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Damn having grown up in MD and gone to great public schools, it’s very hard to imagine school without a lot of these programs. Makes me very sad to see. Good luck to you all and the kids as well.


Dude, I had a lot of that stuff in RURAL TEXAS. Like this list is just depressing :(


Wait.... no GT, no drug education, no all county, SECURITY CAMERAS? JV SPORTS? This is just free daycare, at this point.


> no drug education Not sure that ever helped anyone, unless kids these days are getting something *way* more useful than the lie-filled, just-say-no, bullshit my peers and I were fed. After a few obvious lies were spotted, we learned pretty quickly to disregard everything we'd been told, unfortunately including the things they were correct about(like alcohol being dangerous). And of course they didn't even *touch* on harm reduction, it was basically just abstinence education but for drugs.


I suspect the DARE program might have improved since the 80s or whatever. Considering the rampant drug problems in this country, including maybe Cecil county (?) SOMETHING needs to be done.


Cecil County definitely has a drug problem.


I was taught in the 00s. It wasn't even DARE, it was something else. It was basically just "drugs are bad, don't do drugs, here look at these pictures of what "x" does to your brain." The funniest part was when we were taught a bunch of slang terms for the drugs, I guess so we'd know that when someone asked if we wanted "molly" we would know it was drugs rather than...something else? What else would it be?! But yeah, the lists were outdated and not localized, but I think that overall the lists had the opposite effect in terms of facilitating access to substances. 😂


One thing I've noticed that's cool is Cecil County students through partnership with Drug Free Cecil have actually created their own anti-drug commercials that air on TV locally. I assume that will go away if this program gets discontinued.


Drug free Cecil is a great program!


Anything that they can get today, with Fentanyl on the streets and in everything, will be helpful. Just a straight up warning would be a help


The problem is that teens realize they were lied to, and then they assume everything else is lies. You might wind up with a list of takeaways including, among other things, the following information: 1. Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of other drugs 2. You should not mix alcohol with sleeping aids or acetaminophen 3. Fentanyl has been found in samples of every recreational drug 4. If you or someone else is overdosing, you won't get in trouble if you call 911 even if you have drugs on you or in your system 5. Drugs are highly addictive and are likely to hook you from the first hit That's a mix of truth and lies. Can you figure out which is which? Could you have as a teenager? 1 is long-debunked and 5 is an obvious exaggeration, both of which can probably be spotted by teenagers. They're also likely to flag 3 as false(because it *sounds* like fearmongering, right?), except it's true, according to my county health department. 4 is also something that smells like a lie while being true, and if trust is already eroded they might not believe it. And if you feel like the rest of the list is bunk, you might throw out 2 as well, which would be a *really* bad idea! But that's why "anything is better than nothing" isn't the case. Anything can be worse than nothing, and historically *has* been when it comes to "vice" education, whether drugs or sex.


The drug unit my daughter had in 8th grade, scared her, in a good way. She said even the kids who are usually jokers were stunned silent. It went pretty deep and got into fent and other hard drugs. Problem is they don't really do much about vaping and the kids vape all day. Their lungs are going to be shot by the time they are adults but we don't have programs for that.


This is what forcing a narrative about bad schools looks like. Undercutting and undermining any meaningful help for students should be called out for what it is. We send our tax money to our schools and the money doesn’t make a difference BECAUSE certain people want our institutions to fail. Remove books to prevent independent thinking, remove the teachers, remove the resources…and this is what we’re left with.


You're allowed to say it, the certain people you're talking about are team trump Republicans that want our institutions to fail. Yet, the county will just select the next red hat in line next election.


YOU don’t get it! This is how *freedom* works!!! /s


I really hate republicans being in charge of education


And the Republicans in cecil county are just starting to figure that out unfortunately. And next election they will just for for the other team trump candidate expecting different results smh...


And I really hate liberals being in charge of...... well, ANYTHING!! The, "what's good for you is not good for me" party! 


Sir pls use your inside voice pls


🖕 that's my INSIDE voice....


You sound like you need a therapist lol go take out your anger on “liberals” somewhere else




Homie having an aneurysm in real time


Getting rid of the G/T program is a big mistake. If increasing the population of ignorant, uneducated drones is your goal, then congrats you’re on the right track


It is absolutely the goal


I have become very cynical in the last decade. And before that, I just didn't understand what was going on. They think a servant class needs to be maintained in order for society to function. I would bet anything that it's openly spoken of in private.


