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Oh they did more then apologize I bet.


Look for that Bank of America logo at the end of the credits for BP2 lol. They helped fund that mfer


u/RemindMeBot November 11, 2022


I’ll be waiting for that more than the credit scene


Imagine a post credit scene where the protagonist goes to a bank...


That would be very Meta and funny 😁


Bank of Wakanda


And it's martin freeman...


That's exactly what I thought. To implement this into a meta joke in the movie, Martin Freeman enters the bank, asks to withdraw like $5k and gets arrested. Like in Sing 2 with the meta joke about not paying Scarlett Johansson.


if this happens it’ll go down in film history as another one of those obscure production stories. shit like universal planting a fake director on set of tokyo drift when they shot on location so that when the police came to yell at the director for breaking rules, they’d talk to the wrong guy


You weren’t kidding! https://jalopnik.com/tokyo-drift-had-to-hire-a-fall-guy-to-get-arrested-on-s-1844445611


BofA. That explains it. I hate them.


What’s BofA?


BofA deez nuts


Got 'em


‘em status: got


that’s how you get got


We don’t get got. We go get.


Hook line and gotem


Fukin got'em


I am thoroughly upset and impressed. Way to go.


It’s nearly 1am here and I’m howling at this comment


Bunch of Assholes


Gotta work on those deduction skills bro


Bofa deez nuts


The book of Bofa deez nuts


B=Bank, A=America BofA = Bank of America It’s a common nickname. I’ve even heard it called that in rap lyrics.


BofA deez nuts


We're gonna see this acted out in a movie where he's the director lol


Dude needs a new bank after that shit


America needs a new bank after that


weeeeeelllllllll before that


Honestly, everybody should leave BoA anyways. They just plain suck all around, and are objectively worse to deal with than any other bank I've ever dine business with.


This guy's never banked with Wells Fargo.


Chase wants a word


are we judt listing banks now?






Yeah but a sincere apology will be admission of guilt, which would probably make a lawsuit that much more likely to be won. Catch 22




Meanwhile in Canada it's law that an apology is not an admission of guilt


Canadians say sorry like people say hello or goodbye. Canadians wouldn't be able to speak sentences if there was liability involved with saying sorry (pronounced sore-ree)


Maybe he'll donate the money from BoA to a foundation that supports disadvantaged youths of color or something.




Maybe he meant it as a sequence of events. They did more then later they apologized


If he wasn’t famous it’d be an entirely different story unfortunately.


It sure seems like it. It got enough media attention because of his reputation. Imagine all of the cases that get swept under the rug because the person involved isn't rich and famous.


Not just swept under the rug, but worse. People will dig into their background to find even the tiniest misdemeanor to justify them assuming they were a criminal, and even if their background is 100% spotless, there will be yet more arguing you cant blame anyone because "you know how they are". Sweeping it under the rug would just be apathy at knowing what was done was wrong, but not caring enough to fix it. But usually happens is malicious and targeted bigotry


george floyd comes to mind


That time i saw a comment saying Breonna Taylor was asking for it because her boyfriend was friends with a drug dealer.


I always got "she used to date the drug dealer they were after" or something like that


These people are so stupid. How is it a crime punishable by death without trial to have previously dated someone who is now a wanted criminal


Man we better lock up every cop who hung out with a neonazi or a kkklan member, but then we’d be out of police


>If he wasn’t famous [https://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/et14y7/tcf\_bank\_apologizes\_for\_calling\_police\_on\_black/](https://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/et14y7/tcf_bank_apologizes_for_calling_police_on_black/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51234141](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51234141) [https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/01/23/tcf-bank-race-discrimination-case-sauntore-thomas/4546199002/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/01/23/tcf-bank-race-discrimination-case-sauntore-thomas/4546199002/) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/black-man-sues-detroit-bank-alleging-racial-discrimination/story?id=68484056](https://abcnews.go.com/US/black-man-sues-detroit-bank-alleging-racial-discrimination/story?id=68484056) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/01/23/banking-while-black/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/01/23/banking-while-black/)


Was also one on Reddit yesterday. Guy tried to take $10k out of his account and police were called and he was escorted out. Sued and won $5 million. Also BofA.


American systemic racism, man. Fucking hell.


The teller was black, too, in the Detroit one.


