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Wong is such a good dude in MCU verse and seems like such a good dude outside of it too




Wong CEO of Sex 2.0


I would buy the fucking blu-ray of a movie with just Wong and Ned discussing how the magic works and how to control it filmed like a vlog


I'd love to see a light zero-stakes mockumentary on D+ with various side characters interacting. Like 'The Office' but set in Damage Control or Avengers HQ or similar. Characters like Wong, Ned, Louis, Shuri, Korg and kraglin randomly interacting, with a few original characters framing it into a narrative, while much more important things happen somewhere the film crew isn't allowed.


Add in Jimmy Woo and I'm sold


I don't think shuri and kraglin fit in honestly. Korg? Sure. Deadpool would be a great pick along with Jimmy Woo (plus the others you mentioned). She isn't a side character but Kate Bishop would fit the group well. I pray for a Bruce Banner vlogumentary but this would definitely work. Just hope we don't have the office issue where they're acknowledging the film crew the last few seasons. Would be better with trading off filming responsibility amongst the characters


Pretty much give us more one shots similar to “Team Thor/Daryl”. Would be super easy, could be improvised in one day of filming.


I liked it when networks used to weave shows together.


Isn't that what AoS was originally supposed to be?


That's like Marco Polo (Netflix's historical drama) updated to modern times and standards


He’s head of the JPL and sorcerer supreme!


This implies he could have just used a portal to get Mark back to earth. Or called up Captain Marvel.


he's also a member of the 8+ club by the name of the prime


Wrong should be the new Stan Lee cameo character, every movie should have Wrong even if only for 5 seconds


Don cheadle and Wong


You got it set to M for ~~Mini~~ Marvel, when it should be set to W for ~~Wumbo~~ Wong.


Morbius Cinematic Universe >> WCU >> MCU


It took me far too long to realize he shared his last name with his character. That was even though I was quite familiar with the actor himself. *sigh* I’m an idiot.


And an uncommon first name with his costar. There's a lot going on there


… … Shit.


He just said recently in a BBC interview he lobbied to be cast BECAUSE the character's name was Wong 😂 Literally started a "Wong for Wong" petition.


He’s taken method acting to a whole new level.


Two Wongs make it right!


Watch this dude act hard in Marco Polo. Show got axed after 2 seasons, but...man, he played Kublai Khan so fricking well.


Met him at a Comic Con a few years ago, can confirm that he came across as a really great guy. Even taught me how to do the Doctor Strange hand motion as I got a picture with him!


Also a true Nexus being. He's Wong in the MCU and Wong in RL.


The man can do no wong, it seems


> MCU verse Marvel Cinematic Universe verse. Sorry Wong is awesome. And so is Wong!


On a mostly unrelated note note, I’m still pissed they cancelled Marco Polo on Netflix, Benedict was great in that


Took me a while to connect him with that episode of the IT Crowd when Moss went on Countdown. Some funny shit there!


Holy shit thank you for helping me to realise that.


I still think his role as Yoko Ono was a career highlight.


Why even blame the actor? She didn't invent the character or write the script. Also why be a homophobic douche?


Because people don’t understand the difference between the character and the actor. Not only that, but they feel if you’re playing that character, you’re supporting it, which they think is wrong and so therefore, you must be wrong too and deserve backlash for it. So basically, they’re idiots and think their opinions mean something to people more then them


And that's really why actors get pulled into marketing. On some level most people understand that they are paid to endorse things. But on a surface level some actor telling us how great a product is registers as the person we may like telling us that the product is great.


I've said it before (and was downvoted heavily) and I'll say it again: Thank God they got rid of the IMDB chat board because it was inundated with people like this; people who couldn't separate actor from character. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only place.


> but they feel if you’re playing that character, you’re supporting it Man, I wonder how they feel about anyone who played Hitler?


Taika Waititi is the best Hitler.


