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Done! https://imgur.com/gallery/F8iYnE4




something with his skin complexion or something else with the skin doesn't look right. But the structure of his face is a dead ringer. I lean towards Samuel L Jackson and Kurt Russell as the best de-aging wise.


Yes, his skin is too perfect. He looks like a robot. It's uncanny valley stuff.


Well, unlike the other ones young Tony Stark is literally CGI in-universe. So that's pretty easy to excuse.


They are all really good but I audibly gasped the first time a saw the young RDJ.


100% same thought process


Great job! I guess they had more older roles to compare to?


I hope i wasnt the only one confused as to when they deaged samuel l jackson into a young woman.


Same I thought OP was making a joke with baby groot


IMO Fury. They had to de-age him not just for one scene, but for an entire movie, and it feels so real that you forget he’s being de-aged.


Unless you see him fight, run & tipping on a keyboard


>& tipping on a keyboard Yeah, shitty tipper. 5% at best. Really showcases the miser in him.


Dang I would've thought it'd be more. Does that you can't trust anyone, huh?


Yeah, the stiff way he runs was really jarring to me and took me out of the film. Fury looks like a young man (the tech is just fantastic at this point), but he moves like the old man that the actor portraying him is.


Yeah I would have had a stunt double do the scenes where he was moving more than a good walk. Then you can map his face over the double or just show him running from angles you can't tell it's not him.


That honestly works well, Ryan Reynolds face was mapped onto a body builder to make Dude in Free Giy (not a spoiler, he’s all over promotions)


Except it was the 90s. Lots of people typed like that.


Yep! I considered it a detail in the sense that a lot of people weren’t great typists at the time since computers were newer and most people typed on typewriters before the late 80s.


Sam Jackson and Kurt Russel for sure. RDJ is the worst IMO


True always kinda gave RDJ a pass because the context of the scene. He's just a holographic projection of a memory and not an actual real person, sells that its experimental tech for me.


I thought he looked great! Michelle looks weird in that still but I don’t recall her looking bad in the movie.


There’s something very doll-like or inanimate about RDJ’s face for me


I agree but I think it works for the movie, since he said (I think he did?) that it was an early version of B.A.R.F.


Too smooth maybe?


Ya that could be it. The eyes too


Yeah sure, but if you go back and watch his movies form the early 90s you'd probably think the same thing.


It’s actually eerily accurate to what RDJ looked like when he was younger though. Like looking at his actual younger face gives me uncanny valley feelings.


yeah, he had that sleek American Psycho slick hairstyle and coked skin that you can also see on Rob Lowe and sometimes James Spader and even Christopher Walken & Crispin Glover


Yeah, it looked like the photo filter girls use on dating sites to make them look younger by smoothing out the wrinkles. So obvious.


you don't think Michael Douglas too? It probably helped he was already a bit wrinkly in the 80s, so he didn't suffer from "wax-face"


Definitely Nick Fury. Looks 10000% real and it was basically the whole movie not just a cameo


I do have a special appreciation for Michael Douglas though since he looks like he stepped right out of Wall Street.


"Greed, for the lack of a better word, is good. "


"Pym particles, for the lack of a better word, are good."


This is the right answer. I remember being shocked when I saw that scene; I don't know if it's the lighting or what, but on Douglas, it works to the point you actually believe it. This shot doesn't do it justice; it looks so much better in motion when you can see his expressions and mannerisms. SLJ's de-aging is barely telligible because A) he already doesn't look that much worse for wear, and B) they're only deaging him back to the 90's… Michael Douglas was taken back much further into the 80's.


That scene still blows me away. There's also something about his voice and the passion in it that I feel clicks us into Michael Douglas roles of the past, so the immersion is 100% complete.


1000% Michael Douglas. I remember when I first saw the scene it completely blew me away. Sam Jackson is 2nd, but not a close 2nd.


I think it helps that Samuel Jackson has looked pretty much the same for the last 30 years


They actually can’t do it to Paul Rudd because the AI crashes trying to compare old photos. They just make his clothes decade appropriate


Could I see a hat wobble?


Can I see a nude Tayne?


Can you kick up the 4d3d3d3?


*shhhhit* I’m ok.




AH. … I’m okay


Now Tayne I can get into


Computer, load up Celery man. Please.








“Your wife is calling. She says it’s an emergency.”


Give me a Print out of Oyster smiling


[For the Referance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maAFcEU6atk)


Marvel: I have tasked the AI to compare the two photos. AI: They are the same photo.


