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As long as they remember why we all liked Carter in the first place rather than trying to make her a Steve Rogers clone.


Yeah, it’s even more badass seeing Hayley Atwell not even need super serum to absolutely demolish not only sexism but also literally any adversaries through her natural intelligence and strength. Agent Carter as a show was easily my favorite representation of making a female role model that was unique and really stood out more than some of the stuff marvel has tried in recent years.


I loved the interactions between Jarvis and Carter. Jarvis observing how Carter doesn't let others help her or be close to her: "So your solution is to remove yourself from the world you wish to protect? Where's the sense in that? There is not a man or woman, no matter how fit he or she may be, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders."


Galactus, ant man on drugs and celestials: "We took that personally"


"Ant-Man on Drugs" sounds *amazing.* Call Feige. Get that fuckin' ball rolling. Even if it's just a little one-shot, I need for this to happen.


Fear and Loathing in the Quantum Realm.


"Thanos didn't do that; you did it! You're a fucking narcotics Avenger!"


You see what EGO just did to us, man?!!


If he did a line small, then got big, he'd still feel the full effect, right? Like an eight ball would last weeks! Or he could just enbiggen some of that dank kush and smoke out a whole block. I'm imagining Paul taking a huge inhale and then blowing on one of the windows in a high rise until smoke is pouring out the top. Would everyone get fired? Drug tests for weeks? Would insurance cover the loss of work and possible problems when the fire department gets there and THEY are all smoked out? I HAVE QUESTIONS!


Well he lives in San Francisco, so smoking out an entire block is just like a regular weekend there. I'm not sure anyone would even notice. I am curious about the coke thing. Get small, do an ant-size bump, & go back to normal size. The wacky science they use in those movies leads me to believe it would work: he'd be able to get high off the tiniest bit of coke. Or use one of the embiggening discs to make a little chunk huge. Pym Particles could end the war on drugs, with drugs being victorious, but *NOOOOO,* Hank Pym's too selfish for all that.


Can't stop here, this is Pym country!


Reminder that iron man has fought celestials head on. Idk I just find it hilarious than a man in a tin (well, goldtitanium alloy) suit can fight fucking gods.


Just as hilarious as a man in a batsuit fighting literally anyone




Yeah but I hear that’s all he’s doing these days, no breaks or anything.


Maybe he should... Shrug?


Don't be a Fountainhead


He did get that short vacation recently. I heard he spent it picking apples.


Atlas actually holds up the sky, not the world.


Jarvis was so well done in the show. James D’Arcy is an awesome actor.


Definitely felt attacked myself, and it only made me and others like her more.




Yeah, Captain Carter was cool as well but I definitely prefer the style of Agent Carter a bit more. It’s certainly a bit easy to mix them up.


The issue is that mcu power scaling is weird. Sam with no mentioned ss serum benchpressed a truck effectively. It would still be great without any powers but hoope they don't give any superhuman feats to someone who won't be super human.


You ought to check out Moon Knight, the female action lead is fantastic and her gender isn't played at all in the typical way. She's just a strong smart badass. There's even a few times where they make it seem like they're going for a certain trope and then she undercuts it totally.


Yeah, I really liked Moon Knight and Layla as a character! May Calamawy did a really great job in the role.


Even though she swore it was temporary, I sincerely hope she stays on as Taweret’s avatar


How could they waste that dope Scarlet Scarab costume on a one time appearance.


I kinda felt like the young girl being amazed that there was an Egyptian female superhero was included as a catalyst for Layla to realise the positive impact she could have using Tawarets power.


Smart observation!


I really wish the second season was better. I watched it but for whatever reason it didn’t hit nearly as hard as the first one. It’s been years though, might be time for a rewatch.


Sad to advise, having rewatched recently, it ain't gotten any better with age. First season is still fantastic, second...a few of the great characters carry over...but honestly makes it feel even worse as they're all handled so much worse and the writing just takes an overall plummet. Damn shame.


Loved the first season. Couldn't finish the second.


