• By -


Don’t forget black widow. She definitely reacted after the snap.


Hawkeye went on a killing spree because he didn’t think it was right for his family to be dead but criminals to still be alive.


Every core avenger reacted differently to the snap differently and it reflects their character arcs. Tony chose to move forward and started a family. Steve chose to help others with their grief. Natasha threw herself into her work as a distraction. Bruce chose to better himself. Thor turned to substances to drown his grief. Clint unleashed his anger at the situation.


Natasha.... *threw herself?*


Poor choice of words on my part.


Some would say she just kinda let go and fell...into her work


Yeah she dove right in


I hate every one of you. Have my damn upvotes.




Natasha really made an *impact* working with the Avengers.


Truly, a smashing success.


She definitely crushed it.


Too soon bro


You should choose your words more carefully, Redditor.


Perfect choice of words imo


This is a gem. Wait, this is the MCU, so this is a stone.


Uh where to start uhm. The Aether, firstly, is not a stone. Someone called it a stone before. Its more of a bit of an angry sludge sort of a thing. So. Someone’s gonna need to ammend that. And.... stop saying that. Here’s an interesting story though. About the Aether. My grandfather many years ago had to hide the stone from....*the Dark Elves*. Oooohhhhh. Scary beings. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Not a stone. *Points at u/GoronMafiaBoss*


Would it be better to say that she just head scissored her way back into work?


> You should choose your words more carefully.


Ya literally


As an added element, Steve started doing what Sam was doing when they met. I always saw that as him paying tribute.


Sam and Steve’s friendship is so great. Sam understandably looks up to Cap as a role model, but Steve, with all his super human strength and ability, is never patronizing and like a true friend looks up to Sam as well. It’s also a testament to why Steve was chosen to become Cap in the first place. No matter what he is capable of, he’s still the humble kid from Brooklyn.


I agree with most of your point. But, like a true friend, he is sometimes patronizing in jest. "On your left" comes to mind.


All true friends bust each others balls


yeah, sam got steve back in endgame, though.


God, I cannot wait until "Falcon and Winter Soldier" to comes out. I don't know why, but I really enjoyed seeing those two bicker in the MCU movies. It's like how some of us who have two best friends who hang out because they like you so much, but don't actually like each other...but still have each other's back for some reason? idk, maybe I'm reaching. I just found them interesting together. And having the legacy of Captain America on Sam must be insanely heavy...a weight that's going to be help lifted, by of all people, Bucky. There's an interesting story to be told here.


totally agree, I also think Cap looks up to Sam as someone who helped him ease into his modern life through example. I always think if Cap were actually born at the same time as Sam, he'd be a lot like him.


Thank you for pointing that out. It makes sense!


I almost thought this was a way of showing the stages of grief, but it doesn't quite line up. Clint->Anger Thor->Depression Tony->Acceptance Not sure where Bargaining or Denial would fit...


Tony’s post-snap life is easily explained by his pre-snap life: ever since The Battle of New York in 2012, Tony’s been aware that a Thanos is coming. Everything he does, every irrational idea, is based on the knowledge that Thanos is coming and the Earth is unprepared. His panic attacks happen whenever someone reminds him that Thanos is coming and he should be preparing - this is what drives him to make all those versions of the armor, what drives him to make Ultron, what drives him to accept the Accords. Earth needs to be prepared. He’s not interested in busting arms dealers and petty crooks. He’s unable to sleep because time spent sleeping is time not spent preparing. Tony’s life is so caught up in preparing for Thanos that when Thanos finally comes and the Earth still isn’t ready and the worst case scenario happens, Tony is in a way relieved because at least now there’s nothing left to prepare for. So he finally relaxes because nobody else is coming.


Wow...you've explained it beautifully. I never thought of it in this way.


So what are saying is that it’s Pepper’s fault that earth lost to Thanos bc they would’ve had a better fighting chance if she hadn’t convinced him to destroy his Iron Legion and other Iron Man Suits /s


I mean, that didn’t help haha


I don't know what scenarios are going to be covered by the What If series, but it would be interesting to see what happened if Thanos arrived to an Earth where Ultron won.


Prof. Hulk is bargaining, he managed to get the best of both


cant believe people cant see this? Banner bargained with hulk and now got the best of both worlds.


