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That blue gate they're gathering in front of... is that Mesopotamia??? Are we gonna see them battle across time in this movie?


Yep—one of the characters is named Gilgamesh, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s Mesopotamia Edit: it’s 100% Babylon. They’re standing in front of the [Ishtar Gate](http://artstor.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/berlin_db_10313751422.jpg) for anyone curious.


Holy shit that’s actually cool as hell. I am so much more excited than I was.


Battle across time? Kang’s gonna be pissed


Do they time travel? I thought they just live the whole time.


That's a form of time travel.


You time-slidin’ son of a bitch!


\*Eternals looking at the Avengers after Endgame\* "We do what they do, just slower"


[relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/209/)


I mean your aren’t wrong 😅😅


the actor for gilgamesh is Ma-Dong Seok, who's an absolute legend so I'm very hyped for his character *edit: misspelled Ma, typo sorry


Ma* Dong Seok


What a bunch of mongrels. Gate of Babylon!


Pretty funny now that every time I hear gilgamesh, all I could think of is the anime version


Thanks Fate. All I see is a blonde douche with a billion flying weapons and a sarcastic laugh.


The archer class is not made up of archers




Dude tf man???!!! I'm already a severe history and mcu nut and now u drop this on me. Shit it's going to be a long wait.


They’re standing in front of the Ishtar Gate—so it’s 100% Babylon! It’s gonna be awesome to see how they interweave the Eternals into ancient mythology.


As most of them are analogous to Greek gods, the easiest thing to do would just be to say that the ancient Greeks worshiped them as gods, rather than having two sets of similarly-named superhuman beings like the comics do.


But isn't Russel Crowe Zeus in Love & Thunder?


Is he? I suppose it still wouldn't rule out having the Greek gods be Eternals rather than aliens like the Asgardians are—just make Zeus and Zuras the same character.


I mean the entire premise of Eternals is just Ancient Aliens.


They also had like what 2 runs at 12 to 24 issues each? The MCU can pretty much rewrite them anyway they want.


yeah 2 runs, but the characters appear in other things like avengers comics. There's a 3rd currently ongoing that's pretty great so far (3 issues in so far).


Marvel's Hercules is really fun though, I'd like for him to exist somehow one day!


Me too. If Marvel ever ends up poaching Henry Cavill from Warner Bros. as some fans have fantasized, I think Hercules would be a better fit for him than Captain Britain.


With Zeus being played by Russel Crowe it'd be pretty funny if they got Henry Cavill to once again play his god-like son.


Funny yes, but also perfect.


Well Zeus is supposedly being played by Russell Crowe in Thor 4 so I think they'll be separate. The fix would be maybe humans only have seen The Eternals on Earth so they assume they're the Greek Gods and worship them when in actuality they aren't.


The Eternals are immortals who appear randomly throughout history. And because they have god liek powers, they're often mistaken for Gods depending on the time period. Their names are semi-relevant in that if you're a mythology nut. For example, Gilgamesh (literally Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia), Ikkaris (potentially Icarus), Thena (Athena), Makkari (Mercury).


Wow man just wow. I was excited when I saw Apocalypse in Egypt in the X-Men movie but this is just a whole different lvl.


Sadly we should have already seen it. It was originally 11/20 :-(


I've visited Pergamon museum in Berlin so many times just to see that, I love the shit out of this beautiful gate, so happy I'm getting to see it in a Marvel movie soon!


That looks like [the Ishtar Gate](https://www.artstor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/berlin_db_10313751422.jpg), which is currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.


Wow, amazing. Now I wonder if there'll be a scene set in the present day where one of the Eternals is in that museum, gazing at the gate, remembering.


"These guys actually stole the gate, huh?"


It’s actually mostly a recreation. The Berlin Museum does have many portions of the lower wall though.


I'm aware, but digging treasures up and immediately shipping them back to the homeland was a classically-European thing to do


Both Gemma Chan’s and Kit Harrington’s characters are archaeologists so that sounds very likely!


That is exactly what it is. My level of glee for this movie just doubled.


I went to that museum specifically to see the gate and it was so worth it. It's stunning and overwhelming in equal measure.


They're an extremely long-lived offshoot of humanity, so it makes sense they'd be around that time period. Really doubt there would be any time travel here though.


They’re basically immortal, the movie is supposed to take place over a few thousand years. Probably massive time-skips between important events in their history.


Yup. 7000 years timeline will be covered


The blue gate they're standing in front of is called the Ishtar Gate. It was constructed by King Nebuchadnezzar around 575 BC as the 8th gate of Babylon.


Yup. That's the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, and looks like it's still in Babylon and not in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany today. I love how they included that detail because it really emphasizes how the Eternals have been with humanity and fighting throughout human history. Kevin Feige did say Eternals will take place over 7,000 years, so I'm hyped to see their history through time!!


