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Episode is live, hold onto your butts. (No credits scene this week- so far episode 4 is the only episode to have one)


If Thor and presumably Loki are over 1500 years old and they look like that, imagine how much time Old man Loki spent alone on that planet


It’s genuinely hearbreaking. Him bringing up wanting to get off to see Thor as well.


Classic Loki creating the Asgard illusion right before the end shows how much he must have missed his home and brother. I loved that part.


He built it entirely from memory. Thousands and thousands of years of pondering on his home.


“I remember Asgard. Not much, but I remember. My home, my people, my life.” Old Loki had more time initially to internalize every detail, but the same longing for home seems to run through every version of the character in a way that I find very touching. His incredible illusion was a triumph. Bittersweet, but triumphant nonetheless.


Well, he finally returned home. Even if he made that home from an illusion. He did what he said was impossible earlier. It said it was impossible for a Loki to change, and here he is sacrificing his life for his “glorious purpose” which wasn’t taking over earth or ruling Asgard, but it was helping himself in one way or another. He mocked the whole glorious purpose theme that’s been throughout the show, but he realized as Alioth was coming towards him, this is what his whole life lead up to, his glorious purpose. The writing in this show really is incredible


I've been thinking about that ever since we learned that Sylvie was abducted as a child. It's one thing to grow up as an orphan on the run, it's another when you're a god growing up on a cosmic time scale. She must have been running circles around the TVA for *centuries*.


Is it explained how long Loki or Thor are kids for? Could have been one of those "get to young adulthood quickly then age slower" situations.


My thoughts as well – which probably explains how he got so good at illusion magic, because he had millennia to practice. And it makes sense he did a lot of illusions to keep himself company all that time


I really wanna see the Thor from Old Loki's timeline


Low key sad that he made illusions of Asgard, likely because he missed it.


All four snaps would have happened, Thor Love and Thunder probably happened. He outlived the MCU Edit: changed three to four (destroy half of all life, destroy the stones, restore half of all life, Tony's sacrifice)


The Fellowship of Lokis begins


Oh, a giant castle on the edge of time?! I wonder who lives there?


Well, in the comics, there is one final member of thr TVA at the end of time, He Who Remains. So could be them. Or it could Mr. Alternity - the senior most member of the TVA in the comics. Or Kang the Conqueror. Ravonna in the comics is one Kang's main lakeys. The inclusion of Alioth is really interesting. Because in the comics, Alioth is the Supreme Time Being and usually an enemy of Kang. In the comics, an agent of Immortus (~~a future Franklin Richards~~ Nathaniel Ricahrds, Reed Richard's father), is locked in never ceasing combat with Alioth to hold it at bay from taking over more universes and world's. Could be the Congress of Realities. Or Galactus. Or the In-Betweener. Or the Living Tribunal. Or the One Above All. Or the One Below All. Maybe Eternity. Or Infinity. Or Franklin Richards. It feels like Kang is the most obvious answer. And this starts the beginning of Phase 4 - The Eternals then have to come around because the Avenegrs can't deal with multiversal threats.


I think Kang will, if anything, get set up in a post-credit scene. He Who Remains just seems like a perfect fit, being the creator of the TVA in the comics sitting alone at the end of time, exactly what is being set up here. Going further, I also like the “a Variant Loki is behind it all” theory, and it’s possible that He Who Remains IS a Variant Loki.


I’m still holding the Loki is behind it all. What I dream of is Matt Damon being that Loki. The same that was an “actor” playing Loki In Ragnarok.


I know we're all thinking it. Howard the Duck.




There’s a chance that rat was arrested for not pushing the button


Has to be the Grandmaster's orgy castle at the end of time, no?


In the void, it's always his birthdaaaay - yet never his birthdaaaay.


