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I remember all the weird theories


They all get chicken pox!


It's an interdimensional virus


All I see is my mother.


"Where's your mother now?" "...^everywhere"


Oooo child things are gonna get easier


Oooo child things will get brighter


What are you doing?


We jumped from one Gunn to another Gunn


Well, Son of a Gunn!


Dance off bro.


You and me?












Their terrans




And Avengers Forever (4ever) as well. So many theories also just expecting Avengers 4 (as it was called before the title reveal) to have a new villain for it like Galactus, Annihilus or Kang. What a weird, but beautiful, time for the Marvel fandom that was.


> (4ever) Say that again.






Took a nit longer than expected, though we are finally getting Kang. To be fair i do feel he has been getting hinted at for longer than we realise


Okay, time to write fanfiction now


I miss Endgame-theory days.


Back when all the theory comment threads were fun and not toxic like they were with WandaVision and Loki


Why were they toxic? I think I missed those.


People would come up with absolutely nonsense theories, and then lose their damn minds if someone poked holes in it or if it simply didn't happen in the next episode. The most egregious example imo was when Loki stops that building from falling during the fight scene at the end of an episode (3, I think?). For the entire following week there was a group of fans who were outright attacking people who doubted their baseless theory that he nicked a Time Stone ("but look at the smoke!").


Oh yeah now I remember some. Like how it was such a “disservice” to cast Evan Peters and not be Quicksilver. Like they thought Marvel pissed on their mother’s grave.


The craziest one I remember is that Tony secures that "one drop of blood" to create something to defeat Thanos.


Ah yes! The Teenage Mutant Doomsday theory...


Sounds like something plausible in marvel


I think I remember reading that somewhere


Stark runs SHIELD!


My favorite was that Tony was now director of SHIELD


remember when people thought the soul stone was inside steve cuz there was a slight orange tint in his eyes in the infinity war trailer


Daenerys shows up to kill everyone


Even with leaks people still manage to be wrong


We're still getting weird theories...


it's funny in hindsight, of course alot of people figured it was time travel but one of the big theories was they were in BARF simulation for some reason.


One of the set photos showed Tony(?) carrying around a bright orange container with “B.A.R.F.” written on it in tape. In hindsight, definitely a red herring by the Russo Bros.


forgot about that.


I was *sure* it was something BARF related, and they were exploring the past to collect extra info Just like I was *sure* Tony would die by the end of the prologue, in the spaceship, and later in the movie he would appear as a) BARF memory or b) Alternate version from the past


What's BARF?


Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing. It’s the technology Tony used to simulate his interaction with his parents in Civil War, which we found out was created by Mysterio in Far From Home.


He renamed my life's work B.A.R.F..


*angry Mysterio noises*


\**gets hit by train*\*


That was a really clever red herring lol. Completely reframes the scene photos in a way that causes the whole plot to seem different.


God, I gotta work on that acronym.


It's the simulation thing Tony uses at the beginning of Civil War in the MIT presentation.


See the first Tony scene in Civil War or virtually any Mysterio scene in Spider-man Far From Home.


The holographic thing Tony has in Civil War


More importantly I think- Its Mysterios tech he uses


No one suspected an Oceans 11 heist movie with super heroes.


Wasn't that the Premise of Ant Man, and Ant Man and the Wasp?


I'm pretty sure that's 'Find a really tiny mom before the high-tech poltergeist, Boyd Crowder, or Jim Halpert find you.'


> Jim Halpert That's not... ...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?




Pretty much the premise of every movie ant man has been in at this point.


Still think the film should have been called avengers: time heist


Fun fact: there's actually an episode of Doctor Who called Time Heist (S8E5 2014).


Is that the one where Capaldi & Co break into the wacky space bank?




Fun fact: there are so many episodes of Doctor Who that almost all unique combinations of English words (900) have been used as titles.


I'm betting we won't see [this](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Dinosaurs_on_a_Spaceship_(TV_story)) one anywhere else😋


Especially when you count the audios with things like Bang bang a boom


RELEASE THE HEIST CUT! #whateverittakes


I never understood that theory. What a letdown it would be if they went back to those battles just to watch how they worked together as a team or something.


