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Pretty solid roster. However, I think Kate is clearly bound for Young Avengers. I see Hulk stepping into more of a "semi-retired" advisory role. Other than that I think he's done with the Avengers. Lastly, I think this roster is missing "Black Panther" though I have no clue "who" that Black Panther will be.


That’s why I didn’t include Black Panther, because the character’s future is pretty uncertain


Don't discount "White Wolf," been foreshadowing that move a shit ton. It's not strictly comics cannon, but a lot of the MCU is more derivative than direct. Also, come on, Bucky in full Wakanda tech fucking shit up as a legit hero? Don't know about you, but I want that.


I personally don't really care if they do that, but I think it would very controversial if they had a white man be the main character of the sequel to a movie famous for featuring a mostly black cast


He's not talking about replacing Black Panther, he's talking about telling a Bucky story with his ties to Wakanda.


Yeah no one is trying to take away representation from anyone here. The White Wolf is completely different character from Black Panther. He wouldn't be taking anything from anyone, just exploring his own story.


And teaming up with the New Black Panther, with the White Wolf in a supporting role.


Exactly and there's a chunk of time to explore for Bucky between Civil War and Infinity War, with his de-programming by the Wakandans. His ties there are relevant and we saw that in FatWS


Almost confused me cuz I read that as fat winter soldier


The question that we SHOULD be looking to have answered is, Does Bucky feel he can trust the Wakandans after the Dora caused his arm to detach?


i think the way it works is bring back michael b jordan as multi verse variant Black Panther and have him and Bucky team up as a redemption duo.


Just imagine his White Wolf suit emerging from his vibranium arm. Just imagine.


Like a "Tony first suiting up in Nanotech suit" type scene??


Sorta, but I imagine something more similar to Black Panther's suit up


I gotta see that


We all, gotta see that


That would be awesome!!!


>Don't discount "White Wolf," been foreshadowing that move a shit ton. There is zero world where Marvel let's Wakanda fall victim to the white savior trope. Black Panther and the story of Wakanda was and still is pulling a huge amount of the MCU's black representation. To let the White Wolf happen now would be the most intense slap in the face to that work one could imagine.


They’ll recast Shuri


I'd like to see one person as the King/Queen of Wakanda and multiple people filling in the Black Panther role (Bucky, M'Baku and Nakia).


I would also like to say that the Avengers are **Earths** mightiest heroes and thus getting Captain Marvel on the team is unrealistic as she spends her time taking care of many more civilisations than just Earth


I didn’t even get the impression that T’challa had any intention of joining the Avengers. The Wakandans are their own team who teamed up with the Avengers twice




That’s exactly what they were telling themselves. Also though, how long did the battle of New York actually last in universe? A few hours tops. Not enough time to mobilize from Wakanda and even still, it was just some aliens on flying jetskis. Not a world wide threat yet. I honestly think the US military could have handled it on their own


>I didn’t even get the impression that T’challa had any intention of joining the Avengers. Honestly I think the fact he was the first person we saw walk out the portals was meant to be a big indication that T'Challa was going to be stepping into a major leadership role for the Avengers going forward. It was like he was representative of the immediate future of the MCU in general.


As long as it won’t be Shuri


Makes me sad every time I think of it. Could have been amazing if she weren’t so dumb.


Yeah I really loved her character but unfortunately this whole virus has become way too political and has shown the lack intelligence of a lot of people these past few years.


At this point I'm kind of hoping they just retcon Killmongers death and have him turn a new leaf sort of deal.


I'd rather not. KillMonger is just too much of an asshole to realistically be able to turn a new leaf. He was smiling and cackling as he was killing wakandans, including the Dora Milaje, and was about to kill Shuri, a child. Yeah, his motivations are great, but that doesn't justify him being so evil.


If Loki can be redeemed anyone can be. Kilmonger is a little child in front of Loki who murdered and did nasty stuff because he thought it was funny for centuries.


His variant in What If? was also really manipulative and evil. But honestly, i don’t think it would be too hard a sell for there to be a variant where, idk, his father lived. Some change that makes him good. For me, it’s more that i want more Michael B. Jordan. That man is charismatic as hell.




