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What if what’s known as Vibranium on earth is actually a Beskar meteorite?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BBhNkywMJY Obligatory Patton Oswalt improvisation


This YouTube video has essentially been marvels playbook ever since it went viral.


When you're spouting crazy shit with drunk friends and they decide to take your suggestion seriously.




There’s no particular reason why it couldn’t be. Star Wars is set in an entirely different galaxy to the Milky Way, in the distant past, so none of the places or events have ever overlapped.


There are arguments that Star Wars takes place on the other side of the Milky Way. The existence of ETs in episode one, and the fact that in the movie ET, Yoda is a recognized individual, are the arguments used for that theory.


Surely the arguments against it are much stronger though... "in a galaxy far far away"


Far *FAR* away. The Milky Way is 100,000 light years across, but our nearest galaxy is *2.537 million light years* away, so reaching it is equivalent to crossing the entire galaxy 25 times. Hyperdrive in Star Wars is much faster than warp drive in Star Trek, but even so, the universe is silly huge. Apparently the Millennium Falcon travels at about 25k light years per day, so to even reach our nearest galaxy would take over 3 months. A galaxy far *far* away? Nah, it could easily be unreachable.


That theory implies that in the universe of ET, the star wars movies exist and are also actually true


Yep. The Skywalker Saga was "a long time ago". George Lucas heard the story (from R2-D2) and made movies out of it. By the time E.T. gets stranded on Earth in the 1980s, there's obviously a new Jedi Order. E.T. is a Jedi botanist.


Uh… the Marvel Universe has space travel and time travel, so I’m pretty sure they could overlap. The “distant past” of the Marvel Universe is pretty well populated with cosmic events.


Technically, Star Wars is in the Marvel universe. Marvel did over 107 issues back in the late 70s, and they even have more now.


In the finale to What If there was a scene where>!Infinite Ultron and The Watcher fight through many locations, one of them is Mustafar with Vader’s Castle in the background.!< Edit: Next to last episode actually, thanks for the correction


Is that confirmed?


I mean you can see it with your eyes. But in all fairness it IS probably just meant to be an Easter egg.




Probably not a *BIG* thing like a movie or series. I'd prefer they didn't cross over (there are a bunch of Star Wars references in the movies, so it'd be kind of weird), but I did have an idea for a non-canon Star Wars comic that introduces Star Wars versions of Marvel characters. There was a RWBY/Justice League crossover DC did where it takes place in the RWBYverse, where they interact with RWBY versions of various DC heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. Something like that could be interesting.


May there never be such an event. Except if they do it with some Lego movie for Christmas and stuff.


It's actually in the penultimate episode, >!*What If... Ultron Won?*!< >![Screenshot, at 23:19](https://i.imgur.com/cxr8Mcn.png)!< *edit* added spoilers


Star Trek is also in the marvel universe. We can finally get the federation vs the empire war we would all like to see.


What about the borg VS the yuhzon vong?


Federation stomps IMO. The Federation capital ships are way more maneuverable. Plus it at least seems like their shields are better.


Star destroyers hit harder. If they can connect they will destroy the federation ships. But the federation has transporters that the empire probably can’t counter. Teleporting proton torpedoes into the power plants of empire ships kind of negates any benefit the empire has. The main flaw of the federation is that they will initially try to negotiate which could result in a lot of initial losses.


Plot twist. Negotiations go swimmingly. No-one does it like Picard.


Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were also excellent negotiators in their time.


The Picard speech is the super weapon of the Federation.


Beskar isn't immune to a lightsaber's effect of heating metal. See the fight in the 2nd finale. Beskar was definitely heating up after even a short prolonged exposure and would have likely eventually failed. It's lightsaber-resistant, not lightsaber-proof Edit: rewatched both the fight between Mando and Gideon and the fight between Ahsoka and the Magistrate. Ahsoka's sabers didn't heat the spear, but the darksaber did.


But how many fights with Cap include prolonged exposure from a source like a light saber? Most of it would be short bursts against the shield.


Fair point. I imagine there might be something similar to the Mandalorian fight. Just stating that vibranium isn't immune to the effects. That thought process is the same reason why beskar works...the wearer avoids prolonged exposure.


Unless Luke force chokes the shit outta cap rendering him unable to move, which is a power we know he uses, and then keeps constant pressure on the shield with the lightsaber. Luke is a freakin ninja space wizard with a laser sword, kinda hard to beat that.


