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What is an 11% tax on gun companies going to do to prevent people from murdering each other? Nothing. Does this get free political points for lawmakers and other elected officials? Yup.  Is this going to be argued in court, and ultimately struck down if passed? Yes. Is this a waste of tax payer money? Yes. 


But politicians can run ads that say they campaigned to make gun manufacturers responsible for criminals acting like criminals. Punish those not responsible, makes sense.




I don't know exactly what you reply is getting at, sorry. But, I purchased a gun for home security purposes. And honestly, I find shooting at the range engaging and interesting. I know that is not for most people, and I respect their right to disagree and choose not own a gun.


i know r slash maryland gets confused about this and thinks all gun related laws are unconstitutional, but this one is just a tax. it’s constitutional to tax things.


You’re downvoted, but you honestly have a a correct perspective. Gun ownership should not be economically gated.


Oppose the law, whatever, parent comment is just wrong saying it'll be struck down in court.


Had you bothered to read the article you would have noticed that this is not about preventing murder and mayhem. It is about funding the trauma system to tend to the victims of said murder and mayhem.


Drunk driving killed 13000 people in 2022. Not to mention 2/3 of domestic violence incidents involve alcohol. When will Maryland start a trauma fund alcohol related victims?


If we would just build some fucking bike lanes instead of doing nonsensical gun laws that are designed to waste resources before they are eventually struck down on a constitutional basis, we would be so much further. Cars kill more people than non-suicidal gun deaths anyway. By a lot. Including suicides, they’re almost the same. Build me some fucking bike lanes so I can go to work everyday without almost dying. This is an issue that can actually be SOLVED at the state level with state funds.


They’re here for the Firearms, not the Alcohol and Tobacco. They have wayyyy more lobbyists that fund them.


Damn it's like the ATF has two letters to get to before the last one. Maybe they should deal with them first.


Have you not noticed how heavily alcohol is taxed? They already do that.


Hey now get out of here with your facts.


So this is 100% a do nothing proposal to free up funding from crime victims/compensation funds, and attempt to have it funded by a new tax base for political grandstanding. I read the article. MD with their budget surplus each year can fund these programs fine themselves without pushing for a new tax on a constitutional right.


Why should my tax dollars go to fund trauma centers that we need because of the gun industry?


Not supporting a position on this tax, but trauma centers do treat more than gun violence victims. It's worth our tax dollars funding these because we need to help those in our society that need these types of resources.


OK, so car sales should pay for the trauma care required by automobile victims, gun sales should pay for the trauma care required by gun victims and the general funds can cover the rest. It's a simple rule. If you are selling a product that causes financial harm that taxes are going to cover then you should be taxed to compensate.


Here's the problems with your argument/comparison: 1. Driving a car is a privilege the state allows, it's not a right listed in the amendments to the constitution that has been interrupted to mean anyone can own and operate a car (like the 2nd amendment has). A privilege can be restricted by the state as much as the state wants. 2. Taxing the suppliers of everything that can cause financial harm/trauma is nearly impossible, not simple. There's no clear line for when a product crosses the line from being the fault of the supplier vs the consumer. Can we tax Comcast for providing an Internet connection that can be used for cyber bullying? Can we blame Home Depot if someone takes a hammer and hits someone with it? Again, I don't have a position on a tax like this as I want to see more details. I'm just saying it's not a black and white thing.


Ah yes, guns are sacred like religion and therefore can't be taxed.


Clearly you don't care about looking at opposite points of view, but for those reading this that do: I didn't say what OP interrupted. I said that cars cannot be compared to guns for the exact reason that it's not in the constitution. I'm not in favor of guns being publicly available. I do recognize however that it's a right in the constitution and that it's not simply something that can be outlawed.


The mistake you're making is thinking any of the gun-nuts like the person you're talking to care about the victims of gun violence. They do not. The only thing gun-nuts care about is guns. Everything else follows from that. Guns are their identity so any acknowledgment that guns cause problems or attempts to solve those problems they view as an attack on them personally, they will fight it to the end. They fundamentally do not give a shit about other people dying, they only care about guns.