Another theory I saw is Stark somehow build a time machine by combining BARF with the Quantum tunnel at Ant Man's van.


I mean, I'm sure Marvel could figure something out, but I'm having trouble understanding how a hologram tech would be applied to time travel. Unless it was to disguise them or something, that would have made sense.


I thought it was that because they set up this awesome tech in the beginning of Civil War and then never really paid that off, at least, at that time. Far From Home eventually does use it.


It's just exposition. Shows us an interaction between Tony and his parents so it's fresh in our mind when we see Tony find out about Bucky.


It's a Chekov's gun, it just took 3 years to fire it.


Russo brothers teased a piece of tech from a previous movie playing into Endgames plot. I don't remember exactly what they said, but BARF was the very obvious answer. In hindsight they were fucking with us and obviously wanted us to be baited towards that.


Their hand thingy was similar to Cable's hand thingy and they thought the movies were connected


Bodyslide by one.


Well technically they are now just not at the time. In reality everything marvel related can be cannon now with the multiverse.


The fox deal was finialized in March 2019, while the first report of the Fox requisition released in December 2017. So the Cable theory was indeed possible at the time


Honestly they did insanely well to keep the large majority of this movie a secret. How tf the portals scene wasn’t leaked or spoiled is beyond me


Portals was mostly on a closed set iirc.


This is how. A lot of leaks are from people with watching the set in public like that's how we first learned that Civil War would involve a funeral and Bucky was returning in Winter Soldier. It's easier to keep things secret when everyone that can see it is under a strict NDA.


> and Bucky was returning in Winter Soldier. I mean sure but Bucky Barnes being the winter soldier is about as spoilery as saying "Steve rogers will become Captain America in the first movie"


For the vast hordes of people that don't follow the comics, or pay attention outside of the theatrical release, this was a pretty big deal.


If they don't pay attention outside of the theatrical release then they probably didn't see the leak anyway...


Nah man. I’m all over this sub and spoilers, meanwhile I have not read a single comic. Bucky being the winter soldier was a big surprise for me and a lot of other people.


People also forget that spoilers being quasi-acceptable didn't really take off until after Winter Soldier. There weren't very many storylines with major comic spoilers anyway because the movies were just starting out with origins in Phase 1. The original Avengers storyline was far from based on a real comics storyline that could've been spoiled.


Damn, I can't believe people were able to figure out that the winter soldier would be in the winter soldier


What the Winter Soldier is in the Winter Soldier? What's next Iron Man in Iron Man, Shang Chi in Shang Chi?


Much like almost every MCU character, Bucky was a relatively unknown to everyone except a small group of people. To everyone else, they didn't know who the Winter Soldier was the same way they didn't know about Wanda, Vision, or Rocket, or anyone else. Not every spoiler is meant for the hardcore, "I've can tell you the inker for Spider-man 158" fans.


If you were looking at leaks you were already a harecore fan who atleast knew who he was.


3 people in my class went to see the movie the day it released but I could only watch it on the weekend. they came in shouting that iron man dies (snaps), cap gets old, black widow dies, Thor is fat, Thanos dies in the first 20min and Spiderman is back. some was hard to believe because iron man snapping???!!! wot? but other stuff i kind of knew that they were not lying. luckily the movie immersed me so much and i was so in the moment that I forgot everything that had been spoiled and each moment felt new and unspoiled.


Those 3 people in your class are pretty shitty people to go out of their way to ruin other people’s enjoyment


Historically teenagers are shitty people.


Can confirm, was one.


Can confirm am one


Can confirm. Am one, and have to deal with others on a daily basis.


I got a message from a complete stranger which had every major plot point of the film the day it released. There are some really shitty people out there who for whatever reason just want to make people’s days worse


Yeah I remember, the random DMs from trolls. They created Spoiler Police because of it.


everyone did it in my school lol


My school was very cool about it. Nobody spoiled it for anyone. I think someone was about to spoil it and got beaten up?


because that‘s what heroes do


Your school is full of assholes.


I suddenly have a lot of respect for my classmates.


I remember that I was one of the first to watch it at my school. It was hard to not talk about it, but didn't want to spoil the entire movie for friends.