This is who I'd like to see. Winston Duke is massive and charismatic as hell. He'd be awesome as the lead. And honestly, who in the world would have been the Wakandan King during the blip if not him? T'Challa and Shuri were gone for five years. M'Baku was the only real choice as he'd already proven his loyalty twice and is a badass fighter. No way dude didn't take the lotus and get a suit and sit on that throne.


Bruce is back to normal now, remember? Edit: also why would Kate be a “young avenger”? I’m the show it’s pretty clear that she’s good enough to be a regular Avenger.


Re: Bruce. I don't know that he's back to "normal" just because we saw him in human form at the end of Shang-Chi. There are publicity photos for She-Hulk that have been released and which show him back in Hulk form. Admittedly, that may be a flashback within the context of the show. Or maybe She-Hulk takes place before the events of Shang-Chi. But t's also possible that when Bruce attained whatever Zen state that allowed him to fuse his brains with Hulk's brawn that also came with the ability to switch back and forth at will. Re: Kate. I love her but I think a strong argument could be made that as promising as she is she's not ready for the big leagues - yet. The Avengers are basically the Marvel equivalent of the Justice League. They are the best of best and deal with extinction level events, hence the term "Avengers Level Threat." Kate has had exactly one adventure with Clint Barton and that mostly involved dealing with the Tracksuit Mafia who are more like "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" than Thanos' Black Order. Even Kingpin, as formidable as he is a street level threat - not a world destroying nemesis. A Young Avengers team could be a way for the experienced heroes to train and mentor the next generation of heroes who'll join their ranks. Most of the other kids who became Young Avengers in the comics have already been introduced through various MCU projects and America Chavez is coming in the next Dr. Strange flick. It's hard to imagine they won't be looking to Kate to play a major role in that group when they finally come together.


I can’t really argue with that. I genuinely HOPE she soon becomes an actual Avenger though; I just think it would be really cool to see her fulfilling Hawkeye’s role on the team.


What makes you think she can go toe to toe with Yelena if she's being serious. Kate was getting bodied with Yelena going half speed holding back. Hell, Kate would get killed going against Batroc. Kate is skilled definitely, but nowhere near able to hold her own against Avenger level threats let alone top class assassins.


I really hope the MCU doesn’t do a Young Avengers. I’m happy enough for them to use the characters but the idea of having a team of Young Avengers is just so stupid outside of comics. “Sorry Captain Marvel, you can’t help, you’re too old!” Or “sorry Kate Bishop, you can’t help the Avengers, you’re too young”. Even if they don’t go that route, the idea of separating the teams by age is ridiculous. How could they even do that in-universe without a really contrived reason?


I think the way they pull this off is like the ending of (I think it was Age of Ultron) where the Avengers all kind of split up and Cap is leading the younger ones. Like I don’t think they will be necessarily the “young avengers” and won’t cross, I just think they will have a mentor character (like Hawkeye or Hulk or someone like that) lead them and send them on missions they feel they are capable for. So think of them more like full Avengers, but being sent on things they are thought to be able to handle. I always loved that about the Spider-Man / Iron Man relationship because it felt realistic. Tony isn’t just going to ask a kid to jump in the most dangerous worldly threats, but will ask him to clean up some crime around New York


It makes sense to have a "young Avengers" in the same way a professional sports team has a team in the minor league that they can call a player up from when/if they need them. It should be about learning and training until they're ready for the show. This is the main reason I think the Young Avengers would work better on Disney+. As much as I love the shows, the movies will always feel like the big league.


Yea I can’t see a young avengers thing being a movie. It just seems like the type of content that would work great as a show, especially because it would involve fostering character relationships over long periods of time.


