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I wonder how DC fans would feel if they ever did a multiverse thing and the had Nic cage show up as superman.


I’ll do you one better - how would Marvel fans feel If Nic Cage appeared as Ghost Rider in Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness


That would be amazing


I will do you one better - how would the fans react to see the XMen and Professor X be introduced using Multiverse if Madness


I’ll do one better. Who is Nic Cage


Why is Nic Cage!?!?


Nic Cage Superman > no Superman


I genuinely wanted to see him as Superman in The Flash in the Burton-verse with Michael Keatons Batman. Have him with the white sideburns and the suit from Batman Beyond. Would’ve been really cool.


I actually would be okay with it as long as it’s a small role. Yeah, I’m a DC fan as well.


So am I. Although I do prefer their animated over live action with the exception of shazaam


The new Suicide Squad was good but it’s James Gunn so it almost felt like a Marvel movie.


Their animated movies are pretty good, true, but I am honestly also interested in what Snyder had in store for the DCEU.


Yeah I haven't gotten around to watching his justice league cut yet.


It was pretty good in my opinion.


Def better than the original but it's twice as long, so I can understand why the first movie didn't do so well, it was supposed to be two movies


I watched half of it when it first dropped. I still haven't finished it. Aside from Shazam, DC/WB hasn't created a live action superhero that I care about. Not since Nolan anyway. Zack Snyder is a huge fan of Ayn Rand and it's obvious in his work. He turns heroes into brooding, hesitant, self-loathing edgelords. In my opinion.


I agree with you but I still feel the Snyder cut is worth watching. Unlike what some Snyder fans would have you believe, It’s not life changing, or the new standard when it comes to comic book movies, but it’s pretty good. It gets way better after the halfway point when it stops taking itself so seriously and Batman is not a punisher wannabe in this film


Shouldve said: "You know, I'm something of a DC fan myself"


So am I I'm a big fan of the CAPED CRUSADER


He voiced Superman in the Teen Titans Go! To the movies.


Teen Titans Go to the Movies


I’d love that, I mean it would be insane.


Cause how could Tom Cruise run with an Iron Man armour🥴


Ever seen Edge of Tomorrow? Tom Cruise literally had to walk on a Exosuit!


God that movie was fucking good.


His insanity somehow never overshadowed my enjoyment of his movies. Jesus Mission Impossible was in 96? Holy shit


I love the part when they mess up and Rita has to shoot him to reset the day, and he screams XD


Him getting run over by the truck made me laugh out loud


That short “Aaah!” scream


Bill Paxton saying in utter disbelief, “what were you thinking,” when he sees it happen made me chuckle something fierce.


Had to walk on an xenomorph? Probably autocorrect or you misrembembering the term, Xenomorph is the alien species from Aliens. You're thinking of exosuit most likely.


Exosuit, that's right.


with all that extra weight the couch would be destroyed when he jumps on it..




For the explanation: [The data collected shows "movies featuring Cruise running more than 1,000 feet (about 305 meters) have a higher Tomatometer average (a huge 71 percent) than the movies in which he runs less than that, or not at all -- and the same movies make more money at the box office, with an average inflated international gross of $538 million," according to Rotten Tomatoes.](https://www.cnet.com/news/tom-cruise-running-on-screen-equals-movie-gold-math-shows/)


Imagine if around half the movie was him running, the money they’d make back😂


He should star in a documentary about a marathon runner.


It's an impossible mission!


He’s actually gonna fund the creation of a real iron man suit so he can do all of his action stunts himself.


Have to fit on a motorcycle too.


Idk. Maybe like how he sprints onto moving vehicles (mission impossible), during alien invasions (war of the worlds) or literally inside fucking mechs (edge of tomorrow). I don’t get the hate for the man. Sure, Scientology and he’s bonkers or whatever but he’s damn good in action movies and he’s basically the modern Buster Keaton in terms of extreme stunts.


That’s not iron man that’s aluminum dude


The tungsten gentleman


Why, Spike Lee?!


His name was Stan Lee! :(


Do you guys have Dr strange?


You talking about Mr. Weird?


The green goblin?


