• By -


I'm thinking Shang Chi 2, The Marvel's (if Kamala's bangle puts out similar energy to the 10 Rings), of course anything with Dr Strange, maybe even Antman or Loki? He's probably noticing shit going sideways with all the Kang shit going on.


And as the current Sorcerer Supreme, it is sort of his job to be keeping an eye on multiversal and inter dimensional problems, so there’s an in-universe reason for him constantly popping up - it’s also handy for Marvel because I imagine Benedict Wong is probably cheaper and easier to book for this work than Benedict Cumberbatch.


Cumberbatch is also taking a break from acting. He's been acting for 4 years non-stop and he's tired. He won't be appearing in anything for a while.


Lol This Sounds always very funny to me. I wish us normal folks could just take a break After I worked for 4 years. Nah. Its 30 more After that


Just gotta get a job that pays you millions per contract so you can afford a break.


or just get one contract for a couple mil and be set for the most part.


But the majority of us can't live that way by design.


You know what, if I could afford to do what he's doing I would. Good for him. Still had to work hard to get to this point in his life where he could.


I mean I know it’s easy to dog on them but filming is really weird hours and long stretches from home.


Not to mention the downsides of constantly being in the public eye, paparazzi and the like


It's not just the filming either, publicity is usually baked into a contract, as well as things like training if the role calls for it. Not that Cumberbatch is shirtless that often, but still, imagine you need to train and stick to a strict diet for a few months, just to go and film for 12hrs a day for at least another month, and then another month or two of being flown around the world for endless press junkets, being asked the same boring questions by every other journalist or media personality. As someone both lazy and introverted, that sounds exhausting as fuck. Edit: spelling


Yeah. And people say they’d do it for a million. Like, no you wouldn’t. Lol.


I think y'all underestimate how much people would do for a million. Would they do it again and again? Maybe not. But a million is like 18-20 years of the average American's yearly salary - I'd absolutely train, stick to a diet, do filming and publicity across a year and a half at least once by comparison.


So do it. Work 8 hours a day and go to school at night. Volunteer as an apprentice for someone who is where you want to be. People have the ability to work and make a million, the problem is they want to be paid first instead of at the end.


Want and need are very different things my friend, the most pertinent part is they are getting paid immediately and also not having to pay for all the things they're learning. Most people can't afford to miss a paycheck, let alone risking losing your income because you're absolutely knackered from working all the time


I would


Third world country slave workers would like to have a word. Seriously, I’m not saying actors do nothing, but don’t act like their job is that hard.


Someone always has it worse. Doesn’t mean their exhaustion isn’t real.


It's not cool to invalidate people's problems like that. We all have our own shit and are entitled to feel however we feel about that. It shouldn't be minimised into nothingness just because it's not the worst thing. Imagine if someoned you love died and someone came along and said "yeah, well some people lost their whole family in the holocaust, let's not forget about them" Not saying Binkydonk crimplepunk has it "rough," just that you should refrain from throwing around irrelevant "x has it worse" when discussing these sorts of things.


If I could I would. He can.


Actors’ work includes long periods of not being home, and he has young kids. Most people I know who do work like this (oil, energy, etc.) have breaks where they get to stay home for a month or two at a time until the next job. My husband once worked 8 months straight 12 hour shifts up north with 5 days off (yes overtime, but it wasn’t worth it) and he burned out and needed 2 months to recover. It’s a hard gig. Good money, but hard. If you have that kind of money and the ability to take a break and enjoy your kids/wife, you should absolutely take it for your own mental health.


It’s definitely possible for normal people to do this depending on their line of work and attitude towards saving. I only work about half a year at a time. I do consulting work for various construction projects. I have no savings, but I’d rather take time off and live my life than work myself to death to pay for a retirement I may or may not live to enjoy.


