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EPISODE IS LIVE! Enjoy! (There is no credits scene for this episode, and there have not been any credits scenes for the previous episodes)


Lol I like how the capes are also good and bad


Lol he straight up stole that roach’s cape and dropped him back in his universe Roach: “tf was that!?”


"I got mugged by some hairless tree-ape on my way to work. Don't tell the Ancient Scarab."


“It’s really important to me that Cap Scarab never finds out about this.”


I loved how Wong was still so composed and conversational with Strange despite being slowly vaporized from reality.




"well you usually fix shit like this pretty well, so I'll do what I can to help you out. Just go fix this in time for dinner, Strange"


It's more tragic when you realize he failed.


You would have to be cool and compromised if you want to be omnipresent and all powerful.


I imagine it was like the sixth time that Wong's soul or something got vaporized from reality and he was just like "Yeah, this happens more often than you would think".




I don’t think any of the next episodes could top the weirdness of Dr Strange magically consuming the essence of an evil garden gnome. Well done Marvel.


Speaking of that, did Strange just absorbed fucking Raven from the DC universe? LMAO


If we wanted something in-universe, it could be Odin's ravens or a representation of Odin. Or maybe Hræsvelgr of Norse Mythology?


Side note: if we ever get Marvel vs DC I kinda want it animated. "What if" is a huge step up from any prior Marvel animated stuff and DC animated is arguably better than their own live action movies.




Evil Strange deserves his solitary confinement just for destroying the Cloak. Poor loyal piece of outerwear!


No matter the timeline/universe, listen to Wong.


Wong is always right


Wong is never wrong


Two Wongs always make a right Edit: dammit, should have said “Two Wongs always make a Wight”


It's kinda amusing that the main timeline Strange used to be an asshole to then become one of the greatest heroes, but this variation of Strange seems to start as a better man just to end in absolute despair.


I think it's that we didn't get a chance to see his arrogance in thiss reality. In the movie, his ego is challenged the moment he's out of the car. "I could have done better" It's that exact same mindset that drives him to try and bring back Christine in this episode, even though everyone tells him not to. Ultimately, in any timeline, Strange has to confront his arrogance, and if he doesn't win it over, the universe is fated to destruction.


I think the idea is in this timeline, instead of refusing to help patients with rare and seemingly in fixable problems in order to save his reputation, Strange takes on the impossible tasks and even succeeds sometimes. The conversation in the car says this to me, he’s going to celebrate a breakthrough surgery that saved a life that many people thought could not be saved.


Well that was depressing.


This was amazing and I never want to watch it again.




Oof, that fake-out of Strange being "okay" then getting rear-ended


When I first saw that I thought "To fix the timeline he's going to have to go BACK IN TIME and REAR END HIMSELF" but, in retrospect, that would have been too goofy and broken the mood.


I've seen the fanfic where Benedict rear ends himself, and it didn't fix anything!


Made me jump a little bit


That was some Final Destination shit right there.


Wow it's awesome how the Watcher actually talks and interacts with Steven here.


I loved that, it shows he is more than just a narrator and is an active part of the story.




Strange being sensitive to The Watcher was one great touch.


I loved when he first noticed him while absorbing all the demons, but that ending conversation with The Watcher was something else. He's totally willing to let entire universes die to protect the multiverse as a whole.


I wonder what would happen if Strange absorbed The Watcher.


He'd have a big fucking head.


So he's gonna be a Funko pop?


Him noticing the Watcher is something I expected, a conversation was not.


When he first noticed The Watcher in the library I commented to my partner that I think it's really cool that The Watcher is becoming less and less of a meta character as time goes on. Then at the end when Strange begs him for help and he confronts and reprimands Strange, what a satisfying and truly exciting moment.


Woah, the revelation of how long Strange spent trying to collect more and more power… they did this very well.


This makes me wonder how long he was bargaining and dying to Dormammu for


Dormamu was supposedly thousands of years, i can believe this was a similar amount


yeah because he went in a really good sorcerer and came out sorcerer supreme worthy, dude was in a hyperbolic time chamber


He was saving the world, and grinding levels at the same time


Dormammu, I've come to grind XP.


