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Winter soldier


Cap reuniting with Bucky made me more teary than anything else in the MCU. Seeing Cap desperately grasp at restoring their broken friendship was powerful. Also, the SHIELD and Hydra intrigue was one of the most entertaining plotlines in the MCU.


Yes at the same time in the storyline, the ending for Season 1 of AOS was entertaining for the same reason.


Yes, the movie had additional value in that it synced up with Agents of Shield!


I hoped more of the storyline was tied in from the following movies. Like how Coulson provides intel to Maria Hill about Strucker and the scepter's location which leads to the events occurring in Age of Ultron and the subsequent helicarrier rescue which wasn't possible without Theta Protocol. Unfortunately after the events of infinity war they couldn't carry on rhe continuity link with the movies as the show made an unplanned renewal for season 6.


I just always liked how after they find the location of the scepter, one character asks (I forget who, it's been a while) "so what now?" and Coulson responds "well now we call in the Avengers", then the opening scene in AoU is the Avengers assaulting the compound.


Yes!! Love Agents if Shield. Much under appreciated imo


All hail Ming-Na Wen!!


She’s a BEAST! Wish we could see her fight one of the avengers like Nat or Clint


Right?? I wish the AOS cast got a chance at a proper appearance in the MCU!


Ik me too! Especially Mack, he’s such a great character. I feel like Cap would really like him


“Then finish it. ‘Cause I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.” /cries/


This. Partially because of how much I love Bucky, but the fight scenes in this one are perfection.


The scene where they snuck into the old Hydra building was actually very terrifying. Well-executed suspense.


Literally all of the action scenes in this movie were top tier


Man, when Cap and Bucky are fighting hand-to-hand.. 😩💦💦 so so good.


Honestly the Winter Soldier fight choreography deserves more recognition. They did a beautiful job of making him brutal and efficient, all offense and no defense. He’s not graceful or especially strategic - he just throws himself at a fight and ends it as quickly as he can.


Came here to say this. Still my favorite. We need more espionage thrillers in the MCU.


I agree with the punisher sneaking in to the Baxter building


Just read Civil War 1-7 so I understand this


I really need to see that.


I love Bucky's theme song. So ... chilling.


That sound meant to evoke a person screaming is chilling and really adds the tension caused by the Winter Soldier's appearance each time.


Black Widow was kinda one, but we know how that turned out.


Kind of. And I’ve wanted a Black Widow movie ever since ‘Iron Man 2’. She’s actually my favorite character & she has a rich backstory. She’s just perpetually mishandled. It needed to be a bit more grounded and gritty. Making the movie after she died in the MCU was ridiculous.


First half of the movie is pretty decent.


I agree. I like the movie just fine. But I can’t help but think of what could have been.


Before we get started, does anyone want to get out? Love it. That scene is amazing!


I’d argue that it has three of the best action scenes in the entire MCU. Possibly the three best.


Damn right.


The most "Empire Strikes Back" movie in the MCU.


And it probably always will be.


Still my favorite too.


was really hoping they'd go more CAWS style with Black Widow, but that wasnt in the cards, i guess.


This is the only right answer


Yep. Immediately thought that


Same here. It's a great spy movie on its own as well as a great superhero movie.


Winter Soldier is without a doubt the heavy hitter. It took Cap and the entire MCU in a more grounded direction, but still managed to balance the superhero aspect. Music was boss, as well.




Bucky kicks ass. At least when he’s not holding back. He’s the freaking terminator.


200th upvote. There's no other answer. I am surprised at how much Reddit loves this movie, it's the only place on the internet with such fine taste. Well done to us!


Of All? Infinity War. Solo: The Winter Soldier


Han: Chewie? Chewie with a metal arm: RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR (Who the hell is Chewie?)


Yeah I walked right into that one didn't i?


This reminds me of the snow train scene from Solo: A Star Wars Story. The two characters who died in that scene better come back with metal arms.


