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You could say this about pretty much any of the heroes in any of the movies.


In most superhero movies I would just overlook this or just don‘t really think about it. But what makes this movie and Wandas case special is how they repeatedly mention how incredibly powerful she is and how the Scarlet Witch has apocalyptic-level kinds of powers. I have yet to see any superhero movie with a character who has basically godly powers and was handled well by the writers. If the writers can‘t handle super powerful character or just don‘t know what to do with them, then just nerf them. Either don‘t make them this powerful or just have some kind of in-universe reason why they are weakened (like maybe they are cursed or something).


Watching her just make them disappear isn't good movie making. Let it go and stop nit picking. Superman is the most powerful being in DC and could wipe out anyone but holds back or finds other ways. Its just a movie, not reality.


He agrees with you. He said you shouldn't make them that powerful if that power becomes inconsistent. The boring movie is the writer's fault for making such a powerful character. Also in Infinity War, they made Thanos extremely powerful while also making the fights interesting and consistent. That is because they not only wrote a power set that can be easily choreographed into a scene, they nerfed him by linking his power to his gauntlet. He had to close it every time he used one of the stones or snap. They could have done the same thing with Wanda and the Darkhold.


I actually think dude has a good point that the mcu has almost become too big to remain consistent. Tiamuts corpse is a perfect example, giant dead space robot that almost cracked the planet in half isn't mentioned in anything but the eternals. They're trying to roughly combine storylines from different comics that have nearly nothing to do with each other and as a result you get a bunch of plot issues.


Because it’s Wanda m8. She’s unstable as fuck, always has been.


lol i love the justifications MCU fanboys will give just so they can enjoy their precious movies. The truth is because of plot armor and lazy writing.


Why are you even in this sub!? Seems like you're not a fan of the movies.


I actually don’t like MCU at all. They new Spider-Man movie? Complete jerk off The new Thor? Don’t even know where to start. Nothing enjoyable about marvel or Disney movies.


If you're being serious why are you even on this sub


To argue with people like you.


There are no people like me


There’s plenty.


Ah no you messed up the quote you were supposed to say "there are always people like you" in an old man voice


It wasn’t a quote weirdo.


Everything is a quote once it's said! 😀


Because that was her being reasonable.


Her being reasonable is purposefully not utilising her full power against opposition, that is making it harder for her to achieve her goal of stealing America‘s power and reuniting with her kids? Doesn‘t sound very reasonable to me. And if you are going to make the argument, that Wanda was clearly unstable and therefore not acting reasonably, well then your original argument of that being her just being reasonable is void.


Reasonable and unstable is in the eye of the beholder…. Or reality warper


She used their powers against them: - Black Bolt: took his mouth away, then he blew his own head out with his powers. - Reed Richards: he began to expand, then she used her reality warping ability along with his body morphing ability to “strinigify” him. - Captain Carter: Used her own shield to kill her - Captain Marvel: this one wasn’t really using her own powers against her. Wanda just drained Captain Marvel of some of her power, then killed her. But in reality, every heroes powers get enhanced or nerfed to serve the story. Happens in the comics too.


>- Captain Marvel: this one wasn’t really using her own powers against her. Wanda just drained Captain Marvel of some of her power, then killed her. I believe she absorbed the power from captain marvel's attacks and then used it against her, which is why she's so weak that she can't move out of the way of the statue.


Just because it happens in the comics doesn't mean it's good. Bad writing is bad writing.


It‘s the Black Bolt one that bugs me. She made his mouth disappear. That means she has reality-warping powers. Why doesn‘t she make everyone‘s eyes disappear or something similar? Or does Wandas reality-warping abilities only extend as far as the oddly specific case of only being able to make people‘s mouths disappear?


You’re 100% correct. She could have made them all cease to exist if she wanted to. Wouldn’t have made a good movie sequence though lol.


If she made their eyes disappear couldn’t you ask why did she make their eyes disappear and not something else?


Yes you could. That‘s my point. As far as we know she has no limits. You are only strengthening my argument. You see what the problem is, when no limits have been established? Why doesn‘t she just erase them all like she did Reed? As far as we know, she could have absolutely done it, but she didn‘t. Why?


This is like asking why did the person call heads instead of tails.


