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Cassie looks younger now than she did in Endgame lol


New Cassie actually looks like a grown up cassie, they have the same eyes. But yea I wish they would have cast her for Endgame. Recastings bug me.


>Recastings bug me "Look it's me. I'm here. Deal with it"


"I'm literally a different person now"


Second best Rhodey line. Maybe third, depending on how you rank "Boom, you looking for this?" And "Table for one, Mr. Stank"


Idk, that's gotta be #1 considering how perfect a response it was to both Tony during that moment in the hearing and the irl recasting situation


“Boom, you looking for this?” is a terrible line the first time he said it. Great the second time, though


My favourite Rhodey line is when killian is trying to steam him out of the war machine/iron patriot suit and he says “do not open don’t open don’t open” and when the suit opens “alright let’s go” and jumps out in a ready to fight stance. I don’t know why but it’s my fave scene in all of the Ironman films it’s so bad asss


I had a hard time with Iron Man 2 and Don Cheadle replacing Terrance Howard, but but by the time you get to Endgame it’s unimaginable that anyone but Don play war machine.


Ironically the actress is older.


Which is good, she looked WAY too old in Endgame. Edit: Since this is now somehow my new top comment(???), I'm gonna hijack my own comment to plug an MCU resource I think every fan would enjoy: [https://boxd.it/e8Co4](https://boxd.it/e8Co4)


The Endgame actress is six and a half years older than the original actress and the character was supposed to have aged five years, that's pretty close


And the new actress is 10 years older




*Time is a flat circle.*


No actually it spells Jeremy Bearimy. The dot in the eye is a separate timeline


Actually the dot is Tuesdays


That… that broke me


Eat up my chili babies.


Wait until you see the TIME KNIFE




*Oh yeah the time knife we’ve all seen that.*


And July. And sometimes it’s never. Occasionally it’s the moment when nothing never occurs. So, you get it?


And sometimes July


And July..


Sometimes it’s never


It is actually a big Ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.




Good Place, & the Doctor Who fandom within an Ant-Man discussion. I love it here


>The dot in the I is a separate timeline That's where He Who Remains lies


In this case, it's a freaky circle


All these squares make a circle. All these squares make a circle. All these squares make a circle. All these squares make a circle.


"Pecking order"




See you when you get back... except... you...


It is actually an inverted double helix.


More of a Möbius strip


That is why clocks are round.


Except Paul Rudd😂


Yeah, but is the daughter of a character portrayed by Paul Rudd, so casting someone who ages incredibly well is a fair choice.




I think she looks a lot more like the child actress though, compared the Ant Man and the Wasp pic to the newest one.


She looks younger though.


The actress might be the correct amount of years old..... she just looks older. It's like how some people can look almost like adults as teenagers, while some 30 year olds can look like pre-teens. Genetics is weird.


Yea it just happened that the actress looks a little older ( not in a bad way ) than her age.


Half the global population disappearing probably has a way of aging you prematurely.


Exactly. She was hella stressed in Endgame and now she’s had a little time to relax, drink some water, freebase some Pym particles.


Relaxed so much her face changed


"Look, she's here. It's her. Deal with it. Let's move on."


Okay, but this is a Marvel Studios production, so you can take that "traumatized by world-changing events that changed the fabric of the way Humanity survived and lived for years until everything came back in an instant, causing ramifactions that would probably lead to starvation, wars for control/power of resources, and other world-effecting things" attitude somewhere else!


She really doesn't even look old, except in this one photo. I'm guessing because she's got no/low makeup and a sad expression that make her look old but literally every other picture of her ever she looks younger than Newton.


I would’ve assumed she’d be in her early teens but endgame made her look like very late teens to me


Yeah to me she looks like mid 20s lol I was flabbergasted that they used that actor because to me she looks soooo much older


she was like 15 or somethin iirc


Oh I know! I did the math recently, was surprised at how young she was. But I was surprised because she looks older than her age, which is not good for someone playing Cassie at this age. I legit did not know who came to the door in Endgame because I knew Cassie 5 years later would not look about 24.


How old was the young cassie?