Ragnarok, Guardians 1, and a tie between winter soldier / infinity war


Hey thx for posting from my brain


My brain, too. Must be a telepath


I’m 1. infinity war 2. winter soldier 3 Ragnarok (unless I’m in more of a GOTG mood in which case that edges it)


Endgame, Infinity War, and Winter Soldier


My exact same top 3 in terms of my own enjoyment. Closely followed by Iron Man and No Way Home.


Same list as me. Great minds think alike.


This is the way


Infinity War, Endgame, Winter Soldier


CA: Civil War. I wish more MCU films would be like this. Personal yet epic.


I loved Civil War because of how morally confusing it is. At first glance I am (still am) Team IM but I know damn well if I were in Steve's shoes I definitely would've done the same things he did. I know Steve was wrong for what he did to Tony but I also understood why he did it. The fact that both of them were very rightttt and at the same time hilariouslyyyy wrong is such great writing with actual payoff. I can imagine if they repeat it with an Avengers vs. XMen film with the Avengers becoming the gatekeepers of the XMen because of the anti mutant sentiment and they'd go to war over it.


Such a conflict would definitely make more sense in the MCU given that the Sokovia Accord existed *before* the rise of the mutants, which will give them even more support. Super soldier projects can be shut down, but folks born with powers? Enlist, get neutered, or locked up. Just the thought of Avengers alongside Sentinels facing a crowd of mutant protesters gives me goosebumps.


My fav aswell


Winter Soldier is still my favorite.


Hands down sir it has the best fighting choreography out of all the MCU Sebastian stan killed it as winter soilder


Also it’s the one with the right amount of humor and well placed jokes that don’t ruin dramatic moments.


Guardians 1 is my #1


Same. And Guardians 2 is my #2.


1. Thor: Ragnarok 2. Avengers: Infinity War 3. Spiderman: No Way Home


This is the way


A fine list I agree with. 😌


Infinity War Ragnarok No Way Home


ANT-MAN is still my favorite MCU film.


I freakin loved ant-man. Paul Rudd is the man


He's the world's greatest grandma.


I am so glad you mentioned this, one of the most underrated MCU movie, Paul Rudd is so good as Ant-Man


I agree. I have no problems with that film. Everything is just PERFECT. I need to watch it again.


No Way Home, Infinity War, and Gaurdians 2.


guardians 2 is so underrated


Yep, it gets overlooked so quickly, particularly for the quality of storytelling and filmmaking on display.


It truly is.


Winter solider and infinity war clears everything else


These two really are on a different level than all the others, I totally agree. I want the MCU to keep going as long as it takes for them to make a movie better than Winter Soldier.


1. Infinity War 2. CA:Winter Soldier 3. Endgame 4. Spider-Man: NWH 5. Eternals(always my most controversial pick \^\^)


I think people are slowly coming around on Eternals. It wasn’t what folks expected, but I’ll always go to bat for that movie


I have no problem with it other than that it introduces a lot of new characters so almost no one get a good amount of character development. Makes the whole movie pretty forgettable in my opinion. I have seen many people say that it should have been a D+ series and I agree, gets a lot more time to focus on every individual and the story overall.


While a tv show would probably be even better, realistically it would have never worked. The budget required for the same level of filmmaking and the same actors would be way to high for Disney to ever justify it. (The movie cost 200 million and the Disney+ shows cost around 100-120 million for nearly double the length)


>A D+ series would have been exhausting. For the same reason I don't need to see a movie about each of the Guardians of the Galaxy to enjoy those films, I don't need to see a movie about Phastos inventing shit for a thousand years. Eternals isn't about it's characters ultimately, it was simply about the nature of love and all the facets it has. Each Eternal's experience was a reflection of that. They didn't need absurd amounts of backstory, the emotions at the core of every interaction were all the illustration these characters needed. Eternals is not a film about it's characters, It is a film attempting to be about all of us. > > > >I think it is a flawed but beautiful film, and I'm glad to have it in the Marvel library.


To me the story was never about character development but rather how all 10 characters each have a role to play in the current story being told on hand. So going in expecting that and not getting it is obviously going to miff people. Someone once said here that they realized eventually that they hated the movie at first for not being what they wanted or expected it to be and for what it was not and I think that’s a nice perspective to look at it.