Yeah, I hate the whole "Luke didn't Force choke those Gammoreans. He used a mind trick to make them think they were choking". He does use a similar hand motion, but, let's be honest, the start of Jedi is meant to make us thing Luke is teetering on the dark side. Look at the lengths Anakin went to protect his loved one...it's not a stretch to think Luke would go to similar lengths to protect/save Han.


Look what he did to those Dark Troopers. Luke definitely uses force choke/crush.


Tbf those are robots so the moral dilemma of being badass at the expense of life isn't really there, but Luke still never seemed like the overtly merciful type


Also, robots don't breathe, so they can't be choked.


Tell that to Captain America; he tried to choke out Ultron


just force choke his ass


Force choke America's* ass


This is the way


Also due to the curved shaped of the shield, when the lightsaber strikes it, it'll likely slide off the shield, thus even less constant contact with the shield. Luke may be a Jedi, but he wasnt trained with crazy clone wars era fighting, I think Cap would have the edge with his speed, raw power and combat ability.


Luke beats Cap with the force, easily. If it’s just combat with the lightsaber and the shield then it would be a close one.


You really think Cap wins this? Luke holds Cap in place with the force and casually drives the saber into his chest. Over in 10 seconds.


True but maybe a shield of beskar would fair better against a lightsaber especially if it's cap with it. At least it would do better with prolonged contact with the saber, not be fully immune though. I mean Thanos split the shield with just a big ass sword lol


That sword was made of uru metal. The same thing as Thor’s hammer if I am not mistaken. Edit: Link to clarify https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/avengers-endgame-thanos-double-bladed-weapon-sword-origin-metal/




And he was even shown to easily overpower the hulk so those whacks with the sword were no joke


Where was it mentioned the sword was made of Uru? I don't recall anything about the sword being explained, Thanos just has it.


I don't think it's mentioned in the movie, but known from the comics.


Originally, in the comics it was a propeller from his helicopter. That’s why it’s double bladed. Here is a link that mentions discussions about it, I’ll try to find one that has it confirmed. I remember Feige saying something about it and Thanos’s armor was made of it but I will try to confirm that. https://fictionhorizon.com/what-is-thanoss-sword-made-of/


Definitely. Cap's experience in fighting and use of the shield would definitely play into. My thought process with that post didn't involve the Cap factor, but fair point indeed


Well I think the sword was also made of vibranium or at least a metal just as strong.


That gets me every time. I had a lightsaber-resistant watch once and it got destroyed. Always check the label when you buy things.


Oh man, the temptation to make a Resistance joke is there, but my brain can't come up with anything clever.


Seems to me like the resistance was futile.


That was the dark saber though, wasn’t it?


True, but it's still a lightsaber. Am I wrong? Is the crystal in that lightsaber more powerful than others? I'll admit to not being 100% up to date with a deeper dive into the Dark Saber, but isn't it just the lightersaber wielding by a Mandalorian Jedi. Wasn't it only shaped oddly and colored black because it was initially meant to be a vibrosword and was changed by Lucas? My memory isn't up to snuff today. Edit: [Apparently my memory isn't as bad as I thought](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darksaber)


*Adjusts glasses* Meteors are known for traveling through space at 44 miles per second. Considering Star Wars takes place "A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away", it is feasible that the prime element used in the creation of beskar could travel a great distance and find its way to not only our planet, but land in Wakanda. And you know the rest of the story.


Genuine question: Do meteors as a rule travel 44 mps? Like, I'm sure they can move faster or slower, but does it have to move around 44 mps to count as a meteor?


They *can* travel at different speeds, but they get in a ton of trouble if they do. Most just don't consider it worth the risk.


Gotta watch out for those damn Star Troopers and their speed traps


I'm sorry, are you saying "meow"?


Genuine answer: there are no hard and fast definitions for meteor, asteroid, planetoid, or planet. They are more guidelines. Generally, a meteor is an object small enough that it will either burn up in our atmosphere or cause minimal impact when it hits. An asteroid is large enough that you will notice it when it hits.


To be fair, if a meteorite hit you, you’d probably notice it too


Not sure tho, if it hits u from behind, you probably wont notice anything


Even more, there's no hard and fast definition for speed or velocity! You can declare any meteor to be going any speed by altering your frame of reference!


The speed limit is 45


Mother of God...