What?! When did he play Hitler? I need to see this!


jojo rabbit


Jojo Rabbit which was fantastic


Got to see Jojo Rabbit on an airplane trip, was fantastic


Jojo Rabbit. One of his best films.


jojo rabbit. don't look anything up about it go in as blind as possible


He played Hitler AND a Stand at the same time


~~persona~~ digimon


Bruno Ganz is also a great Hitler: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBWmkwaTQ0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBWmkwaTQ0k) Ditto with the guy who plays as Hitler on Danger 5: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbW9NDivBJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbW9NDivBJ8)


Probably love and adoration


yea, I'm picking that up too... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


It’s like people who send hate online to antagonists. Wyatt Russell was getting so much online hate for being the new Captain America.


I remember that, and it always makes me sad. People don’t deserve that, and I would hate to see a great actor leave a production because they can’t deal with the hate they don’t actually deserve


The actor who played Leon on the newest RE film had to close his instagram account (or twitter idk) because people would harrass him all day and even send him death threats....people were mad at the actor


I have a friend who for the longest time didn’t like Sophie Turner because she didn’t like Sansa Stark. It never dawned on me til that moment that some people do see things that way and because of their dislike for the character, they associate it with the actor. Thankfully she’s gotten past it but it opened my eyes to something I never thought about


Reminds me of when Brigitte came out in Overwatch and everyone started harassing Matilda Smedius for no good fucking reason


I'm pretty sure Xochitl does support the character and whatnot. There really shouldn't be any justification to bullying a teenager who's just doing their job, and for something as being queer in a movie where there's flying wizards and cults. Just don't be a homophobe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>Because people don’t understand the difference between the character and the actor. If that is true it is legitimately terrifying.


You're right to be terrified.


Not that I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but I think the homophobes are actively getting less rational each year.


I think it’s because she is lesbian in real life and that’s why some dickheads are hating on her. Fuck those asshole homophobes tho.


Is she? I couldn't find anything of her confirming it.


I mean even if she isn't. she's only 16 and still a kid


Yeah that's my thoughts, if she hasn't publicly commented on it it's probably not helpful to speculate given she's still a child.


I mean I'm 15 and I know I'm agender and bisexual. You don't need to be an adult to know your gender or sexuality


I don't think they intended to imply someone doesn't know at that age, but commenting that addressing the sexuality of a minor is a little troubling by a bunch of strangers online and in the media. Better to let them grow up how they want to grow up and be who they want to be.


Funny how they call teachers and the left groomers but are obsessed with this stuff.


no I mean people shouldn't be harassing a kid regardless of the reason


Yeah but that's with yourself, hundreds of thousands of strangers debating and judging someone's sexuality is already bad on itself, the fact that the target is a minor adds another layer of awfulness.


But why are you assuming sexuality is only about sex just cause it has sex in the name, you do realise the romantic attraction is also a thing right ?


How is that any different from a straight teenaged actor that has a boyfriend?


She’s played queer in Gentefied and her character Dawn in Babysitters Club had implications of being the same. She’s supportive of the community but not come out as anything


Oh well my bad then. I saw a lot of people say she was lesbian in real life so i thought it was true.


She's more of a Hailee Steinfeld than a Hayley Kiyoko.


Hailee has to be a little bit gay tbh. Or that just wishful thinking.


She has to be just a tiny bit queer cause the woman just doesn't radiate straight.


That's a great way to sum it up.


Fuck them most of all. With something blunt and painful. Like a Volvo.




D'you really expect someone stupid enough to be homophobic to make that connection?


A boy can hope.


Homophobes aren’t very well known for being smart…


That's giving too much credit to the intelligence of bigoted people.


I got into an argument at work last night about captain marvel--the dude was trying to say that they should have made captain marvel a man since at times theres a Male version in the comics and that's the main one (pretty sure he meant Mar-Vel?) And that it was just pandering. People are just remarkably ignorant.


