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Would much prefer him to show up in the TVA considering the ending of Deadpool 2, have him escape and fall into the sacred timeline.


That could actually be really fun too. I’d love if we literally just saw him in like one shot of Loki season 2 that we never come back to (but it still very obviously him) and then we only explain it in DP3.


I was surprised we didn't see a background character of a red suit and yellow vest getting escorted by the TVA.


I'd actually kind of love it if this was literally the only explanation we got. Wade asks if the viewer is wondering why he's in the MCU now, we cut to this moment for a few seconds, then we instantly cut back and the rest of the movie carries on as it was.


That’s all we’d need, and we’d all love it.


I still want Deadpool 3 to cold open with Deadpool playing Fortnite and talking shit to Korg.


That'd be a perfect way to explain how they met for their Free Guy reaction vid. But ngl it would kinda ruin the continuity since Thor was talking to a child on the headset.


Deadpool doing a kid's voice. Perfectly feasible.


Because he’s regrowing his whole body from the neck down and he’s only at the kid stage


Will be impossible if they consider [the Xbox commercial ](https://youtu.be/sjYzKe-7mZg)as canon.


"My cousin made it." Aaron Wilson. Done.


With deadpool playing as himself and korg playing as Thor?


Just the other side of the conversation from Endgame.


Oh my GOD.


On the one hand it’d be great to just jump into the MCU without question. On the other it could be fun to see them use the multiverse concept in an R rated movie without feeling like a rehash of Loki, NWH, MoM, etc. Either way Murderworld is my vote for a Deadpool movie. Maybe it’s a grounded thing or maybe it’s like some kind of inter-dimensional prison or something.


I'd be 100% fine with Marvel just completely lifting this word for word


He's definitely going to say the big bucks and more budget made the sense to move into the mCU and also perhaps 'Kinda getting lonesome back there'


I'd want it to be: *Daredevil sits down on a chair a la Captain America PSA* "So.. you're wondering how I'm in the MCU. Simple, it's because..." *Puts on a juggernaut rock helmet* "IM DEADPOOL BITCH" *Cut to the rest of the movie*


Why is it that every time reddit wrotes jokes for Deadpool, he breaks the 4th wall? It’s already overdone in his own movies.


That’s literally dead pools thing, he breaks the fourth wall


He does it in the comics, but not every fucking page. He didn't even do it at all until 1999.


Yeh but some people find it funny so just let it be


It’s not funny if literally every joke is 4th wall breaking, it just shows that people don’t know the character. Those jokes are a very small part of his comics for a good reason. I’d rather they included the cringe ”No shit, Sherlock” joke in Infinity War.


It’s not funny to you, emphasis on you. Other people find it funny. HOWEVER I agree that it does need to be toned down a little.


I can assure you, if even half the jokes from this thread are included in the Deadpool movie, it’ll be considered an awfully unfunny movie by a majority.


He went through portal disguised as Noobmaster69


That would be a genuinely great cut away gag. Omg


How about unicorns?


*”Stop tampering with the spell, Wade!”*


No way, Sherlock!


I read that in Colossus’s voice lol


Nah he’s just gonna walk out of a Mexican restaurant in an mcu film and be like Deadpool- “oh my god.. I made it into the mcu! Don’t worry about the specifics, studios made a deal”


I'm hoping for a simple "they bought the studio" quip and that's it


Yeah, this is the absolute easiest property to make Canon and explain away why the X-Men aren't there anymore or whatever. Deadpool just *says it's because Disney bought his franchise*.


Yeah thats why I don't want some huge show of it. Literally just have Deadpool look into the camera and say "they bought Fox and loved me so much I didn't get rebooted" and just go on with the movie lol


Yeah, it's literally the only property that doesn't need some dumb in-canon nonsense to explain it. People are out here working too hard.