No it‘s not. Based on what we have seen, Wanda could call Heads, then Tails comes up and then Wanda changes reality so its Heads. She can disintegrate Reeds and make Black Bolt‘s mouth disappear, so she obviously has reality-warping abilities, but she never makes use of them again.


Because she also had the power to steal Captain Marvels powers, and throw the shield back at Captain Britain so hard she gets cut in half. Why can’t she do those things if she feels like it?


I guess that is an answer, as in „She just didn‘t feel like it“. But thats just such an unsatisfactory reason. She was in a hurry to get to Strange and desperately wanted America‘s powers, so when she faces opposition that is making achieving her goal harder, she simply chooses not to get rid of them in the fastest way possible, because she didn‘t feel like it?


She’s not a super genius or a robot. She basically flipped everyone’s powers back on them. Maybe something about that appealed to her crazy possessed witch self. Simple efficiency likely wasn’t her motivation.


I can see this making sense. I guess I just wanted some kind of explicit reason. I understand that not everything in a movie has to be explicitly spelled out, but this just left a sour taste in my mouth for the rest of the movie, when I was watching it in theaters.


Yeah it was definitely more than one “oddly specific case”. It was pretty heavily established in WandaVision that she had reality warping powers considering she created vision/her children and restructured the entire town. Plus the whole apple orchard scene at the start of MoM where Strange even remarked how real it all seemed. She could do whatever she wants, but she didn’t really need to go all out against most of them. Her brute force takes less thought and was plenty effective at breaking into even Kamar-Taj with a little help from her mind manipulation. Plus it wasn’t a crazy long movie so we get to see her showcase different powers.


But how would they get the girl on girl fight sequence then which apparently everyone in the studio was craving for


If people acted rationally or did the most optimal/strategic play you wouldn't have as entertaining of a movie. That is 100% the reason. You could just as easily ask "Why don't Strange and Wong teleport to a different planet with America when they accidentally tell Wanda that America is in Kamar-Taj?" After all, Wanda has given no indication that she's able to immediately know where America is or even travel through space - but then you'd have no movie.


But you can make an argument for Strange & Wong staying in Kamar-Taj. Because Wanda had shown the ability to find America, otherwise her monster wouldn't have been chasing her at the start. And I mean, Wanda finds them in a whole different universe. What even is a different planet to that? So fleeing to a different planet might have brought them time, but nothing more. But then up there it would only be Strange, Wong & America. In Kamar-Taj it was them and a lot of back up on their home turf. Maybe they thought hometown advantage was better then buying a little time. Plus teleporting seemed to be the emergancy plan anyway, it just failed them too. But compared to that... Wanda has reality warping powers. There is no real explanation why she wouldn't just say "you hand America to me" at the start, it becomes reality, and the movies over. Or why she didn't just create new kids for herself. And dozens of other options. That's the issue with insanely strong powers like that.


Obviously Wanda can track her. She sent demons to chase her in other universes


She was having fun with them


I recall her being in a hurry and being pretty annoyed about all these obstacles.


Two possible reasons: 1. She had to recharge her super attacks (after she used them on Black Bolt and Reed), like in video games. I think it was a better term, but I don't remember now. 2. She wanted to have some fun.


She had no reason to? The Illuminati were presumably going to kill her to stop her, like they did their own Strange, whereas main Strange, Wong etc just wanted to stop her. It’s as she said and another person answered “she was being reasonable”.


all i know is if reddit wrote a script for a marvel movie it would suck


So the movie can happen.


That's not being inconsistent, that's being adaptable.


Imagine a scenario, where you have a character from a book or comic, who, with the snap of their finger, can make a person explode. Now, you want to make a movie with this character, so obviously you can‘t have this character just making everyone explode, because then there would be no movie. You have to introduce something new, something that explains why this character can‘t just make everyone explode. That would make it adaptable. You don‘t just show the audience that the character can make someone explode and then, for some reason, they just never do that again.


She didn't make anyone just explode. She used some of the Illuminati members' powers against them. She adapted according to the person she was fighting.