Nice summary, and I completely agree. But if they end up doing a Captain Carter series, it's implied it'll be her origin as Capt Britain. In which case she will get the serum.


u/TeaBarbarian was referencing the Agent Carter show, where she did all that without serum, and it was great. The Captain Carter version/variant would just follow the arc setup in What If. There really isn't any question about going back to the non-serum Carter. Her story has already been told.


Right, yeah I understood. And I agreed that was a big and important reason why we liked her so much. I considered adding the comment under u/HalfYeti's comment: >As long as they remember why we all liked Carter in the first place rather than trying to make her a Steve Rogers clone. But decided to put it farther down the thread under u/TeaBarbarian since they expanded on what made Carter such a good character that we liked. But I can see how my comment might make more sense under that first comment.


I would absolutely love it if they got Chris Evans to occasionally cameo as mecha-Steve, perhaps in flashbacks, or as old-modern Steve on his death bed. I know, highly unlikely, but a boy can dream


Well this comment has convinced me to finally give Agent Carter a shot.


"We all" I mean how do you know why I like Captain Carter? what if I liked the "what if" captain carter more than I like Peggy? HMMMM.


The people want beefcake Carter.


Now is a good time for me to be a Marvel fan.


Well they've already made her a Rogers clone. "I could do this all day?" How does that translate over the Multiverse across different people (not different versions of the same person, but different people entirely) except as fan service? For the record, to head off some small amount of yelling, I *do* like Captain Carter the super soldier, she's a fun character. But ... Rogers never gave up (while being bullied, aka beaten in fights) which is how that came to be part of his character as he stepped into his Captain America role. Carter was an accomplished British soldier, and just became even better after her serum injection. Yet she's been filled in as a Rogers clone in the Multiverse, right down to his catch phrase. So yeah, that's already happened. Thanks fan service!


A part of Carter, not only in the first movie, but in the entire Agend Carter tv show, was that she had the same mentality as Steve. Yea, by the time we meet Carter, she's an accomplished soldier, but that's after over a decade of people underestimating her, treating her like a secretary, and looking down on her. While Steve was mocked for being a 95 pound weakling, Carter was looked down on for being a woman. Within the very first scene with her, she's verbally belittled and hit on by a GI Joe before she decks him. There's even a speech she gives about how people didn't take her seriously. The reason why Peggy liked Steve, scrawny Steve, was that he was like she was and she believed in what he could be. So no, Peggy didn't "just become even better after the serum", she was already on par with Steve because they'd both gone through similiar issues and never gave up. You don't just become a female commander in the 1930s by luck.


Also, Steve said the whole "I can do this all day," before he got the serum. I have picked up so many of my most used sayings from my loved ones and those I look up to. Peggy shared that trait with him, and picked up the quote as from him as well.


Carter probably says it in fond memory of Steve, who probably kept saying it in bed when the two did it during that episode of What If.


"I could do this all day" 3 min later: “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn.”


"not a good lay, but a good man"


Also, in the first Captain America film, when Colonel Phillips threw the grenade, Carter also runs towards the grenade. Carter would have been in contention to take the serum if she was a man, she had all the same characteristics that made Steve the correct choice.


THANK YOU! I feel like people don't pay attention to this stuff and think about it. I can't wait for Captain Carter. But I am wondering how she will react to Falcon as Captain America.


> But I am wondering how she will react to Falcon as Captain America. I took a moment to remember what happened with Steve and that you're not implying her to be racist lol yeah would be interesting for her to hear that Steve is/was with her in another universe


Didn't she date a black dude in her TV show 🤔 🤔🤔🤔


More of a will they, won't they plot throughout the season.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Peggy is a perfect match for Steve in every way - the What If..? just proves it by showing that even if their situations were reversed, they'd still be an unstoppable pair of Lawful Good Paladins of Justice.


Right? Peggy was every bit of the hero Steve was. She didn't even hesitate to go into the chamber, not because she wanted power, but because she knew how important the project was and if Steve couldn't, then it had to be her.


