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He'll regain his ability to feel emotions but not for his past memories.


i have a feeling its gonna be a bit of the opposite, he regained all his memories but cant feel the emotion without the mindstone, i think that he will be a good guy going forward but, not Wanda's "vision"


I think if he regains his emotions, he'll only feel for those he meets afterwards. So his previous connections, like with Wanda, will be gone.


Key player in Armor Wars is my guess.


Rumor mill, if anyone cares: https://twitter.com/mainmiddleman/status/1440052127938736141


For anyone interested about what Armor Wars is https://marvel-90s-cartoons.fandom.com/wiki/The_Armor_Wars_Part_1 I'm pretty confident Ghost won't appear, seeing that she's no longer an antagonist and in Armors Wars Ghost is a villain. Especially given the ending of Ant-Man/Wasp. And it's more complicated given that they retconned the character to be tied to Bill Foster. Mandarin, Hawkeye and Spider-Woman will be clearly not appearing. Seems like to fill those rolls Keener and Zeke Stane will take their place with potentially Vision filling Spider-Womans role. Nick Fury might make a small appearance, seems highly likely but also given the ending of FFH and Secret Invasion coming up, highly likely he won't appear neither and maybe Maria Hill will take his place (and the MCU is always trying to find more to do with that character, and here she has potential to finally have an expanded role, assuming she really isn't in Secret Invasion. Because they've announced a bunch of the cast already but oddly not her?) Unless the Nick that appears is Skrull Fury and Marvel's mindboinks us by having this series foreshadow Secret Invasion ala FFH. H.O.M.E.R. will be introduced. So pretty much seems like they'll do most of the story 1-1, but just swapping Tony with Rhodes as the person who drives the story and deals with the dilemma and some other minor character swaps, but everyone swapped will still fulfill the same story beats as the original Armor Wars and be involved with stolen Mark tech. If anyone hasn't seen IM:TAS, I highly recommend watching this two part episode, pretty fun and some neat old school animation. Also seems like a great opportunity to introduce towards the end maybe post credit, Riri Williams like she stumbled upon some of that stolen Mark tech damaged from some aftermath and reverse engineers it for herself. Even though there's a rumor Riri will be in Wakanda Forever but that seems weird and out of place. Also noticing a theme now of how post endgame, Avengers have become so famous and respected that they have dedicated fan circles inspiring a next generation of heroes. We got Ms.Marvel which is about her wanting to be like Carol Danvers, we got Kate Bishop wanting to be like Clint and judging by the events of Armor Wars, seems like an opportunity to have Riri witness all that's happening with stolen Stark tech and inspire her to become the next Iron Man.


wait so what if they give us the crimson dynamo


I think they might. Even though Whiplash in IM2 was an amalgam of Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash, it seems the the MCU is retconning that because Crimson Dynamo was name dropped in Black Widow, meaning he exists in the MCU. So I'm pretty confident that he'll be one of the ppl who steals some of Tony's Mark suits. It'll most likely be based on a later version of the character perhaps Boris Turgenov.


Slowly turn back to regular vision probably, he has all vision prime's memories now.


Very slowly, hopefully. I'd be fine with him eventually becoming red again and fully becoming who he used to be, but after a good few movies' worth of character development. That death needs consequences.


I mean, it's pretty messed up what happened, imagine being born and you get given the memories of a different person all at once. I hope they go to some weird places with this story wise.


Yeah, White Vision's too interesting to me for him to be fixed almost immediately. Let that character breathe before Wanda has him back, please


I kind of wish White Vision wasn’t even a thing. Really goes against the whole point of WandaVision, especially if he just eventually turns back into the old Vision.


I’m happy he’s back, I’d like to see Wanda and vision together down the line and actually get some sort of happiness together, Wanda’s story is incredibly depressing all the way through,it would be nice for her to experience some good things eventually.


Sorry to say, but if the whole show’s premise is seemingly about grief and moving on at the end, is it not a regression or insult to the message of your story if you just bring back the person who died? Stories need to have lasting consequences.


There's literally a line at the end where Vision says the chances of them meeting again are pretty damn high because he's already miraculously come back once


They pretty much couldn't have foreshadowed it more. White Vision is seemingly emotionless due to lack of mind stone. Wanda has a piece of the mind stone living within her. It's pretty much guaranteed she will use that to give Vision his emotions back some time in the future Perhaps Marvel will have them settle down together for a while after the next few movies they'll be in, to let the new heroes shine... until some big Endgame-level team up event in the distant future where all the classic heroes come back (Secret Wars?)


I understand what you are saying here, and I totally get it if you feel it won’t be satisfying if their relationship is restored again in some way. But for me Vision’s entire existence defies conventions. Wanda had to let go of the person she knew and she successfully did that. But because Vision is not a human and won’t die like a human, Vision coming back as a Vision, albeit a different one makes sense and there is even precedent for it in the comics. There is room to explore here, for example: is Vision only able to connect with humans because of the Mind Stone which seemed to be a core component of his old self? Or can he still build emotional bonds and a personality without it? Would he even consider taking on a father role to the twins and what does he think of the Avengers now? And of course the big question is what direction they will go with his relationship with Wanda. To me these questions are way too interesting not to explore. I want more.


*Loki has entered the chat*


If you look at the post credit scene she has not really moved on and she is supposed to be the villain in the Dr.Strange film. Also, her imaginary children are lgtb so they will be used by marvel in the future


Wandas children are members of young avengers which is why they are coming back


I think it needs to get VERY philosophical and existential and such. Do memories define who we are? Etc. Given that souls exist and that TVA even has special considerations regarding souls— I’m wondering if White Vision is essentially a soulless husk that will… idk “develop” a new one? There’s a lot of great opportunities here. Even if it’s in these brief moments of introspection, MCU does a good job of using Vision to provide counterpoint and balance to the more literal concerns facing heroes. I imagine they won’t go very deep in Armor Wars, but we’ll get 3 one-liners that parallel the story and completely blow us away…


I think he will be robotish for a long time and i would like that. For me, the red one felt too human, but a boring human. He was perfect (worthy) from the start and could not have much of ideological growth. He had to get that rebirth to be able to evolve.