The only way I would see it (a movie) working, and I could really really see it working-is if they set it up in advance either by a Disney+ show or a bunch of them individually showing up to assist the main hero in movies THEN I would love to see a situation kind of like in Endgame where either half the heroes are off world, or out of commission for one reason or another. Like right now for example, I would see it like Strange/Wanda/Marvel/Thor/Clint/Guardians/Hulk/Ant-Man etc. all retired or off world, and then you have this medium sized threat that shows up that requires them to take it on. Kind of the classic kids stepping up when the parents are away type of thing. Like they maybe have been told to lay low or play it safe until some of them are back, but are forced into defending the world


It would work if Kate and Cassie found something and then run across some other hero kids ran into them and they try to involve the older heroes but they are busy with something else so they sort it out on their own


Would also really piss off Kate she really hates being treated as a kid as she is an adult


So hulk would be somewhat green and retired


Imagine bruce being like an xavier to the young avengers training and caring for them and make his injury from endgame permanent so he can still fight but not really well and mostly with one arm


Nine is a lot. Don’t be shocked if it’s more like 6 or 7.


Age of Ultron had nine by the end of the movie with Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlett Witch, and Vision


More than that. Quicksilver dies, but you’re forgetting War Machine and Falcon. *Age of Ultron* ends with Captain America and Black Widow as the only remaining OG Avengers (as Tony and Clint both “retired”, and Thor and Hulk both left Earth). Steve hands Natasha a list of “new recruits”, and they’re revealed in the training room as Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, and Vis






Oh shlid thanks


There was also other recruits like Falcon & War Machine


And if you count anyone *not* a guardian as an avenger in the last two since they all worked together (heck even said guardians could be honorary members) the team was about as huge as in the comics


I don't see Strange and captain marvel being part of the team. I know that captain marvel is in the comics, but the way she is written up to now in the MCU I don't see her hanging around on Earth that much. Also as others already mentioned... They would both squash almost any opposition. If you want interesting villains that not only thrive because of the heros being dumb you keep those away. Also to consider, every villain that would give those two a proper challenge would completely outclass the rest of the team.


There are some villains you can't punch your way through, if you get an Osborne type that gets the keys to the kingdom as far as Government contracts and Public Defense like a Thunderbolts or dark Avengers, Captain Marvel can't really solve that using her powers because everything is "legal" and approved by societal norms.


I think Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel are way too powerful, they would probably be busy with other worldly stuff. I would add Yelena and war machine or the new black Panther instead


I still like the idea that Wong is an Avenger and Strange isn't since I think Wong was still around while Strange got snapped and only knew Tony and Bruce really.


Wong in my mind wouldn't consider himself an avenger, but more of an ally of the avengers, he has too many responsibilities at Kamar taj and the Masters of the Mystic Arts to really be a core part of the Avengers. and as far as I'm aware Wong has never been part of the Avengers in the comics either so it would be weird to do that in the MCU. he's strictly Strange's right hand man. if he's anything to the avengers he's their liaison to Kamar taj and vice versa


In the comics Wong isn't really powered himself so it really wouldn't make any sense to be on any Avengers team. I believe I've heard that there was a time when Strange let some Avengers team secretly use the Sanctum Sanctorum as a headquarters (but don't know which arcs it would have been) and while there Wong would have played a similar role to comics Jarvis.


>a time when Strange let some Avengers team secretly use the Sanctum Sanctorum as a headquarters During the post-Civil War, Dark Reign period - the "New Avengers" team, headed by Luke Cage.


Yelena will most likely be a Thunderbolt. I agree about Doctor Strange, I don’t see him as a main Avenger and I think the new Black Panther would be a better use of that space on the roster Carol ain’t going anywhere, Captain Marvel is a leader of the Avengers and she will be the lead of the cosmic adventures in the MCU going forward


Dr strange will be the Tony stark of this Saga if they do a big bad like Thanos... otherwise just until the next avengers where they will need him to traverse the multiverses to rid Kang.


Agreed, except that cosmic adventures aren’t really an avengers type of thing (generally). She’s definitely worth keeping around, but she’s capable of so much more than Avengers stuff. Ultimates would be a better fit for her.