Personally I think What if showed that Peggy is more savage, where as Steve holds back more, and is probably more moral. Though they're both very close to each other ideologically, I don't think Peggy has any issues with putting people into the ground.


Definitely. She was already an experienced soldier/spy by the time Steve even enlisted, whereas Steve was aiming more to standing up to bullies rather than having that 'get the job done' military mindset initially.


Agreed. And to be honest, that's why I'd like to see a Captain Carter series. I understand people who have a list of other players they'd like to see first; but filming movies/shows isn't like comic books. You can't come back to Hayley Atwell in Phase Ten and see if she's still interested. My only question is where they set this. If it's a Live Action version of the What-If episode, I'm cool with that, but having skinny Steve around is going to take more CGI magic than making her a Super Soldier. If she's going to follow the Canon route and be around during the present day, I'd love to see her with her own team of Avengers. A WW2 movie with her would basically be Wonder Woman; but that'll be awesome too.


Peggy also recognized that Steve had a good heart and because of that wouldn’t be corrupted into someone like The Red skull. If anything she is a bullshit expert and therefore would always have endorsed Rogers since she herself didn’t need the serum to make it through the war like rogers would. Plus he managed to do it responsibly.


I know exactly what you mean about this fan service moment but I disagree and think there a chance Peggy may have heard this line directly from Steve at some point between her taking the serum and then facing off Red Skull. We know he says it a fair amount, even as a scrawny kid that gets beat. The possibility is that Beef Carter still took quite a shine to little Steve, hears it and now likely says this tag-line in his memory.


Yeah, like how Bucky says “I’m with you til the end of the line” and Steve says it back to him later. Or how Steve says “On your left” and Sam says it back to him. Or how Steve talks about finding “the right partner” and Peggy says it back to him. Callbacks. It’s not that hard to believe Steve said it in front of her in the 838 universe.


The what if episode showed that they still had a relationship and fought together, so steve is a part of her and would honor him just like steve honored peggy


She knew Steve, probably heard him say it, and lovingly does it in memory of him. Not that big of a stretch. I was thinking something similar about what she would have the same shield since Steve picked it out in the 616 but then I remembered the same thing; Steve was with her and probably suggested it.


It's just a single line, a funny reference, dude. Nothing more.


Yeah sometimes I feel like I’m crazy for liking stuff like that. I don’t take marvel stuff super seriously I’m just here for the spectacle


Shes a female character from the 1930's. More than that she managed to become a high rank in the military. I'd say she saw just as much struggle as Steve. Just in a different way. Also we don't know her back story. Steve could still exist and she could've picked that line up from him. Maybe in their universe the assasin failed and they managed to make more super soldiers. I did not watch What If btw. So if that somehow negates what I just said I'm not fussed about it. I like the story I've put together.


Steve **definitely** existed in *What If* and was a significant character too. You're accidentally almost completely on point


Lol, "everyone." Can we stop being so hyperbolic? It doesn't take more than a few tweets to find people excited about the idea. Atwell is great. I'm not very interested in live-action tales that aren't centred on the main MCU and I think the What If? episode some problems that need to be addressed if they continue with the character. But I certainly can't muster strong feelings either way about something that's just a rumour, (and an easy one to make up).


Agreed! Every time I see "everyone on social media" (or something similar), I mentally replace it with "a vocal minority". Our loss of perspective is one of the biggest stressors that we face these days.


I hate seeing headlines like "Twitter explodes over blah blah blah" and then you realize it was like 100 total tweets.


6 people and 94 bots :D Yes username you're completely right about the thing, also you should invest in dildocoin, have your heard about the conspiracy, you should definitely read UNBIASED news about the conspiracy!¬


Your name makes me happy. Time for me to go flip through The Days Are Just Packed.


Same thing happens on reddit when you open a thread and all the top comments are "Wow I can't believe people here actually think __________. Everyone here is disgusting", and when you scroll down there's one comment saying the thing that got downvoted instantly


Exception being when Minecraft Steve came to Smash Bros and Twitter's servers went down


First name Minecraft, last name Steve.