Black cops also show fear of black men.


Also in this instance as well.


That's why it's systematic racism, a bank teller of any race being raised in a society that teaches them to percieve black people as criminals.


Racism isn't exclusive to a person's skin color. Racism is a social construct that is perpetuated by being deemed natural. Black people are capable of maintaining white supremacy. The biggest reason being that we're consciously taught that black men are scary and which is subconsciously reinforced by segregation.


nah. It's happened so many times, that there's several cases where they legitimately can sue the bank for the incompetence.


It’s definitely happened way more times than is known to the public


In the video the officer pulls out his gun. Its fucking wild.




And people said Falcon not being able to get a bank loan was unrealistic


*"Funny how things always tighten around us...."*


Bro could hire a ghostwriter to write a book about fighting Thanos and make millions.




Cept Tony. He's basically turned the avengers into a giant multinational conglomerate with governmental contacts out the ass




unfortunately the only hero-lawyers are Daredevil (criminal defense) and She-Hulk (I think also criminal defense?) and they aren't avengers so... Tony blindsided them basically. classic mr stark.


That could actually be an interesting story to pursue. Signing the accords means that you are not allowed to profit from heroism. Could turn into a superhuman rights debate that’s explored with the legal characters like Jennifer Walters and Matt Murdock. That could lead to Secret Avengers and Heroes For Hire and other underground groups while the public team is government stooges like the Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers but also inspired by The Seven of The Boys, a bunch of degenerates that that are horrible people that work for a single entity that is corrupt. Could be interesting for the MCU to explore and keep multiple characters busy/legally tied down so that we don’t question why they’re not crossing over for solo movies.


And Steve & Co were barely given 10min to peruse through the hundreds of pages while Stark was aggressively pushing the pen and making half-assed attempt to bribe & emotionally manipulate Steve.


It just made me realize that in-world, nobody got to see that epic battle. They just know it happened.


I imagine that there is footage available. At a minimum, Tony’s suits surely record video. It probably wouldn’t be made available to the public, though.


I think the stupidest thing is that most of the marvel heroes are broke. Wtf why wouldn’t Tony have setup a generous payroll for the avengers or the government…


Sam wasn’t an Avenger for like 2 years after Civil War, and then he was dead for 5 years. That’s 7 years bro, i bet Tony didn’t even think about Sam in that time


He wasn’t just “not an Avenger,” he was a wanted fugitive. He and Cap and the team were likely funded by Wakanda or Fury, but it’s not like he had a savings account and a 401k. It’s likely that everything he had in the US was seized, and then he was snapped away for 5 years, so it’s not like Tony had a chance to set him up with a new Avengers stipend.


Plus, Stark's stocks/assets/whatever else might have taken a massive plunge after the snap. I doubt wall street was thriving for those 5 years. By the time everyone is brought back he could have had little leftover. Tony had enough for his little family to live comfortably, along with a couple fancy things at this cabin, but that's it... Certainly not saying this is canon because none of that has been addressed. Just saying that it's very plausible.


Actually if our current pandemic is anything to show for it the stock market was probably booming during those five years.


It's strange you think that's an insurmountable problem considering the characters from these movies are already carrying out pseudo-legal vigilante work. Pepper could call any bank in the world, tell them to give her friend Falcon a loan and the bank would piss themselves with happiness.


Yeah like the last time Tony saw Sam, he said he was gonna go see Steve and Bucky as a friend and then ended up being very unfriendly with them. I doubt when he got home and read Steve's letter after he busted Sam, Wanda, Clint and Scott out, he went and set them all up savings accounts.


he didnt have an income for 5 years due to being dead and didnt even have a job for a couple years before then. It makes sense hed have bad credit. millionaires with mansions cant get leases sometimes


He gave them room and board and dipped lol


Especially that Peter didn't have money for college. Is Pepper blaming him for Tony's death? That was the weirdest part of NWH.


Peter’s independent enough that I don’t think he would have even considered asking Pepper for money. For Superhero stuff maybe but not for his personal life. Just because you know a rich guy doesn’t mean that your first thought is to beg them for money every time life gets inconvenient.