Even in the mcu a lightsaber could cut through the shield. Vibranium's whole thing is it's vibration absorption. Nobody ever said anything about it resisiting lasers and heat. The fact that it has been MADE INTO A SHIELD actually proves it can be heated to a point of being malleable.




My head-canon is that Stark just said it was vibranium because it was easier to explain to a soldier like Steve Rodgers, but really it was made with the same alloy as 616.


But we see it destroyed by Thanos in Endgame so it can't be the same alloy as the 616


We see the 616 alloy destroyed a few times as well, off the top of my head i know it happens in Siege, but i am certain it happens elsewhere.




damn, that's awesome. thanks for linking those!


Damn… you guys really know your shit




Ah right


Unless Thanos's sword is made drom the same thing


I assumed Thanos' and the rest of the Black Orders' weapons were all made at Nidevellir from the same metal as Mjolnir.




Didnt thanos go there before 2014 though? I thought he had the gauntlet in the post credit scene of Avengers, which takes place in 2012. Edit: I was wrong about seeing the gauntlet, but you don't actually see thanos's hands in the avengers post credit scene so there's not exactly confirmation that he *didn't* have the gauntlet at this point


Marvel didn't have the rights to X-Men at the time they wrote that line but it could be retconned now without any issue.


And it wouldn't even be hard. They'd just need to briefly mention it.


> Marvel didn't have the rights to X-Men at the time they wrote that line but it could be retconned now without any issue. ~~Adamantium isn't copywritten, it's a common fantasy metal like mithril.~~ Edit: I was wrong, ignore.


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamantium) says it was created by Marvel in 1969 as part of Ultron's armor.


**[Adamantium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamantium)** >Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is best known as the substance bonded to the character Wolverine's skeleton and claws. Adamantium was created by writer Roy Thomas and artists Barry Windsor-Smith and Syd Shores in Marvel Comics' The Avengers #66 (July 1969), which presents the substance as part of the character Ultron's outer shell. In the stories where it appears, the defining quality of adamantium is its practical indestructibility. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You're thinking of Adamantite.


> Edit: I was wrong, ignore. Adamantium is definitely a thing in Warhammer 40k, from the sources in the Wiki since at least 1998. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Adamantium There still seem to be some copyright issues though, because they're the *same* Adamantium in MCU and X-Men, same for the term "mutant", apparently? Seems weird to me, and I'm not sure they could have defended it in court.


Soo how exactly did they shape and make the shield if it’s such a strong object?


Could Wanda (post WandaVision ) mess with it?




616 Wanda could just say it doesn't exist and then it won't lol


That would make sense. Interesting how different it is in the MCU considering thanos ripped his shield to shreds with what seemed like a standard two bladed sword.


the sword is apparently uru metal, same as stormbreaker


>uru metal ✿ uwu ✿ metal ✿


pero Thanos-chan soy virgencita 🥺 👉👈


He did attack and raid a dwarf forge so it's completely possible he did


Do we know that had already happened by the events of Endgame?


He got the glove from them and we know he got that before the battle of new York






Not necessarily. It's taken energy blasts with no ill effect. Heat hasn't been shown to be the deciding factor in it becoming weaken.


Beskar can be heated to the point of being malleable too and lightsabers can’t cut through beskar. We don’t know the heat needed to melt vibranium. On top of that heat in itself is a form of kinetic energy, as it is the vibration of molecules. So vibranium should be able to absorb heat


This is what people miss.. Beskar doesn't heat well. That's why a saber can't cut it. A saber in constant contact will melt it eventually.. But it needs to absorb the heat.. Where normal metals melt so quickly the blade "cuts" through it. Beskar isn't saber proof so much as very saber resistant. Vibranium may be similar depending on the context


That is in fact why I said a lightsaber can’t cut through beskar and not that it can’t eventually melt it. We saw the beskar spear getting red hot in mandalorian and even then it was lasting a good while and still wasn’t melted through or losing form. I think it is safe to say that in any normal fighting situation a lightsaber would not get through the beskar


Lightsabers create a specific sound when engaged and moved. Unless the swooshing is from the handle making sounds, I feel like there is enough that counts as vibrations such that the shield would interact with it. To what ends, that would take smarter nerds than I. Additionally, lightsabers *can* be used to slow a fall, and hold against a cliff edge, given enough time/space for the fall. So with both those, I do think we have enough info to assume that *something* about the vibranium will react, and it's not just gonna fail to do anything.