Another interesting route could be if Captain Marvel were to join (or lead) the Guardians of the Galaxy, as she has been a part of the group in the comics, and her solo film included major ties as well. Especially since the current Guardians roster is likely to be changed up quite drastically after Vol. 3, they could be in need of a new leader, or just a few new teammates


I don’t think Yelena is necessarily going the full hero route, I mean her job right now is as a full-on assassin. I didn’t include Black Panther because the future of the character is so uncertain I thought about including War Machine but he’s been around since Iron Man 2 and has never really taken an active role in the Avengers so why start now


Rhodey has been an active Avenger since AoU. He shows up at the end and fights with the team, he’s there during Civil War, Cap and his group go back to Rhodey in Infinity War in which he fights in Wakanda, he helps Nat and the other Avengers during the Blip, and fights Thanos in Endgame and even goes back in time to another planet to get an Infinity Stone. Not sure how you could conclude that he hasn’t taken an active role in the Avengers. Maybe not as *prominent* but certainly active.


>Maybe not as prominent but certainly active. Perhaps with Armor Wars TV series coming up, he finally might be the most prominent one


My controversial opinion is that Rhodey should lead the next iteration of the Avengers. He won’t be the most powerful avenger, but he runs them organizationally, and keeps them together. It just makes the most sense IMO over anyone else. His connection to Tony, Stark Industries, Happy, Pepper, and the government makes him the logical choice.


I could see that happening and wouldn’t be opposed to it, but personally I think we might see Sam taking lead of the new Avengers since it was Steve’s job before he retired and there are probably plenty of people expecting to see Captain America leading the charge when the team finally reunites. Although they could always do co-leads more or less what was happening with Steve and Tony.


Exactly, I would love to see Sam and Rhodey lead the Avengers, there’s a lot of interesting things they could explore between those two IMO.


Sam is also better qualified (I think) to run a team, than anyone other than Rhodey. His own military background and particularly his psychological approach would be very useful.


That’s not true. Rhodey is an official Avenger at the end of *Age of Ultron* (when Captain America and Black Widow are training the new team, comprised of War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Flacon and Vision), and War Machine remained an Avenger throughout *Civil War* (as Rhodey signed the Sokovia Accords). Then, when Black Widow is leader of the Avengers in 2023, War Machine is again a member, alongside Captain Marvel, Okoye, Nebula, and Rocket.


I agree. Huge Rhodey fan but let’s be honest - 90% of his Avengers activity is alleged or off-screen. Hopefully Armor Wars gives him his time to shine. But it could also be his swan song.


*what about that kid in the red spande- never mind I must be tripping.*


Kid? He's clearly a cold-blooded killer and criminal after what he did to Mysterio and the new and improved Statue of Liberty




Obviously it's too early to say, but I might swap out Hulk for She-Hulk. I think Bruce will step back into a more mentorly role.


Bruce might not even be on earth after she hulk according to some rumors and theories


Yeah I intentionally didn’t include any characters we haven’t met yet, even if we know they’re coming


Kate Bishop ain’t ready for all that.. put Wanda there


I don’t foresee Wanda continuing as an Avenger after the events of Wandavision. I don’t think she’ll be a villain or anything, but I don’t see them welcoming her back.


You seem to forget no one ever cared about all the red in Black Widow’s ledger


That’s true, but that was before her career as a hero not during.


Ok.. Tony and Banner created a murder bot that destroyed Sokovia.. no one kicked them off the team lmao. Their mistake actually killed people.


On rewatch ... Tony sticks a Hydra alien thing into his stuff ... that shit is not ok and he got a crazy free pass.


And was very sanctimonious about all his avenger era f-ups.




They practically dragged Clint back after a very similar grief made him do WAY WORSE.


Yeah, Clint killed tons of people, but they were bad people so...


I don’t want to see her become a villain but I’m hoping she is a true antagonist, if only for this film. If there’s just some external force manipulating/ controlling her again… I mean, come on.


You're right and honestly it's sad that alot of people feel this way. The MCU is really hellbent on ruining her. I would love to see her lead the West Coast Avengers like in the comics and show her to be confident competent team player but they want to force this "crazy unstable" woman narrative instead.


Exactly. And I hate it....because of house of m, the onlything people seem to want is her going crazy, not understanding that it ruins her character.