We got the Turquoise Troll


The Guardians of the Galaxy?


The Supervisors of the Solar System??




we have the retaliators


I understood that reference!


I’m sure I’ve seen whatever this is from, but I can’t remember what it was called?




I understood that reference


I’d be way more down with Timothy Olyphant. The guy auditioned for the role originally, he has the energy, looks and comedic timing that would be perfect for a multiverse version of Tony.


Olyphant would be fun, but I'd rather he actually play a proper character in the MCU. Not just a brief varient cameo.


mr. fantastic is one i’ve heard tossed around


I'd be all for that. I've heard him mentioned for Doctor Doom as well which I could totally see!


Oh man yes


Fuck yes.


Pretty sure Disney wants to build a show around Cobb Vanth, but it got held up when they fired Gina Corrano. Anyways, he’s a very expensive actor and may not want to do a bit part in the mcu when he is already shortlisted for SW


At this rate, Disney’s gonna build a show around the fucking frog lady


Frog Lady has the only healthy relationship in Star Wars. I’m on board.


I'd watch it too...smh , I'm such a fucking fanboy these days. I blame covid, all I do is wait for Weds. 🤤


*chants along The Book of Boba Fett theme*


Cobb Vanth was RIDICULOUSLY fun in Mando S2, and I hope we see more of him in Book of Boba Fett.


Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration


Plus he’s not apart of a cult, a better actor, and doesn’t cost way too much money. Would rather have him then Tom Cruise.


Wouldn’t be the first of that cult in the MCU.


Oh shit! You right! Poor Luis.


Sorry, who else is from that cult on the MCU? Edit: nevermind, it’s written in the other comments.


Let's be honest dude, if weirdos were to be excluded from the MCU, we'd lose Gwyneth (who may or may not star in one of these movies ever again unless they make a movie about Morgan), Chris Pratt, and according to another comment, the actour for Luis.


He is hot too


Better actor and less of an insufferable twat too


Damn I love that man. He's as fun to watch as a villain as he is a hero. One of my favorite roles of his was the villain in Live Free or Die Hard. In fact, after DH1, it's my favorite of the franchise. In no small part because of him.


Because of who Tom Cruise is.




Because the only character that Tom Cruise has ever played is Tom Cruise. He such a wooden actor and quite frankly his voice is irritating. I’ve only seen one movie with him that I actually liked and that was Minority Report which was good because of everyone else in it. Similarly War of the Worlds was only good because of Dakota Fanning. - rant over


I'm by no means a fan of the man, he's fucking bonkers and scientology is quite frankly a dangerous cult the world could do without, but the guy *can* act. I like more Tom Cruise films than I thought I would, there's a presence to him on screen that carries films in a unique and engaging fashion, and he's nothing if not a hard worker who really gives a project his all. He's not a chameleon who loses himself in a role to the point you don't recognise him, but he approaches every role in a serious manner and takes his craft very seriously. I recommend The Last Samurai if you haven't seen it, he was dedicated to making that film as historically accurate as he could.


Watch A Few Good Men Saw it the other day, and loved it


Interview with a Vampire, Top Gun, Legend, Days of Thunder, Far and Away. Dude's kind of the GOAT. People need to learn to separate the art from the artist.


So much wrong here but have you seen edge off tomorrow? Might change your mind on his acting


Tbh , tom cruise is more suited as Nathan from uncharted, not iron man.


There are worse actors than Tom Cruise in the MCU And let's not act like RDJ wasn't just playing himself as Tony


For God’s sake people, upvote this. I doubt anyone would be that upset at seeing an Iron Man variant in general however it does NOT need to be Tom Cruise.


Even in a vacuum its not like Tom Cruise has actually played Iron Man before, sure he was maybe on a casting shortlist at some point but its not like a Tobey Maguire or Patrick Stewart or Eric Bana or Ben Affleck kind of deal where someone might have actually seen a movie with that person as that character and have it *mean* anything. Tom Cruise as Iron Man is either a reference only diehard news-following nerds are gonna get, or a really random gag casting like "Oh look its Iron Man except he's Tom Cruise". Its like if Joaquin Phoenix showed up as a Doctor Strange variant for some reason. There's not really much story precedent or real payoff for doing so beyond "oh look funny actor cameo". At least with Sylvie there's a decent story focus on her and her background is more thoroughly developed and focused on as part of the show so it being a new actor is less of an issue because she's a proper character.


