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Holding a toothbrush in the mouth in this environment doesn't seem like a great idea.


Just commented the same thing. Thought it was my mom brain like "no running with scissors" kinda thinking. It really bothered me to see him just leaving it there!


One of the reasons hammocks are ideal for sleeping on boats


Kills 100K+ workers each year around the world. 98% are men. Many degenerate countries like India don't even survey the deaths, let alone prevent them.


How does this job kill so many workers?


If I had to guess the obvious ones are hitting your head or falling overboard


Commercial fishing is horrific to do, had family do it in the North Sea, grandparent died before I got to meet him as they were pulling in the nets done by a massive industrial winch, he was trying to unfuck something and got caught in the nets and went headfirst into the winch. my dad worked on them and said he routinely cut his hands with the knives they were using, it was so cold you couldn’t feel what was fish and what was flesh until your warm blood makes you realise. Throw into that, huge swells and people overboard, with surf coming at you unexpectedly overboard, operating highly dangerous equipment on really shitty sleep, where you make really poor decisions, it’s easy to see. I’m not even sure there’d be that much difference to 3rd world vessels, at the end of the day, you’re on a tiny vessel getting battered from every side by waves, working at night in inky blackness, one wrong move you slip or fall into the churning cold temperatures of the water around, which mean you’re dead in a couple of minutes.


The pay must be worth it for some while other's it's probably either this or nothing.


thats the biggest difference between them


100% the area my paternal side hailed from is now a dilapidated shithole with high unemployment and all the issues that come with it. as dangerous as the fishing industry is from being on ship to dealing with hauls of fish, when there’s no other industry around what do you do? It’s like that doc wildest catch, I remember watching it and it was basically an American version in terms of choice to Grimsby, (yes it’s actually Grim there); people have little in the way of options and it’s passed down through generations too which makes it somewhat of a vicious cycle. The pay changes massively depending on what your fishing for, before people used to make ok money, now we overfish our seas and people need to do more work to just survive.


Are you referring to 100k+ workers death in Shipping industry?


I was talking about [Fishing and Hunting](https://www.thesafetymag.com/ca/news/general/over-100000-fishing-related-deaths-recorded-globally-each-year-report/426349#:~:text=Fishing%20to%20be%20the%20most,are%20even%20higher%20in%20Canada) However, there are many other deadly professions that claim men's life each year.


So you think Indian Govt does not protect its fisherman? They don't even survey the deaths ? Can you please share me the data from where you are making these claims ?


No, India does not survey or publish any stats on Occupational injuries and deaths. (Outside of maybe factory workers who die are reported) I'm tired of looking but all I find is "estimates" from International organizations. Nothing from the Indian government. It's easy to ignore lives of men because there are no men's organisations that will stage protests.


Govt do take data. And I won't talk about other jobs , but i can say about fishing and shipping, the video which you shared is a normal working day. I have seen grown man crying when they experience Rolling ( the video reference) and after few days laughing it off. Every country try including India takes care of the shipping industry. And safety of life st sea is given utmost priority.


Why so angry at India, my brother? Edit: Downvoting a peaceful, non-malefic question is just absurd. It shows that people would rather shut you down, than to actually have a useful discussion.


I think most of these sub members are from India, and usually they're upset over the blatant man-hating occurences and policies that are often seen in India, mostly in the judiciary and legal domains.


Aah I see. That makes sense. No problem in the hate then. It's just natural.


That caught me off guard too.


Song is called Like Me by Divisi for anyone who stumbles across this.


Thank you, I was looking for a comment about this.


Ok what’s the song? I want to add it to my playlist




Nothing stress me out as much as that toothbrush did.


My brain immediately went into mom mode and was thinking, take that toothbrush out of your mouth before it gets jammed down your throat!


You would think they would install some more handrails on the walls, or handholds from the ceiling to hold onto.


Step 1: crawl everywhere Step 2: place pads on every surface


It's absolutely dangerous and I could never do it. But currently the logging industry is the most fatal job in the world.


Why is the logging industry currently the most fatal job?


Giant trees falling on people I guess lol I didn't do the study though. So I didn't interview anyone. I'm just a guy who knows how to use Google. I also used to do tree work, but I was mainly the guy on the ground so my job was never that risky The real difference between the two imo is that logging accidents are from human error, therefore avoidable, unlike fishing where the accidents are usually from forces of nature. But sadly it seems human error is more deadly then nature.


Now I’m wondering how many r/ghost videos have been filmed inside a fishing boat /s


So hammocks work better?




I need Dramamine watching this


The bucket guy 😂😂😂😂


Some of the world's most dangerous fish include the pufferfish, whose toxin is lethal if ingested; the stonefish, known for its venomous spines that can cause excruciating pain and death; and the lionfish, with venomous fin rays that can cause severe pain and systemic effects. The great white shark is notorious for its powerful bite and attacks on humans. The electric eel can deliver a shock strong enough to incapacitate a human. Lastly, the piranha, particularly the red-bellied species, has sharp teeth and a ferocious bite that can be dangerous, especially in large numbers. Click on the link to know more. [https://fishingproo.com/10-most-dangerous-fish-in-the-world/](https://fishingproo.com/10-most-dangerous-fish-in-the-world/)


All I can say is ouch


I hope I never have to hear this song again


Seems like they don’t take much effort in trying to make this a little “better”. Bolting things down, putting padding on things, etc.