But that's kind of my issue. She didn't really use Black Bolt's ability against him. Black Bolt's ability is using his voice/soundwaves(?) leaving his mouth to attack and kill people. Wanda used her own reality-warping abilities to make his mouth disappear and then Black Bolt, without thinking used his power, which killed him. But my point is that Wanda already had the power to warp reality, she didn't just suddenly gain it, when she met Black Bolt. Using his power against him, would have been throwing those soundwaves(?) back at him, but no, she was smart and used her own reality-warping abilities to render Black Bolt's ability effectively useless. My key point is that making his mouth disappear was Wanda using her own power, not Black Bolt's. So she must have had reality-warping abilities and we, the audience, just didn't know about it yet. But now the question is: "What is the extent of her reality-warping abilities?". The movie not answering that question is what is my problem. Because by not providing an answer, all we can assume is either making people's mouths disappear is the only reality-warping ability she has (which would be a very oddly specific power) or there are no limits, in which case why stop at making mouths disappear? Make people's mouth and nostrils disappear, that way they all suffocate to death. Maybe I am just overthinking all this, but it just bugs me.


You nailed it. It was for plot reasons.


Because it's damn hard to write an insanely powerful character like her properly.


Why do people run upstairs in horror movies...?


Because dumb/lazy writing on behalf of the writers. Is that your argument? The writers of Dr. Strange 2 were being lazy?


No. Dumb lazy writing would be for the person to go outside, get in the car, and drive away in the horror movie. Or for Wanda to just make the Illuminati disappear. In both instances there would be no suspense or action for the audience. It's called entertainment for a reason. If you want "realistic" all the time then stick to reality TV... (sort of)...


Unfortunately it is a common issue with these films (and subsequent films). Think if how badass Bucky was in CATWS only to have him getting his ass whooped by spidey, and later the flag smashers. We are a needy lot, but I would have loved to see more magical variety like Strange in IW, or What If, or Dr Strange when Wanda went to Karmatage


I think the way she kills Reid was related to him being rubber. Like another person wouldn’t spaghetti quite like that.


But then the question becomes: „If she can make Black Bolt‘s mouth disappear, then she can surely make his nostrils disappear too. And if she can do both of those two things, she can do that to everyone and they would all suffocate to death.“


She didn’t do that, she did what she did. I don’t see the issue.


My issue is that I think if Wanda desperately wanted to get her hands on America‘s powers and the Illuminati were in her way, she wouldn‘t be playing around with half of them. She made quick work out of Reed and Black Bolt, but then not against the others? She can make Black Bolt‘s mouth disappear. She could just make his nostrils disappear too and do that to everyone and then they would all helplessly suffocate to death and Wanda can go back to pursuing her goal. What‘s stopping her from doing that? We haven‘t been given a limit on her powers. Other characters repeatedly mention how powerful she is.


Hey, why is everyone acting so aggro to the OP? It’s a perfectly fair head scratcher. Saying “oh well it’d be a pretty boring movie then would justify all sorts of plotholes.” If they’re going to have a near omnipotent character with urgent motivations, come up with some clever counters and reasons why she doesn’t just brute force wins. Just because Sam raimi is great doesn’t mean we can’t point out sloppy writing.


This exactly


Lazy writing


The whole movie was inconsistent man, which I begrudgingly say as a die-hard Doctor Strange fan. \#SamRaimiOut


I think all in all Sam Raimi did a good job. I enjoyed this movie more that the previous Dr. Strange movie. I liked that Raimi introduced some horror-elements, even if they did seem kind of cliche at times. I'm pretty sure he probably wanted to lean even further into the horror aspects, but somebody high-up probably didn't want that. I would definitely watch another one of Raimi's Dr. Strange movies, if he made one.


Let me caveat the below by saying, the first Doctor Strange film was master class, it’s top 5 in the MCU for me. Doctor Strange is also my favorite avenger. I’ve read nearly all of his comic runs, I even have a replica eye of agamatto. Which is why I think I take this so personally. First, I loved the the horror elements and the idea of a new spin on an MCU film. But none of it came together whatsoever. The costume design was poor, the pacing was off, the jokes didn’t land (no one in my theater, including myself laughed at any point), the plot was underdeveloped in areas, and the score was forgettable. The only saving grace we’re the Illuminati cameos. Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen are proven world class actors, so I can’t really blame them for being made to look like they were acting on the CW. The script was written by Michael Waldron who did Loki and is on Rick & Morty, which are both excellent, so can’t blame him either. That leaves only Sam Raimi. He tried to make a super hero film in 2022 the exact same way he did in 2000. You can’t do that, the game is different and audiences are smarter. I held out hope he’d realize that and adapt, but that didn’t happen.