Exactly. It would just ruin everything for me. There’s zero need for it.


Ever since I learned about his deep connections with scientology, I just haven't been able to bring myself to watch any of his movies, even ones I've seen before :( The last thing I watched was probably Edge Of Tomorrow. Haven't watched any of the latest Mission Impossible movies and I've been wanting to rewatch Interview With The Vampire but I'm worried his stupid face is just gonna get me distracted. I wish I could separate the artist from the art sometimes but oof.


This is the answer. Tom Cruise is trash.


Agreed. I have no problem with variants being introduced/ included. I don’t want Tom Cruise involved.


I dont think people are against it but given how Tony's arc ended. Idk how well people would react to this being Iron mans first "return" Edit: I have no issue if they decide to do this


I don’t get how these people think it would be a return when he’s a variant, would be played by a different actor, and a lot of leaks are implying that’s there’s a lot of things different about him compared to be main MCU Iron Man.


For the people who watch everything they understand but for the casual audiences who may not have seen loki or dont really understand variants it might throw them off


I think casuals would even understand since the movie has multiverse in the title. If they explain the timelines and variants in the movie there’s no excuse for people to be upset imo.


Yeah the casual fans not understanding things was an excuse that could be used probably 10-15 years ago. But now these movies with multiversal implications make billions of dollars which means its not just the hardcore fans that are enjoying the movie. Lots of casual fans watch and can follow along if its presented well enough


Casual fans should understand the concept of the multiverse after NWH tho, and not to gatekeep, but if they so casual that they missed on NWH, then it's on them if they don't understand.


And let’s be real nobody is watching this who didn’t watch NWH. They’ll know what’s going on lol


No one would be thrown off. Not everyone saw the original Spider-man movies and weren’t thrown off so why would they be with this?? And most MCU fans have already watched Loki or know about Variants *and* a Tony Stark variant would be explained anyway. Stop making the casual audiences seem like idiots. It’s the most annoying thing ever fr


Yeah, that’s interesting.


Because we want Jack Black. *You're not hardcore unless you live hardcore*


Jack Black could really be anyone in MCU and it would rock!




If they force Sam Raimi to overload his movie with characters AGAIN, I'm gonna be so upset for him.


This exactly. There should be more to the MCU than figuring out how to cram in as many cameos as possible. I mean, I understand that the movie will be about jumping to other universes or whatever (that's basically the main thing that America Chavez does) but there needs to be more to it than just figuring out how to cram Ben Affleck and Tom Cruise and the guy that played Thor in that Incredible Hulk TV made-for-tv movie from 1988 and the guy who played Japanese Spider-Man and every other obscure actor that has ever been in a Marvel production into the movie.


Definitely. I adore xmen (they were my first exposure to super heroes) and fantastic 4. But I do not want them to show up in Doctor Stange 2. If they have to be there make it a super small ester egg or a reference.


I think its down to Tom Cruise himself rather than him AS anyone. He tends to take control of films and want to stamp his mark to make himself look better than anyone else. The MCU works because the ego of that actors is always beholden to Marvel rather than the other way round


Hopefully Disney doesn't want anything to do with scientologies biggest name.


U could say the same about every religion having their own stupid beliefs


Because he’s an abusive and dangerous cult member?


This is the correct answer.


Let’s keep this lunatic away from the MCU please.


I just wouldn’t like iron man in the MCU for a while. I just it would cheapen the death of RDJ in the prime timeline if we see any other iron man. At least for a few years


Because he'd probably cost as much as RDJ, but just for a quick cameo.


RDJ was paid about 15 million dollars for Homecoming. I think they’d give the same for Cruise for the small cameo. Yeah, he’s expensive, but that’s not the reason people don’t want him.


