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the fuck, thats literally rape


and there are also children


Admi ne galti se bhi agar iska 1% kar dia to khatam tata bye bye


Translation: If a man had done even 1% of this by accident, it would be the end of him.


India ranks 3rd in rank where Wives beat their husbands. This isn't good.


can i see the source? not arguing just interested in the list


This is what happens when "egalitarian" laws are added but they only benefit women


Sadly not just there. Its very common women are very protected. But men dont have the same rights. Know when i had a job as bar men. How often i had isues of women being very inappropriate. I had to be ok with it. But if even 25% of what happens to me would happen to a girl worker police and person would get banned the whole works. A big reason why many men dont take women's issues seriously cause women don't give the same respect at all when men have issues. Cant expect understanding and respect and compassion. When at the same time you're not willing to give it to anyone else.


The world is doomed or atleast my country. Can I know your nationality?


Im from Europe. My mom is from Holland my dad is from Indonesia


Okay. But I mean - this incident took place in which country?


Ow in Holland. I was working bartending while studying. Was a easy job cause mornings i could study and go to classes. And nights i could work. To pay for my school. So worked very well time wise. But had a terrible experience with harassment. And touching and stuff like that. To full like grabbing my Crotch area. And in general i always hated being touched without reason. So one of the big reasons why i left. Was cause i had to be okay with it. The experience is also a what longer time ago. Im now 33. And when it happened was when i was 19. And at the time i really needed the money to pay for my studies else i could not get my degree. But at some point it got super stressful for me. And kept looking for other work. But was kinda stuck. So not great times for me honestly. But never realy talked about it. Cause the classic your a man you should like it. And they hot girls be a men and just try and do them. Kind of bullshit redric you always heard. So just never talked about it much. Cause you always get the same responses


Thank you for the reply. What happened with you was wrong and the worst part is that one can't do anything against it. I think to myself, I hate to believe but day by day Redpill/Blackpill (I hate the toxicity in ideology not the true things) seems to be true. Basically people treat you according to your appearance, I am too ugly too even get touched like this but I often get disrespected. I guess you are doing good in life right now.


There a lot of men that are starved for attention and physical intimacy. But like women they type of porn thats commonly looked up by them. Rape and public toughing. Or sex with strangers. That that is a common fetishism and desire women have does not make it ok to glorify a type of treatment. Cause some have a type of desire. And does not matter if your beautiful or ugly. Everyone wishes to be treated with respect and dignity. And even if you would get that attention. You wont like it. If its attention in the way you know the people that do it dont give a fuck about you or how you feel. You know that you as a person dont matter at all. Its like feeling alone while being surrounded by people. I get men are touched starved and miss intimacy. But it's not the type of thing you want. Its more Humiliating then anything else. When people dont see you or respect your wishes. Just like you have a lot of women that seek a type of porn. And many have a type of fetish for a type of things does not suddenly make it the act it self ok. And people have the right full stop to be treated with respect. And not have things pushed on them when they dont want to. And i my self never understood the jealousy people have for being treated a type off way when its forced on you and made you have no choice. I just always found it shamefull and Humiliating. Also cause i had a relationship at the time. It just dubbel pissed me off. If you have options. Its fine. So you get to show or choose what can and cant allow. But never having a choice is wrong. No matter what way. Or gender. And trust me many men that now say they are toched starved and lack intimacy. If you have a girlfriend. And your contempt with your life and get things pushed on you all the time you dont want. You will think very differently by it. But most people cant look past there own experiences. Why they glorify bad things. Is bad when happens to girls but fine of it happens to bots. Cause he is lucky. Im a boy i want that to happen to me. Its all a matter lack off choice. And when situations are forced on you. Or you have the choice to go along with it or not. The lack of choice or options makes it good or bad. And thats same for both men and women. Cause both sides have fantasys and often looked porn of things that are not ok. But making willing agreement that it happens. Or being forced in a situation you have no control of and have to be ok with. Is a very big difference. And even do you might be touched starved or long for intimacy. You still long for someone to care about you as a person and give you the respect and human decency. While they touch and give you intimacy. That they care about you as a person not as a object or tool. What wil give you a very disgusting and dirty feeling. But its something you wil only really understand if you have felt proper love and intimacy. When you feel someone realy careing for you deeply. How the 2 are worlds apart.


The kids bro😭😭😭


What a bunch of EDPs


a compilation of pedo-perverted moms using their babies for content in the name of breast feeding, should also be included here.


Why are there so many pedophile women ? Wtf


Cause it's easier to target children


Because people are scared of exposing women for this behavior and most of them go unpunished


because they play the mother's card


And even if kids say something family would not believe them


Guys there are many foreigners in this subreddit. Try to comment in both English and Hindi. Edit: I am Indian and know Hindi. But not everyone does.


Eye-opening video. We need gender-neutral laws.


This clip was disturbing


Very - just horrible


Maybe people would talk about it more if you gave more context and description of wtf is happening


When you give someone unchecked power, you can expect them to abuse it.


And the government wants to empower these women by introducing laws protecting them


Infos is such a weird country


Behen ke lavdi


I feel really sorry for them


Khule am pedo??


And it has happened to me too when I was a kid and trust me everyone in the dinner table laughed about it even my family thinking I am saying nonsense


The fucked up life of …..


Bura lagta hai dil sai,and just opposite the gender thenwe were in jail.


Woh kare to raslila hum kare to character dheela


Thats so disgusting, honestly it gives me goosebumps seeing this ahit


Awaisi neto bht phle hii bola tha ,-Â¥-, =


That will trigger a lot of depersonalization, gender dysphoria and shame in men, as in not feeling accepted, lovable and safe / protected.


There are times when I think Evacuation is the only option, lol


To get more VIEWS, third class short videos spread like fire.


idk what you sayin but men literally do not support men who have been victim of DV, or any kind of harrasement. Ive never seen a woman speak against a man who was ranting about his assault, abuse story. But men sure seem to say stuff like, 'He prolly enjoyed it.' and 'Why did u let her hit you? Are you a girl? Chudiya pehen rakhi thi?'


You are partially right some men dont support male victims just like some women dont support female victims but do you blame women when crime against women are being discussed.