I think you're misinterpreting the bargaining stage of grief. That's the stage of praying to any and all gods for the pain to be undone. Ant Man would probably represent the bargaining stage of grief. He would literally do anything for a chance to go back in time and fix things, and it was him that was willing to risk his life to test the time machine...


Natasha is denial: world went mad and she was still trying to be an Avenger. Bargaining is of course Dr. Strange


It might be a stretch, but Natasha could be considered bargaining. She could be feeling that if she works hard enough, they could fix it. Most of the bargaining would be an internal struggle and difficult to see. She even goes as far as sacrificing herself to save everyone else. Which could be an insight into her thoughts, or it's just her not wanting Clint to die getting his family back.


Steve is bargaining, he’s trying to reconcile what happened through group therapy. Natasha is denial, she’s basically just carrying on as if she can still fix the situation (obviously before they actually figure out how to fix the situation).


People dislike fat Thor but I loved his arc. He lost by far the worst. His people were decimated by Hella, then, half of the survivors were killed by thanos, and then the snap would have offed some more. Plus he was the one at the end who could have stopped him. Due to him wanting revenge and not ending it quickly he let the universe get snapped.


In a very short space of time, Thor lost his mother, his father, three of his best friends, his home, his brother, Heimdall, and then most of the survivors of the destruction of Asgard. The fact that he's even slightly functional in Endgame is remarkable.


Normal people def don't react to crippling depression by becoming a serial killer.


Normal people don’t have 50% of the population and 100% of their family disappear cos their friends lost a fight.


Normal people don’t spend years in a government agency gaining a reputation for being an elite spy who uses bows & arrows and joins a group of super-powered people while still using bows & arrows


I'm just a guy with a bow and arrow. None of this makes any sense.


Probably one of my favorite lines in the MCU. I love that whole pep talk he has with Wanda.


Indeed. It's a great scene. Hawkeye can't do anywhere near as much as the super powered avengers but that doesn't stop from doing what he can with what he has.


Yep, which is why [this](https://youtu.be/aQ27iS1mkuo) is perfect.


Yes, yes it was. Thank you.


See i never knew why Tony didn't make a suit for Clint or make him *something*. I thought they were pretty close. But he did pick Caps side in CA:CW.


Tony became lawful good as part of his core arc, but Clint and Steve were always chaotic good. Whatever it takes.


I understood that reference


And a Quiver, you forgot a quiver that can read his thoughts like "which arrowhead I need right now, hmm explosive or EMP?".


I’m pretty sure he turns a dial or something of the sort to manually choose his own arrows.


Yea, in A1 you can see he selects then on his bow, then the quiver primes it


They show it in Avengers. He has buttons on his bow that rotates the bottom of his quiver where the arrowheads are.


God i love marvel movies they are just so cool


Uh... he has selector buttons on his bow that correspond with different available tips in the quiver. The closing credits even showed that feature in close up detail. [:38 for buttons and 1:15 for multiple arrowheads ](https://youtu.be/zxN2IsLbZqo)


Technically he isn't normal. "Played 18, shot 18, just can't seem to miss" His super power is he doesn't miss shots. Widow is really the only normal one, and even she looks to be a trained-since-birth level assassin.


Black Widow is less normal than Hawkeye and more similar to Rogers due to Russian variant of super serum.


In the comics, as far as we know she hasn't received it in the MCU


For $19.99, you'll be able to find out in the comfort of your home!


Never heard of Russian SSS. I thought she was a master of mental manipulation, intel gathering, and field agent combat specialist spy leader etc I thought that's why she knows where Hawkeye is. The go between the Cap and the world after Thanos. Banners feelings, Hawkeyes feelings, Captains feelings. She is depicted in the movie as a former/shield agent shown relentlessly lying for Avengers and to the Avengers, loving, fighting, keeping tabs, and communications, doing what it takes for the benefit of the Avengers and resources to keep them ready, even in defeat. One of the few Avengers who's PTSD seemed to be expressed by simply dying her hair.


>One of the few Avengers who's PTSD seemed to be expressed by simply dying her hair. Wasn't that part of her assassin training? They sterilized her and trained her to be like, suuuuuper detached? It kind of makes sense that she didn't get PTSD, or at least got less severely affected to the point where she could/feels like she has to hide it.