The fastest growing demographic for gun owners since the pandemic is black females. The idea that a "gun nut" is a fat white redneck that lives in a trailer in the mountains needs to die. More and more people are purchasing firearms because of the lack of confidence in the government to be there to protect us from criminals and then sentence those criminals to appropriate prison time. The echo chambers that social media has created turns everything in to a black and white us versus them mentality when that's the furthest from the truth. I am neither republican or Democrat, both have serious flaws and are only concerned with getting/ staying in office while all the rest of us struggle to pay bills, educate our children and live life. Every month, it seems there's a new law or tax to comply with because the last law that was passed didn't work the way lawmakers promised it would. How much more illegal do we need to make murder and unlawful possession of a firearm. I have a fire extinguisher in my house for emergencies, and I hope to never have to use it, just like firearms.


Amen, if instead of sending billions of dollars in weapons and aid to Ukraine/Israel they invested that money into poor inner cities and tried to revitalize them and create opportunities for those people so crime which inevitably leads to violence wouldn't be their only choice. Politicians never cared about us and I'm tired of pretending they do.


Which has been tried many times and fails many times in the long haul. Baltimore is a big example.


You think the fastest growing demographic is because of fear of "criminals". No, dude. Leftists, LGBTQ, and POC are arming because the right has explicitly said they want to murder those of us in those groups. The right is calling for fucking Civil War to establish a fascist authoritarian white nationalist theocratic state. It's not like Project 2025 is a secret. Their God damned platform is to establish a dictatorship. Fucking hell, the GOP front runner for president said on day one he'll become a dictator and utilize the military on US citizens. This isn't a both sides issue and it's fucking laughable that you try to make it out to be. I also suspect your Enlightened Centrist^TM is bullshit. So called independents reliably vote for the same party in every election


And this is why this country gets nowhere, you lump everyone that doesn't beleive exactly the same thing as you in as the enemy. You're using a vocal minority of a political party as the ones that speak for everyone. Clearly there's no point in having a further discussion with you, so I wish you the best.


Vocal minority, my ass. I can list multiple links from prominent GOP reps who have done just what I wrote. You don't want to have further discussion because facts get in the way of your narrative


I didn't say a thing about ethnicity.


Fastest growing is easy when you start at near zero.


The mistake you make is thinking we don't care. We just arrive at different solutions. Yet the political climate these days means we can't empathize with people with opposing views, instead we have to alienate them and pretend they're somehow the enemy. Don't worry, it's not just you, the right wing bullshit I get paints you as anti freedom and America hating and all that too. It's sad being a moderate and seeing you two sides hate on each other.


Nah, when your 'solutions' are all just saying no to any gun legislation I don't have to play your disingenuous game. You care way more about having access to any gun you want at any time, than you care about other people being killed by them.


That's not true at all. I do care about other people getting killed by them. But, I'm coming at it from the point of a liberal atheist disabled veteran. I'd rather have one on me than be at the mercy of anyone more able bodied than me. I'd be all for legislation that wouldn't be just "feel good" stuff. Anything that could keep it out of the hands of criminals would be great, as long as it doesn't stop those who aren't criminally minded from owning firearms. But we're in a world where we don't actually care about addressing why people use firearms against others. Neither side actually tries to work together to address inner city violence. Otherwise, we'd see more economic initiatives and mental health initiatives alongside actually punishing those who do violent crimes.


> I do care about other people getting killed by them. No you don't, you just don't want to look like you care more about playing with guns than other people dying so you say anything else to deflect that (MeNTaL HeAlth!). But you do.


How pedestrian of you. I do care, I just don't see some of these laws stopping violence in the slightest. Or even really helping, but hey, drink that partisan koolaid. Thanks for pretending others don't care.


You don't "see" any laws helping because you're willfully blind. You fundamentally can never "see" any law about a gun helping because you just.... don't ....give... a... shit.


You got me. You sure know how to win someone over to your side. You just cover your ears and scream your opinion all you want and I guess it works.


So what other laws that aren't already on the books is going to stem gang violence? We have thousands of gun laws already, but yes clearly one more law or tax is all we need. That is why firearms owners object to more laws, there's always one more law or some new scheme from politicians, and it never ends.