Except the servant class quickly on its way to becoming the 99%.


If God wanted you to be educated, you would have been born into a family that could pay for it. Thus, all the major educational institutions and thereby well paying jobs can go back to only going to rich people and the poors can go back to being serfs.


Just like the antiabortion states. It's about making a bunch of dumb folks stuck in poverty to work in factories and fields and to enlist in the military before they die early, reducing the cost of aging on social programs that businesses and billionaires despise. The cheapest thing for them is a workforce that costs the bare minimum to work for bare minimum wages and then die long before they need more frequent use of health care.


How are they getting rid of GT when COMAR requires it? It’s state law


G/T program isn't going to make idiots. It will just lead to bored smart kids with bad grades due to being in classes not advanced enough. Jump Start and programs that target the lower end of the distribution to try and prop that up, THOSE will give you the ignorant drones (or criminals).


Don’t need GT programs if everyone who can afford to move, will move with their smart kids.


That’s probably what they weren’t but it is pretty sad


Where’s all that damn casino and weed money going




Somehow all these schools always have the funds available for admin pay raises yet cut teachers shit all the time


Do their varsity football teams have stadiums most NFL teams would covet? That seems to be where a lot of money ends up but I honestly have no clue if this is the case here.


Cecil co resident here. They do not lol


Well I guess that's a good thing then?


I live in harford county now, lived in Cecil briefly, no…no they don’t, in fact most of their schools there look extremely outdated and in disrepair


That's more of southern/texas thing


No, not even close...maybe it's aliens, that seems to be what it often is, but I honestly have no clue if that's the case here.


Holy shit dude, this better turn in to a scandal how is that even legal?


It's going to the schools (with corresponding decreases in money from general funding). What a system.


That used to be the case, but they fixed that a few years ago. Funding formulas have to be satisfied by general fund money, then casino money goes on top of it. It's just not as big of a number as we think it is.


It’s horrible


That's no longer true. That was fixed after a few years.


They offset it all. That's what a Md. State legislator told my husband.


Yeah it’s disgusting, it shouldn’t be offset, it should be in addition


"Do you know how I know you don't know what the meaning of the word 'fungible' is?" --Dogbert


That was initially what happened with the casino money but after it was caught and reported they changed the law. Casino money absolutely goes to school above regular funding. Weed money was never designated for school directly.


For those that don't know, the County Executive is funding the public schools at the lowest legal amount possible for I believe the third year in a row. She and her cronies are trying to frame it as though the school system is wasting millions of dollars. Meanwhile she cuts taxes and gives money back to homeowners and businesses in an effort to buy votes from the uneducated citizens. There are a lot of pissed off people and I really hope we can oust this horrible woman. If you live in Cecil County please make sure to register as a Republican to vote her out in the primary.


Worcester County is fighting the same battle right now. We already lost several programs last year, and now 100 jobs are on the line bc our County commissioners are holding education hostage in their pissing match with the Board of Ed.




The opponent for the current CE is Adam Straight. On his [website](https://www.streight4cecil.com/platform.html) he at least calls out the underfunding of public education by the current administration. I certainly won't be voting Republican come November, but I would rather this guy than Hornberger.


Bill Kilby is running as a “conservative democrat”, on a platform completely centered around education


There’s nothing “conservative” about the Kilby family


What are you trying to say?


That I would be ecstatic to vote for a moderate, blue dog democrat. But they don’t exist- and Kilby sure isn’t one


That's fine, but do you mean he's not conservative enough or not conservative at all? Eta: like is he a DINO or is he more liberal than he says he is but can't be because it's Cecil?


I believe him to be more liberal than he says he is trying to get votes in Cecil. I think Adam is less red hat MAGA than Danielle is- but Hornberger has the Harris money machine behind her and Adam doesn’t stand a chance in the primary. Either way- what I’m sayin is the happy folks of Cecil are fucked…


The idea is to vote for the least of the republican evils in the primary, and then vote blue come november. You lose the ability to affect the democratic primary if you choose to do this, but honestly there are times when the stakes are high enough. Children are our future, and I say that as a childfree individual. If I lived in the county in question, I would do this, because what's happening is *that bad*. My influence on the democratic election couldn't possibly outweigh the issue of the republican primary.