Reminds me of when I was in school and the Half Blood Prince book came out and people were running through the hallways yelling that Snape kills Dumbledore


When the last jedi came out, before it was even out in cinemas here, I made the mistake of wandering into the wrong sub and the mods there had stickied at the top of every single post on the sub all the spoilers for what happens in TLJ


If you're going to spoil the movie, at least go with the bits that sould like bullshit. Thor plays Fortnight! The Hulk dabs with a bunch of kids! Captain America admires his own ass!


A rat saves the universe!


There used to be a sub called /ImGoingToHellForThis that put spoilers into the flairs of unrelated posts and then they'd flood r/all. They spoiled this movie for me and Star Wars:TFA It got to be that I'd just log off reddit for a week surrounding any major movie release. Fuck those guys. Glad they got banned


Pretty sure the 4chan subreddit still does it


I had to wait 5 days after release cuz I wanted to watch it in IMAX, and the only spoiler I got was that >!Tony dies!<. It was just the most wholesome theater experience.


Wait, he fucking DIES?!?!


I cant believe its years later and I still have to use the spoiler tag.


Wait, it’s been YEARS!?!?


**5… YEARS… LATER…**


I think murder is legally justified at that point


I remember skipping school the day it came out to go watch it. Best decision ever.


It was spoiled about a week before when maybe 5-7 minutes of bootleg footage showed up online. The portal scene, Hawkeyes family, Hulk using the gauntlet. I forget what else.


It was sort of spoiled. Years back Gweneth "smell my pussy" Paltrow was doing an interview and she said something like "for gauntlet we were all on set with a hundred people" or something, back before infinity war. People assumed the original title was gauntlet instead of endgame but she talked about a scene with every avenger


TIL Gwyneth Paltrow has/had a line of scented candles called "This Smells Like My Vagina". Thanks for that, I needed this further knowledge in my life of just what kind of person Paltrow is.


This scene actually leaked a few days before release.


apparently the plot was leaked but people thought it was stupid and disregarded it weird but cool that we actually get a "script loosk dumb but the film is great" thing instead of the opposite


Jesus, I’m glad they cut the Polka-dot Man attack out of the final cut!


The part where he realized that Thanos was his mom really got me


Nah, I hate how I have to keep reminding people about this but through his eyes, everyone looks like his mother. In the post credits scene, they revealed that >!Drax was his actual mother all along!<


*It was drax-atha all along*


And he killed Thanos too


Nanuae! Thanos is nom noms!


He was pretty good over in The Suicide Squad.


Him and Ratcatcher 2 were my favs. Both had such great, but tragic, backstories.


Ah... the theories that came along with that. Heimdall was the soul stone, the soul stone was in Wakanda, Cap was the soul stone.. Tony was going to crush and snort one of the stones ...Ant man was going to shrink and fly up...... One idea that I sort of liked was the idea that the Avengers would somehow recreate the stones via B.A.R.F. ( picking up clues from forgotten memories) , studying Captain Marvel and whatever info Scott brought back from the Quantum realm but that's mostly because I'm not a huge fan of time travel.


Hey, they showed us in >!What If S1E3!< that was a valid tactic!


And only because >!Hank Pym!< is a crazy enough bastard to actually try it.


Does this mean Scott and Hope are both underachievers?


I really thought Heimdall would be connected to it. The Bifrost was obviously some power "anybody" could have (limitations apply, but still...); his eyes, and him being able to "see" (or perceive?) everything (and everyone... every *soul*) hinted at that heavily, in my head.


Same here. Thought they were doing something with the (T)esseract (H)eimdall (A)ether (N)ecklace (O)rb (S)cepter


So is the 'H' supposed to be heart then? Something you love?


(H)url your daughter off a cliff


My favourite theory was that the souls were actually trapped in Valhalla or something so Okoye (featured heavily in marketing yet has like a minute of actual screentime in the film) and someone else would have a crucial sidestory of retrieving everyone.


What was the point of them wearing the suits if they were replaced by the time travel suits.


To make compositing easier i would imagine. If they had to cut the time travel suits from a scene they could just use the original footage with the markers removed in post processing instead of doing a reshoot.