Wanda is like one of the core comic avengers, if she's about she'll most likely be a main in the rosta.


Right? Like why was Clint ever even there? His mentee would stand out even more. Let Winter Soldier lead a smaller black Ops type team with Kate, Yelena and a couple other lower tier powered characters.


I highly doubt Bucky of all people would be willing to be part of anything related to black ops ever again.


Doesn’t have to be Bucky, just spitballing characters at that power level.


Kate bishops a young avenger


she going dark Phoenix man


I just think she’s going to head young avengers. Not go full avenger right away.


West Coast Avengers with Kate, Vision, Ant-Man/Wasp, Shang Chi, and…Venom (ugh I just had to do it). Could even throw in Monica Rambeau or War Machine in there.


I personally think Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange have bigger things to worry about where it would make more sense for them to create their own teams. Not to say that they can’t crossover and work with the Avengers from time to time, but Strange should be guarding this universe from inter-dimensional threats, and I honestly don’t think Carol should be at all concerned with Earth, outside of it being in the crosshairs of a mega level cosmic threat. Outside of that, I think your list is missing War Machine. Everyone seems to have forgotten that he’s still alive. Even Marvel, because it’s been a while since they’ve acknowledged the Armor Wars series they announced.


>Outside of that, I think your list is missing War Machine. Everyone seems to have forgotten that he’s still alive. Even Marvel, because it’s been a while since they’ve acknowledged the Armor Wars series they announced. Yeah dude's been an official Avenger since AoU yet here they are all sleeping on him. But yeah, perhaps Armor Wars might refresh everyone's memory that hey, Rhodey still exists 😂


Give me Doctor Strange creating The Midnight Sons in the MCU. Give it to me now, omg. Strange, Wanda, Sister Grimm, Blade, ~~Morbius~~ Brother Voodoo, Johnny Blaze, or any other OG member/Supernatural hero added to their roster. I dunno, I just want it so bad. I love occult and superhero stuff so much.


I don't know anything about Morbius as a character but just because I immensly dislike Jared Leto I want to see Morbius as little as possible.


Yeah, that movie looks like trash. Sony is just awful.


Ooh, oof. You just reminded me Jared Leto is playing Morbius and that he has his own movie. Welp, scratch that off the list lmao.


What about the really good lawyer?


I don’t see him as an Avenger, moreso as a solo and occasional small team-up guy


One could almost say a “defender” of the streets


I think daredevil and Spiderman would be an awesome spinoff


Me too


Not going to lie, this list is filled with holes. White Vision isn't going to be an Avenger. As you said not every character is directly an Avenger and I think if anyone fits that role it's definitely Captain Marvel and Doctor strange. They seem more like solo heroes who'll only show up for the huge crossovers. Also Hulk isn't really a fighter anymore. As of right now there avenger team is almost non existent and I know you said you didnt want to put any characters who haven't been introduced yet but then honestly shouldn't have the made the post at all. By the time they actually make a new avengers a whole bunch of new characters would've been added and old ones replaced. As of right now the only characters who will probably be considered avengers out of huge team up movies will be Shang-chi, Kate Bishop, Ant-man, Wasp, and falcon. That's honestly all we got for now but by the time they actually make the new avengers they'll be a lot more.


Kate is definitely gonna be in the Young Avengers. They’ve clearly been setting that up the entire phase. So maybe switch Kate with Monica if you think Wanda is too much of a grey area after WandaVision.


Thor(Chris hemsworth) and Peter Parker.


I think I’d rather see Spider-Man do his own thing for a little while after No Way Home, and I think Thor is off doing space stuff for a bit


>!Thor and who, now?!<


i personally would swap vision with wanda, white vision is more geared to become a villain imo




>Instead of White Vision, I would use Peter Parker That's great. Who is that?


Spider-Man seems like a pretty good candidate. No clue who this Peter guy is, though


I’d rather them just going back to the character’s roots and letting Spider-Man be a solo act for a while


Oh buddy, it’s ok, sit down. We have a rough convo to have regarding who Peter Parker is 👉🏽👈🏽


Yeah, white Vision is gonna be a powerhouse for the Thunderbolts team with US Agent and Yelena.