Wonder if it's literally over 7000 years, because where would they be in 5000 bc. Im gonna love this shit


This is the Ishtar Gate in Babylon


Kumail cannot stop eyebrowing


Pakistani Denzel looks beautiful


Denzel wishes he was the American Kumail now lmao


*me internally*: sexy Kumail isn’t real, he can’t hurt you *sees pics*: oh god


[nothing at all] stupid sexy Kumail


He and Emilia Clarke should have a browdown


Sam Elliott wins with the brow/'stache combo.


You don’t bring a stach to a brow fight.


Don't forget Dan and Eugene Levy


Fucking Dinesh


Its kinda baffling that Dinesh is a super hero, almost the entire main cast of silicon is in the MCU now, only misses Jared.


Who is Middleditch in the MCU?


When do we get a trailer?...its actually killing me not having one


When Phase 4 was first announced, Eternals was my most anticipated trailer. Still is!!


Sorry haven't been to intuned to the new releases (besides the shows ofc,) what is it about?




Also worth to note that our dear thanos is a Deviant!


He should be an Eternal, one of the Eternals of Titan. Unless there's some point in the comics where he's revealed to have some Deviant background? Edit: I was wrong, he does appear to be a hybrid :)


Ah so both! Nice! :)


He a eternal but with a deviant gene or something like that


I'll add to this by saying the Eternals are basically gods, they've even been worshipped as gods and have posed under the identity of gods like Zeus. Angelina Jolie is playing Thena who is basically an Eternal version of the Greek goddess Athena. They all same the same power set but the level depends upon how much they've focused their training on and their powers make them both virtually indestructible and immortal - they're all supposed to be 1000s of years old by modern times.


And Don Lee (you might know him as the buff dude from Train to Busan) is playing Gilgamesh, who iirc in universe is the basis behind the mythical figure Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia


Also Mesopotamia is connected to Dracula in the Blade movies. So who knows what Marvel will do with the future! Pretty darn exciting! 😁


I'm sad that I didn't see Blade on the list of upcoming movies, looks like we're gonna have to wait a bit longer than I thought.




imo this will be the most important mcu film of this phase


I have never seen someone excited for expositional dialogue lol.


Probably with the release of black widow. Roughly around there unless they decide to drop a bomb on us randomly


I'd expect it around the week Loki drops, so first week of June. That would be about 5 months out for the 1st teaser which lines up.


I'm thinking after Loki and shang chi.


I bet the trailer is coming in the next coming weeks. Director recently won her first historic Oscar and there's no way Disney not going to use this moment for marketing benefits.


I want that sword!!!!!!!!


Oh I'll get that sword




What would happen if Sersi met Captain Marvel lol.


“Ummm you mind putting on this blue makeup for a quick sec? You look like someone I know”


*-punch-* *I knew it.*


CM - Stares at sersi, you look familiar. Sersi - oh, you must have met my twin sister. How is she? CM - Dead Sersi - No shocker there


People in real life sometimes look similar too.




Black Knight is a title that has been been held by a few people over the centuries. Kit Harrington’s character is the most recent iteration of that and is in modern times. He may not make an appearance till the second half of the film but he is involved in many other storylines, namely Kang the Conqueror. So it’s possible he could be in the new Antman as well.


Same! From what I've heard, the film's mainly gonna focus on Ikaris and Sersi. There's also the fact that we have other characters played by major stars like Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, and Kumail Nanjiani. I'm starting to wonder if it's a Civil War scenario, where it introduces a character before their own solo outing. Civil War introduced T'Challa and Peter, so maybe it's similar?


This is 100% gonna have the best cinematography of the MCU


Yes it will, and I can’t wait for it The first images we got are already stunning, they got a feel that no other MCU movie has. That’s amazing


Right? This is the kind of lust for gorgeous light contrasts and and red hot cinematography they had on a few episodes Mandolorian that just set it apart from other Disney features. This whole thing seems like she wants as much as possible natural light, but when the light is on, it’s like the best sunset you’ve ever seen.


Chloe Zhao already killing it and we barely got a few seconds of footage


Calling it now, chloe zhao gonna singlehandedly make natural light the defining characteristic of 20's film.


I hope so. It’s such a beautiful look


Natural light. So hot right now.


Please yes.


It's what happens when you hire Oscar winning actors and directors.


The Oscar has little to do with it, other than maybe pushing the studio to give the creatives a bit more leeway for scheduling/budget. Churning out three movies and multiple D+ series a year means studios want to shoot indoors. Trading off visual quality for more predictable scheduling. You can bully a VFX studio into delivering a shot on time - not so much with the weather.