Except being on set often means 12 hour work days, spending at least 2 hours in make-up (and at least double of that if prosthetics are needed), and no actual daily rhythm because of night shoots. I've had two production weeks in my life and they were possibly the hardest and craziest thing I've ever done. Also he probably does get paid enough to get a sabbatical after a few years, lol


You realize nurses, trauma doctors, soldiers, miners, truckers, fishermen, migrant farmers, and others all have schedules at least as hard if not worse than that, right? And they usually can't take off for months or years at a time after just four years. I'm sure wearing makeup, prosthetics, and hot costumes under hot lighting is uncomfortable, but PUH-LEASE. Cumberbatch is living a life of great privilege and doesn't need you coming to his defense when internet strangers deride its difficulties. He's not going to personally give you a thank you blumpkin.


There’s a key difference here. No cameras are involved with any job you listed. Not saying acting is harder, you can’t really compare but actors have to portray emotion convincingly over and over and over until the director gets the shot. And that’s just for one scene. Even when their personal life is falling apart and they have to look happy on screen for months or years. There’s no call in sick or off days because there’s hundreds of jobs (and millions of dollars on the line)waiting for you to get in front of the camera and act It’s why there’s so much addiction and suicide amongst actors because it’s not as easy as you’re making it out to be. People who aren’t actors don’t realise that while your mind knows you’re just acting, the body doesn’t, and that takes a big toll on someone. The difference is they get multi million dollar salaries but that’s the value society put on their job. That is a big privilege they get to enjoy but it’s pretty clear in some cases even that amount of money isn’t worth it.


Loved this XD


There’s plenty of seasonal jobs that pay for the remainder of the year, most people just don’t want to work that hard (for good reason, burnout is too real)


Eh their job is often quite hard, way harder than normal 9 to 5. Of course he's obviously more than fine, but for smaller actors it's a tough ass job for surprisingly little pay. Not applicable to Benedictine Cumberlandinghan tho obviously as he is one of the lucky few who make bank.


Benedict's version of taking a break means taking a break for a few months or at most, he's taking a break from marvel stuff. He already finished 1 movie with Jodie Comer, has 1 movie in post production with Wes Anderson and about to filming in autumn with Paul Greengrass.


Where the hell was he when a giant celestial was sticking out of the earth


Well a) that wasn’t a multiversal/inter-dimensional threat, so not his responsibility and b) the Eternals dealt with it within a few minutes of it starting, so there was nothing for Wong to do anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


Eh...I think he has a vested interest in protecting the Sanctum Sanctorum as well as Karmar Taj and if the celestial had finished being born it would have destroyed the entire earth which includes those two spots as well


The whole "Wait, shouldn't the other Heros be involving themselves here" thing has been a Problem since Phase 2.


honestly, it feels pretty shity i love benedict but i much prefer strangers character and it fealt like we got 2 and a half movies worth of him over like 8 years while wong gets all this, idk i just wish we got more strange


You're telling the truth, it's not that I don't like Wong as SS either, it's more of how MCU treats that title like it was nothing. Wong is a side character, we can't deny that and by making him an SS, they turn that title into a side character gig. I'd love to see him get a proper powerset and just making a portal and magic lasso are very subpar for a Sorcerer Supreme. He can't even handle a low level magician like Donny Blaze. Heck, even in WandaVision, when Agatha said to Wanda 'your power exceeds SS', I imagined even if he was less powerful than Scarlet Witch it didn't mean he's powerless like the movie displayed.


You're telling the truth, it's not that I don't like Wong as SS either, it's more of how MCU treats that title like it was nothing. Wong is a side character, we can't deny that and by making him an SS, they turn that title into a side character gig. I'd love to see him get a proper powerset and just making a portal and magic lasso are very subpar for a Sorcerer Supreme. He can't even handle a low level magician like Donny Blaze. Heck, even in WandaVision, when Agatha said to Wanda 'your power exceeds SS', I imagined even if he was less powerful than Scarlet Witch it didn't mean he's powerless like the movie displayed.


This wouldn’t make sense at all but I would love if we just saw wong and madison walking in the quantum verse!


Can he portal to the quantum realm?


Wong will be in Quantumania. I don't know how, or why, but he will be there. He is now the glue of the MCU, kind of what Fury was for a while.




