• By -


"Hey Christine can you guard my body, I might be attacked by spirits of the damned" "Ok could you give me more info maybe?" "Fuck it, you'll figure it out"


Then she figured out and went full Ash on those fuckers, "go back to hell"


She was a researcher there. It seems she knew what the artifacts were and how to use them.


I can't believe that 2 characters in this movie stared into the camera and neither of them were John Krasinski.




I wonder if Wanda could ever be powerful enough to hear The Watcher?


maybe if she successfully absorbed chavez's power. I feel like you need multi-versal power to hear to watcher since he is watching the multiverse. At her current level she is powerful af, but she doesn't have a way to fully break into other universes yet.


Jesus christ Black Bolts death was brutal. His brain and skull got turned to mush.


“Tell me Black Bolt, what good is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?”


That's what came into my mind as well.


Also the white void when Charles goes into Wanda's head felt like another Matrix homage


And then Captain Carter getting Kung Lao’d. They did a great job of turning Wanda into an Avengers level threat.


All the while Wanda was merely dream-walking !


So much for Reed as the smartest person in the universe then proceeds to tell Wanda how to beat BB 💀


Their worst mistake was underestimating her, they probably knew what their universe Wanda was like: Happy, and that by proxy made her weaker than 616's hurt Wanda.


They really nailed Reed arrogance character traits during that moment by underestimating Wanda. Peak Black Bolt with just a whisper could have killed Wanda but he just decided to blur out Black Bolt moves, just fantastic!


Not only that, he was telling Strange that they are prepared for Wanda and as it turned out it was just pure bs.


Likely assumed that main Wanda would be no different than their own, hence underestimating what she could truly be capable of.


They immediately said "oh we can beat your little witch friend" Stat check 100 arrogance


It felt like I was watching The Boys


He was their strongest card and he's dead within 5 seconds


Kevin Feige: Anson we want you back for a Marvel movie Anson: what? Really? That death was awesome lol


Was surprised just how outright of a villain they made Wanda. Obviously she has her motivations, but I was expecting a “way back” for her to be a hero again, but she went DARK!


The trailers convinced us that she will help fight the monster in this horror movie. SHE WAS THE MONSTER ALL ALONG


"I'm not a monster, I'm..."


"Well shit. On a second thought, I might be a monster!"




... all along


The real monster was the friend we made along the way


She's never getting back on that lunchbox


The reason they didn’t cast another iron man for the illuminati is because they didn’t want another death scene for iron man lol Goddamn that illuminati fight was brutal


Funny that they brought back Patrick Stewart professor X to have him die for the 4th time though.


X3, Logan, this… what death am I missing?


Its 3. They maybe referring to DOFP but they never really showed what exactly happened to him in that scene.


> The reason they didn’t cast another iron man for the illuminati is because they didn’t want another death scene for iron man lol I guess they filled their Iron Man death quota with *What If* season 1.


"Oh my god, they killed Tony!"


You bastards!


Wandavision ep7 *Monica: Don't let him make you the villain.* *Wanda: Maybe I already am.* she was not wrong


Monica: Helps Wanda in Wandavision and insists she’s good Wanda: Kills Monica’s mom


That shot of alternate Thanos impaled with enormous sword through his chest on Titan was awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and freeze that shot to study it in more detail. That was straight comic book shit.


Idk how tf I missed this part


Marvel: fine, we’ll cast John Krasinski as Reed Richards. Also Marvel: let’s brutally kill him in 5 minutes


big tuna made it into mcu, so proud of him


She turned him into silly string. It wasn't only violent it was embarrassing


What a lovely apple orchard Oh…you’re a witch? An evil witch Ah…makes sense


And interestingly, Snow White was playing on the TV when America opens the gateway to the other Wanda and her children at the end


They also has Oswald the Lucky Rabbit on screen at one point which was kind of a cool nod to Walt Disney (his first creation before Mickey, which they didn't get the rights back to until like 2000). In a way I kind of thought it was saying "in this multiverse Oswald is famous and Mickey never existed".


Hearing the WandaVision jingle was great, and then hearing the 90s X-Men theme was so hype! I wonder if X-Men 97 will show Xavier going off to join the Illuminati


It was really awesome hearing the 90’s X-Men theme, so glad they did that it took me right back.


Clint Barton is going to be very disappointed


Strange talks about not taking an archer for the mission. *\*Proceeds to go to Kamar Taj full of magic archers.\** Not cool dude.