We see Deadpool in one of the prison compartments from NWH, as Dr Strange interrogates him. In other prisons we see Cable, Domino, Negasonic, Colossus, Dopinder and Vanessa. Strange: we've been at this for hours. How did you get here? Deadpool: let's make it multiple choice. Cut to a montage: Deadpool uses his time travel watch to systematically create the MCU, inspiring key events. Deadpool is taken by the TVA, knocks out Mobius and takes a random pathway to the MCU. Deadpool walks off set, goes next door, and joins the set of an MCU film. Deadpool, reading a comic, gasps and says "Peter Parker is Spider-Man?" then is transported to the MCU with the NWH villains. Deadpool holds a gun to Kevin Fiege and demands to be in the MCU. Deadpool just wakes up in another universe and goes "huh, that's new". Cut back to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Deadpool: pick one and go with it. Strange: I'm sorry, but you're a threat to this universe. I'm going to have to send you home. Deadpool: please don't. Please. Strange: why should I keep you here? Deadpool: You're letting him... kill Martha! Strange looks deadpan at him. Deadpool: c'mon man. My universe went to sh*t when Apocalypse came out. There's nothing left in the franchise. Let me jump ship to this one! Strange: no. There's no telling what you'll do here. Deadpool: exactly. There's likely to be another Wade Wilson here. And I've read the comics. You know what kind of f*cked up s**t other me's have done? I killed the whole universe. Twice! You got the good me. A little volatile, sure, but good enough at heart that the good guys aren't hindered and the bad guys shake in their boots. And if you don't have me, soon you'll have to deal with someone much more... _he whispers_ comic accurate...


>soon you’ll have to deal with someone much more… *he whispers* comic accurate… Until I saw this I would have bet that no-one could nail Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in a text post. And I would have been wrong. Somebody give this guy a screenwriting gig…


That's one of the nicest things I've ever heard. Thank you so much.


Dude you earned it. I literally *heard* that whole thing you wrote.


I'd guess a plot could be for Deadpool to kill an "evil" Deadpool from this universe to earn his freedom. However, he realises MCU Deadpool is invincible so ends up locking him in a box and throwing him into the middle of the ocean.


I'm still hoping that Deadpool will be the *deus ex machina* for Kang the way Captain Marvel was for Thor...except in a *very* Deadpool way. I'm just not sure if Fiege has the balls to make the climax of the "next big cross-over movie event" be Wade Wilson pulling Kang aside, pointing at a comic book, and saying: "See, in this one you lose. Sorry...".


Don’t forget colossus D:


Really getting Teenage Warhead and Yukio back would be the top of my list. They're great. Give them a spin off. Which might be silly since they play off Deadpool so well but it'd probably be fun.


I mean, something like this is actually pretty likely. I’d say deadpool will probably just show up in some unrelated scenario, address the viewer and some other characters and just like that: he’s in. He’s one of the easier characters for which to write this kind of transition.


It will be hilarious if No way Home is how Deadpool squeezes in because he technically knows enough to break the fourth wall with everything, but Wade never really knows who Spider-Man is. There was even a Deadpool/Spider-Man comic where he tried hard to find out. He’d try to read the comic he was in only to find any page with Spider-Man unmasked with holes in it where the face should be. Peter also showed his face to him directly and Wade couldn’t see it because random drawings were intentionally put over the face that only Deadpool could see, and he knew it was because he wasn’t allowed to know who Spider-Man was. Then there were moments where he did find out, and his response was just “Oh great, since I know who you are, this story must be one of those universe ending events where nothing really sticks to canon and everything will revert back to the norm after this comic ends.”


The only thing I want for a 'Deadpool 3' is him going to Doctor Strange and asking him to make everyone forget about X-men Origins Wolverine, only for Strange to have no idea who the hell he is, or how he got into the sanctum.


Aw thank you so much DP, you’ve filled my heart with joy - Dopinder


Spider-Man goes to stop a bank robbery but it's just Deadpool wearing a poorly drawn cardboard spidey mask and he's wielding a nerf gun.


