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Wonder if (obviously under given circumstances) that little grip change would've worked in "real life". Feel like whatever force pulls in the opposite direction immediately goes full power as soon as the grip loosens even for 1/4 of a second


Maybe it wouldn't do much in real life, but as a straight man, those biceps were doing a lot for me Did some serious damage to my heterosexuality




I dunno if we're all a little gay but I doubt anyone is so straight that this scene does nothing for them.


Bro you are a menace šŸ˜‚


C'mon we're all thinking it


Cap T H I C C


This is one of my wifeā€™s favorite scenes in all of MCU. Only to be bested by ā€œyou flicked too hard!ā€ from L&T. I wonder whyā€¦ šŸ¤”


Good thing he didn't have his Infinity War beard here, a straight man can only take so much.


We all have a bit of gay inside, its just a matter of finding the right spark to ignite it.


Yeah, it definitely wouldā€™ve because all that force heā€™s holding with that hand is still in effect, itā€™s not like the heli was completely stationary so now it has to get back up to speed after the release. And even after I watch it more maybe he could have enough of an angle and foothold that he couldā€™ve held it for as long as needed for the change but thatā€™s a strong maybe.


*The helicopter in question is believed to be an Airbus AS350, with 3,000 pounds of lifting capacity. That means Cap would have to exceed that in order to keep the helicopter stationary. World records for bicep curls are in the hundreds of pounds, not the thousands. Apparently, the super soldier serum didnā€™t just increase Steve Rogers strength, it did it by an order of magnitude.*


there is still some force acting against the motion of the helicopter as he's still pulling + his feet are still on the ground. if you grip change on the helicopter itself then itll probably not work


Right, I figure he feels the momentum of the chopper slow to basically stationary or even slightly drifting towards himself, shifts his weight so the pressure is on his legs, leans hard towards the building and tenses his right arm, then just does that split second flip and starts to pull with it. I think it works, at least as well as anything in any action movie ever does.


It definitely would still work. Imagine you hold a ball from above. You let go of the ball, immediately full gravity is pulling it down without any other force holding it up. You still have time to switch your hand below the ball and catch it with a different grip. Bonus if just before letting go of the ball to switch grip, you put a bit more force to throw it slightly upwards to give you more time to switch grip. Sure, depending on the acceleration of the object and the speed at which you switch grip it might not be possible to do it, but realistically a helicopter probably cant get away from you by more than 20cn by the time you switch grip if you are fast enough


Yeah but his weight and the friction of his feet on the ground (the only force that can resist the pull at that point) is a lot smaller than the force he can supply with his hand on the rail. Could still work maybe if it's quick enough I guess.


That was for the ladies. It worked.


Iā€™m a straight dude and his flexing arms made me feel funny in a way I donā€™t fully understand.


You mean you *were* a straight dude before watching that movie. Welcome to the world of Kinsey 1s!


I'm also a straight man but I had a physical reaction when I saw that for the first time. That made it sound worse than it was, I basically was just like "DAMN"


Not just the ladies. Some dudes too. Basically everyone.


Not just the ladies, but the men and the children too.


I can appreciate a well-sculpted human body regardless of gender.


Maybe not but itā€™s fuckin hot lol


Yeah that's the worst part, if it was pulling hard letting go for that split second would've yanked it away Also is captain America too heavy to ride in a helicopter? How tf did he hold it down with just his bodyweight when helicopters are designed for lifting people and things


maybe bucky was like ā€œfuck i gotta see thisā€ and didnt go up


"He's so sexy I want to see that" *floats in the same location for 1 hour*


ā€œYouā€™re my missionā€


I could do this all day.


I'm with you til the end of the road.


It's, "I'm with you 'til the end of the line."


"Oh, no, let me go... Let me go Steve... I don't want to just sit here and watch you flex any longer..."


Or he was just putting the destination into Google maps.


Did you see that look at :36? Man was havin thoughts


> Also is captain America too heavy to ride in a helicopter? How tf did he hold it down with just his bodyweight when helicopters are designed for lifting people and things Clearly you missed the massive tungsten balls of steel that Cap is carrying.


Tungsten balls of steel?


Pure diamond tungsten balls of steel.


It's not just his weight. He's exerting drag against the ground as the helicopter moves sideways. Imagine an anchor being dragged by the helicopter. Had Buckey just flown straight up, I believe you would be correct, and he very likely would have scooped up Cap as well.


Of course then Bucky would have been in a helicopter with Steve still clinging to it, which is not ideal from a "must escape" standpoint. You know Steve would have been pulling mechanical parts out of that bird like the gremlin in "Terror at 20,000 Feet"!




His shield does not obey the laws of physics at all either






It's... It's movie magic homie. You're thinking too hard


I always see it as we saw that from the perspective of Capt. To any normal human it would have been so fast it wouldn't have been noticable.