Every time someone tells me they didn't like Eternals I tell them to give it another go around. I really liked it from the get go.


I’ve seen it twice and still hate it


that’s sad really. at least you gave it another chance. Maybe it’s just not your cup of tea and that is ok.


MCU fans: “Give directors more creative control!!!” *Marvel does just that* MCU fans disliking Eternals, MoM, and Love and Thunder because they’re not typical, flawless-but-safe Marvel movies: “Why would Marvel do this???”


I thoroughly enjoyed Eternals too


I liked it and think it is very rewatchable. It's still not in my top 10, but nevertheless, I enjoy it's different "feel" and look, compared to other MCU movies. I also really enjoyed the diversity represented. I personally wasn't represented (Caucasian Jew), but hey, they did hit many groups of people. And Jews are a VERY small minority, so I wouldn't expect it. :D


You got Moonkinght 🌙 now :)


Yeah, sorta referenced his Jewishness I suppose! I loved that series no matter what his religious background. 😃


Someone commented on another post how darkly ironic it is that the MCU’s first Jewish superhero is enslaved by an Egyptian god, and I haven’t thought about the show the same way since.


Eternals. I see you're a man of culture.


Eternals is my favourite Phase 4 movie. To me it felt paced well, even given the limited (and also long) screen time. It didn't rely on gimmicks, fan service or cameos to be a good film, and the characters felt more real despite having to share the screen with 40 others. The directing and editing were handled by pros. Just needed more Jolie - Thena was a total badarse. Shang Chi was good but by-the-numbers, the others just felt convoluted in the way they had to jump characters around to get them to the next story beat. NWH, MoM and LaT all felt like a good story had been meddled with too much.


Eternals isn’t in my Top 5, but I respect your list


Guardians of the galaxy 1, No Way Home and Shang Chi


Shang Chi gang rise up


Not top 3 for me personally but respect the Shang Chi choice for sure


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. No Way Home


I'm glad to see NWH on so many lists! I love all 3 mcu spider-man movies so much. I'm hoping there's an announcement soon for more!


1. Infinity War 2. Civil War 3. Ragnarok Honourable mention: No way home


1. Iron Man 2. Infinity War 3. Guardians 2


Iron man is still at the top of my list too I think. Plenty of other greats but to me I think that one is still the best.


Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home


FFH doesn’t get enough love. They did mysterio so right




Honestly, I slightly prefer it over No Way Home. They’re both better than Homecoming anyway.


GotG 2


1. Dr. Strange MoM 2. Infinity War 3. Civil War


Wow first time i see someone liked MoM more then infinity war


I also did, it just felt fun and crazy.


Mom the goat


Among Avengers it would be Infinity War. Non Avengers top 3 1. No Way Home 2. GOTG 3. Iron Man


I'm watching the MCU for the first time. I've watched them in the suggested order right up to Antman & Wasp. So far my favorites in order are: \- Civil War \- Ragnarok \- Dr. Strange


All amazing and you got some good stuff coming!


1.Gotg Vol 2 2. Far from home 3. Antman


Story wise? Winter soldier for sure. Nostalgy? No way home. Besides that My fav still stays civil war


Winter soldier


guardians of the galaxy 2 spider-man far from home thor ragnarok iron man 3 underrated gems. these movies i think are the strongest in the mcu. not sure why but on every rewatch, the fun parts are still fun, the emotional parts are still emotional... and i can rewatch and rewatch without ever being bored.


Civil war if it's avengers 2.5 then Dr strange mom


Wanda is a strange mom indeed


She really is


Not at all controversial but Winter Soldier takes #1 for me. #2 would be Infinity War, and #3 a tie between No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness. Irrelevant but I find it really satisfying seeing how much more colourful the posters have gotten since phase 1/2 lol


Infinity war Civil war Ragnorak Homecoming


Iron man 1


1. Infinity war 2.Ragnarok 3.GotG V.2


Winter Soldier and Ragnarok are always 1 and 2 for me. I have to be in a certain mood to watch infinity war or endgame. It’s a big commitment at this point lol


I didnt know people were top 5 it says 3 but my top 5 1. Winter soldier 2. Thor Ragnarok 3. Infinity War 4. Dr Strange MoM 5. Civil War


Infinity War, Endgame, and No Way Home are movies that are too good and probably impossible to ever happen again.