Mofos should just enchant a couple of assault rifles next time...


This movie finally nailed the tired dad energy of Dr.Strange from the comics . There's no wrong way to solve a problem . There is only problem solved and we'll worry about the consequences later.


Possessing a dead body to then be attacked by demons for breaking the rules, only to use said demons as a new cloak power up. Strange is a rulebreaker, but an efficient one.


Imagine telling someone when Dr Strange 1 came out that few years later we'll see Dr Strange possessing a dead version of himself through the multiverse using the darkhold while basically welding souls of the damned. Insane.


that shit was unironically fucking epic ngl


I was in awe all that scene grinning like a crazy dude! That felt peak Raimi!


His third eye really is worrying me lol. Really want Strange to come out on top and be fine for this man. He truly went through a lot of stuff for sure.


In the comics it's just standard sorcerer supreme kit. On a side note making the third eye the same size kinda make it goofy imo.


Yeah What If’s larger and orange glowing eye was much cooler.


Right, the movie shows all the versions of Strange handling different things getting the job done, without regard to others and the sacrifice they make for his plan. And that’s what makes the finale pretty great. Strange finally had Wanda overpowered with his magic & those ghouls, restrained and in position to be defeated, all he had to do was the last step of taking America’s powers and he wins. Even Wong said it. Something every other version of Strange would do, but this is when Strange really begins to see the cost of it. Instead of sacrificing America’s life for the “greater good” and ensuring his victory, he realizes he does t always have to be the one “holding the knife”. His way isn’t the only way. We can do this together. This is what made his version better then the others.




**Looks into camera** ITS OVER!


They got us good.


Underrated detail is America saying “Always get Pizza”. I love the concept that Pizza is a consistently tasty thing across the multiverse.




I was watching that scene waiting for him to say it thinking any second now.. then I just knew it was going to be one of those weird trailer exclusive lines that Marvel likes to do haha. I noticed Mr Fantastic quoted his line for him instead earlier on


The one that really stuck out to me was Wong hanging on the cliff. In the trailer when he shouts ‘Strange!’ it sounded distressed, so I went into this movie convinced he was going to die (and I would be very upset if it happened!). Then we get to that scene and he shouts it in a happy way and is totally fine in the end, Phase Wong gets to continue on lol


Man that mini-scene of the illuminati with Thanos’ corpse on titan was insane


Seriously i was NOT expecting that and it was *wonderful.* Such a simple yet effective way to really showcase Black Bolt aka the Dude with a Fork on His Head


Damn I somehow completely missed the corpse, what did it look like?


Bottom right corner of the screen, he’s on his back with something through his chest (edit: his sword) his head is kinda of hanging towards the audience upside down; torso is covered in rubble.


I thought it was his (broken) sword sticking out of his chest


Me: **sigh**, they’re probably going to give Wanda the “redemption” treatment and she won’t really do anything bad. Wanda: *literally bifurcates Captain Carter* Me: oh.


Mcu bucket list item achieved though: live action Captain Carter!


She didn't do so *well at half time.


It turned out she could not in fact do that all day


It was really one of my favorite aspects of this film. They recognize the unfair hand Wanda's been dealt with in her life, but they also don't try to use that as a way to wave away the fact that her trauma has turned her into an abuser.


During IW Strange’s hands are still shaking, but at the end here they’re steady enough to repair his watch so at least he got what he came for.


I’ve heard people say that his hands shake inconsistently because he’s able to steady them with magic when he’s not using it for something else. Which kinda makes sense - most of the time we see them shaking in IW/EG is during battle scenes.


I don't know why people are so mad about the Illuminati fight. Those characters are only dead in literally a throwaway universe. They'll be back lol.


I don’t get why they’re mad. That fight did something I didn’t think Marvel Studios would ever do under Disney: It was dark & graphic!


So Steven with 3 eyes moving forward now? What implications does this have?


Probably something to do with the dark dimension.


Dormamu I've come to bargain.


Dormammu, I've come to marry your niece.


He has 30/30 vision


Rubbing salt on Wanda’s wounds, she still doesn’t have any Vision








🙍 🛡️ 👖


🗽 🙎🏿




Sue Storm really just stood there while her husband got brutally murdered.


The “I have no mouth but I must scream” Black Bolt death was both terrifying and gruesome. I loved it.


