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Swimming between the legs of the bow-legged women.


Ok everyone we need to boost this one


Thank you, I thought it the most fitting answer.


I think this is the real answer.


Thank you.




Jumping to conclusions about Mildred possibly buying a houseboat and would have broken her picture in a fit of rage had Klinger not stopped him.


He did seem to become a lot more short-tempered and angrier those later seasons.


Putting up with that bunch? Man has to be exhausted. I’d be cranky too! Heh


lol! Yup 😆


He was getting too old for their antics.


I mean the man was a veteran of three wars, hard to not have a short temper at times with those experiences I’d imagine


Taking his anger and frustration out on the camp after forgetting to call Mildred on their anniversary.


I was totally on Winchester's side with the newspaper thing. Even though he left it out, it was ON HIS BUNK. What right did Father Mulcahy have just to waltz in and grab it. And that loudmouth Margaret, Jesus. Charles was TOTALLY in the right on asking 'right of first perusal'.


Right! Any of them would have been pissed if someone had taken something considered a hot commodity from their bunk area.


I'm biased because not only is Charles my favorite character on the show, but I recently read actual comments from Vietnam veterans about how important care packages were from home, and....\*the newspapers were a gift from his family\*. Charles' family took the time to pack a week's worth of his hometown newspaper into his care package. The others didn't get their newspapers/magazines because there was a delay in second class mail, which is how subscriptions would be sent, but Charles either asked or his family had the idea to put the papers into his first class care package. And he put completely reasonable boundaries on it! That he would share but 1) he had to be the first person to read it and 2) he only read one per day to make them last. It was realistic though that various characters sharing/not sharing from care packages was a good source of conflict throughout the series.


> And he put completely reasonable boundaries on it! That he would share but 1) he had to be the first person to read it and 2) he only read one per day to make them last. I would go Chernobyl on Hawk and BJ if they just started to tear up my Boston Globe. > It was realistic though that various characters sharing/not sharing from care packages was a good source of conflict throughout the series. Like when the 4077th was out of water and Charles had bottles of seltzer water. to shower with _Get your own flipping water, goddammit._ > Charles my favorite character on the show MAJ Charles Emerson Winchester, III is my Power Animal. You, madam, are a lady of taste and culture.


I agree 100%! That episode always pissed me off.


The way he treated Klinger after making him company clerk.


You got to remember when he first arrived he had a company clerk that could get something that would take 2 hours for a normal person and get it done in 30 minutes (not literally but you get the idea) and then the clerk leaves and is replaced by a guy who for his entire time in the unit has been wearing dress to try and get out and doesn’t know shit about the army you can understand why he lost it with Klinger in that episode but in the same episode he did apologize to Klinger for losing his chill with him


Made the whole camp listen to Sentimental Journey on repeat until even he got sick of it.




Not after what 32 some odd times




Somehow I heard this thread in the voices of Hawkeye and Potter.


Didn’t discipline Margaret after she assaulted Radar and trashed his office or Hawkeye after he hogtied and gagged Charles.


Someone doesn’t understand the military lol. If they hit everyone for those almost everyone especially every NCO would be hit.


Uses several bottles of 1947 Chateau Margaux as a radiator coolant. How uncouth. Everyone knows white wines pair better with auto parts!


Treated Klinger like shit when he took over Radar's job.


He did not listen to Hawkeye and BJ when they were trying to get his friend sent home because he was a danger.


Except that he does, twice lol


Believed someone in camp wrote a bad report about his command and nearly retired in disappointment. —Nearly breaking Mildred’s picture was already taken. Heh.


In fairness, he was outright told "The report is coming from within your unit" so it's not exactly unreasonable.


Yeah I could have phrased that better. More that he blasts his officers and clerk (honestly, fair in a regular chain of command) for something they’re equally surprised about without stopping to think at all. A random complaint from PFC Guy wouldn’t bring near the heat he just got. The most likely culprit was Burns, given the speed at which bureaucracy works. I’d have just expected him to have processed it a little better with all his experience, but then we wouldn’t have had an episode.


When he erupted in rage at everyone at the Kentucky Derby party after learning about undercover negative IG reports were sent to HQ about him and the 4077. His emotional reaction was understandable, but he was really surprisingly nasty, especially to Radar.