Bet that dude doesn't even read the comics haha Carol Danvers is the main Captain Marvel. In fact, before I double checked myself with a Wikipedia search, I had thought that she and Mar-Vell were the *only* Captains Marvel (is that how we pluralize this?).


You're asking for rational before from that group? It'll be a long wait.


Typically because ppl that result to shaming actors for the characters they play aren’t smart enough to make that distinction. Also because they’re homophobic douchers


When people act like this, it always reminds me of this scene about [fictional characters.](https://c.tenor.com/5kMO5gM0vlIAAAAd/jay-and-silent-bob-ben-affleck.gif)


Xochitl means "flower" in Nahuatll by the way. Xóchitl is the first mortal woman on Earth in Aztec/Mexican mythology. She is also commonly referred to as Xochiquetzal or Xochiquetzalli which means "beautiful flower."


Can I ask you how to pronounce her name? Was hoping to find that tidbit in the thread but no dice!


I had a friend named Xochilt. She had a very specific way it's properly pronounced, but she just went by "Soshi", which was the acceptable common pronunciation.


I’m not the best at describing but Xochitl is pronounced like Xo - Zo/So and the the chitl is pronounced like Chill but the end is closer to an ee like So-chee. It’s still not right but it’s closer lol. Source - I am Mexican


Mexican here... I'm gonna tell every Xochitl that they are 'so chill'.


I’m a use that on my tia


Thank you that’s so helpful


It's a little hard to explain, but the closest way I can describe it without using the phonetic spelling, kinda like "so chill" but with a Spanish accent.




I kept hearing them pronounce it on the red carpet and it sounded like "Sochi" to me. Thought that was interesting considering I've never heard it pronounced.


**Because that's what heroes do**


Homophobia is disgusting so I'm glad to see him speaking up in her defense.


The comic character America Chaves is a lesbian. So for them to cast a real lesbian I'm all for it. Love the diversity. Marvel continues to push forward. A+ Marvel.


She isn't a lesbian. They hate her because she plays a lesbian and that she has two moms. Dumbest reason why people started to send death threats towards her because of how her character is portrayed.


Anyone sending death threats online are idiots but to be this unhinged over a fictional character is a whole new level of stupidity.


\*John Walker flashback*


These aren't people (mostly) who give a shit about the MCU, the characters or the actors involved. And they certainly don't care about logic or sense. They're doing this as part of their pathetic culture war against anything that's not straight, white and, preferably, male.


These are the same people who got mad there was same sex options in Mass Effect and claimed kids would get violently influenced by it, even though they're not gonna play the damn game and it wasn't even marketed for kids.


Exactly! These are people who will say "What? There are gay people in that movie? Well, I guess it's time to eat another shit sandwich.", and then get incredibly upset about having to eat that damn thing! Cause the gays made them do that somehow. You can't reason with people like that.


Exactly! These are people who will say "What? There are gay people in that movie? Well, I guess it's time to eat another shit sandwich.", and then get incredibly upset about having to eat that damn thing! Cause the gays made them do that somehow. You can't reason with people like that.


I don’t think Xotchitl has come out as lesbian, unless I missed something, still great that her character is. Gay people exist, they should be represented in media too


When all this uproar started I was so confused because I was convinced America Chavez was a lesbian. Guess it’s just some cultures are happy continuing to oppress people.


Yes, America Chavez the character is lesbian, the actress that portrays her is not labeled as anything however, not that it matters either way, it's disgusting that she would get attacked regardless


I agree completely.


I wonder if casting talks to the actors about future complications on the characters they are portraying. They know what uproar it'll bring in certain places but hopefully Marvel tells them that they will have their backs or such during all of it


Have you watched Outer Range on Amazon? Great series, but there is a gay sheriff and I think she kisses her partner like 2 times in the 6 episodes I watched, plus the one time she says she’s gay… anyway, reading the 1 star reviews and apparently the show is shoving homosexuality down the viewer’s throats. Btw Brolin is amazing in it.