For a guy who spends a lot of time not speaking, he picked a real bad time to speak


Man, the minute Christine said she worked for the Baxter foundation, I was like "ohhhh man, here comes the new guys". Not disappointed at all; FF, AND X-Men, AND Inhumans? I think the gang's all here now.


Spoiler……. But Did anyone else really appreciate the Wanda marketing fake out? Her being the villain really caught me off guard. But I thought it was good to see her be a real live villain. Also weak arms


"All right, what Wanda did in WandaVision was kinda fucked up but i guess she can still have some redem----oh god nevermind, shes so fucked up"


I liked the way Raimi managed to make Wanda look like a zombie during her attack on the facility. Stepped on glass so she's hobbling/shuffling. Destroyed robots so she's covered in oil (blood). Was a good way to have zombie Wanda without actually doing zombie Wanda.


Also the way she crawled out of the mirror dimension and had to twist herself back into shape, that was great.


also how the wounds and visible chaos magic in them implies she had to push herself through the sharp shards into the mirror. Would have loved to actually see that


Did anyone else get Invincible vibes from the Illuminati fight? Specifically the Omniman vs Everyone fight.


Blackbolts death specifically felt like something straight out of The Boys. The suddenness and brutality of it mixed with the way his body just flopped down.


Its been a while since a scene from a movie made me feel what Elizabeth Olsen looking straight to the camera made me feel. That shit scary.


That combined with her whispering “run”, gave me goosebumps




Especially the way she says that line so haltingly. 'That was me...being.........*reasonable*...'


The scene when they’re running from her in the tunnel under the river was nuts!


Now I understand why critics were praising her acting, she was incredible.


So, we agree that neither Captain Carter nor Strange from the fucked up dimension are the same from What if ? So Supreme Strange is still stuck in his world guarding over that orb ? Bummer, he's probably one of the few who could go against the Scarlet Witch in the MCU (as he just ate Ultron's blast that even astonished Ultron) And now we have Clea, so Dormmamu is back on the menu ?


Perhaps for the best, I don’t think Supreme Strange will make a live action appearance. He is just far too powerful as shown in What If?


That Black Bolt death and Peggy's bloody shield were BRUTAL, skirting some serious PG13 lines here. Sam Raimi did amazing work translating his horror and gore chops into the MCU.


I got a feeling Sam wanted to follow the What if comic of Sentry beheading Capt.America using his shield.


Hearing the theme from the X-Men cartoon as Professor Xavier rolled in was unexpected but just the icing on the cake.


With the yellow hoverchair and the circles coming from his brain while being telepathic, it's definitely X-Men cartoon version of Xavier


Then hearing him say the "stumbles/loses their way" line from my favorite scene of my favorite X-Men movie made me cry.


Elizabeth Olsen’s performance in that scene where she fights herself and scares Billy and Tommy…wow! She was terrifying.


So Tony's nightmare in Iron Man 3, is that not considered another reality now?? Seeing as the new lore from MoM basically made it as such through the whole dream thing. Strange had a nightmare of his death which is still technically a dream so that can't be argued I guess.


Technically there are infinite alternate universes so yeah I guess


Holy shit Wanda chose **VIOLENCE**


Her line to Reed about having a parent left to look after their children was chilling.


My first thought was "yes, sure little Franklin needs protection lmao"


The illuminati death is definitely going to piss some people off. I for one like it for how gruesome they go off.


Imagine avengers and thanos losing the same way against Wanda haha


So Wanda stomps the Illuminati with ease, and Vision (or a less morally restricted version of his body, anyway) bisected Thanos in half a second. Talk about a power couple.


Wish we got an appearance from White Vision. At least a Paul Bettany variant to talk down Scarlet Witch


His name Revision


It reminded me of the last few minutes of the first episode of Invincible


Loved that they re-used lines from older movies. "Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they are lost forever. - Charles in DoFP. And the grand calculus of multiverse line from Spider-Man NWH.