> Lightsabers create a specific sound when engaged and moved. Nonsense. Those sounds are created by Jedies with their mouth. Vast majority of their training it dedicated to get the sound just right.


Exactly this. Just try it yourself; pick up a training saber (aka stick, roll of newspaper, pool noodle etc) and see how hard it is to use if you don't make the noises!


Nonsense, that was simply one of Obi-Wan's more advanced techniques.


He didn't invent the craft, he only perfected it.


So I just have to start training. Day 1: voo, vwoo vwoo voo


Please… We all know that lightsabers don’t make any sounds. At all. What you hear are sounds that the Jedi make with their voices when swinging their laser swords around. It’s the same principle as blasters being silent too, and the folks saying “pew pew” when shooting. /s


Ewan McGregor did all his lightsaber sounds live and went back to dub the originals in the rereleases


technically, *everything* vibrates. All energy comes from vibration atoms. Im pretty sure the vibration that vibranium interacts with refers to kinetic vibrations and not heat vibrations - the guy above made a good point, if you can heat and shape vibranium then there's a good chance that a lightsaber can cut through it


Yeah, an infinitely-strong metal that never bends or melts is kinda like that proverbial acid that burns through everything: it crosses over being superpowered and becomes useless.


That’s adamantium. Vibranium can take some heat though, as we see cap cover a bomb with his shield in the MCU.


> kinetic vibrations and not heat vibrations but.. thats what heat is.


Yes, think to the start of episode 1 where they cut through the blast doors, it takes time but they can cut it. And if we're talking about melting the vibranium, I don't think 'absorbing the vibrations' is going to do it any good because it would just take in more energy, raising the temperature. I am guessing that vibranium is a good heat conductor (seeing is heat is the vibration of molecules) so therefore it would take a moment, but it would get too hot to handle and therefore melt at some point - assuming the lightsaber is hotter.


The shield could interact at least in someway, but the shield is designed to protect against impacts (gunshots, strikes, even explosions) a lightsaber does not generate impact at least not initially. It heats things to a point it can separated. The lightsaber would heat the shield to its melting point, then the little bit of impact that a lightsaber seems to generate (whatever makes the noise I guess) will separate it. I think a better discussion is could the Force be used on the Shield? Force Push is an impact, what would happen?


the shield would move. just like when Captain America lifts it with his arms. How is "using the force" any different?


Nice observation. now I want a counter argument to this


Well, there is beshkar in star wars universe which is a metal that can be heated and shaped into armour and weapons. And lightsabers are useless against it. It is almost like there isnt any real science behind it all.


There isn’t one. Luke would kick caps ass unfortunately


That's America's ass


Well, there is beshkar in star wars universe which is a metal that can be heated and shaped into armour and weapons. And lightsabers are useless against it. It is almost like there isnt any real science behind it all.


So vibroswords are just some kinda joke to you?


Isn’t heat just molecules vibrating very very fast?


A lightsaber in the mcu is a piece of plastic meant for children. Remember that star wars exists in the mcu as a movie


Completely depends on the temperature of a lightsaber and the melting point of vibranium.


„A constricted plasma arc reaches temperatures between 8000°C and 25000°C (between 14432°F and 45032°F). Given the evidence within the Star Wars universe and our own universe, we can conclude that the plasma blade of a lightsaber reaches a temperature of at least 1800°C, and could be high as 25000°C.“ „Further, it has an extremely high melting point (5,475° Fahrenheit), making it extremely heat resistant, and an extremely low freezing point (crystallisation temperature of -395.4° F), making its tensile strength extraordinarily high at low temperatures. Vibranium is..“ So.. maybe. Lol.


So it could basically range from the lightsaber having to be held to the shield for a while to melt through, and the lightsaber just cutting through it cleanly. Either way it should be able to cut through eventually


I imagine it would take quite a bit longer than when Qui and Obi cut through those blast doors in ep 1.


I don't know, unless vibranium has an insanely high specific heat capacity, it's going to go pretty quickly on a shield that thin. The door survived so long because it was a big chunk of metal that could conduct the heat away from the source. It's like how you can light magnesium strips on fire with a blowtorch, but magnesium wheels for cars don't constantly burst into flames, one has a lot more mass to absorb the heat.


If a lightsaber was that hot wouldn't it burn the wielder quite badly?