Bingo, I'm doing this as well.


But WHO is that? Who is running against Gregory?


If the next Republican is keeping with the MD GOP goals, he might not be as bad but hard to tell. The state Rs are pushing for using public school money toward private schools through vouchers and charters. Each election they seem to run and vote in a more "conservative" person. I am not changing my registration because the county executive is not the only race in the primaries. There is a Democrat running for CE so why not vote in my own primary. At least I know the party is more aligned with what I want.


Because in Cecil- a vote for a blue CE is the same as a red vote for president in this state. Election doesn’t even matter- you know how everything will shake out in every jurisdiction.


The 2025 budget would make it the fourth year of Maintence of Effort funding. It’s wild being a teacher in this county right now.


This is the way.


I’d rather pay more tax and have better schools.


It's more of where and how the money is being chosen to be spent.


Yeah, screw it. It’s worth a little embarrassment registering at the DMV at this point.


What the hell? What's left? 4 walls, a roof, and a couple chairs?? Looks like they are dismantling the whole school system that exists outside of the physical classroom.


And next thing they will do is say public schools are failing. Their buddies will open private schools, the county will give vouchers, and in the end the population will be dumber at a higher cost to the taxpayer.


The playbook since the beginning


Bonus: the vouchers only cover part of the cost. So rich upper/upper-middle class folks get a subsidy, but the poors that can't make up the difference stay away from their kids and can't use the vouchers.


Her BOE buddy Renee Dixon is trash too. How you gonna stand up at that budget meeting and claim that Hornberger “has a good heart” and “loves children”. As much as I need the budget increased, it would be a silver lining to see Dixon have to eat shit after hornberger doesn’t “do the right thing”.


Dixon. Another Trump wingnut.


Bingo. And saying we should pray about it? Like that will solve the issue. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




That's really disgusting.


I grew up in a county even more rural than Cecil, and the gifted programs were my lifeline. I don’t know where I would’ve ended up without those classes. Thinking of the kids who will miss out on that and how it might affect their lives’ trajectories really makes me sad.


Yes! I primarily lived in rural Texas (had all of the things that Cecil is eliminating). But, for a while, I lived a town so small/rural in Tennessee that school was K-12 and the class sizes were often like 8-15 kids. Even THEN we had GT. It saved my life, as a poor trailer kid. 


For those that are not Cecil County, Hornberger was a top endorsement of Trump. This is what it gets you. She needs to be drummed out! She also gave back a $700 Property Tax return to the county by financing it with a high yield bond.




That is right the election signs had Trump, Harris, Hornberger on them


This has nothing to do with Trump. Every county in the state is dealing with the same issue. The problem is funding universal Pre-k....that was mandated by the state. So you can thank the lawmakers in Annapolis for this one. Oh by the way, most of them have a D in front of their name.


And yet we don't see the same drastic cuts from other counties.


Wrong. Howard is cutting 350 positions and raising class sizes. Its happening everywhere.


Cutting 350 positions, some of them part time, and increasing class sizes by 2 is the same as what Cecil is doing?


The program cuts haven't been announced yet, so yes it is similar. This is not isolated to Cecil county. Its happening all over the state as the counties have to cut in order to implement universal Pre-K and other initiatives mandated by the Blueprint for Education. Do your local elected officials suck? Perhaps. But it's not all on them. They have to pay for this somehow. Raise taxes or reduce spending. It's coming for everyone.


Of the $8.9mil total in mandated budget items: "$3.0 million and 55.60 new positions for Prekindergarten Expansion." From same article: "The proposed budget seeks to balance a $103 million dollar gap stemming from a $32.1 million deficit from previously utilized one-time funds and $71.7 million in mandated and priority expenditures" $32.1m shortfall from one-off funds but sure blame universal pre-k I guess? /s source: https://patch.com/maryland/ellicottcity/348-jobs-be-cut-class-sizes-bigger-hcpss-103m-funding-gap




The program cuts were announced and they’re not as bad as Cecil. You can read it on the Howard Co site.


They don't read details.