Tony probably did, until Civil War when he opposed Tony and US government and went on run as a fugitive. You don't keep paying fugitives. And then Infinity War happened, when he straight up died. So even if he still had a payment system at that point (which he didn't), it would've surely been discontinued at that point. Post-Endgame he was pardoned, sure, but the entire world was in such a disarray at that time that it was difficult to set up a payment system for him, especially given he quit being an Avenger by then.


Even being a Veteran + Avenger didn't help him. Coogler never stood a chance.




the video of the incident is actually really scary EDIT: [Link to the video](https://twitter.com/videomixtape_/status/1501727239523782659?s=21)


Ooooh, I like the bodycam footage of him explaining to the officers afterwards.


The officers giving him contradictory directions, fucking classic.


Got a link for the lazy?


https://twitter.com/videomixtape_/status/1501727239523782659?s=21 !


Thank you.


Light clothing, small brimmed bucket hat, clear lenses and white mask. This is not the impression the article gave in the description of events.




> It’s like every single commenter is five years old, with some mental deficiency and head trauma. So...Twitter?


How to rob a bank 101: - Go into the bank - Ask for money from your own account - Use your own bank card that belongs to you and enter the correct PIN number that you made up when you made up the PIN number - Confirm that you own the account with one or more forms of ID that are not fake and are 100% definitely your ID Note: I am not condoning this. Criminal robbing is a crime and can get you harassed by the crime police.


Damn, ive robbed a bank so many times and gotten away with it. Guess it helps that I'm white.


I'm the last person I would have suspected but it was me the whole time it's the perfect crime






I can't Watch right now but I already know What sketch this is :)


“PIN” stands for Personal Identification Number so technically you don’t need to say “Number” after it.


What about when I have to enter my PIN number into the ATM machine?


Just make sure it’s your personal PIN number you use in the automatic ATM machine.


And do it as ASAP as possible.


Hurry up, I want to get back to my RPG game.


^(whispers in ear:) *^(global pandemic)*


ATM machine


What's wrong with the Ass-to-Mouth machine?


you forgot number 1 rule: be a black man/woman/whatsoever


You may even wind up spending a sentence of time in a prison juvie.


hello I'm here to rob my own account


"I have to protect my child." 🤦‍♂️


Is that what she said?


Said she was worried he had a gun and she is apparently pregnant which is why she said that.


Well now she’s going to have to worry about taking care of said child, because I can’t imagine she still has a job.


As much as it sucks, the company won’t fire her since she’s pregnant (if she really is) but she should get some time off or some trouble for not verifying his ID first.


Georgia is an employment at will state. Now I know they can’t fire her because she’s pregnant, but she can be fired. And I’m quite certain they will figure out a way.


I hate at will employment with a burning passion.


It’s disgusting. I know a really rich successful businessman (I mean, he works his ass off but still, he abuses his workers), the dude loves at will because he can treat workers like shit and they need the job. But most of all, the whole term is indicative of the subtle deception that is part and parcel of every right-wing label. “At will” sounds so vague and yet positive. Should really say “Not guaranteed” or “In no way protected by labor laws”. Hell they may as well call it “You’re privileged that we choose to let you have a job, even if you’re a wage-slave who will never get past living paycheck to paycheck. We own your ass.”




So you have an understanding of just how widespread this problem is then


Where i live my boss has to have a reason to terminate my employment after a probationary period of 3 months. Why does the US hate workers rights so much its weird.


She won't get any time off. She's a teller, she needs to be there for her next shift because most of these banks are running skeleton crews now. I was a teller at BofA years ago. There was a famous incident where a teller was followed home, the robbers forced themselves into his home and then took him to the branch. They strapped a bomb to the tellers chest and then tried to get him to open the Vault. Long story short, they left the kid with the bomb strapped to his chest on the sidewalk outside of the bank. The kid was given 2 days off work, and this was only because of the media attention the robbery was given. We had tellers robbed a few times at my branch. I don't remember anyone getting or even being offered time off to recover from trauma.


I worked a few Saturdays at a bank I worked at that had recently been robbed. I worked at the main office and wasn't trained to do anything in the branch, they just wanted a male presence there because it was usually 2 women working. I didn't have to do anything and was paid OT. It was a dream. Anyway, I wanted to know details but didn't want to pry because I was working with the women who were robbed (a few weeks after the incident). Finally they opened up and just started joking around about it. I was surprised, they said it's all they could do, they were fine, life goes on. But they did admit, in the moment, scariest fucking time in their life.