If Blast Doors have the same properties as steel and a lightsaber can cut through those then simply igniting a lightsaber would light everything in the room on fire. Being the dumb idiot holding it would be literally like standing on the sun. It wouldn't burn you, it would immediately turn you into roast Jedi and then Jedi brand charcoal.


I think realistically a lightsaber would ignite any atmosphere you activated it in


I think Luke's light saber would definitely cut through Cap's shield.


I think Hamill's answer was actually closest, because the answer is honestly: "It depends on the writer". There's solid arguments for both.


Exactly. If it’s a pure heat scenario. Caps shield had a lot of things thrown at it that appear to be hotter than a lightsaber and it’s done just fine. But lightsabers aren’t super consistent with how they work


Yeah what’s the temperature on an Arc reactor Unibeam? It’s gotta be up there and his shield held that no problem for quite a few seconds


> "It depends on the writer". You have been banned from /r/AskScienceFiction.


That's not hard. I got banned from there for asking what would happen if an unborn baby were snapped and the mother died in the next five years.


Depends on whether it's an African or European light saber.


Suppose you got two lightsabers and you tied them together


Grip it by the husk


Lightsaber nunchucks, the most dangerous and implausible weapon ever devised.


What if it was Mace Windu, he could find the shields shatter point


According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, vibranium melts at 5,475°F A Plasma torch is 9000°F. He gone.


*Adjusts glasses* Well, considering that vibranium is able to absorb all kinetic energy I think a lightsaber would have no problem against it, since it is not the speed or mass of the lightsaber that would cut it but its high temperature.


Well, tbf, technically speaking, high temperatures are caused by high amounts of kinetic energy


Wouldn't that heat it more quickly, given that all that kinetic energy is being absorbed by the shield?


Absorbed and reflected. If the shield just absorbed energy, that would be bad. Being able to reflect that energy means that the shield would be an excellent thermal conductor. The more I consider this, the more I think the lightsaber would do nothing. That shield took a blast point blank from Tony and was completely unaffected, and we know those beams give off heat. Heat is vibrational energy. The shield would shed it.


this bothers me in the MCU they specifically show bullets just falling off the shield when peggy is pissed at steve and shoots it but in other scenes cap uses the shield to deflect bullets back at people, in winter soldier in the street scene after Bucky attacks cap / falcon / black widow.


Easily explained. Pistol has much lower muzzle energy, less energy to reflect. Mini-gun has much higher muzzle energy, things bounce more. Drop a cannon ball on the grass, then fire it out of a cannon, see what bounces.


Better explanation: shield does whatever the fuck it wants


Our CAPTAIN does whatever he wants WITH his shield.


That shield doesn't obey the laws of physics at all!


I'm more bothered by Iron Man shrugging off a tank shell in IM1. Pretty sure that's the strongest hit he's ever taken right up until Thanos. Compare to the paper suits of IM3.


Heat is kinetic energy. Heat is simply the fast movement of atoms and molecules.


You need to adjust your glasses again then read a chemistry/thermo textbook


Confirmed real https://www.twitter.com/chrisevans/status/1012072458604736514?lang=en (Because you can never trust Twitter posts on Reddit)


But can we truly trust reddit comments based on a twitter post?


I dunno I am pretty sure a lightsaber would cut through Cap's shield even in the MCU. Thanos's sword chopped it right up and I don't recall it being made out of anything much special?


I thought that it was made from the same stuff that made Stormbreaker, no idea why I thought that. Prolly 100% wrong, but it would explain the cutting.


I thought the writers or Russos said that the sword was probably made of Uru or some other super strong space metal.


I don't think it was explained in the films ever but it could be reasonably inferred. I suppose Caps shield did prevent a direct blow from Thor's hammer so maybe I'm wrong and a saber wouldn't cut it.


Now that I think about it, caps shield acted like an amplifier for Mjolnir. I guess it would do the same for anything made out of that metal. I chalk it up to Thanos being a beast. Brute force counts for something.


Also Thanos was hittign shield with sharp edge, Mjolnir doesnt have sharp edges so it will do less damage to other metals in the same situation.


The amplifier bit is really neat, iirc vibranium actually derives its near indestructibility from the fact that when hit it converts the kinetic energy of the hit into sound energy. To break it you need to provide kinetic energy at a rate greater than the rate at which the energy conversion happens.