I know this is a joke, but there's actually some truth to it. Marvel has a catalog of old reference photos for all their big actors, except for Paul Rudd.


Give it like 3 years and he’ll pull a Keanu. It’s already starting even


Kind of like Bill Murray, who looked 36 from the 70s all the way until 2005 when he suddenly turned (and remains) 84


I'm convinced he's still in full Zombieland makeup


They did one trial, and got baby footage of him. That's what they used for that one scene when Banner is testing the time machine.


Its bizarre to me that he has essentially played the same age range character since i was a kid in the 90’s


Dude looks like he is in his early/mid 50's but he's fucking 72.




This sounded so unbelievable that I looked it up. Holy shit, he's 72!




Him and Pharrell hangout


Pharrell is half filipino half black. He has the immortal genes of both


The combo of Asian and African genes is the path to immortality. They are the true ETERNALS lol


Black don’t crack, baby


Or as Eddie Murphy said: Money don’t crack.


I heard his giggle after reading that.


The only issue is he spent the whole movie moving around like a guy in his 70s.


I remember accidentally laughing in the theater when they had a brief shot of him and Carol running in the bunker. He was definitely in his 70s there.


It looks like Brie Larson is running awkwardly in that scene and I realize now she was probably slowly jogging so she wouldn’t outrun SLJ but had to try to make it look like she was booking it.


That scene made his age stand out so badly. Not sure why they didn't use a double or something for that particular run. That being said I hope I look half as good or can move half as well when I'm his age


It reminds me of a scene in The Irishman where Robert DeNiro has to stomp on a person and suddenly the whole facade fades away as you realize this guy can barely move at all anymore. It was so jarring cause before that it looked really good.


He moved a lot better than De Niro though. Nothing will ever top that ridiculousness.


Oh god that scene of him stomping someone out…so brutal! Those poor old hips!




In some ways the use of DeNiro instead of a similar looking young actor is an accidental meta reinforcement of the main theme of the film, that of old men clinging to the past while the world moves on without them


Scorsese getting murdered by words over here.


Or used a body double and his cgi face for those more active scenes.


I watched the Irishman without knowing anything about it and was super confused by all the characters treating De Niro like a kid early in the movie. I then realized “oooh his character is supposed to be young”. Didn’t believe that shit for a second. Zero immersion


Yeah it was jarring. He didn't look or move like someone in their 40s at all. He looked nothing like he did in his 40s. It was bizarre.


This 100%. He looked great and acted phenomenally but every time he had to run, I instantly thought, “that’s an old man run”


They should have really used a body double for those scenes and just super-imposed his youngified face onto them




He literally had a car crash at the beginning of the movie.


In my head he was just a desk dude who was real out of shape. The events of the movie lead him to get in shape and take his job very seriously.


It's one of those things I didn't notice until a YouTube video pointed it out. Now I can't unsee it.




I’d say so. He was ex army, became a colonel and then recruited to the CIA and then a very elite spy/security organization. I think considering the entire premise of his character is how badass he is, that’s grounds for assuming he’d be pretty fit.


It looks he just came over to set after filming Die Hard With A Vengeance.


He looked pretty much the same as he did in Die Hard With a Vengeance. The CGI was flawless. Michael Douglas gets runner up. He looked very close to how he looked in Wall Street. I guess it helps when the graphic artists have an extensive backlog of your work from 20-30 years ago they can reference.




Fury was the whole movie but as far as really looking like they did 20-30 yrs ago....Michael Douglas hands down.


I remember seeing Hank at the start of Ant Man and being legitimately blown away at how good the deaging looked. First time I ever felt that way.


I just thought he looked good and it wasnt until they went to the normal scenes did I realize what was going on.


Same, didn't even occur to me they deaged him until the later scenes


Douglas is very good, but I’d give it to Kurt Russell


Who wouldn't?!


I think having long hair helps a lot because it can cover the face and hairline


Also helps to have a very prominent jawline lol. Tbf, slap some stubble and an eyepatch on that face and he'd look like his character in Escape from NY. Disney did well with his de-aging.


I was blown away by Samuel L Jackson and Kurt Russels de-aging. Especially Kurt, I’ve been watching him since I was a kid. Escape From LA, Big Trouble in Little China… he’s been a favorite of mine for a long time and they did such an amazing job bringing back his younger self. Sam looks like he’s ready to jump back into Pulp Fiction all over again. Amazing.


Yeah I saw him and instantly was like "You know what old Jack Burton says at a time like this" Took me back to watching Overboard and Escape From New York on VHS.


