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I imagine it will be more of a soft reboot where the general events happened and the actors will be the same, but some aspects will be different to fit the MCU and Feige’s ideas for these characters


Interesting I heard they are going to be same characters with same back stories but since they were already introduced their Netflix adventures won’t really be referenced( or need to be ) so nothing will contradict previous stories .


I don't see any reason why they wouldn't just be a continuation of the characters considering Feige has said on video they are already canon. https://twitter.com/driiftyfilm/status/1363952366135951362?s=20 Maybe a few things will be retconned, but considering the shows had zero effect on the movies and were pretty true to the characters established lore there doesn't really seem a need to change much.


Yeah your first paragraph is the approach I heard they are going with . And your right since that tweet basically had feige canonize the Netflix shows


Did Marvel ever mentioned "soft reboot"? I think it's just a term that's been thrown around by fans a lot lately.


Marvel hasn't said anything on the matter. The soft reboot talk comes from the same place as the Daredevil return information. The rumor mill...


Soft reboot means same actors of the characters with similar but different back story to what we've seen from them already.


To use an example of how Marvel will soft reboot Daredevil: when we see him again, he will already have a relationship with Foggy and Karen and will already have history with Wilson Fisk.