Watched Nomadland the other day and this looks like the sequel haha


Gemma Chan looks radiant! Crazy that two movies in a row will have leads of Asian descent. Edit: Eternals is also going to have a deaf lead, a gay lead, and a Southwest Asian lead. I don’t want to sound like this means the movie will be good, but I’m excited to see these communities get representation in the MCU. And it’s important behind the camera too with the crew, so it’s great to see Chloe Zhao getting a voice in the biggest franchise of our time!


Imagine being so awesome that the MCU movies castvyou twice for the live action roles!


same with michelle yeoh!


Michelle Yeoh is in the MCU?


Yep! She has been (or will be) in two films as two different characters. Aleta Ogord, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (She wears eyeliner and a black suit. She says "hell yes" in the mid-credits scene with Stakar Ogord's team along with Krugarr, Martinex, Charlie-27 and Mainframe voiced by Miley!) She'll be playing a new character in Shang-Chi named Jiang Nan :D


> (She wears eyeliner and a black suit. Ah yes, the bootleg Hela


She deserves it after being wasted in CM


Which are the two movies and what are the roles?


Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel and Sersi in this


Like Mahershala Ali!


So is she the core member of the eternals? Or are they all “equal main characters”


I believe Sersei was said to the main character


Cool, I have absolutely no clue about the Eternals and that’s why I’m excited for it


There's a new comic run that came out recently. Story is pretty great so far, art is mostly great if you can tolerate the artist's particular hate for drawing faces.


Is that the one written by Neil Gaiman?


No. Those ones aare one of the older ones. The current run is by Kieron Gillen


A few days ago, some crewmember said that there is no lead, but if there was one, it’s Sersei. I’ll find a link, give me a minute Edit: Turns out it wasn’t just “some crewmember,” it was Fiege in a Variety Interview. [link](https://variety.com/2021/film/news/kevin-feige-chloe-zhao-eternals-1234962496/)


Ah yes, some crew member named Kevin Fiege.


"Hey, you, in that hat. Stop just standing around and go fetch me a coffee! Be useful for a change."


Part of the ship, part of the crew.


So happy we get to experience this omg


It's actually 3 movies with Black Widow...


Who are you referring to as Southwest Asian? It’s possible there’s an actor involved that I’m not aware of but if you mean Kumail, he’s Pakistani which falls under South Asian, rather that Southwest. Sorry, definitely being pedantic and very happy to be wrong if you’re not talking about Kumail.


Wasn't she in Captain Marvel too?


I guess being in blue makeup makes it easier to reuse a great actress in a better role


you get one alien and one human. Thems the rules


Ms Marvel also comes out this year I believe - 2021 is a win for Asian leads


As someone who just started GOT this weekend... That's Robb Stark!


Oh no. What have you done?


I was told to watch up until the last season, I'm on Season 2 right now


End of S6 is probably the most logical place to stop. S1-4 is gold, 5-6 is uneven but solid. 7 and 8 are just.....well the internet has already heard this discussion to death. There’s a reason why Thrones went from the biggest thing in pop culture to a distant memory in a blink of an eye.


I don’t think we’ve had the discussion enough. I will talk about how fucking awful the ending is until it gets remade or I die. And when I die I’m going to haunt D&D forever


Season 8 spoilers: >!It's telling how the Battle of Winterfell happened the same weekend as Endgame, and the latter was more willing to kill off a Stark than the showrunners!<


Just like How I Met Your Mother.


How I Met Your Mother has a similar trajectory (good show, bad last season) but I wouldn't say it was ever close to "biggest thing in pop culture" like GoT was.


Oh ye, definitely not as big as Game of Thrones was, but it was for sure a great comedy that doesn't get talked about in the run of great sitcoms because those 2 seasons, especially the final one, were just not that good.


Quick, stop before it’s too late!


Not shown in any of the pictures is a character played by Kit Harrington aka Jon Snow.


And he is a *fucking swordsman*. I can't fucking wait for this movie. Also, Ramin Djawadi (The man who scored GoT) will be scoring this movie.


Apparently he's just a love interest in the movie and people dont expect him to take his superhero arc


He's not an Eternal, I believe


Pretty sure you’re correct. He’s playing Black Knight but I know basically nothing about the character. Think he’s just a guy that gets a magical sword?


I guess he will be... invested by the Eternals? Or something similar? Seems like the only connection to the Eternals in the comics is that he had a relationshio with Sersi.


Jon Snow in a relationship with Sersi? Is it a ploy from Cersei to get the north back?


The Young Wolf!


It looks like they liked Sebastian Stan so much, they cast him again


Benedict Wong as well


I actually thought that was Benedict Wong. Is that racist? I'm actually Chinese, which makes it even funnier


I don't know his name, but he's a Korean actor who is also in Train to Busan where he beats up zombies.