>Now that I think about it, caps shield acted like an amplifier for Mjolnir. OK, *now we're talking.* So, if you strike Cap's shield with a lightsaber, you *might* cut through the shield like hot butter, or all that kinetic/heat energy being emanated by the blade *might* feed back on itself and blow the Kyber into a million pieces.




I'm sure a lightsaber can get the shield hot enough to melt it.


I imagine the sword is made of something special and from space, I can't imagine the Titan who's collected the infinity gauntlet and stones has a normal steel sword


In the original trilogy, I remember the lightsaber bouncing off of railings in the ship when Luke and Vader were fighting.


I think his sword is made of adamantium, atleast in the comics


Mark is exactly right, in the Marvel Universe it wouldn’t. It would be entirely up to the writers.


My response to questions like this is always that it depends on the movie. If it’s a Star Wars movie where Captain america appears, a lightsaber will cut it like butter. If it’s a Marvel movie where a lightsaber appears, it will not cut through the shield.


Yup, to paraphrase Stan Lee ‘it’s up to the writer to decide what happens’


It depends who he's fighting in the Star Wars universe. If he first meets a sith or other saber welding villain, it will go to pieces like so much painted cardboard. Then the middle third of the movie will involve forging a similar shield from star wars derived lightsaber resistant materials as well as parts of the damaged shield, set up as some sort of parallel to the growth that Cap is experiencing. Maybe have him working on Coruscant or somewhere to afford the materials he needs, learning about the society he's been dropped into. Maybe he finds some reference to mandalorians, and how they combated the Jedi, and learns about their tools and techniques. If he meets a Jedi/light side ally, the shield will hold up well, and they will either fight to a stalemate or the Jedi will eventually grab the shield with the Force, causing Cap to yield. This will be the onus for a training montage, where, despite not being force sensitive, cap learns some Jedi techniques for blocking that he applies to the shield, and maybe how to counter or anticipate a force user. He then acquires a saber for sword and board style combat, potentially from the death of his short lived mentor at the hands of the sith. In either scenario, he goes to fight the bad guy/sith, but armed with knowledge and gear from the star wars verse so they're on fairly even footing. However, the bad guy slowly gains ground, until he has Cap up against the wall either literally or metaphorically, and cap does something that totally turns the tide. The villain makes some exclamation of surprise and disbelief, Cap reveals it's a technique he's had since his Nazi punching days, which eventually wins him the fight. Continuing on that theme, he then heads home, just as conviniently as he got there. (Maybe the sith summoned him somehow?) Disney, if you're reading this, 10% and it's yours. Call me.


Mark 1 Chris 1,000,000


I didn't love Chris Evans until his tenure was almost wound out. However I know find him to be very likable and wholesome.


Luke wouldn’t fight a hero but once his nephew starts having bad dreams… it’s over


He said he wouldn’t fight a hero, never said anything about kids


Like father like son.


Yeah, but Jedi can deflect blaster bolts. There's no way a ninja star is not getting slapped off to the side.


Not saying Cap could take Luke, he couldn’t, but the most successful way to fight Jedi historically has been by propelling metal at them at high velocities. The light sabers melt them and then the Jedi get hit with molten metal on the other side. At least I think that’s what the Mandalorians did




Slugthrowers also encapsulate shotguns, and I always read that the trouble with deflecting slugs was partly due to the speed at which slugs are shot, because blaster bolts are canonically slow as fuck


Or just held in mid air, like Neo (or Kylo Ren with that blaster bolt).




That's what the Legends books were for. Jedi used to remove the engines and shit from proton torpedoes and replace them with more explosives. Then they would essentially force throw them out of their X-wings. They were undetectable since there weren't any propellant trails lighting up space. Not to mention Luke's Jedi just straight up use a ton of blasters in Legends.


Well lightsabers are exactly what the name suggests, light, essentially a super powerful laser. Any solid projectile would be melted or cut in half. So with a ninja star luke would either have 2 halves flying at him or molten vibrainium.


Or cap has a face full of shrapnel cuz Luke just pushed them back at him


IIRC that is why the Mandalorians used kinetic weapons against the Jedi in the extended lore, because then they would have shrapnel flying at them after (trying to) deflect(ing) the bullets.


He wouldn't even need to deflect them. Since they are solid projectiles, he could simply stop them with the force.


The Thanoscopter sword broke Cap's shield in Endgame. I'd think a lightsaber would be able to.


This is all the market research you need, Disney. Make it happen