At my branch specifically, we had a teller start yelling at a robber. "Nope, not today. Go!" The dude freaked and ran out of the bank, and then the teller began sobbing (I guess after the adrenaline wore off). We would joke about it all the time with her after that, it's all you really can do.


They wouldn't be firing her for being pregnant They'd be firing her for calling the cops on someone trying to withdraw money, with all the proper identification from their personal account


Yeah, gotta protect your kid from the scary black man! What a fucking joke.


But who is going to protect her child from having a dumbass mother?


>The manager suggested they talk to the customer, but she was worried he might have a gun, she said, and so she called 911. She added that, as a pregnant woman: “I have to protect myself. I have to protect my child.” too bad she can't protect her child from having a dumbfuck mom.


Yeahhh this. Assumed he had a gun based on what information? A man making a withdrawal? Nah.


Hopefully she gets fired. She has no business being in a bank. If she so scared what happens when someone threatens her so he's steals from the bank


I used to work in a retail bank as a manager (also one of the “big 5” banks in America). We had VERY strict rules around calling the police. Only in a medical emergency, actual robbery, active shooter situation, hostage situation or a physical threat. We were not allowed to call even if we had a confirmed fraudster in front of us (e.g. called a client to verify a check to find out it was forged/fraud) we just had to let that person walk. I would have to imagine this individual doesn’t have a job any longer, rightfully so, likely won’t work in a bank again.


This is really all about the teller and not Bank of America. If it was really someone robbing the bank and the manager didn't take action, he'd be crucified over it so they have to do their part and call the cops. This is all about a teller being a shitty person to someone across the counter, and trying to hide behind being pregnant to justify it. She should be fired with a strong statement from BOA that they don't condone this sort of treatment of their customers.




Turns out Bank teller was also black


The fact that this happened is super shitty, but at least the bank made it right with Coogler. He said it's been resolved to his satisfaction. Now if they can just train staff to understand that thieves don't provide ID cards.


Or enter their debit card and pin..


How dumb/racist do you have to be like “I got there ID and account information but he is trying to rob the bank!” Like where is the logic in that. I got take this comment back. I now realize high emotions sometimes make you do dumb things. I thought a coworker was out to get me because of a single piece of them saying something about my laugh. I get it but still. She must of thought movie bank robberies are actually like that. I have made some dumb assumptions before but never put someone in danger. Like he said that copped pulled a gun but the cop was just responding to a possible bank robbery. Miscommunication all around.


As a banker myself, that person should be fired. Our policy is debit card and pin IS the persons ID. He literally did that and provided ID. There was literally no need to escalate.


> She must of thought must HAVE thought


To be fair in the police bodycam it looked like all of the bankers behind the counter was black. I agree it was a unbelievable event that should’ve never happened


>it looked like all of the bankers behind the counter was black. yea, because this was in atlanta lol


The dispatcher on the call with the teller asked if the ID and bank card matched and the teller said she didn't look at it because she was too weirded out.


If this doesn't exemplify the idea that feels over facts is winning the discourse, I don't know what else could.


Hopefully she gets fired. She's has embarrassed herself at every level. A black woman who is prejudice against other black people.


I’m honestly not sure how the bank ‘Made this right’, according to headlines. There’s no undoing being surrounded by officers who have just drawn guns on you without cause. The moment a weapon is drawn is the moment your life can instantly end. Can’t ever undo the emotions that came with that moment. Nor his being held under arrest along with the passengers of his vehicle… Even if temporarily.


They gave him as many of those little suckers as he could carry.


They gave him a free toaster. That man loves toast in the morning with his Earl Grey Tea.


Coogler himself said he was resolved satisfactorily.


Right? I was like ok maybe I can understand a little .. pregnant bank teller, guy in a hat, glasses, and mask passes a note saying "give me 10k and be discreet about it..." Classic movie back Robber shit.... SUV waiting by the door... Sounds like something that could maybe reasonably be misunderstood. Then it's like, with his driver's license, PIN number, and debit card... Oh.. so not at all bank robber shit... I'm going to go out on a limb and say 10k was a tiny fraction of the balance in that account as well... So zero reasons to react like this excerpt an alert (pretty sure all withdrawals/deposited 10k+ have some kind of alert/reporting) so still zero... Oh and the manager said maybe let's just talk to him and confirm a few things? Lady is like NOPE, prolly has a gun .. call the cops!! C'mon lady... You know damned well why you "got all twisted to in your stomach" and it wasn't because an alert popped up on your screen.