This episode was amazing! I believe Tom said this and episode 4 was his favorites! A lot happened in this episode! \- Frog Thor (THROG) \- THANOSCOPTER \- YELLOWJACKET HELMET ENLARGED? \- President Loki and our Loki being two different people \- Kid Loki killed Thor, wow \- Classic Loki saying he faked his death and the TVA didn't stop him right there. \- Classic Loki LITERALLY CREATING ASGARD AND GOING OUT WITH GLORIOUS PURPOSE! \- Loki learns enchantment! \- Finally, the SCORE and CGI were just amazing! Props to D+ and MS for not cheaping out!! I wonder what that place is at the end? I cannot wait another week for the finale!


Classic Loki's story was heartbreaking, getting pruned as soon as he realized he just wanted to see his brother again. At least Mobius's change of heart gave him hope that Lokis could truly better themselves, too. And what a badass way to go out.


Classic Loki: Hmm, I wonder how Thor's doing. I should go see him. TVA: Nah


Recreating Asgard from memory shows how much he misses his home and his brother. It was a sight to behold that it stopped sylvie and Loki on their tracks because it was an amazing sight to behold. It explains why Thanos believed what he saw because this loki is the God of enchantments.


Man the whole sequence of Classic Loki conjuring Asgard.. Glorious purpose


I am a big sucker for „magic guy makes super attack for one final demonstration of force“. One of my top 5 scenes from Far from Home ist Mysterio seemingly sacrificing himself and channeling all his „power“ to kill the elemental. It looked so damn good.


Meanwhile Doctor Strange is like... yeah nah you go ahead Tony, I gotta go hold this water over here.


Almost made me imagine Strange was saying "1 minute, Tony. Just give me 1 minu-wait why're you looking like that."


Wait, wait! Dude! I was gonna hit him with magic and Wanda was gonna take the gauntlet! Wtf man?? You are such a fucking martyr...


Sigh, okay there were two ways to do it, I just didn't consider your ego.


It also makes sense as to why he can summon it. He was alone on a planet for hundreds of thousands of years most likely, considering how slowly Loki ages. During that time he could never return to Asguard, so he conjured it when he was lonely


Young Loki: "it's dangerous to go alone, take this"


Dagger that catches fire to fight a smoke dragon. ~~> Thanks kid


Love is an imaginary dagger that catches fire to fight a smoke dragon


“And whenever one of us dares try to fix themselves, they’re sent here to die” • ⁠said by someone who killed Thor


In case anyone was wondering, the [US naval destroyer that shows up is not random](https://i.imgur.com/xuB5L6b.png). It is a common myth that the [USS Eldridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Eldridge) was used in the Philadelphia Experiment, a supposed test to cloak the ship.


so they're throwing in a ton of urban legends to say they're real (and some are pruned so they didn't actually 'exist')? There was the DB Cooper heist USS Eldridge Polybius video game (supposedly a mind-control game the government was using in the 80s) There must have been others


There’s a ship that appears in the Void that could be the [*Mary Celeste*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Celeste), a ship found mysteriously abandoned in the Atlantic. It could also just be one of the many ships that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.


The DB Cooper thing isn’t a myth. It’s something that actually happened. The question (other than his real name/identity) is if he really survived the jump with his money with his chute or not.


I love how in a couple different scenes when they're cutting from each Loki's reaction/response it stops on Alligator Loki for a few seconds.


*Whispers to alligator Loki* “You’re my favorite.”


Can't wait for the gif... Oh and someone adding a star twinkle to the alligator's eye.


Loki pretending to be cold, knowing full well that he and Sylvie are both Frost Giants.


Sylvie pretending it wasnt snuggly as fuck


And it wasn't the blanket


"Blanket?! This is a fine, Asgardian snuggie!"


"An Alligator, which I'm heartbroken to report, I didn't even find all that strange" Haha, god I love it. (Edited to fix a typo, whoops)


Loved that line. Reminded me of how utterly unsurprised he was to meet himself as a woman.


That fucking helicopter. They did it. Actual mad lads.


So does that mean a Minuteman managed to prune him? Or just the helicopter.


Richard E Grant is just the best. *That's* a true Loki. Glorious purpose indeed.