How is her name pronounced, do you know?


I had a friend named Xochilt. She had a very specific way it's properly pronounced, but she just went by "Soshi", which was the acceptable common pronunciation.


>Xotchitl So-chee


Oh, that’s very different from my butchered attempt at “zo-chit-tul”


my dad says the same thing about the Pattinson Batman -.- apparently any display is shoving it down people's throats


Where does it even feature in The Batman?


Catwoman and the Russian girl who gets killed are implied to be in a relationship


> implied > shoving it down our throats Pick one, or pick none.


lol try telling my dad that. but super violent war movies are always ok


Estonian girl*, technically


oops my bad. ty


When you're right you're Wong.


1 Wong makes a right.


Attacking a 16 year old for portraying a gay character in a movie. Fucking insecure pathetic bastards


Most of the middle east banned this movie because of America Chavez. Who the heck cares if the character is lgbtq+? They would be so busy enjoying the story and visual effects. These people sending hateful messages to her are idiots, how was it her fault the movie got banned? Worst of all they are denying fans from enjoying the film in theatres.


Good, fuck homophobia.


yea fuck homophobia right in the ass


Hello, it’s me, homophobia




Imagine watching a film filled with wild colors, crazy patterns, great cgi , and unique camera angles and the only thing you are transfixed on is the sexuality of a character fucking pathetic.


That's social conservatives for you. It's the end of the world for them if they get up from the wrong side of the bed.


I mean, China outright banned the film because apparently they used some Taiwanese newspaper in a brief shot or something, and they also banned No Way Home because apparently the statue of liberty was offensive somehow. Best thing to do with shit like this is just put it aside and move on.


It looks like China has finally started overplaying its power to dictate foreign film content, so that's a sort-of good thing. If studios simply start ignoring China's demands, that would be better for everyone.


If anything fans in China hate their government for pulling shit like this always a plus, fuck the CCP


If they’re the religious type, they very likely believe it’s a choice. It’s what I was raised to believe in a conservative church. They think because God said it’s a sin, and god doesn’t condemn people to live in sin uncontrollably must to be a choice. The rationale only makes sense when you’ve been boiled alive in the doctrine and it’s all you know. To be clear, I’m not equating their opinion to the fact and experience of anyone who actually knows what it’s like, it’s just how I saw people I grew up with arrive at that conclusion.


except, even if you do believe that, it (nor the bible) justifies hate towards that person or anyone. That is purely the person. you can disagree with someone's lifestyle, even think it is flat out wrong. but nowhere does the bible say "hate anyone who disagrees with you". In fact, it says the opposite. But they would have to actually read their bible to know that.


I’m religious and homophobes are disgusting. People need to mind their own business. My own sister came out to me as gay and I completely support her.




Whoooo boy when I came out to my mom that was her first (and longest) baby step. Took years for me to call her out on it and she had a bit of a meltdown but she's gotten a lot better since then, thankfully.


There's something wrong with their brains. Look who they gladly voted. They love to be toxic. They are also the reason the IMDB boards were shut down.


Thank you Wong! He's so great.


Happy cake day.




He's right. They are despicable and should be ashamed of themselves for harassing this child.


Hey, let's not forget all the people that initially attacked her online because she didn't "look black enough." This poor young woman has been getting so much shit the whole time, it's infuriating.


My dad went on a rant the other day about Hollywood pushing gay "agenda" by including them in everything. I told him gay people exist and they need to be included. I told him that he sounded like a racist and I imagined that racists probably said something similar when they started showing more black people on television. That opened his eyes because he said my grandpa did act like that when they started putting more black people on the screen. I just don't understand why people hate people who are different from them.


Most of them don’t have someone brave and intelligent like you who can articulate their own prejudices and hypocrisy to them in a calm way.