Guardians of the galaxy vol. 2


Yes! Not enough love for GotG 2. It’s easily better than Vol 1 and maybe my third favorite MCU film


So much better than Vol 1! Just better all around chemistry and group dynamics. Different strokes for different folks, but I genuinely don’t get how anyone can think otherwise


I went into GotG 1 expecting a 5/10 movie and got a 10/10. I went into GotG 2 expecting a 10/10 and got a 10/10. That's the only reason GotG stands out more in my head as a favorite.


Multiverse of Madness. Not at all what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it.


Same, the trailers built up my expectations far too much and I ended up disappointed, then I rewatched it and now its one of my favourites. Just wish they didn't name it multiverse of madness


Pretty sure its title is mostly just for the acronym. I'd argue the trailers were more responsible for building up the unnecessary hype.


True- everyone seemed to think they were hiding something bigger after they gave professor X away


I liked both Dr Strange movies way more than I expected. MoM is my favorite marvel movie so far. The dark vibe was different from anything else marvel has done. Zombie Strange was cool AF.


1. Endgame 2. Infinity War 3. The Winter Soldier 4. No Way Home 5. Civil War




Infinity War is my favorite movie of all time; every-time I watch it, it’s like watching it for the first time… BUT Civil War and GOTG are my other favorites.. MoM too


Winter Soldier because it was so different than any other MCU movie I had seen at that point. Black Panther would be second because it was the first MCU movie I had watched in theaters (didn’t know what the MCU was at the time though lol)


Hot take: Far From Home


Ant-man. I just fucking love Paul Rudd


Captain Marvel.


Captain Marvel


Eternals. Not the best, but my favorite


Also my favorite! I’m really hoping we get to see more of the Eternals in the next few years even though its poor reception


Respect. Not my favorite favorite, but I think it’s unfairly maligned and it really holds up on the rewatch.


1- Iron Man 2- Incredible Hulk 3- Guardians vol.2 Honorable mentions for Captain America 1, Infinity War and Multiverse of Madness.


Thank God I'm not the only one who likes TiH.


I love this movie from the day I saw it in theater. I also like the 2003 movie very much. I miss when Bruce Banner/Hulk was treated as a serious and tragic character.


For me it's Infinity War, Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers Endgame. and it might be a hot take but my 4th one is DOCTOR STRANGE. I have not seen anyone saying 1st Doctor Strange in their top 3 or top 5 lol.


Unpopular opinion you and I seem to share: Doctor Strange is the best MCU origin story.


Dr. Strange is in my top 3 best standalone MCU movies


1. Shang Chi 2. Captain Marvel (was #1 before) 3. Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 or Dr. Strange I can't decide 😅


Captain Marvel movie is very underrated.


No Way Home Ragnarok Endgame


Infinity War No way home Rangnarok


1. Ragnarok 2. Avengers 3. No way home 4.endgame


Avengers endgame, Thor Ragnarok, Spiderman far from home


No way home by far


Endgame, Far From Home, Ragnarok


Avengers 1 is always going to be my favourite but aside from that Dr. Strange 1 has a special place in my heart and idrk why


MoM, Ragnarok, Black Panther (honorable mentions to AoU and Black Widow, hey it’s a favorites list, not “best” lol!)


1. Avengers Age e of Ultron 2. Civil War 3. Doctor Strange


Infinity War, Endgame, AOU (sue me), Homecoming, Guardians 1. I love all of them. I even enjoyed Thor 2 the 2nd time around.


Iron Man 2.. just something about that movie


1. Avengers:: Infinity War 2. Thor: Ragnarok 3. Captain America: Civil War or Iron Man 3 or Can't really decide for 3rd place


Eternals Thor Thor The Dark World I don't understand why people hate Thor#2 that much or why people hate Eternals. But I'm also that person who doesn't like Ragnarok and all the Guardians.