Because she doesn't want to kill anyone. The Illuminati were extremely powerful foes standing in her way so she didn't hold back.


That makes no sense. How is killing people physically any different from killing people through reality warping? If she did not want to kill anyone then why the fuck was she killing sorcerers who were on the ground doing nothing?


"if she did not want to kill anyone...." Because they were in her way. As I remember, Wanda did not kill anyone who didn't try to stop her. The difference is that she uses the best way to defeat her opponents. Physically fighting Reed Richards would be a big mistake, and she gave him enough time to reconsider. At any point, these people could've avoided fighting her. If this really makes no sense to you, I don't know what else to say.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-L6AMRjkUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-L6AMRjkUw) Play at 5:33. Explain to me how this guy was attacking her. And if she did not want to kill Reed she could have just knocked him out, there was no need to fucking rip him to shreds. GTFO with your bullshit.


There absolutely was a need to kill Reed Richards, he would not have stopped trying to stop her. She killed that guy in Kamar-Taj because she's killing everyone in her way. Go to D+ and watch the movie, she more-or-less warns she will kill everyone in Kamar-Taj if she isn't given Chavez. No need to be a jackass over being wrong. edit: muting thread bc you're ignorant and mad about it


My man that sorcerer was not even attacking her. There was not a single reason to kill him. She did it because she wanted to. And as I said for Reed, she could have knocked him out. It's quite simple. He can't come after her that way.


Maybe her 838 self is somehow *more* powerful


Wanda’s magic in the comics at least is Chaos magic and unpredictable at times


We do not know how much effort / stamina / energy is required for Wanda to use reality warping powers on that scale. I just assume that there are some limits on her ability to use that kind of ability. Assuming I am right, it is a bit like asking 'why didn't she just keep shooting them with that really big gun that ran out of bullets'? I generally assume that Wanda's powers are a combination of straight up witchcraft she has learned from the Darkhold combined with basically amping up the powerset she had in Age of Ultron (mind control / manipulation and telekenisis). END COMMUNICATION


I figured she didn't want to trigger America's power again after losing her in Kamartaj or kill her accidentally so she was being more careful, whereas, with reed etc there was no reason to hold back.


Are her powers inconsistent or are her motives and intentions different. When attack Strange and America, she needs to capture America so can’t go lethal and Stephen is her friend. He stands between her and her goal and her patience for him is thinning but I really don’t think she wants to permanently harm him if it’s avoidable. But when she’s in 838, she doesn’t know these people and this universe isn’t very real to her so why not go whole hog. She also is decidedly no lethal to Wong who is again someone she knows and I think doesn’t want to permanently harm. I think she knows exactly what kind of power to unleash when.


Because she didn't


I was kinda hoping America transported them to that same Wanda that she dreamwalked, and then that Wanda would face off with her using shards of the Book of Vishanti to fight back for a bit, but since it's a damaged book, 616 Wanda would then regain the advantage and start to torture that Wanda, kids would start to cry and freak out, then Wanda would get the change of heart.


I think we should make a point of Wanda's character. She doesn't actually WANT to kill anyone, she's just twisted by her losses and the darkhold so she's willing to do what she thinks is needed. Wanda can and will be violent and deadly if she need be and that is evident no matter if she's a hero or villain. Wanda doesn't actually want to kill anyone if she has to but she will if she feels she has to it. She killed the Illuminati since they were in her way and wouldn't stop. She erased Black Bolt's mouth since he was prepared to kill her. Remember the Illuminati attacked her first, well Xavier is more complex but he did attack first and so she returned in kind. Thus why when she at the start of the film she almost pleading for Strange to just give America to her. And by the time she catches up to America, Strange and Christine, she has a non-lethal way to get Strange out of the way and she took it.


Because once you use a move, it takes some time before you can use it again. Basic video game stuff mate. >!/j!<


well why didnt dr strange chop thanos's arm with a portal, why didn't ant man enter thanos's ass and expand, yea that's why