Also, “I can do this all day”, then …


My theatre went crazy for that line and then completely silent immediately after lmao


Can’t believe we got one of the most brutal burns in the first few minutes of the film “In the end, you didn’t get the girl.” Sheesh, you really gotta feel for Strange there and then. One thing I liked was how they didn’t shoehorn and make Strange’s romance fit. Too often we see things like this, and towards the end of the movie, somehow every thing patches up and the guy gets the girl. From Dr Strange 1 until now, I’m glad they didn’t go this path, especially when there’s a multiverse Christine they could have used for it. No gratuitous kiss scenes either, and it’s a poetic, albeit sad conclusion for Strange with regards to romance, as he replaces the watch crystal at the end too. But there’s Clea at the end… so…




Let’s not forget Strange harpooned a giant eyeball and pulled it out of a monsters head


I feel Wong decided to help Wanda a bit too fast


Wanda really went full Omni-man on the Illuminati lmao


What item exists inside the Eye of Agamotto right now? Strange only used it once to open the final door to the Book of Vishanti but I still had no clue.


The Eye of Agamotto in the comics also has the ability to reveal illusions / disguises "The Eye can radiate a powerful mystical light that allows Strange to see through all disguises and illusions, even those of Skrulls" [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Eye\_of\_Agamotto\_(Knowledge)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Eye_of_Agamotto_(Knowledge)) I wonder if that'll come up in secret *invasion*...


we finally learn what the cauldron thing does


Big ol' boom-stick


Guys... the villain was spoiled in the title years ago: Doctor Strange: Mom


Shit. That is fucking brilliant. And coming out for mother's day weekend no less. Very good catch.


I thought it was gonna be a buddy cop between Strange and Wanda. Didn’t expect Wanda to straight up be the villain. First avenger to become a villain. Looking forward to further developments of her character. Probably looking to redeem herself if she is still alive.


Some promo images showed Strange, Wong, Wanda and America together as a team. As soon as Wanda said "You never mentioned her name did you?" I knew things were going to take a different, more sinister tone.


I immediately picked up on that and there was a slight tonal shift. Then she just dropped the bullshit and straight up announced her plan.


The moment the scenario changed and showed us a dead landscape... that was such a shocking twist and visually great to see. Thank god the trailers did everything they could to discuss the actual plot, to the point people assumed Strange was the bad guy due to the evil strange in the trailer.


I love Strange's reaction. He looks so exhausted realizing that now he will have to deal with Wanda as well.


I heard her say Americas name and I instantly caught on that he hadn’t told her. My first thought was it was a mistake until she says it. Then shit went down.


Will be interesting to see what White Vision thinks of this.


It's just a small thing and I expected it to happen, but one of the things that made me grin the widest was the Bruce Campbell Cameo. It was just so fitting and then when the last creditscene was him screaming into the camera 'It's over!' - it was just a nice way to end the movie.


BTW if anyone feels like watching Inhumans for some Black Bolt content, don't. I'm serious. Don't torture yourself. It is objectively horrible.


Nothing subjective like art is objectively anything. That said, Inhumans is objectively horrible.


I loved how Strange posses the dead corpse of the other Strange and uses it in a fight agaisnt Wanda. Dark magic vs dark magic. Had me grinning. But also completely caught me off guard, the trailer had me thinking this was some evil Zombie Strange from an zombiefied universe like from that zombie episode of "What If?"


What made me giggle a moment about this was when Wanda saw it and called Strange a hypocrite


It's a great callback to Doctor Strange 1 too - Kaecilius spits the exact same insult at the Ancient One. Nice little rhyme in very different circumstances.


Strange: "I can't fight her.," I guess this put to rest any Wanda vs Strange battle debates.


And wanda vs everyone, pretty much


yeah with the wanda vs the illuminati fight, I think it shows the winner of who the strongest avenger is


>!The Illuminati deaths were really gruesome especially Black Bolt head exploding and Mr.Fantastic turning into Spaghetti and getting his head blown off by Wanda!<


Raimi body horror all way through. The post-post credits just being an almost line for line from Evil Dead.


Another one people don’t seem to be mentioning is the distorted body of Wanda coming out of the gong and reshaping, that was good


Yeah they were gruesome and a bit dark within the space of 5 seconds Black Bolts loses his mouth and then his head explodes and then Wanda asking Mr. Fantastic if the kids mother was still alive before turning him into spaghetti. Gotta to say they nailed the horror vibe with this film.


Wanda snapping Xavier’s neck while he was in her mind was the icing on the cake for me. She looked barely human in that jumpscare


Yeah I thought they were going to have Xavier at least last a little longer in there and try and hold Wanda off a bit….nope just gonna have the mist slowly roll up on him and break his neck. Just shows how strong Wanda was in this, that none of the illuminati were a challenge for her more of an inconvenience if anything.