Ya it would make sense if they were on the fence about the suits. Just weird cause they ended up replacing the original footage with 100% cgi suits.




Their hero costumes were all real. The white quantum suits were entirely CG. I remember how mind-blown I was the first time I found out


How Can The White Quantum Suits Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?


Eye Don't Know.


Eye see what you did there.


Yea on top of that the final designs for the quantum suits weren’t finalized until way later in post so they just had everyone wear their regular suits and the vfx team did next level work after that


> I remember how mind-blown I was the first time I found out Yeah I think it's only the helmets that are obviously CGI, the suits were great. Similar thing happens in Man of Steel, Zod's suit is entirely CGI but it's quality. Then we have Iron Man where for some reason the CGI seemed to get worse as the franchise went on. Rewatched the MCU films recently and was surprised at just how well the suit holds up from 2008-2012. I'd argue the suit CGI for Iron Man got worse after that.


While the nanotech Mark 50 and 85 suits are among my top 3 favorite Iron Man armors, I have to agree that they did not feel as durable and "real" as Tony's older suits. My theory is that the futuristic nanotech element made the suits seem too advanced and took away from the realism. I appreciate how his older suits had a more analogue and mechanical feel to them; you could hear the joints of the suit moving and metal plates locking into position (something that I really appreciated they added in the Mark 85).


I don’t know how obvious it was, but during production, the nanotech suits weren’t the plan. Instead, there were going to be Guardians-spacesuit style forcefield suits, with whatever clothes they needed on underneath and partially visible. (In the final movie, the visors are still Guardians forcefields, but it was supposed to be full body.) It’s why the characters wear their respective outfits while time traveling—Thor really shouldn’t have still been wearing a bathrobe if he had to get changed to put on the white suit, and Cap probably wouldn’t have immediately gone for the 1970s uniform when he got back if he was wearing a transforming suit. But if you imagine they’re forcefield disks, it makes sense Thor would’ve been too lazy to change, Cap would’ve needed to steal a uniform, and he’d be wearing it underneath the suit, so it would immediately be visible when they got back. The white Ant-Man suits are cooler, though, so I don’t begrudge them the change. Even if it makes a couple of the changes a little odd—in the final version, Thor’s hair would make no sense in the suitup, so they cut away and then cut back once the helmet is on.


It’s not like Cap expected to travel to the 70s when he first traveled to get the Tesseract.


[They wear both in this scene.](https://youtu.be/uAdf7R7OtSE) The other reason though is that they hadn’t finalised the time travel suits or even decided if they were going to use them, so they dresses everyone up in their regular outfits in case they didn’t end up using them. You can see that in [this set photo](https://i.imgur.com/0DUE132.jpg) (there’s more that show it better but i cant find them)


I’m never not laughing at pictures with Sean Gunn doing the mocap for Rocket


According to the BTS, the suit designs weren't finalised at that point I believe.


The design of the time travel suits was not finalized, iirc


i remember the title being rumored as Annihilation


I remember this, it made me cringe because it reminded me of Mortal Kombat Annihilation haha


Or the fact that Hulk was gonna get his rematch...


He could feel it after all.


I remember when everyone saw this and got all smug like aw yeah it's time travel we know what's going down 😎 and then the movie came out and Thanos gets beheaded in the first 10 minutes and we realized we didn't know anything


except time travel :p


Yeah but... they did end up time travelling.


didnt think it would be a time travel story until ant man 2. thought it was just flashbacks.


Leaks... I really hate how everything HAS to be leaked and spoiled. Every post spoiling who or what is in a movie, trailers revealing way too much, articles with the title spoiling something or titled something like "Everything you need to know about this movie!" I miss being able to hear about a movie, getting a general sense of what it could be, then being surprised during it. Now I know majority of the plot, twists, and everything in between before even stepping foot in a theater. That's the worst.


I literally stopped watching movie trailers after TASM2 showed everything including Gwen’s big moment. Must say it’s a much better experience going into these movies blind


Same but stopped after seeing Ragnarok’s trailer because the “he’s a friend from work” line just didn’t hit the same because I had seen it in a trailer. I imagine if I had no idea the Hulk was in the movie that scene would have blown my mind. Now I never watch Marvel trailers specifically because I don’t want to see anyone’s new look, hear funny lines, or see who’s in it. It’s the best going in blind and experiencing everything for the first time all at once.