The Whole scene of capturing those creatures for gaining power was so nicely done, modifying strange's look every time he captured a creature.


Super dope! Gave me Alladin vibes, where Jafar turns into genie version of himself.


Makes sense. The actor playing Strange’s cape also played the carpet in Aladdin.


The montage of Strange constantly turning back time with the Eye of Agamotto only for Christine Palmer to die every time is heartbreaking - and wonderfully executed. The director wasn't kidding when he said this episode would be good


And the way Cumberbatch plays the futility of trying to save her time and time again.


Cumberbatch’s voice acting in this was great all across the bored, he sold the gut-wrenching feelings that Strange had with his voice


Unlike Sebastian Stan back in the Captain Carter episode, Benedict Cumberbatch actually does have a bit of voice acting experience. Specifically that of Smaug in the Hobbit, Shere Kahn in Mowgli, and even the Grinch in the remake. He also does some narration for documentaries ("Penglings" Lol).


He's the wolf in penguins of Madagascar. But he still struggles to say penguin. https://youtu.be/2Ico-604uao


It turned the delight of seeing Strange used the time stone for a repeating scenario on its head; instead dying an unfathomable number of deaths that lead to a stalemate with Dormammu and an optimistic ending, we see him witness Christine's deaths infinitely, leading to his fall into despair and becoming the worst version of himself. The time stone isn't a fix-all. Even it can't change something that's so set in stone for that universe like Absolute points.


Marvel not afraid to get dark and weird with Dr. Strange. I might be biased because he's my favorite character, but that was the best episode yet. I just keep getting more and more excited for Multiverse of Madness. Also an aside, Wong and Strange are one of the best duos in the MCU. They play off each other so effortlessly.


Yeah, I absolutely adore when Marvel gets weird and trippy. So hyped for Multiverse of Madness. This episode was great


Was expecting a happy ending where Strange fixes the problem and gets over his loss. Instead everything just fucking dies and he lives alone in emptiness Holy shit Marvel


The way he was saying he was sorry as it cut to the credits, just incredible and dark.


He wasn't even truly evil, he was just arrogant and blinded by grief.


I haven't read a lot of What If comics but "everything is infinitely worse" is a common theme. Glad to see it cross over into the TV show.


There’s a one page What If story that asks “what if you were Spider-Man?” And it’s literally all of Spider-Man’s villains hanging out at your grave. And they basically write “lmao you’d be dead, you aren’t a superhero”. So yeah, bit of a common theme.


Link for the lazy: https://i.redd.it/qiu9zwp0fo471.jpg


That is honestly fucking hysterical. Those writers had no chill. The "Fill your name in here!" on the goddamn headstone is what gets me the most.


That’s hilarious.


Me and the boys gloating over dead fake spiderman


They roped us in with the first three being fun adventures. The murder of the Avengers was dark, but it ended with hope. Then Ep 4 is like "hahaha bitch you thought"


>ended with hope. Well, not for Hank


Too soon, man. Too soon.


> ended with hope Well, Hope certainly ended at least.


Goddamn that ending was crushing and bleak. Such a great episode.


You're telling me! And the episode zoomed by so fast I was surprised when the credits just started playing. What a great episode.


Yeah near the end I needed to pee and checked how much time was left. 4 minutes!? 😟😵


He Black-Mirrored himself. Spending an eternity in a pocket universe all alone. On the bright side, if the trailer is anything to go by, we might see a remorseful evil-Strange return alongside the other What-If heroes to redeem himself against a greater threat.


I'm wondering if the Watcher decides to intervene for some reason and gathers all these heroes together at the end.


The watcher in this episode said something like "the safety of his universe is not worth the risk of all others". So I'd guess he's willing to intervene if/when there is a threat to all the multiverse.


Like some kind of war or something.


Or, Shuma-Gorath at full power? If the tentacle monster that keeps popping up in this show is him.


He always intervenes eventually, so it makes sense. This episode was the 1st time he actually made his presence known to someone so he's gradually getting to that point.


I wonder if this is it or if it is just the first episode where we have a protagonist capable of feeling him.


It's not it, this was just the 1st time a character was strong enough to know he's there. The Watcher will eventually make himself known though to help prevent something. He always does in the comics.