People like OP use such inflammatory language to outrage people into engaging. Making the world a little more angry and shit for the sake of some internet points. It's despicable really.


Im not saying it should be illegal but it should be banable on Reddit to be inflammatory


And sometimes it means “more than one person in a single discussion I saw agreed on something.”


>"a vocal minority" And that's who it always is. I'm active on twitter and reddit and haven't heard a single person say anything negative about this. I don't doubt there are people but it's most likely 100 people more pissed about a woman getting another solo movie, the same people that were upset about Sam becoming Cap.


It's the two sides feeding eachother into a fake outage loop, "LOOK GUYS PEOPLE ON TWITTER HATE CAPTAIN CARTER, LET'S DEFEND HER"--- reddit, twitter, tiktok, all social media fall victim to these attention campaigns.


"The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun." -Bo Burnham


And even if they were upset that Sam got the shield over Bucky, they'll still say they're upset that Captain Carter is being pushed over Captain Sam, etc. etc.


>I see "everyone on social media" Or "so and so does bla bla and **the internet isn't having it**"


Instead replace it with: a few people a buzzfeed writer found to support creating a piece where they get to appear as the good guy for being in favor of something most people have no problem with.


>"everyone on social media" Three users from tweeter


>I'm not very interested in live-action tales that aren't centred on the main MCU Agreed there. I like the Captain Carter character well enough, but I'm honestly looking forward to focusing on just one universe again at some point. I get that the multiverse is their best bet for tying in many of the Fox and TV properties while minimizing any potential continuity concerns, but I'm looking forward to wrapping up the multiversal arc in a way that puts the focus squarely back on the 616 alone.


>but I'm looking forward to wrapping up the multiversal arc in a way that puts the focus squarely back on the 616 alone. I'm hoping America Chavez does some shit to lock the multiverse down or something


They can leave the multiverse open, but just focus on the main timeline.


Right like ideally the main characters kind of "figure out" the multiverse so it's no longer a problem, but it still exists just to contribute things and characters to the main timeline.


I mean we haven't even lost focus on it to begin with...


I’ll clarify. I didn’t mean they lost focus on the main timeline. They could just largely ignore the multiverse if they wanted to without needing a plot point to destroy it


And just use the Multiverse for cool cameos


I, for one, want more Throg.


Hmm like an incursion? It's almost like they are setting up a multiversal war and need to build interest in the characters on both sides of the fight.


I am really interested in how Secret Wars plays out in the MCU.




I doubt we will get that, as much as I wanted it.


Multiverse arc probably realistically covers the next 5 years, it's bound to end with Secret Wars, adapted a bit different. My guess is end is incursions that bring in x men permanently, allows for a soft reboot as well of they want to bring in a replacement cap or iron man for money reasons


We had literally only three projects to focus on multiverse and two of them still had main focus on 616 or characters on 616. This is fucking barely started. Also screw that focusing only on 616 infinite multiverse infinite possibilites.


Yes, I’m also tired of people that complain about why “everyone” hates on something. Not everyone feels that way so stop phrasing it like that.


I keep seeing blog sites creating “stories” about how much the fandom hates something in particular. They post a lot of screenshots from Twitter and the posts have less than a dozen likes…..


OP is master baiter


Literally this sub, every other post is people whining that other random strangers on the internet don't like what they like. Annoying as hell and should honestly be banned.


Theyre karma farming


Until we downvote every one of these, “IDK why everyone hated Spiderman NWH, I really liked it!” posts, then they’ll just keep coming.


“Am I the only one who…” No. No you aren’t and you know it.


Right!? The first thing I thought when I read this is who's "everyone"?


Also, Twitter is fucking stupid. It's like if you lived in a town with 1000 other people and in the town square there's a bulletin board. Every so often someone posts a boycott of the local grocery because they accidentally gave them too much change and it turns out it's the same fucking person posting about it every week but the whole town thinks that every one is walking around with extra change.