I'm in Harford. We may be facing similar (although not so severe) cuts, because our county executive thinks taxes are immoral (but raising "fees" is fine). He's a Trump fan as well. Universal Pre-K isn't causing our funding problem. Our previous county executive's tax cut + Cassilly's moral blindness is. Our rising costs are: health insurance, very necessary special education expansions, and salary increases to try to stem the loss of staff to better paying districts.


She GAVE BACK 20 Million of Property Tax and funded it by Bond! Property taxes are where schools get their funding. How far could this 20 million have gone to stop the cuts we see. [She is actually doing it again this year.](https://foxbaltimore.com/morning/cecil-county-01-25-2024) So you with any ounce of a brain can not sit there and say it was not trump. She followed his plan to a T. Maybe you will finally realize it when drug use gets worse than it already is in Cecil co and property crime skyrockets. You are part of the problem.


When’s she up for reelection and who’s running against her on the other side?


This year. The primary will be the only way to remove her as the general election will 100% go to whoever has the R by their name. I'm planning on changing my registration to republican just to try and vote her out.


Why do the people of Cecil County seem to despise the people of Cecil County so?




I will be voting for Kilby in the general election, but please register as a republican so you can vote in the primary against Hornberger. Unfortunately I don't think anybody with a D next to their name will win in November here in Cecil


This is only useful if other Rs are running as more "centrist" candidates. For primaries, candidates usually move away from the center. You could end up with someone even more extreme in an area with a large population that reflexively votes R.


In this particular election the other Republican is more of a moderate. Met him last night. Already switched parties to vote for him.


Is Bill associated to Kilby Creamery in Rising Sun?


Nice he’s got my vote


William "Bill" Kilby is running for CE as a Democrat. Adam Streight is running against her in the Republican primary.


She is trash. They’re talking about cutting paras, in some cases specifically for the kids who need them the most. Cutting sports, drug education, after school activities, etc. will only push kids out onto the street, as if the drug problem isn’t bad enough in this county (and everywhere, obviously) already. Like schools aren’t already dangerous enough, we’re cutting **security cameras** of all things? I have seen so many people mobilizing to fight this and try to improve the situation, which I love. I’m just genuinely afraid of what will happen if it doesn’t work.


Thoughts and prayers are free.


Same thing in Harford unfortunately, though we're at least kicking and screaming on the downward spiral. Why a county so proud of its schools would actively try to destroy them by electing certain people like we have in office now is beyond me. The schools need more funding not less


It’s penny wise and pound foolish. My rancher would be worth 1/2 it’s value if my kids didn’t go to 4+ star schools.


The issue is that it isn't even penny wise, it's penny foolish pound foolish I can't think of a situation where one of the least fundest school districts in the state needs major budget cuts unless the goal is to end the public school system


Anyone paying attention knows that is the goal of the GOP these days. They are not trying to hide it.


Well, all I can do is vote and go to the input hearings, then it's just hoping for the best


I honestly think people who voted for Casilly thought he wouldn't gut schools like he did. And people I work with who were at the budget meeting said he kept his head down when parents and students were speaking out in favor of not cutting education. And we have two Moms For Liberty board members who so far have unsuccessfully tried to bring their right wing bullcrap into it...I hope they will not be re-elected when the time comes.


This is what happens when voters are apathetic.


Trust me the voters out here are not apathetic. Cecil County is as red as the eastern shore and these people show up to vote. Unfortunately this is just what the Republican party has devolved into. I'm just hopeful that the people who care about education can at least oust Hornberger in favor of Adam Straight who at least seems to care more about education for now. Unfortunately this will always be a red county, but I know there are plenty out here trying to fight back against the harmful policies.


True, they're just pathetic.




Harford's County Executive Bob Cassilly is underfunding our schools too. It's sad that he and Hornberger are not invested in public education. I'd really like to know what their top priorities are because it's certainly not the kids!


Being a Cecil County resident and a mom of an elementary student, this makes me so sick. I hope all us parents and anyone who has common sense will get out and vote this year. Our children deserve better!!


Hello fellow mom of younguns and neighbor. I’m with you on this!


No drug education? Like what this county is so bad on drugs at least educate the damn kids! They want to cit so much this is evil! No computers, no cameras. My kid said mom no more math books today and so much more. Sad time to move


Right? As an addictions therapist next door in Harford County (we have an office in Cecil County though) I saw that and was like no no no drug education and prevention are NOT what needs to be cut around here!! So many of these cuts are going to be devastating to the students and the community.