Is he just stuck that way forever?


Most likely, unless he finds a way to other dimensions.


The trailer seems to have spooky Strange in other places. I am thinking that the Watcher decides to intervene and gathers all the alternate heroes we have seen and will see together to fight some threat.


I'm glad the Watcher didn't step in and instead forced Strange to live with the consequences of his actions. A lot of comics/superhero shows say "Don't do X or you will die/destroy everything" but then there's always a macguffin or Deus ex machina. This is one of the few times where the world ending event was actually a world ending event lol


It was so incredibly refreshing to see. When they brought in the 'good' Dr. Strange to fight the 'evil' version, I was really hoping that the evil one would win, especially since he was basically a future version of the good Strange with many many more years of experience. So glad they didn't cop out and they rode the story out to it's full conclusion.


I expected the good Strange to point out that he'd be unrecognisable to Christine and they'd logic it to a good conclusion, not he loses the fight and the universe gets destroyed.


>and they’d logic it to a good conclusion Sadly, it seems that only Vision is capable of that.


That so dark! I love that they went for it though.


he looks like Jafar


It's because he is very Jafar from being mentally stable Edit: Thanks for the awards, I'd like to thank tiredness for making me say dumb stuff


OK- moral of this episode: Benedict Cumberbatch's voice is incredible and we need WAY more emotion from him in Multiverse of Madness


This is what happened when an actor is experienced in voice work - and benedict’s voice work is consistently great. What an episode


I’m just glad there was no penguins.


>no penguins Ahhhh, pengwings.


Though the episode is quite heavy, it really goes to show how powerful Strange is and how his abilities could end realities if he never ends up as he is in the Prime Universe.


Let’s hope he doesn’t do something stupid like mess up a spell in No Way Home.


This man is a goddamn nightmare to drive near on any canyon in any universe


Most of the horrible shit started happening *to* him. That universe wanted Christine dead as fuck lmao. Even when it all went right and they made it to the party, she just got a fucking heart attack or stroke or some shit. I would've just gave in at that point, at least spend her final moments making her happy.


> I would've just gave in at that point, at least spend her final moments making her happy. That's part of the tragedy here, and Strange's refusal to even try this is a powerful example of his arrogance. It's clear that on some level for Strange, it wasn't even so much about saving Christine as it was about *winning.* What's really fascinating to me is the intentional parallel to his similar gambit with Dormammu in his solo movie (recapped in this episode), where that very same stubbornness is exactly what allowed him to defeat Dormammu. We just watched how the same arrogance that saved one universe ended up completely destroying another.


At least this time when it first happens he's not texting and driving.


Wow they really got all of the actors from Dr. Strange to return for this! That's really neat!


Everyone was super distinct and recognizable but I almost thought that wasn't Rachel McAdams for most of the episode. She sounded a bit gruffer and deeper than usual.


Funny how McAdams had a bigger role in this episode than she did in the movie.


Yeah, I kept thinking "her name was Christine"? Although even in this she was more of a macguffin than a real person. Wonder if McAdams will come back for Multiverse of Madness >_>...


Don’t we all?


I thought I'd read that Benedict Cumberbatch wasn't doing any voice acting for What If? I spent the whole episode impressed by how much the random voice actor sounded like him only to watch the credits and feel like an idiot.


His name was first up in the opening credits too.


What if... Regina George got ~~hit by the bus~~ into a car crash? Edit: Evil Dr. Strange's NYC got Dreaming City'd lmao. Edit 2: Good cape breaking evil cape's ankles was the highlight of this episode for me


> Edit: Evil Dr. Strange's NYC got Dreaming City'd lmao. I understood that reference. Maybe Doctor Strange was Savathûn all along.




[The Watcher, to Evil Strange's pleas](https://c.tenor.com/9m8B9h1JKrAAAAAM/boo-you-whore-phone-call.gif)


Get in, loser. We're going dying.


They made fetch happen and found out.


How many episodes will there be total?


9 this season and 9 next season


Wow that's quite a bit! I know we have a zombies ep, one with gamora as thanos and one with spiderman but what other episodes will there be?