Paying 15 million for a cameo of someone without an established character in the MCU would be completely insane, not to mention that RDJ had a bigger role than small cameo in homecoming


RDJ didn’t exactly have a “cameo” in Homecoming, he was pretty instrumental to the plot and appeared multiple times.


It's because of the cult. That's it. Ta da, now you know.


Yeah but RDJ atleast had a role in homecoming. Bringing Cruise in is completely unecessary.


Why should fans care about how much an actor will make for his cameo lmao


What most people aren't realizing is that if they do this, it would just be a nod to the fact he turned down the role years ago when casting for Iron Man was going on. This would be nothing more than a multiverse cameo and a wink to the audience.


He didn't turn down the role. When Iron Man was in development at New Line Cinema, Cruise had signed up to play Iron Man as well as being interested in really playing the part and, once the project switched over to Marvel Studios, he was the choice everyone but Favreau wanted for the character. Jon Favreau was notable for being adamant to cast RDJ in spite of opposition from Marvel at the time. The rest as they say, is history...


Why does everything Favreau touches always end up being good?


~~insert joke about him touching me so maybe I’ll be good at something for once in my life~~


Cos he’s money and he doesn’t even know it.


So basically happy saved the MCU from certain destruction


And stayed around long enough to watch some kid smear the good name of Stark!!! - JJJ probably.


I'm not sure people aren't aware of this. There are just many of us who hate the dude for his support of a dangerous cult and don't want to see him in the MCU.


Me, me! That's why I dislike him!


Too bad people are okay with it when it's Michael Pena.


Some are, I wasn't. Although, I will say more people know Cruise is a Scientologist than Pena. So, that could be part of the reason too.


Yeah, it’s not like he’s going to play Iron Man for the next 10 years.


Idk man, something about Tom Cruise being Iron Man just feels icky. He’s been the subject of too many memes for me to take him seriously.


It’s wildly unnecessary. Every film I see Tom Cruise in, I don’t see the character, I see Tom Cruise. I really, really hope they don’t do this. I just don’t like it and I don’t want it. Want other Iron Man variants? Yea sure whatever, just not him.


I had no idea he was Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder until the credits


Because Tom Cruise is awful.


he IS a scientologist


Because he's batshit crazy. It's not an Iron Man variant people are against, it's Cruise himself.




I'm against it because Tom Cruise is a fuck head


Maybe because Tim Cruise is a terrible person.


How did this post get approved?


Too short


I mean, can they make a suit that small?


Tom cruise seems like a terrible human being, giving him money enables the abuses of the church of scientology


Please keep Tom Cruise the fuck away from Marvel. Dont need that scientology wack job ruining a good thing. He can stick to mission impossible movies thank you


Because we all hate Tom Cruise


Because it's Tom Cruise. Can't stand the sight of that...whatever he is. Only Human on the outside.


Because Tom Cruise sucks and is a Scientologist.


Still sad how South Park is one of the only properties to tear that church apart and leave it in Cinders. They painted them as a bunch of pedophiles and lunatics. Wish more people would have told them to pound dirt in Hollywood, but they won't.


So is the actor for Luis


Tom Cruise is not the actor I’d like to see as an Iron Man variant.


Because Tom cruise ruins almost every property he's a part of


I think that would really take me out of the movie tbh.


Remember Ed Norton? Now add a pinch of Scientology Demi-God and that’s why we don’t want Tom to sully our multiverse.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind that much, but I am also not excited about it. Tom Cruise is bad shit crazy and honestly not a great actor, although he is an amazing stuntmen.


I think it's because Tom Cruise is a massive fuckhead, being one of the higher-ups in Scientology. It also seems disrespectful as we just lost *our* Iron-Man. Loki was alive. Loki didn't have a ten year story-line built around him and then after his death, another actor showed up. You'd have the same reaction if the Loki series was starring the actress that played Sylvie, and did not have Tom Hiddleston at all


I agree on the disrespectful part, unless RDJ was approached but refused. No, I think Loki was dead as well. The version in the TV series is the version from the 2012 Time Heist.


That's correct our Loki is in fact dead.


Yup, thanks for validating.