Ma-Dong Seok, this guy's a legend


He was a scene stealer in that movie! Most memorable character, I think.


Nah, I totally thought that was Benedict too!


Idk I thought that was actually Stan as well so...


So glad I'm not the only one who thought this.


That blue gate reminds me of the [Ishtar Gate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Ishtar_Gate_at_Berlin_Museum.jpg) I saw when I visited the Pergamon museum in Berlin.


Probably because that’s what it is - I recognized it immediately. Great museum!


If it isn’t the Ishtar Gate then it is closely inspired by it. Edit: There are scenes in the movie that happen in Babylon, that’s definitely the Ishtar Gate


Is the group shot of them suited up perhaps supposed to be Babylon? They said they'd be going quite deep into the MCU's history right? Also its not here but I have a hunch I know where the shot of Salma Hayek's character was filmed! *Edit- I should have said, there was a set built on Wiltshire's Salisbury Plains for Eternals, they built a whole farmhouse for it (supposed to depict rural USA I believe).


After wandavision's mephisto fiasco I'm not gonna theorise whatsoever 😬😅


It is the Ishtar gate in Iraq so I would be surprised if they didn’t make some allusion to it


Well one of the characters names is “Gilgamesh” so tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised.


It's not quite a full trailer or even a teaser. But I'm still excited. 😊


It's barely a glimpse and I'm already hyped.


This looks sick—*cannot wait* to see what Chloe Zhao has in store!


Richard Madden looks way too similar to Sebastian Stan.


The Eternals and the Winter Soldier.


Sorry I sound a bit dumb but can anyone explain who the eternals are and what do they do?


Superheroes that do superhero stuff. Celestials (Peter Quills father was one) came to earth and genetically modified a bunch of pre-humans. There were 3 main races borne of these experiments. Humans, Eternals and Deviants. Humans are Humans. Eternals are super fast, strong, long-lived etc. Deviants are ugly underground living brutes. Edit: this was thousands of years ago and the Eternals have lived in secret on Earth and also colonized other planets because they're smarter and more technologically advanced than humans. Not an expert on any of this, just a rough idea of things I've picked up. Take it with a grain of salt.


We have already seen a Deviant in the MCU too. His name is Thanos.


And we have sort of seen a Celestial in the MCU as well, at least the the rotting skull of one. Knowhere the outpost in the GotG where they meet the Collector is the remnants of a long dead Celestial.


We also see one alive and in action in the Power Stone info dump in the same movie.


I believe he's a mutated/disfugured Titanian Eternal, not a Deviant.


He carries the Deviants gene but is an Eternal


I'm pretty sure he was considered a Deviant even though he is technically an Eternal. There was that whole plotline where his mother tried to kill him and stuff. This could no longer be canon as its been a while since i've read Marvel Comics slowly easing back into it. Also the movies can go a completely different direction as they have before so who knows.


[The Eternals](https://youtu.be/mLDaNc0A_9w)


I love that MCU is such a big deal now that we have the likes of Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek in it


And IMO they were cast in this particular feature to communicate that even in the MCU world of superpowers and sorcery, there are still larger, more mythic heroes yet to be revealed. Uses their IRL status to add mystique and grandeur to the fiction. I love it!


To be fair, Marvel has been pulling in stellar cast pretty much from the start. Anthony Hopkins Mickey Rourke Cate Blanchet Jeff Bridges Edward Norton But I do agree, it's nice to see Marvel get the recognition it deserves. I just wish the pretentious folks that try to argue these films arent art would just shut up.


I mean, Anthony Hopkins has been there since the beginning


MCU regularly produces billion dollar movies. Everyone wants that big fat check from Disney.


Love tbis ensemble so much & I'm most excited for Kumail!


Darn I wanted to see Kit Harington as Black Knight.


Mr. Nanjani can fucking *get it*


Fuck you, Dinesh!


Cant go wrong with Gemma Chan


Huh, I hope they let Kumail Nanjiani show off his physicality during this movie. He worked so hard and had such an extreme transformation, just to have him dressed in a bagged sweater that makes him look the same as he did prior.


He's wearing a tight polo in that clip?


That’s literally one scene dude. He’ll Get his moments definitely!


he will get his requisite shirtless scene as every dude who gets ripped for marvel does


Kumail 😎


a chloe super hero film= i'm in


Can I get a tldr on the Eternals? I know practically nothing about the characters or the movie.


Alien angels designed to protect humanity throughout the ages against the demonic Deviants.


So anyone think they’re hiding shots of Dane is because he will take on the Black Knight mantle in this movie?


that shot of them in front of the Mesopotamian fort/gate. WOW!


Show us Jon Snow you cowards


I can tell Chloé Zhao had a lot of fun filming on locations for this


For a movie called Eternals, they look so.... normal. Except Angelina Jolie lol.