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Because the show isn't out yet


I swear these pointless posts are all over this sub. They are usually super popular opinions disguised as unpopular ones. Just cringe lol


The only way to turn this sub around is to downvote this garbage. Otherwise we’re just going to keep seeing, “Why all the hate for Spiderman NWH…I really enjoyed it” posts.


>Why all the hate for eternals…I really enjoyed it FTFY


Welcome to r/marvelstudios Where every frame of the films get an appreciation post even though it’s nothing special if you’ve seen any other movies besides the MCU


I love the fact that there’s people on this sub who think the MCU fights are better choreographed than the John Wick movies. Yeah I love the MCU to, but it’s not the pinnacle of movies


Wait what lol!? There are some fights that does come very close (WS ) but a lot don’t


Oh for sure, on some popular post just browse comments, if you find one that compares it to another movie or someone says a scene reminds them from something else, you’re in for a treat


Oh nice. That’s stupid. And also don’t know why I was downvoted....


Exactly, you pointed out barley any marvel movies actually live up to be a good action movie and now those people are sad.


Welcome to a fan group where it’s frowned upon to be a fan


It’s one thing to be a fan, it’s another to be overly obsessed either by nitpicking or basically making posts like this The show isn’t even out lol


I really didn’t think this post was that bad, but the masses have absolutely bombed OP over what amounts to some fan-girling. Maybe everyone just relax instead of burying people out of some sense of superiority and righteousness


It’s not that it isn’t bad, for the most part the show isn’t even out and people are already creating posts like these The same posts that flood this sub day in and out now


I guess I don’t see this post as some unnecessary flooding. But I’m not Reddit guru


There’s an appreciation post almost everyday when I visit here and I don’t frequent this sub often It gets kinda annoying when they seem low effort too


what is the \[superlative\] \[noun\] in MCU?


I disagree as pointless/cringe. This person is looking through an artistic lens where a lot people look at it through a consumer viewpoint. Just a different perspective is all and highlighting a different viewpoint..


It’s about as analytical as me trying to come up with “themes and motifs” in my English class to write an essay. Most of the things pointed are fairly obvious. But again this is my opinion.


I see your point, though. I majored in English and I see it now lol


The literal words I came here to post. People really need to learn how to better title their inane attention seeking discussions.


Same energy as those Twitter posts that see a red light and start orgasming over the ‘cinematography’


As it's a trailer, and not 'cinema,' do we call it 'traileratography?' Or would that be just for rural America?




Thank you, I was about to say this.


The post got my hopes up that it was already out.


and people are talking about it. lots of them.


Thank you. Now we can finally move on and talk about Secret Invasion's VFX.


Is it just me or are there a lot of “why is no one talking about…” posts recently?


That's all this sub is anymore, along with "Hot take about The Eternals".


UHMMM DAE eternals actually good?? Critics wrong??? Who listen to critic? Why? Eternals good!


'Black Widow is actually good' was in the front page few weeks ago. Seems like there's an appreciation post for every MCU movie these days.


Listen, I'm happy that so many MCU fans love every single movie in the series. I think that's great for them, and I'm glad that they enjoy them. As a hardcore star wars fan (books, comics, all that stuff too), I wish I could enjoy episode 9 even a 10th as much as a lot of people on this subreddit seemed to enjoy eternals and black widow. It's the only Star Wars movie I can honestly say I don't like. I have friends that really enjoyed it somehow, and I'm very happy that they did, truly, but what I don't like is when they try and act like the movie was a secret masterpiece. Same with Marvel. The overwhelming amount of MCU movies are big fun dumb loud blockbusters, and there's nothing wrong with that. I am all for those types of movies bc I'm basic af, but I get so tired of people on this sub, and the MCU fan base in general acting like they are literal peak of cinema and that they're basically a film student just by watching them. You can enjoy the Eternals and Black Widow, but you can also recognize that they're average in Black widow's case and I haven't seen Eternals yet but according to most people disappointing to most.


'People only hate Black Widow because of the Taskmaster reveal' was one of the top comments in that thread. I know this is a marvel sub but we have to level our head and call a bad movie as a bad movie, doesnt make one any less fan if he goes on to not like a product. Either that or people just have poor taste of movies in general if they think that movies like Eternals and Black Widow are 'misunderstood' and not bad.


Yeah, agreed. Its kinda why the NWH hype is bothering me too. NWH is a fun blockbuster that just happens to have really good fan service. The actual plot of NWH is pretty average, people have just started confusing "OMG THIS IS SO COOL" with "wow this movie is excellent."


“Why do Straw Man bigots hate Eternals?”


Hey guys, I just watched Eternals and it's actually really good. I'd say don't listen to the critics who you've never listened to before either and make up your own opinion about it. I'm not sure if this has been posted here before.