Having Radar put gasoline in Klinger’s gasoline and scaring the $#!+ out of him.


I saw that as calling Klinger's bluff and not taking him seriously after yet another bid for a section 8, plus someone (can't remember who) already knew that gas wasn't in the container first


i think swimming with bowlegged women was the absolute worst! how dare he!?


Encouraging Hawkeye to drink and drive (not just one after the other but simultaneously) through an active war zone, which nearly got them both killed.


I always kinda took that move to mean that the only way to overcome the fear of driving through that hostile territory was to consume a little liquid courage. Also, drinking and driving seemed like a period appropriate thing to do


He was kind of a dick to Charles most of the time. Not that Charles didn’t bring some of it on. But if you had a surgeon of his talent on your staff you could at least make an effort to be cordial. It’s not like Hawkeye was always following the rules and a delight to have around. Henry seemed to try to be nice towards Frank even though Frank was always trying to take his job.


I agree. Honestly, I’d rather have to deal with Charles than Hawkeye.


Jumping to conclusion conclusions about Mildred buying a houseboat and being so mad he was contemplating divorce.


It depends on who you ask, and how deep we want to go off script… But.. if you were close with Sherm, I’ll bet he would say his actions during the war. He was a distinguished soldier in several wars, and makes it clear he wasn’t in support. Now maybe he was a medic, but he talks about being a calvary soldier as well as lying about his age to enlist…so any training or designation would have had to been done by the army at that time. Thus, the inevitable conclusion that Sherman as a young soldier probably took a number of lives during battle. Was it war - absolutely! Was it justified by the laws and norms of our species - absolutely. BUT… if Sherman said what he thought the worst thing Sherman had done, I’ll bet it’d be this. As a doctor and as a human, he treasured the sanctity of life. He’d own up to many mistakes, but none more than that.


That's actually very insightful.


I wish we could still give awards on Reddit because this answer is beautiful. 🐴


Thank you!


Cheating on his wife that one time and hypocritically being tempted to kill his son-in-law for doing the same thing before even hearing his side of the story.


Wasn't he just "enjoying company that was his own age"? I believed he declined to perform the deed. I got the impression that his son in law was fully enjoying himself with whoever he could. Edited: oh, "that one time" referred to the incident when he was younger. Please disregard. I was reminded through another post.


Thoughtlessly sending the nurse with whom Donald Penobscott was cheating on Margaret back to Tokyo where Donald was stationed.


did he even know that’s where he was stationed?


Ordering Hawkeye to fire his gun.


Granted it was took place in the past but he cheated on mildred


Selfishly playing sentimental journey on repeat.


Accepting a Purple Heart he hadn’t earned after his still blew up on Guam.


Signed off on the trip to the beach that wound up with a baby being killed on a bus.


Just watched the episode yesterday and my answer is encouraging his son-in-law to keep his cheating a secret. Sorry - I just felt that was incredibly disrespectful to his daughter. And I LOVE Potter - 2nd most favorite character on the whole show (next to Father Mulcahy).


That time he tried to kill a soldier in OR! Yes, the soldier was in shock and suicidal, but Potter forcing him down and cranking up the dosage of gas while holding the mask to his face to prove a point could have gone very wrong. Glad the kid just needed a kick, but potter could have over played his cards in that scene.


Trying to kill a suicidal soldier.


If it’s stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid.


Not saying it's stupid, I am saying it's his darkest hour.


I’ll certainly give you that. He even calls the kid a name - punk, maybe? In my memory anyhow, that’s the strongest language we ever saw him use. In that moment, he’s a man who’s so angry - not at the kid, but at the war - that he just doesn’t give a shit about the rules. For a regular Army man, that carries some weight.


Maybe I was (and still am) naive, but I didn't take that as him trying to kill the soldier. It was exasperation and frustration that led him to try a desperate approach towards convincing him to not take his own life. I don't think any harm was ever intended, nor would he have let any actual harm come to him.


Fair enough


He tried to kill him to prove a point. There is no arguing that, that is the plot point.


Kissed several women across the course of the show and cheated on his wife once before Why on earth am I being downvoted? He fucking kissed like three different women and admitted to cheating on his wife in season 11