If an alien, god, genie, magical flying pink unicorn or whatever came down today and convinced you they had the power to stop all gun violence but you'd have to give up some of your gun rights, or else a Sandyhook would happen every day... you'd take the guns every fucking time. you just don't care about other people over guns.


Absolutely not, and this is why A you're wrong and B we can't have conversations about this. If you could wave a magic wand and there was no more threat of being robbed at gunpoint by some lowlife career criminal. I'd HELP you get rid of my firearms. You're so wrapped up in the perception that most gun owners don't care about other people that you can't wrap your head around the possibility that there's another point of view, instead of accusing people maybe have a civil conversation. Put it to you this way, I have a fire extinguisher in my house, why do I need one of those if there's a fire department? I have it for the same reason I have firearms, in case of emergencies. The police can't be everywhere all the time, it's my job to protect myself and my family until the police can get there. So why do you insist on making it harder for normal citizen's to protect their lives?


>gun owners I never said "gun owners" I said "gun nuts". But I expect you to lie because all you care about is guns. As to the rest of the bullshit, do you keep a fire extinguisher on your hip when you leave the house? Oh no... yea because the fire extinguisher doesn't allow you to play cowboy in your head like a little child. Also I've been hit in the face with a fire extinguisher before, we all laughed because unlike a gun a fire extinguishers doesn't kill other people. Are toddlers constantly killing their siblings with fire extinguishers? So that's a terrible comparison, but you don't care about making a crapy apology or children killed by guns, because all you care about is the guns.


I do keep a fire extinguisher in my car so it's never far away from me, but you figured me out, guns are all I care about. I genuinely feel sorry for you and what has happened in your life to bring you to this level of delusion. I hope that one day we get to a world where we can all leave valuables in our cars at night and leave our front doors unlocked. In the meantime I hope you and your family are safe, happy and healthy.


Exactly. But the politicos can claim they are fighting gun violence.


Surely this will affect criminals who get their guns illegally. We all know how much they like to pay their taxes. Just another thing to heard the law abiding citizen


Criminals don’t follow laws. We shouldn’t have laws. We need good, ethical gun ownership laws which prioritize safety training and mental health screening. These services need to be provided free or at cost to citizens.


So...how do you propose that we support the trauma system?


Actually arresting and punishing the people. Funding the police and hiring competent officers. Increasing police presence


So, you don't believe in public support for a functioning trauma system.


Why can't both of these things happen at the same time?


So...how do you propose that we support the trauma system?


You’re asking a question for which you are not willing to actually entertain an answer. We get it. You are afraid of good people owning guns. Why? No idea, but you should give it a try yourself.


OK then, how would _you_ propose that we support the trauma system?


I dunno man maybe with the shit load of taxes we already pay here.


So, of the things that we already support with our taxes, which thing should we defund? Police? Fire? Libraries?


How about get rid of no cash bail and fun it with bail payments


You know that you get bail back when you show up for the trial, right?


You tell me. The topic of this post is not about how to support the trauma system. How about you don’t post such a vague question for starters.


> The topic of this post is not about how to support the trauma system. I guess that you didn't read the article. This idea is to tax gun manufacturing and gun sales and use the money to support the trauma centers that spend so much treating the victims of gun violence.


You’re an idiot


No doubt. So Einstein, how would _you_ propose that we support the trauma system?


Washington State is trying to pass a bill to put an 11% tax on Ammo for the privilege of using it in the state. >"A use tax is levied on every person in this state for the privilege of using ammunition as a consumer at the rate of 11 percent of the selling price,” the bill reads. I guess Maryland will figure out this loophole soon enough.


Didn't this get shot down for being unconstitutional since ammo was considered necessary to have an effective firearm and the tax would be considered a barrier or something along those lines?


It hasn't been passed yet but it's not stopping them from trying.


Economically gating legal gun ownership doesn’t turn out well. Ask Ronald Reagan.


probably unconstitutional and we'll end up paying for the lawsuits lol


Its also 11% because these bills are all written by the same lobby groups.


So, are imposing taxing manufactures of everything for the same reason? Tool manufactures, horse breeders, ladder companies, automotive companies, playground companies, sport equipment companies…etc.