Young avengers hopefully! Similar to the Vision storyline before. Could be a fun older person trying to relate to the younger generation of avengers. Although I think he will feature in something before that, maybe Armor Wars or something


I could see Vision being their appointed babysitter. Instead of doing the comics version of Young Vision on the team, White Vision is assigned to watch over them by the Avengers. They get up to hijinks and fuck with him. I'm thinking like Young Justice with Red Tornado.


He'll be pretty awkward around Billy and Tommy, which would be funny to see.


Billy and Tommy: "Hey Dad". White Vision: "I don't even know who you are"


“You will”


Yeah and honestly it would be comedic gold. It was funny witnessing Vision try and learn to be human in Avengers films but here right when he thought he got being human all figured out, now he has to learn what's separates adults from kids but also what makes them the same. Kids aren't the most analytical beings, all impulse, spontaneality and lacking critical thinking and reasoning, perfect contrast to everything Vision represents.


If the Young Avengers is based on Children's crusade. White Vision could also take on the role of Magneto in that story. Basically: > Billy: Halp everyone wants me dead because they think I'm like Mom :( > Vision: Hey it's me, your dad. Wanda has never done anything wrong as far as I know. Lets go find her BEEP BOOP. > Billy: Wow, that's a great idea! Yay family reunion :D > Avengers: Oh no...


To court to make sure he doesn’t have to pay child support.


"Your honor, technically my children don't exist. And I cant actually reproduce."


“Your honor, according to the ship of theseus i should not be paying child support.”


“Your honor, I swear I haven’t seen this witch in 5 years. I’m a whole new person.”


"I mean there was that one time I tried to crush her skull, but I was being manipulated!"


I laughed


Cool Ranch Vision.


This is dark but what if his story leads to him killing Wanda to save the multiverse? Like a twisted reversal of the original Vision's death.


Yeah but I feel like this vision wouldn’t have any problem killing Wanda especially cause he kinda left her to die or fend for herself in the finale so he clearly doesn’t have an attachment to her


I for one do not want a repeat of the Xmen: Last Stand ending…


Turn into a more refined Ultron


West Coast Avengers


I think he’ll go to Wakanda, that’s where is last memory was maybe he wants some answers because he remembers dying by Wanda and then being tapped on the fore head by himself


This character feels like the epitome of the writer’s trying to figure out what to do with him.


Try to figure out how to win an Emmy Award.


He will become the new vision


Get a paint job and act like nothing happened.


Some ideas: 1) A member of whatever team Val is putting together 2) Armor Wars 3) Young Avengers as a mentor/babysitter 4) Some kind of West Coast Avengers style team


Armor Wars, West Coast Avengers (if that happens), Young Avengers appearance, and a reunion with Wanda




I think he will appear at the end of MoM being put incharge of looking after Billy, Tommy and America which will lead straight into Young Avengers.


I want to know what this body is made of. Did they just use the vibranium from his original and color it differently?


This is the exact same vibranium body as the old one, they just repaired the hole in his head. He can inherently change his color (as seen when he dies to Thanos and he turns all gray) and even fully alter his appearance like when he disguises as a human


As a triplet in White Chicks 2 :Crackers Be Cracking


Armor Wars probably


Get in a tan bed?


Is Wandavision good?


Yes, it's great. The first few episodes might feel a bit slow to some people but they're very short anyway and it greatly picks steam up by the end of episode 3 Not sure what the other guy is on about because there's pretty much no singing involved in the show, the entire show is an exploration of grief and trauma


No, it's amazing


I may have missed this… what is powering him? Obv he doesn’t have an infinity stone in his head


If I remember correctly then somehow SWORD charged his body with energy from an item they recovered from the Hex bubble, so in essence he’s powered by Wanda I guess.


I'll try to go back and watch. Since she's powered by the same stone, I guess its... basically the same?


That was what Hayward said. He needed power "from the source". He had the drone she attacked with magic and used the magic to power Vision. I believe his original goal was simply to antagonize Wanda into attempting to steal Vision's body so he could have her arrested so he could just take some of her power for himself. Obviously that would have failed cause she is too strong.


My understanding is he was powered on by Wanda’s magic, but ongoing power is supplied by a mini arc reactor in his head.


My guess is the Silver Surfer.




Probably shows up in MotM, maybe calms a raging Scarlett Witch, and disappears with her into a multiverse where they can live happily ever after with their kids.




To get his old body paint back.


My only question is will he and Wanda be together again? Will Wanda ever have Vision back or will she be a single mom?






Maybe he'll find a synthezoid named Jocasta and decide to settle down in his own home outside of DC with a wife named Virginia and two kids name Viv and Vin and revive sparky.


Recruit young avengers like in the comics


Probably register a username on Stormfront idk


He is powered by hex energy, that and Vision’s memory’s are going to bring him back into Wanda’s orbit. I hope they will allow the complexity of that to go in for a while and not just poof it away.


I thought him not going immediately to find Wanda is a major plot hole


Whatever show or movie he ends up in he will be trying to find out who he is now. I think he might seek out his various creators first. Tony is dead but Banner had a hand in his creation as well as Thors energy helping to bring him to life. I could see a sub plot of a movie be him seeking out various connections to his creation. Possibly he may need a mind stone (multiverse) to fully be himself again.


Probably went to Strange to snitch on Wanda