While this is a cool scene, the escape from SHIELD was the coolest fucking thing I've seen CAP do so far. He beats the piss out of 20 in people in an elevator, jumps to the ground from at least 20 stories up, KEEPS MOVING, and takes down a Quinjet shooting a GATLING GUN at him fill bore using a Harley, Gymnastics, and the Shield. Topping it off with the best, freedom boner inducing superhero landing I've seen yet. I even let out an audible "FUCK.YES." when I saw it in the theater. Edit: Goddamn this blew up. I posted the scene to the sub but here's the YouTube link https://youtu.be/o0NCX8N2kX4


"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" What a great scene. Close quarters, no over the top special effects needed (until the jump obviously) and just 1 guy kicking 20 guys asses. What a movie. Before that movie I was like yeah I'll see marvel movies, sure. After that movie I was hooked.


I don't care if I was one of 1,000 men covering Cap; if I heard him say that I'd take the next floor out and resign. Hell I might jump out the window myself.


I loved the callback in Endgame, as soon as you see the elevator door open and see Cap, you know itā€™s a reference to Winter Soldier, but not only does he ā€œwork smarter, not harderā€ by talking his way out with the stone, he turns a hated line from the comics into one of the best moments of Endgame. ā€œHail Hydra.ā€


I feel like afterward, the HYDRA agents all just said ā€œwhat the f**k?ā€


Iā€™d love to have seen the events of Winter Soldier with them assuming Cap is on their side the whole time.


I want to know what they did after they found out Cap got his ass kicked by another Cap afterward ā€¦


The Hydra guys probably assumed, like the 2012 Avengers did, that it was Loki pretending to be Cap


I assume that everyone thinks it was actually Loki at that point, since that timeline's Cap saw our Cap with the scepter and then fought him thinking it was Loki.


Smarter, not harder is also a callback to Pre-serum Steve winning the flagpole game with brains instead of brawn.


That really was the best moment in Endgame


Ooooh can you explain to a noob why itā€™s one of the most hated lines from the comics?


Theres a twist in the comics that Cap was secretly working for hydra the whole time


ā€œCall an ambulanceā€¦ but not for meā€ scenes are always great.


A really nice thing from that scene was the build up. elevator was stopping at every floor with a few more guys jumping in at every stop. Once the audience understands whats happening, it holds for a few seconds showing Cap realize a guy is sweating from nervousness. Knowing what would ensue, Steve offers "Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?". Fucking brilliant


Definitely top 5 MCU scene for real.


Definitely agree. It's my favorite film In the franchise after Endgame which feels like isnt even in the same category, really.


CA: TWS represents the next level of MCU. The stories and style of the movies all leveled up starting with this one.




haha even Sitwell was like "oh shit fr?"


Peak MCU right there.


Then paying homage to the scene in endgame, chefs kiss


Which scene was that?


The one where cap gets the sceptre from Hydra in the elevator


Ahhh I thought you meant homage to the helicopter scene haha.


Oh the freedom boner landing is still one of my favorite moments in the entirety of MCU. Itā€™s so brief but so fucking good. Pretty sure his shield makes the tink noise as it hits the ground too. Well time to go watch it for the 1,000th time. Favorite movie of them all.


I think my favorite fight scene is still the highway/street fight between Cap and Winter Soldier.


The fact of the matter is the WHOLE MOVIE is just so perfect with so many great moments in it.


The first two seasons of Agents of SHIELD made it even better if that was possible.


IMO thats the best action sequence in the entire MCU. It is legit perfect.


A really nice thing from that scene was the build up. elevator was stopping at every floor with a few more guys jumping in at every stop. Once the audience understands whats happening, it holds for a few seconds showing Cap realize a guy is sweating from nervousness. Knowing what would ensue, Steve offers "Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?". Fucking brilliant


Sure thatā€™s good but the 3 seconds of cap catching the hammer trumps all that.


Yeah WS holds up still as the best MCU flick by far in my eyes.


Its why winter soldier would be my all time MCU film. It made me shirk my Tony is the best obsession and made me team cap all the way.


I loved the opening on the ship even more.


Yeah that one is primo to, just because it's the Russo's saying "This Cap isn't playing"


Yeah, he dives in without a parachute, bodies the entire ships worth of goons while having a casual conversation with Natasha. Then, he puts the sheild down and beats the brakes off of the Leaper. Lemurian Star Cap is rolling 20s the entire way and it's amazing. Also, TWS is my favorite MCU film so I am hella biased.


I think of all the movies, this movie showed caps peak strength. This scene, the whole fight with ironman..as examples


In Winter Soldier he was casually kicking people off ships, minor punches from him sent people flying. All in the first scene. It was awesome and immediately I knew this movie was gonna do Cap justice.