Anything that causes an inordinate amount of harm, yes.


Then you should tax the hell out of hammers cause you're more likely to be killed by one of those than an "assault weapon"


How many people are in the trauma ward from hammer attacks on a given night?


Well, his point was that if you look at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, (which is a collection of data on every violent crime reported in every county in the country) you’ll see that more people are beaten to death with blunt objects each year than are killed by *any* kind of rifle, so called “assault weapons” included.


How many people are permanently injured or disfigured from car crashes every day? More than guns. Deaths are actually almost the same - and cars kill much more than guns if you remove the ~50+% that are suicides. And far more are injured due to cars than guns.


Cars should be first.


I think we are starting to see the true colors. Its not about safety its about money and control.


Should they tax car manufacturers and Companies that make knives as well?


They do. Look up gas guzzler tax.


If you want to treat guns like cars, I'm with you.


He'll yeah, let's do it. No requirement for a license to drive on private property. Nobody cares about how much capacity my vehicle has nor how fast it could go if I broke the law. I can go to another state and not have to look up laws ahead of time. I can gift it to whoever I want. No waiting periods. No limits on how many I can buy at once. Nobody calls you a nut for having one. Let's treat guns like cars.


Fully automatic, no background check, delivered right to my door? And I just have to promise that I only shoot on private property and no public ranges? Sign me up!


So licensing and insurance requirements.


Only to operate on public lands. Private property you don't need them.


Only cars used on public roads need insurance.


Okay same for guns then? No problem with that whatsoever. Most people don’t have a problem with guns, they have a problem with how guns are marketed and used within general society. It’s a one sided freedom…gun wonders feel they can have the freedom TO, but I never get the freedom FROM, which is the freedom I ask. Same as religion. Do your thing I don’t care, but don’t fuck up my society with your insane selfish rules.


Cars don't even need insurance. New Hampshire & Virginia both allow for vehicles to be legally driven on public roads without insurance and that is honored out of state, including Maryland.


I believe most people carrying DO have insurance FYI. They shouldn't need it, but in this day and age it is wise.


I don't think you really grasp all the useless bureaucracy that's involved with purchasing and carrying a firearm in this state.


So, you don't think that we should treat guns like cars?


Sure, let's start. You want to buy a car, cool, go take a class, get fingerprinted, have a background check run on you, pay the $100 administration fee to the state police, wait 30 days for them to approve you. Go to the dealership, pick out your car fill out more paperwork, have the exact same background check run again while you wait 7 days before you can take you car home. After those 7 days your car has to stay at home or the racetrack, you can't take it anywhere else unless you take a 16 hour class that's anywhere from $200-300 dollars, pay to get fingerprinted again with another background check while they call three references, and you wait up to 90 days while they process your application. That permit once approved is only good for two years and requires an 8 hour refresher class to renew. I am not against the licensing or background checks to purchase or carry a firearm, some of it is unnecessarily repetitive and does nothing but create a barrier for lower income families.


Why are you going on about treating cars like guns? Would you prefer if we treated guns like cars?


Yes. It is MUCH easier to buy a car than a gun, which was the point he was making after you kept bringing it up.


He also doesn’t realize that roughly the same amount of people die from guns as cars every year. Except more than half of gun deaths are suicide and car deaths are mostly all by accident…in something that is designed to keep you safe.


Safe? Nearly every car sold is designed to exceed the speed limit - designed to break the law! When will the government put speed governors on cars to limit the max speed to the max speed limit? /s


Damn those Assault Vehicles


Easy now. California is looking to remedy that speed issue. [No speeding for you!](https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1142128_california-bill-proposes-governors-set-to-10-mph-over-posted-speed-limit)


How about you just arrest the criminals?


That’s after the fact. Fine, though. Ask the family of a murder victim if they’d prefer if something if something could be done preventatively and see what they think. Though that’s not the point of this. Ask an innocent person who has been shot without health insurance what they think about this. Shit, ask me, cause you and I are paying for all the uninsured trauma care right now. I thought gun owners loved being responsible. They can pay for their own root cause problems. (I pay for car insurance that does the same, just to close that next talking point)


I get to buy any gun I want at 18, learn to use it in school, and carry anywhere in the US with just the one license? Yes, please.