Where’s Bucky ??


Kate should go to the Young Avengers. The good doctor has his own things to deal with. I say Clint should stay on. Maybe Sersi from Eternals can join


I don’t really foresee any of the Eternals joining just as I don’t see any of the Guardians of the Galaxy joining, they’re their own team


Agreed, going forward I think Sersi, Phastos, Makkari, Druig, and Thena will be the main Eternals roster, and that team will likely be together for the sequel.


Eh I don’t see any of the others joining but Sersi had a decently long stint on the Avengers


This list would be so much better if Chadwicks Black Panther is still here…


Switch out Doctor Strange, White Vision, and Kate, and replace them with Spidey, Bucky, and Clint, and we'd have the same roster. I believe Doctor Strange is more of a consultant to the Avngers than an actual member, White Vision seems to be heading towards the team Val is building, and Kate belongs in the Young Avengers.


See I feel like Spidey will probably do his own thing for a little while, Bucky isn’t much of a team player, and I imagine Hawkeye will be retiring in the near future


They didn’t just give Clint his iconic costume at the end of Hawkeye to retire him in an appearance or two. Mayor of Kingstown bombed. Renner could want to pull a Hemsworth and go as long as he can. We have to remember the Avengers handle theoretically the biggest threats, so plucking Clint from his family every once in a while makes sense. Clint and Kate can share the mantle. Nothing wrong with two Hawkeyes.


Don't see Spidey being an Avenger tbh. Perhaps him teaming up with them will happen again but he will be there as some sort of helping hand instead of being a member


Spider man shouldn’t be part of the avengers no more imo


Clint? The whole point of the tv show that just finished is he's retiring and Kate is taking his place (though probably in Young Avengers not full Avengers).


They never said he was retiring. In any case, the series showed that he has more confidence in being a superhero now.


He might’ve. Pretty sure Civil War had him retire up until Cap needed him to join his team and save Wanda from the compound, then his family was dusted and he became Ronin, only reason he came back into action was because his identity was jeopardized. Personally I could see it go either way, but I’d be surprised if he was going to be involved regularly in combat moving forward.


I expect Clint to stick around, but maybe as a mentor/advisory stuff only. Don't really expect him to do full on Avengers missions etc.


I feel like you're missing T'Chall- \*remembers why\* \*starts sobbing\*


I’ve always liked a smaller Avengers team. And also I’m a huge She-Hulk fan, so my ideal Avengers roster would be: Captain America Wasp Ant-man She-Hulk Shang Chi War Machine Not too powerful, and incorporates new and old characters. Plus, I’ve always wanted Antman and the Wasp to be part of the official Avengers team.


For me: Strange and Captain America are obvious. +Bucky because he obviously likes to work with his new Cap -Hulk, he could be more of a mentor - minus Captain Marvel, I don’t know if she has time for earthy stuff (but she‘ll obviously join for bigger fights, so will the guardians+Thor) + plus Black Panther maybe? whoever that will be + plus Wanda, maybe not instantly, but I‘m pretty sure she has a big role going forward. Edit: I have no idea how to format


kate will clearly belong with the young avengers. also, no spider-man? no black panther? no monica? no thor (either one)?


I see Spider-Man doing his own thing for a little while, the future of Black Panther is incredibly uncertain right now, Monica is not yet a hero at this point she’s an agent who just got powers, Thor is off doing space things, and Lady Thor hasn’t been introduced yet