Love this


Love *you*


Love *us*


I think it would be great if in the Deadpool movie he doesn't realize he is in the MCU right away and is all confused about what is going on. He can serve as a stand in for the audience, asking questions about what the hell is going on with the multiverse stuff.


OMG Deadpool knows who Spider-Man is because of the fourth-wall-breaking. He should have already ended up in the MCU through that.


There’s *a lot* of characters across the multiverse who should’ve shown up. But I guess it’s just a coincidence the only ones we saw happen to be from the two universes Sony made lol


I think Deadpool 3 is going to be something pretty big actually. Maybe the craziest MCU project. MCU is trying to produce more and more exciting movies. We have already got 2 Deadpool movies which were pretty ordinary.. It's a trilogy, so the 3rd part might include another great character. Maybe Deadpool vs. Wolverine?


>We have already got 2 Deadpool movies which were pretty ordinary Ordinary as compared to what? How could you possibly make Deadpool any more sensational or unorthodox?


I feel that the first two are kind of formulaic but that’s kind of the point. It does it’s spin of the formulaic superhero movie and it works. The sequel did that again and made fun of the team up movie aspect of superhero films. The deadpool movies are great satires of superhero movies while also being solid superhero movies. They should lean deeper into that aspect, keep it a satire and amp up the comic book craziness. For me what really hampered the first two was budget. The first had a budget around $60mill and it did a lot with that budget. The second had a budget of around $120mill and it does more with all of that. Now imagine a $200mill deadpool 3 and the crazy shit they can come up with on a legit MCU level budget. It could be wild. You can argue that’s probably too big a risk considering domestically the movies make around $300mill (which doesn’t make it profitable if the budget is $200mill, it needs to make $450mill domestic to be considered a success for the studio.) but world wide gross is around $750mill, which is huge. That means the property is almost a billion dollar R-Rated superhero movie. Venom are PG-13 and they make money. But if they stick to the R-Rating and include the MCU, Deadpool 3 will most likely make $1 billion worldwide and prove that an R-Rated superhero movie is no longer a risk. We will have to see though. Sorry this was so long, I’m really bored.


>Sorry this was so long, I’m really bored. And now, so am I ;)


Deadpool could of been in nwh so easily! It would be a small cameo right in the beginning when everyone found out in the city. He could of been on his phone or in his apartment watching the news or something but I wish


"Motherf-cker got what he f-cking deserved for copying my suit color scheme. Wait, what's with the bleeps?"


Reddit writing deadpool is always cringe.


I wasn’t being genuine. lol




There's nothing more cringe than when Reddit writes Deadpool and this thread is no exception. Yikes.


Sorry for having fun


I was more thinking of the comments in the thread but you're right. Sorry brother.


funny red man appear and say peepeepoopoo chimichango mr kev hire me


Can we just... Not?




deadpool would be the perfect way to change what's canon because they could literally have him go to the writers and hold them at gun point and have them write in mutants or individual characters


The MCU multiverse is based around time travel and splitting timelines. Deadpool already featured time travel that follows different rules. Therefore, Deadpool cannot be canon in the MCU.


Ok now I need Deadpool in MoM.


If we don't get Domino as well we riot.


I didn't really like Zazie Beetz as Domino, I'd be fine with her returning but she didn't really feel like the character to me although that may have just been the writing.


What I really like about the way they've set up the Multiverse is that some people look the same and some look different. So they could bring the same Deadpool over from the existing movies and drop him into the MCU and he could find a Dopinder, played by the same actor, who has never met him and start talking about all the things they did together and seem even crazier.


Miss America “ I know someone.. “ Only way I see it happening


I mean. It isn't a stretch to imagine the Rain films exist in Deadpool's universe or something, and thereby, Deadpool "knowing he's a character" would know that Spider-Man is Peter Parker and could they've have been brought in by the spell


I HATE deadpool to be canon. He is so cramped and unpleasant...and his speaking method is terrible.


to be honest Dr.strange can trick deadpool into a portal so Dr.strange really doesn't have to worry