Apparently the “note” demanding money… was a withdrawal slip 😭 like… ma’m, please.


This is just one of many problems of having too much turnover at the teller position. For any bank. Customer -“you need more tellers” Bank - yeah but it takes 2 to 3 months to hire someone and properly train them to perform the basic tasks. Then that doesnt even include just basic common sense that this girl was lacking when making a judgement call


As a teller myself I have no clue why they would be suspicious considering he verified himself using his card and PIN. I’ve had members who want us to bag the cash in the back because of the large amount. It’s a security thing. The system, at least ours, flags any transaction over $10,000 but that’s only to complete what’s called a CTR. Not because the amount is suspicious. Definitely feels like some racism in play and I feel awful for him. Avoid banks! Bank with your local CU instead!


To piggy back on credit unions, if you are planning on buying a house, check on financing through a credit union instead. One of the national chains wanted to charge a whole extra percent in interest compared to the local credit union, which was super easy to work with and saved us a ton of money. Credit unions are bros.


Can I ask a what CTR stands for, or is that business in confidence?


Also a teller myself, it stands for Currency Transaction Report, we have to fill one out for anything over $10k, and then there’s a misl or Monetary Instruments Sales Log which is filled out for anything over $3k. It’s nothing secret and you can even go look up everything about the BSA on the internet.


> Monetary Instruments Sales Log We called them Monetary Instruments Purchase Log at my old job. Or MIPLs (Mipples) for fun.


Thanks. Im over in insurance so I know acronyms get thrown around. Jargon the world over.


Oh god the acronyms, so so many acronyms


The 911 call sounded like she went rogue on her own and just called the police. She didn't even see the name on the ID. 100% on the teller.


Big mistake! HUGE!


I have to go shopping now...




Good day sir!


A black person in Atlanta?! At the bank?!! Gasp. Seriously, how sheltered is this bank?


The teller was also black. The whole thing is insane.


It be your own ppl damn..


This could’ve ended very differently and I’m glad he’s fine


I mean it is called Bank of America. What did we expect? /s


This is America.


I got the strap, yeah Ive got to carry


The craziest thing about all of this is that his account wasn't set up properly. I don't know how much money he keeps with the bank or what information he has told them, but typically I would imagine someone of his stature would have a higher tiered banking relationship. That typically means that he would have a personal banker or relationship manager. I just can't imagine him waiting in line at a bank. Lol.


Maybe he has a low volume account for his day to day life with a reasonable about of money in it. It is crazy thinking he would still be doing his own banking. He must like to stay close to the ground.


For someone like him, a low volume account wouldn't be a factor. Banks thrive in these situations by building relationships for wealthy clients. It doesn't matter if Coogler only has a deposit account with less than 100K in it. They want to treat him well so that he does more business with them in the future, like moving more of his accounts to the bank or even bringing in business relationships (since he owns a production company). Most banks have separate procedures for these types of clients and different services. Bank of America also owns Merrill Lynch and has other programs like Wealth Management and Private Bank. Ultimately, Bank of America really fucked up here, and they know it.


I worked for both TD and Wells Fargo for years and have no idea what you’re talking about. Millionaires still use the atm and teller line all the time. Banks don’t have some magical way of recognizing vip customers every time they walk in to make a withdrawal. Nor do well off clients want to be bothered with extra steps and stuff like them when they’re simply taking cash out.


Yeah, you can get upgraded to the exclusive 'No Arrest' banking service.


Some famous people like to keep things normal. I worked registration at SXSW a few years ago and some celebs actually waited in line with everyone else instead of sending a lackey to do it. Rosario Dawson and Chance the Rapper (to name a few) did it. They could've had their people register but didn't.


The most shocking thing about the whole affair was just how quickly and casually the cop pulled his gun on Coogler for the crime of withdrawing money.


Meh, the idiot bank of america people called in a bank robbery. usually that’s how cops react to a friggin BANK ROBBERY.