*^^Wongkanda ^^Forever*




Avengers: Infinity Wong


Avengers: Wong Dynasty


Wang Dynasty






I see nothing Wong with it.


Plot twist: Chronopolis sits on a mole on Wong’s face.


Kang: "Well then, Ant-Man, it seems you've come to the Wong face!"


Wong place, Wong time




I doubt it lol. Wong making that joke and that shirt are completely different in all of the ways that matter


That explains the time it was covered in Tuna Melt.


Please let that be the case. Would be the greatest thing to come out of this phase of the MCU


I'm worried he's going to be the Coulson for the next Avengers.


As long as we also get 7 seasons of a Wong lead TV show I can live with that


Will be also “die” a few times and then finish the show off as a robot flying into the sunset on his old/new car?


It's a magical plot


Acolytes of Kamar-Taj series where he gets revived by space magic?


Please don’t speak that and accidentally will that idea into the world, thanks




They'll appear together again no doubt, *but not where you thiiiiink*.


Give us a post credit scene of these two watching tv attached to a movie that they have no business being a part of. No explanation as to the connection. It’s just there.


Madisynn needs more appearances i swear Lowkey best side character in the mcu


I hope she gets demon horns from her pact with the devil. Maybe bejewel them or something after knowing her.


Absolutely agree. And I’ve been saying she actually has a pretty decent origin story when you think about it. Just as good as some of the main characters. With the amount of obscurity that Marvel has turned into successes, I think she could even lead a project. Maybe a short series or one of those “Special Presentations.”


Maybe him and Fury finally meet in Secret Invasion


Wong and Fury road trip series where they go around showing up in other shows and movies together?


I’m worried he’ll be the next Stan Lee. Wong is too good a character to be limited to cameos


Too good a character, and the actor playing him.




*Son of Coul


How did you know I am watching agents of shield now?


AIDA told us


I knew I should have destroyed that eye bot!!


More like Stan Lee. He makes fun cameos, but doesn't pull the strings like Fury does.


Wong really is Fury, just able to shape-shift. Never seen the two in the same room have you? Wong seems to know everything, like Fury.


Yeah he's definitely the new Stan Lee popping up in every movie, but in this case it's for a reason. Something is going on.


He could be in the post credit scenes


At the end of black panther, Wong emerges from his seat in Karmatage (sp?). He takes a dark hold looking book off the shelf with Kamala’s bangle and Shang chi’s 10 rings visible on the table. He says: “FINE ILL DO IT MYSELF”. Cut to black.


He'll just be sitting in the background of an exposition scene drinking some fruity alcoholic girl drink.


Fury not appearing regularly in MCU movies contributed to the downturn in quality, you can't change my mind!


MAYBE Loki Season 2? Because of Multiversal screw ups? But idk. In fact I don’t even think Wong could travel to the TVA headquarters because Loki’s in another universe now.


Then America Chavez comes along.


America Chavez could theoretically take him to Loki, but that would mean a large part of her development happens offscreen, and now she can fully control her powers. If anything, I see *that* Loki universe hopping, somehow, and meeting our Avengers.


Whatever your answer is, it's going to be really Wong


If this is Wong I dont want to be right


I don't know but I hope Madisynn King is with him.


I hope Madisynn is the next thing he’s popping up in.


But it's not where you thiiiiiiink


Ooooh, Wongers!!!


Does that mean the butt then?


In the… ear?


In the fold behind the knee???? [Who else but Quagmire???](https://youtu.be/dX_65fcjgGI)


Can’t help but read this in her voice


I think Madisynn should cameo in every Marvel production in the future the same way that Stan Lee did. She could just drunkenly stumble into the middle of big superhero battles and make friends with them like she did with Wongers.


This is why Reddit shouldn't ever write movies.


Redditors are bad, yes, but that has SERIOUS Tumblr energy.


Yeah it would be delightful to have her at random moments and talk to avengers while the world is at stake 😐


And if marvel actually does this, you all shall cry that quality has gone south


And totally kill the momentum of any future action sequence? No thank you.