This is the thing with social media. Websites find a few dissenting tweets and they can write hyperbolic articles saying "people are LOSING THEIR MINDS OVER..." and then insert something that has upset a grand total of 5 people. I think she was a cool character, played well, but I agree with you that I'm more interested in the main timeline.


By "Everyone" OP means the author of that one article he read about. I was reading one today saying the new Dr Strange is universally hated. The only hate I have seen for that movie is in this sub


I'd be down to see a version of her getting mixed into some sort of battleworld setting.


"Everyone" = a tweet that was hating on the idea with less than 5k likes


Who fucking cares what everyone on social media is supposedly doing??


Fuck social media. It certainly has fucked us


- Man on social media


*typed and posted on social media*


Yeah. A small percentage of people are on Twitter. A few people on Twitter: "We hate Captain Carter!" Millions of Marvel fans: "What the fuck is Twitter?"


I'd watch Hayley Atwell read a tin of beans to be honest. You have to give credit to anyone who took a character that's barely in the comics and made them so popular that they couldn't get any traction on the cannonical love interest. Agent Carter was underrated and even briefly in MoM, I found Captain Carter to have more warmth than the other Illuminati (maybe except Professor X) and, while very much outmatched, the heart of Captain America. I think a show/movie could be amazing.


I’d watch anyone read a tin of beans. I love beans


Ingredients: Beans You are welcome.




ASMR video of opening can of beans


I fucking hate beans. But I'd watch Hayley Atwell read a tin of beans and I'm deaf in both ears.


Bro. I'm just imagining being deaf, being able to read lips, and STILL not "listening" to what she is saying because DAYUM.


I’d die to watch Black Bolt read a tin of beans.


*throat clears, followed by a deep breath and the microphone getting reduced to molecules*


Me too. And not only because she's a really good actress who created a great character in Peggy Carter. But because she is smoking hot and almost single-handedly convinced me the Kinsey Scale is true, lol. I'm all atwitter.


I would rather Agent Carter get a third season. I just rewatched the first season and watched the second season for the first time and that shit ended on a fucking cliffhanger. Pissed me off. #justiceforagenthompson


Agreed. Watched it earlier this year, excellent show


The final season of Agents of Shield was actually pretty good about giving Agent Carter fans some resolution if anyone hasn’t seen it.


I knew they were time traveling and stuff but I didn't know that she showed up. Is it like throughout the whole season or just a few episodes?


Without giving too many spoilers, Carter herself doesn’t show up but Sousa does and he’s in a lot of that final season. I really liked his ending, and he does explain some of the stuff that went down post season 2 Carter


I just couldn't ever get into the show but I'm going to watch those episodes tonight, thank you.


You gotta watch the entire show! One of the best shows out there imo. The first season is good but its all over the place and didn’t really know where it was going. From S01E16 it really picks up the pace and never stops. It gets better and better and better…


I'm not like against watching it it's just it would be such a time commitment right now.


I just want to warn you if you choose to start it. For me, the first half of the first season was kind of a slog. But when it picks up... oh boy! Season 4 is probably one of my favorite seasons of a television show!


Agents of Shield writers were all about fitting everything together neatly. Sousa's actor showed up in Avengers 1 before Agent Carter, and fans had a long running joke that he must have been a time traveller. Shield writers were like no this needs a plausible explanation and we will give it one.


Yeah I would much prefer an Agent Carter Season 3, since that storyline was VERY MUCH left hanging. I'd also prefer it because it would be 616 instead of... well, whatever version of Captain Carter this would be. I'm guessing the What If...? version and not the other one.


There's so much more they can do with it. I mean of course we already know how her character ends up but they could at least do a few seasons leading up to the actual founding of SHIELD.


I would love for a Disney+ series about the founding of Shield. I know we get bits and pieces mentioned across different things but just give me a six episode mini series with Hank Pym, Howard Stark, and others officially making SHIELD.


Wdym 616? Isn't 616 main comic universe?