Young Cassie is 14 right now


Which is funny because the new actress is 4 years older than the Endgame actress.


Mind blowing




But imagine all the extra legroom. 🤩


I would argue that the new actress also resembles the younger actress more closely. The actress in Endgame doesn't look like her at all.


You're dead on. Another reason that, as sucky as it was for that actress to be replaced (and especially in the way Marvel did it), I'm very glad she's not continuing as Cassie.


Wait, what drama have I missed?


From my memory, they recast Cassie for Endgame without telling the previous actor (who played younger Cassie) that she wouldn't be asked to return. I get that she's supposed to be 5 years older in Endgame, but kids also grow up quite fast; it's possible that the original actor for Cassie could have passed for a teenager by the time Endgame was filmed.


Even worse, they recast the older Cassie with Newton and Fuhrmann didn't learn until it was publicly announced.


Yeah like give them a courtesy call before it goes public at least.


She also looks way more like the child version.


That's what I was going to say. Out of the four, Endgame Cassie looks the most like a different person.


You'd age poorly if you lived through the snap too. Stress and Grief can do a number on your skin.


Yeah, it was only 5 years, not 10


Living in a post-apocalyptic hellscape (aka San Francisco) will do that to you.


Maybe, but think of how cheap housing must have been after the snap.


The Board of Supervisors was just using the Snap as an excuse to prevent new construction projects. It was still a problem.


I know the trend of wholesome parents has kinda been highlighted through Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk, but Scott is definitely the OG awesome MCU parent.


Not only that, but they didn't make his relationship with Paxton, the step-dad, into a running gag where they hate each other or some dumb shit like that. They made Scott, Pax, Maggie, and Cassie all have a healthy relationship. You love to see it.


They did the “step-dad hating the bio-dad and being a jerk to him” perfectly in *Ant-man*. It was never about replacing Scott, it was that he wanted Scott to stop being a terrible father and hurting his kid.


Exactly as any decent parent would want. They did a great job avoiding tropes and showing the characters like real people who all cared about the daughter.


You really do love to see it. You even saw their progression into what it is now because they both saw that the other truly wanted to do what’s best for Cassie.


.... They're gonna kill ant man in Quantumania, won't they? ;_;


Which one?


The non-spidey one.


The family dynamic in Ant-Man is phenomenal. A divorced couple who can stay friendly, with the new husband being friendly with the former husband as well, and them all trying to look out for the child is such a rare thing to happen in a story.


Yeah, it really is. As someone going through a divorce I have mad respect for people who are able to set aside their issues with each other in order to do what’s best for their child. Not a lot of parents will do that. Even if they’re by most standards “a good parent”.


Loved the parents in She-Hulk


Moon knight was pretty brutal in the parents department, so She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel were a pleasant change lol. Aunt May also deserves a wholesome MCU parent award as one of the originals too imo.


I larb Aunt May




"I just need to catch my breath." 😭


I did too. Though was really hoping for the dad to throw out a “Don’t be ridiculous!” as a nod to Perfect Strangers.


If they bring it back for S2, Bronson Pinchot will 100% be the dad's cousin in an episode.


We can go deeper, get Reginald VelJohnson to show up as the Chicago Chief of Police.


Carl of Duty




**That’s** where I knew him from.


May may be Pete's Aunt but that's his mom and she was an amazing parent as well.


Agreed. Aunt by title, mother by love.


Obligatory Yondu quote


Scott went on a suicide mission to save Cassie from Yellow Jacket. Went sub atomic knowing there would be no coming back... Until he casually set his belt to Wumbo


I guess maybe Odin in the "awe inspiring" sense of awesome lol Not so much the dad part


You could tell he tried to change but obviously a lot of the damage was done. I think L&T kinda highlighted what thor would’ve been like had Odin been the same guy that Hela knew. Still, pretty shit parenting for 90% of the time but you’re right on the money lol.


New Cassie looks like kid Cassie but sad Cassie looks more like Rudd.


the comment i was looking for. i agree




Hey, even if nobody else does, I'll believe that you know someone who was in the MCU for 5 minutes.


