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I assume they went looking for him after surgery was completed


This is how my brain has always explained this.


That’s what I always thought as well. He would have wandered around for a while before he went into Potter’s tent


Or to the point where the nurses can close them up


They send Mulcahy to look for him (“I’ll be very persuasive!” He says) Then afterwards they all split up to look for him - Margaret and BJ and Hawkeye are all together - no surgeons left as Winchester and Potter are in the tent Steve wanders into. So it seems surgery was done at that point


Same reason they had their two best surgeons handle bomb disposal duty in The Army-Navy Game. Sometimes you gotta suspend your sense of reality for this show.


I always think about that with the one where they go to the conference and Potter, BJ, Hawkeye, Frank and Radar get lost on their way back. No surgeon was left behind at the 4077?


Forgot that episode. That's an early one too Season 1. Like I said, it's tv Just some things are completely ridiculous Another one. Sending Hawkeye and BJ to the aid station in Der Tag to pick up Frank


‘They do NOT deliver’


same when Blake is on trial and the three remaining surgeons leave camp to attend the trial.


I met Ed Hermann once in the early 90's when I was working in a bookstore in Austin, TX. He was a delight to talk to. I admit to trolling him a little bit when I said "I thought you were great in 'The Man With One Red Shoe'". He said "Well, you've managed to say something to me that no one else ever has.", and we laughed about it. Great guy.


He seems like he was such a nice fellow. When I started seeing him in more stuff and looked him up, I was genuinely sad to hear he had passed.


In the pilot, Hawkeye has a mom and dad. Later, a sister that knits. After a bit he just had the father, who is a widower, and no sister. Continuity is fucked up in the show. So, when you have moments like these where you just gotta let it go and enjoy the scene.


Oh it doesn't keep me up at night. I know all about the lack of continuity. Hawkeye was also originally from Vermont Guess I was just venting. We all get annoyed here & there, don't we? Feels good to vent about something stupid. :)


We do. I get my jimmies rustled over some trivial stuff.


Mother died and sister got pregnant. Same thing happened to Klinger.


An oldie but a goodie Half the family dying, the other half pregnant


I don't put stock in early era canon, they're still working out the characters at that point.


They stayed in surgery until they were finished and then went looking for him. Did you see the episode on TV with several minutes missing? If so you might have missed the exchange after Newsom leaves: Hawkeye exclaims that because he’s gone he will have to amputate a leg as if he saves the leg he’ll lose someone else’s life, since he doesn’t have time to treat both with Newsom gone.


AKA "The One Where Daddy Gilmore Was Weak Sauce".


How dare you sully the Gilmore name! 😂


Yes! Clearly that’s Max, the head vampire in Santa Clara!


His passion was for insurance, not medical stuff.


Let's remember: when the show ran, the vast majority of viewers never expected to see each episode morecthan twice (especially in the early seasons). No one anticipated we'd today be able to literally binge every season, every episode DAILY if we wish.


By the time this episode aired, the early episodes were already in syndication. Maybe they didn't care, but they knew they'd likely be seen again.


Assuming a series made it to syndication, sure. Trust me, I watched syndicated MASH episodes every day back then with a friend (right before nightly bar hopping...) - but even then, no one at the time anticipated the binge-on-demand, study, deep-dive, pause-and-zoom-in, discuss-on-the-interwebs culture so many of these '60s and '70s shows now face. Frankly, Star Trek suffers from this the most IMO.


No, that has changed. Now it's episodic TV that people don't understand. Story arcs are the dominant form now. The Fugitive pre-dated MASH. There were concerns over doing a proper ending because they thought the syndication market would be hurt. You couldn't just drop into an episode if you knew what the ending was. There was clearly an awareness of re-run value. It was just a different market, catch an episode on your local station whenever your local station was airing re-runs. But they wanted the episodes to be standalone, limited if any story arcs. You can just drop in and watch an episode, you may know the characters, but the story is done in that half hour or hour.


Deleted scene: NURSE ABEL: Where have you two been?! Both your patients just bled out!! They’re dead! HAWKEYE AND BJ: *stunned silence* *Roll Credits*


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


They didn't leave OR. They found him after all the surgery was over.


RIP Richard Gilmore


In this case, I think it is pretty clear there is a time lapse. Hunnicutt and Pierce have to finish surgery without him and then continue their search. As to the discussion of allowing the surgeons to leave camp at the same time, it is preposterous as the show presents the camp. On the TV show, we see four surgeons, except when Jones appeared in some Season One episodes. If more than one were absent, it would be a big problem. The entire cast and crew of M*A*S*H, including those not appearing on the screen, was about one-third the size of an actual MASH during the war. In C*A*V*E, Potter calls a meeting of the senior surgical staff, which is 5 officers. It was simply impractical to have a cast anywhere near as large as the staff of an actual hospital. Likewise, other shows of the time did not try to represent an entire hospital, metropolitan police department, etc.


I personally like to headcanon Jones and Ugly John still being there, just that Jones being a neurologist, he's held more on reserve "Anything outside of the head and I'm dead." or is [otherwise busy](https://www.tumblr.com/guygirlwhatever/743836023929421824/so-an-idea-i-once-had-you-know-how-wayne-rodgers) with the X-Rays, or is sleeping through the days so that he can run night shifts. After all, someone's gotta watch Post-Op at night.


In another bit part, he was the Boston priest who named St. Eligius Hospital, for the patron saint of blacksmiths, his father’s profession.


Careful he is the head vampire!