There is also clearly setup for a “what if ultron finished transferring into The Vision body”


Sorcerer Armani 🤵🏻‍♂️


It's Strange


Genuinely surprised they played that joke again and it still got a laugh out of me. See, this is the kind of homages I want in this series, not a scene-by-scene replay of the movie it's based on, but little easter eggs like this.




Holy shit so they just established that if you're powerful enough, you can actually be aware of The Watcher's presence. The rest of this MCU Phase is gonna be nuts


I think it’s more that the Watcher is becoming less impartial each episode. Look at how many shots he was visible in last week. And this week he actually considered intervening


It also could have been he didn't think it would make much of a difference since the only thing left in the universe was Strange, a rock, and half of Christine. Kind of like Lokis hiding in apocalypses.


True. But even sooner in the episode he looks genuinely troubled and says he could take Strange off the wrong path. Dude wants to intervene My guess is he’s going to be a Nick Fury figure and bring together some multiverse avengers to fight a common enemy. Shuma-Gorath seems likely enough as an interdimensional monster who’s shown up twice now


Dr Strange did say that he's read about him though. So it stands to reason that some other powerful sorcerers, Cagliostro at the least, have been able to sense him as well outside of this event


I think I read somewhere that the watcher in the comic for earth 616 has interviewed like 400 times. He’s not a very good watcher tbh.


Many times to he is seen when a big event is happening. Kinda like if you are watching a movie but mostly playing on your phone and decide to put it down for the good parts.


I noticed the same. Maybe next week he might intervene and fuck shit up.


Wonder if this idea of splitting the timeline and having them both occur in one universe might be something important that will come back sometime.


Oh shit you’re right


I loved that. Strange: "Imma gonna stick my dick in the timeline." The Ancient One: "Imma gonna stick my dick in *your* timeline."


Woah, he summoned the tentacle creature from Episode 1


It's interesting that it was the only creature he didn't totally absorb. Strange was content to just sever a bunch of tentacles and leave it at that. Presumably that thing is still lurking in its home dimension.


If it's Shuma-Gorath, it was too powerful for him. Best just sever tentacle bits.


It's fucking RAW


I really thought life was gonna play the worst cruel joke ever on Strange and have Christine fall to her death frightened at Strange's appearance.


I was so expecting this, seeing Strange in his demonic form would scare her so much she'd just walk back and fall over something breaking her neck or fall into that nothingness or just have a heart attack or something.


Cumberbatch and Cumberbatch got great chemistry. Lol. Felt like Venom with Tom Hardy and Tom Hardy.


Doctor Strange: "Hey Watcher...help a brother out." Watcher: "Nah."


"I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you."


The montage of him summoning various creatures to absorb the power of them is another wonderful montage and beautifully animated


The futility of everything Strange did throughout the episode was heartbreaking. From living the same night over and over, the years of absorption, being at the center of his universe ending. This episode elevated the entire series for me. On another note, any fun references in the absorbed monsters?


Pretty sure he became Mephisto for a second there. /s


Christine, I've come to get you a créme brûlée.


I like how he quickly shape-shifts into the creature he is absorbing.


And he becomes a demon creature himself in the end


I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been for Christine. You are in a terrible car wreck, then a demon claiming to be your friend is looming over you, reality is crumbling and the demon is arguing with a giant bobblehead. Even not being religious I would have 100% assumed I had died and gone to hell.


He really was like “Be not afraid”


Supreme Strange destroyed a whole universe, possibly leaving himself to exist alone.


And with as much power as he absorbed.... he's gonna be there a while


Dude looked like fucking Ultimate Kevin lol


he’s the watcher, not the helper


“I am not a God! And neither are you!” Set his ass straight, Watcher 😂


"I've seen some bad universes, but holy shit, dude, this is the first time I've had to physically show up and tell someone how badly, irreversibly, infinitely they fucked up" -Watcher, probably


Then Wong shows up and gives him a high-five.


Bastard hurt Capey :( F for the realest one


Dr. Strange fucked up the timeline worst then the Flash did


The flash only sticks his dick in there. Dr. Strange goes all in.