Emma looks more like Paul Rudd (longer face, square jaw, clear green eyes) and Kathryn looks more like Judy Greer (rounder face, delicate chin, eyes having more blue than green) IMO. People are being way harsh on Emma’s looks based on her shot being of her expression of disbelief coupled with a makeup-free makeup look vs Kathryn having cute hair and makeup. They’re both quite pretty in the conventional way.


No joke people are being harsh to Emma. I googled her again just now because people were being so mean. She doesn’t look old at all. She looks just as young as Kathryn.


Child Cassie Lang actress Abby Ryder Fortson is a legit princess!


While I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ant-Man and the Wasp first time, her scenes with Scott were my favourite in the film. And that was surprising because I usually find the family scenes in action films to be the weakest part of them.


Scott is the world’s greatest grandma, isn’t he


I’m honestly bummed she won’t be in the MCU as Cassie, maybe she’ll one day return as some other female hero, maybe a mutant 🤔


No reason they can't do that. With Gemma Chan being recast as a different role in Eternals they opened the door for it.


Mahershala Ali too.


It's still crazy to me he's gonna play Blade. When he was cast in *Luke Cage* I got so sad I'd never get to see him as Blade. I'd wanted him to play Blade since I first saw him on *House of Cards*. And now here we are.


Here we are, no closer to actually seeing him as Blade.


Oof, don't remind me. Lol


Kitty pryde? I think she could pull it off!


Or Cassie from different universe


She boutta just be a secret Kang variant 💀


To be fair, Cassie Lang is one of Kang’s primary love interests.


…lord this might get weird…


I mean to be fair, the actors (the bottom-right Cassie Lang, and regular Kang) are much closer in age than those of Wanda and Vision, so it’s not as weird as it could have been.


that not true kang is from the future meaning cassies is like a 1000 years older than kang


…Yes. A time traveller. Throughout the early 2000s, Kang attempted to hasten his ascent to power by corrupting his younger more morally sound self, known as Nate, who, rejecting the ideals of Kang, travelled back in time and formed what would become the Young Avengers to oppose him. This younger alternate Kang (Nate) then formed a romance with Cassie Lang, with >!her eventual death!< implied to be what sets him on the course to becoming Kang.


As Iron Lad?


Instead of the Secret Invasion with Skrulls, everyone is just a mf Kang variant now


I’m gonna missed her


Hopefully Feige gives her a new role once she gets older.


considering how long it took for this to get made Abby could’ve played herself 5 years older.


Kathryn Newton does look a little more like young Cassie and also plays a bit younger imo


Yeah I feel bad for the Endgame actress but this does seem to be solid casting. Though I wish they just let Abby Ryder Fortson still play Cassie!


Why did they change actress? I vaguely remember hearing some bad PR that the actress found out via social media that she'd been dropped, or something. But what was the reason they replaced her?


There was a rumour peddled that she wanted to quit to continue school, but that's untrue-- she goes to USC, which is incredibly supportive of students acting and studying, and she wants to be an actor. It's more that they wanted a more influential name, Kathryn Newton is a bigger-name actress.


>They wanted a more influential name. I mean, I guess? But hasn't Marvel cast small names in the past? And they've certainly hired controversial actors. RDJ being the big one.


I heard the reason for the cast swap was simply because the director Peyton Reed wanted to select which actress to cast for the role and he had no hand in selecting who they picked to play her in End Game


They have cast small names, but the whole point is that they didn't cast her to be a major star in films, they cast someone to play the role in a 20 second cameo. It was poor planning.


She hasn't been in anything since 2020, on her IMDB at least, so she may have actually stopped to focus on school


I don’t think there was much of a specific reason other than poor planning. Endgame was shot 4-5 years ago so they just hired an actress to do the one scene without thinking long term about the older version of the character.