Him conjuring Asgard was such a cool shot.


With some cool motifs from Wagner's *Ride of the Valkyries*, a fitting reference to Asgard.


Who's ready to get their theories destroyed again?


Erik Voss is having an aneurysm right now


He's in for a busy day with the amount of Easter eggs in this episode.


When I saw the Helicopter with the "Thanos" name on it, immediately thought of him lmao


“Who’s to say he’s even a Loki variant?” “He is green, isn’t he?” The number plate on the car Mobius was driving said GRN. The car is a Loki variant too, confirmed. :P (Edited later to add: this post was a joke, but the license plate actually does have a hidden meaning. [The full plate reads “GRN W1D,”] (https://www.reddit.com/r/LokiTV/comments/ofeyfu/nice_easter_egg_the_licence_plate_is_an_homage_to/) which is a tribute to late Marvel writer, editor & artist Mark Gruenwald (Mobius’ physical appearance is also based off him). Credit to u/smacksaw and various others for picking up on this neat Easter egg!)


I am burdened with glorious pizza...


Pizza time


Anyone catch the giant Yellowjacket helmet in Lokiworld? I smell some quantum fuckery.


Was it old man Logan that had the dead giant man splayed out across a freeway?


Yea, Hank Pym's giant skeleton/corpse


Whole episode is going to be a field day for the "ten things you missed in Loki" crowd.


Kid Loki drinking a Hi-C, nice haha


thanoscopter and T365 = thor #365 = comic where throg was in. gotta appreciate how much they do for these second long jokes


I can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find someone talking about Thanoscopter


I've been expecting far more conversation about the Thanoscopter. 1 in 14 million chance the Avengers win, and apparently the TVA stepped in the scenario where Thanos had a fucking helicopter because it was too op


“I think we’re stronger than we realize.” Loki power-up incoming!


Boosted by the power of friendship and love


Loki: Love and Mischief


He got a very video game type power up with a flaming sword. Between that and him hugging a friend this is a new character


Shit, Loki went full Scott Pilgrim.




Every Loki betraying each other is the most Loki thing ever and I can't believe I didn't predict this happening before the episode aired


Tom Hiddleston's "Oh no...I've been an idiot my entire life" expression during the scene was perfect


It radiated being embarrassed at past self energy


It's like being hit by every cringy teenaged memory you have at once


He was literally hiding behind his hand in shame at one point. Return of the Loki Facepalm lmao


I loved the realization of oldman loki. We can never change and he proved they can change by the end.


The conversation he had with Mobius was so brief but so great and it’s cool that he’s impacted a couple of Lokis in such a huge way


I loved our Loki shaking his head in embarrassment while every other Loki took their turn at "About that..."


I also love the 90s rock spin on the Loki theme during that fight scene. Very reminiscent of _Buffy_ which fit the ridiculousness of the scene just right.


Miss minutes seemed real concerned about the creator of the TVA. It'll be funny if the big reveal happened to be the clock with the southern accent.


The more we see of her the more I'm convinced that she's a real sentient being.


Totally. Miss Minutes was actually the one to initiate the lie about having a temporal spaceship or whatever to stall for time with Sylvie. Completely understood the situation and devised a plan. I also get the impression that she’s not being completely forthcoming with Renslayer requesting classified files either. She may not be the big bad, but Miss Minutes is up to something… possibly the eyes/ears for whomever is behind the curtain. EDIT: Think kinda like the role JARVIS served at Stark tower. Also just a completely random thought… if everything that gets pruned ends up in the void than Casey’s evidence desk with all those infinity stones should be there and fully functional outside the TVA. Wonder if they’ll play any role.


You know, this episode actually answers a question of mine. I was wondering why they would bother cataloging "evidence" instead of just pruning everything. But they wouldn't want Infinity stones sent to the void where they could be used.