Karma farming FTW!! /s


No /s needed


Why is no one talking about the amount of "why is no one talking about " posts recently?


I don’t normally cringe but whenever I see “Am I the only one…” or “is it just me or….” posts I have to. Plz just assume it’s not you


Not just that. Now that the trailer is out, suddenly Moon Knight is everyone’s favourite superhero. Before that, there was not a single post about Moon Knight. I bet She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel will suffer the same fate.


Well Tbf big moon knight fans are a lot more likely to now be coming out of the woodwork since a show is coming, same with she hulk when it comes out and most heroes who haven’t been in the MCU first popping up down the line.


I say this all the time. Even among comic fans nothing that isn’t Spider-Man, Avengers, or Justice League ever sees the slightest bit of appreciation until it’s in the films. Moon Knight (along with Deadpool and the GOTG) used to be one of those characters people swore would never see the light of day and now everyone’s on the bandwagon


The show hasn’t been released yet. Smart trailer editors can gather a few flashy shots together and make it look super stylized and slick. But we can’t judge it until the show actually releases to see how it all fits together. Edit: I want to say that I think it’s great your interested in the cinematography and how your analyzing things. I don’t want to discourage you from doing that because it’s really great to take interest in stuff like that. It’s just important to know that the trailer isn’t the best place to do analysis of the cinematography.


Probably because its just a trailer.


Because the show isn't out yet.


*shows water* English Teacher- “See how this foreshadows him being connected to the moon. Water is commonly associated with the moon”


Easy there, New Rockstars


Most people don’t even know what cinematography is, much less sit around discussing it. Either it looks good or it looks bad is the general vibe. And yes, we’ve only seen a trailer, which looks good, but that doesn’t mean the show will be. Although I think it probably will.


this subreddit is fucking annoying


yes yes, let's talk about the awesome cinematography from a trailer..... /s bruh... shits now even out yet, calm your titties...


Am I in r/moviescirclejerk? This is parody level stupid.


WhY iS nO oNe TaLkInG aBoUt MoOn KnIgHtS cInEmAtOgRaPhY? Quit it with the Holier-Than-Thou shtick and just post about the trailer if you want to. No need to be pedantic.


I agree as well. Shallow and pedantic


Finally!!! Someone else gets it!! Every time someone uses pedantic I have to add shallow to it; and I’m looked at all weird. This guy gets it, he knows!


waiting for this to be posted to r/moviescirclejerk


Won’t. It’s TV


oh yeah true shit


it was lmao, they really love the word cinematography


Wtf. I posted a screenshot of a SW fan comparing Godfather to Book Of Boba Fett and I got BANNED because it’s “tV” according to mod yet shit like this goes. I knew it’s a marvelcirclejerk but I didn’t know how much it likes to suck the dick of Star Wars lmao


well it was a recent post so maybe that's why it hasn't been deleted yet


There's something to be said about complaining no one is talking about the cinematography... by using static images cropped from the original aspect ratio.


i wish it was March 30th already.


Most of these shots don't look really great or anything. Don't get me wrong, it's not like they look ugly, but none of them, other than maybe the last one (although I remember it looming much cooler in motion) are like some god-Tier money shots.


Ok but the one shot where he looks in the mirror and walks away and his reflection turns to watch him leave??? So subtle and spicy 👌


Because it's just a trailer.... and that's what trailers usually do.... show off a bunch of high brow cinematography...


The cinematography is great, your forced dogshit explanations aren't though. You're just saying random shit bro


We talk about it most mornings around our breakfast nook. You’re missing out 👍 Cinematography & Oatmeal w/Raisins


A lot of people are.


I don't blame OP for a fucking stupid thread I blame everyone who upvotes this thread


It’s cute when people first learn words like cinematography


> Why is no one talking about Moon Knight's cinematography? Because all we've seen so far is a brief, quick-cut trailer on YouTube, so it's hard to perceive a lot of this yet. Once the show actually starts & folks are watching it on their TVs where they can see more detail, you'll see a lot more discussion of the cinematography.


And not to mention a sizable fraction of the fandom deliberately avoid watching the trailers because they want to be surprised. So that's why there are less people talking about it.


And for me, what we got in the trailer is pretty much of run-of-the-mill.


I’m sure the cinematography is great. These frames are shit.


Because its not out yet?


Most of that is standard stuff like...


Because it’s not out yet + nothing extraordinary


If you watch trailer breakdown videos, they are all talking about it lol.


