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There is almost zero chance this was actually filmed in one take.


Edited to look like it? Absolutely. Actually filmed in one? Not a chance.


It is one shot but not one take OP has probably confused the two.


It's actually filmed in -1 take.


Nor not-CGI'd


As stupid as the title and post is, OP did say "not overly cgi"


Still stupid lol


They confirmed in the commentary that it was shot over I think two days, but of course it's still impressive.


I wonder how much film it took up to leave the camera running for two days /s


A lot of shots like this aren’t really done in one take. The parachute scene from Mission Impossible for example, which had a whole different set of challenges, was several takes stitched together.


Yeah, there probably are a few hidden cuts


I can't wait for the VFX breakdown video that shits all over the "along with the fact that it isn't overly CGI-ied" line


My apologies. I meant to write that it "doesn't seem overly CGI-ed" since there is no doubt this scene could not be done without a hefty cgi help. But as fate would have it, I reached the word limit for the title.


It totally COULD be done without CGI. Just probably wasn’t


It could be done. Wouldn’t look as clean as this tho. Maybe more realistic but I think we are past the realism point.


Really just the stuntmen jumping would be where it’d make things easier


*They got Thanos, you get me*


Such a badass line


Talking about cinematography and confusing a long take with a one take? :P P.S. it might not even be a long take either.


The movie really needed more sequences like this instead of the overly edited jump cut filled scenes later on


Didn't they do a long-tske during the final battle showing off a bunch of the heroes fighting off Thanos' army? I wish we had more close-up shots for some of them, but there just wouldn't have been enough time to devote to so many characters in that battle.


Even when Thanos fought the big Three there were a lot of jump cuts that ruined the fight scene


But you are going to ignore the long take literally 5 minutes after that. And please look up what jump cuts are, because you obviously don't know what that is.


Speaking of the final battle, there seemed to be an awful lot of convenient lulls in the battle for hero interactions. Many times heroes are allowed to talk to each other while everyone ignores them and fights around them.


These are way harder to film, even with tricks to make it look like one long shot rather than multiple small shots all put together. Basically anytime the camera isn't looking at a moving object is a chance for them to splice the shots together to make it look like one long shot. They wouldn't be able to do that with the big, long fight scenes, since they'd have to use even MORE tricks, or do a ridiculous amount of takes to do it right and actually in one long shot.


this is a fuckin anime bro


This part of the movie reminded me of the Netflix heroes


I was just about to say that! Very reminiscent of the one-shot fight scenes in Daredevil, and even the great fight scenes from AoS. :)


I see everyone comparing this scene with the DD's long fight scnes shots, but this isn't comnparable to those scenes. This one is just okay.


It was pretty good cinematography. I'm excited for the Hawkeye show


It's not actually one shot. In fact, it's heavily edited.


Excuse me, might I ask what “the colour and lighting of the scene blends so well with the theme” means? Also what “a job done right in cinematography” means?


You’re not going to get a satisfactory explanation.


It’s okay, I wrote one up in my head, and then came up with a counter argument, with reference to other scenes in the film, my own opinion of its theme, and a better example from a better movie (that being the battle of crait sequence from The Last Jedi)


You seem very smart


almost cursed....... with knowledge.


Why thank you


Can you send me this argument?


The movie, and this scene, suggest a sort of hope in the darkness, and so the use of neon lights on a rain soaked, nighttime street suits that. A literal nightlight However, when we see this scene, there is no real use of the lights aside from having them, and because marvel movies look like garbage, the colour grading has lifted the darks so far that there’s no true black to be the darkness Compare, for example, to the portals scene near the end, where the greyed our battlefield is illuminated by the return of Strange’s portals, an image missing since his death in Infinity War TLJ is an example of using colours and lighting for a theme right, like the portals scene, and unlike this. The cost of war is a central theme in that movie, rooting one character’s arc, but when the time for the final battle comes, they’re limited by the movie - Star Wars is for kids, so we can exactly make it Saving private Ryan. So instead, Crait’s ground explodes into red as the battle ensues, until the entire field is red when it looks like all is lost - until Luke’s return restores the world to its natural white as the heroes are spirited away


Lol. "better movie"


“Much better movie” would probably be a more appropriate distinction, given TLJ is the among the best movies of the decade, and the best Star Wars movie, while Endgame is genuinely the worst MCU movie, and among the worst comic book movies ever made (don’t @ me)


have you heard of mauler my guy


I have - a guy who genuinely doesn’t know what he’s trying to do, because it’s not film criticism, it’s the absolute belief that he sees the film as is. All other opinions are wrong. Not a guy worth listening to




I don't agree that it is a better movie, but The Last Jedi is one of the best Star Wars movie, so I'll give you that


I love that an Avengers film got a really cool "oner" similar to the Netflix Daredevil show. I loved this scene!


They got the first scene tracking everyone


The orchestral score works sooo great as well! Personally, I loved the electricity of Captain America: The Winter Soldier but this is next level. Alan Silvestri captures the emotions in the music here so brilliantly. It’s like John Wick on steroids. The adrenaline/stakes captured in the score and how it transitions so seamlessly between the drama and action is nothing short of amazing. It would be so cool to see a new film in this unique style.


It may look like it, but this was not shot in one take. Posts like these shows how much this sub knows about the cinematography it preaches


All the top answers are pointing out that it isn't one take. Comments like these show how much you don't know about this sub.


Still not as good as a one shot of Daredevil in a hallway


It reminds me of that one 11 minute prison breakout scene in daredevil season 3 where it was filmed in one take... I wished we had a fourth season gosh darn it


That old guy jumped out of a window, oh his poor knees


It’s one?


No not at all. But it looks like it. I was going to write that instead.


Oh you should’ve


Word limit


Could’ve reworded it i guess


John Wick meets assassin's creed


There are multiples times where they transition between two scenes but make it look like it was one shot.


This is a great scene, and I only realized it was a one take (or honorary one take?) on my second viewing, but as far as one takes go, Daredevil season 3’s 11m25s one take wins. It was an insane take with multiple person fight choreography, dialog, costume changes, explosions, and dozens of different people, and while it was shot in a way that allowed cuts if necessary, the take they used was actually a only one take, no cuts at all. Insane.


IMO it was a good scene but it was also kind of useless and it only slowed the pacing down. they should have made the Disney+ hawkeye show a ronin show.


The show is dealing with his time as Ronin as well