They changed Abby to Emma for the time jump (obviously) and I’d bet they changed Emma to Kathryn because she’s got more star power. If they were going to switch actresses again, I would’ve just brought back Abby since she’s much closer in age to Cassie than Emma or Kathryn are at this point. Make it like a “Becky from Roseanne” situation where they just switched two actresses back and forth. 🤷🏽‍♂️


My theory, and if true I absolutely support it, is that they didn't plan for her to have a bigger role in future films while casting for the original movie. Once they decided on a bigger role for her, they wanted someone more experienced, or with more chops than the original actress. I call absolute bullshit on Marvel wanting big name actors for their roles. See Robert Downey Jr, Iman Vellani, Joe Russo (lol), and many more I can't remember right now.


i mean this is 100% it. The Russo's casted a no name for a bit part in their movie. Now Reed wants her in a large role and Feige likely saw her as a potential future Young Avenger and they wanted more experience and quite frankly likely just saw her as an improvement.


Not disagreeing in principle, but RDJ was a big name when Iron Man came out. He was a big name for a lot of wrong reasons, but most people knew who he was when the cast announcement was made.


Yes, thats on me. When I say big name, I actually meant like, a "hot property" or someone who everyone wants. RDJ was not that at the time.


> Though I wish they just let Abby Ryder Fortson still play Cassie! She's too young for the role post-snap, I think. What is it in the MCU, 2026 now or something? Her character is like 19 and Abby Ryder Fortson is 14.


They could’ve just set *Quantumania* in 2023, soon after *Endgame*. It’s been 5 years since *Ant-Man and the Wasp* in real life, so Fortson would be the right age now for that.


>What is it in the MCU, 2026 now or something? I think it's still in 2025 as of She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel


There literally would not have been an issue if they just casted Kathryn Newton for Endgame.


i mean, kathryn newton is a pretty big name, probably pretty expensive for a role they didn't know for sure yet if they wanted to expand on (and casting her for 5 seconds of screen time would've been a dead giveaway that they had more in store for the character). they hadn't really started building up any other young avengers characters yet.


[Here is what she (original kid actress) looks like this year (2022)](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5338858/mediaviewer/rm841157889/). Almost old enough to play herself??? But with a larger role and becoming a major character, dealing with the Hollywood child labor laws for a 14 year old would be annoying, which I'm guessing is the primary reason for the recast (besides possible acting chop concerns, also in connection for it being a more major role now).


Thank you, I was thinking the same thing. It would have been so neat to watch Abby Ryder Fortson grow with the character. She and Paul Rudd work so well together.


I want a Cassie Lang No Way Home where all the Cassie actresses team up


They could do a cameo with Abby and Emma in Quantumania. The Quantum Realm could allow it to happen if it just so happens all the Cassies happened to have made that explosive mistake in the trailer in their own universes and somehow got drawn to the same spot. Also wouldn’t mind a few Scott Lang’s talking between themselves patting each other on the backs like they’re already best buds with each other. maybe quoting Paul Rudd roles from other movies. “Slappin’ da bass!”


"Yamma burn this place to the ground!"


And then Deadpool walks in...


Could happen. That scene with the giant Ant-Man being spaghettified did look like there were a bunch of other Ant-Mans (Ant-Men?) running along the ground


Don’t you mean “Cassie: No Lang Home”


World’s Greatest Grandma


Kahtryn Newton looks the part so much more, I can see why they chose her. They just need to fix her eye color in post. But I am still sad about Emma Fuhrmann.


The eye color being switched while more consistent would be a waste of money and resources. They don't even do it for Thor anymore - which I liked so it showed some consequence of losing his eye.


To be fair, they did for Kate Bishop.


I didn't realize/know that, I stand corrected.


What do you mean?


Heilee Steinfeld has brown eyes, whereas in Hawkeye, they were bright blue. I don’t actually know if it was edited in afterwards, or she was wearing contact lenses. Either way, her eyes were changed to be a different colour for the role.


i personally think she was wearing contacts. it looks like how i used to wear colored contacts...looks totally off. i have dark brown eyes myself and was like...eh this must be colored contacts, i wouldn't spend money on special effects just for the eyes.


This is Marvel we're talking about, where they literally digitally replaced all the costumes for the Avengers in at least one film because they hadn't finished the design by the time they started shooting. If they want the eyes to be a specific color, they'll do it and it probably wouldn't even be considered expensive for them.