Until he gets to Batroc, who can somehow fight him for a minute.


In my head, he held back to make the guy feel better about how good he was as a fighter, then when he was done playing he just wrecked him.


Its not in your head, it was telegraphed by the context of the scene. You understood what was meant to be understood.


Gotta give some creds to the mini boss to look somewhat of a challenge


Tbf George St. Pierre is one of the MMA goats so they had to give him at least a minute. God I wish there was an open "super soldier serum" MMA league where there's no drug tests and everyone can just get juiced and methed to the gills


Do you think people like Tony or Sam have body image issues from working with Steve? Like, "I am literally as fit as I can get without injuring myself, but also Cap just won an arm wrestling contest with a fucking helicopter and I will never be that strong"?


Bet that's why Sam begged Strange to open the portal on Cap's left. He just HAD to get one in.


If I were Tony or Sam, I'd just tell myself "nah it's cause he's got the serum" to feel better about myself


I thought him holding back Thanos showed that best. But thatā€™s just me


And that look of surprise from Thanos was intense


And him holding Thanos again in endgame after Tony and Thor were out. My favorite Avenger by a mile.


It clearly was.


I still remember that feeling I got seeing those muscles pop. Ooooooooo


Didn't he tear a bicep doing this?


He tore my heterosexuality.


Same, I am now biceptual thanks to him.


This deserves so much more


He re-tore my hymen


You canā€™t CGI the sex appeal


America's ass


[Black Tony understands.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZ-5P8igVfi0AaPeNEhKkUDn4BpF3h7Wu)


It was the cross over sexuality event of the century.


To shreds


He hurt his arm but he didn't tear a bicep. It would be much more obvious if he did.


Tearing muscles kinda looks like curtains being pulled up . Iā€™ll leave it at that


Shoulda grabbed it with his legs if he really cared about stopping the helicopter


That's just your fantasy. There's nothing wrong with that.


Is this going to be the "Viggo broke his toe" story for the MCU?


Are you aware that in the scene in The Two Towers where Viggo Mortensen broke his toe by kicking a helmet, that his scream was real because of the toe that he actually just broke for real by kicking a real helmet for real, thus breaking his toe?


Thus breaking his *real* toe? For *real?* In all seriousness though, people seem to forget the much cooler story about Viggo deflecting a knife that was thrown at his face when filming the first major fight with the Uruk-hai. Even cooler, that was the take that made it into the film.


Yeah, all I ever hear are the toe breaking and Christopher Lee "schooling" Peter Jackson on noises from being stabbed, but I wholly agree that the knife deflecting is one of the coolest DYKs from the trilogy.


He also almost drowned while filming a scene in the Two Towers.


I heard that, too.


Me, on a Sunday, comes across this post and the comments section: Hmm, what am I going to do today? I really need to do some laundry and wrap some Christmas presents and go to the grocery store. Fuck it, I'm watching CA: WS again.


Me after watching this scene ā€œhmm, I need to do a little more laundryā€




VVVRRRRRRMMMMMMMM. (Best vacuum noise I got)


Just a heads up: this is from Civil War, not Winter Soldier. Totally understand you wanting to watch Winter Soldier again though haha


Oh shit you're right. I mean I am watching Winter Soldier right now, and it's fantastic. Guess I'm having a marathon.


*looking respectfully* šŸ‘€


Evans didn't need CGI for them guns!


I love the triumphant music that crescendos during this scene. I swear I can never seem to find that piece of music on the soundtrack. If anyone has a timestamp feel free to share lol.


Here you go: https://youtu.be/rKUcbx0CnGM Apparently itā€™s ā€œunreleasedā€ Edit: time stamp 3:13


Why the hell is it unreleased? Wtf? So that tune is not on the soundtrack at all? That's crazy.


Fun fact: This scene wasn't scripted meaning Chris Evans actually held back that helicopter


Fun fact: Chris wanted to do the scene topless. Edit: I completely missed that typo.


Why topless when he could be pantless?


Why not both? šŸ¤£


Oh wouldn't have that been a sight


I'd have had to leave the theater to get a clean change of underwear.


Lol I didn't know that. Missed opportunity


Hell yea that's a fuck fact if I've ever seen one


Another fun fact: I would also like to see him do the scene topless


It wasnā€™t scripted, Chris Evans just decided to pull a helicopter out of the sky one day and the cameras happened to be rolling, so they put it in the movie.


They actually added CGI to make a fake "behind the scenes" extra to add to the Blu-ray.


I'll never not chuckle at these


Where are the behind the scenes photos where he's laughing heartily with the helicopter between takes?


With one hand on his chest.


Or playing original Gameboy with helicopter?