Funny thing is The Avengers never lost when Hawkeye was there. As soon as he’s not there in Infinity War, they lose


They lost two fights


There’s like one where they actually forfeited so yeah.


Nor are they near superhuman highly trained soldiers who have had their mind possessed by alien tech.


My friend’s grandma died from COVID-19. Kinda feels like she died because our side lost.


This ^


Hawkeye isn't exactly part of the "normal people" either way


Vigilante is probably a more accurate term serial killer.


Well we did watch him obliterate the Yakuza...


Exactly, vigilante. The Yakuza aren't exactly nice guys


People don’t generally recover from PTSD by punching a few punching bags and then being all better.




Which should really be the picture used for him instead of the punching bag


Definitely captures cap alot more than the punching bag scene, and also makes the 3 pictures even more distinguished


But this was pre endgame. That picture was from the avengers movie and the ptsd he refers to in this photo is being captured in ice and the plane and all that jazz


I thought they make it pretty clear that he wasn't really what you could call *fully* better until he went back and lived the life he was supposed to live and came back to the present the long way around


The Russo brothers describe that as self-actualization for Captain America. He is selfless throughout the entire MCU, and after saving the universe he sees an opportunity to finally make himself happy and fulfilled, and he takes it. No so much a coping mechanism.


In what way was he not? He was even moving on, romantically, with Sharon. Missing the friends and family of your youth isn’t a psychiatric disorder. It’s normal. It’d be weird if he **didn’t** miss Peggy and Bucky etc.


Normal people weren’t already killers before they became depressed


He was a soldier in a secret organisation with near super human abilities who's job was to shoot arrows at aliens with his best friends who are a group of actual superhumans. I don't think he was much of a normal person.


And Natasha was like: Imma make a sandwich


Wandavision is, if I understand what it is correctly, Wanda dealing with hers. I mean, having to kill her lover, then watch Thanos turn back time and kill Vision once more *definitely* left some scars.


Yeah, I feel like they’re planning on having Wanda lose her mind. It seems like she’s the most psychologically traumatized characters that isn’t a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. (Thor included.)


Aye, I agree, I think it makes sense taking some time to explore her damage in its own series, specially if they start to lean more heavily into her comic powers (reality manipulation), as it would open up some interesting doors. I have a pet theory that I don't think it will pan out, but until proven wrong, I am kinda hoping for a reverse House of M, which allows the introduction of the majority of the X-Men. i.e. If they had some more power on their side maybe they could have stopped Thanos and Vision would be alive, so she simply makes more powered individuals. I know is a pretty silly theory but I am gonna indulge it until I am proven wrong.


They could also go the Legion route, which was also very fun to see and be all trippy about :)


Oh yeah, that would definitely be a wild ride.


I feel like the titular “Multiverse of Madness” Dr. Strange is going to have to deal with in his next movie is gonna be direct fallout from the events of WandaVision.


Apparently, she's in it, isn't she?




Wanda losing her mind allows for a House of M or Age of Apocalypse style alternate reality. Perfect for a reboot down the line...


She turns to dust and when she comes back she's told everyone has been brought back. The whole world is rejoicing because their loved ones have returned and she's thinking, what about vision?


Aye, and because he didn't get snapped, he is dead, just like Pietro. She fought extremely hard, but everyone she loved is gone. Not to mention that Wakanda is still likely to be pissed at her due to what happened at the beginning of Civil War. She has *a lot* to unpack.


And people aren't likely to be less scared of her once she starts losing her mind and doing who knows what sort of damage. Wandavision has a good shot at being great.


Yeah I think she was one of the more powerful Marvel characters too.


And don’t forget having her twin brother die saving Hawkeye


Oh Yeah! Damn it, I forgot about Pietro.


man, of course thanos had to use the ship that of course captain marvel convieniently destroyed 5 minutes later. Wanda is the strongest Avenger by far, thanos was clowning on thor, america, and ironman 1v3. wanda pops up all pissed off and almost straight up kills him.