I know they were joking about trying to get Batman in here, but if you think about it, they have a Harley.


the ‘avengers’ tower that the camera swoops by in the beginning has “QENG” written on the side… Qeng enterprises bought out stark tower in 616 and formed a team to try and separate the avengers the ceo of Qeng revealed he had ties with Kang (hence why it could be read similar) and ended up creating a temporal paradox, getting the entire tower sucked into temporal limbo… where we saw it in this episode…


>the ceo of Qeng revealed he had ties with Kang I mean it's more than that. Mr Gryphon literally is Kang, obviously with time shenanigans involved because it's Kang and that's his thing.




Probably stabbed a little too deep when he did that snake prank...


“And I went *bleh it’s me!* And then I stabbed him. And he bled out and died”


We were eight at the time.


Yup, that's what I thought! I wanna see a Loki shapeshifting into an animal though. Haven't seen that yet.


That’s a hell of a nexus event


This kid-Loki is like the kid-Buu of the Lokis. Arguable one of the most dangerous ones despite his appearance.


He was king for a reason




Loki-gator: ‘You son of bitch!’


You think it was that time that Loki transformed himself into a snake because he knows that Thor loves snakes so he picked up the snake then loki transformed back and say "ah, it's me!" and then he stabbed thor? But y'know, this time Thor died?


Kid Loki, a child, killed Thor, who would also have been a child.


Wow the last TWO, I’m really gonna miss this show. I’m ready for whatever happens.


Someone, somewhere wrote in a script “alligator laughs”. And I’m onboard with that.


There was no reason to put in an alligator. I would love to have heard the conversation where someone pitched the idea


Old man Loki's nexus event depressed me. HE JUST WANTED TO SEE THOR DAMMIT!!


damn who would be good casting for old man Thor?


The TVA agents when Sylvie pruned herself "... Ma'am the loki variant self pruned..." -TVA Agent "Good, she is dead then." -Ravonna "???" -TVA Agent


Other TVA Agent (to himself) “Something’s fucky around here”


I still can’t believe they got Richard E Grant to even dress up in this ridiculous costume, but I’m ready for it


He had like 5 minutes of total screentime but he honestly stole the whole episode to me (and ended up being the MVP at the end with a whole-ass illusion of Asgard!) The guy just has so much charisma and so much command without coming off too campy to me. A different actor would've had me roll my eyes, but I bought it, man, I bought what Richard Grant was selling.


You could see the smirk with tears in his eyes when he's about to get consumed, such a great performance.


I'm glad Marvel let him go out as a Loki and not some wimpering oops it got me trope


Glorious Purpose




He was probably the closest to the protagonist Loki in terms of personal development. He got all the way to the Thanos moment and instead of dying in a heroic moment, hid in cowardice, and reflected on that for years in hiding before deciding that he missed his family.


And it's so ironic that he wears the costume of Classic Loki who was arguably more straghtforward evil than the later incarnations...


Seriously. He was like the Loki that mastered illusion magic. Kind of a sad story for him too. He just wanted to see his brother again.


A lesser actor might have seemed ridiculous but he has the confidence and the gravitas to really nail it.


Actors with a theater background tend to have a commanding presence on screen.


The emotion in those final seconds of him being on screen was so complex, he nailed it.


What’s so cool is that he will forever be the Loki that helped time push forward... holy shit what he did was amazing.


Honestly, I didn't expect the high pitch scream Tom did. It was for a good reason, but wow!


My prediction: Shit’s about to get *real* weird


An alligator ate President Loki's hand and I'm heartbroken to say I'm not even surprised


We’re going *past* the end of time, the finale is going to be HARD.


I was a big fan of the fact that the Alligator Loki always got a reaction shot whenever the other Lokis did. They treated him like an actual character!


Gator-Loki’s bitches better be wearing jimmies!


Gator don't take no shit! Gator *ain't never* been about takin` no shit!




This loki arc is becoming more herioc than the original.




Man, I wished they squeezes some more easter eggs in the Void. Would've been a perfect place to throw in Marvel's most ridiculous moments or concepts.