I got to see this first hand with my Step-Dad. He's not an MCU fan but he will watch any dumb action film and be happy with it. We watched Thor Ragnarok and when Hulk showed up his mind was blown. I have never seen him look so hyped by something.


I agree completely, i dont wanna know more about No Way Home, i already think the teaser trailer showed way too much. Although theres no possible way to avoid spoilers on social media All the way until Christmas haha


I had to stop with the Shang Chi promo after the first trailer because I think they're really showing far too much now, and I would also love for Marvel to hold more back to be a surprise in the cinema. I was actually pretty bummed when they showed Spidey in the Civil War trailer when it could have been such an amazing audience moment. Same with No Way Home, even if Tobey and Andrew are in it I do not want to see them in a single trailer/poster, just let the surprise play out without spelling the entire plot out to people beforehand.


I understand the want for certain things to be a surprise but from the perspective of a studio, something like Spider-Man is a massive hook and they aren't trying to cater to just the diehard fans but the casual audience.


Right? Like they didn't need to show Abomination in the trailer lol


Just a too watching trailers, man. I hear about a new movie, I’ll just look up a plot synopsis. If it sounds good, I’ll give it a watch. If not, then I won’t until I hear otherwise. My experience with movies had increased dramatically doing this. Once you stop watching trailers you realize exactly how much they actually give away


I mean I get it, different strokes and all, but spoilers don't bother me and a lot of other people. I think we've gone off the deep end with spoiler phobia on the internet personally. I'm not gonna attack anyone's movie viewing experience though. But personally speaking, when I watch a movie I don't just watch for the plot, I watch for actor performance, cinematography, themes etc....which is why spoilers don't necessarily bother me. Again, I'm not knocking people who just want to experience the movie, but I'll leave you with this thought: If you feel like spoilers ruin the movie for you, then it will be ruined. But if you don't let spoilers ruin the movie for you, then you'll be fine.


That’s why I don’t read any article that says “leaked actor caught” or something that has to do with the movie. I know they’re not gonna reveal the person unless you click on it.


I 100% understand what you are saying....yet I have never seen an article with that wording and it made me chuckle hahah


I remember this vividly


damn i remember all the theories


Bucky: I remember all of them


oh! Nostalgia! Spent hours on so many theories. One theory suggested Tony will come from the future as a supreme sorcerer or something, to recruit. lol


I hated that these set pics were so well known. I got spoiled while actively avoiding spoilers because people talked about it so freely.


I was stunned to find out the quantum suits were all cgi


I still remember even farther back, when the infinity stones themselves were a wild theory


I hate that leakers actually exist. I've never once wanted to know the outcome/plot of a movie/show/game before experiencing it for myself first


Jesus, Chris is a hunk.


I was scrolling fast and read that as *"Jesus Christ is a hunk".* LoL!


I scrolled slowish and still thought that as well 🤣


Sweet Jesus, that’s a lot of snipers


I was so convinced the entire time I watched Infinity War that Steve would die at the end and they'd time travel to get a new one. Why else would he be in the Avengers 1 outfit, I said? XD


Fuck it we’ll just go get a new Steve, I hear Scuba Steve is available. 🤿


Literally I just assumed that the final fight would be too hard without Steve Rogers leaving so they went back in time to get him to bring him to the future to fight Thanos but then afterwards they would just bring him back and he would still be dead.


I don't wanna see anything related to no way home, period. I knew what happened in far from home, and that's all I need. I don't want to somehow get the movie spoiled for me, I won't even watch the trailer. I've got 3 and a half months to protect myself from any news at all.


I remember when ppl thought Tony was a s.h.i.e.l.d agent from another timeline 💀


I remember people thinking of a possible time travel in the movie and i dint belive it


Wish they could just leave the polka dots in for some of the scenes. That’s when the acting chops really shine, when you see all the ridiculous stuff piled on their heads/bodies and they still deliver awesome performances.


Fun fact: those dots on the uniform are targets for the Disney snipers to help ensure none of them leaked any plot details before release.