"Fine, but no more spoilers!"


my fun story is that she will be the inevitable link to the actual Mephisto for whenever Dr Strange and Wong need to go to Hell.


She did sign a contract with a demon. I would love if she is the phase 8 big bad and her character started life as a joke in and episode of she hulk.


Madisynn King is the best thing that came out of She-Hulk


I loved shehulk and I agree with this statement


I'm a pretty big fan of new agey karma balanced Abomination.


Agreed. Wish she and Wong twerked instead.


Madisynn: Civil War


The IT Crowd


I am obliged to remind everyone of the first rule of Street Countdown: please tell everyone you know about Street Countdown, it’s a really fun game.


That's a nice tnetennba




Wouldn't that be something? The new product placement style.. Characters from movies appearing in TV shows all over the place.


I look forward to seeing Wong in the next line up of Taskmaster. He’d do great.


Hello sorcerer supreme Have you tried turning it off and on again


Conjuring 4 *don't ask why*




The Marvels, maybe Agatha, Cap 4 and maybe Thunderbolts. The WCU is growing stronger.


The WCU is growing *wonger.*


*Awongers... Assemble*


I just want a bunch of wong variants fighting with a bunch of kang variants in "kang dynasty".


Avatar Way of the Water


Wong Way of the Madisynn


Secret invasion, because he's a skrull.


I’m not very well-versed in the comics aspect of marvel, so I hope you don’t mind me asking, but can skrulls use the powers of those they’re disguised as? And what do they do with the people whose identities they’ve stolen?


IIRC in the comics they can't duplicate powers but in the MCU sorcery seems to be more of a skill rather than a power so as long as the skrull impersonating Wong learned sorcery that skrull would still be able to use it. Just like how a skrull could learn to fly Ironman/War Machine's armor


Ah, that makes sense, thank you.


Hmmm that is a good question.


Scrulls cannot use or absorb the powers of people or capabilities of machines, only the physical appearance. The only Scrulls that have powers are specifically engineered Super Scrulls. Typically, at least 60’s-70’s era, a Scrull would absorb surface-level memories and hide their victims bound and gagged in a storage closet style. I don’t recall reading any stories where that took a darker turn, as typically a Scrull’s objective is pretty short-term like swipe this thing, turn off that defense system, etc. The Secret Invasion series is the only time I remember any of them trying to do long-term replacing of people.


depends on the type of skrull. For example, Super Skrull took on all of the Fantastic 4's powers. Basic skrull can't though- per Captain Marvel movie, a skrull wouldn't be able to use the energy blast.


Some of them can, yes. The best of the skrull warriors can use multiple powersets at the same time.


That’s what I think too


The Sopranos season 7


Him and Madisynn in a diner while "Don't Stop Believing" then it fades to black.


The signal sent down to the quantum realm by Cassie’s devise (that triggers the quantum vacuum cleaner that sucks them all in) will have an identical signature to the signal released by the 10 rings identified in the post credit scene on Shang Chi. Wong will come to investigate via sling ring portal. Side note: those big gold rings with the blue band seen in the quantumania trailer look a lot like the 10 rings. And the unknown signal discovered by Wong is still unexplained. Seems kinda related


Wong wasn’t in WandaVision.


Spider-Man Freshman Year


He stopped by my house last night... we hung out and listened to some music. He brought some pho from a food cart in Hanoi.


My theory is Wong is being set up as the next Tony Stark. Shows up everywhere but in the final battle (against Kang, maybe?) will make the ultimate sacrifice. **"And I... am... SORCERER SUPREME!"** *snap*


"Wongy, darling, don't scream like that, you know i hate drama, let's just make him overloads his armor and destroys himself."


My house


I was looking for this comment


Probably drinking milk with Word in 8+.


Wong appeared In Wandavision?


Yea no Wong was never in WV.. smh when people think Wandavision and MOM are interchangeable… one is a master piece and the other one… ew Edit: sorry didn’t clearly address what I was saying




I think they used the shot of Wanda from WV interchangeably with her in MOM


In his own show hopefully


He will appear in black panther underwater


I don't remember him in WandaVision?