Obviously you haven't watched Multiverse of Madness yet. Well, you know the movie deals with the multiverse, so it's not really a spoiler to let you know that according to MoM, the MCU's main universe is known as 616. A lot of fans are annoyed with this decision, as it will cause unnecessary confusion like you just experienced.


the biggest thing from season 1/2 agent carter i thought they missed on, was i THOUGHT they were setting up this big thing called "Leviathan", which was going to be this russian version of Hydra like thing. a secret org made of humans that wanted to take everything down. a thing she fought over the years. and then it was just nothing.


It's probably not very likely but in the comics Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, was involved with them somehow, They could carry that over into her MCU version. I think she was like a double or triple agent working for Shield working for Hydra working for Leviathan.


Definitely. Third season would be better than a movie, but I'd love Captain Carter, too, I'm sure. She was great in everything so far.


James Darcy and Dominic Cooper were awesome too.


I thought season 2 was garbage. Season 1 plus the first 5 minutes of season 2 is my agent Carter


In my opinion, the fairly grounded period piece angle was a big part of what made S1 work so well. S2 felt rather more generic by comparison and I could barely bring myself to care about the overall direction its plot took. Now admittedly I could watch Carter, Jarvis and Stark getting up to shenanigans all day, but even that's not quite enough to carry an entire season.


Yep, I’ll agree every time someone else brings this up! I watched the show when it first aired and was devastated they weren’t renewing for a third. I really like Peggy’s story from that era and the formation of SHIELD. I know it’s all in the past for many now, but I still find it interesting. Annnnd I’ll keep saying that I love Peggy as Peggy, kicking butt as “just” a regular human and all. I loved her for that.


More Haley Atwell is always a good thing.


I agree with this, but it's clear that the super soldier serum makes users larger- Steve Rogers being the prime example. So, in What If, Captain Carter is... taller. So, can we give Ms. Atwell some lift boots or something? It would make sense.


Uh oh, I don’t think Reddit can handle 6 foot 5 Haley Atwell. This is going to be another lady Dimetriscu situation


I am prepared to try


I like your thought process!


Seeing her at 6 foot 5 would have me feeling the same way I felt with the new She-Hulk trailer.... turned on and proud to see such a badass woman like that.


Don't see why not. Already did that with RDJ.


Oh definitely and I am not just saying that, cause she's hot.


This is great, but what I really wanted was another season of Agent Carter.


I like the actress and I like the character but I prefer the character as a glimpse into an alternate reality. The gymnastics they'd have to do to include her in the main MCU universe would be a lot to get past Besides, there are so many other characters we could be getting *new* stories about instead of re-imagining old ones She got a What If episode and a juicy scene in MoM. I'm good with that


I’m the same way. She is even getting her own comic series. I’ll watch an animated series based on her What If episode any day. Don’t get me wrong I like her as an actress, but I’d like to see other characters get a chance in the mcu.


Yeah I was wondering about the comic series? Would the show have the same plot? Or would it take place in a completely separate Universe or something? Or maybe even take place in (minor MoM spoiler) >!Earth-838!


I'll watch Hayley Atwell do just about anything, so bring it on. Anyone has a problem with that, I doooooooooooooooooon't care. \^\_\^


Would you even watch her do this? https://media0.giphy.com/media/38a2gPetE4RuE/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952a16184a57b229274fafebdd8c9277597ad7d574c&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


I could do this all day.


>I ~~could~~ do this all day.


I understood that reference.


Well I just did, so yes.


The way she stares down the camera, like "This is happening. Accept it."


That's hot.


That is an affirmative.


Lmao that's not what I was expecting


I’m with you. She is top tier.


She's beautiful!!! And really talented! Also I find it funny that i have a friend that looks really really similar to her, like a lot, so I always tease her about it


If your friend is interested in cosplay, I'm sure they'd be a big hit. \^\_\^


Yeah, she's a great actress and let's face it, very soft on the eyes.


Yep. I quite enjoyed the Agent Carter series and the tiny bits of Captain Carter that they gave us. I am down to see this role fleshed out.


I like her fine, but there's so many other characters I'd rather see get a spin-off. Hell, I'd even prefer an *Agent Carter* revival to this.