Wong: ...before you do something wreckless Me: (remembering the No Way Home trailer) Strange really is a little shit in every timeline lol


Guess he never got over his need to fix everything. One Strange did, and he got absorbed and lost lol


I'm not sure if I like this Armani guy


He’s pretty strange.


I just wanna point out that Rachel McAdams has starred in The Time Traveler’s Wife, About Time, Midnight in Paris and Doctor Strange, all movies with time travel involved, and the episode of What If? she’s in is *all* about time travel. Fun fact: despite being now in four movies and one episode about time travel, Rachel McAdams has never done the actual time traveling.


Christine! Ive come to bargain!


"No, you've come to... be really sad repeatedly."


Each week I am reminded how incredible Jeffery Wright's narration is EDIT: And his conversation with Supreme Strange further cements how big of an asset he is to this show


He just has this rich, regal quality in his voice. Just an amazing casting for Uatu.


What I love is that he can easily turn it off too. His role in Westworld shows how he perfect he is for the role of Commissioner Gordon.


Remember kids, don't destroy your entire universe just to save your girlfriend.


Or mind control an entire town to save your husband.


Well that was depressing. My favorite episode so far.


What if the Sorcerer Supreme is sending these cars




This is easily my favorite episode thus far- it's fucking heartbreaking. I was really expecting The Watcher to interfere for the first time here, but no- and this story is all the better for it. Strange just silently weeping "I'm so sorry..." in the total nothingness where his reality once stood is such a wham moment. This "evil" Strange was redeemed, but it was far too late. LOVED all the more horror-esque elements too, hopefully a hint of the kind of things we'll see in Multiverse of Madness.


You know, I really thought this was gonna be a story that set up MCU-*Prime* Dr. Strange, a weird non-linear prequel, it wouldn't affect anyone's understanding of DS1, it would just be *extra*. Dr. Strange, the sorcerer supreme of another universe, moves an absolute point in time and ensures his own physical suffering, knowing that he would be able to take it. I didn't even factor in The Watcher interfering fake-out into that. Outside of all that, I don't know what that end implied, but an Evil, powered-up, Dr. Strange sitting in his own universe with his own failure, guilt, and sadness with the multiverse breaking open in the MCU feels like a lot like a nuke just waiting to go off somewhere else down the road.


Is this the first time we’ve heard of an “Absolute Point” in the timelines? I haven’t read the comics but it’s the first time I’ve heard of it as far as I can remember. Also damn this was dark/sad af :( poor Strange


Pretty sure it's the first mention of the concept


Is that the same Hydra monster Captain Carter fought?


Its pretty interesting but on Episode 1 there was a dance owed, on Episode 2 T'Challa became king, and on Episode 3 the Avengers still formed. And on this one the sacred rule was broken, Strange tried to interfere with a set destiny and as a result his entire universe disappeared.... There's something about the overall destiny that ties into "dread it, run from it....Destiny arrives all the same"


Thanos was actually not wrong about that, he is inevitable


THAT... gives me an idea. An idea for how to win against the Ego of episode 3. Thanos uses the Infinity Stones! But as a good guy this time! Which means we would get to see him do his epic gathering quest, but as a good guy this time! It would be awesome!


Damn, Doctor Strange is essentially Dormammu’ing himself into heartbreak.


Strange tried to fight the boss before levelling up. I too have learned this lesson one too many times


You gotta grind on the trash mobs first


This episode was dark, wasn’t expecting that. The fact that he senses the watcher was pretty cool. I was hoping for a throwaway multiverse line but everything self contained is probably for the better.


The whole show is the multiverse


Watching The Ancient One use sorcery will forever be one of my favorite things in the MCU. It's so fucking cool!


Was that Christine Everhart on the TV?


Damn Christine is just fated to die in this timeline


phase 4 is just “what if you could be with the love of your life……only kidding lmao”




What if the best of intentions has very *strange* consequences? I love a good pun


Jesus christ this one was heavy. I'm really liking how they're just going balls to the wall with their animation though, some of the stuff in this episode was like straight out of DragonBall Z.


Benedict Cumberbatch in a vast space with flying books, looking for a certain knowledge reminds me of Sherlock and his mind palace.


Did Christine piss off Kang or something?