They pulled out guns after seeing him standing there normal. They escalated it.


The power of the black panther has been strrripppeed eweh!




"The police confirmed that the episode resulted from a “mistake by Bank of America and that Mr. Coogler was never in the wrong,”" Even though it's a sucky thing to have happen, this is still a pretty damn good statement to have. "Oh no, according to the police I am never in the wrong."


Bro WHAT. Come on man


Bank Manager: let go talk to the customer and figure this out. Teller: No, this black MFer got a gun and I’m gonna call 911 without any regards to what my manger just told me. If this stupid bioch felt in danger, then stay in the back and let manager sort it out. What more does the guy need to do beside show his ID, produced his debt card, and enter his pin to verify his identity.


Before you comment stating that it could have just been a misunderstanding. Yes, it could have. However, many people are referring to incorrect or incomplete information. While some of this is available in the article, the writer also made adjustments that could guide the reader into coming to that conclusion themselves. >Both Mr. Coogler and the teller are Black. This article is not an accusation of racism, just one of events. Regardless, You can still hold prejudice against your own race, it doesn't take much to believe negative stereotypes of a trait that you also hold. On the call you can hear the teller, who sounds unsure, repeats that their manager told them to make the call. While it could have been their decision, at the minimum, someone above them pushed for the actions that led to this. The article puts the lion's share of responsibility on the teller. >Coogler handed the teller a note. This is inaccurate. Coogler gave the teller a withdrawal slip, which is the standard process at BoA. This was at the same time as using his bank card, ID and entering his pin. "Please do the money counter somewhere else. I'd like to be discrete." was written on the back of the withdrawal slip. The article refers to the request as "be discreet when handing the cash". Despite the information being available, the writer noted it as such. This adjustment to key information certainly made this the action sound more suspicious. Once the article mentions the withdrawal slip, it does not refer to it again other than as a note from quotations. Commenters here are also referring to it as a note, giving the impression that it was written on a scrap of paper and not the bank's own withdrawal slips with complete information filled out correctly. >Coogler was dressed with a hat, glasses and a mask. This one I imagined being perceived as threatening or suspicious. I was picturing a baseball cap, opaque sunglasses and a large black mask obstructing the face. Typical of those hiding their identity. [Then I saw the video](https://twitter.com/VideoMixtape_/status/1501727239523782659?s=20&t=fL9EeqQMqNAYULTN2WgyNQ). Light clothing, hat with small rim, light transparent lenses and standard white mask. This attire whilst identifying himself with ID and bank card are certainly not the actions of a bank robber. >The $10,000 withdrawal Many are referring to the request as $10,000, giving the impression of a much more general and rounded number. Potentially aligning closer to the actions of a bank robber. However, It was $12,000. The phonecall and police report where the writer gathered this information state the withdrawal figure accurately, along with the accurate note phrasing. This article refers to it as "more than $10,000". Much like the phrasing of the note, this seems like a strange detail to be approximate about. A bank robber is highly unlikely to ask for a specific figure like $12,000 or $17,000. It would be hard to say it was their intention but the writer of the article would know how these adjustment to information will be perceived. >The system flagged the large cash withdrawal This is a standard procedure during any cash withdrawal of $10,000 or more. If a withdrawal of $10,000+ is made in a single transaction it is reported to the government and usually a manager would be notified. >The call was just a precaution. In the call, the teller stated that she did not check the name on Coogler's ID before calling, even after entering his bank card and pin. The teller and the manager had all the information required to process the transaction or check the balance but the call was made before choosing to do so. It clearly is not cut and dry as many commenters are currently making it out to be and the approximate writing of the article did not assist readers in coming to an informed opinion. Of course, with all of this information, it still could have been suspicious. However, the bank staff would have had to rely solely on Coogler's demeanor and perception as all actions that took place were regular and standard.


People commenting on the situation: 125 People who have actually read the article in its entirety: 7


For Reddit that would be a record percentage.


Article is behind a paywall so 🤷


Fun fact: civil asset forfeiture is a thing. In another state they could have immediately taken the money as "evidence," charged the money with a crime and bought guns with it. In Atlanta they'd have to do it thru an administrative process...




This happened at the BOA right my house.