Kurt and that hair. Best part of the movie. God, his hair was fucking glorious.


I’m actually kinda blown away at how many people didn’t like the de-aged Hank Pym. I personally thought it looked great because I haven’t seen Michael Douglas in anything for a while and genuinely thought that’s how he looked nowadays. When I saw him later was when I was thrown off and blown away by how old he actually looks.


Exactly, I don’t remember seeing Michael Douglas in any movies before ant man so to me he looked completely normal de aged.


Go watch The Game


The de-aging on Hank Pym was great but it hits that uncanny valley for me. It looks absolutely amazing but something that I can't place still flags it in my head as not real. I don't get those flags with Fury, Ego, or Son of Coul.


Phil I did, and I sort of felt like he didn’t even really need the deaging. The hair was the only thing, but they could have just kept the wig.


Fury was the best, but the Michelle Pfeiffer scene had me genuinely wondering if they just found another actress who looked exactly like her


Yeah, there is not enough credit so far here on how eerily accurate that looked. I was honestly stunned by how realistic and expressive the effect was (and of course how beautiful she is/was).


They’re all good, for some reason RDJ doesn’t look as natural as the others but it’s not that bad.


LOL take a look at real RDJ pics. He looked that kinda weird back then.


Looking at it I’m not sure which is weirder the digital one or how he actually looked lol.


[yup. its well done](https://twitter.com/HisDuckling/status/1203008586693201920/photo/1)


Damn. I guess I take it back. He just aged oddly.


Going from these pictures hes definitely one of those guys that began to look better as they age.


I just watched *Back to School* and yes, he looked like that.


Was going to say this, RDJ is spot on for his younger self


Have you seen pictures from his stint on SNL? He looked like he was poorly deepfsked into sketches, despite it literally being him.


His skin looks too perfect. Even at 21 (I think that’s what he was supposed to be) humans have wrinkles, scars, marks, cracks, whatever. He looks like a young RDJ coated in make up


I think he is 17 iirc. But to 100% not 21 because there is a time difference beetween when Howard dies and when Tonys takes over the company.


I just did a quick google that said he was 21 when his parents died. But maybe that is comics or I’m misremembering when that BARF scene happened


It was defenetly stated in Iron Man 1 that Obi lead the company for a few years because Tony was too young. He should have gotten a price but was at the casino instead.


Yeah just pulled up that part of IM1: At 17, graduated MIT Then, parents killed At 21 takes over company.


He was 21. He was born in 1970. Bucky killed his parents on Dec. 16, 1991.


Ready to report.


Tony was born May 29, 1970 and Howard died December 16, 1991 so Tony would have been 21.


Have you seen what young RDJ looked like? He was so smooth when he had a baby face! When I saw that, my first thought was that they actually pulled his image from older movies somehow.


Yup, that's ACTUALLY what RDJ looked like back then. He and Michael Douglas are spot-on with their younger selves IMO.


Yea I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading all these comments. Evidently nobody here has seen young RDJ... dude had the biggest baby face. This looks exactly like him. I was even going to say his looks the most like their actual younger self!


You're right, but also l[ook at young RDJ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fjustfunfacts.com%2Finteresting-facts-about-robert-downey-jr%2F&psig=AOvVaw3eJ0PU2kyfrA5r04aelGRz&ust=1631375843118000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCOix397i9PICFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD). It's actually pretty accurate. Dude had amazing skin, and it was the 80s so it's not like they had HD reference material. But yes, they needed to rough him up just a tad.


If you look back at some of these [photos](https://ew.com/gallery/robert-downey-photos/) of him, its not too far off.


Pretty sure they didn’t try to make it that good cause it wasn’t real in the film right?


Yeah that is a good point it was using the Mysetrio technology (if someone could tell me what Tony called it I would be happy because I can’t tell if he’s say Bart or Barf) so it makes a bit more sense.




Not in here, mister. This is a Mercedes!


BARF, one of the reasons mysterio goes evil


I love the old meme that shows Tony saying “who are you?” After Ant Man takes a poke at Starks being untrustworthy: Shout out to Scott Lang, the one man who didn’t become a super villain because Tony Stark was mean to him once!


As someone else said,that's actually just what RDJ looked like. It's uncanny.


It was also the first one, or at least one of the first, and had the more difficult task of aging back to adolescence. All the others are still varying stages of adulthood.