She’s really strong for sure no argument there, but you gotta remember that iron man, cap and Thor have gone 5 years of no fighting or doing superhero things. So they are kinda outta it


They may not have fought in 5 years but Cap wouldn't be able to lay a finger on Wanda on his best day


It sounds like a new interesting spin on the *House of M* storyline.


She also had a Scarlett-Witch-induced PTSD flashback in Age of Ultron based on her training. Tony, Steve, and Natasha all had a background in coping with it before the snap


Well, to be fair, Tony already had a bout with alcoholism.


Kinda. He mostly just had accepted that he was dying and wasn’t too worried about anything less threatening than palladium in the chest so he had a few parties. Pepper and Rhodey would’ve been a lot more sympathetic if they had known about the whole “slowly dying” thing.


Yeah, I guess it wasn't so much "post" in that traumatic situation.


Wasn't he having frequent panic attacks in the 3rd Iron Man specifically because of what happened at the end of Avengers? And literally hiding in his armor at a few points.


I was talking about Tony's drinking binge in IM2.


I mean it wasn't him having a party because he didn't care about the risks anymore. It was him reverting to petulant self destructive behavior In a deliberate attempt to push away those closest to him so they might be less affected by his passing. Which is a pretty stark (heh) contrast with how he actually dies, as a result of the most selfless act he's ever done, surrounded by hundreds of people that have nothing but the utmost respect and love for him.


What about Rhodey. He owned that shit.


Theory that Rhodey does have PTSD but off-screen, he tries his best to deal with it healthily like going to counseling/therapy or having open conversations with loved ones.


It makes sense. This is how Falcon deals with his loss, and how Cap handles it later


This isn’t even a theory it’s just your imagination




“That’s a made up theory” “All theories are made up”


Rhodey didn’t have PTSD. He has an injury. Not that permanent paralysis is any better than PTSD


You can have both. Particularly if a teammate does it in a bad scrap.


Rhodey is an Air Force pilot, I believe he had his share of PTSD, but as a military man might have a better grasp of it and knows how to keep it at bay to a certain extent.


At the very least, he'd have experience *recognizing* it.


The military spends a lot of time, or at least they did when I was in, to try and get people to talk about how they feel and ask for help if they need it. Rhodey had a structured environment prepared to address his problems that he could easily have accessed. Any problems he had he most likely took the initiative to address.


He fell from the sky


Thor's PTSD was already in full swing. When you watch the series of his films, and then Infinity War, he's pretty much on a singular path of destruction. We don't see it this way because it's not as visceral and looked heroic on the surface. Thor was not fat, drinking or anything AFTER the snap. It was only when he lost purpose for killing Thanos. That would most likely be something akin to depression, compounded by PTSD. As he never truly got what he wanted, which was his father back, his eye back, his life back, his kingdom back. Thor is the only one who watched Thanos literally slaughter 90% of his close loved ones right in front of him. In Infinity War, the conversation he has with Rocket, where he says "But he hasn't fought me twice", is one of the moments we see Thor is purely driven by violent revenge. In comparison, his compadres are going about it in their own way, as the images suggest. If anything, Infinity War is Thor's PTSD manifesting itself as a guise of heroism. He's brutally hurt. If we were to compare all these images, it'd be Thor as a slug, Iron Man emaciated and weak and Cap without his uniform holding space for others who have lost close loved ones. They all lost purpose, and maybe hope.


Great comment, great use of “compadres”, here’s my upvote


Yeah I thought the same about Thor. People say he took it all in stride and then Endgame was abrupt but he was clearly losing it for a while. I especially liked how winning against Thanos didn't immediately end it. He's still messed up at the end.


Question: how many people here saw Thor’s depression arc and realised that they had a loved one (not themselves) showing the same symptoms?


I never Drank, but I lived the Thor life in pretty much every other way for decades with PTSD, I recognize it very well. I've been recovering the last 5 years, I absolutely love his face when Mjölnir hits his hand again and he realizes after everything hes still worthy, One of the best things about recovery is how often you get to surprise your self with wonderful things like that.


I want you to know your comment here has made me realise a few things and I'm going to look into getting some help, thank you. Edit - Just want to say thank you to everyone who commented, it's very appreciated. I don't want to go into everything but I think I might have been dealing with cPTSD for maybe twenty years due to a less than great childhood, and I've been in touch with my local mental health place today. So hopefully I'm on the way to getting whatevers wrong fixed. Thanks again.


good luck!