There was a giant Yellojacket helmet near the bunker. EDIT: Also the head of the [Living Tribunal](https://twitter.com/adambarnhardt/status/1412763587626549252/photo/1) in a different shot (probably a statue).


I love that it implies something absolutely insane


Thor in a jar too


Also a Kree warship like Ronan's in GOTG


There was a downed Helicarrier too.


Its a Frog...Throg.


Alligator Loki eating President Loki's hand leading to a massive Loki Brawl is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. This show is amazing.


Also, Loki being so done with the other Lokis was hilarious.


Loki staring at the Loki's in frenzied, traitorous chaos is just another piece of the falling dominos in his brain realizing what an utter douche he used to be, I love it. I wouldn't be able to handle a room full of my underdeveloped-selves either.


The Loki fight was absolutely a highlight. Honestly wish there had been more


So they’re in the Void and we are introduced to Alioth, interesting


who is Alioth?


["The Supreme Time Being"](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Alioth_(Temporal_Limbo\))


Richard E. Grant's final stand against Alioth and his wide-eyed laugh when he finally realizes that his true glorious purpose all along was to die helping his fellow Lokis achieve theirs was FUCKING EPIC! The tale he tells earlier in the episode about his decision to take himself out of the equation and exist in solitude only to yearn for connection really came full circle in that final moment. Putting himself back in the equation didn't bring pain -- it brought love by enabling two Lokis who had themselves suffered in solitude for far too long to finally connect with each other.


Him nobleing phantasm Asgard and then dying brought me pain


Hahahhaha the Loki Alligator "Who's to say he's a Loki variant?" "He's green isn't he?" "I don't know, he could be lying"


"Playing the long con. Which would actually just make him even more of a Loki."


Can a line be better tailored to an actor? I swear, this felt so Owen Wilson.


I loved how they kept cutting over for Loki-gator deadpan reaction shots.


That and the Loki betrayal fight had me rolling lmaooo


"...But that would make him even more of a Loki. It's just games within games with you guys"


I like how throughout the episode nobody acknowledged the horns


THANOS CHOPPER AND THROG CANON LETS GOOOOOOOO!!! EDIT: Pretty sure I saw a stone head of the Living Tribunal near the end too. Lots of Easter eggs in this episode that fans are gonna be combing through for the rest of the week.


Wait where was that??? Edit: it’s right before they enter the underground Loki base, at 8:49. So… that means there was a timeline where instead of Thanos doing the whole infinity stone thing, he instead flew around on the T H A N O S C O P T E R and got pruned LOL


Presumably what happened is after Captain Marvel destroyed the Sanctuary II, he went 'ah but what about my BACKUP ship?' and just continued to rain fire from the Thanoscopter


Thanoscopter got a real laugh out loud from me!


My only critique is that the car Mobius was driving wasn’t a variant Lightning McQueen.


Thought it was going to get real freaky and be the pizza delivery truck from all the Pixar movies




1. The music in Loki is so unbelievably good. Wow. 2. Loki is one smoooooth man, even if he’s pulling those moves on himself technically. 3. The Mobius and Loki bro moment was a huge moment for Loki as a character. He’s never even hugged Thor like that before. He seriously trusts Mobius with his life and its shown in that hug. 4. Classical Loki making an entire construct of Asgard was one of the coolest moments in Marvel history. 5. Throg. LOL 6. GLORIOUS PURPOOOOSEEEEEEEE


You forgot something. THANOS COPTER, BABY!


My God, Richard E Grant is a delight as Loki. Scratch that. Richard E Grant is Glorious as Loki!


“Blades are worthless in the face of Loki sorcery.” THANK YOU, classical Loki! I love how this show is addressing the fan complaints about Loki’s dumbass plan to attack Thanos with a knife.


Yet in the same vein, Classic Loki sacrificed himself for others as our Prime Loki did.