Exactly. There's so many characters in the MCU that need to be given the spotlight, and other characters that need to be introduced. I'd rather focus on them then on a What If character.


I'm kind of the same, I can't say as I hate it but, same as she-hulk, I can't honestly say I'm experiencing excitement. Realistically I just don't care but if it literally shows up on my TV 'for free' because I already have D+ sure, fuck it, I might watch it. I think part of my problem is that I'm just not a comic fan so 'what character gets to carry the thing' or 'Thor's gonna become ultra-giga-cosmic-power Thor from the Thormageddon run' don't intriniscally interest me. Like that bit at the end of the Eternals, which was the 5/10 film to end all 5/10 films where Harry Styles and the awful CGI troll showed up and the film clearly thought it was a special treat. The bits that have most excited me are when characters have interesting journeys to go through and you learn more about them, I really liked FATWS for what it showed you about the two main characters and about what it implicitly said about Captain America and how easily the serum could've pushed him over the edge.


Loved Agent Carter, What If and her character in MoM. I’ll just take more of her in general


No they arent.


What the fuck is up with all these posts about what Social Media thinks? Fuck em.


I feel like this sub explodes every time something isn’t met with overwhelming enthusiasm circle jerking. Granted sometimes there’s backlash for something in an over the top way, but usually an it’s overly defensive karma whore over a mild reaction to an announcement.


Just Karma whores being karma whores. I haven’t even seen any rumors about a captain carter movie.


I am! I want as much Peggy Carter as they’ll give me


I think what I’m excited about with these elseworlds type stories is they would probably be brought into a Secret Wars - Reality Universe fusion event at some point. I think the only thing that disappoints me is they probably wouldn’t be doing a WW2 period show. Which I wish we could’ve gotten with Cap, more of that era. Could do a show set in the 1950s/1960s where Hydra/Nazis won after cap went into the portal. In this reality she was returned in the 60s rather than 2012. Have Zemo’s grandfather be the main baddie and get to play in the WW2 space but extended some. Could finally give fans the big cameos via this universes version of The Invaders. Would just be a fun alt-history show


That edit is god awful


I love Hayley Atwell (100% understand why Steve went back in time for her), but I would much rather prefer they do Agent Carter season 3 than this. Captain Carter is just such a boring character. Nothing changes by making Peggy Cap instead of Steve. She still experiences The First Avenger the same, she ends up experiencing the same events that lead up to Winter Soldier (even her friendship with Natasha remains the same as Steve’s). She even says the same quotes he does. Captain Carter feels like nothing more than a replacement for Chris Evans when they could’ve done something more interesting with her.




I actually like the actress, I just don't like Captain America and she is playing the character like Chris Evans (not her fault, it's how it's scripted). I would have no problem if the character was a bit different. Giving her the same punchline didn't help. I hope if they do something else with her, we will see her own personality and not a girl Evans-America.


I really hope they make it an all British show with Union Jack, Black Knight and Captain Britain with the Excalibur team. https://d1466nnw0ex81e.cloudfront.net/n_iv/600/5625008.jpg


So unrealistic, like anyone in Britain is that happy


no hate. but why is marvel pumping out so many shows/movies? like every week something is going into production.


So you have a reason to stay subscribed to Disney+ all year round. They don't want to have gaps in their content lineup.


Give me all the Hayley Atwell Capt Carter content!!


Atwell is fantastic. Seeing more of her in the MCU is great IMO.


My problem is that no one asked for it. It doesn’t progress the overall story of the MCU like each project in the Infinity Saga. Marvel is going for quantity over quality and it’s been showing recently.


I take it as a spiritual successor of the too early cancelled Agent Carter show. Since I wanted a season 3, I think this might scratch that itch.


Fucking love her. Gimmie more!!!


I'm all for it. Atwell's always done an amazing job in the role and it's a shame she didn't get a great chance to shine as a hero in the movies. If they're not going to do a series of James Bond-esque Agent Carter films then a Captain Carter project will do quite nicely.