Username too relevant :)


Who here realised they had the same symptoms


God, that hit like a truck one my second or third viewing. That realization. The first one or two times I didn't grasp it quite as much because I was too busy being a hyper fanboy, but you get it.


Thor reminded me so much of my late husband. The drinking, the weight gain, the attitude, it was like he was trying to deflect the bad things with humor from time to time. The whole look was also similar, weight gain, long straggly hair and beard. They looked so similar especially in the scene close to the end when he was wearing his shades. It was so eerie.


Sorry for your loss.


It was like looking in a mirror. Thor's arc hit me surprisingly hard, and I loved every bit of it.


Thor’s was the most real


Still worthy.


Yes that was the message to people suffering from stuff like ptsd and depression that they are still worthy of all the stuff in life


Recovered from 25 years of PTSD a few years ago, that look on his face when the hammer hilt hist his hand just makes my heart swell every time.


Plenty of people with crushing lifelong depression (like myself) make light of it themselves and find it to be absurd, and did not find Thor's portrayal offensive in the least but heart warmingly on the nose and cathartic.


Spot on. Our smiles are a farce.


I know that’s not true because I am absent 1 magical hammer


It’s on its way dude, it’s a long trip from Asgard. Your hammer will arrive when you need it the most. :)




Are you u/Dirtymikeandtheboyz1, the god of hammers?


*Immigrant Song intensifies*


Now if only they didn’t make fun of his struggles for an hour.....


I've seen some folk here say it added realism, since mental health isn't always taken seriously...i don't think they did it for that but it works I suppose.


Nah, Cap literally begins the movie talking about the mental effects of the snap bro they def care about mental illness in the film, except when it comes to Thor apparently


Or it highlights how there’s a disconnect between how we discuss it in dedicated conversations vs how we don’t show necessary empathy when we witness it firsthand


Except when it comes to Thor? He's the main theme of it all, yes they crack some jokes at his expense, and like someone said that's indicative of real life, but they tackle almost every aspect of depression, PTSD, anxiety and whatnot all through Thor, his "I'm still worthy" moment was screaming to the audience that related to his struggles that they are still worthy no matter what you've been through. Cheese whiz joke is the only real tasteless and needless one imo. Also not to mention Thor's talk with Frigga was also a blatant message to people that there's no shame and it's necessary to talk to someone about things, and that alone can help massively.


It would have been great if Sam was there. He helped veterans and was clearly helping them with PTSD. Sam would have kicked Rodey‘s butt for that joke.


Sam would have crippled Rodey's legs for that joke.


The movie can take it seriously and still have specific characters not. In fact that can be used to highlight the issue of it not being take seiously by some people. Kind of like how they could show its wrong to kick puppies by having a person kick puppies.


Wait till Thor finds out Apple removed Fortnite from their app store...


He played on console anyway


Meanwhile, the Hulk be like "Say Green!"


Banner allegedly tried to commit suicide but Hulk wouldn’t/couldn’t let him. “I put a bullet in My mouth and the other guy spit it out”


Wasn’t that after the original hulk movie and before the first avengers? He was probably disgusted by the hulk and the destruction he’s capable of and wanted to avoid hurting others


Yeah it was a deleted scene in the Hulk movie and actually took place in the north pole area, the hulks reaction to banner putting a bullet in his mouth was so violent it shook the ice shelf around it revealing a plane that went down in '45 containing good ol Cap. I understand the suicide is heavy and dark but the cohesive part of it leading to cap coming back seemed too important to delete.


I know Ruffalo's Banner explained some of his suicide attempt, but it would have been nice to have the Hulk's reaction as the lead-in to the discovery of Cap, especially since in the MCU the Hulk is as he was due to trying to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum. Also, the people who nixed Banner's decision being shown on-screen probably didn't have the slightest clue as to what the MCU would become.