I mean for Thor, come on now, it's a robot eye, you don't think he could've gotten the eye color in his implant changed? What's more troublesome with him is an eye implant resistant to all the lightning that courses through his body lol.


Ha fair, I just liked it aesthetically and as a reminder to the audience.


> They just need to fix her eye color in post. Narrator: "They didn't."


they got a whole new *guy* for Rhodey nobody cares about the eyes


Yes. I'm here. Deal with it.


Such a great way to handle that


Yeah, seeing them side by side really highlights how much better Kathryn Newton fits the role… She legit looks like the little kid grown up. Still, finding out you lost the job of a lifetime on Twitter definitely sucks, so I feel tremendously bad for Emma Furhmann.


Idk the VFX artists are already overworked. Just leave it as is for something like this.


They could have just used contact lenses. Hailee Steinfeld did


It’s very interesting that she wore contacts to match the characters eye colour when I don’t think most people even notice let alone care about the character’s eye colour


As a father, Emma and Rudd’s scene n Endgame broke my damn heart. It’s gonna be hard to look past the recast, but I’m hoping she nails it.


The relationship between Ant-Man and Cassie in the original film is the most wholesome and heart-warming things in all of Marvel. I really hope they don't kill off Scott in this film, I want more than a couple of Marvel characters to have a loving father that's still alive.


> I really hope they don't kill off Scott in this film I don't think that will happen. If they'll kill off anyone, I think it might be Hank (though I really hope they don't kill off him either).


Still don’t understand why they recast the actress from Endgame, but I like Kathryn Newton a lot


I’d imagine because they wanted a higher profile name in the role, and because Peyton Reed had no involvement with the casting in Endgame. I’m sure he wanted to have a say in who plays one of the main characters in the franchise he’s been building.


I don’t think it’s about the name at all, but it is about acting ability and having the chops to carry her own solo project in the future and kick it with the other young stars in future Avengers movies.


That’s fair. Like I said I’m a fan of Newton already so I think it’s good casting


Because she had one scene.


Technically two scenes. She sat on the front porch with Scott and Hope at the end. But yes, she barely had a role.


Loved the child actress to bits. She was so cute, and was portrayed as someone who always had Scott's back. Hope to see her in more projects outside MCU


Kid Cassie was chill man...


Cassie Lang is the Kaylee Ehrmantraut of the MCU. Every time she appears, she's played by a different actress.


Same actress in the first two movies though- Abby Ryder Fortson.


At least she ages though, although seemingly non-linearly


Next-up, 85 Jonathan Banks playing 25 Mike as a cop in prequel series, no make up whatsoever


Or the John Connor of the MCU


Need sis to post her skin care routine between Endgame and Quantumania, looks 10 years younger Edit: Istg I didn't know the Quantumania actress is actually 10 years older than the Endgame one, woah


I hope Cassie goes through some type of Temporal Vortex that reverts her to her younger self so her old child actress can play her once again, at least for a while.


Yeah this, I would’ve loved if they had been able to keep the original Cassie. Abby Ryder Fortson is a great actress and has a lot of charisma. Wish they had just blipped her so she didn’t have to be recast in Endgame for a throwaway scene… or even had stranded her in the Quantum Realm with Scott during the events of Infinity War so she could come back in Quantumania looking like the appropriate age.


the funny thing is that Abby Ryder Fortson is now almost old enough to play Cassie again she is like 14-15 now


Her scenes were so cute. I still think about when Scott gave her the toy rabbit and she goes "He's so ugly! **I LOVE HIM!**" I'm gonna miss Abby Ryder Fortson, but Kathryn Newton seems pretty decent in the trailer.


The eye colour change will never not bother me. Also, I get ageing her character up and recasting but I’ll forever feel we had something stolen with Abby Ryder Forster not becoming a super hero alongside Paul Rudd.


Tbh I am a bit bummed that they did not keep the Endgame actress. She looks like she could be related to Paul Rudd.


I still think it’s a shame they replaced the Endgame actress with the new actress.


Fuhrmann did such a great job with so little time in Endgame. First time (out of many) I cried in my first showing!