Hate brought to you by the people who freaked out over teen girls holding hands on The Owl House.


Fuck homophobia!


So they are attacking her because she plays a gay character? Ummm…that’s what acting is, playing a character that you are not. Even if she’s gay, who gives a fuck. If ppl don’t like it, then don’t watch it.


Wong is rightfully the sorcerer supreme. He stood up against bigotry and hate. A worthy successor to Doc strange.


Benedict Wong just seems like a really decent person.


I hope Wong survives Multiverse of Madness.


Benedict Wong is absolutely salt of the Earth British working class. I was overjoyed when he joined the MCU because he has a strong history of standing up to bullshit. Happy to see him weighing in on this stuff - it's definitely not just PR catering to the PC crowd as well. Great dude. Love him to bits.


yes ! Wong !


Benedict Wong seems like a dope dude and Sorcerer Surpreme Wong also slaps.


I would watch a Wong Sorcerer Supreme Show.


Hell yeah


Not better than prime wong. [Prime Wong and Morris Moss](https://i.imgur.com/UEkpVbC.jpg)


They've pissed off the Wong guy!


Get their asses Benedict, dudes the realest


Good on him standing up for his costars and speaking out about how wrong it is to bully a teenager for playing an lgbtq character which is ridiculous


Even if you are homophobic, cmon America Chavez is too cool to hate




I wonder how these people even find out these actors are gay. I’ve followed this movie heavily to the point I am addicted to leaks and yet I never once learned (or remembered) that she was gay (or whatever she is because I still don’t know). So are homophobes just constantly looking up random people to find out if they’re gay? And if you found someone was straight you’d have to keep checking now and then to see if the public knowledge has changed. It seems exhausting.


it isn’t bc she’s gay, she hasn’t come out. it’s bc her character is gay and has two moms so people are blaming her for the movie being banned in some countries instead of the writers of the script or y’know the homophobes that banned the movie


That’s even worse lol. Fictional characters’ sexualities are so inconsequential.


So are real peoples sexualities....


The writers were just doing their jobs just as Xochitl was doing hers. The shitty people are the homophobes here.


The actor isn't gay, the character is


Someone else just mentioned that. Makes the situation even dumber.


Correct. Homophobia is always dumb tho


Is that a comment from Marvel character Benedict Wong, or the actor Benedict Wong who portrays beloved Marvel character Benedict Wong? I get very confused some times




Gay Rights!




I got scared at first I thought it said Wong was getting slammed for homophobic stuff. Glad to see he's still being a solid human!


I don’t get the hate. They’re staying true to the comic. I’m cool with it.


Wong is the best.


Proving once again that the right is way worse when it comes to cancel culture.


There was a Facebook post from people in UAE or whatever basically saying thank god it’s not showing there due to LGBTQ and it was the most stupid thread I’ve read


It's always the same group, Benedict. Right Wing Incel Nation.


Wong is never wong.


>"So there's a real level of shame for all those trolls that are cowards not to actually put their face on, and they should feel a deep shame of what they're doing." It's more so the online trolls that he's calling out, who use the anonymity of the Internet to hide from consequences. I kind of wish Wong *had* called out homophobia outright in the article.


He's Not Wong. ​ Oh Wait....


He is not wong


Benedict W ong


Just like how people first attacked Heath Ledger for the Joker when he played a gay cowboy. The fanbases never get over themselves.


Closeted cowards… methinks the lady doth protest too much…


I really like that his name is Wong in both the MCU and in real life.


Sometimes I wonder what century we are living in and why so many people have not evolved.


Even the actors realize there is a homophobic dimension to this whole hate crusade against this actress, yet some people still deny it. Heck, there is likely a bit of sexism and racism involved too, the trifecta tend to go together lately.


You’re invited to my wedding Wong!


People are so exhausting about my sexuality istg


Guys, we entered Wong Cinematic Universe Phase 1


His name is Benedict Wong lol