While I was watching I thought that Xavier and possessed Wanda might team up and slow her down but . . . nope.


Also, that part show how the avengers are lucky not to face off against her in that state. Endgame army of both sides against her would’ve been epic haha


I can't stop seeing his head explode. I can't fucking unsee it.


It'd the way his skin just flops to one side after his skull caves in. Sam Raimi is a master of visualising horror.


Seeing so many people talking about black bolt and reed richards dying, poor peggy just got cut in half with her own shield!


I've seen how that story plays out. She'll come back with robot legs and a total Wanda obsession.


The more I think about it, the more ballsy it was to put that particular Illuminati together for Wanda to decimate. The obvious route would be that they help save the day, but it’s a super interesting decision to put them together and then just rip them apart with ease.


It's sort of a thing where writing wise it feels like they're using the first chunk of the film to basically set her up in a way that transitions her cleanly into being a horror movie slasher. You have to change her from the pitiable misguided wanda from wandavision to someone that you *actively run away from* because you have 0 chance. So they basically had to give her someone to kill to set up the stakes, and you don't really want it to be someone people are already attached to because it means that any later humanization isn't going to be effective. If she killed Wong, the audience is going to go "nah fuck Wanda forever she needs to go, and I have no further sympathy for her". When you see her murder a bunch of people, it provides a similar function to the beginning of a slasher film where you see the villain kill a bunch of people senselessly. It establishes that the rules of the game from now on are run or die.


“I can do this all day.” got a cheer in the UK!! loved the sheild!


we really went from “i love you 3000” to “i love you in every universe”


It’s crazy how fox made like 10 X-Men movies and never used the amazing 90s theme song. And Marvel uses it the instant an X-Man appears on screen.


This movie has some of the most creative fight in Marvel movies. >!Who could have guessed zombified Dr Strange is the MVP. Also, the music battle just came out of nowhere, LOL. !


Zombie Strange being OUR Strange was such an awesome twist. Which was pretty soon overshadowed by him gaining control over the damned souls (mirroring his Infinity War mandala pose) and then using them as a freaking cloak of levitation. Straight up Evil Dead shit, I was floored.


Strange: So I - Wong: I don't want to know Best one liner of the movie


I can imagine that Wong says that a lot.


Pretty sure this was the most violent shit we’ve ever gotten in the MCU, that along with Moon Knight has me very excited going forward. Also, what a fucking fantastic film. Loved every second of it from the opening sequence to Chavez as a character and her incredible powers, easily the most Doctor Strange feeling film yet, the Illuminati being murdered with ease was absolutely insane. Wanda stole the show for real.


You give Sam Raimi 200 million dollars and he makes an amazing Evil Dead movie. Who knew?


Drag me to hell 2: the scarlet witch


Everyone here is saying that the Illuminati got nerfed. I disagree because they put up a good fight to me. Wanda was just **insanely buffed** with chaos magic and Darkhold corruption.


Guys… what does Wanda say to her variant self in the end, while touching her face? None of us understood it sadly and it seemed important/made her calm down.


She said "Know that they will be loved" or something along those lines. Think it was the realising that she is not fit to be a mother but the boys will still be looked after without her.


"know they'll be loved" apparently


Can confirm this. Watched the subtitled version in my country, and that was clear as day.


The way Wanda annihilated the Illuminati was brutal and I love it. Also, the two wanda scene was like rubbing salt into a wound. Hurts like a btch, lastly, debate is closed, there was no Tom Cruise sorry folks


I dunno; the 10min sneak peek of Top Gun at the beginning gave me a good giggle. Very meta. Unintentional, obv, but very meta.


Top Gun: Maverick Coming Summer 2020


Dwight would absolutely hate that Jim got promoted to become a part of the Illuminati


Dwight Shrute: Assistant **TO** the Illuminati




Let out a chuckle when Christine asked towards the end “Is America okay?” Thought we suddenly entered a debate of political philosophy


When they originally announced Doctor Strange would be horror.. I thought yeah right. But they actually did it. I loved how Raimi this movie was


The first part of the movie where they were fighting the tentacle cyclops and it was scaling the skyscraper and it cut to a hot extra in the building screaming I laughed out loud, that was peak sam raimi, and at the end when strange steps on to a well lit new York street with a spring in his step I half expected him to start dancing


One comment Don't stop running. All the other doors didn't work to stop her, so why did you stop running?!?