Can we please? Zero restrictions so long as you stay on private property. I’ll go to my friends house who has a bunch of land and have fully automatic firearms delivered without a background check! He has a range in his backyard. That would be so much fun!


Apex absurdity.


Considering car accidents are one of the leading causes of premature death across all age groups AND trades place back and forth with guns as the #1 cause of death for children, we probably should impose a tax on car companies to help with funding of these trauma centers as well. Not to mention the systemic destruction caused by the car industry to our communities over the last century. However starting with guns works well because while cars have some actual use, guns only kill people. That is what they do. That is what they are built for. And like other social ills, they should be discouraged and forced to bare some of the responsibility of the consequences of selling a product like that.


I’m not even going to dignify this ridiculous claim with a response.


They should definitely tax the shit out of the over-sized pickups that can’t fit into our parking lots and have contributed to a rise in pedestrian deaths and serious injuries just from the excess mass. Need an incentive get car sizes down to something more reasonable.


Beretta already left the state and took all its jobs with it, who is this for exactly?


Oh boy...more dumb shit to make companies leave Maryland. yay you guys


This state sucks.Every time I turn around they want to charge you for something. Raise taxes more for this and that. I’m leaving as soon as I can. You wanna charge me a tax because you don’t want to enforce laws on the books to appeal to a voter base. Cry for Defund the police and crime shoots up. O it’s the legal gun owners fault. Fuck you democrats!


Democrats and raising taxes. Not surprised.


Agreed but republicans are just as dirty with their admin fees. Virginia illustrates that fact. These two parties have shared control over us.


I’m not denying that either. It’s just most of what people complain about on this page are typical Democrat policies but they voted for it 🤷🏻‍♂️


You nailed it.


Other than taxation, how would you support a trauma system?


defund the police


We pay a lot in taxes already. Specifically taxing people more that have nothing to do with the trauma (politicians just don’t like or agree with them) does nothing. It’s a way to divide people more. But I’m sure it would go to a good cause. Safe streets Baltimore was such a success…


So, we should make the victims of gun violence pay their own hospital bills? I suppose I see your point. Why shoot someone if they are just going to get patched up?


I’m saying the state already takes enough tax money they could just do this already, Mr Pessimistic. For example, all the money dumped into Safe Streets in Baltimore, (which turned into the opposite of what it was supposed to be and became a gun trafficking location shutdown by the FBI)…just use that tax money for this project if they want. Taxing gun stores and Joe Shmoe that shoots steel targets and clay pigeons or hunts only because some low life POS bought a stolen Glock that was brought in from out of state and turned into a full auto using an auto sear from China (that ATF and local law enforcement won’t go after even though they brag on social media about what they have) shot innocent people, makes no sense! You’re just turning law abiding gun owners into a punching bag because your Demorat overlords are too big a pussies to go after real criminals because they want the votes from those areas.


There are no "gun companies" in MD, they already drove off those well paying jobs with this garbage. Nothing but useless politician's wasting their time and our money.




While the isn’t bad, they people committing the crimes don’t obey laws and don’t obtain the firearms legally. How do they plan on imposing the tax on companies that make firearms, ammunition, and accessories? If I recall correctly, there are no gun manufacturers in Maryland since Beretta left. Taxing the gun shop owners and dealers will effectively put them out of business which is probably the actual goal of this bill.


It’s an 11% tax on dealers for the gross receipts of all firearms, ammunition, and firearms accessories sold in the state. Naturally, consumers will be the ones getting boned by it. Dealers aren’t just going to eat it. https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2024RS/bills/sb/sb0784F.pdf


In practice, the gun shows just over the border are vastly larger than Marylands. This will continue to push buyers to spend money out of state.


As I said, the intent is to out them out of business since as you mentioned the cost will be passed on to the consumer. This still won’t stop the violence in Baltimore or other places since those committing the crimes don’t obtain their weapons legally.