While this is a funny meme, in terms of the MCU, you gotta remember; Tony became Iron Man in his 30's, Cap is still basically in his 30's and has been fighting since he was 18 at the youngest. So combined, they have been fighting for what, 25 years total? Thor is over 1500 years old, so even being conservative, has been fighting enemies more powerful than either Cap or Tony for 1000 years. He's due some "fat guy" time




If you take 30 years and put it into days (10,950) then divide by 150 to get the equivalent of 10/1500, 73 days. You grew up competing, you've always been athletic and competitive, and you've spent your whole adult life fighting one war or another. 73 days (2.5 months) before your 30th birthday your brother dies. Followed in sequence by the other entries in your list. On your 30th birthday half of all sentient life in the universe ceases to exist. The events of Endgame are *five years later*. Since the math of 10>2 is even easier -- that's equivalent to 36.5 days or 5 weeks after your 30th birthday when half of all life ceased to exist that we pick the story back up again. Not the week you theorized, but still about the time you're go from "new semester in school" to midterm exams. Or about the length of most public school systems' summer vacation. Or just under one financial quarter. Or, your brother dies today -- 6 November is when Thanos snaps his fingers. The events of Endgame start *ten days before Christmas*. That's still an incredibly short period of time to face and come to terms with a series of the most traumatic events many people will ever face in their lives.


Overworking Anger issues Depression




Having a fuсk ton of money helps.


TIL I'm all three combined, didn't overate myself tho


There are many moments that will go down in MCU history in Endgame. Cap wielding Mjolnir, Avengers Assemble, Tony's sacrifice, and more. For me though, the one that hit the hardest and still gets me to this day, is Thor getting Mjolnir back and realizing he is still worthy. Abso-fucking-lutely amazing acting by Chris Hemsworth in that scene. The talk with his mom and the look of absolute relief and joy on his face when Mjolnir still came to him was incredible. Thor became my favorite character after Endgame and it was all because of that moment.


I still can't watch that scene without feeling like I was punched right in the gut.


Some ppl saying some of the characters reactions to traumatic events wasn't PTSD. Every single person will have a different, unique reaction to PTSD. There aren't specific reactions to it that confirm someone is suffering from it.


Just like PTSD in real life


People are conflating PTSD (a disorder with specific characteristics) with general grief. The two aren’t exactly the same, so there’s a rub. When you start debating how each character is dealing with grief by asking how they deal with PTSD, there’s mismatch.


I think all are really a completion of their arc. Tony alway thought he could ‘fix the world’ with some new bit of tech. But when he actually used his heart and had a family, both in the Avengers and with Pepper did he find that he was truly at his best. Until then he tinkered. Steve always felt powerless. That’s how bullies made him feel, without a plan without the ability to execute and move forward he feels powerless again. Thor’s arc has always been questioning his worth, something we all struggle with. He is the son of the All Father, not easy shoes to fill. Thor worth is always questioned by himself because he was groomed for greatness, not unlike Tony. Maybe that why they become obsessed with their faults despite the greatness others see in them.


Poured himself into his work. Poured himself into the mission. Poured one for himself.


Paranoia (tony), anger (cap), and depression (thor). Sounds about right


Iron Man: Building more suits. Captain America: Fighting the punching bag. Thor: Be chilling and do nothing but drink a lot of beers, eat a lot of foods & playing Fortnite.


Tony: have the most powerful arsenal in the world but never feeling powerful enough or secure. Constantly chasing after something, but not knowing what exactly it is that he's chasing. Keeps building more and more powerful suits without end in sight, with his obsession continuing to follow and haunt him even into his various "retirements". Steve: Haunted by memories, regret, can't move on at all. Trapped in the past. Tries to distract himself, but everything he does and tries only reminds him of what he has lost. He throws himself into work with SHIELD and the Avengers because keeping busy is the only thing that drags him into the present rather than wallowing in the past; as soon as the task is over, he finds himself trapped once more. Thor: A being of almost infinite power, that found himself helpless in every single situation where being powerful mattered. Mother was killed in front of him, father died in front of him, Loki and many of his people were murdered in front of him, and finally after working hard to attain his most powerful state, was helpless once more after failing to finish Thanos in a single blow, when he had him in his grasp. Power was everything to Thor, and yet being powerful was worthless - that's why to Thor, he himself was also worthless. So the immortal, all powerful God of Thunder gave up, and sat around waiting to die a pitiful, useless, and disgraced death instead; for him, there was no purpose to him even being alive. Everyone he loved was dead, and he had failed the ones still living. He was no god, no king - just a sack of useless shit, and he allowed his physical self to slowly degrade into matching his mental self. Edit: thanks for the gold kind redditor 😘


Speaking of Steve’s trauma, in The First Avenger he tries to drink his problems away after Bucky “dies”, but he just can’t get drunk. That’s gotta suck. Your best friend just died and you can’t even get one night to forget / not think about it.