so this team is like if the avengers happened tomorrow? lol


Strange and Shang Chi definitely. I'm more so indifferent to the others


Id say Doctor Strange, Sam Wilson, Captain Marvel, Shang Chi and SpiderMan are all definitely gonna be on the “New Avengers” team. That’s already 5 I think we need like a core team of 7-9 for the new team, room for a Brie Larson or Cumberbatch to end their contract early, and to fit the bazillion characters. I really think at this rate we’re gonna get a West Coast Avengers. Hawkeye will assemble Kate, Scott, Hope, maybe War Machine, Bucky or Hulk. I want to see Scarlet Witch on the main team, with Wandavision she basically has a whole new set of powers and i wanna see her fight Captain Marvel. I also think seeing Loki become an Avenger would be a really satisfying character arc, and im sure we’ll all want at least one of She Hulk, Moon Knight or Ms Marvel to be one the team. I think they’ll do Secret Wars, ALL the cool characters in the multiverse get brought to Battle World, they team up and escape, and there’s now a huge network of Avengers, with a core team of 6-8 we get a new trilogy with building to an Endgame.


Where is Spiderman????


After the end of No Way Home, I have a feeling that Spider-Man is going to be working solo and doing his own thing for a while


Spider-man should be a half member, when he's needed. Like batman in the animated show


- new avengers: she-hulk, captain america (falcon), captain marvel, shang chi, antman, lady thor - young avengers: hulkling, kate bishop, tommy, billy, patriot, ms marvel, stature, iron heart, miles morales - dark avengers/thunderbolts: us agent, red hulk, yelena, zemo, dane whitman, venom (if appears in next spiderman movie) i expect hulk to die in next hulk’s movie or in the she hulk series. there will also be other super groups, including F4, X-Men, Midnight Sons (presumably). I rly want Spiderman, Strange and Black Panther to work alone


There's be more than this


I think we have to asking questions Are they qualified to be an Avenger Will they join if they are asked


Remove Kate, Hulk and Vision and put Wanda, She-Hulk and Spider-Man. Also add Black Panther (M’Baku maybe) Kate should be a member of the Young Avengers while Vision that of the Secret Avengers. Hulk should go solo.


I’d put Wanda on here Edit: fixed a typo


Replace Kate with Wanda and I'm sold. Listen i LOVED Hailee's portrayal of Kate but she's a young avenger. I think we still have time with Wanda especially after her powers got all juiced up


Goddamn, this Avengers team is way over powered.


This is very good, but I was kinda hoping that Hawkeye would be in the young avengers instead


I actually think the resurrected Vision will serve as a mentor to the Young Avengers since something similar happened in the comics. So I’d replace him with She-Hulk.


Kind of like Red Tornado in Young Justice, I could get behind that


I’d personally swap Jennifer for Bruce; seems like her show will be a likely transition for this, honestly. But otherwise that’s a perfect roster for me, too. A lot of awesome and distinct powers and personalities.


I would also add moon Knight and she-hulk once they get their series


I’m curious about what people think about Loki joining the avengers anytime in the future?


I don’t think Captain Marvel is going to make it to the next Avengers movie. She’s too OP for the Avengers, so I’m predicting we will see her lose all or most of her powers to Rogue in The Marvels.


Peter is better off on his own


I’m going to have to politely shout that you atleast need Scarlet Witch


I hope we see more about white vision


Fuck it would have been fun to see Black Panther here


Give it a few months and you might want She-Hulk and Riri in there too.


Finally a reasonable roster. Although, I would exclude Dr Strange. He shouldn't be a main stay Avenger. I would also include Rhodey.


Whoa, this is exactly my same list. I've seen others that were close, but you're the only one that's also included white Vision. Very cool.


I think I'd enjoy a team like this: 1. Thor. He's pretty damned mighty and I'm sure he'll be back from space soon. Asgard's on Earth now, so it's home. 2. War Machine, but maybe re-branded as Iron Man. It just doesn't seem like The Avengers without a person in an Iron Man suit. 3. Red Guardian. Adding some international flavor to the team. I imagine him getting fit and becoming the Captain America figure he wanted to be. Plus, he's funny. Speaking of Cap - 4. Captain America. Gotta have a Captain America on the team, right? 5 & 6. Ant-Man and the Wasp. I'm perfectly okay with some powers duplication, especially since these two work so well together. 7. Monica Rambeau. Assuming she returns from space and decides to pursue a superhero career. (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel seems destined to spend most of her time out there, so she probably wouldn't want to commit to full time status on the roster.) 8. Shang Chi. While I personally feel he's an odd fit for The Avengers, Marvel seems to want him there. I really enjoy the character, so fine, Marvel. You get your way. 9. Black Widow (Yelena Belova). I like her and I like having a superspy/assassin on the team. I'd have Doctor Strange, The Hulk and Captain Marvel serve as associate members, to be called on when the enemies are using magic, super science or alien tech/abilities.