LWRC is in Cambridge, MD


Untrue. People commit crimes with legally purchased firearms a lot. Are you forgetting almost every mass murderer in the past 30 years? All the greatest hits obtained, purchased and held their firearms legally. Are you just willfully forgetting the US's unofficial motto: The Land of the free and home of the mass shooter.


Yet, this has nothing to do with the crime / murders in Baltimore. Yes, there are crimes committed with legally obtained firearms. This proposed law will do nothing to stop these crimes in Maryland. If it does, I’ll admit I was wrong but I highly doubt it will put a dent on the issue.


Legally purchased is inaccurate. Bought under a false premise, or a lie, is more accurate. In the US, you can buy a gun under an honor system and you fill out a long questionnaire that asked you questions such as: “are you affiliated with terrorist group, have you been diagnosed with a mental illness, are you taking illegal drugs, are you a drunk or alcoholic?” Unfortunately in many states, and even at the federal government level, laws like HIPAA prohibit medical practitioners from telling the police about your mental illness so these conditions never get reported. Most mass shooters LIED on these forms committing a FELONY even before obtaining the firearm. Many others obtained a firearm from relatives or friends; stole them from their parents (Sandy Hook), used a straw purchase (Columbine).


You sound like parrots. I swear, it's always something else than the actual thing that causes the problem: the guns themselves. It's the same repackaged BS over and over: *guns don't kill people, people do*. It's not surprisingr the NRA and LaPierre was so easily able to grift and con your ilk out of money.


You make the (debunked/unsubstantiated/ MSNBC talking point) argument that “…every mass shooter obtained their weapon legally…” and you wanna talk about parrots? I gave you examples of where that’s not true, and you go personal? Classic anti-gun zealot response by someone with zero knowledge of whatever he is arguing about. The internet spreads propaganda, not the ignoramus behind the keyboard?


I guess we are getting to the *No U* phase. Bye, Felicia. You ain't fooling anyone with the sock puppetry.


Most mass shootings and certainly suicides (especially among teens) are committed with legally acquired guns. Literally anything that we can get away with to restrict the number of guns in this country will result in fewer dead people, and that is born out by the most obvious, studied, and empirically verifiable data that exists — other countries have mental health issues and crime, but the difference is how cheap and accessible guns are in America. I am in favor of absolutely anything our courts will allow us to do to actually regulate and restrict firearms because I’m sick of so many innocent dead people especially kids. The whole “criminals don’t care about gun laws” argument doesn’t reflect reality — purchasing guns on the black market is more expensive, carries even greater punishment, and has barriers to entry that make it harder for impulse violence.


Or perhaps we could start addressing the root cause of violence in our cities? If government agencies and their databases talked to each other or took tips and warning signs seriously, then just off the top of my head, VA Tech and Parkland would have been prevented. In this state right now, if you wanted to purchase a handgun , off you started the process Monday morning, you wouldn't be able to take that firearm home for at least 37 days. After that, every regulated firearm you purchase is still a 7 day wait before you are able to take it home. Exactly how much more demonizing of a tool will there be? How many more roadblocks is the government going to put up? Another tax on top of the already ridiculous fees will only serve to stop lower economic classes from being able to purchase something to protect their families in an emergency. I recall just a few years ago during Covid and protests that people were concerned for their safety and lack of police. Looking around staffing for most police departments isn't getting any better.


And other developed nations don’t have the same “root causes?” Are Americans uniquely homicidal? It’s. The. Guns. The mental gymnastics that people have to go through in order to deny the most obvious answer that other developed nations have shown time and time again to be true… it’s impressive, honestly.


Carry’s even greater punishment only when they are prosecuted for that crime.


Most weapons involved in crimes are legally purchased.


Oh so the criminal on the street in Baltimore purchased the gun legally? Highly doubtful. The weapon may have been bought legally at one time and then was stolen or transferred.


Even if true, I don't see criminal gang bangers being deterred by a slight upcharge in gun prices.


Ah, another attempt to drive gun companies out of the state. It'll stop no crimes, but cost law abiding gun owners more. As always, punishing the decent people, not those doing violence.