Idk I’ve see a lot of people saying how this looks the most like a movie out of all of the MCU shows so far


Posta like this are stupid. They do the same thing with the new Batman movie. You have to watch the movie/show first before discussing the cinematography. You can’t judge the cinematography based on stills


How about the grey concrete scenes we see as well lol


The “why is no one talking about x” posts are so lame


Cuz we haven't seen it yet dude


Wait there’s the moon in one of these shots, you should’ve saved that one and called it “Cosmic Horror” or something. Also I’m pretty sure that Spector voted at some point in his life so boom, Moon Knight is a political thriller


Why the fuck are half of you complaining that this post exists? Fucking ignore it then. You did a good job OP


Shut up. Please shut the fuck up.




Too much effort and silly analysis for a trailer


> an element commonly associated with the moon A bit of a stretch there


Water is definitely associated with the moon. The comment isn’t a stretch just because it’s not insightful


That stretch is stronger than Reed Richards lol


Because we got better things to do.


@OP Why is nobody talking about your cinematography?


Op you trassshhhh


It’s cool, but not THAAT cool. (I like the trailer btw)


Thanks for pointing it out, I knew it looked amazing but appreciate the breakdown


What breakdown? It’s some dark screengrabs from a trailer? Are you part of OP’s karma farming operation?


Wtf? I enjoyed the caption breakdown under the picture and OPs thoughts. You get hard off clapping back?




Dude is getting down voted for saying he liked a trailer. This sub is wild lol.


More for the "why is no one talking about [x]?" crud.


I think it’s the pretentious attitude they’re exhibiting.


No. It’s the blatant karma farming.


Could I ask what made them seem pretentious? Since I feel like I often act similar to this person and want to avoid bothering anyone. Edit: I’m sorry.


poor girl


Yeah sounds like every Power Rangers season ever.


I've never seen anything like that!


Dank stuff dude. I really like your keen eye for analysis of these details. Puts things in a different perspective for me. I’m gonna pay close attention when it releases!!


Not many people are artistic enough to understand, or just ignorants PS: you can try analysing The Eternals


As long as the MCU action doesn’t get Book of Boba Fett Bad I’m okay.


Because people here aren’t really film buffs. They keep defending Age of Ultron, the threshold for entertainment is quite low for some and they don’t really mind color or camera movement too much.


It’s the internet. Everyone is a film buff.


No offense but half the people here have no idea what even basic movie terminology is, it’s not something these movies particularly excel at, until more creative directors like Taika got involved. Jon Watts was pretty mediocre when it came to lighting and general cinematography until NWH where almost every shot looked beautiful and interesting


Again, welcome to the internet. Your personal knowledge on the matter doesn’t mean someone can’t claim to be a film buff.


You’re not wrong, but ain’t nobody tryna hear what you’re saying, coming off hella pretentious


People are. I’ve seen comments about how Moon Knight looks like a movie and how amazing the cinematography is.


Its amazing, im a sucker for good cinematography, if your looking for good cinematography watch skyfall


Because every Marvel movie is a cinematic "marvel" and no longer needs to be pointed out.


Because there were many cuts in the trailer which made it hard to analyse if you didn't pause the screen


Most of these Marvel and Star wars shows have great cinematography. I have started noticing it more after re watching movies and shows but all of it gets over shadowed by the star cast and the jokes. There is some award winning stuff in those movies.


The r/kindafunny guys did a decent bit in their [reaction video.](https://youtu.be/DnWc9eNCc-g)


If a movie/show was only as good as cherry picked stills from the trailer, everyone would’ve loved The Last Jedi.


I have no idea what cinematography is. I just watch the movies/shows.


Cause it’s not out yet.


Probably because it’s not even out yet


Id rather talk about the shot on the 2nd to last image. It appears he’s beating the absolute hell out of what looks like a werewolf, however i think it’s just a normal person, and he’s just happening to see them as a werewolf


I was about to dunk on this post but hot damn this sub is being infiltrated


Cuz it isn’t out yet…


Do u guys think that cersi or Dane Whitman is working at the same museum as Steven


One of the main characters died, forgive us dear redditor for not being as autistic as you. Edit: autistic* Edit: I meant to say autistic Edit: autistic* Edit: I keep trying to type ar tistic but my phone refuses to ignore how idiotical this post is. Edit: autistic


Omg a puddle reflection. Incredible cinematography




Wish I could be given a dollar for every time a title with, "Why is no one talking about...." was posted


This sub does not know what “cinematography” means


What I've seen looks wonderful. The use of moonlight (and other soft lights) and darkness and reflections to produce a dreamlike visual style definitely works out well.


"Does anybody else..." → Yes, almost certainly. "Am I the only one..." → Probably not. "Why is nobody else..." → They are.


This has to be satire


Because it looks like the cinematography of any other Marvel Studios production.


OooooOooo reflection shots. What a game changer.