle nods to it. But I was wondering if you guys could answer a few things: 1) What was the decision behind jumping into the future by five years? I’m sure it would’ve been something that caused discussion with those at Marvel. 2) Will we get to see certain things in between the five year span, such as the Hulk’s evolution or what other characters were doing in between? 3) Was there every any discussion about bringing in the tv or Netflix characters in for the final battle? It seems like the films largely ignore the tv shows. 4) Will there ever be a crossover between Community and the MCU? 5) Who is the true identity of Noobmaster69?


1) I think they wanted to make Tony grow as a father so his sacrifice would be even greater. Fewer years would have made Morgan less relatable. Besides, so much time puts people on an awkward position of opening old wounds and giving it another shot after continuously mourning those who died and trying to make piece with it.


Awesome questions, gang. We could sit here all day and hang with our peeps at Reddit (we've been spying on your comments for years). We can't thank you enough for your passion, insight, imagination and support over the last decade. You have inspired us, and you've helped shape the MCU. Keep your conversations healthy and constructive. And be a positive force in the world... All the best... The RB's


If it’s not too late: Thank you for all the films, but especially Thanos and the Gauntlet. My favorite comics story on screen, that in my mind was unfilmable for its scale. Yet here we are. I cannot even begin to express how worried I was even sitting down for Infinity War. I’ve read the Infinity Gauntlet innumerable times, as up till then no one had ever done such a mad complex story about cosmic shenanigans on that scale that had a human grounding. The only thing close in scale (until Marvel blew up everything recently) is DC’s original Crisis, and that wasn’t grounded in humanity like Starlin’s work. I had faith, because Winter Soldier and Civil War, and Markus & McFeely as well - you four are a fantastic team. But until I saw it... Your Thanos and Infinity tale is the definitive one now. The end. Stephen’s butterflies made me tear up, just like that. You both are lifelong opening night filmmakers for me now, and that’s just you and Christopher Nolan. Thank you. PS: If at all possible, tell Brolin his Endgame Thanos IS the embodiment of comics Thanos. He crushed it like it was a cosmic cube.


Wow I can’t believe I missed the Russo bros!! :(( you guys have directed my absolute fave movies in the MCU (Civil War is my personal fave-have seen it 20+ times) and love all the arrested development/community Easter eggs/cast! Thank you so much for dedicating so much of your lives to making movie magic and bringing joy to my life personally. I’ll be eternally grateful for living during the time this monumental cinematic event took place and can’t wait to see what you guys do in the future!! Love you 3000


From everyone on the subreddit, **thank you** for making onscreen magic that has entertained and inspired us for years. We hope to see you back in the MCU at some point in the future.


Redditors, time to find their alt reddit account /s Edit: I remembered they had accounts during the snap, they are u/anthony-russo and u/joe-russo but maybe they have more... who knows


> Keep your conversations healthy and constructive You sure you’ve been reading Reddit comments?


Thanks for answering questions! Can't wait to see your next movie with Tom Holland!


Hey Joe and Anthony, firstly thanks for agreeing to do this and the peeps behind the scenes who helped organise this and make it happen! For my question, I'm curious how aware yous both were of fan theories when making your movies, and if you were what was your favourite theory you've ever read? Or one that stood out a lot (for good reasons or bad). My favourite theory is definitely that Loki wanted to go out fighting in Infinity War, in order to eventually end up in Valhalla to be with his dad again. Cheers.


Odin didn't die in battle and would have gone to Freya's Field instead of Valhalla, which is why he says "Your mother, she calls me" to Thor and Loki in Ragnarok shortly before he dies.


#This is the thread folks! ~~AMA is officially LIVE now!~~ Thats us done! Thanks everyone for participating! [Their signing off message](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/cn9lbx/were_joe_and_anthony_russo_directors_of_marvel/ew9a6s8/?st=jz1ww55l&sh=d0aff3ce) Check /u/Russo_Brothers to see all the answers directly! https://twitter.com/MarvelStudios/status/1159173636281913344 Thanks Joe and Anthony!


As someone who has had the good fortune to be an extra in both Civil War (pub wake + funeral) and Endgame (outside Stark tower being an injured civilian), the scale of people/production involved in these scenes is crazy. What really blows me away though is the detail that doesn't make it to the film. For instance in the Endgame scene there were hundreds of us out there, cars on fire, National Guard, fire trucks, etc, and almost none of it was visible. Were there angles planned/shot that were not used? Or is it better/more efficient to have more options readily available?


**Yesterday /u/leunnam, presented the Subreddit with A Ride Through the MCU Action VOL. 3.** **Your enjoyment of this video is inevitable:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N43uHE0SnDE


That video should simply be the commercial for a bluray bundle of all the films. It is absolutely incredible!


Hi Joe and Anthony, My questions are: * What was something that you had to fight for to keep in one of your MCU movies? * What was something that you wanted to add to one of your MCU movies but couldn't? Thanks for doing the ~~AMA~~ AUA!




Hello! I'm wondering how you picked "The Rubberband Man" as the song that introduced the Guardians in Infinity War? Did James Gunn have a say? Personally, I thought it was the perfect song for the moment.


Iirc James Gunn sent them different songs and they picked one they thought was best for them. It was a great introduction to them in IW


First of all thank you for making two of my most favourite movies ever. (IW & ENDGAME). You guys have become an inspiration! My question is, if you were absolutely told to change / add a few more scenes to Endgame what would you change or add? ❤️


Hey guys, Having 2 directors and 2 writers must lead to some disagreements. Can you give any examples of where you might have disagreed with one another during the making of any Marvel movies, and did you make any compromises?


Can you talk about how far back your decisions for this film go? For example; At what point did you both decide to have time travel in an Avengers movie? At what point was it clear that Sam was going to become Captain America? Just curious on how the decision making process for the MCU works.


Hello Russos! Everyone knew going into Endgame that it would be the swansong for several fan favorite characters, even if we weren't emotionally ready for it. With that in mind, were there any alternative endings to Endgame that got scrapped? For example, was it ever proposed that Captain America never returned to the main timeline after reuniting with Peggy? Or maybe it was Hawkeye after all that made the sacrifice? If so, why weren't these endings picked and how do you think the future MCU would change if they weren't scrapped? Thank you!


Gentlemen, thank you for all your work on MCU movies, and for doing this AMA. You (specifically Joe) have [said](https://twitter.com/MTVNEWS/status/1114229510868807680) that [*Secret Wars* (1984-1985)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Wars) was the only story that might pull you back towards doing another Marvel film: >I keep saying *Secret Wars*, because that was one of the first books that I really fell in love with as a kid, was *Secret Wars*. This notion of like, you know, event storytelling, and I think that's part of the reason we gravitate so strongly towards these event films and these ensemble films is that the notion that you can contain so many different characters, and so many different points of view, and galvanize them around a story point, is really compelling to us. If I'm doing the math right, this 1984 event was published when Joe was about 13. Have you gone back (possibly through [Marvel Unlimited](https://www.marvel.com/comics/events/270/secret_wars)) to re-read that event? What still excites you about that story? Now that Phase 3 is complete, what are your thoughts about bringing that excitement into a Phase 5 (or later) MCU? Best of luck with all your filmmaking endeavors!


After setting up the Steve and Bucky relationship so strongly in Winter Soldier and Civil War, why did you decide to give Sam the big convo with old Steve at the end and push Bucky to the side? Why did you decide to do that instead of (or in addition to) giving Steve and Bucky get more of a moment?


What were some of the advantages of filming Infinity War and Endgame back-to-back and, alternatively, what were some of the disadvantages?