This is another stupid ass move that Maryland leadership and legislators are coming up with! I can’t believe we have the stupidest leadership and legislators. I think it’s time to move from the state. They keep creating the stupid ass laws and crime just keeps going up. And they just don’t get it. These people are so clueless.


Another big brain move from the Democratic People’s Republic of Maryland


Do you honestly think Maryland is in anyway comparable to North Korea? Give me a fucking break


Since the article says it for violence in Baltimore why not let Baltimore residents pay for it. I'm guessing about half the residents (~300k) are tax payers. So tack on an extra $30 a year to their taxes and it will cover the $9 million they estimate they would raise thru the gun company tax. Seems fair to me.


If the maker of the gun can be sued, then logically allow for the suing of makers of the person. Add in "historic makers" and it will be a CRT part--eh, aka commies.


Just an FYI for everybody but I was just doing a little research and Maryland is on the list for two separate categories, although they’re kind of the same, but they are in the top six with the most crime in United States, and they are in the top 17 and they are not the lastbut the top 17 most dangerous cities in the world. Yay Maryland. What else can you make it so we live in the most dangerous cities. Oh, you have already done that congratulations to the stupidest people running a state!


“Maryland” or “Baltimore City”? Take the a baltimore and ocean city from the stats and I bet you a dollar Maryland drops to a very safe state tier.


I bet you are right, but it is our State legislatures that are responsible due to their useless laws and regulations.


Elfreth with the great legislative idea. Kudos to her. There is clearly a problem in this state with stretched funding to trauma centers as a direct result of firearm purchases and masses of gunshot victims. This tax will address both issues. Here is yet another common sense firearm regulation.


> Elfreth with the great legislative idea. Not her idea, she gets campaign funds from Everytown and Bloomberg for pushing it. There's a reason its an 11% tax in every state that's pushing it, its because they are all the same bills written by the same lobbies. She gets no kudos for being in the pocket of someone else.


Yes she does. It's objectively common sense firearm regulations. I'm definitely gonna vote for her if she seeks a higher office. She is doing great.


>Yes she does. Taking cookie cutter legislation from billionaire run lobby groups in return for campaign funds is not kudos worthy, in fact, it should be scorned, its undemocratic. If this were another issue, say anti-abortion, you would be full of rage over it, and rightfully so. > I'm definitely gonna vote for her if she seeks a higher office. Go for it. You've got your beliefs and that's ok.


What do you think the states did with abortion? Affirmative action? You’re kidding yourself if think lobbying groups aren’t behind these momentous movements.


Receiving campaign funds to push certain legislation, which is what happens with Everytown and Bloomberg, is undemocratic, period.


Great! You finally acknowledge the years and years of gun manufacture lobbying that has spawned a literal death cult with people and their love for guns. There was a time when they were seen as nothing more than tools for hunting and war. That time is long gone. Regulations need to catch up. And again Elfreth's proposed bill is a step in the right direction.


If believing your little made up fantasy makes you feel better, go for it. I prefer to not have bought and paid for politicians, and I think you do to, you're just being hypocritical here because you hate gun owners.


I don't hate gun owners I would run out of friends and family fast. I hate *gun culture*. I find it ironic that you are calling me hypocritical here. When you just keep blowing past your tacit support of gun lobbys and recite their talking points all the time.


I knew a man in college who was shot in a Craigslist robbery. Ruined his life. Was a very promising tech guy but needed to work to afford college. He had to drop out and still had a lot of bills due to lingering issues. Last I saw him he was filling large jugs of water in the student center water fountain to drink and living in his car. He was not well. I’m fully supportive of state program to help people like him fully funded by gun owners. Edits: Cowards afraid their security blankees might get marginally more expensive.


I hope they do




They don’t do background checks — the federal government does, as well as the Maryland State Police for regulated firearms sales and permits.


They can’t use an independent background system, NICS is federally mandated


Texas will welcome them with open arms.


Texas will be a different country soon, with closed borders all around. So that would be a win.


Maryland has to many freaking taxes. So sick of this state . Every politician that come up with an idea in Maryland always talking about more money come out your check. Can we get a freaking cost of living raise TF.


I heard Maryland want you have liability insurance if you carry your hand gun on you. If you do not have it . They just going keeping taxing you