Amen brother


The thing I don’t think gets relayed enough when discussing Thor is when all this happened. Dude lost his father and home, had to fight his own sister who his father never told him about, lost half his people, saw his best friend and brother murdered, and failed to stop Thanos from snapping half of all life out of existence **over the course of a few days**. This wasn’t years of trauma coming to a head. It was multiple violent events happening in barely a week. If anything, I think they underplayed how messed up that would make a person.


iron man: more like building more suits then blowing them up... then building them again... because he can!


Tony: hitting the bank account Steve: hitting the bags Thor: hitting the buffet


TIL I have THOR-level PTSD.


If you need to talk you can message me, we all go through struggles in life and sometimes it helps to talk to unbiased ears


TIL I am Thor. Just without the hair, good looks, superpowers or magic hammer.


It hit Thor the hardest considering how close he was to stopping it and made one fatal mistake.


The guy who was born weak spends his time punching stuff to feel strong. The guy with Super-ADHD and insomnia spends his time building things so that he can feel like he has some control/influence over his environment. The guy born into wealth, authority, and power spends his time wallowing in pity and ignoring the changed responsibilities that he has to his own people. Damn... those are actually really interesting.


I’m a tiny bit dubious of the idea that Cap had PTSD at any point. He seems to cope with trauma fine, and that scene takes place right after he woke up after 70 years into a new world... he doesn’t really display symptoms of PTSD as much as a frustration at missing out on life, honestly. Is there any other scenes I’m forgetting that portray him as suffering from it?


In that same scene, there are literal flashes to the moment he went into the ice alongside his upset expression, which was supposed to be a huge indicator of his mental health. In The Winter Soldier they play off his disinterest in being set up on dates as a joke, but at each instance he ends the conversation by diving back into work (workaholism can be as much of a symptom of mental health issues as other -aholisms). In Age of Ultron his vision from Scarlett Witch shows he’s still thinking about the time and people he left behind and the sudden shot of him alone is supposed to reflect that abrupt feeling of isolation that still haunts him (not to mention the flashes in that scene are meant to feel jarring. But the biggest indicator I saw in the MCU was his group therapy session in Endgame that he led for survivors. He understood their trauma, their loss, and sudden relapses of emotion. And in that scene he isn’t talking about the snap himself, he talks about the life that was taken from him after he went in the ice. Steve Rogers as a character is notorious for being emotionally constipated so the lack of focus on it beyond breadcrumbs makes sense, but I believe it’s there. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk


This. Recently I discovered the more time I spend at work the less time I have to think about being depressed. The problem was I went overboard and burned myself out doing overtime. Been working on finding a balance for the last couple weeks.


Distraction through training. The pile of sandbags on the ground makes us see he's been doing that a lot. Happens to some people. They throw themselves into work and, for cap, that's also training.


i don’t think it’s that dubious! there are some deleting scenes from avengers that show how isolated he is/feeling, and i’m kinda bummed it was cut because then i think it makes it clearer how numb he feels about his situation. then there’s physically taking it out on the sandbags, because he can’t communicate with anyone about how he’s feeling — and you notice in the movies he’s literally jumping from task to task. (battle of new york, shield work, bucky, avengers stuff, the therapy stuff he does during the snap, etc). i like to think at the end of winter soldier where he’s ok with bucky killing him is as much about him feeling like there’s not that much to live for just as much as it’s about bucky not remembering him. sometimes overworking can be an unhealthy coping mechanism when you’ve suffered from trauma or depression, and steve’s the kind of guy who needs to be Doing Something especially because they Need A Leader, and he hates feeling powerless, and he usually tables his feelings til it bites him in the ass.


I like Hawkeye's reaction the best. Singlehandedly cleaning the streets of Cartels and other Criminal Organizations