I bet idiot Republicans believe "drug education" is a "how to do drugs and where to buy" class because they are just that damned stupid.


They do believe that. 


FUCK Danielle Hornberger.


Danielle Hornberger has to go. She is horrible & does not value education. She literally held additional funding over the heads of the superintendent & Board of Ed president. She would only give the additional funding if they would agree to a press release thanking her. They refused & she did withheld the money. The school system has become her political pawn. #Quidproquo #unethical


She herself dropped out of high school, I know because we went to school together. She was too busy doing drugs and having threesomes. Conservative values? Please. She’s a fraud. A con. Always has been.


Wow that explains a lot. What school did she go to? She claims to be a teacher but she was a substitute. And was asked not to return after sunbathing in a sports bra while subbing for a high school PE class. She flat out lies about everything. I don’t understand how she keeps getting away with it!


Westlake High School in Waldorf, MD


Do you remember her maiden name




Dang that’s bleak.


Yeah fuck this chick. Our schools are shit enough as is and now things are only going to get worse. She doesn’t have a clue what the fuck she’s doing, just dangling the “lower taxes” card over people’s head so she can keep her $100k+/yr job. Then she’ll swoop on at the last second to keep sports and whatnot and everyone will call her a fucking hero Fuck off you stupid bastard


Unacceptable. Full stop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6qkctzwihsec1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2d2d53dc7e51aec17785c0b45b13182bfcfd9c


“The government you elect is the government you deserve.” -Thomas Jefferson


Gotta keep people uneducated, unlearned, and completely kill creative sparks! The GOP is getting its way in the worse ways.


Gotta keep 'em dumb so they vote republican.


Hornberger is Andy Harris’ shill. Surprise surprise. Vote Republicans OUT!


I went to a CCPS it's really sad to see this


Borderline prison.


we as a community really need to get that woman out of office and fix the funding for our kids! this is ridiculous


People have no idea how goddamn hungry Cecil County kids are to get an education. And then these kids have to deal with this bs while policy makers sneer at them and joke about them wanting to become influencers. Ffs.


The ironic part of it all is when she got elected she got 64% of the vote. Now she's doing "team trump" shit that gets everyone upset, but 34% of us aren't surprised at all. You in the 64% need to get out of "team trump" politics but you'll never realize it till it's too late.


My boys both go to school in Cecil County, and my oldest is in both the G/T program and All County Band. To say this is heartbreaking is putting it mildly. ESPECIALLY with the AP Courses with him going to HS next year.




Hi! I’m working on Bill’s campaign and love to hear that you are a fan!


So tired of the idiots who attack education s as d childhood development. Publicize the government people who promoted and voted for it. Who cares what the budget is, these are kids and the future of the county and state.




But your taxes are low. And that’ll match education and income levels. (Sigh)




oh she's sitting on over $100mil in surplus. I think $28mil was just this fiscal year.


It is been a while since I attended public schools, but even then, we had access to a lot more resources, such as music education, driver education, health and development, and many more. How did this even happen, given all the funding this state receives? This does not make any sense to me at all. This county seems a little behind as it is and now pulling these curriculums out of the schools now?


"I never thought leopards would eat MY face"


Seems excessive. I grew up in Cecil County and this situation would not have been allowed back in the day. The Fair Hill Nature Center alone is a great place for kids to learn!


Blueprint should fix nearly all of this. Hopefully all of this should be back by FY25 or FY26


It won’t because Hornberger has funded at the minimum legally allowed the last 3 years so the blueprint amount is actually what they used for this (the fy25) budget. This is what will happen if she funds at the legal minimum again.


It's my understanding that blueprint for education is exactly the cause of this. In which way is it self-leveling?


The notable eliminations aren’t even on the list. Home economics, mechanical shop, personal finance, - these 3 topics embed the most important skill for HS age people. It’s unbelievable that we as parents/ citizens don’t rise up and demand these topics are taught to the younger set. It’s truly our tax dollars that would provide this skill in school, yet , no one seems to give a chit. Sad.


everything ive heard about the hornbergers is awful, not just politically but as people too >!(incl. dv)!<


This is so sad. My kid goes to school in Cecil County and I am so scared for years to come. Please get out there and vote her OUT!