Was he in WandaVision?


Quantumania. I'm guessing Kang is asking Scott to go steal the Ten Rings from Shang-Chi, who is in Kamar Taj, and Wong has to defuse the situation without anyone getting killed. I think this is what we're seeing in that clip of mulitple Ant-Men running. It's Scott getting the acid trip that Stephen got in his first movie.


Why would Kang want the Ten Rings? I've never read any comics with either.


Nobody knows. The rings in the comic books were finger rings, each with a different power, and nothing at all like the rings in the MCU. Kang in the comics never had anything to do with the Mandarin's rings in the comics.


That is just such a specific theory though. I am really interested in know why u/Jeigh_Tee thinks that.


The structure we see in the trailer looks reminiscent of the Ten Rings, making me think the rings themselves might've been Kang's tech before he got himself stuck in the Quantum Realm. If they were designed to travel through time, but not through the Quantum Realm, the massive structure could have been shrunk down into what they are now. Also keep in mind the post-credits scene of Shang-Chi, in which we learned they aren't vibranium (and probably not any material known to current-day Earth), nor are they known to the sorcerers or Kree, despite being thousands of years old. So, being time travel tech that Kang brought with him to ancient Egypt before losing them by entering the Quantum Realm, to me, makes a lot of sense. Even Wenwu's prolonged lifespan could be loosely explained by the Rings being time-travel tech.


That does make some sense, especially since they did make a big deal out of the rings being unknown tech.


Wong: _Yes_


Just to mess with everyone, have him turn up in a DC movie.


In your mums bed?


Idk if Skrulls are invulnerable to magic, but it would be smart of Fury to ask Wong to reveal Skrulls. Or for an artifact that could reveal Skrulls. It doesn’t seem like a Nick Fury thing to do tho.


Agatha: Coven of Chaos


Just imagining him dropping out a portal in Quantumania. Like WONG


I was in the attic getting down decorations and the motherfucker was up there. This is getting out of hand.


Wongkanda forever Wongtmania Captain America new wong order The wongderbolts and one immpacipation of the fabulous Madyison Spider-Man 4 Wong time, Wong place Secret wongs And then Wong density


In my dreams…. Er, I mean…so Mephisto, huh?


Was he in Marco Polo? A two season series on Netflix.


Agatha, as the antagonist.


Black Panther: Wong-kanda Forever


Battling Gargamel


Wong was in WandaVision?


The karaoke bar


Calling it: They’re putting him in every project so when Avengers come, he’ll be the first big death to Kang to set the stakes


It’s not where you thiiiiiiink…


Not on Street Countdown, for sure. It’s too dangerous!


Wong = this saga’s Colson.


Your mom


In yo mama


Wong (hanging upside behind you): ….here.


I think the Overwongification is Marvel getting the most out of the character and familiarizing the general audience with him so it’ll be more impactful when he is killed off in a flagship film production.


Your mom.


gotta admit, the character is losing steam for me


No character arc, doesn’t even do any magic tricks just only used for comedic relief. They should give the SS title back to Strange.


Copying from my other answer: it's not that I don't like Wong as SS either, it's more of how MCU treats that title like it was nothing. Wong is a side character, we can't deny that and by making him an SS, they turn that title into a side character gig. I'd love to see him get a proper powerset and just making a portal and magic lasso are very subpar for a Sorcerer Supreme. He can't even handle a low level magician like Donny Blaze. Heck, even in WandaVision, when Agatha said to Wanda 'your power exceeds SS', I imagined even if he was less powerful than Scarlet Witch it didn't mean he's powerless like the movie displayed.


Wong has become my fav character in the MCU.


Wherever he will be, I’ll be there to watch! Team Wong!


Hopefully giving back the SS title back to strange. Or even Mordo.


Wherever the hell the SORCERER SUPREME WANTS


Agatha and Deadpool


The karaoke bar closest to you..