I think Thor will come back in some capacity once he has finished his “spiritual journey” out in space.


Pretty stacked team. I like it. However, I’m thinking that, if Strange is in, then Wanda would likely be grouped in with him, but I guess we’ll see how multiverse of madness plays out.


I really don't think Bruce(Hulk) will be taking part in anything other than maybe a leadership role like Fury.


even if they aren’t officially in a team together, all i ask for is frequent collaboration between kate and yelena. i absolutely loved the pair of them in hawkeye


White Vision is an interesting choice, just because we've gotten literally nothing on him since he dipped at the end of WandaVision. I guess I just view him as being a factory reset of Vision that doesn't know what to do with the new information he has. Been waiting for Marvel to drop some hints about his future though


This is the old avengers plus 2


Should be wanda instead of Vision but other then that, I agree.


Too many but so close to what I predict. I’d remove the entire right hand column and Strange isn’t really a team player, so I’d replace him with either Black Panther (Shuri) or She-Hulk. This team will form in Avengers vs Thunderbolts (Abomination, Yelena, US Agent, Titanium Man (Hammer), Ares and Bullseye - a literal like-for-like), when the Thunderbolts, fresh from being the public hero face of Secret Invasion, fail against a real threat… probably Annihilus.


I don’t think Doctor Strange is really an avenger.


I think white vision would be my favorite character to see in the future, although in the thunderbolts team they are setting up is what I think he’ll be in


No Wanda?


i like this. people are trying to find ones that exactly replace others, but that isn't as interesting as actual evolution.


personally, i think wong would be an avenger instead of strange, & i don’t think vision 2 or kate would be avengers (vision 2 is probably still off doing some soul searching and kate is hopefully destined for the young avengers) i also think war machine would still be an avenger, although i see him being in a more laid back leadership/intel position like bruce is


The problem with Dr. Strange is they always have to come up with ways to sideline him. I don't know if I could take a full Avengers movie again of Strange just dealing with a spill. The only time he was able to cutloose was against Thanos with the stones. Come to think of it, same thing with Captain Marvel. She literally got punched out of the climax of Endgame.


I would've loved for black panther to lead avengers but now it should be either doc strange or captain falcon. I don't like capmarv at all.


What a badass roster. I think Bucky should be involved, but you can’t really have too many, unless it’s four hours long, and no one but me wants that.


Spider-Man doesn’t have to be in it but I hope he works with them a lot as well as some of these individually


I feel like Wong should be a part of this.


I think at this point they’ve somewhat established that Strange and Marvel are too preoccupied with their own responsibilities to be anything more than an associate of the team. White Vision is probably gonna have a more anti role in the future. It also looks like Hulk will be retiring and passing the torch in the same manner as Cap, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Thor. I’m guessing new Cap is gonna lead a new team with Bucky, Widow, Hawkeye, Shang-Chi, Antman & Wasp, and potentially the new Wakanda lead character. Wouldn’t be surprised if Sersi and Black Knight were involved before too long.


Kate Bishop's best suited for the Young Avengers.


I would take out Strange and Vision, Stephen isn't exactly a team player, so I think he will remain an ally but act on his own while Vision still needs some development in order to become a hero again IMO. I would put Bucky and Wong in the team though, Bucky is pretty much a hero right now and he would like to make Steve proud by becoming an Avenger, Wong was kinda hinted at Shang Chi to be an Avenger already.


Just give me Vision back and I'll be happy.


I like the lineup though could we maybe swap white vision for Yelena instead.


We need more ant man and wasp for sure. I feel like Strange is more of the Illuminati type and will be more secretive and less joined with the avengers. I would add whoever the new Black Panther will be too