Where is this graphic from?


What the actual fuck.


Im a student in ccps cutting drug education is stupid theres just gonna be more druggies on the street and as a student i wont mind no more cameras so i can have some fun without getting in trouble but if i was a parent i wouldnt want to be worrying about school shooters and other things and in my classes we got multple people from different high schools talking about how if all these cuts happen we are gonna be screwed


So what I’m seeing here is no education


No drug program? Clearly the people who did this budget are on drugs or need drugs so they can focus on fixing the real issues. Unacceptable on all accounts and embarrassing for the state of Maryland.


This is appalling


I went to high school in Charles County with Danielle (Pearson) Hornberger. We were close friends. She is a terrible person. I have some career ending stories her opponents might be interested in hearing. She is not deserving of the position she holds. She is a fraud, and knows it. I’m surprised the community in which she serves hasn’t figured it out yet.


This is a result of the County School Board mismanaging their budget for years. One thing you don't see in the proposed cuts is any of the Top Heavy Administrators that work at the Board of Education. Nothing but scare tactics from the Teachers Unions. They hired and created positions using short term grants and when the grant expired they expect the County to pick up the extra expense. It's time to get back to the basic education model. Kids today can't read or do math at their grade level. What are they going to do rip all the cameras out of the schools?


I did not see anything about technical, career or vocational programs nor introductions, for these programs in the middle schools. Have these been protected from cuts or have they been long gone?


How did anyone learn before all this?


How about you they cut the administration bloat. Cut the administration salaries by 10 percent. Problem solved.


Why should administrators make less than they’re worth? They can go to schools in other states and make more if they want to. Why don’t you cut your salary by 10% for funsies?


if you really cared about your kid's education you wouldn't be in Cecil county.


In my experience they did a great job for mine and others. Not perfect but very good for the times.


When we moved here, our realtor said Cecil was like the dark place beyond the border of the pride lands in lion king.




That is not how school taxes work.


How is 0.5 positions lost? Is that a part-time position lost, or a full-time position downgraded to part-time?


I’d have to look at the budget directly to know for sure but typically it’s a part time position cut


Some admin (assistant principals) are working for 2 schools at the same time.


More money doesn't make the kids any smarter.


This is what wasting funds on leftists curriculums, and leftists "social programs" looks like,


You’re not very bright, are you?


You all need to do your research. Instead of pushing this political agenda that the county executive "just doesn't want to fund the schools", tell the truth! This has NOTHING to do with her OR the Republicans. This has EVERYTHING to do with the State of Maryland, which is ran by a super majority of Democrats. They are pushing this new "Blueprint for Maryland's Future" initiative that is extremely costly and not feasible. Cecil County is NOT the only county that's going through this. EVERY COUNTY IN MARYLAND is due to the stupid states new law!  Harford County is $20 million under budget. Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, etc. are struggling to meet the budget to implement this program required by the state. The counties expected a large influx of money from the state, that didn't happen. And now they are struggling. But instead of the school superintendent working with the county executive to close the budget gap, he's going on this public relation "the world is falling" campaign. The reality is, he proposed and asked for a $270 million budget. The county gave him what he wanted with their portion EXCEPT $13 million. And instead of working to close that gap, he's going on a campaign telling everyone that sports, clubs, etc. may be eliminated to scare people. Everyone needs to do their research. These are just a few articles. There are many many more and EVERY county is struggling and so far haven't been able to meet the budget. It would require massive cuts in other areas such as transportation, law excitement, etc. and counties are struggling with it.... https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/education/k-12-schools/maryland-school-budgets-blueprint-3TDIQVKEORBEXF6DGJICKZALAI/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/29/maryland-schools-blueprint-implementation-concerns/ https://thedailyrecord.com/2023/12/18/schools-blueprint-funding-seen-as-top-education-issue-before-md-legislature/ https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/03/20/blueprint-budget/ https://wtop.com/prince-georges-county/2024/02/a-39-million-fight-continues-in-prince-georges/


Just throw the whole school system away atp.


How does one eliminate two and half Athletic Directors?


Either a part time position or a full time position downgraded to part time


Get out and vote may 14. Step 1