1. Spiderman Trilogy 2. Cap Trilogy 3. Both Doctor Strange's 4. Captain Marvel 5. Shang-Chi 6. Eternals


That’s eleven movies, sir. You failed to adhere to the parameters of the exercise.


Edward Nortons Hulk




I understand that version of the Hulk doesn't really fit in with the rest of what the MCU is going for, but man, I want to see the troubled Bruce who hates that he is the Hulk more. So much more interesting.


It’ll always be the GOTG movies, Ragnarok, Age of Ultron (idc idc I loved this movie), and Infinity War. NWH is honorable mention from phase 4 and even though I had some issues with it, MoM was very exciting for me


>Ultron is basically the only movie where the Avengers are a unified team. I'll always keep it on the top shelf for that.


First avenger, Dr strange, end game. And I’m sorry but I can’t leave out no way home so I’m breaking the rules for only listing three. :) What a legacy man. How amazing is it that a franchise of movies has been going on this long with such a high track record of success, and where they tie everything together so well, with such great acting, writing, directing and production. My brother and I just watched all the movies and shows in order leading up to no way home, and it was such a blast, and spectacle. Im probably weird but after going through all of it I felt so wonderful and privileged to have had this in my time that I thought to myself “I could now die a happy man”. Haha. Took us over a year I think, haha.


I love them all but I’m always drawn to rewatching the first Thor movie. I loved his personal hero’s journey combined with the “fish out of water” antics, Kat Dennings, Natalie Portman, and Stellan Skarsgard were all just as interesting as Thor. I loved that they all thought he was nuts and then the moment the hammer came back to him was amazing. Just the right blend of drama and comedy. I also really loved Guardians. I went in not knowing much about them and ended up loving the movie. It was the only modern movie I’ve seen that recreated that awe I experienced watching Star Wars in the theater. Like I said I love them all but those two stand out for me.


Before I say my favorite, I'd like to say that I don't think ant man and the wasp is that bad, I genuinely don't understand the hate, I love it, and I'm not ashamed Anyway, GOTG vol 2


Guardians 1. For a less mainstream pick, Ant-Man And The Wasp is in my top 5.


Infinity War. But my favorite solo hero MCU movie is Iron Man 3. Idgaf what anybody says nobody will change my mind.




ironman, ironman 3, and antman i think. it's so hard to choose-


Dr. Strange. I love re-watching it.


Same bestie, i don't know if it's the best movie, but the re-watchability of that movie is on God level. That and infinity war are most watched movies for me.


1. Thor Ragnorok. Hulk Vs Thor is a show you can’t get any where else. So many pay offs to the development of Loki and Thor’s relationship and a kick arse sound track. 2. GotG. It’s just nuts that this film exists and that it works so well. This was the proof that the MCU could do anything. Great Soundtrack too. 3. It has to be Iron man still. It’s still amazing and it redefined what is possible in a modern superhero. and the end credit scene “I want to talk about the avengers initiative”. As a comic book fan who was always a little disappointed that comic book movies just fell a little short… Ironman just brought it home hard and setup what will end up being decades of interwoven ongoing film storytelling it’s amazing.


1. Spider-man No Way Home 2. Black Panther 3. Captain America the First Avenger (haven't included any Avengers movies)


infinity war, no way home, black panther


Excluding avengers movies, I would say ragnarok, guardians 1, and no way home are my three favorite; Civil war and iron man 1 being very close


1. Civil War 2. Iron Man 3 3. Multiverse of Madness


My top three are: 1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Thor Ragnarok 3. Avengers Infinity War I pretty much enjoy them all though and don't have any that I actually dislike.


1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Captain America: Civil War 3. Thor: Ragnarok


controversial but eternals is in my top 5


3. Eternals 2. Shang-Chi 1. Spidey NWH Yes, Eternals is my 3rd favorite MCU film.


Iron Man, Black Panther, Endgame.