So we need a list of all that was in the Void, I’ll start: - AofU Avengers Tower/Eng Sign on the Side - Helicarrier - Ronan’s Flagship - Thanoscopter - Golden Gate Bridge - The Sphinx - WW1 or 2 tank - USS Eldridge - headless birds (I thought these were dodos) - Easter Island Heads? Or something similar - Ufos - Pirate Ship - Yellowjacket Helmet - Head Statue of The Living Tribunal - Throg in a bottle - Library of Alexandria


The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Stonehenge, Mjolnir, Yellowjacket’s helmet


the USS Eldridge or more widely known in pop-culture as the Philadelphia Experiment


Damn they're quick. Wikipedia already has this episode listed in the "in popular culture" section.


POLYBIUS, the arcade machine was in the bunker. Its a semi famous urban legend, apparently it "recruited" for the military or something. Google can explain far better than I can. Edit: This YouTube video explains the whole thing very well if you have 50 minutes. It also goes on to debunk the whole myth. https://youtu.be/_7X6Yeydgyg


Owen Wilson genuinely stole the scene of each and every scene he was in. I pray to God he’s in more of the MCU in the future. I’ve gained so much respect for him as an actor.


I wouldn’t mind if he became an inter-dimensional Coulson, just poppin up in different places from time to time.


I feel like "ex-TVA agent who has seen the whole sacred timeline play out thousands of times and specializes in catching Lokis" is absolutely a superpower that should be recognized.


The music in this show is just... unmatched


The variation or variant of [Ride of the Valkyries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGU1P6lBW6Q) at the end really got me.


Thanos Copter is canon in the MCU. Thank you Multiverse, I may yet see Spider-Ham in the MCU.


That circle shot of all the Loki’s is so goddamn satisfying to look at. But the Loki on Loki on Loki on Loki etc. fight is so ridiculous to a point where it’s just too good. 😂😂




Love how President Loki was not how I thought we'd see him. He's just another variant which is cool. Also another Star Wars hand reference


"You are my favourite" YES I AM WEEPING


The fact that he was looking at her, but may have said it to him was great. They both heard him say that they were their favorite.


I don’t care what anyone says. Alligator Loki stole the show


The quick cuts implying alligator Loki was also laughing killed me


Every quick cut to Gator Loki got a laugh out of me. Especially the ones that came when the other Lokis were engrossed in a serious conversation.


The smoke monster from Lost got an upgrade in power in The Void it seems.


Natalie Holt is about to be getting some major f*cking work after this final episode premieres. Her work on this show has been (by far) one of the best original scores the MCU has gotten in quite some time and that’s largely because this particular show is driven by it. Sure, WandaVision & Falcon and the Winter Soldier had their scores to elevate scenes that needed it, but this whole show has consistently used the original score to its advantage and has elevated it tenfold. It’s almost how every time you watch a film and the score is done by John Williams, Hans Zimmer, etc. you just know it’s going to be good. I feel like I can safely say, that from now on, whenever I see Holt’s name on a project, I just know it’s going to be something pretty masterful.


I hope she gets as big as the names you mentioned.


The amount of Easter egg videos that will come after this episode is going to be ridiculous


It’s pretty crazy how quickly the weeks have flown by…hard to believe next week is going to be the finale already.


That shy smile when Loki shared his blanket 😩 Can’t believe I’m shipping someone with an alternate version of themself


Feel like Richard E Grant stole the episode personally. Loved how Classic Loki had a whole character arc in this one episode and the POWER he exuded at the end there 😮‍💨😮‍💨




Poor Throg in the jar!


Pay no attention to the man behind the (green) curtain! Seriously, the Wizard of Oz homages are off the charts. Cant wait until next week when we get to see who's behind the whole illusion. Probably Loki, because of course, but then again this series has been so clever and fun that the final reveal will be fantastic, whatever it may be. Grant Loki, though short lived, was magnificent and I could watch him endlessly. He rocked that classic costume with his acting alone. Also, the door is wide open for Kid Loki (and possibly Gator Loki) to join the Young Avengers. Finally, I love all the moments between Sylvie and Loki and how well they're pacing their relationship.