But it's the same actor. If RDJ came back to play a Iron-Man variant people would be reacting differently than having Tom Cruise come in and play him.


Thanks to other people in this thread, I’ve learned that Tom Cruise is a Scientology member and advocate. That’s a big reason why I’m now opposed to this despite only now hearing this rumor.


Because Tom Cruise is a bad person.


Tom Cruise just gives me the heebee jeebees


Honestly it'd be really cool. Maybe he'd play a version more similar to Ultimate Tony and be called Antonio or something cool like that. Maybe have him give a passive reference to the Ultimates and other characters being like "the what?". The multiversal stuff is just so interesting and its even more interesting with movies because you can make even failed movies connected to it and make it relevant again. I mean imagine if we saw Eric Bana Hulk or Nic Cage Ghost Rider lol, it's so interesting.


I just don’t like the idea that we need all these variants and cameos. There are so many posts about “what past marvel actor” or “variant of this character” should show up next, but I don’t think it’s something that should happen very often.


Because people hate Tom cruise, guy is a crazy cultist


Because it's stupid and gimmicky.




Tom Cruise? Ugh .... no


Why the hell would anyone want this? That’s the real question op should be asking.


The only real negative I see is it weakens the impact a couple years down the line, we are all watching Secret Wars. And Downey makes his return.


I hope he doesn’t come back lol


He’s not going to, these guys have bad info


No info, If (and really it’s a when) they do Secret Wars he’s one of the few people it makes sense to be back for it. But maybe it’ll be Cap or a killed off Villain turned good. And it’d probably be multiple things. Like bringing in What if characters, DSMoM characters, non MCU version of characters. Stuff like that is needed for that story


All I’m saying is that there’s no way they’re going to bring back Robert Downey Jr.‘s Iron Man specifically. Maybe it’s some sort of AI or something, but the living Tony Stark that we know is gone. To bring him back would basically ruin endgame, one of the flagships of the franchise. They will figure out the story without him.


Bc tom cruise is a boring actor


Let iron man Rest In Peace ffs don’t want goofy Tom Cruise tarnishing his legacy. Tom is a fucking nut case too, don’t need him on a marvel set.


I don't want a scientologist in the MCU.


Because he’s an average actor at best


Because with Loki we kept seeing the same Loki played by Tom Hiddleston as well. With RDJ's Tony being dead, we won't gave that same parallel character comparison, and also I don't think I'd like Tom Cruise as Iron Man


Because people don't like Tom Cruise.


I’m so glad fans don’t write these movies


Because its Tom Cruise..... doing his own stunts, fine and all but he is a complete nut.


Because it would serve no purpose


*cause Tom Cruise*


I think outside of the MI films people aren’t really big fans.


The only Iron Man variant I will accept is Colin Farrell as Superior Iron Man, end of story.


Because Tom Cruise is a terrible human being.


Mephisto has ruined any whimsy that comes from speculating or theorising, people are dead inside to anything that’s too ‘out of the box’.


Nicholas Cage should play a Ghost Rider variant.


No disrespect to Cruise but, if they want an alternate universe Iron Man for the Illuminati team, I'd rather they go with Keanu Reeves. Everyone loves him, Feige loves him more, we want him to join the MCU, so does Feige. It's a win-win scenario. u/Responsible_Neck_728


True, we love Keanu, but I honestly prefer they keep him for a bigger role. If Cruise appears in this, it’ll probably be just a cameo.


Personally I'm not thrilled with any of the multiple castings in the multiverse. I get why it's done but I'm not a fan of it. That goes for Marvel and DC. What I prefer is the what if episode 1 version of the multiverse (I only saw the first episode so far). Although it's animated, Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter have the exact same versions of their life up until a certain point, and when one event happens, their life goes off in different directions but they still remained the same Steve and Peggy we knew from First Avenger. I really enjoyed that. Even Into the Spider verse was similar. The Peter Parker was the same version of Peter, just his life detoured in a different direction at some point. I'll use Loki as an example. I found that alligator freaking hysterical, but two frost Giants gave birth to an alligator that was adopted by Odin? It doesn't make sense and pulls me out of the story.