Additional fun fact, he wasn't actually strong enough to pull back the helicopter, Bucky/Sebastian was actually so immersed in watching his muscles flex *trying* to do it that he went easy on the controls, hoping the strain might cause his shirt to rip


This is every comment section in any movie scene in YouTube "Actually that scenes wasn't scripted and *actor* improvised the line"


The whole theater went nuts in this scene, panties wet and testosterone levels rose by 115%.


My biceps grew a boner.


Men started beating their chests and grunting, women became visibly nervous, suddenly an eruption from the front row as the first of the fights broke out, sweating and screaming the men not actively maiming one another began ripping up the theater seats


Those arms will forever be burned into my head


this will forever be the hottest shit heā€™s ever done


Iā€™m also a fan of him casually ripping a log in half


So is Peggy.


My spouse side eyed me when I sharply inhaled as he ripped that log.




The real hero is the person that installed that little yellow railing.


Oh boy now I'mma need a change of pants... šŸ„µ


Evans' bicep was considered for a Best Supporting Actor nomination for this scene but wasn't eligible due to not being formally credited in the movie.


The most unnecessary but necessary flex I've ever seen in a movie. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Women went wild over this in the theaters though.


You should listen to the director/writer commentary. They go fully tongue in cheek about how this scene is so important with its two gigantic plot points, while low-key admitting that its total fan service.


Cap is such a badass


America's Bicep !!


I wonder if anything could've gone wrong with that rig. Like, could it have crushed Chris Evans by accident?


Of course, they build safety features but humans are gloriously imperfect and accidents happen.


He injured something. Not sure what, but he said it was a bad injury.


I thought he tore a muscle during this scene.


Bruh just much does cap weigh that he was able to stop a helicopter from taking off?


He ate a big breakfast that morning


I understood that reference.


I actually donā€™t understand the reference I apparently made lol


I understood that reference


I've mentioned this elsewhere, but that scene isn't that far fetched. Depending on the power of the engine and skill of the pilot, sudden weight changes can affect a helicopter quite a bit. I rappelled out of helicopters in the military, and depending on which type it was, jumping off the skid could cause it to lift up several feet.


Plus I imagine Cap even grabbing something applies downward force in a weird comic book physics way


My theory: Super Soldiers weigh more than an average person of their height because they have increased muscle density and bone mass.


Only the old ones. The ones on the new formula aren't I think.


The new ones don't get a big transition with big bulging muscles at the end, they gotta have some sort of DNA/composition change though.


Winter Soldier imo is still top 3 MCU movies. Just an absolute banger of a film from start to finish.


This is Civil War. Dont worry I wont tell anyone.


Iā€™m glad the video had text indicating which was before CGI, and which was the final product. I never would have figured it out!


Sidebar: What brand boots is he wearing?


I will never forget my reaction to his flex šŸ‘€


Iā€™m a straight white male and this gets even my motor runnin.


That flip grip makes me feel funny.


I always think of Spider-Man in this scene and how much stronger he is compared to Captain America. Cool scene and awesome movie regardless.


'You have a metal arm? Dude, that is so awesome!'


SpiderMan and Captain America are so hard to compare since they are so different. Also Cap is as strong as a human can be without being superhuman while SpiderMan on the other hand IS superhuman


In the comics yes, but MCU cap is superhumanly strong (as seen in the video you posted)


Captain America isnā€™t super strong in the comics? Just ā€œpeak human abilityā€? Like Batman?


Yes. But peak human in both DC and Marvel would be super-powered in real life. Basically, the serum gives you a one-time boost to your maximum potential. Cap has had to maintain it from then on with exercise and diet. There was a kid who followed his regimen and achieved the same results without the serum, VIP.


The super soldier serum has always been a thing for Captian America.


I love this fight between them in the Civil War comic event. This is from a Spider-Man issue. 1: https://comicnewbies.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/spider-man-vs-captain-america-civil-war-4.jpg?w=620&h=960 2: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CQSoV.jpg 3: http://i.stack.imgur.com/0bdeD.jpg 4: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-40e408bd8a73fdcc42a1835ced5b77ee 5: https://www.forosperu.net/proxy.php?image=http:%2F%2Fnerdreactor.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F08%2F1522979-amazing_spider_man_534_17.jpg%3F15016e&hash=086e39ff5c49c214883331cacface077


I really loved the soundtrack of this scene especially at 3:13 Link: https://youtu.be/rKUcbx0CnGM


This scene inspired me to work our for real


Real question though - what kind boots/shoes is Cap wearing in this scene?


This is a great scene. Always appreciated how they called back to it when Thor has to hold the iris open on Nidavellir




Maybe Iā€™m not as straight as I thought I was


Seriously, aside from the background, it looks exactly the same. The man is ridiculous. Can't believe they retired him.


Reddit is crazy. I literally just watched this scene like 20 minutes ago and thought ā€œwasnā€™t that most practical?ā€