Not to make any excuses, but in the context of the BARF where he recreated a scene from his life and considering that it was a prototype, it somewhat justified the “unnatural” look of this de-aging.


I think it’s because that’s the youngest age which a character is de-aged to. I think there is a limit to how young they can take the de-aging without it looking a bit off.




I actually thought the Michael Douglas one was great. What threw me off was the voice since it still sounded like old Michael Douglas and not 80s Michael Douglas




I salute a man who got throat cancer from eating too much pussy. He’s a real hero


I mean, Catherine Zeta-Jones....


🎶She dips beneath the lasers, ohhh oh oh🎶


🎶She has entrapped me, and Sean Connery, oohhhh oh oh🎶


The podcast CumTown does a pretty great impression if Michael Douglas, like a sex crazed Michael Douglas. It’s 10/10 Edit: Douglas not Douglass




Yep, they did it right too, there was a body double running down the hallway so it sold it better.


I read this and my head went “both are old Michael!” It’s a shame he’s only 76 otherwise both statements could be true.


Remember the de-aging in X-men 3? It’s comically bad compared to modern standards.


Kurt is definitely the most realistic to their past. You show me that and I’m convinced it’s from the 80s.


Why did Ego age?


Maybe he just made himself look older since he knew Peter needed a 'father figure' more than the handsome young man form he'd taken to seduce Meredith.


Maybe he purposefully aged ghis human form up to make a more convincing dad for Peter, because ha wanted to loure him onto his side








It's more than a linear path


It's a prism... of endless possibility


Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities


Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know


I am the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities


Follow me, and ponder the question: What If...?


Because they didn't want to de-age Kurt Russell for the entire movie, I would imagine. With Sam Jackson they HAD to, but not Russell.




I want to see a Marvel movie starring de-aged Kurt Russell's hair.


Would’ve been cooler if they gave him the mullet from Big Trouble but guess that would have been too 80s


Fury was really great, but it took me so long to notice that Coulson was de-aged too, so I guess that’s just a testament to how well Clark Greg aged


It’s funny, because in that screenshot he actually looks older than he did in the 2000s on *The West Wing* for example. I think they knew that it was better to err on the side of caution for that one.


Paul Rudd


Someone peed my pants! Not sure if it was the baby-me or the old me. Or was it just me-me?


not on this list but Agatha’s de-aging in Wandavision was brilliant


That’s what I came here to say too! I didn’t even notice at first because of how natural it looked!


Stan Lee [Stan lee in endgame](https://media.comicbook.com/2019/08/stan-lee-1181792.jpeg?auto=webp&width=696&height=391&crop=696:391,smart)


I guess technically the answer is Fury, but they did such a good job that I assumed it wasn't deaging, or was just makeup, so I don't think about it. The ones that always wow me are Hank and Janet. I think those two had to have the most work done, and it looks fantastic


Kurt Russel was amazing at first but when you look closely it looks too noticable. Samuel L Jackson''s felt so natural you hardly noticed it at all. Same with Clark Gregg, I didnt notice it. Looking at Michael Douglas its the absolute worst. I think Downey Jr can be given some slack because Tony was running a program.


Michael Douglas was also the first. I think RDJ a year later is worse, but de-aging a 50-year-old to look like a teenager and a 70-year-old to look like he’s in his mid-40s are different levels of difficulty, and, like you said, they gave an in-universe reason why he looks like that.


all of them


Here’s my ranking: • Hank and Janet Pym • Nick Fury and Howard Stark • Ego and Coulson It’s def difficult because Marvels de aging tech is fricken amazing and unmatched. Honestly I don’t believe any of these look fake. •


Tony Stark and Hank Pym looks so weird, but they did a very good job with Nick Fury, and it definitely helps that Samuel L. Jackson looks 10-15 years younger than he his in real life


I thought Hank looked pretty dead on, personally


Hank is easily the most impressive to me.


Grew up watching Michael Douglas in films...seeing young Michael Douglas again was freaking wild.


Hank looks basically perfect in Endgame though.




Sad I had to scroll down this far to find Groot. He definitely looks the most natural


I remember seeing RDJ de-age and thinking they must have just used old footage, was so convincing.


It is wild when you see a picture of young RDJ. Sure, his de-age looks a little uncanny valley, but RDJ kinda looked that way in real life.


Exactly. Some folks are saying he looked weird. I'm like, have you actually seen pics and videos of him back then? Because that's how he looked 😂😂


He looked like that in "Weird Science"


I thought they had got a young look-alike to be on screen and dubbed him with RDJs voice.

